A final Christmas

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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First this story may not seem at all Christmassy, but it shall become it later, that's a promise.


Todays Tribute- Charles Dickons and Edgar Allen Poe, Charles was incredibly descriptive and Edgar was phenomonal on making poetry stories.

~A special tribute~

To Arctic fox 91! without him this wouldn't be released n_n



It was winter, and the world has been shattered in a massive war, The cliche that the world suffered came upon again, of the scenario of another world war erupting once again...

This all began when a high rank in the German government, Leginate Obsigur a Jackal, was a former Neo Nazi, he merely was in the group to gain as much support from anyone he could, he never had any ambitions that included of genocide in any form.

The leader of Germany, Forsaig was very to easy to convince, the perfect person to manipulate. Leginate advised to him that the Americans could once again allow Germans to use and produce there own weapons once more. After a much long debate they had their way.

Soon though disaster struck, Forsaig was assassinated, not by Leginate but in the end he took the blame, despite this he decided to try and use this to his advantage and claimed he did indeed assassinate the leader, only because he believed he wished Germany to rise to the power it once was.

Only his fellow Neo-Nazi's knew of his dark secret, they quickly done what they could to try and back him up, it worked for Leginate was soon seen as a hero. Someone with a backbone! bold! intelligent! and someone whom could not lead Germany to glory, but could at least not let all there great people be exploited to America.

Leginate, was an Anti-American. When the hammer dropped and voting came, everyone was unsure whether or not they should vote for him. He had the traits for a great leader, but they feared with his Anti-American beliefs he would make Germany once again revisit it's dark past.

Amazing how Leginate never got imprisoned for the assassination, he must've had a certain charm, and he stated on how he would form a way to higher relations with Americans, aid on the fight against terrorism. A lot of people in Germany didn't want to be in the reticule of the terrorists, and they also did not believe him, for he himself was Anti-American.

Leginate gained influence, and his momentum almost became unstoppable, Eventually Leginates fellow Neo Nazi's began functioning on there own, they ''needed'' Leginate to win, they were subtle, but Leginate was aware of there actions, in the end he won thanks to some ''help'' from the Neo nazi's.

Firstly he covered domestics, then almost instantly he began forming trades with almost any country he could, German technology was not just around the world anymore, it was also coming back to Germany. A lot of American scientists with Germanic ancestry began moving back to Germany. A massive market boom was inclined.

Leginate helped Africa by stabilizing there government, but sadly it was not because he was charitable, he was a politician, and a politician needed charisma. Leginate finally took notice to his fellow Neo-Nazi's, he warned them to stop there specific actions for people need to look at Germany in a new way, this was his biggest mistake.

Almost instantly after his warning, they exposed that Leginate was a Neo Nazi, everyone began to vision the possible scenario of a second holocaust, Perhaps once again, a sizeable amount of the world hated Germany. Leginate soon in a slight fear of being voted out of office, converted Germany to a new form of Government, 1 leader, and 5 ''Senates''. This government was like republic, except the 5 senates had power over the single leader, if three of them did not agree with a specific action Leginate would handle (like a possible genocide) they could easily throw him out of power.

Specific countries, like America did not know what to think of this, the new government was unorthadox, but by far their were no signs of a possible genocide...

Leginate, as Anti American as he was, he couldn't have them as an enemy. There for he finally ful filled his promise that he used at election, he began campaigns against terrorism. No one could say it was a flawless, complete success, terrorists would always be around, but at least Leginate *with the aid of anti terrorism forces* finally got rid of a portion of the sect, eliminating 5 powerful people within the syndicate.

Being immune to to having his darkest secret exposed, Leginate began to think he was unstoppable, until eventually...

The president of the U.S.A was assassinated, research indicated it was by a German weapon, and almost instantly they caught the suspect, his origins were that of the Germans. America decreed Germany would let them investigate, Obsigur let them through to show them he had nothing to hide.

The investigators were killed, everyone thought it was some German assassins Leginate hired, but no one was aware it was indeed the same terrorists, manipulating the chain of events. From the very moment Leginate focused on trade, they smuggled German weapons from all adjacent countries, they never used the German weapons until the president was assassinated.

America being pushed to far losing 1 president, 4 important people in politics, 2 Generals, 150 investigators, finally made their anger rise. Leginates luck began to run out, war was coming, and he could feel it. He was thinking of backing down, but torture was imminent, he was thinking of suicide, but he was known for having a back bone, for numerous great things that made a leader, suicide would make him nothing more but a coward.

Leginate Began working on an army formidable towards America, pledging allegiences, and instead of making the mistake Germans made twice, attacking, he would wait to be attacked, so Germany would in the end not be known as the hellish race that only brang destruction.*and probably for propaganda*

America, in dire needs of an ally, and China in dire needs of resources became Stratagic Allies to destroy the Germans.

The United Kingdom decided to sit things out and wait, they could not exactly put a blame on who's fault it was at this time.

Though they were once enemies, Russia and Germany allied, Russia was all to aware that if Germany even tried to attack them or nullify the treaty, United Kingdom would surely take action. Russia's only intention to this alliance was to see America up in flames, and them the new greatest power.

Japan was not at all in the war, they were busy dominating the market places.

Belgium was neutral with all countries, hoping that Germany wouldn't attack them for a third time.

Canada, was not in the war, instead of wasting their resources they sent only a few officers compiled in the American ranks...


It was winter, and only 5 days before Christmas, by that time the warring factions, just like in WW1 would let the soldiers all be allied for a day. In anticipation a German soldier was looking forward to that day, this German soldier was Raiskon and he was a wolf. Never was he aware why he joined, at first he figured it was to get into college, but he decided he my swell stay an extra few years, sense no wars broke out. He remained in the army 8 years, he was now 25, and was given the opportunity to become a part of German Special forces. Now though he found him self completely miserable, he was in a desolate abandoned building. This war has been going on for 2 years.

Today was going to be a hell of a long day, the snow plummeted to the ground in a hellish nightmare of frost and ice, the wind would cut like a knife, even worse was how he could not get rid of the irritating smell of ash and rotting bodies, and all around Munich were enemies, apparently the French decided to join in against the Germans as well. Raiskon was beginning to get restless, killing in the morning, killing in the evening, thats what the elites basically did all day other then some sabotage.

Always they were in the dark, even in a cold day they'd be in the dark, they were supposed to act as ''Spectres'' for any elite is aware of this -Nothing can hide from the hidden- so he merely lied there waiting for his next orders. The elite squad was named ''Jackals'' and the leader was known as '"Anubis'' his name obviously deriving from the Egyptian god of death.

The color of the costume was black, for they often times only did missions by night, regardless of this Raiskon wore black even as casual clothing.

Raiskon was unaware if he had anything to look forward to, he'd go asleep just as cold as he was now...possibly colder. He began to mutter swear words in waiting for the squad leader, his sorry ass wasn't to punctual for his rank. Finally though Anubis arrived.

''Gutten Nacht'' Anubis greeted.

The elites dully replied back ''Gutten Nacht'' there was no damn thing good about this particular night, so no one was really thrilled to be enthusiastic.

''You all better know English, because thats what I'll be speaking, A few of us here apparently are ex S.A.S and I don't have any time for fucking translations, are you all hearing this?''

The elites nodded their heads, but one of them nodded their head after the others, obviously he wasn't aware of a single thing Anubis said. almost instantly Anubis glared at the poor dalmatian, it was definite he wasn't to pleased to hear one of his men couldn't handle to be flaunt with two languages.

''Fine I'm fully fine with that, you can just serve as a flesh shield''

The victimized dalmatian blindly nodded his head, he was nervous, and entirely unaware of what Anubis just said.

''Heres an update, those bastard Americans are finally gonna get their sorry asses over here, obviously they will be using bombers. so we don't have a lot of time, today we'll be flanking French tank regiments and hopefully hijack a tank outcasted from the rest of them, we drive behind enemy lines and plant bombs all over there factories, simple?

There was silence, Anubis continued.

''We can't fuck this up, this area is gonna have the shit blown out of it, so we have to make the French fall back, and make our infantry swallow there forces up, hopefully they can bypass the Munich border and stay out of American sights, get moving right now, I'll order you based on circumstances, oh and dalmatian your with me. Anubis had to point at him to be straight forward.

Raiskon got the objectives clearly, Anubis wanted sabotage on a vital french factory in hopes it would confuse them and make them fall back to think some germans penetrated there defense line, and with the infantry moving out they could save them self from being bombed.

Raiskon jumped on the adjacent roof tops, he just hoped no one saw him with his leap. he sprinted down the disfigured buildings desperately searching for a lone tank patrolling the streets of munich.

Often times, the jackals all worked and depended on them self, what made them elite was the fact if one of them found an important target, they'd all close in on that one person. They were more like assassins then elites, the only person Raiskon knew a damn about was the dalmatian, his name was Leferius and he only understood ''hello'' in English. Raiskon began to hope Anubis was kidding about the flesh shield... he couldn't see his men that expendable, for the jackals were low in numbers.

The frozen hell below, hid Raiskon from the enemy, so at least the snow was good for something, so far no reply came from his comrades so it was all to obvious none of them found a tank. The wind blaring against Raiskons face became to much, he decided to crawl on the rooftops instead and slowly crawled towards the side, scanning the battlefield erupting with gunshots from both Enemies and Allies.

Damn, still no sign of a damn tank, he advanced a bit more while crawling and then a call was dispatched.

''Ok none of you found that tank? a crying damn shame 15 of us and no tank, Ok wolf theres a Major adjacent to your position, shoot his ass down'' Anubis stated.

''Any description?''

''I don't care the fuck he looks like, all I know is he has the major insignia on his shoulder, just shoot the fucker if you see him''

Raiskon looked down the road with binoculars, searching for the major insignia AHA there he is, the major appeared to be a coyote. Raiskon had to make sure there were no snipers thus, he continued to scan the area. Seemed to be no snipers in sight, Raiskon swiftly drew out the Karabiner 25' and decided it was wiser to take a gamble that their were no snipers, he aimed at the Majors unsuspecting head and firmly placed his paw on the trigger, when he pulled the trigger there was not even a scream, the body just lifelessly toppled over on the ground. Raiskon crawled back but to his surprise bullets whizzed by.

The only thing Raiskon didn't hate about all the times he killed another fur, was the fact he at least never made them suffer a painful death.

Dammit, he didn't move back fast enough and the riflemen noticed him, Raiskon jumped down the opposing side of the building and landed in another one with it's roof stripped. He glanced out and still looked for a tank, still no damned luck. Instead of risking his ass again he just waited for an update on the situation, hoping someone else would find a tank.

He dazed off remembering on how he used to enjoy winter, the snow falling from inside would look majestic with it's wonderful glory that blanketed over the country, how he'd wake up and Christmas would replace school. Raiskon really began to regret not joining the military, but staying in it, he should of just left after the two years and went to college as he originally planned, hell he probably would've even got lucky and actually meet someone.

Raiskon could only blame him self for why he was in this war, it was his fault Leferius was suffering in the frozen wasteland along side with him. By January 25th though he can resign, he just hopes he can live until then...

Raiskon finally awoke thanks to the sound of the artillery, sounding like the gods unleashed a barrage of thunder. instantly he jumped up and scanned the roads, as soon as he was about to confirm whether there was a tank or not, another call was dispatched.

''Apparently your dalmatian friend was useful after all, I saw a tank and I made his ass run for it, he got shot in the foot and whimpered but he's alive and we got the tank. Get your ass over here at once or else you'll have a front row seats to see the bombers on display''

''Coordinates at least?''

''You mean you can't find us? about five blocks west from the building we rendezvoused''

Like a spark Raiskon set off and began to head towards this ''five blocks west'' he also hated on how Anubis couldn't make the coordinates crystal clear, he had to make Raiskon run around. Soon though finally Raiskon made it, and he was extremely tired, he usually never sprinted through enemy lines, instead he usually took his time and used covert.

Raiskon jumped in the tank and was greeted by Lefirius who was sitting in the tank with a bleeding leg.

''I'm gonna have to ask how the hell he got in my ranks'' Anubis sighed.

Raiskon looked at Anubis.

''I think it's because he is very loyal to his orders''

''Hmm true, I do find him useful for suicide missions''

Raiskon did not find that joke to funny.

''He ran out there like a jackass, almost no profession what so ever, aw well in the end he got the tank at least''

Clearly Raiskon knew the tank began to move, it shook like a conceited child on a rampage.

''Shouldn't we wait for the others?''

''They are already here, two of them are on top of the tank wearing French uniforms''

''What are they like? The uniforms I mean''

''I don't know actually... probably not half as good as ours though''

One of them interrupted, it was a leopard.

''Actually they are almost the same''

''Hey you speak English better then the rest of us, you must be the ex S.A.S''


''I bet your still with the S.A.S, just under cover tryn'a figure out Germany's intentions''

''And what if I am?''

''Better make sure U.K don't allie against us, last thing we need is any more damn enemies''

''Whatever, if you must know 7 of your elites are ex S.A.S''

''What!? that's preposterous, that's practically half of the elites!''

''And also, your elite sect isn't that big, your fifteen against the REAL S.A.S which has fifty men isn't to intimidating''

Anubis seemed irritated, Raiskon could only hear grumbles but he knew they were dark thoughts.

''I seem to know more about your elites then you do your self, practically only a few of the Elites are actually German, a lot of them are Ex from other agencies''

''don't tell me we got Spetznats...''

''Sorry, you got spetznats and even KGB''

''Then who the hell is German?'' Anubis glared at Lefirius and Raiskon.

''Aw hell no...'' Anubis remarked entirely demoralized.

''I am Keith Harrings, my specialty is manning machinery, hmmm except tanks, and submersibles''

''Look lets not intend to know each other, right? if one of us is a traitor it makes it easier to kill him''

''Ok then Anubis''

''That's sir''

''Just one thing, the French factory is in Alsace Lorraine''

''Completely aware sir''

''Aha so you are part of the S.A.S! how else would you know!''

''I'm efficient to check an objective location my self, and to check all the objectives, not do one at a time''

The rest of the ride there was in silence, it would take them 2 hours to get to Alsace Lorraine, The American bombers were on there way to Munich, and by midnight the French factory was completely sabotaged. The Jackals have acquired victory.


2 days before Christmas, America.

Almost instantly though, the Americans took notice to this, that particular factory was practically a trump card for it contained most of the French's vanguard, and even a great number of American vehicles, due to this almost at once, Lieutenant Kendall Fesiùr, he was one of the Canadian officers implanted in Americas ranks, and he was to be dispatched with 150 men and 50 engineers, Within his office he waits for the 30th one he shall be speaking to of the current proposition he has been ordered to complete.

Eventually though finally a Canine walked through the door, this was Nickolas Parkers, an American engineer who had some experience with guns.

The Fox sighed then lazily spoke towards Nickolas.

''Your being transferred to France, you don't have an option so I'm afraid there will be no rejections''

''I just wish to know why, I became an engineer so I could work with weapons but not be involved in war''

''A sabotage by the Germans, the Germans have taken out one of the most vital factories which contained 500 French tanks and over 300 American tanks, over in total 1500 vehicles were lost from that single factory.

''Why the hell were they clustering all the vehicles in that one area?''

''Simple, they wanted to perform a tactic that was like the blitzkrieg, bomb a specific location then send in the tanks, they desperately need as much engineers there as they can get''

''So your randomly gathering us?''

''Not quite, we need to find a way to get the tanks still functional under the rubble, and repairs on the ones that are only damaged''

''When are we leaving?''

''Right now, you shall be getting on the bvisiÿn

Kendall rudely kicked Nicholas out of his office, hell Nicholas couldn't even say ''Sir''.

Nicholas was well looked up to within the facility because he was seen as one of the best engineers there, It wasn't the fact he was a genius, but he was ambitious, very ambitious. If he wanted something finished in ten days, he himself would finish it two days earlier. He made friends with a lot of the engineers there, he wondered if any of them were coming along?

Meanwhile Kendall on the other hand wasn't popular at all, he was in fact quite hated, being 20 and he basically outranked half of the facility, he often times never spoke to anyone unless he was giving out orders, and when you did talk to him it was punishment.

Nicholas himself even hated Kendall, it was humiliating taking orders from someone 7 years younger then you, and thats from an entirely different nationality. Another thing, Kendall always tried to act more mature then he was, probably to make people see him as a commander instead of a kid.

Finally after walking through the familiar military facility Nicholas saw the bvisiÿn, he doubted the name had an actual meaning to it but the ship did seem quite glorious, it was practically a flying fortress it was probably in fact, the worlds first literally airship.

Nicholas stepped in to the colossally sized plane and walked around to see what it's like, damn this thing even had a hanger?! Nicholas started to think he was in a sci fi movie, as he stood in the hanger but then he took notice, he was in reality. walking around in the gargantuan sized airship he decided to try and find the Admiral *or Commodore*

Walking through the ship he saw numerous rooms, apparently it would appear there was a room for everyone, soon though he saw the Lieutenant Fox struggling with some documents, soon they were parallel to each other so Nicholas decided to greet him, well that was a stupid idea, of course the expected outcome was silence as a reply.

Kendall reminded Nicholas of those type of people you meet in high school, who you expect to snap and never get along with anyone.Nicholas began to wonder...if Kendall was a ticking time bomb. Nah! he was a Lieutenant by the age of 20, he must've been content with his high rank...even if others weren't...

Finally Nicholas saw the commander of this ship, and it would appear he was an Admiral. Soon there after he took notice to Nicholas' intrusion within the bridge.

''Hello there ..erm...''


''Ahh I heard about you, weren't you supposed to be a Fox?''

''Erm not at all, you must be thinking Kendall, he's the Lieutenant''

''O then, sorry''

''It's alright''

''So how does it feel, to be on the ship that sails the clouds?''

Obviously Nicholas could see the Admiral was being symbolic.

''Feels rather enthralling''

''I know, it is isn't it? makes me feel like I'm in one of those practically ancient sci-fi movies''

''Just why do we need this ship for only 200 people?''

''Oh it's not just your company thats coming along, 6 others are being dispatched there, America is waging all out war''

''So I'm practically being thrown in battle?''

''Well the Germans are probably attempting to take over that factory, a lot of infantry regiments are scattered all over Alsace Lorraine''

''Why didn't Kendall tell us in advance then?''

''Oh simple, if he did then you'd be able to resign, he's a sly fox isn't he?''

''Isn't that illegal?''

''Not really if you consider it, it's sort of like a decree''

Now Nicholas really hated Kendall, that would've practically been considered drafting.

''Look on the bright side, as soon as that place is repaired your being shipped home''

''And if it's not repaired?''

''No going back until the wars over then, Kendall is probably either trying hard to get fame and a promotion or he wants to get the job done''

''Wheres my living quarters? I'm Nicholas''

''I believe 2nd floor, room 350''


Nicholas headed towards his living quarters in a pissed off fury, Kendall manipulated anyone under his control like they were a statistic. He probably was drunk off power from him being a lieutenant. Nicholas was quite close to his living quarters, he stared at the numbers on the doors, 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, and at his own door he was greeted by a site that was all to familiar, what the hell did Kendall want now?

''Something you want?'' even Nicholas was surprised at his tone towards Kendall.

''Yes actually I do'' Kendall glared at Nicholas.

Nicholas always found it odd how Kendall never minded people not addressing him ''Sir'', probably was used to being hated.

''I'm to inform all Engineers and officers of a specific special forces the Germans have''

''Just tell me then'' Nicholas hissed.

''It's called the Jackals, it's formed of a bunch of ex's of agencies like Spetznats, Kgb, Mi6, S.A.S''


''Makes them easier to get infiltrated specific ranks, the leader of the elite sect is known as Anubis, he is an ex mercenary. The elites are really more like assassins for they always aim for vital people. So obviously most chances there more of a threat to me then anyone else. I wish to inform you of a few of their code names. There is 8 ex S.A.S forces and they coordinate well together, 2 Germans and I don't have a damned clue on the rest of them. One of them there is a Dalmatian, also known as Kamikaze because he often runs into battle practically doing suicide missions, Recently one of the French shot his leg so thats something you should look for. The S.A.S, we're fully aware of most of there names thanks to documents, Keith Harrings a leopard, Danial Borin a panther, Alex Stevens not sure, Kenneth Luxir a weasel, and then here's one you desperately must stay away from. I cannot say his name but he is there main assassin, He is not part of the S.A.S. His codename is Black Wolf, he has a prototype German rifle thats untested known as the Mauser 25''

''Seems like they are more of a threat to you then to me''

''Wrong, I'm sure once they get tired of the engineers rebuilding the place up they'll decide just to shoot all the engineers and corner me''


''One more thing, your being dropped off in Belgium''

Kendall finally walked away,obviously Nicholas was relieved about his departure, Nicholas went in his living quarters, it had nothing spectacular but it was definately livable. Nicholas began to wonder if anyone he knew was coming along, other then the frustrating presence of Kendall of course.


2 days before Christmas

The Germans in Munich have suffered minimum casualties, for due to the French factory being destroyed a lot of the French fell back. The Germans were slowly cornering them. The winds of the snow finally began to settle down, and lying on the ground blanketed with snow was Raiskon.

Raiskon stayed in that one spot ever sense he completed his object, he had no sense of victory, and he never got any awards either.

He just laid there freezing, the Jackal uniforms were indeed warm, but eventually the snow began to take its toll. Raiskon finally woke up, noticing instantly he had a migraine and probably was sick.

He looked to his left and noticed Lefirius laying down on the ground as well, he was whimpering so clearly Raiskon wasn't the only one becoming a breathing popsicle.

''Sind Sie in Ordnung?'' Raiskon asked Lefirius concerned. *Translation: Are you alright?*

''Ja'' Lefirius cheerfully replied. *Yes*

''Ich denke, dass wir sollten ignorieren die Reihenfolgen von Anubis, hoffentlich er dafür fallen wird, und denke, dass wir gestorben sind'' *I think we should ignore Anubis's orders, hopefully he'll fall for it and think we died*

''Anubis ist kein Idiot, aber ich stimme überein, irgendeine Ideen?'' * Anubis isn't an idiot, but I agree, any ideas?''

''Ehrlich Frieren unsere Esel ab und Bleiben hier ist alles das ich habe für einen Plan'' Raiskon said grimly. *Truthfully freezing our asses off and staying here is all I have for a plan*

''Wir werden dann sterben, würde ich lieber fortsetzen, für Anubis zu arbeiten'' *We'll die then, I'd rather continue working for Anubis*

''Sind Sie bewusst er absichtlich benutzt Sie, als ein Fleischschild und Sie als ein kamikaze praktisch benutzend?'' *Are you aware he's purposely using you as a flesh shield and using you as a kamikaze practically?*

''Er erwartet praktisch, dass mich sterbe? Ich bin die einzige Person dort das entbehrlich?'' *He practically expects me to die? I'm the only person there thats expendable?*

''Ja'' Raiskon continued to lay down, he wouldn't be surprised if getting a frost bite was imminent,it was indeed a very cold weekend that was suitable for the Ragnorak.

''Ich will nicht sterben...'' Lefirius whimpered. *I don't want to die*

Raiskon tried to comfort Lefirius, but in a realistic way.

''Dammit Ihres gehend nicht sterben, brauchen wir nur einen Plan, oder somewheres, zu entkommen, entweder Weg, den wir hier nicht bleiben können'' *Dammit your not going to die, we just need a plan, or somewheres to escape, either way we can't stay here*

''Wird es tatsächlich ein Plan oder nur ein verzweifelter Versuch sein?'' *Do you actually have a plan or just a desperate attempt?*

''Bestimmt denken ein Plan, ich nicht, dass wir auf etwas spekulieren sollten, das nah unmöglich'' *Definitely a plan, I don't think we should gamble on something thats near impossible*

''Bitte erzählen Sie mich, dass Sie eine Idee haben'' *please tell me, you have an idea*

''Ja auf Weihnachten allen Ländern wird den Krieg für einen Tag hinhalten oder zwei, ich denken, dass wir nach Belgien oder Frankreich laufen sollten, und legen hoffentlich von der Armee dann Lauf ab zum G. B nieder'' *Yes, on Christmas all countries will stall the war for a day or two, I think we should run to Belgium or France and hopefully resign from the army then run off to the G.B*

''Aber es gibt Amerikaner dort, Sie wissen, dass ich Amerikaner hasse, dort der Grund für dies verdammt Krieg, wenn es nicht für sie wir war, würden nie unsere Esel abfrieren'' Lefirius barked. *But there's Americans there, you know I hate Americans, they are the reason for this damn war, if it wasn't for them we'd never be freezing our asses off*

Raiskon wish he could blame the Americans for everything, but in the end he couldn't say whose fault it was. He didn't know if Leginate really did do all the horrible things they say he did, and clearly the Americans were pushed to far with the recent events. In the end though, Raiskon saw him hating himself the most, it was indeed either Americas or Germanys fault for the war, but it was his fault himself, that him and Lefirius was in it.

Raiskon almost cried thinking of it, Lefirius really was loyal, he never blamed Raiskon once for anything. Even if Lefirius died he'll probably only blame the Americans, his friendship and loyalty was fueled by his hatred of Americans, he didn't mind U.K or Canada though, sense they were neutral.

Raiskon though considered Lefirius lucky in one thing, he never had to kill anyone yet. It was always Raiskon dispatching officers, watching them die, probably in shock and confusion. There was no shame, as long as he never cried, he cannot remember the last time he did.

Raiskon looked at Lefirius and began to speak.

''Ich sage nicht, dass wir Freunde mit ihnen sein sollten, sage ich nur, dass wir nur somewheres fliehen müssen, ebenso lang als es ist im Krieg nicht direkt'' *I'm not saying we should be friends with them, I'm just saying we just have to flee somewheres, as long as it's not directly in the war*

''Vielleicht nach Belgien dann? alles, das wir machen müssen, ist Kopf ein Bitosten dann Norden, ich nicht denken, dass das Französisch zu freundlich an uns das anschauen würde, warum'' *Perhaps to Belgium then? all we need to do is head a bit west then north, I don't think the French would look to kindly at us thats why*

''Ja'' Raiskon replied, in reflection to this they both stood up and began running west, they would try and hide in an abandoned building and by Christmas, they would run to Belgium, Raiskon only hoped the French wouldn't fire at them, or even German friendly fire. Together they ran non stop until they found an abandoned building, they could only hope Anubis would be occupied with something else other then searching for two of his missing soldiers.

Eventually in the blinding cold they could see a house, it would seem it had 2 floors. They of course did not know if it was abandoned or not, but they'd have to try. Raiskon walked over to the door, and did a silent prayer that there wouldn't be anyone inside, that there wouldn't be a struggle, as he slowly turned the knob, it opened, so far it would seem there was probably no one inside.

As Raiskon stepped inside, the building looked entirely different then the type he was used to seeing, it looked almost ancient from the inside. He tried to sniff the air, but he found this place really had no specific scent to it, though he did smell some Feline.

''Dieses Haus scheint, eine Geschichte dahinter zu haben...'' Lefirius trailed off gazing at the, what would seem to him, odd house.

*This house seems to have a history behind it*

''Ist jemand hier!!?'' Raiskon asked at the top of his lungs.

*is anyone here!!?*

Lefirius glanced at Raiskon and whispered to him.

''Diese Leute sind französisch, denke ich, dass sie ein einzelnes Wort von Deutsch verstehen, eigentlich wenn irgendjemand hier war, ich, dass Sie nur sie gemacht haben, für das nächste Ding nicht denke laufen, mit den sie sie Selbst verteidigen können'' Raiskon actually began to feel quite stupid. *These people are French, I don't think they understand a single word of German, In fact if anyone was here I think you just made them run for the closest thing they can defend them self with*

Raiskon decided to try again but instead of speaking German, he spoke English, he just hope they knew English if anyone was there.

''Hello? is anyone here? don't worry I don't plan on hurting you if anyone is'' No reply came, so he could only guess no one was here. Another thing that told him no one was here, was that there was no heat inside the house, indeed it was warmer then outside but it was still cold. Raiskon decided maybe he should check for something to turn on the heat.

Raiskon finally realized though, that it was night so he got out a flash light while searching, Leferius as well decided to investigate for one. Eventually it would appear Lefirius was the first to find one, and the house only had 4 of them. Within the cold house it would take awhile to heat up.

Raiskon took off his jacket but not his uniform, it was warm but still to cold to do that, Lefirius copied Raiskon and took his jacket off as well. Raiskon decided to walk to the kitchen and look for food, apparently there was none so the rations he had would have to do, but at least now they were cookable.

Raiskon and Lefirius ate in silence, they really couldn't find anything to talk about, it was hard saying ''Hello there, how much people did you kill today?, enjoying the weather?'' but then again, they were more then content being in a house once again, ever sense the war started they have been outside, ever sense the war started they had a limited amount of rations that would have to last until January. Raiskon could see why Lefirius hated the Americans, he needed someone to hate that were not Germans, if he had hated the Germans Anubis would probably arrange death, he was fanatically loyal to Leginate, he tortured many people for Leginate, Leginate of course being unaware. A mercenary tieing himself down with one employer and no longer being a free spirit was like a bird without wings. That was exactly how loyal Anubis was to Leginates resolve.

Raiskon walked to one of the bedrooms , but instead of sleeping he merely sat on the end of the bed, thinking, soon to be interrupted by Lefirius' presence. Whom turned on the light in entering the room.

''Was falsch ist?'' Lefirius asked with concern towards Raiskon, he soon to sat on the bed beside his friend. Raiskon looked back at Lefirius and decided to speak to him. *What's Wrong*

''Denken Sie, was wir machen, hat Recht? es ist Fahrlässigkeit und, der Verrat. ..it's auch schändlich bedacht werden kann. ..isn't es?'' Raiskon replied. *Do you think what we are doing is right? it's negligence and that can be considered treason...it's also shameful...isn't it?*

''Der einzige Grund warum Ihr Machen dies, it's für mich ist nicht es?'' Lefirius asked Raiskon. *The only reason why your doing this, it's for me isn't it? *

''Ja'' Raiskon nodded his head dully.

''Persönlich finde ich Ihr sehr treues dann, frage ich mich manchmal sogar... '' Lefirius trailed off *Personally I find your very loyal then, I sometimes even wonder...*

''Fragt sich auf was?'' Raiskon asked. *Wonder on what?*

Lefirius still remained silent.

''Bitte erzählt nur, dass mich wirklich wirklich irgendetwas von Einander verstecken muss?'' *Please, just tell me must we really hide anything from eachother?''

Lefirius sighed then began to speak.

''Auf wie wichtig Sie zu mir sind. ..you kann nicht sagen, dass Sie nie einen Verdacht gehabt haben, den ich Sie liebe'' The dalmation eyed Raiskon, it was clear that he was sincere. *On how important you are to me...you can't say you never had a suspicion that I love you*

Lefirius embraced Raiskon and spoke softly.

''Weil ich Sie liebe'' Lefirius laid his head on Raiskons shoulder as he embraced him. *Because I do love you*

Raiskon reluctantly hugged Lefirius back, saying nothing as they just held each other in there arms. Not sure whether it was the warmth of Lifirius' embrace or the room temperature finally fully functioning, for the first time in 4 months Raiskon felt warm. He wasn't quite sure how important Lefirius was to him though, for now he would only take the hug as the answer.

Soon the mere hugging evolved into a kiss, as Lefirius' and Raiskons muzzles connected their passion began to arise, their want for each other began to arise. Lefirius fell down on the bed his muzzle still against Raiskons, Lefirius began to nuzzle Raiskon, and a tent formed a top of his pants as his member was unsheathed, pressing against Raiskons own wolf hood.

Raiskon yelped, soon following this though he suddenly decided to stop.

Lefirius eyed Raiskon curiously.

''Gibt es etwas falsch?'' Clearly his arousal was still present. *Is there something wrong*

''Ja, Es ist nicht, dass ich Sie nicht liebe, aber ich beginne, sich zu sorgen'' *Yes, it's not that I don't love you but I'm beginning to worry*

''Sorge? um was?'' Lefirius, as he gazed at Raiskon became concerned. *Worried? about what?*

''Wir sollten in unseren Gefühlen über einander, nicht jetzt sowieso, wir sein müssen vorsichtig nicht verloren werden und vergewissert sich, dass Anubis oder das Französisch uns nicht findet'' *We shouldn't get lost in our feelings over each other, not now anyway, we have to be cautious and make sure Anubis or the French don't find us*

''Ja, Raiskon'' Lefirius dully replied, it didn't take a telepath to know that he was disappointed.

Raiskon smirked at Lefirius suddenly, Lefirius was slightly surprised at the sudden reaction.

''Vielleicht, wenn wir es nach Belgien machen'' *Maybe when we make it to Belgium*

''Kann ich noch Sie festhalten?'' *Can I still hold on to you*

''Ja'' Raiskon simply replied.

Once again they were in each others arms, but this time they would descend in a wonderful slumber with each others affection and compassion. Raiskon or Lefirius could no longer hide it, they loved each other, lusted for each other, and worried together. Raiskons burden was no longer to be labeled as a traitor, but instead it would be to keep Lefirius alive and to safely reach Belgium.


Raiskon woke up with Lefirius asleep but still having him in his grasp, today was Christmas eve. Raiskon remembered on how he used to open gifts, just like any child would, this year despite him being in a war, despite him no longer being a kid, he would still have a gift. All he'd ask for Christmas was to make it to the U.K, with Lefirius, to get out of the war. Raiskon didn't care about honor, he wasn't going to die for a politician, he just wanted to get to the U.K and hopefully never have to be in a war again.

Honestly Raiskon didn't expect Anubis to actually find them, but sometimes he could surprise, for his 8 years in the army Raiskon was a part of Anubis' group for 2, and Anubis accomplished somethings that could be defined impossible. Anubis once was ordered to save 12 hostages, ensure no casualties and that the terrorists would be caught, Anubis planted explosives all over the building and it blew up with him inside it, everyone die including his objective 12 hostages he was supposed to save, the impossible part was where he was able to justify for being reckless and letting the 12 hostages die, hell he even got a promotion. It was like he got his way all the time no matter the circumstances, and always, he was on top.

Raiskon just hoped Anubis wasn't as intimidating as he thought he was,if Anubis caught Raiskon for neglecting the war he'd probably face torture, and Anubis would probably be seen as a hero for it. Raiskon continued to think about Anubis, about the Jackals, he kept having the irritating thought replaying in his head jabbing him like a knife, that it was his fault in the first place they were in that position.

Raiskon unclinged Lefirius' paws and slowly got out of the bed, as he was getting out of the bed Lefirius murmured in his sleep. Slowly Raiskon bent over and patted his best friends head, even though admittedly he suddenly saw Lefirius closer. Maybe through the desperate struggle he finally realized how important Lefirius was to him.

Eventually Raiskon left the room and walk to the houses kitchen, he began to wonder who once lived here, if they were still alive, if they were suffering the same fear that he was. Raiskon sat on the kitchen chair, trying to decide what he should do, he was stressed. When he came to think of it, there still could've been people in this house, he decided to finally check the rooms he never checked yet.

The first rooms Raiskon checked was the other two bedrooms, there wasn't really a sign of anyone but the beds were perfectly tucked and made. Raiskon walked more down the hall and checked the bathroom, as he expected though no one was there. Raiskon walked down stairs and checked the living room, everything there as well was in perfect condition. He walked to the garage, and noticed the car was still there, something was not right, if they'd try and retreat surely they'd try and take the car.

Raiskon decided in his mind they were most likely there, just hiding in fear because they thought he was invading, the question is why haven't they run yet while he was asleep? Raiskon decided to look in the basement, he slowly stepped down the steps and tried to turn the lights on, but they would remain off, he began to feel uneasy and took out his only flashlight, he walked down the stairs, and once again found nothing.

He scanned the basement but all he saw was the empty obscurity of the basement, he had to face it, no one was there. Raiskon turned around and as he did, he finally found them, under the staircase a family of foxes were hanging, bodies mutilated, he took notice to two cubs that appeared to have died in fear. as he gazed at them in fear he realized, they couldn't have died that long ago, they must've died in fact during this war, he soon got his answer on how soon, as Raiskon took notice to behind there dead bodies hanging lifelessly a message appeared.

~Merry Christmas, Fox, from the Germans~

Raiskon couldn't get a scent off there bodies...hell he couldn't get a scent off of anything any more, he figured it was a side effect from being in the cold to long. Though as Raiskon looked at the bodies a last time, Raiskon slowly climbed the stairs blindly, he almost had no control over his actions.

Raiskon re entered the bedroom and laid on the bed aside Lefirius and held him, soon he couldn't stand it, the vision of the foxes kept on haunting him. Raiskon broke down and began to cry, all his worries expanded into his mind. Raiskon could suffer in silence no more as he held on to Lefirius desperately. Lefirius was the one to be open with his feelings, Raiskon would often act like he didn't care, now he began to know how Lefirius felt. As it was now him crying on his friend, who was sleeping and unaware.

Raiskon did something he never should've done. He killed many people himself and he never cried, but now seeing these fox's dead by whom he didn't know, Raiskon was having a nervous break down. what he regreted? he looked the dead foxes in the eyes, this was the first time he ever noticed another fur killed and actually seen them as another living individual, instead of as a random rank.

Slowly he recalled everyone he killed, by pistol, by sniper rifle, by knife, hell even by his own claws. he was haunted by gazes of the faceless immitators of those Raiskon could never see. The mother was basically hanged, she probably didn't struggle at all. The father was entirely eviscerated, cuts all around his arms and legs. The cubs weren't that much better then the father, they both appeared to have dislocated body parts, one of them had there ears cut off, the youngest one was missing its 2 paws and one of it's feet.

Eventually it would appear Raiskon woke up Lefirius, Almost instantly had he known something was wrong, without even looking at Raiskon. Lefirius began to eye Raiskon once more with concern.

''Was ist falsch? Bitte erzählen Sie nur mich'' *What's wrong? please just tell me*

''Ich...I hat gefunden die Familie, die hier lebt'' Raiskon stuttered. *I...I found the family that lives here*

''Wirklich? das groß!, wo sie ist!?'' Lefirius exclaimed joyfully. *Really? thats great! where are they?*

Lefirius was to innocent, thats probably what made Raiskon like him, Lefirius had something Raiskon lacked. Raiskon began to argue with himself whether he should tell Lefirius or not, he decided theres no point in not telling him, or else he wouldn't know.

''Im Kellergeschoss'' Raiskon sighed. *In the Basement*

''Ihr Empfang'' Lefirius cheerfully replied. *Your welcome*

Raiskon wiped some tears off his face

''Sie dürften dies brauchen'' Raiskon handed his flashlight to Lefirius, who soon exited the room. *You might need this*

Raiskon waited for Leferius to come back up, soon Raiskon heard footsteps coming up the staircase. As Raiskon looked at Leferius he noticed he wasn't near as much traumatized. Lefirius glanced at Raiskon.

''Sie haben sie in den Augen haben gemacht nicht Sie angeschaut?'' Lefirius asked. *You looked them in the eyes didn't you*

Raiskon merely nodded.

''Waren irgendein von ihnen Bengel?'' *Were any of them cubs*

''Nein'' Raiskon shook his head and began to speak more.''Sie wurden wahrscheinlich nur zu einem Lager oder etwas genommen, sind sie wahrscheinlich noch lebend'' *They were probably only taken to a camp or something, they are probably still alive*

''Ihr Lügen ist nicht Sie?'' *Your lying aren't you?*


Lefirius began to pet Raiskons head.

''Ich habe nie Sie dieses gedrückte vor, Sie nie haben geweint gesehen, als Ihre Mutter gestorben ist'' Lefirius continued to pet Raiskon. *You were never this depressed before, not even when your mother died*

''Wenigstens, als sie gestorben ist, habe ich nicht gesehen, dass sie mit meinem Vater zerstört gehängt hat, und meine Brüder, die schmerzhaft mit FRHLICHEM WEIHNACHTEN in mutigen Briefen getötet worden sind, die über den ficken hinter ihnen gehauen worden sind'' *At least when she died I didn't see her hanged with my father mutilated, and my brothers killed painfully with MERRY CHRISTMAS in bold letters slashed across the wall fucking behind them*

Lefirius hugged Raiskon once more. ''Sie messen mehr Zeit oder sollten wir jetzt verlassen?'' *You need more time or should we leave now?*

''Ja nur aussteigt von hier, werde ich fein sein'' Raiskon got up slowly. *Yes, lets just get out of here, I'll be fine*

''Ich hasse zu denken, dass Mit Deutsch fähig von dies waren, warum haben sie diese Familie töten müssen? sie waren auch nicht im Krieg, ist dieses Haus nur außerhalb der Ränder von Belgien'' *I hate to think that fellow Germans were capable of this, why did they have to kill this family? they weren't even in the war, this house is just outside the borders of Belgium* Raiskon stated.

''Vielleicht manchmal hassen Sie nur eine besondere Gruppe von Leute genug, Dinge wie dies zu machen'' Lefirius replied.*Maybe sometimes you just hate a particular group of people enough to do things like this*

Raiskon stared at Lefirius, he instantly recalled something.

''Bitte erzählen Sie mich nicht, dass Sie die Amerikaner dieses viel hassen'' *Please don't tell me you hate the Americans this much*

''Tatsächlich hasse ich auch nicht meinen schlimmsten Feind dieses viel... '' *Actually I don't even hate my worst enemy this much*

''Gut'' Raiskon said softly to Lefirius *Good*

Raiskon walked down the staircase, soon reaching the first floor, and as he looked in the living room he noticed a tree full of presents. Raiskon began heading towards the tree and lifted one of the presents, just to see who it was from, to see who it was to, so he could at least know the names of the poor family he never knew. As he inspected the present it claimed:

To: Lyis

From: Kendall Fesiùr.

And almost instantly, Raiskon knew who the present was from, A well known Canadian Lieutenant, but if he was Canadian why was his relatives in France? Raiskon curiously checked the letter that came with the present.

-Sorry that this is the first Christmas I won't be around our family, but I had to move back to Canada, I have specific plans. I have been in the army only a year and I'm already a Chief Warrant officer, soon to possibly face a promotion to being a lieutenant. Also I have been transferred in the ranks of the American army ever sense tentions have grown between America and Germany. Please send a letter soon, and get out of there, war is probably imminent.

Date: 2054.

Odd, this present is 3 years old, and the bodies must be...no they should be rotted...they should be nothing but a skeleton, how the hell did the bodies remain in such a condition that they never wasted away? Nothing made sense any more.Raiskon decided to take the present and the letter, just for the hell of it, soon he checked around the house for keys to the car, they couldn't be found so he had to face the inevitably of walking once again.

Raiskon decided to switch his clothes, he was now no longer in a Jackal uniform but was now wearing casual clothings, sadly still black though, Raiskon liked leather. and jeans Lefirius on the other hand wore a Christmas shirt, and baggy pants.

As they finally left the relic of a building they saw some men in the distance, the French. Raiskon began to whisper in Lefirius' ear.

''Überlassen Sie mir das Reden, sagt, dass nichts auf Deutsch, nur betet, dass sie Englisch verstehen'' *Let me do the talking, don't say anything in German, just pray they understand English*

Raiskon waved to the French troops and shouted ''Hello!?''

The French never responded, they just approached closer and closer, this perhaps wasn't the best of signs.

''Bonjour, Allemand, le jour agréable?''

Another French troop started to speak. ''Le Dalmation a une blessure sur sa jambe, pensez-vous c'est le Kamikaze?''

The captain spoke to the troop. ''S'ils sont les Chacals qu'ils sont moins alors j'ai prévu, tout à fait pathétique en fait''

''Tirer em ?''

''pas encore'' The captain looked at the Germans.

''Pouvez-vous parler le français?''

To Raiskon everything they said made no sense, it was practically all Gibberish, when the Captain looked at him he could only guess they were speaking to him.

''Um...I don't understand any French at all sorry''

''Oh sorry then, German'' The Captain muttered.


''Someone from around here, would know not to go in that building, they've been investigating the house for awhile, the case got cold though''

''Actually we, just got desperate so we ran here'' Raiskon lied.

''Ok then make your friend say something in French or English''

Raiskon knew any feeble excuse now couldn't really help.

''That was refreshing, imagine a meer group of ten privates two corporals and 1 sergeant was able to catch the Jackals''

Raiskon really didn't care, he didn't consider him self more skilled then anyone just because he was a ''Jackal''

''We never even had to fire anything either!''

''What made you think he couldn't speak English?''

''We know EVERYTHING on the Jackals, all men are assigned with knowledge, your Dalmation friend was the dead give away''

''Well if your gonna kill us just make it fast, I never let ''my'' targets suffer''

''Oh I'm afraid we aren't even going to capture you'' The Captain grinned.


''Just return the favor if I'm imprisoned'' The Captain headbutted the rifle again Raiskons head and Raiskon fell down in the snow, as the French troops began to walk away. ''THE NAMES Jacques Maron'' The Captain shouted back. soon disappearing far off in the falling snow.

Lefirius bent down to Raiskon and helped him up. ''Warum sie gemacht hat, machen Sie dass zu Ihnen'' *Why did they do that to you*

''Weil dort gütig, hätten sie uns töten können und sie würden wahrscheinlich gut gekannt werden und müssen nie wieder arbeiten''

*Because there kind, they could've killed us and they'd probably be well known and never have to work again*

They began to walk, Raiskons head began to bleed, he never would notice the wound though. He was thankful, he didn't care at all about the Captain headbutting his head with a rifle. Raiskon owed them his life afterall, and he had nothing to complain about if he was still breathing.

Together Raiskon and Lefirius walked, they reached Belgium in almost no time, but it was getting to Brussels that would take awhile.

as they continued to walk in the snow they almost walked only in silence, finally though Lefirius spoke.

''Fühlen Sie besser noch?'' *Are you feeling better yet?*

''Ja denke ich, dass ich meinen Kopf wieder zusammen erhalten habe'' Raiskon smiled back at Lefirius. *Yes, I think I got my head back together*

''Gut'' Lefirius paused.

''Sie wissen, wie ich hasse, Sie miserabel zu sehen'' Lefirius finally finished.*You know how I hate to see you miserable*

''Was auch immer in jenem Haus geschehen ist, wurde gemacht von Fachleuten. ..I denkt, dass Anubis verantwortlich dafür war''

*Whatever happened in that house was done by professionals...I think Anubis was responsible for it*

Lefirius sighed.

''Raiskon, den Sie wirklich ihn hassen müssen, tadeln Sie ihn für alles, hätte es jemand anders sein können'' *Raiskon you really must hate him, you blame him for everything, it could've been someone else*

They once again walked in silence, Raiskon didn't wish to argue with Lefirius, in the end the foxes were dead. and there was really no need to fight on trivial things.

Finally though Lefirius decided to break the silence once more.

''Wie weit bis kommen wir nach Brüssel?'' *How far till we get to Brussels?*

''Ungefähr two Stunden'' *About two hours*

They would walk more then two hours, not only did they have to reach Brussels but they also required somewheres to stay, they searched 25 minutes more then the two hours they had expected. soon they found a lodge which was full of militia, hopefully they could ask when the next flight would take off towards G.B.

Raiskon went towards registration, and decided to ask them.

''Any clue when the next plane to London will take off?''

''Due to the struggles of war, tourists will by leaving by tomorrow, A civillian plane will not be departing until Twenty Eigth of December.

''Thanks, Can I have a room then?''

''Yes, you may have room 58 it'll cost 40$ due to Christmas special''

Raiskon paid 40$ to the registration and walked out of the lodge to speak to Lefirius.

''Offensichtlich wird das nächste Flugzeug bis den zwanzig achten Dezember nicht abnehmen, sollten wir wenigstens unsere Selbst genießen, während wir hier sind'' *Apparently the next plane won't be taking off until the twenty eighth of December, we should at least enjoy our selves while we are here*

Lefirius replied, with a grin.

''Ach bin, ich sicher wir werden finden einen Weg, unsere Selbst zu unterhalten'' *Oh, I'm sure we'll find a way to entertain our selves*

''Ein Ding an einer Zeit sind Lefirius, wir nur hier angekommen und ich bin ziemlich müde, das beste, das wir für 3 Monate geschlafen haben, war in jenem Haus, noch es hat lassen eine Familie schlachten'' *One thing at a time Lefirius, we just got here and I'm rather tired, the best we slept for 3 months was in that house, yet it had a family slaughtered*

''Ich habe Ihr gerechtes ausstreckt bis Weihnachts gewettet. ...Sex und Schokoladen'' Lefirius said dreamily. *I bet your just holding out till Christmas....Sex and Chocolates*

''Befleckte Blätter und Matsch'' Raiskon mocked. *Stained sheets and slush*

''Verspricht morgen?'' Promise tomorrow?

''Ebenso lang als Sie bringen die Schokoladen'' *As long as you bring the chocolates*

Together they walked towards there room, holding hands and it was perhaps clear that Lefirius liked Brussels, so far it was the only place that had Christmas decorations, of course sense Belgium wasn't in the war. Raiskon passed by a fox wearing a lieutenants hat, who glared at them and walked away.

''Huh?'' Raiskon was puzzled, he didn't remember even meeting this fox.

It would seem a Canine spectated on what had unfold, and decided to explain to the confused wolf.

''Thats Lieutenant Kendall, he's usually miserable like that towards everyone''

Raiskon found the Canines appearence random and perhaps even questionable. He slowly took his hand away from Lefirius, no one had to know how he felt or who he liked.

''Really? thats the famous Kendall Fesiùr?'' Raiskon said in awe.

''Expected something more joyful?''

''Actually I expected anything at least a bit kind at this time of year...''

''Why's your friend not saying anything?''

Raiskon scratched his head. ''Actually he doesn't know English''

''You might wanna watch out, it still ain't Christmas yet so a lot of people might just kill you if they find out your German.

''What makes you think I'm German, I might always be something else''

''I'm afraid the Dalmations presence is as subtle as a nuke going off''

''Well... we don't wish to be enemies, we just want to find a way out of the war''

''Don't worry I understand, just one thing are you Black Wolf?''

''What the hell is black wolf?!'' Honestly Raiskon was unaware who that was, Perhaps there was indeed another German elite within the Jackals, he just was unseen.

''Black Wolf is the best assassin in the group, he killed the most men out of all of them''

''Really? I only killed people cause it was a kill or be killed situation''

''How long ago did you get here anyway?''

''Not long...why?'' Raiskon was puzzled.

''Oh just curious''

''By the way if you must know my names Nicholas''

''I'm Raiskon and this is my friend Lefirius, how does American propaganda portray Germans anyway?''

''Oh the same thing 150 damned years ago, Monocles and square heads, how bout Americans, Fat?''

''Fat and idiotic actually, one of the campaigns Leginate launched shows an American Wearing a Canadian shirt saying ''Americas elites, the best they have to offer''

''Uh... I don't get it''

''I didn't at first but when you have the damn thing replaying 50 times a day it sinks in, it's implying America is so afraid to go near Germany they need to dress like a Canadian.

''Hmm America doesn't go that far, we just do the monocles and squareheads''

''You think anyone actually falls for propaganda?''

''One out of three of Americans are retarded actually''


''Well...that's a statastic anyway, one out of ten people are gay''

Raiskon almost grinned.

''You sure like statastics don't you?'' Raiskon assumed.

''Not really, I don't believe in them, I think a lot of them are just made up''

The Canine finally walked off, and Lefirius appeared confused, Raiskon and Lefirius continued back to walking towards there room, almost as soon as they reached the room they began to lay on the bed.

Lefirius panted and looked at Raiskon.

''Kann ich wenigstens einen Fiesling gucken lassen?'' Lefirius whined. *can I have a sneak peek?*

''Lefirius, Warum reden Sie wie ein Pornofilm?'' *Lefirius, why are you talking like a porno movie?*

''Ich mag nicht anschauend Porno obwohl, befriedigend Ihres viel mehr'' *I don't like looking at porn though, your much more satisfying*

''Sie können mich hätscheln, wenn Sie aufhören, wie das zu reden, es beginnt tatsächlich, mich aus zu schleichen''

*You can pet me if you stop talking like that, it's actually beginning to creep me out*

''Ja, Raiskon'' Lefirius answered smiling.

Lefirius began petting Raiskons head fur, Repetitively but softly, soon Raiskon began to get slightly tired, Lefirius' touch relaxed him.

Lefirius took off Raiskons shirt and started rubbing his stomach. Raiskon almost jumped up to protest but instead he laid his head back down on Lefirius as he continued to relax his wolf companion. Soon Raiskon cuddled to Lefirius, as the Dalmation slowly descended his paw even more, now around Raiskons gut.

Lefirius had to admit, he was curious, Lefirius never relieved himself sense the war started. he figured his friend must've needed it to, Lefirius slowly lowered his paw in Raiskons pants and began searching for his prize. Eventually after seeking for it using only his paw for eyes Lefirius began to fondle with Raiskons balls. Raiskon this time shot up instantly and noticed the Dalmation had a tent formed above his pants.

Lefirius blew in Raiskons ear and the wolf whimpered as his head once again fell on Lefirius' lap.

''Werden Sorgenwelpe, ich nicht geht irgendein weiteres, jenes ist in Ordnung nicht?'' Lefirius spoke softly in Raiskons ear.*Don't worry pup, I won't go any further, is that alright?*

A tent formed in Raiskons jeans. Raiskon may have lost his sense of smell, but Lefirius didn't and he could sense Raiskons arousal easily.

Raiskon felt entirely ignorant like a cub, he didn't know what came over Lefirius suddenly, he didn't know whether he was enjoying this or not, and now he was being called a ''pup''. Raiskon decided to give in, even he had to admit by now he needed release.

''J-Ja'' Raiskon stammered as his wolfhood was restrained by his breifs, pre-cum leaking, clearly his member needed release. Raiskons arousal now was even more apparent.

Lefirius unbuckled Raiskons jeans and slipped them down with one paw, for his other one was still playing with Raiskons groin. Finally he stripped Raiskon of his last clothing and appraised Raiskons impressive member, it was approximately 7 inches.

Lefirius grabbed a hold of Raiskons member and the wolf yelped. Lefirius finally began pleasuring the wolf, rhythmatically stroking Raiskons malehood and giving the wolf enjoyment. Raiskon closed his eyes from the ecstasy and started panting, letting Lefirius be entirely dominant, soon a knot enveloped, Raiskon was soon reaching his climax.

Raiskon grunted as wolf semen began to spray every where, and at last in one year and nine months Raiskon had release. and Lefirius was the one to make his friend climax.

Raiskon really must've been tired, almost as soon as he climaxed he fell asleep regardless of him being stripped naked. Lefirius kissed Raiskon and fell asleep aside him, unlikely like Raiskon Lefirius on the other hand was wearing clothes.


Raiskon woke up, the bed was very comfy as his body sunk in it, indeed as long as he would stay here it would probably be a good time. Raiskon moved his paw towards his right and...where was Lefirius? all he felt was the soft fabric of the bed. Only when Raiskon got up did he notice another thing amiss, he was completely naked.

Raiskon took notice to a note on lying on the table, he picked up the note and read it.

He Wolfie

Starren, den den Sie anschaut den alle reizende in Ihrem Schlaf haben gemacht mich zu erhalten etwas wünsche, werde ich wahrscheinlich nur eine Stunde nehmen. Hoffentlich werden Sie wach sein, wenn ich hinter werde...

Es sei denn Sie bedenken Geben mich ein guter Blick nicht


*Hey Wolfie

Staring down at you looking all cute in your sleep made me wish to get something, I'll probably take only an hour. Hopefully you'll be awake when I get back...

Unless you don't mind giving me a good view*

After reading the note Raiskon could conclude, either Lefirius was a sex maniac or was just over joyed about finding out Raiskon was not straight. Raiskon only hoped Lefirius wouldn't be like this all the time, Lefirius was still joyful...but he seemed a different species. Raiskon decided he myswell take a shower, Raiskon wondered if he had hypothermia or an illness derived from being exposed to the cold so long. and that different species Lefirius was acting like was a female cat in heat.

Raiskon didn't bother adjusting the showerhead, he just input the temperature then basically stepped in the bathtub. Even something simple like taking a shower felt different to Raiskon, he practically forgot what it was like to take a shower, as the water continued to beat down on him in small pellets.

In the middle of taking a shower Raiskon could hear Lefirius entering the room as he boomed in a cheerful voice ''Gutten Tag Raiskon!''

Gutten Tag? Raiskon thought to him self, that mean't he slept until Afternoon, aw hell did it really matter? not like he had a job at the moment. Raiskon took his time with the shower, he knew Lefirius could wait just a bit longer. Eventually Raiskon stepped out of the shower, and he looked at himself through the mirror, he combed his hair and put it in a pony tail. soon exiting the bathroom, he saw Lefirius cooking something on the stove.

''Gutten Tag Lefirius''

''Hallo Raiskon!!'' Lefirius.

''Was Sie sind, kochend?'' *What are you cooking*

''Gut ist es Weihnachts und es wäre nicht wirklich viel von einem Feiertag, wenn wir die beschissenen Rationen gegessen haben, habe ich, Einkaufen für Stoff zu gehen, warum nicht prüft, was im Sack entschieden? ach und ich koche Wolffleisch''

*Well it's Christmas and it really wouldn't be much of a holiday if we ate those crappy rations, I decided to go shopping for stuff, why not check whats in the bag? oh and I'm cooking wolf meat*

Raiskon glared at Lefirius.

''Schauen Sie mich mag jenen großen schlechten Wolf, Sie kennen nicht an, dass ich nur mache Spaß'' *Don't look at me like that big bad wolf, you know I'm just kidding*

Raiskon walked over to the table and checked what's in the bag. He checked through the items, the first one was a book titled ''Wie um Englisch zu sprechen'' *How to speak English'' a bunch of numerous drawing materials, and ...lube?

''Für was ist das Schmiermittel?'' Raiskon stared at the lube puzzled. *What's the lube for?*

''Sie werden späteren wolfie herausfinden'' *You'll find out later Wolfie*

''Können Sie aufhören, mich wolfie zu rufen?'' *Can you stop calling me wolfie?*


Raiskon checked the next bag and found a present for him.

''Sie haben mich ein Geschenk erhalten?'' *You got me a present?*

''Ja'' Lefirius replied.

''Nicht sorgt sich, dass Sie mich irgendetwas nicht erhalten müssen'' Lefirius added. *Don't worry you don't need to get me anything*

''Wann sollte ich offen dies?'' *When should I open this*

''Ich schlage in der Nacht vor'' *I suggest at night*

''Übrigens will der Arschlochfuchs mit Ihnen sprechen, ist er im Zimmerfluchtzimmer innerhalb der Loge, Zimmer 20, genau zu sein'' Lefirius once a''gain added. *By the way the asshole fox wants to speak to you, he's in the suite room inside the lodge, room 20 to be exact*



''O Gott nein, habe ich er weiß gewettet, dass wir mit den Schakalen sind'' *O god no, I bet he knows we are with the Jackals*

''Ich werde Sie später sehen'' Raiskon waved goodbye. *See you later*

''Seien Sie hinter durch Abendessen!'' Lefirius exclaimed. *Be back by supper!*

Raiskon began walking towards the lodge once again, soon he found he would stand infront of it, as he opened the door he went once more to the registration.

''Do you know where lieutenant Kendall Fesiùr resides? he wishes to speak to me.

The secretary checked the logs on the computer.

''Yes he is in room 20, top floor then turn to your right''

Raiskon started walking off and said a quick ''Thank You'' as he began to hurry, he just wanted to see what this was about. As he walked he had a choice of either an elevator or staircase, he was impatient so he just decided to run up the flight of stairs. Soon, Raiskon noticed the door to Kendalls suite, slowly he turned the knob hoping Kendall wasn't going to eliminate them.

As Raiskon entered the room he noticed Kendall gazing out the window. practically in danger from two sides, shot through the window or killed by Raiskon if he wanted to. Kendall finally turned around.

''You should know why I wish to speak to you, or perhaps your to afraid to know why''

Raiskon knew instantly he wasn't in a good position. he just eyed Kendall.

''Afraid of me Jackal? all I have is a pistol''

''I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean'' Raiskon tried to keep his cool.

''Yes you do, You cannot deny your a Jackal''

''I ''was'' a jackal, I just wish to escape out of here''

''Oh I understand, but I'm afraid theres a manhunt, would you believe 1 million euros?''

Raiskon was overwhelmed, the French had him in there paws yet they could've killed him easily, now he was really thankful for them.

''Now, obviously your desperate to get out of here, just how desperate? enough to kill me?''

''I see no reason to kill you''

Now Raiskon new clearly what Kendall was trying to do, he was testing him, checking for lies, checking for stutters, checking for Raiskon to be nervous, everything Raiskon did.

''Oh? what if your ex-leader was to let you live if you killed me?''

''I can't see him wanting me to kill you as a first priority, your just a lieutenant''

Kendall suddenly broke out laughing, this made Raiskon nervous, was he dealing with an officer or a nut job?

''20 years old, I'm a fucking first class Major''

Raiskon figured this promotion must've been very recent.

''Now wolf what do you think of me that you've seen me in person?''

''I think your traumatized''

''Coming from a Jackal, who can't even shoot his enemy in the same room point blanc''

''EX Jackal''

Finally though it seems Kendall actually understood what Raiskon meant when he said ''Get on with your life''

''I'm living my life, without fear, your the one running from your problems'' Kendall claimed.

''If you never moved back to Canada I wonder what would happen to your family'' Raiskon mocked.

''They'd be dead and I'd still be alive, and your mother would be as well if you consider it'' hissed coldly.

''Your a Major, not god, my mother didn't die cause you lived''

''Are you sure? when your a Warrant officer it's easy to assemble them to kill someone, all you need to do is say they are the enemy then, gone''

''I can't see why you'd choose my mother, your just a bunch of crap''

''I suppose I must've been an asswhole to randomely pick someone related to Jackals'' Kendall smirked noctoriously.

''That's a lie, you couldn't know I was a Jackal all that time''

''You think I was a Major only two years in army cause I'm an idiot''

Raiskon recalled the statastic Nicholas told him about.

''One out of three Americans are retarded, maybe you were lucky to have an idiot of a employer''

''Ok Raiskon Karals''

Raiskon just sat in silence, his last name wasn't in any documents, by then Raiskon knew Kendall was not bluffing, he really did know. Raiskon was completely cornered, yet Kendall just stood there waiting for Raiskons next movement.

''I will ignore you and let you get out of here...hmm...if you can do something for me''

''What is that?''

''Assassinate Leginate, how do you like it when the tables turn''

''I'm an EX Jackal''

''I don't care you still have experience in killing''

Raiskon realized instantly, Kendall was trying to trick him, manipulate him.

''Just tell me what you really want, I know now that your trying to persuade me'' Raiskon glared at Kendall.

''You shall see by night time tomorrow''


''Your a slow learner, you may leave.

''Why don't you just tell me?''

''Sorry I cannot tell my enemy my plans''

''How the hell am I an enemy if you want help from me? if you don't give me orders how am I to accomplish them''

''Never contradict your superior, WOLF''

''Whatever'' Raiskon muttered.

Kendall gazed at Raiskon.

''What are you looking at?''

''Take this'' Kendall tossed Raiskon a small type of pill.

Raiskon looked at it in confusion, Why was Kendall giving him something?

''It'll help your sickness'' Kendall appeared to have a headache.

Raiskon left the suite, disoriented and angered, he remembered back at a time when he respected Kendall, but now at seeing him, he actually hated him. He didn't know why, but he felt no anger or hatred towards Kendall when he said he killed Raiskons mother. He walked down the flight of stairs once again and ran to his room. as he turned the knob he looked at the pill, oh what the hell a wolf without a sense of smell isn't a wolf at all, so he decided to try it regardless of it coming from a total nut job.Truthfully Raiskon was still overwhelmed on Kendalls odd personality, first bitchy then suddenly he became concerned, most chances it would seem Kendall was indeed insane.

''Raiskon!!!'' Lefirius exlaimed with glee.

As Raiskon walked in he noticed numerous plates, Raiskon never gave Lefirius enough respect for being exceptionally talented at cooking, but he really didn't know what these foods were. he could smell them though, an assortment of meats, obviously Lefirius was very carnivorous. Raiskon was used to eating salads, so this came to him as a surprise

It was as if Lefirius saw right through Raiskon and simply said ''What the Belgians eat''

Raiskon was almost shocked when he heard that.

''You can speak english?''


''Sagen Sie Ja auf Englisch'' *Say Ja in English*

Lefirius remained silent.


Raiskon gazed at Lefirius, he probably didn't really learn english, he probably just scrolled through the book and tied the words together the best he could. Raiskon began to feel a bit guilty, He was moving to U.K, and Lefirius barely could speak english, he was used to being social, not being a recluse. Raiskon used to be alright with people, but 2 years of war depending on only your self can do something to you.

Finally Lefirius replied.

''Yes!'' After shouting it Lefirius looked at Raiskon *who truthfully was still savegeously gazing at the food.

''Raiskon, den ich hoffe, dass Sie wissen, dass Abendessen ist tatsächlich bereit ich nur eine heiße Schokolade erhalte'' *Raiskon I hope you know supper is actually ready I'm just getting some hot chocolate*

''Oh'' Raiskon blurted out, but instead of being a glutton he waited for Lefirius to join in as well, he didn't quite notice a lot of the food. In the middle of the table though he noticed chocolates, oddly this instantly reminded him of what Lefirius said, and his mind kept on repeating it subliminably, Sex and Chocolates. Wait what the hell did that even mean?

Raiskon had troubles comprehending a lot of things that other people could, hell he didn't know what jacking off meaned until he was 15. Raiskon didn't know a lot of things that involved anything sexual, he was more of a hunter. He'd often follow one of his targets and run them down until they began to get confused, soon running faster and eventually getting cornered. Raiskon never wasted his strength to chase them though, he just shot crazily at them, once they thought they were safe in a corner he'd eventually go in for the kill, Raiskon always aimed for the neck of the enemy, never the head. Then he began to think, all those times he did kill people... was it really because of a kill or be killed situation? surely they couldn't possibly kill him if they never saw him, maybe he was only lying to himself.

Raiskon tried to forget the problems there for he did the only thing he could.

''Was die Hölle ist Geschlecht und Schokoladen? *what the hell is sex and chocolates?*

Lefirius seemed to think to himself for the answer.

''Vergnügen und süß, sie sagen, dass Belgische Schokolade eine der besten Arten Schokoladen, in Band zwischen Deutsch und Brite ist'' *Pleasure and sweets, they say Belgian chocolate is one of the best type of chocolates, in tie between German and British*

''Sie machten Spaß nur, wenn Sie Wolffleischrecht gesagt haben?'' *You were just kidding when you said wolf meat right?*

''Selbstverständlich Ist Es nicht andere Pelze entweder, es ist nur Huhn, Menge davon zustimmt vielleicht ungesunden Beträgen''

*Of course, It's not other furs either, it's just chicken, lot's of it, okay maybe unhealthy amounts*

''Ungewöhnlich, überall wir gehen zu wir haben große Schokoladen, was ist Amerikas Schokoladen wie?'' *Odd, everywhere we go to we have great chocolates, what's Americas chocolates like?*

Lefirius seemed to ignore Raiskon, but eventually he came with a reply.

''Erbärmlich musste die heiße Schokolade erhalten, und sie saugen, nicht sage ich diese Ursache, dass ich Amerikaner hasse, aber dort Schokoladen saugen, müssen sie zu viel Koffein in ihnen, fast nein eigentliche Schokolade'' *Sorry had to get the hot chocolate, and they suck, I'm not saying this cause I hate Americans, but there chocolates suck, they have to much caffeine in them, almost no actual chocolate*

Lefirius Put hot chocolate on the side of Raiskons table then he sat down on his own, as Lefirius sat down and finally Raiskon noticed, Lefirius' hair was no longer matted and it was spikey, like it used to be.

''Wann haben Sie das gemacht?'' *When did you do that*

''Ich fragte mich, als Sie gonna Notiz waren, habe ich fast, dass Sie gegangen sind, oder etwas gedacht blendet. Ich bin ein groß Mehrfach tasker, damit. ...I im Grunde eine schnelle Dusche genommen hat, während ich auf das Huhn wartete'' *I was wondering when you were gonna notice, I almost thought you gone blind or something. I'm a great multi-tasker so....I basically took a quick shower while I was waiting for the chicken*

Raiskon took a few samples of the different foods, it was true a lot of them were different assortments of chicken. Apparently Lefirius had an obsession with them. Raiskon found they were different from what he usually ate, he was curious though what the chocolates tasted like, once again though everytime he looked at the chocolates the thought kept on repeating in his mind, dammit Lefirius!

Raiskon began to feel guilty, Lefirius cooked everything and got Raiskon a present, meanwhile Raiskon got Lefirius nothing and did nothing. Raiskon also was surprised Lefirius could cook, where did he get the time to learn all this?

Soon the dishes stacked up and all the food was finished *luckily they had a dishwasher* the chocolates were the only thing remaining on the table, and Lefirius pulled out the gift Raiskon saw earlier.

''Offen es Raiskon'' Lefirius had his paw planted on his cheek, gazing dreamily at Raiskon. *Open it Raiskon*

Raiskon unwrapped the gift, and it would appear that it was his favorite liquor, American whiskey, sure maybe it wasn't as romantic or traditional as wine, but Lefirius knew what Raiskon liked.

''Würden Sie einige mögen?'' Raiskon offered Lefirius. *Would you like some?*

''Kein Dank, Sie wissen, dass ich nicht trinke'' Lefirius replied. *No thanks, you know I don't drink*

''Aw kommt auf, vielleicht Sie versuchen es?'' *Aw come on, perhaps you try it?*

''Was ist es schmeckt wie?'' Lefirius asked. *What's it taste like*

''Gut. ..its der hart ist zu beschreiben tatsächlich, ich errate, dass das am besten ich sagen kann, ist, dass es smokey ist'' *Well...its hard to describe actually, I guess the best I can say is that it's smokey*

''Das groß nicht ertönt'' *Doesn't sound that great*

''Mit einem Bit des Bonbons'' Raiskon added. *With a bit of caramel*

Now though Lefirius seemed intrigued.

''Ich errate, dass ich ein Bit haben werde'' *I guess I'll have a bit*

Raiskon poured some of the whiskey in a glass.

''Uhr aus Ihnen wahrscheinlich dies nicht mögen werden'' *Watch out you probably won't like this*

Lefirius wondered whether he should try drinking or not, he wasn't to fond on becoming an alcoholic...but then again Raiskon drank and he wasn't ever addicted.

''Glücklicherweise ist es Glenfarcles, hat es Weihnachts whisky bedacht'' *Luckily it's Glenfarcles, it's considered Christmas Whisky*

''Weihnachts whiskey?'' *Christmas Whisky?*

''Ja, Es verbrennt ebenso viel wie normaler Whisky nicht'' *It doesn't burn as much as normal whisky* Raiskon replied.

Lefirius tried a taste of the Whisky, it warmed his mouth but not too much *meanwhile other whiskys would* and it was rather sweet, not at all what Lefirius expected from whisky. Lefirius took a few of the chocolates and cuddled to Raiskon.

''Erzählen Sie mir Ihr betrunkenes nicht'' *Don't tell me your drunk*

''Nein'' Lefirius clinged to Raiskon even more.

''Gut'' Raiskon took a final swig of the whisky and returned the favor to Lefirius, Raiskon to was now embracing his companion.

''Gut nehme ich an, dass Whiskey nicht das schlecht ist'' Lefirius grinned. *Well I suppose whiskey isn't that bad*

''Tatsächlich ist Lefirius, nicht alle Whiskeys, wie das, sie gewöhnlich bis ganz niederbrennen, und sind viel mehr smokey, dies ist vielleicht einer Sie von den einmaligsten Whiskeys können finden'' *Actually Lefirius, not all whiskey is like that, they usually burn all the way down and are a lot more smokey, this is perhaps one of the most unique whiskeys you can find*

''Und diese sind eine der einmaligsten Schokoladen, warum haben Sie kein gegessen?'' Lefirius shot back. *And these are one of the most unique chocolates, why haven't you eaten any?*

''Ich errate, dass ich nur einige morgen essen werde'' *I guess I'll just eat some tomorrow*

''Ich nehme an, dass das fein ist, gießt mich einige mehr?'' *I suppose that's fine, pour me some more?*

''Ebenso lang als Ihres nicht ein von den billigen drunks'' Raiskon began to pour some more of the whiskey in Lefirius' glass. *As long as your not one of those cheap drunks*

Lefirius drank the whisky greedily, Raiskon was beginning to question how much whiskey it would take to make Lefirius drunk, unless he already was. Soon though wrapped in his own thoughts Raiskon was pulled back to reality as he felt Lefirius push him down on the bed.

''Wa-'' The rest of Raiskons sentence was intercepted by Lefirius, who almost unexpectedly began to kiss him. Together they locked muzzles in love and lust as their want for eachother began to once again arise. As the kiss finally ended Raiskon rolled, and it was now Lefirius on the bed.

''Der Wolf auf Oberteil. ..my wie Original'' Lefirius' sarcasm was very clear. *The wolf on top...my how original*

''Sie durften Spaß mit mir zweimal haben, kehre ich nur der Gefallen zurück'' *You got to have fun with me twice, I'm just returning the favor*

''Sorgen Sie sich Raiskon, nicht mag jeder Weihnachten gestaltet-'' *Don't worry Raiskon, everyone likes Christmas styled-*

Raiskon suddenly interrupted

''Lefirius, können Sie eine Antwort geben ohne wie ein Pornofilm zu ertönen?'' The answer in the end was obviously positive, there almost didn't have to be a reason to even ask. *Lefirius, can you give an answer without sounding like a porno movie?*

''Ja'' Lefirius responded.

''Sind Sie sicher?'' *are you sure*


Raiskon decided not to continue asking Lefirius questions out of concern, or else Lefirius would probably become irritated, and in the end Lefirius obviously wanted to be mounted, the tent formed was good enough of an answer though. This time it was Raiskon finally being the dominant one, he began stripping Lefirius of his clothes. Raiskon lifted up Lefirius' Christmas shirt off his body, showing off his well toned body *they were in the military afterall*

Raiskon appraised Lefirius' body for a few seconds, this was the first time Raiskon probably ever saw Lefirius shirtless. Raiskon snapped out of his sudden trance and locked his muzzle to Lefirius once more. As they had eachother in their embraces Lefirius pulled down Raiskons jeans, as he did the same to Lefirius, they were both down to there breifs, there sheaths rubbing together as Raiskon began to pre cum.

''Mein Ihr ein horniger Wolf''' Lefirius teased. *My your one horny wolf*

''Und Ihr ein horniger Welpe'' Raiskon shot back. *And your a horny pup*

Raiskon slid off Lefirius' last peice of clothing, and he took notice to the dalmations member, it was 6 inches. Raiskon flipped Lefirius over who was now facing the bed, it was clear now that Raiskon is about to mate Lefirius, his best friend, and his only friend.

''Ich werde aufhalten, wenn Sie mich zu erzählen'' *I'll stop if you tell me to*

Raiskon finally let his wolfhood enter Lefirius, as he did the dalmation moaned and Raiskons member slowly disappeared inside of Lefirius, then soon reappeared. As Raiskons member retreated from Lefirius' hole he grabbed a hold of the dalmations cock and started to rhythmatically pump it.

The wolf thrusted his 7 inches into Lefirius slightly harder, once again Lefirius moaned, Raiskon started to thrust harder and faster, almost hypnotically, inside his best friend. Raiskon gained more momentum and began pouncing his length inside Lefirius, who began to moan louder in pleasure.

Raiskon straightened Lefirius up and continued to hump him.

Raiskon could feel his knot envelop as he hammared Lefirius, who as well was reaching his climax. Raiskon continued the repetitive thrusts even faster until at last he reached his climax, wolf cum began to flood Lefirius' insides and soon he to climaxed as his seed stained the sheets.

Lefirius panted as he fell down on the bed, right next to his own cum.

Raiskon kissed Lefirius once more, and while doing so they held hands. Raiskon broke the kiss and crawled on top of Lefirius and hugged him then finally whispered in Lefirius' ear.

''Ich liebe Sie'' *I love you*

Lefirius saw a glimpse of the lube in front of him, he sighed maybe next time?

Soon they both fell asleep, this was perhaps the first Christmas Raiskon didn't get him self drunk sense he was 18.


Raiskon woke up, the first thing he noticed was he had Lefirius in his arms again, the second thing though wasn't as pleasent. The smell of sex, sweat, and cum was very apparent. Raiskon decided to take another shower, Lefirius would probably wake up 2 hours later like he usually did. After the shower Raiskon stepped out and noticed Lefirius still sleeping, he had to admit Lefirius looked cute when he was sleeping. Raiskon changed and once again put on his casual clothes.

Waiting for Lefirius possibly two hours wasn't really any fun so Raiskon decided he might as well go for a walk, he wrote a note to Lefirius and put it on the table. Raiskon then put his coat on and opened the door, as he stepped out he noticed the calm breeze and snow slowly falling. Belgium wasn't that bad of a place, he began to question whether he should just stay here instead, but then he remembered the possibility of Anubis, if Raiskon could make it to U.K he'd be safe, even Anubis had restrictions.

Raiskon began to doubt Anubis was chasing them, surely he'd focus more on the war and the enemies instead of on a wolf and a dalmation trying to flee war. Raiskon walked a bit around the numerous cabins that were adjacent to the lodge, eventually he began to notice he was hungry so he began to search for a restaurant or a cafe.

Raiskon finally took notice to a cafe known as Lisa's, he walked inside the cafe and ordered for some food, he began to wait.

'' I walk the streets alone feeble bones I ride''

''my sins are etched on stone I got no place to hide''

''I was unshakable, what I did believe''

''I feel so breakable, but have I been decieved?''

Raiskon perked his ears up in intrigue and in curiosity of the song, it began to remind him of what he was going through.

''Showed me your paradise and carnival of souls''

''but my heart keeps telling me, that ain't the place to go''

''Well I'm not invincible so I want you to leave''

''Well I am so convincible, but have I been decieved?''

Raiskon figured the song was about religion, but it still reminded him of Leginate and the Americans, of the entire war.

''I take your words and try them on'' The voice suddenly changed.

''yeah it's a perfect fit boy''

''You tell me one size fits us all'' One again the voice changed.

''yeah like an old straight jacket''

''But tell me why I'm so afraid''

Raiskon suddenly heard a chorus.

''All my words are spoken''

''All my words are spoken''

The chorus ended.

''All my words are spoken, in a stolen prayer''

Religion and war always seemed to go together, but the war that was currently happening had no religion...did it?

''I remember yesterday when things were black and white''

''Never thought I'd get confused between what was wrong and right''

''Well I'm not unbreakable with armor on my skin''

''It's not unthinkable, I could be fooled again''

''I take your words and try them on'' The voice again changed.

''yeah it's a perfect fit boy''

''You tell me one size fits us all'' Once again the voice changed.

''yeah like an old straight jacket''

''But tell me why I'm so afraid''

Once again the chorus came.

''All my words are spoken''

''All my words are spoken''

Chorus ended.

''All my words are spoken, in a stolen prayer''

The song didn't have a dark sound to it, but the lyrics were clearly mocking religion.

''You steal another minute of my life''

''You cut a little deeper with your knife''

''You steal a little prayer from my air, and you don't care''

''Even though I'm chokin' ''

''All my words are spoken''

Yup, definately mocking religion, with a sarcastic tone.

''I take your words and try them on'' The other voice was now a shout.

''Yeah it's a perfect fit, boy''

''You tell me one size fits us all'' Once again the other voice was a shout.

''Yeah like an old straight jacket!''

''Take this world and try it on'' The other voice appeared again with a shout.

''Man your lookin good boy!''

The standard voice began to accelerate louder as well.

''Stick your neck out on the block!'' Alternate voice appeared.

''So you won't miss nothing''

''Stretch your fingers and grab your hair!'' Once again the voice appeared.

''Don't you feel like screamin!?''

''Feel the blood rush from your veins!'' Once again the other voice.

''Now your a perfect zombie!''

''You know I'm down, on my knees!''

Once again the chorus came

''All my words are spoken''

''All my words are spoken''

The standard voice finally came with the chorus.

''All my words are spoken''

''All my words are spoken''

At last the chorus ended

''All my words are spoken, in a stolen prayer''

The song came to an end, Raiskon began to think of the war, of all the people he killed, he began to realize, just how much he killed. He began to notice, it wasn't a kill or be killed situation, his victims were often times killed without a single guess that Raiskon was even there, waiting. Raiskon finally stumbled upon the truth, he's been lying to him self the entire war on how much people he killed, and he lyed to himself by saying it was a kill or be killed situation.

Raiskon came across the realization, he was Anubis' bitch. Anubis just gave him a minor detail on someone to be dispatched, and right away Raiskon got to his target. 1 million dollars, to the government thats not a lot, but to a bounty hunter, mercenary or assassin you never have to work again, 1 million dollars...

The wolf began to wonder what would happen if he was Jacques Maron and Jacques Maron was him, would he shoot him?

The answer was entirely clear, Raiskon would shoot him. Finally the waiter set Raiskons food on the table and gave him the bill as she walked away.

Raiskon began to eat as he continued to recall his life, he had only one wish:

Germany would win the war, whether Leginate was true to his word or not Raiskon wanted Germany to win. entirely selfish reasons, if Germany is the losing side the a third time, then Raiskon well be portrayed as a ruthless killer, he'll be as hated just like the SS Waffen.

Raiskon was aware he killed a lot of people, but never any civillians, they'd probably also blame him for the mutilation of the entire Fesiùr family, and as he had the occuring thought, if Germany would lose and people will portray him like that, why doesn't Kendall? clearly Kendall must've developed a theory that someone in the Jackals must've been the murderers.

Raiskon then shifted his thoughts to what would happen if Germany would win, he'd be a legend, Raiskon didn't care about being a legend. But he began to see why Lefirius hated the Americans, twice Germany suffered the loss of war. Twice Germany was humiliated, hated, and portrayed as the worse civilization on earth.

Leginate wasn't that bad of a leader, though Raiskon had to question, was he really a neo nazi? was it really even Germany or even America that was responsible for this war? Raiskon sat in silence and assured him self, all just a failure to communicate. Raiskon in the ended hated politics, either way which ever faction lost would probably be seen as dirt.

Raiskon finished eating then walked to the counter and paid then simply left. Raiskon began to head back wrapped in his thoughts, but as he did a snowball hit him in the back of the head. Raiskon swore in German then looked up and noticed Nicholas smirking.

''Snowballs are immature'' Raiskon grumbled as he wiped off the snow.

''Well, I'd rather make the most out of this Christmas, I might die in this war''

''By a German'' Raiskon muttered.

''Damn why are you so hateful today?'' Nicholas was obviously surprised by Raiskons sudden mood.

''I don't know how you can even look at me, I'm a German'' Raiskon sighed.

''Oh, thats what your mad about? I don't consider you that bad, only Black Wolf''

''Really?'' Raiskon glanced up at the canine.


''What did Black Wolf do that was so horrible?''

''He killed numerous people, it's rumoured he is also the person that killed the investigators, generals, basically he is practically the cause of the war''

''Anything else?''

''Yes, he slaughtered Kendalls relatives, they never moved the bodies or anything, they are figuring of ending the investigation and just saying Black Wolf did it''

''You think Kendall thinks I'm Black Wolf?''

''Definately, your a wolf and your one of the Jackals''

''He wanted me to see him last night, if he thought I was Black Wolf why didn't he kill me?''

''Kendalls weird, who the hell knows why he does anything''

''I saw you and that dalmation entering the same room...are you....''

''Not at all, we just have to share the same room so we can still afford tickets to get to United Kingdom and hopefully a house or something'' Raiskon lied.

''Okay then'' Nicholas didn't appear to be fully convinced.

Raiskon quickly picked up a snowball and threw it at Nicholas then instantly ducked for cover.

''That was without warning!''

Nicholas forged a snowball and began searching for Raiskon.

Considering Raiskon was a sniper he had a massive advantage over Nicholas.

Raiskon leaned down and with one hand shoved the snow on the ground in the air to blind Nicholas then threw the snowball.

''Dammit I think I suck at this...'' Nicholas stated.

''Over here!'' Raiskon shouted

''I have a better idea, wanna try and scare the crap out of Kendall?''


''Try aiming a snowball at the window he stands near''

''Intriguing'' Raiskon grinned.

Raiskon aimed for the window where Kendall stood,then threw the snowball as hard as he could, with a satisfying thump the snowball hit the window and Kendall jumped. Soon and perhaps almost instantly he starting scanning the ground looking for the culprit.

Quickly Raiskon ducked out of Kendalls view.

''He actually jumped!''

''I know I saw!'' Nicholas exclaimed.

Nicholas began to walk away.

''Um where are you going?'' Raiskon asked.

''Have to watch something, maybe I'll see you later''

Raiskon decided to walk back to his room, hopefully Lefirius was awake.

Raiskon as he entered his room slowly turned the knob, and as he went inside he was greeted by Lefirius.

Lefirius must've cleaned the place, the stench was no longer there.

''Wir haben ziemlich das Durcheinander gestern Abend, es tatsächlich hat genommen ein Bit der Zeit gemacht, dass alle aufzuräumen'' *We made quite the mess last night, it actually took a bit of time to clean that all up*

''Ja'' Raiskon replied dully.

''Will essen gehen?'' *Want to eat out?* Lefirius offered.

''Ich würde lieber die Tatsache behalten, die fröhlich ein Geheimnis war'' *I'd rather keep the fact that were gay a secret*

''Ich bedeute einfach geht essen, bedeute ich Verschleißessmokings, genauso wie Freunde albern nicht'' *I mean simply eat out, I don't mean wear tuxedo's, just as friends silly*

Eventually Raiskon agreed, Raiskon thought maybe they should eat at the cafe he was earlier, together they got dressed and left towards the familiar cafe.

''Ich nehme an, dass ich nur zu faul bin, heute zu kochen'' Lefirius sighed. *I suppose I'm just to lazy to cook today*

''Sorgen Sie sich Lefirius nicht'' *Don't worry Lefirius*

''Ja'' Lefirius replied cheerfully.

Eventually they reached the cafe and sat down, Raiskon and Lefirius took there orders. As they waited for there meals, of course as expected they talked.

Raiskon decided to start the conversation.

''Während ich hier war, habe ich ein spezifisches Lied, es kinda erinnert mich gehört, wovon jetzt geschieht'' *While I was here I heard a specific song, it kinda reminds me of whats happening now*

''Wirklich?'' *Really?*

''Ja, Das Lied verspottete hauptsächlich Religion, es hat fortgesetzt Wiederverwenden ‚' sind meine Ganzen Wörter gesprochen'' *The Song was mainly mocking religion, it kept reusing ''All my words are spoken''*

''Sie Mittel gestohlenen Gebet?'' *You mean stolen prayer*

''Ja, wie haben Sie erraten?'' *Yes, how did you guess?*

''Ich habe das Lied vor gehört, hat es durch diesen Amerikaner gesungen'' *I heard the song before, it's sung by this American*

''Es ist traurig, auf wie Religion fast nur eine Entschuldigung, ein Werkzeug in Krieg ist'' *It's sad on how religion is almost nothing but an excuse, a tool in war*

''Sie glauben an Gott nicht?'' *You don't believe in god?*

Raiskon sighed then began to speak.

''Nein Hölle, die ich auch nicht glaube, dass es irgendetwas nach Tod gibt, legend nur leblos hin'' *No, hell I don't even believe there is anything after death, just laying down lifeless*

Finally the food they ordered was laid down on the table, once again Raiskon noticed Lefirius had chicken, definately he was carnivorous.

''Ich muss bezweifeln, wie leben Sie dann, wenn es fast keinen Punkt zu Leben Ihrer Meinung nach gibt?'' *I have to question, how do you live then if there is almost no point to living in your opinion?*

''Einfach, deshalb muss ich nicht sterben'' *Simple, so I don't have to die*

''So befürchten Sie Tod. ..Isn't dass ein bisschen ironisch?'' *So you fear death...Isn't that a bit ironic?*

''Sehr ironisch'' Raiskon replied. *Very ironic*

Silence suddenly over came Raiskon and Lefirius, obviously Lefirius was surprised to hear Raiskon feared death.

''An was denkt Sie Religion?'' Raiskon suddenly asked. *What do you think of religion*

It seemed Lefirius was actually struggling to think of an answer.

''Brunnen... Ich glaube, dass es nichts kostet, ein Bit des Glaubens in etwas zu haben. ..so ich annehme, dass ich theres etwas nach Tod glaube'' *Well... I believe it doesn't cost anything to have a bit of faith in something...so I suppose I do believe theres something after death*

Raiskon suddenly appeared to be depressed.


''Nur Denken'' *Just thinking*

''Bitte erzählen Sie mir was auf Ihrem Gemüt'' *Please tell me whats on your mind*

''Ich habe viele Leute umso schlimmer teils ist ich nur kann mich vorstellen getötet, dass einige von ihnen die gleichen Dinge, dass ich habe befürchtet haben, einige von ihnen wurden von jemandem ebenso viel gesorgt, wie ich Sie mich. ..I'm Anfang mich kummere um, zu bezweifeln, warum ich lebe, und alle mussten sterben'' *I killed many people, the worse part is I can only imagine some of them feared the same things I have, some of them were cared by someone as much as I care about you...I'm beginning to question why I live and all of them had to die*

''Wie lang hat dies Sie genervt?'' *How long has this been bugging you?*

''Spüren Sie meinen ersten Leidtragenden, die geschlachtete Familie nicht wirklich hilft mir, es zu vergessen, entweder'' *Sense my first victim, the slaughtered family doesn't really help me forget it either*

''Sie machen Ihren Selbstklang, wie ein Ungeheuer, es Krieg ist, muss jemand sterben, und wenn das dann nur nicht hilft, an jemanden zu denken, dass Sie bedenken, hat schlimmer dann Sie gemacht'' *You make your self sound like a monster, it's war, someone has to die, and if that doesn't help then just think of someone that you consider did worse then you*

The answer was clear to Raiskon, one person he considered was more selfish, more cruel was definately Black Wolf. Raiskon finished eating and began to wait for Lefirius, he seemed to enjoy his meals very much.

''Raiskon, wenn es Sie macht, fühlen Sie besser auf den Leuten Sie haben getötet, wenn sie Sie getötet haben, den sie nicht wahrscheinlich als viel Sympathie vorführen würden, sie würden wahrscheinlich jubeln und würden sagen, dass sie den sagenhaften Schwarzen Wolf getötet haben, ihn von Ihrem zu denken'' *Raiskon, if it makes you feel better on those people you killed, if they killed you they wouldn't probably demonstrate as much sympathy, they would probably cheer and say they killed the legendary Black Wolf thinking your him*

''Gut... dankt Lefirius. ...erm ich errate'' *Well... thanks Lefirius...erm I guess*

''Kein Problem'' *No problem* Lefirius smiled.

Eventually Lefirius to finished his meal and together they walked back towards the cabin, it was now night time after all, but as they walked back they took there time, they wanted to take a praise towards the nice decorations. Raiskon knew Belgium was a nice place... but still he couldn't live in a place clustered with Americans, the French, and the possibility of Anubis.

They reached the cabin and Raiskon unlocked the door, as he did Raiskon walked in first, but almost instantly Lefirius pointed up at the doors ceiling, a mistletoe.

''Was ist, wenn jemand uns sieht?'' *What if someone sees us*

''Ihr kein Spaß'' Lefirius smirked. *Your no fun*

Lefirius forcefully embraced Raiskon and kissed him on the cheek.

''Das war ja nicht so schlecht war es?'' Lefirius joked. *Now that wasn't so bad was it?*

Raiskon closed the door, and wrapped him self around Lefirius. A few moments of silence ensued until Lefirius suddenly came up with a request.

''Sie wissen, dass ich denke, dass ich einige mehr von jenem Weihnachtswhisky mögen würde'' *You know I think I would like some more of that Christmas Whisky*

''Okay Lefirius'' Raiskon got up and walked towards the fridge, but as he did he saw a note on the it.

Come here wolf, we might let you live for a for a small offer, unless you want us to kill you and your bitch while sleeping. Just wander around a bit, I'm sure you'll find us.



All along Raiskons suspicions were true, but how did they find him? there had to be an explanation, Anubis couldn't have been disregarding orders from Leginate just to get two soldiers fleeing from war *or in most peoples terms, cowards* but as he stared at the note, there was the direct proof.

Raiskon couldn't let Lefirius be panicked...he opened the fridge and took out the bottle of whiskey, he spiked the drink with one of the sleeping pills, Raiskon then walked towards Lefirius with the whiskey.

''Sie sicher lässt sich Zeit mit Whiskey macht nicht Sie?'' *You sure take your time with whiskey don't you?*

''Vollkommenheit lässt sich Zeit'' Raiskon handed the liquor to Lefirius. *Perfection takes time*

Lefirius drank some of the whiskey then began hugging Raiskon.

''So denken Sie, dass wir diese Nacht irgendein mehr machen können. ..exciting?'' *so you think we can make this night any more exciting?*

''Ja'' Raiskon simply replied.

Suddenly Lefirius whimpered and his body became limp, the pills were in effect. Raiskon slowly placed his unconcious companion on the bed and instantly Raiskon began searching for Anubis. Hopefully Anubis would let them live, then Raiskon would have to worry no more. Raiskon walked all over the lodge and cabins, but then he could smell the scent of Keith Harrings, he instantly began heading towards the snow leopard, he broke off running in fact to get to him as quick as possible.

He saw Keith Alone, just standing there, it would seem indeed the letter was not a forged, it was really from Anubis.

Keith turned around and as he did a bunch of other felines appeared as well, one thing though that Raiskon noticed, they were all the Ex S.A.S.

''Anubis ain't here so I've been intrusted with the task, you have picked the right choice in seeing me, saves me a lot of trouble''

''Just tell me what you want, I'll just get it done'' Raiskon tried to restrain from any emotion to his voice.

''Your a bit fast aren't you?'' Keith eyed Raiskon.

''No matter, you just have to do ONE assignment, that's all, just one extra person to die, then your free, worry no more about us''

''What is it''

''It shouldn't be to hard, We want the fox to die, if that's not clear enough we mean Kendall Fesiùr''

''I'll make sure it's done'' Raiskon looked straight at Keith Harrings.

''Good then, if you don't complete it, we will know and you, you will die a painful death''

''Ok just one thing...How did you find me?''

'' ''Snow'' Leopard, luckily you lost your sense of smell so you never saw me''

Raiskon was suddenly struck with a fear, all that time Keith was behind him....he probably even saw him and Lefirius...

''Is Anubis also known as Black Wolf?''

''No, He's known as Anubis duh? YOUR Black Wolf''

''I don't recall him ever knowing stating my name as that''

''Oh, that's just what the Americans call you, you never knew it was you did you?''

Raiskon was Black Wolf, though the fox family that was slaughtered, he never killed them like they say he did. Some of the facts on Raiskon were distorted, blindly assumed, though in realization, Raiskon must've killed more people then he can count...Raiskon was never aware he was fearful, fearful of a title like ''Black Wolf''

''Personally I think Shadow Wolf or something like that would've been better'' Keith mumbled.

Raiskon began to walk off.

''And where are you going?''

''To get rid of Kendall, what else?!''

In considering all the people he killed, surely one miserable fox wouldn't be anything more? Besides Kendall was hateful all the time, maybe he wanted to die, yes it would practically be a favor. Raiskon tried to justify what he was about to perform, Kendall had no one that cared for him anyway, and he had no one he cared for. This would be all to easy, hell it was clear he had problems, Raiskon was more like the angel of death, he never let his victims suffer.

Raiskon reached his cabin and slowly took his sniper rifle, he stepped out and aimed towards the window, but odd...Kendall wasn't standing there like usual. Raiskon would probably have to infiltrate the room, dammit. Raiskon slowly crept towards the back entrance of the lodge and covertly made his way towards the elevator.

Raiskon stepped inside the elevator at last and broke the top panel off the elevator, then put it back on, Raiskon did this to get there before the elevator had, so there wouldn't be the familier ''Ding'' sound to attract attention by the time he was there. Raiskon was now sitting against the door to Kendalls suite, as soon as he'd open the door most chances everyone would be alarmed, Raiskon slowly opened the door.

Unexpectedly, Kendall was unconcious with heavy liquor in his hand. This made Raiskon feel uneasy, Kendall must've known Raiskon was coming. After the small debate in his mind Raiskon aimed the sniper rifle at the drunk fox, just one bullet then the deed was done.

Not as simple as he thought, as Raiskon looked at the fox. Memories plagued Raiskons mind of the slaughtered family, soon came guilt that he was about to kill a fox that was still practically a kid, and totally unaware he wasn't going to wake up the day after. Raiskon sighed. Why was he feeling so much guilt for this one fox that he hated, that he knew nothing about, that was always miserable? Raiskon was aware of it, he lost his killing instinct, he just couldn't take it any more.

Raiskon could only try and compare who's life had more importance, the only people that liked Kendall were a bunch of random people, who never even actually knew him, just respect him for being a high rank in a young age. Raiskon had almost no one, but he had Lefirius, surely Lefirius and Raiskon had more of a reason to live. Raiskon had to accomplish something... at least one thing...and eventually, Raiskon made his decision.


Kendall woke up the next morning, he was surprised, but relieved. Sadly though a simple thing such as living had it's price, this was the first time Kendall drank, and perhaps what he consumed was unhealthy, he suffered perhaps a phenomanal sized headache, but at least he was alive.

Kendall gazed down and noticed an object, a present? as he gazed at it, it read:

To: Lyis


As expected though the wolf did come in his office, Kendall instantly got on the phone and made a request.

''Permit Civillians to board the bvisÿn, it's taking off today instead of tomorrow''

Kendalls plan began to fold well in place.


Lefirius eventually woke up, but no Raiskon was in site, he checked for a letter, then the rooms, but Raiskon was not in site. Lefirius began to worry, where had Raiskon disappeared? As he lied down on the bed overwhelmed in confusion he heard an announcement, the bvisÿn was departing, Lefirius knew Raiskon wasn't telling him something, that's why he kept on asking Raiskon what was wrong. Though definately if Raiskon was anywhere, he was on that ship, fleeing from whatever trouble had come up.

Lefirius ran to the registration and asked where the bvisÿn was, Lefirius got his answer and began running towards his destination, hoping that Raiskon was there, and that he would make it. Lefirius saw the bvisÿn, the massive ship was probably one of the greatest engineering feats.

Lefirius walked up to a stewardress. She probably didn't understand German so he tried to avoid speaking it.


''Is there a Raiskon on the ship you mean?''

Lefirius nodded his head.

''Yes there is''

Lefirius began to board the ship but he was soon to find there was a slight problem.

''I'm afraid this ship may be used as a war ship normally but now it's civillians, you'll have to pay to get on''

Lefirius paid her money blindly, she gave back 50$.

Lefirius could imagine she thought he must've been mentally disabled, but he basically lacked any skills in english. Lefirius ran around the bvisÿn searching for Raiskon, but as he did he noticed Anubis...

''You know Alex, I'm not an idiot like you S.A.S bastards anticipated to believe, I said I'd kill you if any of you backstabbed me''

''Erm...what are you implying?''

A gunshot was heard and Alex fell lifelessly to the floor.Almost without a damn Anubis walked down the hall, he didn't seem to care about killing one of his own. What the hell was going on? nothing made sense anymore, all hell was breaking loose and Lefirius didn't have any clue what was happening. From what Lefirius could tell was...nothing, why did Anubis have to speak english?

Regardless of this Lefirius began to run down the other hall, hopefully avoiding Anubis while searching for Raiskon. as Lefirius checked there was no sign of Raiskon, he'd have to find him eventually, Lefirius continued to desperately search for Raiskon, he had to find him fast.

Lefirius finally found Raiskon. Instead of his usual kind greeting though he unleashed a pissed off fury towards Raiskon.


Raiskon seemed shocked to see Lefirius.

''Keith folgte uns alle entlang, haben sie erzählt, dass mich Kendall töte. ..but ich könnte nicht machen ihm, wenn Sie zuerst viele Leute in einer täglichen Routine es töten, ist fast nichts, nur eine andere Zahl. ..but, wenn Sie dazu neigen, spezifische Erinnerungen zurückzurufen, die es fast unmöglich ist'' *Keith was following us all along, they told me to kill Kendall...but I couldn't do it, when you first kill a lot of people in a daily routine it's almost nothing, just another number...but when you tend to recall specific memories it's almost impossible*

''So haben Sie mich hinter so sie würden töten mich anstatt verlassen?'' *So you left me behind so they'd kill me instead?*

''Nein hoffte ich, dass sie nur nachdem mich wären, haben sie wahrscheinlich nicht bedacht, dass Sie eine Bedrohung in Belgien Sinn Sie andere Sprache aber Deutsch nicht sprechen können'' *No, I was hoping they'd only be after me, they probably didn't consider you a threat in Belgium sense you cannot speak any other language but German*

''Sie denken, dass ich wirklich aufwachen genießen würde, der morgens Ihr gegangenes findet? nicht wissend wenn Ihre Verstorbenen oder lebend? vielleicht nie sehend Sie, der in einen Ort mit Leuten gesteckt wird, ich auch nicht kann wirken aufeinander mit?'' *You think I would really enjoy waking up in the morning finding your gone? not knowing if your dead or alive? possibly never seeing you, stuck in a place with people I cannot even interact with?*

''Erbärmlich, ich errate, dass ich. ..I'll sich vergewissert nicht dachte, es wieder nicht zu machen'' *Sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking...I'll make sure not to do it again*

''Jetzt denke ich, dass wir besser uns auf ein Problem konzentrieren, ist Anubis an Bord und er hat nur einen der Ehemaligen S. EIN. S Schakale getötet'' *Now I think we better focus on a problem, Anubis is on board and he just killed one of the Ex S.A.S Jackals*

''Er hat Ein von ihnen getötet? welches?'' *He killed one of them? which one?*

''Ich denke Alex Stevens'' *I think Alex Stevens*

''Sie müssen zurück muss gestochen haben ihn oder etwas, das oder etwas die wir nicht wissen geht von weiter'' *They must've back stabbed him or something, that or something we don't know of is going on*

Raiskon stepped out into the hall, surely in the crossfire one of them had to be his allies, and one of them his enemies. he walked down the hall and noticed some American soldiers running back, Great now who's side were they on? one of them actually approached Raiskon.

''Search for Anubis, this is a direct order from Major Fesiùr''

Raiskon couldn't believe an American soldier actually tried to order him, Raiskons was planning on searching for Anubis in the first place. The soldier may be satisfied to believe he was able to control Raiskon, but if finding Anubis wasn't in his plans then Raiskon would just sit back and let them do all the work.

There had to be a reason behind this all, Raiskon though continued searching for Anubis, Lefirius was following Raiskon. Gun fire erupted throughout the ship, this wasn't going to go the greatest. Raiskon noticed Not Anubis but Kenneth Luxir.

He instantly began running back, He must've considered Raiskon an enemy.

Raiskon began running after him.

''Just wait!''

From behind Raiskon, far away down the hall Keith Harrings aimed a sub machine gun, Raiskon sadly fell for one of the most simple of traps as Keith fired like a lunatic and shot bullets randomely. Raiskon was actually hit with 3 of them. Lefirius wasn't as lucky.

Raiskon wasn't sure to either aim his eyes toward Lefirius or Keith.

''You really should've done as I said'' Keith glared down at Raiskon.

''The hell is going on''

''Just because I am a part of the jackals, doesn't mean I have to take orders from Anubis all the time''

''So you followed me....yet Anubis never really did order you to?''

''Nope! Anyone can write ''Anubis'' on a peice of paper, Remember though, I used numerous more tricks''

Raiskon began to feel weak and fell, his back now against the wall.

''Dying so fast? I expected more from the famous Wolf''

American troops surrounded both sides from the hall.

''Aim at his legs'' The voice was familiar...

Keith seemed to be confused as numerous bullets swarmed for his legs.

''Let me through now dammit'' The troops formed a small corridor for him to pass, it was Kendall.

Kendall stepped towards Keith Harrings then pulled out a standard pistol and fired at his elbows then at the leopards chest.

Raiskon wondered if Kendall would show any mercy towards him...

''If anyone ask's he never suffered, got that?''

The soldiers merely stood there. Keith Harrings was still alive, but slowly dieing, Raiskon felt sorrow for the leopard, even if Keith did try to kill him a few minutes ago, without a reason Raiskon was aware of. Kendall stepped adjacent to Raiskon.

''Help him up someone'' Kendall sighed.

Raiskon looked at Kendall puzzled.

''I truthfully expected you to kill me there, if you did then Keith would probably fall back and my men would fire at his S.A.S as they were retreating, and my soldiers would kill you if they heard your name. I had two plans, one that I was going to use if I live, one that was going to be used if I died'' Kendall noted.

Raiskon still was puzzled.

''You really don't know whats happening do you?'' Kendall glared at Raiskon.

''Not at all''

''Keith was the one that killed my family, not you, your lucky I knew that or else I'd probably castrate you, I guess I got my revenge though''

''This was all for revenge?''

''Sort of, it was partially revenge, but it was duty, the Ex S.A.S were Jackals.

''Don't you feel a bit guilty?''

''Not at all, I don't think you should question my emotions when I can take your life right now''

Raiskon decided to shut up, Kendall may have been insane but he was cunning.

''Let go of the wolf, get the dalmation some medical assistance''

The soldiers let go of Raiskon.

''Go search for Anubis, oh and just so theres no hard feelings''

Kendall paid Raiskon 50k.

''Keith is worth a lot of money, I myswell pay you a part of it''

''Why what have I done?''

''I used you as bait, back in my office I used you as bait. Right now I used you as bait.''

''I don't wish to get involved in your affairs, remember?''

''Are you sure?''

Raiskon noticed he wasn't in the position to bargain, he began to head for Anubis, why the hell did they want Anubis?

Finally after searching the ship Raiskon found Anubis.

''Hello Raiskon, You with those Ex S.A.S or with me?''


''So your with the Americans?''


Anubis yawned.

''When I said those U.K would probably betray us Germans I was right, would you believe the Ex S.A.S were all against us? it's possible they are the ones that killed the 150 investigators, 2 generals, basically they could be the cause for the war''

''Why don't you just speak German, isn't it easier?''

''You never guessed have you? I ain't even a German, I just respect Leginate, I just used the Ex S.A.S for me reason to never speak German''

Raiskon just glared as Anubis.

''Funny, how we just talk to eachother, but neither of us draws a weapon''

''I don't consider you an enemy, thats why''

''Either way rest assured, The Germans have won this war, if you can help me''

''Afraid I won't be helping anyone, Kendall actually expects me to bring you to him''

Anubis pulled out a German lugar that was black, but the chamber was red.

''I never fired this weapon before, just imagine how much it costs, Yet you might just be it's first and only victim, I advise you do as I say''

''How much times have you used that speech?'' Raiskon hissed sarcastically.

''Oh a few times, Now will you live or die?''

''Live, you aren't going to kill me because you need me''

''Perhaps we make a deal''

''I'm afraid I ca-''

Anubis pistol whiped Raiskon across the face.

''The hells with you? your beginning to piss me off, I might require your help in 10 or 15 years from now, will you help me hopefully by then?''

''And why should I? your going to leave me alone I assume?''

''It's the S.A.S that are after you, not me and I just killed a good portion of them, perhaps you owe me?''

''You only did that for your own reasons, because there traitors, not because of me''

''Fine, but take this'' Anubis passed two specific pills to Raiskon.

Raiskon just looked at the two pills...

''You decide whether to help me, but when I need it I will call, You know my name and I know yours, I can make sure your name stays secret if you help me when that time comes''

''I'll think of it Anubis

Anubis ran off, Raiskon found that the oddest reunion in his life, Anubis wasn't exactly a friend...but he wasn't an enemy either. Raiskon walked back towards Kendall.

''Wheres Anubis?''

''Couldn't find him, he must've found a way off the ship''

Kendall only glared at Raiskon.

''I'm not sure if I can believe that, just return to your damn quarters until we reach U.K''

''So your just going to forget everything that happened?''

''I honestly don't care, How much Ex S.A.S have we killed anyway?''

One of the American soldiers answered.

''5 of them, We think the weasel,Kenneth Luxir escaped''

Raiskon sighed.

''Why did we kill them anyway? why were they on the ship?''

''Keith Harrings is a skilled pilot, he probably was planning on hijacking the bvisÿn and using it to bomb the hell out of France''

''I think he betrayed the Germans though, Anubis killed one of them members''

''We can question what the hell happened but it won't even matter, whats done is done''

Raiskon figured it was time for his que to leave.

''Just one thing, my secondary orders on my campaign was killing as many of the Jackals I could, consider your self lucky I only used you as a lure''

Raiskon just walked away, in a dazed confusion, Raiskon wondered, first they all blame Raiskon for everything, now they blamed Keith. Raiskon could only guess it was dead men, people they expected to die, that they blamed. Raiskon was about to enter his living quarters but as he did, he slammed the door as soon as he opened it, and began to head towards the med bay as Raiskon reached his destination he found Lefirius bleeding massively.

''Raiskon?'' Lefirius looked up at Raiskon.


''Was geschah die Hölle?'' *What the hell was happening*

Raiskon didn't know how to exactly answer that, he himself didn't understand the confusion, he could only make one assumption:

''Jeder benutzte uns als Puppen, Anubis, S. EIN. S, Die Amerikaner, waren wir nur Puppen'' *Everyone was using us as puppets, Anubis, S.A.S, The Americans, we were just puppets*

''Oh...'' Lefirius suddenly fell asleep.

''Wie viel Schusswunden hat er sowieso?'' *How much bullet wounds does he have anyway?*

The medic gazed at Raiskon in confusion.

''How much bullet wounds does he have I mean''

''About 8, we drugged him so don't expect to see him moving to much, He should be saved''

''How critical are his wounds?''

''Well... 6 bullets had not hit his vital's but the other two, one of them were dangerously close to the heart.

Raiskon went closer to Lefirius.

''Fraid this ain't a hospital, you can't just loiter here, please just return to your living quarters, we'll take care of him.

Raiskon didn't wish to leave Lefirius, but he couldn't really argue with the medic, clearly she had more authority in this room, in this ship then Raiskon, he left and entered his living quarters, sitting down and thinking, was he a puppet? He had been used by Anubis, He had been manipulated by Kendall, and he's even been fooled by S.A.S, he was nothing but a puppet.

Was there a reason to what had happened in the ship? Raiskon would be damned if he knew, always he didn't know of why to complete a specific objective, he just did it. As Raiskon sat in silence he began to recall the lyrics from the song...it was amazing how relevant his life was to the lyrics, Once again though he was decieved.

Eventually the massive ship would land in The United Kingdom, and Lefirius was transfered to the most adjacent hospital. one week later in the hospital Lefirius was finally out, but he did not speak to Raiskon for three days afterwards, Lefirius at last revealed he be friended Keith Harrings, he was wondering why Keith did what he had done, Raiskon of course was unaware of the answer.

Four months later Kendall announced that he had captured Black Wolf and had him killed, Obviously only to make people think Raiskon was dead so they wouldn't search for him no longer.

One year later Kendall was found unconcious in a deep coma, he was instantly transferred back to America for medical care.

Two years later, Leginate claims that Germany has invented a new super weapon.

Two Years later and 6 months Leginate offers diplomacy towards America with a kind policy - N.A.P or Nuke.

Three years later - America agree's to Leginate's ultimatum with his extremist policy.

Three years later- The war has entirely ended, Americas resources diminished and China fled the allegience accepting imports from Canada instead. A lot of Germanys funds spent on the production of the defensive nukes, Russia is possibly the next super power.


Prologue for the Countries and lands at war.

Belgium survived the war without any casualties.

U.K avoided the war, but paid 10 billion in reparations.

Canada was disapointed in the results of the war, Kendall in a coma.

Germany tries to portray a new image on how the country looks, Neo Nazi's are no longer socially acceptable in Germany, and Leginate resigns 2 years later, claiming Germany has 5 of the nukes, and they can only be accessible if a country attacks Germany.

Russia is rich in resources and unaware that China already had a trade with Canada, they commence a trade with China as well.

Alsace Lorraine for the third time in a row was taken over by the Germans, soon to be taken back by the French *sigh*


Character Endings

Anubis fled to America, soon formed a mercenary company that was looked towards more as a mob.

Jacques Maron was killed in the war, fate could've been avoided if he killed Raiskon.

Nicholas worked on repairing the factory that was destroyed, was recalled when Kendall suddenly went in a coma, quickly resigned from the army before Kendall possibly would wake up and screw him over again.

Kenneth Luxir Lived, was completely surrounded by American forces both sides on the bvisÿn but found a way out, is responsible for Kendall's sudden coma, and is currently seeking for Raiskon, to kill.

*No kendall?*


Christmas, it always has different meanings, but always it is at the same time of year. To cubs it's about Santa Claus, and presents. To some it's of family, to some it's religion.

But for very, very few it had a significant meaning. To Lefirius it was caring for a wolf no one else could and to Raiskon it was being aware of how he truly felt for somoene. For Kendall though it was not as happy, or joy ful. Christmas was the day he was spared, Christmas was the day his enemy granted him 2 gifts, Christmas...was the day he lost his life a year later... Sometimes a dream can replace reality, except your not bound to being subjected to what others think, Kendall would never awake, he had no reason to, as he died alone in the hospital, he also had a reunion with Lyis.

All those hearing of his untimely death were shocked, all those that knew how Kendall really was were glad, even his lieutenants couldn't help but smile at the pleasent news.

2 years after the war Raiskon and Lefirius lived together, Raiskon would goto work meanwhile lefirius would stay home. They would live two years of a normal life, Raiskon was fully content with a job where he didn't have to have someones life in his hands every day, but Lefirius never learned english and he was no longer social. Raiskon felt guilty for Lefirius' massive change in lifestyle, Lefirius continually reassured Raiskon he was happy.

One day Raiskon noticed a note, Luxir wanted them dead, he threatened to expose the truth of Raiskon and Lefirius, that they were indeed not dead. Raiskon grew tired of running, Luxir would eventually catch them, Raiskon one day decided to speak to Lefirius, He wasn't going to make a choice on his own this time.

Raiskon told Lefirius of the imminent threat, of Luxir.

''Er ist, nachdem uns, WENN er entblößt uns dann deutlich wir Kriegsverbrecher sein werden, und sie werden uns, Sie denken hängen, dass wir nur die Schwierigkeit sparen sollten, und erhalten es über mit?'' *He's after us, IF he exposes us then clearly we'll be war criminals and they'll hang us, do you think we should just save the trouble and get it over with?*

'Ich sage, dass wir nur machen es wenn er uns bedrängen lässt, lassen uns wenigstens unsere Leben leben, während wir still kann'' *I say we only do it when he has us cornered, let's at least live our lives while we still can*

''Ja, Lefirius''

''Erinnern Sie sich nur an obwohl, verlässt diesmal nicht mich hinter, lässt mich mit Ihnen, und wenn Sie sterben, mich ebenso, ich nicht laufen sterben lässt denke, dass keiner von uns allein leben sollte'' *Just remember though, this time don't leave me behind, let me run with you, and if you die, let me die as well, I don't think neither of us should live alone*

Raiskon nodded, and walked down to the living room to watch T.V. He sat down and began to watch T.V.

Raiskon knew Luxir was coming after them tonight, Raiskon feared death so he wasn't sure if he could go through with suicide. But Raiskon knew suicide wouldn't be half as worse as what Luxir wanted to do to them, Luxir was loyal to Keith, So of course he was very angered in losing him. Raiskon thought of the numerous ways of suicide, Knife sounded to slow, with a gun it could go wrong and he would be in pain dieing slowly.

Raiskon sighed, he couldn't stand just waiting to die.

''Ich errate, dass ich nur ins Bett gehe'' Raiskon began walking towards the bedroom. *I guess I'm just going to bed*

''Kann ich mit Ihnen dann kommen?'' *Can I come with you then?*

It was clear what was on Lefirius' mind.


Lefirius hurried to the bedroom with Raiskon. As soon as they entered the room Raiskon laid on the bed.

Lefirius began taking his pants off.

''Erbärmlich nicht heute Abend Lefirius'' *Sorry not tonight Lefirius*

''Meh nehmend noch dies, ab, der mit dort Jeans schläft?'' *Meh still taking this off, who sleeps with there jeans?*

Raiskon laughed then began to speak.

''Ich mache'' *I do*

They both laid on the bed and kissed eachother, after the kiss ended Lefirius asked for some of the whisky, Raiskon went downstairs to get it and as he did he remembered the pills Anubis gave him 5 years ago, they were special pills that were capable of suicide but often non painlessly, it basically made the body function slowly, slowly that you can't even stay awake, sounded more like falling into an eternal sleep other then death... Anubis must've known Raiskon was afraid of death two hand him such pills instead of standard suicide pills.

Raiskon returned back upstairs with the whisky and began to drink it, Lefirius drank more then he usually did within only 10 minutes he was face flat on the bed, Raiskon could only figure Lefirius got himself drunk. Raiskon took a final slug of the whiskey and began searching for the pills, eventually he finally found them and implanted one of them in Lefirius' mouth and then Raiskon made him swallow. If Raiskon survived the pills he would work for Anubis, Anubis knew something... something that Raiskon always wanted.

Raiskon petted Lefirius, and almost broke in to tears, Raiskon wasn't sure if he'd ever wake up after using these, this must've been what happened to Kendall...Raiskon sighed and swallowed the pill, now there was no turning back. Raiskon lowered himself beside Lefirius and grasped his hand as hard as he could, he began to feel weak...he couldn't move, his arms weakened, and he could no longer keep his eyes open, His body went almost lifeless, his heart beated at a slow rate, the only area that appeared to have life in him, was his hand that grasped desperately against his companions. And his last vision? the clock which claimed 12:00 A.m, it was his final Christmas.