Under the Bridge

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of In the park

A little gift for my sweet sexy Stag buddy vendra vendra all about his first time with a myth... I hope you like it sweety

Under the bridge

"Ya don't wanta go down there kid." The big old thick necked Bulldog growled, as he chomped on the stub of a thick cigar. "Best cross the bridge and take the long way home."

"Oh? Why is that?" The handsome young Stag asked, as he paused to catch his breath. The sexy stud was dressed in loose fitting basketball shorts, and his team jersey.

"Cuz that's where tha faggots all hang out..." The Bulldog grinned darkly, his yellowed teeth looking particularly wicked and nasty. "Cute boi like you'd get tail raped in a heart beat down there. I bet it was some of yer new team mates told ya about this short cut. Them boys like ta play tricks on tha new kid, gettin' ass raped though. Well that's goin' to far." The short stout canine smoothed his sweater with one chubby paw, as he watched the Stag. Clearly the young jock was not feeling at all dissuaded by his warnings, so the old dog rolled his shoulders.

"I think I'll be alright." The handsome Cervine stud called, as he turned and jogged down the twisting path leading under the bridge. The heavily forested park stretching out dark and forbidding ahead of the young jock. His hard hooves crunching on the white graveled path, as it snaked downwards towards the river. A narrow iron foot bridge crossed the shallow rippling water, as across it the path vanished into the sylvan shadows. Less than four miles to his families new house in the burbs, nearly eight if he followed the road. He never even slowed as the tree's closed in over head, shutting out the late evening sunlight.

Ahead the path widened there is a wooden bench set just back from it. A middle aged Fox sat there smiling softly as he watched the young jock stride closer. "Good-evening." The Fox called softly, as he looked the tall Deer over leering at that firm young male body. His nostrils flaring as he picked up the young jocks sweaty musk, which was sweeter that any perfume they could ever bottle. "I was thinking of taking a stroll under tree's would you like to accompany m..." But by the time he'd gotten that out the young Stag had past him by, and was already rounding the bend. The older Fox silently cursed himself for not being more assertive and vocal about his desires.

Vendra shook his handsome head ruefully, at the old Fox's veiled attempts to get him alone in the forest. And tried to push it out of his mind, to focus on the run... setting and keeping to his pace. But the old Fox's leering looks stayed on his mind, he passed a second bench and then a third had a fat Boar sitting on it. "Lookin' sweet in those shinies boi." The big pink Hog snorted, grabbing the leg of his shiny nylon basket ball shorts and tugging as he ran by. Vendra staggered as his shorts were pulled down his sleek muscular thigh's, exposing his round sleek ass. Short white tail popping up all on, it's own giving the Boar a look at the tiny pink rose bud of his Cervine anus. "Ummm now don't that look invitin'... come on back in the bushes wit me and I'll give that what it needs." The big Boar offered even as the sleek young Stag yanked his shorts back up and raced away. Letting the big Hog laughing derisively to himself, the handsome Stags muzzle burning with embarrassment.

Pace was forgotten as the sleek Cervine raced down the path, his cloven hooves clicking on the weather worn concrete. Behind him he heard the Boar snorting that 'He'd be back... they always came back.' His heart raced as he thought about the two encounters the Fox so meek, the Boar so aggressive two sides of the same coin. He ran on hard for another five minutes, before realizing he'd made a wrong turn some where. The path was winding around north deeper into the park, he was sure that was wrong. Slowing to a stop he pulled the map from his back pack and looked at it. Seeing at once where he'd gone wrong, the path spill just past the Boars bench. He'd ran straight instead of taking the fork, and was now on the loop path. Well there was nothing for it... he'd just have to go back to the fork. The handsome stud was just turning around when his eyes spotted the sun lit glade through the tree's.

Strangely the young Stag felt drawn towards that light, slowly he picked his way through the brush. Until he found himself standing on the rim of a beautiful sun drenched circle of emerald grass. Dazzled by the intensity of the light, after wandering in the deep shadows of the forest Vendra pause. Until his soft brown eyes grew accustomed to the brightness, and then the young stud jumped in shock. There laying naked on a carefully spread out blanket lay the black and white striped body of a Zebra. Vendra didn't want to stare, but found himself unable to look away. The whiteness was like a blazing flame, while the shiny black stripes seemed to almost consume the light.

"You don't have to just stare you know." A soft confident voice said amused as the young Stag struggled with what he should do. Part of him wanted to flee, remembering the old Bulldogs warning. But a second part of him wanted to stay, remembering the promises of pleasure both the Fox and Boar had made.

"I... I'm sorry." The handsome Stag stammered, even as he edge closer. "Its just I never... Ahem."

"Never saw a naked Zebracorn before?" Hooves asked, those soft velvety black equine lip's twisting up into a lusty smirk.

"Errr no I've seen naked guys befo... Zebracorn." The handsome Stag choked, glancing up from the myths naked loins guiltily. Realizing that the Zebra did indeed have a single long spiraled horn growing from his forehead.

"You can join me if you like..." Hooves offered patting the blanket beside himself in invitation, as the nervous Stag's eyes grew a little wilder. As his shorts began to bulge from the erection that had been growing from his first encounter with the Fox. As was now swiftly on it's way to being the hardest boner he'd ever gotten.

"Ahem... ok." Vendra stammered, moving up slowly as the handsome myth watched in amusement. Noticing the growing bulge, and tell tale dark wet spot on those shiny blue shorts.

"Of course you have to be naked." Hooves warned teasingly, as the sexy young Stag froze only inches from the edge of the blanket.

"Naked!" Vendra choked as he looked around the empty glade nervously, no one was near to see them.

"Fair is fair... I'm naked so you have to be as well." The sexy myth explained, smiling as he saw the back pack down from the Stag's hands.

"What... what if someone see's?" Vendra asked nervously, as his hands ran over the silky fabric of his jersey and shorts.

"They'll be jealous of our fine form's..." Hooves joked as he watched the shorts slide down, even through the Stag didn't seem to realize it. "But... sadly there is no one here but you and me... so no one to see." Hooves teased, as if it were a great regret they were not on some busy street corner. The myths smile growing all the wider as he saw that long stiff pink rut stick bounce up. A shiny flash of fabric passed in front of his eyes, and Vendra looked down stunned to see he was naked and standing on the blanket. How had that happened? "Ammmm yes that's better." Hooves purred, reaching up to grasp that sleek round hip and pull the stunned Stag closer.

"I... Aha... I don't know about..." The sexy stud started to protest weakly, but then those hot velvety lip's engulfed his throbbing erection. "Ammmm Fuck!" Vendra moaned loudly in a single explosive release of breath, as his hip's began to hump lustfully. His sweaty crotch soon slapping against the myths big round equine nose. As he rode Hooves lustfully suckling muzzle intensely, firm Stag ball's smacking against soft equine chin. As he wrapped both hands around that long spiral horn, using it both and a handle and a support. While along his long pulsing shaft, that slick hot tongue curled and stroked wildly. The myth obviously being very practiced and skilled at milking a stud with his soft mouth. "Ummm to fast... slow down I don't wanta..." The sexy Stag protested, but it was like telling the sea waves not to come in. Those soft lip's tightened around the base of his long Cervine cock, pulling back the suction growing until only the head was still within that hot wet bliss. And then those tight lip's plunged down his shaft squeezing as they did, tongue teasing and curling. "Yeah... yeah that's right suck my dick." The young Stag moaned, as his body pounded against that handsome equine muzzle harder and harder. He had never felt so right in his life, rutting a handsome males mouth for all he was worth. "I... I'm gunna cum... and you... your gunna swallow." The sexy young stud moaned loudly as his body hunched over the myth's fawning muzzle...

Listening to the sexy striped stud swallowing once... twice... and then a third time. The young Stag sagged down onto the blanket exhausted for the moment. With his sensitive dick still buried in the myths handsome muzzle, but as he relaxed Hooves pulled his mouth away. "Ammmm that was good... you were quite pent up." The Zebracorn observed as he lay against the sleeks Stags tawny body, kissing and nibbling playfully as they both panted for breath.

"What about you? Are you pent up sexy?" Vendra asked, as his sleek three fingered hands moved over to fondle the myth's thick black organ.

"Ohoo always." Hooves panted as those inexperienced, but nimble fingers stroked and fondled his pulsing erection. The sexy myth lay back relaxing letting the handsome Stag touch and explore as he liked. Inhaling in a deep ragged breath as the Cervine tugged that big blunt cock head between his own thigh's. Rubbing that oozing cock head against his tiny pink anal pucker, the heat against his cock head making the Zebracorn tremble. "Ummm you better stop that... or your going to find yourself with a Zebracorn on your back."

"Ahem... well... I might like that." Vendra stammered as the bigger equine rolled over atop him, pinning the sleek Buck to the ground.

"Ohoooooo really?" Hooves chuckled leeringly, as he nibbled his way up the slender Stag's long neck and suckled on his Cervine ear lob playfully. Enjoying the fresh sweet scents of the young Stag's sweat dampened fur and the taste of that potent seed. "Well I think we can do something about that." The myth snickered spreading that slick equine pre-cum over the Deer's hot little anal pucker. Before pressing that huge blunt cock head against it, that tight anal ring slowly spreading as Hooves fucker pushed it's way inside.

"Ahah Ummmm..." The handsome young jock moaned biting his lower lip, as the pain of anal penetration grew intense. Only to breath as sigh of relief as that thick cock head slipped past his gates, that smooth throbbing shaft pushing in easily. "Ohohooooooooo." The sexy jock Stag moaned loudly as the Zebracorn's long stud stick seemed to intrude impossible deep within his body.

"Liking that are we?" The sexy Zebracorn teased as he bucked his hip's, smacking the Stags tight ball sack with his own big floppy one. "Ut oho balls are touching... you know what that means." Hooves teased the sexy young jock, humping and plunging again. Smacking those firm little Cervine balls, even harder with his own bigger floppier ones.

"Wha... wha..." Vendra stammered weakly as the myth big hot body rubbed over him passionately. Strong striped hip's falling into a swift hard rhythm, hard male organ violating his sexy body deeply. Even as the equine whispered dirty accusations into his soft pointed Cervine ear. Big blunt teeth nibbling and velvety lip's kissing and suckling along his neck.

"Yer a gay slut boi now..." Hooves taunted pounding that sweet round ass harder and harder, stroking and fondling that up raised white tail.

"Ummmm Ummmm." Vendra moaned loudly, but it was unclear if it was in agreement or denial. Although the Stag's up thrusting ass, and leaking cock hinted at his full agreement. In the years to come the Stag could never be sure how long that moment of passion lasted... minutes, hours, days. That moment of lust a sweaty, humping, panting, grinding eternity of pleasure and passion. As the two handsome male used each other for all the pleasure they could get or give.

The golden sunlight had faded when the young Buck returned form his pleasure induced stooper. The long summer evening having passed in a blur of hard rutting sweaty male lust. The forest was growing darker as Vendra pulled himself up onto all fours and looked around. The glade was empty, the Zebracorn gone like the sparkling summer sun beams that had bathed them. A shiver ran down the young Stags spine and he suddenly felt dirty and used. He'd let some strange male use him like a Doe, the old Bulldogs words rang in his ears then. He'd been used and abused by some pervert, and then left laying there like a spent condom. Then he heard the hoof steps in the dark forest, and felt a sudden surge of pleasure. The Zebracorn had not used and abandon him after all, Vendra heard a soft amused snort. And glanced back over his shoulder, but it wasn't the shining myth that was standing there looking down at his raw red tail hole.

"Weel... weel whatda we got here..." The huge Hog snorted as he licked his lip's, and dropped his trousers. That long curly Porsine prick looking even more disgusting in the fading light, and it'd hard excited state. "Looks even more invitin' wit all that cum leakin' out of it." The big Boar laughed amused as the handsome Stag tried to scramble to his hooves. But it was far to late, one but three fingered hand shoved him back down onto his belly. The cum soaked grass wet and cold now on Vendra's sleek belly. As a hot heavy body landed atop him, that twisting cock easily penetrating his slack hole.

"OHOOOOOO." The sleek Buck squealed, as that huge Pig prick impaled him brutally. "NNONONOONNN..." Vendra tried to protest but one big hand clamped over his muzzle, even as the Hog's body began humping and thrusting lustfully.

"Told'cha I've give yer hole what it needs boi." The big Boar snickered lewdly into the sexy young Stags ear. As he raped that tight tail hole hard, grinning gloatingly as he felt that Stags body beginning to push back into his savage rut thrusts.



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