Bully-boy 4

Story by Isbjorn on SoFurry

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#4 of Bully-boy

The fourth chapter of Bully-Boy. I hope you all like it. Things get a bit more serious this time around. I know this has been a long time coming. Warning watersports

I woke in the middle of the night as my new master mounted me once again. His lust had returned in the early hours and decided to make use of his new boy. I came awake with a start and nearly panicked as his weight pressed down upon me. I was on my belly and I could feel his large gut on my back and the heat of his manhood as he ground against my rump. He was not gentle as he lifted my tail with a lusty growl and took me for the second time.

If I told you it was a loving act I would be lying. Back then in the earliest days of my time with Camnus, our matings were primal and rough.

I responded to his touch slowly and struggled a bit as his thick manhood slipped inside of me. He said nothing but grabbed me by the wrists and held be fast against the large bed. I half expected him to strike me again for fighting back but he just restrained me and used my ass for me pleasure. By the end of it my own lust had returned, if slowly as my sleep addled senses returned. My cock was stiff and grinding against the bed as he pounded away. I reminded myself of our agreement the evening before. I was his to have, and I loved it.

When the ice bear finished he rolled off of me leaving his seed leaking out from under my tail. He left me stiff and frustrated when he rolled over. "Obedience boy..." A gentle reminder that I was still not allowed to touch myself. It was maddening as he fell asleep again spent. I tried to grind gently on the bed in my frustration but that just earned me a growl of warning. It was still dark out and I eventually fell into a fitful sleep. my lewd dreams mixing with memories of our rutting.

Tossing and turning I woke back up just as hard as when I drifted off. Camnus was still asleep and sprawled out on his back. The thin blanket was tented over his manhood. I couldn't help but think that the bear had certainly not lost his virility with age. My own bullhood was taunting me again. There was a wet spot on the bed where I had been humping in my sleep. I rolled onto my back and pulled the blanket off of me. The puckered tip of my cock was dripping begging to be touched.

Camnus was snoring softly next to me deeply asleep. I needed release so badly but last time I broke his rules he had bent me over his knee and spanked me like a child. It almost seemed worth it. My paw hand rubbed my chest teasingly as if it was a substitution for what I really wanted. It betrayed me movingly lower down my pudgy stomach. Looking back I cannot believe that it was so hard for me to learn simple obedience. Taking my cock in my hand I started to peel back my dark foreskin. Several shades darker than my chestnut fur it hid my pink tip.

I laid back and closed my eyes as I stroked slowly trying not to wake up my master. I was panting as I neared the edges of my climax. My heart sank and began to race as I felt Camnus stir next to me. I felt like a naughty child stealing sweets as my hand shot to my side. The bear rolled over to face me and his big arm wrapped around me and pulled me against him. I was nearly shaking with a palpable mix of fear and lust but the older bear just returned to his snoring. We lay together like that for a long while. I dared not return to my stroking so I simply tried to ignore my problem.

Dawn had broken over the mountains light crept through the windows. I did not notice him wake, and his voice startled me as he rumbled deeply. "Good morning Bully-boy." His cock had softened, no longer pushing into my ass as he embraced me.

"Good morning Sir." I replied sleepily. Robbed of my rest I was bleary but somehow I still felt better than I had on a long while.

A big white paw stroked my side gently and making me rumble happily in response. When his big paw wrapped around my cock my heart skipped a beat. One of his fingers slipped under my hood and teased the moist tip. The sensation caused me to squirm against him.

"Still worked up huh boy? You didn't break the rules now did you? Do I need to check the bed for wet spots?" Camnus asked with a chuckle. The way he was so playful about it I had trouble remembering that this was the bear that paddled my ass for just groping my cock through my loincloth.

"No Sir... I didn't come." I replied probably sounding more evasive than I wanted.

The ice bear raised an eyebrow. "Good, that was only half the rule. Did you jerk off Bully-boy?"

It was a small mercy that I was not looking into his eye at that moment. It took me a moment to respond. The night before my Master had claimed me and taken me under his roof when he had no need to do so. He owed my people no favors. My uncle was just one of many lords who had commissioned work from him. At my age I had no right to an apprenticeship. I was here on his sufferance alone. I wanted to lie to spare myself the punishment I knew would come but to do so would betray what he had done for me.

"Yes Sir I did while you slept. I didn't come though." I said as if that excused it. "I am sorry." I expected him to respond angrily but his finger just kept teasing my quickly softening tip.

"Why did you stop? Don't lie now."

"You started to wake up. I didn't want to make you angry"

He squeezed my cock again that hung limply in his hand. "Were you afraid of my anger or my disappointment?"

I did not understand the question at the time. Eventually I would come to understand his expectations of me. When I did not respond he grunted and rolled over.

"Clearly you cannot be trusted with that boy. Get up." His voice was gruff and unforgiving.

I sat up on the bed but did not get up. He was standing at the door waiting. "I didn't mean to do it. I just needed it so bad. After you mounted me I..." I was rambling trying to defend myself, looking for any excuse.

"I had a rule boy and you broke it... again. As long as you are my apprentice, you do not belong to yourself. You are mine bull. Mind, body, and soul, remember? Now get up or you punishment will be far worse."

He was correct, a journeyman is freeman in his own right, but an apprentice is barely a step above property in some lands. Most apprentices were under the age of majority so this fact mattered little they had no rights to begin with. For an older male like me that had just reached his majority I had in a very real sense signed away my manhood. In most lands a master did not fuck his apprentices but in the wild mountainous lands of the ice bears I doubted I could seek grievance if I wanted to. Each man was nearly a lord in his own right. Law was only what could be enforced.

I got to my feet, for some reason I was very aware of the sound of my hooves hitting the floor. I walked over to him looking sullen. I did not know what to say as he led me from the bedroom. He led me down the stairs to a room with metal basin large enough to for one person to wash off in and pump. A chamber pot sat in one corner. I could smell the water from the hot springs as we entered. The room had a stone floor that sloped into a trough cut into the floor on one wall.

He has still said nothing since we left the room. I my mind began to wander thinking about what kind of punishment he had planned.

"Work the pump until the basin is full." He growled. He seemed displeased less angry than the night before.

I went to work on the pump and soon hot water from the springs was filling the tub. When it was full enough to bathe in Camnus took me by the shoulder and gave me a shove towards the trough.

"Piss boy..." He said pointing at the down at the trough.

I did as I was told and squared up with the wall as he watched. Growing up in the isles I had never seen a bathroom indoors. It was a luxury for only the extremely wealthy or in places like the mountains where going out in the cold to piss was a less than appealing option.

Camnus had taken a spot next to me and was teasing back his long foreskin. I couldn't take my eyes off of it just like the day before. He began to piss as well but, he stopped to chastise me. My aim was off and I gotten more on the floor in front of me than in the trough.

"Are you going to clean that up? Don't they teach you not to piss on the floor?" He said making me look down at the mess for the first time.

"I didn't mean too...I'll clean it up Sir." I said trying to not dig myself any deeper into trouble.

"Couldn't even take your eyes off my cock to piss could you Bully-boy. Didn't you get enough last night?"

"No Sir! I mean I didn't mean to stare I should have..."

"Or do you just get off watching me piss?" He cut me off gruffly. This isn't the first time I caught you watching me while I piss."

I blushed and stammered a response that I don't even remember. It didn't matter he continued anyway.

"That is what I thought. How about I make you a deal boy? If you can cum before I stop pissing all sins are forgiven and you get no further punishment for disobeying me this morning.

My face flushed hot but my cock was getting stiff again already. I nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now, kneel Bully-boy." He said pointing to his feet. When I didn't kneel he forced me down with a large paw on my shoulder.

I wrinkled my nose, kneeling next to the piss soaked trough and I suddenly realized what my punishment was. "No please...I won't want this."

I had always heard jokes back home about predator types leaving their scent on anything they thought was theirs. The old joke being, if something was so important why piss on it.

"Better start boy..." He said pulling back his hood again holding that thick pink tip inches from my face. With a grunt he started to pee. His warm stream trickled down my chest and stomach, trailing down onto my rock hard cock.

I don't fully remember starting to jerk off but my paw gripped my bullhood tightly as I started to stroke. His strong male scent filled my nose as a beat off with a frenzied intensity. All that frustration burning away to from something I could never have dreamt of wanting to badly. It was as if Camnus knew what filthy desires lurked inside me and reveled in making me admit them.

His stream moved lower and beat down on my cock directly as I beat off. It felt warm as it slicked up my cock with piss. Working his way back up my belly and chest I feared he was going to spray my face but he spared me that for now.

His stream was starting to waiver as I came hard into the floor. Spraying my load at my master's feet. Dizzy from my climax I didn't see him put his big foot against my crotch, making me tumble backwards my rump landing in the trough.

"Go ahead and finish pissing boy. You can't miss now." He said as his foot rested on my spent cock, teasing it.

I whimpered in protest but did as I was told. My stream leaked out around his foot and ran into the trough. He grinned down at me lewdly; I was spent covered in piss and cum. Quite literally beneath his heel. Somehow I could not see this humiliation as cruel. He had only given me what I did not know I wanted.

He stepped away, leaving me as a spent pile in the piss trough. He grabbed a wash cloth and cleaned off his footpaw under the pump. Dipping it in the basin he washed off his manhood and under his other important areas. Dropping it back into the basin he turned to me.

"Wash yourself up, and then clean your leavings off the floor. When you are done get dressed and meet me for breakfast."

"Yes Sir." I panted out, my chest still heaving.

With that he left and shut the door behind him. I picked myself up and climbed into the shallow basin. I grabbed the wash cloth and began to wash my fur. Our time together last night had never been washed off. It did not take too long to get my fur clean but water was already starting to cool off before I finished.

The stone floor was clearly made so the basin could be easily emptied by tipping it over and letting the water run into the trough. I was glad for this as I did not relish the idea of getting on my hands and knees to scrub the floor in front of the trough for very long. So still nude and wet I cleaned up my mess for Master. I found a towel and dried off quickly when I finished.

I made my way back into Master's bedroom to gather my clothing, but I could only find the tunic. The leather thong loincloth was nowhere to be found. A little nervous I put on the tunic and belted it, very aware that my cock and balls would be on display under the short garment. My tail kept lifting the back showing off my rump. I headed downstairs hoping that Camnus would not be displeased with me for losing the loincloth. It had never crossed my mind that its disappearance would have been his idea.

When I arrived in the kitchen the smell of a hearty breakfast was overwhelming. My stomach growled as saw Camnus plating the food. The bear certainly knew how to feed himself that was sure. He even made something for a Bull like me to eat. Generally bovine and ursine tastes differ greatly.

"I see you are dressed for the weather this morning." He said with a grin. It was still snowing outside.

I tried to pull down the tunic to cover myself up a bit more but it was not use. "Sorry Sir I couldn't find the loincloth."

"You won't be needing that for a while boy." He responded not even looking up from his place. "Now sit down and eat we have a long day today.

I did as I was told and sat down. As we ate he alternated between questioning me about his trade, and my past. I nearly spit up the breakfast he had made he when the conversation suddenly turned a bit more lurid.

"Have you always had such problems keeping your hands off your cock, boy?"

"Um, no Sir. " I replied not entirely knowing how to answer.

"What is the longest you have gone without spilling your seed since you learned you could shoot?" He asked with a grin.

That one actually took me a moment. Back home as boy, jerking off with other boys in the clan was almost expected. Thegns turned a blind eye to it for the most part. Hell once or twice a thegn even joined in. It wasn't something that was talked about. It was just part of growing up there. As I got older and started my training as a thegn it was simply expected that my interest would turn to a nice woman in the clan. It never really happened and my closest friend and I would still sneak off to fool around almost every day.

"Usually only two days or so. " I eventually responded sheepishly.

He laughed at that. "They obviously didn't teach you any self-restraint back home.

"On my way here, the boat from the Crosswise was very crowded. It was nearly three days." I said trying to regain a bit of dignity.

"Restrained yourself for three whole days huh?" He asked teasingly. "I'm going to have to do something about that. Meet me in the work shop when you finish. "He said getting up from the table briskly.

I finished my meal and cleaned up quickly. Even though no one was watching I kept tugging down the tunic trying to hide my bare ass and manhood. I eventually gave up and walked out into the work shop with my cock hanging out in the open and swinging between my legs. When I walked in the old bear was adjusting something small on the work bench.

When I entered he pointed to a leather apron in the corner. I put it on as he began to instruct me on the operations of his workshop. He started me out with menial work, stoking the forge and cleaning up. Once I proved I had at least some skill the harder work began slowly.

That is how things progressed for weeks. We would wake up in the morning and eat breakfast together. We would work until sundown only stopping for a midday meal. During those weeks Camnus would use where and when he wanted. Frequently bent over the workbench roughly and mounted there in the shop or he would have me suck his cock in the baths. Nearly every night I would be fucked again before going to sleep. Truth be told, I did not dislike this part of my duties. It secretly thrilled me to know I could make the old bear's loins stir like that.

I was also received regular punishment for my frequent misbehavior. He had not lifted his ban on pleasuring myself but I was disobedient enough to do it anyway. It was a simple enough order but I could not seem to follow it.

His favorite punishment was to bend me over like a calf and spank me. He only pissed on me once more when I had resisted his spankings a bit too hard. I had never felt more embarrassed as he hauled me into the bathroom and shoved me down in the trough. When he finished he pinned me up against the wall and mounted me from behind. I came without even touching my cock.

It was early in the morning, and nearly my third week with Camnus, when he found me once again stroking my cock again in his bed. He had gotten up already to make breakfast. I was enjoying the last few moments the bear afforded me in the mornings and my mind had turned to lusty things. He walked in to the bedroom and stopped dead in this tracks. He said nothing and went back down stairs. My heart was racing as I quickly dressed and headed downstairs.

We ate breakfast in uncomfortable silence. Once he finished his meal Camnus stood up, pushed in his chair and made his way out to the shop. "In the shop... Now!" He growled angrily.

I followed quickly, not even taking the time to finish my meal. He was waiting for me as I entered, bent over his workbench. I could see something in his paws but I couldn't make it out.

"You have only been with me for weeks now and I have already needed to punish you so many times I have lost count. Before you learn anything else from me you are going to learn to make me obey. It is clear your uncle did not discipline you enough. An oversight I plan to correct." He said ominously not looking up from the work bench.

"I-I am sorry Sir. I didn't mean you to upset you." I said weakly.

"I am not just punishing you boy. I intend to teach you what it means to have me as your Master."

"Yes Sir..." I was shaking, afraid of what was coming next.

"Get over here boy and kneel..." He said finally turning around and pointing to his feet. I don't even remember responding, I just how it felt to kneel in front of his imposing body again. His manly scent filled my nose as he pulled me in close practically rubbing my nose on his crotch. I could see the front of his loincloth was bulging as I knelt.

I looked up at him, into his stern eyes. My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. I felt his big hands circle my neck, tracing its circumference with a thick finger. Once again I felt as if I was being measured like livestock. How right I was.

The collar slipped around my neck easily. Fastened in place before I even knew what was happening. "This is your final chance to back out Bully-boy. After this you are my apprentice until I release you from my care. I will be your Master until I decide to either you release you from my care and elevate you to Journeyman."

I was nervous and afraid but my cock was stiff, poking out from under my tunic. I knew the answer I wanted to give but it was caught in my throat, unable to escape.

"If you give yourself to me, you will be mine to discipline and use as I see fit. If you say no, you will be packed and ready to leave by weeks end. I will not teach a student who will not obey. Submit and I will show you what pleasure you can find in obedience and discipline." His words were gentle and firm. He placed cuffs on each of my wrists as he spoke fastening them in place. Thinking back he must have already known what my answer would be.

. "Yes Master." It was then that I truly knew what he was asking of me; to be more than just an apprentice, to be a slave to his desires. The words fell from my lips easily now.

As soon as I said those words I saw a wicked grin spread across my Master's lips. His paw firmly clenched the back of my tunic as he manhandled me over the bench. The position was uncomfortable, as e placed the collars clasp on a block and hammered in a steel pin. Far more secure than any lock would be. The cuffs on my wrists quickly followed. Then again by two more cuffs around my ankles. The only mercy was that my Masters skill was excellent and the collar and cuffs were perfect fit. Made of soft leather and bound in steel so they would not chafe against my fur but could not simply be cut off. Once I was securely in my collar and cuffs he had one more surprise for me.

"Obviously you cannot be trusted with this." He said running his big hand over my cock. "It is partially my fault for not resorting to this sooner. If you cannot keep your hands off of this. I just won't give you the option."

I gave him a surprised look not entirely sure what he had in mind but I knew I wasn't going to like it. He lifted a smaller piece I had seen him working on over the last week. Now fully assembled, I could see it was a small cage clearly sized for someone's manhood, specifically mine.

He presses me back against the bench and started to stroke my cock. His bulk pinned me down as his hand worked my length. "You won't very well fit like this, now will you? Consider this a farewell; you won't me coming again without my say so."

I struggled half-heartedly against him. It felt too good to truly resist. When I finally came, I spasmed and shot my load onto the floor of the shop. As I panted, the ice bear licked my cock clean.

Now completely soft it took little effort for the chastity cage to over my balls and onto my cock. A small key at the top turned and clicked the lock into place as Camnus withdrew it. My heart sunk as he hung it around his neck.

"Now bend over and you can thank me proper for removing that distraction." The big bear said with a grin.

"Yes Master."