Zerkk's Revenge

Story by Yiff Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Venom and Love...

Okay, here is chapter 5 everyone. Tell me if it's any good

This is where things start to get really intense! XD

Zerkk's Revenge

Venoma was the first one to get up that morning, and as soon as she opened her eyes she say him. She raised her head up and felt his wing draped over her, keeping her nice and warm throughout the entire night... she smiled a bit, but soon her smile turned to a huge yawn, as she let her fangs stretch out to their full length before retracting and folding back into her maw. Then she gazed over at her dragon sentential that kept her so close to him. She put out a hand just to see if he was awake. As she rubbed the under side of his wings and leaned in close to whispered to him.



He replied back a little groggily.

She continued to nudge him until he opened his eyes. And when he did he was no sooner met with her gorgeous face and grinned widely

"Good morning beautiful!"

She smiled back

"Good morning to you too!"

"So how did you sleep?"

"Excellent... I always sleep well when you're near."

He smiled again and pulled her closer, to the point that there was not an inch of clearance between their bodies.

And the two just laid there embracing one another occasionally giving the other a lick on the cheek, until Razor finally spoke.

"Are you hungry Ven?"

"Oh yes! Very!"

She responded rather quickly.

"Then let's see if we can't find something to eat."

Soon Razor made a motion to get up but she got on top of him and held him firmly to the ground. He looked at her, confused.

"HEY! I never said I was hungry for food..."

As she seductively caressed his body.

He was taken by surprise but soon caught on. As her tail tip teased his sheath, and was soon successful to coax out his shaft.

Razor chuckled loudly

"I see you're the morning type huh?"

She just continued to tease him until his full length was out. She slowly squeezed him and kissed him until she had his shaft completely in front of her warm entrance, and when she was just about to descend upon him... when they both heard a noise, just outside the cave. A voice soon spoke.

"Hello? Anybody around? Razor you in there?"

Venoma looked up and Razor tilted his head back as he laid with his back on the ground to see the upside down vision of Zezz standing slack-jawed at the mouth of the cave.

Ven immediately got off of Razor, but it was too late and she knew it.

She tried to hide her flush face behind one of Razor's wings and Razor, equally embarrassed just looked at the ground.

As silence filled the cave for a few minuets, Zezz was the first one to speak up.

"I'm sorry you two, I should have known better... I should have let you know I was coming... it's my bad. But don't be embarrassed it's what mates do, right?"

They both nodded.

"Don't worry about it Zezz."

Zezz chuckled.

"But I'll tell you Raze, I would kill to have what you have."

Razor just smiled back at his friend.

"But, yea sorry to bust In on you two but I was around, and was wondering if you guys wanted to go get some breakfast. I know where all the good deer herds and berry bushes are."

Both Venoma and Razor nodded.

"Sure, sounds great!"

And with that they headed out of the cave, following Zezz.

Meanwhile Venoma kept on poking fun at Razor's still throbbing shaft that he could not get under control. And both her and Zezz laughed as the three of them walked along.


But all their fun and happiness was soon to be cut abruptly short. Because as they walked they were oblivious that they were all being watched closely. For high on the hills around, again sat the same snakes.

"There they are..."

One said angrily.

The other nodded

"It just sickens me to see that... these dragons think that they can do whatever they want! Take our food, move into our territory, but this is where I draw the line! Taking our females too?!?"

He sighed.

"Yes. Everyone knows this is Zerkk's territory! All the food, land, and especially the females belong to him. But how could she fall for a dragon? It's disgusting! She should have stayed with her own kind!"

He looked back at his comrade.

"Do you even know why Zerkk wants thins particular fem anyway?"

The python sighed loudly.

"Yes I do..."

"Then why?"

"Because... because she's his old mate...'

The anacondas eyes widened in shock

"But Zerkk always said he never wanted a mate. That's why he just grabbed any old female he wanted, use her and get rid of her."

"I know... and she's the reason..."

He looked at him, begging him to continue.

"I've been told that she was his first female. I'm not too sure when, but a while ago he caught her and used her just like all the others... but for reasons I'll never know, he kept her. Using her as he pleased. Most of us thought that he kept her during the non mating season when females were hard to find but it was something more than that. He said that he liked her attitude, he liked the way she cried every time he took her, he liked her body more than any other fem he had. He even liked how she would try and escape every day.... It was all so strange.

But once he underestimated her and she did escape.

And I've never seen Zerkk so angry. He sent us all out to find her, and we searched for months but never found her."

He looked back at him.

"So that's why?"

The other nodded.

"But now that we've found her I think he'll be very pleased when we bring her back... back to where she belongs... Speaking of which, are the others in position to take them once we give the signal?"

The anaconda looked down at the trio below.

"Yes, but I'm concerned. There are two dragons down there. Are you sure that we have enough to take on all three of them?"

"Zerkk said come back with the female or don't come back at all! So there's no turning back now. So give the signal!"

The anaconda raised one fist in the air to signal the attack. And the other groups of snakes in the surrounding area followed suite.

Meanwhile Razor, Ven and Zezz just continued walking. Until Venoma stopped dead in her tracks. A terrified expression on her face. Soon Razor noticed and stopped as well.

"Venoma? What's wrong?"

She looked over at him

"I don't know, I just got this terrible feeling."

As for Zezz, he stopped when he realized they were not following him anymore and trotted over.

"What's up you two? Is something the matter?"

Razor looked around.

"Shhhhh! Zezz.... Do you smell that?"

Zezz sniffed the air.

"I don't smell anything Razor. Are you sure- LOOK OUT!!!!"

Just then Razor looked up at the hill to the side of him to see a huge boulder flying straight at him.

But Zezz acted quickly and pushed him out of the way just in time... but not soon enough to save himself.

The huge rock slammed Zezz from the side and sent him hurling deep into the woods.


But before they could run to his aid they were soon surrounded but dozens of angry, hissing snakes.

Razor soon backed up close to Venoma.

"What do you want?"

He spoke in a threatening tone that told them he was ready to fight at any moment.

One of them came forward.

"Give us the female, and you might live."

Venoma just looked at them all, completely terrified. But Razor put a paw on her shoulder and soon spoke back.

"You want her? You'll have to go through me!"

They all grew angrier.

"We'll ask you one last time. Give her to us!"

Razor shorted.

"And I'll tell you all one last time. You aren't going to touch Venoma! What do you want with her anyway?"

All of them laughed.

"That's not up to us to decide."

And at that one of them hurled themselves at razor. But he just grabbed them mid air and smash their face into the ground, grabbed one of his arms and twisted it behind their back until he herd a loud pop and the young snake screaming in pain. But soon after two more snakes jumped onto him as well but he just threw them off.

Venoma saw that Razor was outnumbered and went to help.

As one of them went to jump onto Razor again, she grabbed him by the shoulders and dug her fangs so far into the back of his neck that they broke the skin on the other side. The snake made a small, barley addable gasp and quickly died.

All the others including Razor gasped in shock...

Ven just backed up close to Razor in fear. He put a forepaw around her and continued to back up until one of his hind legs bumped into a tree. He looked around as all the snakes completely surrounded them both. He was desperate for options, but before he could even make a move they all swarmed onto the two of them and Venoma was torn from his grasp. She screamed and struggled against her captors as she tried desperately to get free. Razor did the same but there were simply too many for him and they held him down until one came up from behind carrying a large rock, and smashed him on the back of the head.

Ven just screamed, fearing the worst as the lifeless form of her mate slumped over on the ground. Blood pouring out of the huge gash on his head. But she was just overpowered by them and hauled away... But to where she did not know.

As they drug her she could only look around her surroundings. She did not dare to speak. But the fear just continued to rise in her gut, and she tried not to cry.

Eventually they came to a large hole in the ground, and she was told to climb down it. It was then things started to become familiar to her as she was pushed deeper underground. They finally entered into a large chamber, then turned down into a small hallway and at the end was a room sealed by a large stone door. They opened the door and she was told to get in, when she did they closed and locked the door behind them.

It was dark but she could still see very clearly. She looked around and saw a set of shackles hanging on the wall behind her and the small drizzle of water that came from the ceiling and collected into a little puddle next to her.

She laid down and tried to get a hold on what just happened. There she was, taken away from the one she loved and locked in somewhere she didn't know. So she just coiled herself in a small ball and cried.


Razor awoke to the feeling of something cold and wet sliding down his throat. His eyes sprang open and he bolted upright, coughing and gagging on the liquid.

Eventually he looked over to see Zezz sitting at his side with a small wooden bowl of water.

"Razor! Thank goodness your alive! I thought you were done for."

Razor just looked around trying to stop his head from spinning and remember where he was and what was going on.

"Wh-what happened?"

Zezz looked back down at him.

"I can't really say for sure. When I woke up deep in the woods when I heard a lot of screams and shouts, so I tried to see what was happening but it took me I while to get here with this."

He pointed down at his leg that was clearly broken and in a makeshift splint.

"I made this out of some branches and got here as soon as I could. But when I got here I just saw you laying there with a nasty wound on your head."

Razor felt the back of his head. Then winced at the sharp pain when his paw touched it.

"I managed to stop the bleeding, and trust me there was a lot of blood. How are you feeling now?"

"Like shit... but I'll live. And thanks by the way."

"For what?"

"Don't ask that! You know what. For pushing me out of the way of that huge rock."

Zezz smiled

"Hey it's nothing, what are a few head injuries between friends?"

Razor smiled, but as he looked around his smile soon faded.

"Zezz... where's Venoma?"

Zezz's expression just turned to grimace as he turned away from Razor's eyes

"Zezz... where is she..."

He just continued to evade his gaze

"They took her Raze... I just managed to catch a glimpse of them taking her away. I would have gone after them.... But this damn broken leg wouldn't let me."

Razor's jaw tighten as he bared his fangs.

"Which direction did they go?"

He spoke in a low hateful tone

"Razor you are in no condition to go after them now."

He looked Zezz dead in the eyes.

"Zezz... tell me where they went."

He sighed when he realized there was no stopping him.

"Just east of here they were headed in that direction."

Razor got up and started off to the east.

"Raze... be careful..."

He nodded and with a heavy thrust from his wings he was airborne.


She bolted up at the sound of someone coming and raised her head as she heard the door being unlatched. It opened slowly and she stared into the darkness. Two snakes came in and grabbed her wrists and cuffed them into the shackles. She gave them no resistance, she didn't see the point. Once they left the door remained open for a second, and she just hung there with half of her slender body still lying on the floor, the other half held upright by the shackles. But eventually the darkness seemed to move as it looked like it was sliding into the room edging closer to her, but then she realized just what it was when she saw those horrible red eyes.

Silently the black cobra slithered in, the door shut and locked behind him. All her muscles tightened and recoiled in fear as she looked up at the huge solid black, menacing snake that stood before her. She was trying hard not to scream and instead just whimpered at the sight of him. She managed to utter one thing between her terrified breaths.


His mouth parted and gave an evil smile. And showed his easily recognizable white fangs as he inched ever closer to his prey. He soon put a hand above her left shoulder and bent down to smell her neck.

"I've missed you... mmmmm... you haven't changed a bit."

She could only tremble as he moved his other hand to one of her firm breasts and squeezed it hard enough to break the skin. Then move it down to give her nipple a hard pinch.

He ran his cruel forked tongue a crossed her neck as he continued to grope her. All the while his shaft inched out from between his scales and throb to fullness.

"It's been so long my pet... too long. But now your back where you belong."

He unhooked her from the wall but kept the chains that held her wrist in one hand, as he planted the other on the back of her hood and guided her down his large frame to his aching erection.

She looked up at her captor, the tears glistening in her eyes.


He looked back down at her.

"I've waited far too long for you to come back. Now if you value your life my pet.... Suck it..."

She whimpered, the tears now streaming down her cheeks as all the flashbacks of the numerous times before filled her mind.

"Suck It!"

He voice showing that he was clearly loosing his patients.

She had no choice, and soon closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Trying not to let her tongue and lips touch the intruding organ as she tasted his horrible musk and took it further into her mouth, trying hard not to gag.

He let out a sick sigh of pleasure as he violently forced himself further into her mouth. But was not happy at her actions of trying to avoid his member.

"Suck It!!"

With one last whimper, she finally curled her lips around it, weeping, and pulled back only to have it violently pounded back in again and again. His sharp claws digging into the back of her head as he harshly fucked her muzzle. His other hand planted on the stone wall behind her. He eventually let go of her head and just let it slam into the wall every time he pounded into her maw.

He hissed with delight.

"Yessss and use your tongue too..."

As she was forced to massage the underside of his hard shaft. Curling her tongue around it, as his thrusts became faster and even harder. Her mouth grew sore as he pumped his cock deeper into her smashing her head on the stone wall with each thrust. His shaft was coated with his pre cum as he neared his orgasm and ordered her to suck harder.

She did as she was told and created a strong vacuum around it, forcing her to taste every drop of pre that shot into her mouth. She prayed for this torture to end, and soon enough, it finally did.

With one last hard thrust that pinned her head to the wall he let out a disgusting grunt as his lower body twitched and his tail tip curled.

She felt his shaft buck in her mouth before releasing a flood of cum in her abused maw. It all shot right down her throat and she coughed and chocked on the harsh liquid that poured down her gullet.

He looked down at her again.

"That's good... swallow it all bitch!"

She eventually managed to down every last drop of the horrid liquid.

It left such a horrible taste that almost made her vomit, but she managed to keep it all down.

And finally, as he pulled out of her mouth, his shaft spitting a little more on her face, cheeks and the underside of her jaw.

He let out a low evil chuckle as he let her hang there by the chains on her wrists. Her mouth hung open as she continued to cough and gasp for air.

He lifted her up and licked the top of her head and down the back of her hood and back up. Drooling on her as he let his tongue sit on the top of her head, breathing heavily from that last release.

Soon he spoke to her.

"I hope you enjoyed that because it was only that beginning..."

She started to cry and whimper again, which only stimulated him further.

He finally locked the chains of her shackles back onto the wall. He looked over her, her head hung down at the floor, tears constantly falling from her face.

He grinned again and grabbed the lower half of her body and pulled her up so she was eye level with him, his massive unforgiving cock right in front of her passage. She looked into his eyes as he pushed in the tip and sobbed.

"PLEASE ZERKK!!!!!..... PLEASE STOP!!!!....."

He just grinned, and with one thrust he buried his entire length into her.

She let out an absolutely ear piercing scream, one that echoed thought that entire cavern.


Razor flew over the surrounding areas in search of her. He sniffed the air repeated times for her scent, but to no avail. Finally he flew to a large cliff that looked over for miles and perched himself at the edge of it. The golden colored dragon scanned the treetops, not making a sound. Listing, watching, looking for her. He lowered his head and pounded on the ground, cursing himself.

"Why did you let them take her!!!!!? You made a promise!!!!!!!!!!!..... You made a promise....."

He looked up at the sky. The sun had set hours ago, now only the moon lit his way.

He hung his head and cried.

"Wherever you are Ven... I'll find you..."

His wings were sore and his head was racing but he would not rest until he found her.

As he sat there thinking of what to do next. He heard something.... It was almost inaudible and he strained to hear it. It was a very far off scream. One that must have been miles away but somehow he herd it... and as he did. His mind flashed with a painful feeling and was filled with all sorts of horrible images. He saw some kind of large hole in the ground, a large cavern, a room with a huge stone door, and then he saw those two red eyes...

He was full of rage and sorrow. As he felt what Venoma was feeling.

And as suddenly as it came to him, his mind snapped back. He had no idea what just happened but somehow he knew where she was and he knew that she was in trouble. So without so much as another thought he flew faster then he ever had flown before off in the direction that he knew she was.

He clinched his teeth as he pushed himself as fast as he could go.

"I'm coming Ven... hold on... I'm coming..."