Vampires of the vacant lot part 2

Story by Zecon19 on SoFurry

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The second part to the vampires of the lot story. There is still some grammar issues so please forgive me. if you enjoy this story please tell me what you think. If there are little things you want to correct me on them please go on ahead. I don't mind in the least. :)

The next chapter will come out next week.

Chapter 2

A boy named Todd

There are three more hours to go before sunset and my shop is pleasantly full of customers. I enjoy these types of days, were a smooth amount of people come in to look at my books, quietly, with only a hint of a whisper floating in the atmosphere. I can't keep the smile from my face.

Standing behind the counter of my store, in front of my Coffee and cake displays, I ware my usual attire. In a white button blouse, black pants, black flats, and my hair up in a pony tail, I am ready for business.

I looked down at my right hand. Light brown in color in the light of day. Due to the bloodline from my master, our particular race of vampires change back to the form we resided from before we were given our dark gift.

For me I reside back into a body that is cubby, dull nailed, tuff tailed, long eared, brown eyed, and as interesting to look as a... as a...? Never mind I can't come up with anything witty at the moment.

The hour is growing late and I am grinning my lips off. I am feeling so happy and fresh that I thought my day actually will end with a happy note. I decide to walk around my store and check on my customers. Some are sitting on cushions that I have placed in corners of the store, while others are sitting on chairs, or standing. I make my way to the children's section.  The few children in there were playing in the toy box, reading, or talking quietly. The room itself is colorful with blue, green, red, purple paints brightening the room. Painted animals run on the walls, skipping about, happy and smiling. The book cases, chairs, and toys littering the room are colorful and kid friendly.

I smile to myself until I notice a child crying in a corner. Frowning I walk over to him. As I approach I notice that the child is a young high elf.

I found it odd that a high elf found their way into my store. High elves are magical beings. They live in an aristocratic commune located in the far west of town. They almost never come to the commons unless in was business. Or pleasure, depending on the situation. To find a high elf child by themselves here was too odd. I have to investigate.

As I came closer I took in his appearance. He's young, barley eleven. He has a ruffle of black hair and his skin is golden. His tail has a cute bit of black tuff on it. He's as thin as a rail, wearing a green tunic, white britches, and black buckled shoes. I finally get to him and keel down to his eye level.

" Hey little one," I say with a hint of magic. "What's the problem."

His head rises and I am rewarded with big watery green eyes. I take out my hanky and wipe off his face. He sniffs and says, " I'm trying to get that book in the section were my mom is."

I sigh internally, at least he was here with someone." And where is your mother?" I ask as I fluff his hair.

" In the dark magic section." He whispers wiping his face.

" And what book do you want to get?"

" The Blood history of the Nosferatu." He said with sparkling eyes.

I stare in shock, " You want to get the history on vampires?"

He nodes feverishly and sobs out, " But my momma said no. That even talking about vampires is evil and getting a book on them is a sin. Plus she said that she can't afford such a book."

" Well did you tell her that a book on them may help you to identify vampires and get a better understanding on them?"

" She won't believe me when I said I wanted to slay the vampire who killed my dad! I want to find him and kill him!" He cries uncontrollably.

I could not help but stare at him. A vampire taking an elf life is not uncommon, if they are the Hunted. The Hunted are vampires who have fallen from the good graces of the Vampire community and are hunted for their crimes. Those who become hunted have no mind left and no way to access a free Doolb tree. Thus they become the mindless savages that vampires were at one time. To hear one attacking and killing an elf male, even a high elf, must be reported immediately to the king himself.

            I blink and say, " Well can't you get some other book on vampires? I have a few in this section."

His eyes grow more tearful and he whispers, " My mom doesn't like any book that deals with monsters or cults or anything dark and evil."

I frown. This might be a little harder then I thought. Even if I talk to the mother she may still oppose me speaking to her son or giving him a book dealing with vampires. Knowing high elves as I do, they are highly religious                                                                                                                                                and anything dealing with darkness and supposedly evil doings is heresy.

I sigh and say, " Honey you know that I can't just give you this book. If your mother says no, unfortunately it means no."

I grown as his eyes widen further.

I sigh again and think fast. Then a sudden idea hit. I look into his eyes and say,   " How about I give you a three for one book special today."

" What." He says wiping his nose.

" A three for one book discount, which means that I give you three books for the price of one. How's that sound?"

His eyes widen, " Really? Three for one!"

" Two actually. You pay for one and get two for free."

He jumps up and hugs me knocking me on my butt. " Thank you! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank yo....."

" However!" I say in desperation. " I have to approve your selections. I don't want you getting anything to upset your mother."

He pulls back and looks thoughtful. " Uhhh, I guess so. Ok yeah!"

" Excellent." I laugh and pat his head and in doing so I open up that bit of power that sleeps in the back of my mind and called it forth. I concentrate and allow myself to leave my body and flow into his mind. Once there I feel the child's innocents bathing me with light and purity. I can see that he is a strong and stubborn boy, a child just starting out in life, who is intelligent and surprisingly wise beyond his years. But these things were not important, I needed to know who this Hunted vampire was.

I find the dark spot in his mind, the spot vibrating with fear and hate. It was small and barely noticeable. I grasp it. My world bends and warps around me as the spot reveals it's dark secrets to me. The vision is very unfocussed at first, then it sharpens into clarity as I find myself laying down in the mud. My clothes covered in blood and the pungent smell of adrenaline. Fear eats at me, but I knew it was not my fear that attacked my consciousness, it is the boys.  With his eyes I look up at two shadows that are before me. Both silhouetting a dark sky and a forest like backdrop. One being hung by its neck, it gasping for breath as two wide eyes stare down at me. The other shadow, laughed softly, almost enchantingly, as wild red eyes stare holes into to first shadows face. The manic shadow stood a few feet from me, tall and in tattered clothes, it's body reeking of blood.

"Too...Todd..." says the shadow being choked by the crazed vampire.

"Enough of your words, elf. You tire me." With a flick of its wrist the vampire ends the father's life and drops the boys sire in the ground before me. I scream, the boy screams, and the vampire laughs as he walks to me. The vampire kneels down and picks up my head by my hair. I choke as fear turns my stomach and leaves a horrid tang on my tongue.

"Boy be glad you are to small for anything other then a taste." The vampire leans closer and I saw the face in full clarity for a split moment. Long angular features, slanted red pebbled eyes, thin eyebrows, long smirking mouth, bald head, thin as a rake. The information filled my eyes and I processed them quickly. Unable to finish the memory I allow myself to slide out of the boys mind, at the same time, my powers absorb the remaining information inside the dark spot. After words I pull my hand away and stare at him. His eyes are still shimmering with innocent happiness. Anyone who just saw us would only notice my slight pause in mid pat.

I refocus my eyes on him and stand. "Why don't you go on ahead and look for some books."

The boy nodes and runs off.

I walk back to my register and sigh as I sit on my stool. The boys memories, even though they were just copies, were threatening to rise up on me and finish their tale. I shake my head and refuse the impulse. A customer comes up and hands me a few books and I grin at them and the distraction I needed from the draining experience.

Five minutes later (and six sales) the boy, Todd, walks up to me and yanks on my tail. I look down and smile, "What didja get?"

"These!" He pushes the items into my hands.

I smile fondly at him then frown as I glance through his selection.

My, my, what have we here,  'One hundred and three different curses to put on family members' who wrote this? 'The different scabs alphabet book', and the dirty, muddy, stinky grandpa book? What on the graces of the Gods is this?

"The 'dirty, muddy, stinky grandpa' book seems really neat!" Todd says as he looks at me hopefully.

I give him a measured look before I effortlessly juggled the three hefty books between my fingers.

"Todd you think this would fly with your mother?" I say slightly scolding.

"Uh? How did you know my name?" He asks surprised.

I raise my eyebrows and internally kicked myself. Hard.

"I...." Think, think, think ! "heard your mother say it on the way in." I say lamely.

" Oh." He says, " I didn't know she was speaking so loud."

"Well when your working alone in this type of business you have to have good ears to hear everything." I'm getting lamer and lamer.


I eye him, "Yeah, well as cool as that may sound you have to understand that there is no way on this planet that I can allow you to have these books." I wag the offending material at him.

"But its not vampires and stuff!" He said wounded.

"I know." Placing the books down I hold out my hand. He takes it and I lead him back into the children's section.

"But still, I don't think your mother might appreciate her son having a book on scabs or family cursing. She might have a heart attack!"

"She's too stubborn for that type of thing." He mutters.

Taking him to the first book case I stop and kneel down a bit to inspect some of the material there.

"Well, stubborn or not, we want you to leave happy right. Soooo, we need to find a book that you like and your mother would except."

"I like books about adventure!" He says hopefully.

"Okay! Adventure..... hey!" I grab a book. "This ones on juggling!

His face crinkles. "Juggling isn't cool."

I hold the book up for him to see. "Have you ever seen anyone juggle before?"


"Do you have any idea what juggling is?"

He looks at the cover then back at me. "Looks like throwing things in the air."

I grin, "Exactly, but that is only half the trick!"

I stand and back a few paces from him, then look about. Knowing no children stood anywhere close by I begin to toss the book in the air in an arch then catch it. I repeat the process, " This is not technically juggling since I only have one item. Toss me another!" I say laughing.

His face lights up and he grabs another book and flings it at me. Catching it I add it to the first. "Now this is a bit more like it, but the true masters can juggle many more items no matter what they are."

"Can I give you more!" He sounds exhilarated.

"Yeah just make sure its nothing to heavy."

Running around the children's section, Todd grabs a few toys and books. Running back he sits the items down and I laugh at the amount.

"You think I can juggle all that!"

"Yeah!" He says and begins to fling the items at me.

Now in reality, you must understand that I am not a juggler by any account. If I were not a vampire, I probably wouldn't be able to do this. With my abilities of fast reflex, speed, and natural strength, it makes it easy to juggle. Even when it's my first time.

Bombarded by items I am tossed, one dragon doll, three preschool books, a dictionary, four physics for kids books, a book on magic stones, six squeaky cubes, a chalk board eraser, eight wooden soldiers, and a handful of jacks.

I catch and juggle all the items, my mind filled with laughter as I notice that my performance is gaining an audience. Children and parents run up and point at me as I juggle all the odd items. Todd cried out in amazement as he jumps in happiness. I could only guess that this is one of the few things in life that was exiting for him.

Then I become fancy. I start to throw the items in different ways making patterns in the air. People Ooed and ahhed as I practically showed myself off. Then one child thought to interrupt me by throwing a heavy wooden ball. I catch it and effortlessly juggle it as well.

Many people were gathering now and I soon found myself the center of attention. I even notice people outside my store staring in to watch.

Uh oh. I better stop now before I do something to give me away. Or I probably have...

I start distributing the items, safely, on the book case beside me. One by one the items piled up until I am juggling the first book again. In a flourish I toss it once more and swing it around my body, kneeling I use both hands and present the book to Todd.

"Want it now?" I say pretending to be breathless.

"Yeah! Gimmy!" He yanks it from me and holds it as if it were a special treasure. The people around us laugh and depart, few even congratulated me on my stunt. Children were either gawking at me or being dragged away by their parents. I smile until I look up to see a pair of disapproving eyes. A tall dark haired high elf stood watching me, a frown marring her features. Like all High elves she is tall ( about six foot 5) golden skinned, black eyed, with sharp angular features. She wears a very expensive looking, tight fitting dress. It is dark gold in color and held designs of magic and power in onyx stones that wrap themselves around her dress. Her tail, black tipped with fur, swishes in a form of agitation. Her tail brought my attention to her shoes, high healed and glossy black. A sparkle emanated from the shoes, I could only guess that they had some sort of overly used enchantment placed on them.

I look back at her eyes and allow myself to see what she saw. The information is not pretty. Point blank she did not like me or the situation she has just witnessed. Instinctively I know that it would be a very bad idea to say any sort of objections to what she was about to do.

" Todd Nilluran Yukimax Ramsi! I never in my life thought to see such rambunctious, irresponsible, blasphemous behavior!  Your yelling and screaming about as if your some sort of heathen! You have been taught better then that young man and I have a mind to set you straight once we get home! What would your father think...!"

" He's dead! He can't think!" Todd suddenly shouts!

I look on in despair as I watch the scene before me.

" SILENCE! I see now that it was indeed a mistake to bring you along into this filthy little section of town. The atmosphere here is to uncivilized for your young ignorant mind!"

Then her black eyes turn to me. Feeling the icy hostility of them I look back unflinchingly. A High elf, especially this particular one, could give a young vampire a run for their money. But I am an elder, stronger then most despite my lack of years, and I could take this haughty female down any day.

She seems ruffled by my unflinching stare, so she resorts to words. "You have a lot of nerve peasant. Parading around like some circus freak, doing tricks and such! Then egging my son on to learn this vile trick." She waves the book around and I stare at her calmly.

I say, "There is nothing wrong with learning new tricks madam. I am sorry if I have offended you, but I was trying to help Todd here...."

"That is Lord Ramsi to you! Never address my son by the first name!"

I continue unruffled, "Lord Ramsi wanted a book that he knew you would disapprove of. I was merely trying to help him find a decent book that you would find inoffensive and something that he might enjoy."

"Enjoyment is something unnecessary for a growing boy! Education, education, and even more discipline! We High elves strive to never fall in the line of common folk. We are....."

I finish, "The chosen people of the magic circle, followers to the great light of Yu, worshippers of justice and peace, destroyers and disbelievers of all unholy magic and evil incarnate." I smile slightly at her shocked face. Either because I voiced exactly what she was about to say, or the fact that I have the audacity to talk over her.

Continuing I say, "I know enough about High elf lore and principles to fill half this store with it madam. The fact is I don't care what you think about this town, my shop, or me. I run a reasonable business here, and have done well for over a year now. I work hard for my bread along with all who come in to read or by their coffee and crumpet. If you have a problem with being around hardworking decent people then I'm sorry. But I must ask you to never speak about them in that manner when your in my store. Understand." The last sentence is laced with a dash of venom and compulsion.

I watch as the High and mighty elf reels back a bit at the force of my words. She appeared shocked, even going so far as to place a hand over her heart.

Finally I see that she regains her composure and throws the book on the floor. " Come Todd!" She says as she grabs him and marches out of the store. Todd glances back at me with a mixture of sorrow and admiration in his eyes. I wave a little and smile in reassurance. However I knew after reading that...that.. (ok cursing is bad will not curse.) women's thoughts that he was in for a dire punishment.

"Excuse me." Comes a soft little voice. I glace down to see a little wood elf child staring up at me. "Why was she mean? Why did she say those things?"

I smile faintly at her and say, "I don't know honey. Some people, unfortunately, see things differently then how others see them."

"Oh." She says with a thoughtful look on her cute face. "She mean."

I chuckle in agreement and walk back to my register, "Some people are like that kid."

The sun finally sets and night blankets the land. I close down the shop and stand back to give it a once over. The store looks homely on the outside as it does on the inside. Wide windows with a few choice books on display are imbedded in the buildings brick face. The store looks small and almost childlike among the bigger stores that surround it. The roof has black shingles and a tall smoke stack. The sign on the front brings a smile to my lips as I read it for the thousandth time.

' Dragon's Study Books, Loung, & Café'

A name I chosen that was perfect for my store and is still perfect now.

Grinning I skip on down the street, my black bag in hand. My tail whips back and forth in happiness and my legs pump with extra kick as I make my way through the small town to the gates on the west side.

Even though I had not brought a smile to Todd's face I had a good sale today. Little things that can be appreciated should be after a full days work well done.

After waving to neighboring stores and faithful customers I finally get to the west gate of the town Eligwood. The two guards, Mill and Mo, stand tall and alert as always. They smile as they allow me through.

"Good day Z! Didn't see you the other day." Mo stated as he holds the door open. Mo is a tall elf at six feet. Wearing the blue suit of the patrol of the town and sporting shoulder length black hair, he looks very dignified and a bit wild.

"Well you boys know that there is more then one way outta this town. I just left from a different exit." I say brightly as I pass by.

"Well you know we love to see you Z! Your bright smile makes our day! Take care now!" Yells Mill, his gruff personality and appearance doing no justice to his playful nature.

I wave and blow a kiss at them. I walk a ways until I am out of sight of the town and stop among a cluster of trees. I scan the area and feel for any other living creature. Sensing all is clear I yip and transform into a red wolf and dash up the hill side to my cabin.

My heart feels light and heavy at the same time as I rush over the forest vegetation. Light in the fact that I had a good day and business was booming as usual, and heavy that I didn't help Todd get his books. Not to mention the fact that I must send the king such dire news of a vampire murderer. From what I picked from the boy's thoughts, it was over two years ago, and the vampire was in coastal region at that time. The description, time and place, remained secure in the back of my mind though it still seemed a threaten me with its violent nature. The information may be insufficient since I took them from the mind of a boy, it is better then nothing. At least it gives me a direction. However with the king's worry of the hunters and all, the last thing I want to do is add another problem to his already growing list of problems.

Just as I leap over a fallen log I hear a sound, as if a small stamped is heading my way. My nose picks up the sent. It is musky, the sent of wolves. They are close and coming fast. This is not a problem for I could easily leave the wolves in the dust. But the interesting thing is that they are coming toward me. Strange. I halt my run and stand as still as a statue. I wait as the wolf pack suddenly burst from the woods full tilt. I stare unblinking as they circle my still form. In the darkness of the forest the wolves eyes and forms were mere shadows to normal eyes. Through mine I could see them all as if I had the light of dusk around me. The largest of the wolves comes forth. Male, young, and cocky. He is a gray wolf, with black ear tips, and large for a young pup. His golden eyes assesses me as he walks slowly closer. I hold still, not wanting to provoke him.

"Female why do you run alone?"  Demands the alpha male.

I grace him with a wolfish smile and reply, "I have no pack. I need no pack. I am loner. Leave me before I kill you." The wolves native tongue passes through my mind with ease.

He turns his head and gives me a barking laugh, "Females do well to stay with their packs. A bitch needs male for pupping. You are untouched, fresh. This I like. Mate with me, become my bitch."

I laugh out and shake my head, "Sorry. No ones bitch. I need no male. No pups. I live freely with wind."

The male growls at me, "Refuse safty in pack. Want no pups. You live with no male. No future without mate. Wolves mate for life!"

The others growl their agreements and the alpha approaches me threateningly.

"Sorry, but I am no wolf." I growl softly.

This confuses the wolf. "What..."

I disappear and reappear within my cabin in my vampiric form once again. I know it is rude to leave when someone is talking, but I know he would have persisted that I mate into his pack. I could not waste any more time discussing (to a randy male wolf no less) that being a vampire means you have choices, although I do take a moment and think about what the wolf had just said.

No future without male, want no pups. Its not that I don't want children, it's just....

I shake my head and walk to my bathroom. Several of my cats lounge within my tub when I walk in and I grin at the cuteness. The bathroom is pretty big, with navy blue tiles, rugs, curtains, and marble bath room essentials.

I shoo the cats out and start a fresh bubble bath. I smile as my big ground tub becomes full. As I wait I summon my red robe onto my person and conjure forth a paper and pen. I sit down on my bathroom stool and think about what to say to the king. The thoughts and feelings of the memory that I had absorbed tumbles and flints back and forth within my mind and I wince as I try to get hold of them. I finally decide what to write, and my pen touches the paper. Suddenly a cold presence touches me, sending a chill up my spine. I turn quickly to see the king of vampires lounging in a chair across the room. The sight, though he did this several times before, never ceases to stun me stupid. He has on a lavender robe that looks stunning on him. His silver, gold eyes, are watching me with laughter spilling from them. I swallow as I lay the pen down on my lap.

"Zecon, I have a feeling that my presence is needed here tonight. Can I assume that I can be of some service my lady?"

I blink at him as I gripped the pen and paper in my hands. Unable to form words I toss the two articles onto the bathroom sink and walk to the bath. I begin to seat myself on the edge of the tub, trying to keep the robe tightly closed, my eyes staying away from his appealing face as a flush steals over my cheeks.

"Oh now, now, Zecon none of that. I have seen that deliciously lush body of yours before. Why try to hide such an appealing view from me." He says chuckling.

I flinch at his words. I am very sensitive about my weight and I know he is playing yet...

            " I'm sorry my lord," I say on purpose, knowing his title aggravated him. "But I could not help but become flustered with your beauty. You do dazzle people with your presents."

He laughs out as I quickly shed my robe and slide into the tub. With the water and bubbles to my breasts, he couldn't see anything. The knowledge made him frown slightly. I grin at him in a mixture of coyness and innocence. I flick my tail at him, sending a small splash of water his way. He sits there and takes it, just to retaliate by dropping a huge bubble of water on me out of no were. I grumble and begin to relies that the tub is about full.  As I move to turn the water off Linkz asks off handedly, "So what is it that you wish to tell me? Hmmm?" His eyes following my every move.

I blush and turn to him as I shut off the valve. His robe has slipped a bit, gifting me with a plesent view of his chest.

Damn, oh damn, oh damn, oh damn....  I could not think of anything else. The sight of it catches me off guard. White chest with rippling muscles and a glimpse of a black nipple, ohhh... stop you pervert head!!

            "You were saying Z?" Linkz murmurs softly.

"Oh yes sir. I have news!" I gasp, trying to drag my eyes to his face. But they keep roaming down to his chest, to his exposed legs that he has crossed as he sits in my cherry wood chair. At the fact that he looks like a runaway model that got lost in my home. Like a....

"What kind of news?" He states slowly as he stares down at me with narrow eyes. His lips turn into a soft smile.

"There... there.. has been a killing my lord!" I say blushing.

I am rewarded with a pause, there is a puzzlement on his face that I have never seen before. Then his face darkens into that of the of the true vampire king underneath the teasing jester. The hardness of his features, eyes, and set of jaw, makes him look fiercer and more stunning then ever. Oh shut up you stupid pounding heart!

 "What kind of murder and on hum?" His voice takes on an edged note.

I look directly into his hard eyes. As I stare I quickly think of a way to retaliate all the information to him at one time. It is a large list of things, small details that I knew the king wanted to know. Finally the idea came to me.

"Sir I took the details from the mind of the son of the murdered victim. Maybe if you go into my mind you could gather it for yourself!" Just as suddenly as the words came out my mind did a last minute back track. Wait, wouldn't that allow him to see other things that you don't want him to know. Oh shit!

I raise startled eyes to him and found him giving me a cold smile.

"Very well Zecon, since you are willing to give me this information in its entirety then I will be quick and retrieve it from your mind." He stands as he finishes his sentence, and the robe shimmers around his body like magic. I watch transfixed as the vampire god walks slowly to me.

Meow mama mea!

Tall as a giant from my seated position, I could not help but ogle.

He finally reaches me and kneels. Coming face to face, he takes his hands and places them on either side of my head. But unlike what I did to enter the boys mind back at the book store, the king leans in and brushes his lips against mine. I feel my mind opening and my body burns. I gasp and feel his tongue enter my mouth. Time slips by as I am taken over by his ministrations. His warm appendage strokes every surface of my mouth, from fang, to gum, to tongue, he is relentless. I can feel my body melting even though his body is as cold as ice. Then as soon as I get the idea to return his kiss he steps back and looks at me with half closed eyes. The gold-silver, of his eyes stare intently back into mine, as I fight for breath, his is even and unfettered.

"Still so naive," He murmurs agenst my lips, " Still so young and untainted."

"I don't know about untainted my lord." I whisper blushing.

He smiles and presses a kiss agenst my lips. "We shall see."

He rises slowly and steps away from the tub. Clothes immediately incase his body, a black shirt, blue jeans, and black boots cover him.

Ahhh dang it!!

He turns to me and says, " I will take the information that I have found in your mind and find this Hunted vampire."

As he begins to vanish I cry out, "Linkz!" He stops and turns becoming solid again. "Will you need anything else from me? I could help." I say in desperation. I did not care for injustice any more then he did.

The kings smiles and says, "Not tonight. You've had a long day and you need to feed and rest. However," He smiles down at me. "I would like to see you again. Tomorrow night I think. Visit my hideaway in the northern mountains. In the usual form please, it makes it easier to keep hidden, now that we seem to have become the hunted." He pauses and sighs. "Come as soon as you can so we can have a discussion. Till then my dear." With that he disappears totally, leaving me suddenly cold in the tub.

A few moments later I emerge from the bathroom and walk idly down my wooden hall to my room. My animals scurry around me, snakes slither on vines that I grew on the walls. Rabbits, cats, and other furry and scaled animals, race around the halls, talking to me at once, asking me to run with them, to play like I used to, but tonight my thoughts are confused and uncertain. So I ignore them and climb into bed. I had not feed and I could feel the hunger rising in me. But that to I ignored. Tonight I did not feel like feeding.

What would the king want with me? And why would he request to see me in his hideaway in the mountains?

I press my fingers to my lips and feel the slight swelling. His kiss was surprising to say the least. He has never done such a thing since...

I toss in my covers and think over the first time I was turned into a vampire. How he held me, how he sank his fangs deep into my neck. How every sip of my blood felt like a seduction, a sexual feeding that was meant to raise my hunger and erase pain. I remember the thoughts leaving my mind, as I felt myself slowly give into him. How in return he fed me back a new life, not from his arms or throat, but from his very lips.

The reminder sent warmth pooling toward my privates. I groan and suddenly decided to take tomorrow off. Tomorrow I will race through my forest and straighten out my thoughts before meeting the king that night. With that idea firmly in place, I close my eyes and send myself to sleep.