Saved pt.1

Story by Tigerclaw on SoFurry

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This story contains stuff that is not suitable for people under 18 and blah blah blah. Enjoy the story

It was snowing heavily as Kevin drove down the highway. His girlfriend Tina his beautiful collie had asked him to pick up a few items from the groccery store. He wasn't too worried since he was a Grey wolf and he could with stand the cold. He did have his heavy leather coat with him so he agreed with out trouble. He jumped into his black buick and slowly made his way. He looked into the mirror and saw only the reflection of a well built muscular Grey wolf with green eyes and a nervous facial expression against the dark of the night. He turned into the parking lot of Albertson's and parked his car. It was the beggining of a snow storm so only the cars of the workers were in the parking lot. He went into the store and grabbed the items she had sent him for. Fire logs, some hot chocolate, a bag of marshmellos, and a bag of her favorite candy. He rung up the items through the self checkout making sure to ring up the Hershey's kisses he forgot for his collie earlier. He paid his money and grabbed his reciept leaving for the door. He walked out side getting hit with a gust of cold wind and snow. He shivered a little and thanked the angels that it only took him and minute and his car was still warm. He started his car and slowly made his way back.

He yawned softly watching the scenery whisp past in a blaze of white and green. It was normal North Dakota weather but it was colder than usual tonight. He looked back down at the street and barely had enough time to hit the breaks when he saw a small figure in the street. The tires screeched as he came to a complete stop jerking him forward in his seat. He threw off his seat belt and opened the door and bounded for the figure. He stepped up to the snow coverd bundle and rolled it over. In the small amount of blankets was an unconscious rottwieler pup. He quickly picked up the bundle of dog and ran to his car. He took of his coat and wrapped it around the pup while turning the heater on full blast. He whipped out his cell phone and called home. "Tina," he said pulling off down the street. "What's wrong," she said hearing the distress in his voice. "I found a pup lying in the road unconscious and I'm bringing him home". "I want you to boil some water and bring out some fresh blankets and I'll be there in a sec," he said urgently. He drove down the last street and pulled up into the drive way.

He ran up the sidewalk and pulled the door open not caring about the cold that tore at his face. He walked into the house and set the dog down beside the fire next to Tina. "Is he ok," she said replacing the coat and the wet blankets with a fresh warm blanket. "I dont know, he looks pretty bad," he said. "He dosen't have any clothes, only this blanket," Kevin said . "He's wearing a collar," she said looking at the tag. If a fur had on a collar it usually meant that the fur was a slave or a pet to someone. He read the tag aloud. "Max," he said reading the three letters on the name tag. "Do you think we should take him to the hospital," she said looking to Kevin for an answer. "No, if we take him away from the fire and back out to the cold he might not make it". They sat there for a good hour watching the pup but he didn't move nor did he stir. Tina sighed and stood up. "Baby I'd love to stay up with you, you know I would but I'm tired." It's ok, you go to sleep and I'll stay out here with the puppy while you get some rest". She padded into her room and shut the door. Kevin laid next to the Max and rubbed his stomach over the blanket. He was a cute puppy so why would anyone want to throw him out in the cold he thought to himself. He looked to be about 8 years old. The condition he was in now was poor and sickly Kevin felt himself start to get more and more sleepy but he wasn't about to abandon his watch on the pup. Outside the snow fell more and more thickly like rain covering the ground. Kevin's eyes drooped slowly and he fell asleep next to the dying fire.

Kevin snapped awake and looked around. He looked down and saw Max's body beside his. He reached down to see if the pup had a pulse and he found his heart to be beating normally. "Wake up little puppy," he said rubbing his head. At this the puppy stired. Kevin alomst jumped for joy as Max's eyes opened. He looked around the room and looked at Kevin. "It's ok Max, your safe. "I found you in the street and brought you home. The pup made no eye contact t or answer him. "Who left you outside to die like that," he said looking down at him. The puppy didn't move nor did he make a sound. Max just stared up at Kevin with his brown eyes and a dull expression. "Um.... you must be hungry," he said going to the kitchen. "I'll make chicken noodle soup," he said grabbing a can. Outside the storm had fadded but left it's mark. The snow was a foot deep and every where white covered the ground. The mail fur who had the misfortune to deliever the mail walked back to his car taking huge steps as not to slip in the snow. Kevin set the freshly made food down in front of the pup. Max slurped up the food in quick gulps. Kevin looked on in amazement as the pup drank the bowl dry. "There's enough for seconds," he said grabbing the bowl.

Tina came out of her room in her nightgown quick enough to see Max down another bowl of the hot soup. He yawned and laid back down under the blanket. Kevin sat Max up and and gave him a pillow to lean against. "Where do you live," he said looking at the collar again. He whimpered softly and huddled under the blanket. "I bet your family is really worried about you," he said not really believing his own words. Max just whimpered under the blanket and Kevin sighed. "Can you talk," Tina said rubbing under his chin. Max nodded then looked at Kevin. "You wont talk in front of him," she said smiling sweetly. He nodded his head then cuddled up against Tina. "I'm the one that saved his life and he wont even talk to me. "I guess not," she said getting up. "Follow me, will go talk in privacy," she said taking him to the bedroom. Kevin sat on the couch and decided to turn on the T.v. and let out some anger. He was the one who stayed up half the night with Max and he couldn't even get a thank you.

About half an hour later Tina and Max walked out of the room with some of Kevin's clothes on. "So, what did he tell you," he said replacing his anger with curiosity. "Poor puppy," she said sitting Max in her lap beside Kevin. "Well," he said. "He said he was a pet to some really cruel male wolf". "He said he was a sex toy and he ran away a week ago so he would stop getting beaten every other day,". "Mabey that's why he looks so sick," Kevin said. "He said he never wanted to go back to being a sex dog again," she said rubbing his ears. "We cant just take him baby, he belongs to someone". "I dont care, he shouldn't have to suffer like that," she said getting upset. "Plus he's cute and I want to keep him," she said cooing to Max. I think we should take him to the docter now and make sure he's ok". "I'll go warm the car and you get him ready to go".

They walked into the doctors office together and signed in. Tina held Max's head against her shoulder and slowly rocked him until Kevin finished the papers. "This shouldn't take to long seeing there are no other furs here". "They'll read the papers and call him in". He was right because a few miutes later tall male lion with a white doctor's jacket came out and called for Max. They all got up and walked in following the lion. He came to a room at the end of the hall and opened the door telling Max to sit on the table. "My name is Dr. Jenkins," he said shaking their paws. "Lets see, he was out in the cold for how long Mr. Manson". "I'm not sure," Kevin said looking at Max. "He looks ok, but I still want to get a physical on file for him". "In my records it said that a wolf by the name of Bruce Lenamen was the first owner of Max". "He hasn't been for a check up since". Max coward as he heared his master's name. Tina saw this and rubbed his back. "It's ok, we wont let him hurt you again," she said. "Max, could you stand up and remove your clothes please the doctor," said pulling out pair of gloves from a nearby drawer.

Max stood up and slowly removed his shirt and then his pants. "Boxers too," the doctor said. He whined a little and dropped his boxers for the lion doctor. He stepped up to the pup and looked him over. "Lay down on the table please," he said to Max. Max laid down and the doctor came and stood over him. "It says here that you haven't had your next shots and it's time for them," he said looking at the folder. "Shall I administer the shots today or would you like to come back later," he said looking at Kevin. "Do them today," Kevin said looking at his watch. The doctor nodded and checked his eyes first. Then he checked Max's teeth and looked through his fur. He checked his pulse and looked in his ears. "I'll be right back," he said walking out of the room. Tina stood up and hugged the shivering rottwieler. "You'll be fine, he's just going to give you your shots so you'll stay healthy," she said rubbing his belly. He rubbed against her arm as the doctor walked in with the needles. "He needs to get four today and then in a few months he'll need another one," he said tapping the medicine bottle. Max whimpered a little as the doctor walked over to the table with the medicine-filled needles. He washed the fur around the spot and slid the needle in. Tina held him close to her as he yelped. He applied a bandaid and started on the next one.

Both of Max's arms were sore as Dr. Jenkins applied the last needle. "There you go boy," he said putting another bandaid on to his arm. Tina rubbed his sore arm and kissed him on the cheek. "Now that wasn't so bad now was it". "Come stand on the scale please," the doctor said setting the scale up. Max got off the table and padded to the scale. He stepped on it and the doctor wieghed him. "For a dog of his size he should weigh alot more than this," he said writing down the numbers. "He only wieghs about a 65 pounds". "What do you feed him," he said looking at Kevin. "We sort of.... found him last night so we dont know". "You found him," he said. "Yeah, last night in the street". "Well Max, your a lucky puppy". "The news caster said last night's storm was the worst snow storm in the the North". "You owe him your life". "Now I want to see if you can touch your toes boy," he said squating down. Max bent down and touched his toes before standing straiting up again. The doctor walked over and placed his paw under Max's balls. He squeezed them a little and checked his sheath and walked over to Kevin. "He seems quite healthy but he needs to eat more". "I want him to gain at least thirty pounds in the next three months. "Right," Kevin said. "Well, that's it Max," the doctor said. "You put your clothes back on and go to the front". "The reciptionist will tell you when to come back and take care of any appointments for his next check-up". "Have a nice day," the doctor said showing them out.

On the way home Max fell asleep wrapped in Tina's arms as they made there way slowly through the ice slicked streets. They pulled up and Kevin carried the sleeping puppy into the house. He walked to his bedroom and laid Max on the bed. Max yawned and looked up at Keven and panicked. He squirmed off the bed and jumped for the door where Tina was standing. "Come here boy," she said lifting him off his feet. "He dosn't like me," Kevin said growing red in the face. "Give it time Kevin," she said laying Max on the bed. She laid the blanket over him and rubbed his head. "He's been through heck with this Bruce guy and he needs to relax". "I'm going to look in the phone book and see if I can find this Lenamen guy," Kevin said. He walked out of the bedroom and into the livingroom to find a phone book.

Tina sat with Max and rubbed his stomach as until Kevin walked in. "I found the number," he said picking up the phone. "Your not actualy going to call him are you". "I need to get him home," Kevin said. "I want to keep him," Tina said nuzzling the top of his head. "He dosen't belong to us". "Fine call him you meany," she said glaring at Kevin. Kevin dialed the number and waited. "Hello," thew voice said. Max quivered and Tina held him closer. "Hello sir, we found your pet," Kevin started. "When I get my hands on the dog's neck I'm going to strangle him". "Where are you so I cane break his"- Kevin hung up the phone and stared wide eyed. "I guess that wasn't the best idea," he said grinning shakeily. "You think," Tina said. "Shhh, look Kevin said. Tina looked down and Max was snoring peacefully. "Aww," she said craddilng the pup. "You'd be the perfect mother," Kevin said smiling. "I think so too".


Max was having another nightmare like he usually did but this time it was more vivid. "On your knees," Bruce said yanking the pup's collar. Max yelped recieving a hard slap on the muzzle. The big wolf loomed over the the pup slowly pumping his hardon. Max whimpered as the big wolf positioned himself at the little pup's entrance. Max felt a great pressure growing against his small hole and whined. Bruce slapped Max again hard in the face. Max went quite and tigtend up as the huge rod was inserted into his hole. He yelped out sharply as he was ripped open in one thrust. "I said shut up," Bruce said hitting the pup over and over again in his sides. He started making a rythem with his thrusting slowly going out and quickly ramming all 11 inches back into the pup. Max tried not to whine but the pain was to much. Bruce didn't care anyway because he was to far into the pleasure of his tight little fuck toy. Blood was slowly seeping out of the pup and onto the bed as the life was bieng fucked out of him. The tears were streaming slowly down his face and drool was falling from his mouth as he was rammed. Max felt something growing bigger inside of him and he yelped out really loud as Bruce's not grew bigger. "I said shut the fuck up," Bruce said delievering another blow. Max fell onto the blood drenched bed and didn't move. The last blow had knocked him unconscious. Bruce continued to rip the puppy's body apart ramming him faster with his still growing knot. He felt his knot tie the pup and he felt his climax hit. He moaned out as he shot thread after thread of sticky wolf cum into the pup's body. When he finished filling the pup with his sex liquid he yanked his knot out of the pup and left him to bleed in a puddle of his own blood.


Max whimpered in his sleep and Tina rubbed his head. "It's ok Max," she said rubbing him. Tina slowly petted the pup and comforted him as he fought through his nightmare. Everyone jerked awake by a loud pounding on the door. Kevin drowsily got up and answered it. Tina gently kissed Max on the head and tried to get him to go back to sleep but to no avial. "Come on puppy lets go see who's at the door," she said picking him up. They walked to the door where Kevin was looking out the peep hole. "Who is it," Tina said yawning. "Some wolf," he said looking out. Max looked out the window and fell apart. "I've come to pick up my pet," the wolf said banging on the door. "It's him," Kevin said steping back from the door. "Stop moving Tina," said trying to calm the pup down. He broke free and jumped into Kevin's arms. "Please don't let him take me," he sobbed in to Kevin's chest.

Wow! Cliffhanger. I hope every one enjoyed this tale of a pup found in the snow. My friend helped me make this story so the credit goes to him also. Me and Black wolf spen a good three days and nights working this one up. I can't wait to see what happens next. If you have any questions, comments, or critcizm please e-mail me.