Chapter One: Getting A Job

Story by TenebraeVulpis on SoFurry

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This story is my first and I was helped out a lot by a good friend of mine. The main characters (some not decided) are based on friends of mine and are copyrighted to their own personas. Other characters are just there for a sense of plot development. I'll take all the constructive criticism given, but please don't make it too harsh. Thanks.


As I awoke, I groggily looked over at the alarm clock. It was 6:29 a.m., one minute before my alarm went off, same as always. Soon enough I shot up and looked around wide-eyed until I found the source of my rude awakening. . . . the alarm clock. I quickly reached over and turned it off, but not soon enough for it to wake me up. I rolled out from under the covers and right onto the floor hitting with a loud 'thud', the same way I did every day. When I finally started to stand up, wearing only a pair of boxers, I looked around my room for something. Not anything in particular, just trying to find something different, looking for any change. You see, for the past three months, ever since I graduated college, I'd been unemployed and looking for any job that might include the skills I attained at school. So far, I couldn't find anything. . . . but I digress. I always went through that same routine, since I moved into my apartment. I never liked being in such a routine mindset, but I never tried to get out of it either. I didn't realize just how much change was in store for me.

I walked out of my room, through the hallway, past the living room, and straight to the kitchen. "I guess my definition of 'straight' isn't as accurate as I would've liked." I thought to myself as I put the newspaper down on the kitchen table. I completely skipped looking at the front page and immediately began flipping through pages trying to find what I looked for in every day's newspaper. . . . the classified ads. The fact that I'd been living off almost nothing because I was too picky to get a regular job was starting to take it's toll on me. I scanned through the ads looking for something new, something that would catch my attention. It wasn't until I looked down at the bottom right corner of the page when the ad caught my eye. It read "New corporation looking for college graduates to work with new forms of nanite technologies. Also looking for test subjects for recent developments. For more information, call. . . ."

My eyes immediately shot open and I jumped up yelling, "That's it! It's the job I've been looking for!" When I finally calmed down enough to think straight, I looked down at the ad and wrote down the number. It seemed as though my life might actually become interesting, but first I had to call the number. It took a few minutes to try and figure out just what to say, and when I thought I was ready I reached out and grabbed to phone. After a few seconds of ringing the line on the other end picked up and a lovely women's voice answered.

"Hello, Nanite Technological Industries. How may I help you?"

I guess that I wasn't prepared to hear a girl's voice when I tried to answer, "Um. . . . Hi. My name is Matt. . . . Matt Furr, and I was wondering about your ad in the paper."

"Oh, yes. I was hoping someone would call in. Now lets talk about qualifications. Since you already gave me your name, Matt, all I need now is your age, sex, your major in college, and any other little personal things you might want to include." she said with a slight accent I couldn't catch.

"Okay. Well, I'm twenty-two years old, I'm a guy, I have a bachelors degree in biological engineering, and I guess you could say that I'd really like to get this job." I realized just how dumb that sounded right after I had said it.

"It sure seems that you have everything in order. Just give me a few seconds to type all of this information into our database and. . . . . CONGRATULATIONS! Your application has been accepted. When would you like to start?" she said in that same accent.

"What application? I didn't write anything out." I couldn't help but ask.

"You did tell me what I asked of you, and that's good enough to be used as an application." this time she had more than just the accent in her voice. . . . sarcasm.

"Oh, okay. So I got the job. Hey, wait a minute, I got the job! Oh, thank you so much, you don't know happy I am." I couldn't help but yip with joy.

"That's great to hear, sir, but when would you like to start working?"

"I can start whenever you want me to." I almost couldn't hold my joy.

"Good. You can start today. Be here at 10 o' clock sharp."

"Uh. . . . Okay, sure. That sounds great. I'll be there. Oh, and thanks again." I said with a bit of shock.

"That's no problem, I should be thanking you. Bye then."


I couldn't believe it. After looking for what seemed to be an eternity, I had a job, and I started today. When this concept finally sunk in I looked over at the clock, it was 7:42. I had just enough time to get a quick shower, clean myself up a bit, and walk out the door to my SUV.

As I drove up to the building, I took in just how big the building actually was. It was amazing that I had never noticed it before. I pulled into the parking lot and found a nice spot close to the front doors of the place. When I walked through the large double-doors, I stood awestruck at the sight. It was like they took a page out of Men In Black: having everything in sight white, from the floor to the ceiling. I looked around trying not to get lost in this sea of white when I saw the woman standing patiently at the front desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just. . uh. . admiring the beauty of this room. My name is Matt, I called earlier about a job here." I said with a slight stutter looking at the surprisingly beautiful young woman staring back at me from the front desk.

"Yes, well, welcome to Nanite Technological Industries. If you will, Mr. Furr, please follow me and I'll show you where you need to go." that same accent still in play.

"Please, just call me Matt." was all that I could say before my subconscious took over and I started following her.

"It's only a short walk to where you'll be situated. You'll be working with Dr. Stark, she's quite the scientist you know. And quite the looker if you know what I mean." she said with a slight smirk.

I was taken aback by this comment and all I could say was, "Wow, she sounds like the kind of person I'd like to meet."

After a few more minutes of walking we suddenly stopped at the end of the hallway. The receptionist then ushered me to the door that, when I walked towards it, slid open revealing, quite to my suprize (sarcasm used), a completely white room.

"And that should do it Johnny, just be sure to call if anything out of the ordinary happens, okay?" a young woman said as she slid what looked to be a gun away from her patient's neck.

As I witnessed this I looked to the woman with the device and then to the recipient of whatever was in the device and realized who it was.

"Johnny. . . . oh my gosh Johnny it is you. Dude, what are you doing here?" I said as I remembered my best friend's face that I hadn't seen for several years now.

"Hey, Matt. I never would've expected to see you here. I saw an add in the paper for test subjects and I thought I might take a chance. How about you?" he implied soon after noticing I was in the room.

"I saw the same ad and called in and got a job working as an assistant for this lady named Dr. Stark."

At the mention of her name, the woman with the device said, "Oh, so you're my new assistant. I was hoping that you would show up soon. I would like to get started as soon as possible. And Johnny, I'm done. You can go home now, and don't worry, nothing bad should happen to you."

"Okay, thanks doc. I'll see ya later Matt. Maybe we can meet up sometime after you're done working."

"Alright, that sounds like a plan. What's your number so I can get a hold of you, and where do you live?"

"I live at 418 East Avenue, I just moved there a few weeks ago. And you can call me at my home number, it's. . . ."

"Wait, 418 East Avenue, I live on Bark Drive! We're only like a few blocks away from each other! That's so awesome! You'll have to come over when I get off work." I said with a bit of overexitement.

"Yea, dude. I'll do that, just make sure to call, okay? I'll see ya later Matt." he said as he left the room.

Well that was a touching moment now wasn't it. Mr. Matt, is it? If you'll please come this way we can begin working." Dr. Stark said with some pity in her voice.

When that was said, she led me out of the room and down the hall a ways until we reached another room. Like the rest it was completely white and was filled with many test tubes, microscopes, and other instruments of science.

"And this will be your office, Matt. This is where we have been trying to produce formulas for many things: antidotes for diseases, mixtures for making people stronger and such, but mainly we've been working on ways of altering the human body." Dr. Stark said in an informative way.

"Um. . . . 'Altering' the human body. What exactly does that mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, we've just been working on ways of making people into, what's the word I'm looking for, oh yea, furries."

"Furries. You mean, real furries. Not just people wearing costumes, but real flesh and fur furries! I didn't think that that was possible!"

"Yes, many people think that way but, rest assured, it can be done. Let me show you."

And so she spent the rest of the day explaining just how it could be done. Not sparing any details and, being one to enjoy learning, I soaked up all the information I could. After a long day of learning just how everything was done around the place Dr. Stark finally said that it was time to go home. I didn't really want to leave, but my body said otherwise. So, as I was walking down the hall, past the receptionist's desk she called me back.

"Matt, before I forget, we have a special gift for you. It's for being so cooperative with us and being such a big help on your first day."

"Really? Wow, only one day on the job and already I'm getting a bonus. This is great, what is it?" I quickly responded.

"It's that crate right over there." she said as she pointed to a large crate in the corner of the room.

"Wow, it's a good thing I have an SUV, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get that thing home without renting a truck. What's in it by the way?"

"Oh, you'll just have to find out for yourself." she gave a quick grin and continued working at her computer.

"Uh, how am I supposed to get this thing out to my car?" I asked after a few seconds of quiet deliberation.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to do that." and with a push of a button, a large man coming from the main hallway pushing along a small box lifter came into view. He just walked right by the counter and to the crate and slowly lifted it onto the box lifter. He then looked in my direction and gave a quick nod indicating for me to lead him out to my car. I complied and soon enough the crate was carefully placed in the back and I was off back to my apartment for some rest and relaxation. . . .