My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 20

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#21 of Mlp

"Why did you want to come with me if you didn't want to get dirty?" I asked with the roll of my eyes as Rarity was holding my neck with her arms lightly, her hind legs wrapped as much as they could around my waist was I treaded though the dirt and dead logs of Everfree Forest. After saying our goodbyes to our friends not even a few moments ago, we started our way into the creepy like forest, after no more then thirty seconds, Rarity jumped onto my back, whining in her own way about being filthy.

"I don't want anything to happen to you darling," she spoke softly was ducking her head away from a low branch. "And beside, if anyone tries to harm you," her voice got deep and almost dark. "I'll destroy them!"

"Did I ever tell you that you sound sexy when you go like that?" I looked back to see her blush as she only giggled, looking away slightly as I only laughed. Still walking forward, jumping a bit, using some spells that Rarity taught me, basic spell such as lifting things or pushing them out of the way, I removed anything that I couldn't climb with her on my back. Rarity would help as well, at times, more at times though her long hair would brush my face, but I let it slide.

"So have you thought about Brandon's offer?" still walking, I thought back to what my friend asked me; about joining to be his captain guard. It was true that I was being trained by Shiny in case I wanted to be his captain, but I wasn't truly sure I was ready to have a bunch of soldiers under my command.

"I'm not truly sure," I answered jumping over a small gap. "Maybe, I'll give him my answer when we see each other after this little quest.

For the rest of the trip, we just chatted, Rarity even asking me if I ever wanted a child. I answered that I did, and we could try when she went into her next heat, I mean, if I had a tail and a horn now, I must be able to knock up a pony of this world right? When the ground went from mud to grass, Rarity got off my back, my back cracking as I stretched and bent forward, sighing at the feeling of the extra weight gone. After a little while, I stopped as I looked forward, there it was, the human city.

The sun was slowly setting, so I could still see clearly of the city, many of the towers that were built around the large circle like city were gone, some still up, but parts of the stone walls were gone or missing. Sliding down the grassy slop, I looked back to see Rarity float down with her magic as we made our way into the city.

"My goodness, this place looks almost like Canterlot with all the stone that was made here." I nodded in agreement; I guess the humans of the past were ahead in building things. "Devon, a thought just came to mind," I looked down to Rarity as we walked, I didn't truly care about the place, only wanting to get into the temple, get the Element and go; I think maybe Brandon would've like this place more. "Celestia and Luna told us that the humans that were sent away to the world you were born in, were the ones that fought with them right?"

"Yeah I guess," I answered as she nodded.

"Would that mean that maybe your ancestors came from one of these three cities?"

"I guess so yeah," I answered her again.

"I wonder if we would've still met if your kind stayed here with us."

"Hrm," was all I could answer to her as we made our down the polished but broken road.

Moss was all that could be seen of the buildings, that and the broken walls and roofs. Making our way to the largest building of the city, no doubt the temple for how large it was, I went to think of how Brandon and Mike were doing. Did they get the Elements from the city they were going to, or were they still on their way toward it now like I was? Ether way, this was where I had to get the Element of Courage; without it, the Dark Beast may just kill us all.

I jumped at the sound what seemed to be rocks moving on the ground, looking over, I saw a blue tail disappear behind a home that was missing the roof, followed by a gasp.

"Rarity stay here," I whispered to my girlfriend as she nodded, moving slowly, I went toward the building, before reaching forward with speed, grabbing onto the tail of whoever was there.

"H...hey let me go!" I looked at the owner of the voice; it was the voice of a filly, no bigger then Sweetie Belle. Her coat a very light blue, maybe lighter then Rainbow Dash, her mane and hair, were a darker blue, her hair curled downward as they bounced with each swing as I held onto her tail. Her eyes were a deep purple as she then looked toward me with wide eyes. "Hey, you look like the things I've seen on the walls at that big old place!"

"Who the heck are you?" I asked as I placed the young filly on the ground. "And do you mean the temple?"

"Yeah huh," she answered with a nod. "My name is Blue, nice to meetcha!" looking at her flanks, I noticed she lacked a Cutie Mark. "What's your name?"

"I'm Devon, and this," I looked over at Rarity who made her way over. "Is Rarity."

"Nice to meetcha both then!" she answered me with a large grin. "Oh, like I said, you look like those pictures on the wall, come on I'll show you!" she started to run off ahead of us, I called out to her, but she didn't stop, I looked to Rarity who nodded to me as we ran off after Blue toward the large temple.

"Where is it...where is it..." she muttered to herself as she made her way over to the far right wall. "Ah ha! Found it mister Devon!" walking up behind her, she pointed to a picture on the wall, it showed a drawing of complex skills, craved into the walls of humans, fighting what I think were the Dark Beast, in the front was a single human with a large blade.

"That's a big sword," I said out loud as Blue looked back to me and then to the picture. The runes were of something had ever seen, not that I would've read it anyway.

"The sword name is The Holy Sun Blade," she spoke out while tracing her hoof on the runes. "This is a history of when the human of the old world fought the meanies called the Dark Beasts!"

"You...can read this?" Rarity asked while walking beside her as Blue nodded.

"Yeah huh, it says that three humans Elements were needed to forge the blade, but only one could wield it; for the sword drained the wielder of their energy little by little."

"Good to know I guess," I answered kneeling down. "What else does it say?"

"The blade was made to beat the Dark Beast yes, but the human who was to use the blade was not as powerful as everypony thought, so the last attack that they thought would kill the Dark Beast off, only sealed them away; also, the human died."

"So sad," Rarity said looking at the cravings. "The human tried to hard to keep the home he or she grew up in, and died for it."

"The human was female, the name though, it says not of the name; oh well." Blue only shrugged as I then looked to her.

"Blue, what are you even doing here in the first place?"

"Oh...I live here, mommy and daddy died long ago, and I found this place; yup, I like it here, the meanies don't come here, the spirit here keeps me safe!"

"Spirit?" both me and Rarity asked at once as Blue nodded her head.

"Yeah, the Spirit, her name is Courage; at least that's what she called herself when I found her. She told me the history of the humans that lived here long ago, and keeps me safe!"

"But...where do you find food?"

"Oh, there are some fruit trees around here, sometimes I go out to find other types of food, Courage showed me many ways to see if a plant is poison or not; would you like to meet her?"

I turned to look at Rarity; she also looked back at me as she then looked to Blue.

"Blue," she asked in a soft voice. "Is Courage a guardian, is she keeping something safe?"

"The Element of Courage?" she asked with the tilt of her head as Rarity nodded. "Yeah huh, she keeps it safe, why, do you need it?"

"Yes," I told her kneeling down once more. "A very bad evil in coming to the world, we need the power of the Element to help us; do you think she will let us borrow it?"

"Hrm...maybe, but she gotta test you though, I hate test though, she gets angry when you don't past the tests!"

"Well, I will gladly take her test to prove myself."

"Okie dokie lets go!"

Following her to the back of the room, we watched as she stopped before a set of large doors, they slowly opened as me and Rarity followed her into a large circle like room.

"Courage, I'm back, and look at what I found outside!" I watched as the area around us glowed a brought green, looking up, a glowing ball, the size of a human head slowly flowed down, sparkles coming from behind it until it stopped before Blue.

A pony and a human? The voice did indeed sound human. So Celestia and Luna are bringing the humans back I see, good, then the world can start anew.

"Courage, mister Devon here wants to borrow the Element of Courage from you!" Blue spoke bouncing up and down as a child would. "I told him you would test him, and he agreed!"

The Element of Courage? So, the Dark Beasts have returned...after I failed to rid of them all those years ago. Wait, she failed? Did that mean that she was the human who wield this Holy Sun Blade? Devon was it? yes, I can see why you have come, I have heard of Wisdom also testing a human even as we speak, even Power is as well; tell me, what do you think courage is Devon?

"Me, what do I think?" I pondered for a moment before answering. "I believe courage comes from those who would fight or do whatever they must do, even though they are scared of the outcome, if we do nothing, the Dark Beast will kill us all, but if we do something, then many willed be saved." Courage said nothing as I then turned to Blue. "But before we do the test...may I ask about Blue?"

Ah yes, young Blue. As she no doubt had told you, her mother and father were killed many, many years ago, in fact, I have counted the days since I told her mother I would watch over her. It has been over one hundred and eighty-two thousand, five hundred days since she came here, and since I have watched over her, as if she was my own.

"But..." Rarity spoke out as she looked to be counting the numbers up. "That is almost five hundred years! How is that possible?!" Courage seemed to chuckle softly at this as she floated over to Rarity.

Since I promised to keep Blue safe, I gave her a bit of my powers, the only power she has, is prolong life, so long as she stays within the walls of one of the three cities, she will never age, but if she leaves; she will once more age. She then floated to me, flying around me in a small circle. You wish for me to test you to see if you are worthy of having my title, of the Hero of Courage? She made what sounded like a snort. You wasted the trip then, for you do not have the Courage, and for that, I will not test those I believe will pass my test.

_ _

I was utterly...hey there's a word I haven't used; anyway, I was very shocked at this. This spirit who calls herself Courage, also the very one from that picture of wielding this blade that could kill off the Dark Beasts...wouldn't test me at all?!

"Why will you not test mister Devon Courage?" Blue asked looking up at the floating green ball.

Anyone can pretend to have courage, they can make anyone think that they have courage, but when the time comes of need of this so call 'courage' they have; they run like a frightened child who soiled themselves.

"That is not Devon at all!" Rarity came to my defense. "He is so very brave and has much courage unlike anypony I had ever seen! He saved his best friend from the clutches of evil, and fought many Dark Beasts already! He even attacked the master of those monsters! How dare you say he has no courage?!"

"'s alright," my unicorn girlfriend looked to me, her anger still easily seen in her eyes, but slowly started to soften. "I do not need to have some long dead human tell me what I have when I know I have it. If she will not test me so I may gain the Element of Courage, then we will just go back home; and find another way to stop the Dark Beasts without her help."

Without all three Elements, the Dark Beast will still roam this world. Spoke out to me when I turned my back to leave. What do you think you will do without my help?

"I don't know," I answered with a shrug. "Maybe I'll just bitch slap them all or just bug the hell out of them until they submit. All I know is, that if I fight, then I know that many lives will be saved, if I just stand in the background, many may be lost; come on, lets go home." I watched as Rarity gave one last stern glare toward the floating spirit before walking beside me toward the large door.

So you would fight this Darkness and his Dark Beasts, even if it will kill you? I stopped as she asked this question, my head looking down a bit before sighing out.

"Yes," I answered as Rarity gave me a scared filled look. "If it means that I will die, I will still fight, no matter what." Before I could take another step, the ball of light shot in front of me causing me and Rarity to jump back slightly, as it glowed brighter and brighter.

Good job Devon; you have passed my test.

I...what? She was testing me this whole time without even me knowing?!

"You were...testing him?!" Rarity nearly screamed as Courage laughed slightly.

I told you, didn't I? That anyone can easily fool others into thinking they have the courage they claim to have. While my brothers of the Elements test with some sort of fighting, I do not. How can you truly test courage when fighting hrm? No, I decided eons ago that I would test any humans that came in here seeking the power, by seeing how they would react to what I called them. And I must say Devon; you reacted just as I did when I wished to join the army to stop the Dark Beasts so long ago.

"What do you mean?"

I was the only female in the whole army; they didn't believe that women could fight, that we were as fragile as a new born babe. Many times I conceded my looks, went into fighting matches wearing a helm, and a tight shirt to hide my breasts. At first they did not believe me, but when I came to them, and removed my helm, they were not pleased at all. But it was my brothers, the other wielder of the Elements who came to my side. This was before we had the power you and your friends seek, when the blade was made a whole. The men of the army still said they would not allow me to fight, so I told them that even without their words, I would go into battle. That picture you saw, of me with the Holy Sun Blade, was my first and last battle in warfare.

_ _

When I died, I watched how the army saw my courage, and dubbed me, the Hero of Courage, and when the humans asked to be sent away so that the ponies of this world would not shed any more blood, for our bond had been shattered. They brought me back, in the form you see before me, and prayed I would watch over the Element, in case the Dark Beasts ever did return. I agreed of course, and watched and listened as the humans of this fair city left, the soft blowing wind, and the few creatures that came though here at times; all that I had to see and listen. That is, until young Blue was brought here. I watched as Blue looked up and grinned at Courage before she looked to me and then back at her.

"Courage, is mister Devon gonna get the Element now?"

Yes child, Devon if you shall bring out your right arm please? I nodded and did as she said, bringing my arm out and up to my face. The ball that was Courage started to glow softly, before a blinding light was seen on my wrist. I watched as a sliver band, about five centimeters long came onto my skin, runes much like on the wall that was seen, was also on the band. And soon, a large green gem rested on the top part of the gem. I give to you Devon, the Element of Courage; use it to kill off those bastards and the one that controls them! I looked up at Courage and nodded, I had the feeling that now, this battle for Equestria, would end; very soon. Two things before I leave to rest young Devon. I looked up once more at her. It is getting late, the forest is not a pretty place to walk at night, so Blue will show you to a room that you two may stay, and second, I noticed that you have become more then human Devon, that you can now wield magic.

"Just a bit," I told her as she hummed.

I too could use magic, so allow me to grant you, a gift of sorts. A blinding light covered my body as I felt a power go though my body. My head felt as if it would explode at any moment, but as fast as it started; it ended. I have giving you the wisdom of my skills of magic, though weak right now, as you use them more; they too like you, will grow stronger.

"T...thank you," I answered bowing my head softly. Blue then looked to me and then came over to my feet.

"Come on mister Devon and miss Rarity, I'll show you the room you'll be sharing!"

The room that me and Rarity would be using, I was kinda surprised by how the room truly was, I mean, it kinda looked almost like back home her room, a large plush bed on one side of the wall, a mirror on the other side, a table on ether side of the head of the bed, with a plate filled with fruits and other goodies of the sorts. When I asked this to Blue, she told me that Courage made many of the rooms like this just in case others like her were to come and stay with them. After leaving us to be alone, I went to the bed at once, laying my head on the pillow before reaching over for an apple, taking a bite and chewing slowly. I felt the bed move a bit after a while, then felt Rarity climb onto my chest, worming her head under my arms until she laid her head on her forearms, looking at me as I awkwardly looked down toward her.

"Yes?" I asked trailing to word off longer then it should.

"Nothing," she answered blinking her large eyes at me and then smiled softly. "Just looking at my very dashing coltfriend." I only chuckled at this as my right hand went and started to rub though her hair softly, her eyes closed slightly before removing her arms and lying on my chest.

"So about Brandon's and Twilight's wedding," I brought up as she only raised her eyebrows, her eyes still closed telling me she was listening. "Did they ask you if you would do their suit and dress?"

"Oh yes," she answered looking at me once more. "Twilight came to me after you three, meaning you, Mike and Brandon went to talk for a bit and asked me if I would be willing to do so; of course I agreed."

"But of course," I answered with a chuckle as she giggled herself. Looking at her, she leaned closer to me and then kissed me softly on the cheek, trailing down my jaw line before kissing me on my lips a few times. Wrapping my arms around her, I went to kissing her back as well, my hands trailing down her back and sides as our mouths opened, our tongues toughing each other for a moment, before we started to open mouth kiss. Her arms wrapping around my neck as I watched her eyes closed, soon my eyes closing as well, feeling her grip tighten around my neck slightly, not enough to leave pain, but enough to know that she was holding onto me a little tighter then normal. I felt one of her hooves rub onto my chest as I sighed in the kiss; before we then broke our lips from each other so I could then take off my headphones, which I barely took off, set them on the table and then the shirt.

At once she went back to kissing at me, her lips making butterfly kisses along my neck as her hooves softly, as much as that is hard to believe along my chest. I started to notice for a while now, that since I had battled with Brandon to stop the Dark Beast and Darkness, I noticed my body becoming more and more tone. The once little flab of fat I had on my gut, now gone, leaving a few abs to be seen; my arms becoming much thicker with muscles as well as my legs. Still kissing my lover, one hand on the back of her head as my head turned to deepen the kiss a bit more, my other hand went to my pants, my button coming off with some work as I wiggled my way out, much harder now that I had a tail, but soon I was out of them as well as my boxers. The white unicorn have a small gasp in the kiss as she felt my dick lightly hit her leg as she looked back at my now fully hard member, standing up tall with a small bit of pre on the tip. When she looked back to me, I gave her a cheeky smile, raising and lowering my eyebrows a little as she only smiled, leaning down to kiss me again, that was before she slowly trailed down my body, giving small kissing and the sometime lick around my belly. I sat up on the bed, removing the blankets a bit so we were now on the sheet part, I watched as she spread my legs with her hooves before looking at my human dick, then up at me. Giving a sly wink, she leaned closer and licked slowly from the base to the tip; this making my body shudder.

Now if anyone new that did not know Rarity like I did when I first laid eyes on her, you would never think of her as the kinky type that she was when we were alone. She told me one time that she never openly showed her kinky side to the world to see for two reasons as she told me. One, that it was very unlady like to do that sort of thing unless alone with your lover, and two; the Equestria News would have a field day if they knew of this side of her. But that was soon pushed away from my mind as she went for the other lick; it seemed oral was also one of her turns on. She told me after the first time she brought me to cum in her mouth that she always thought it was cute how anypony could make their male or female happy with their mouths in a much different way. I was never much into the oral, I mean, not that she minded, she pretty much now always gave me head before we went onto the next part, even I have some standers in the bed.

(Author cut in)

Me: Whoa, whoa, whoa! *frails arms in air* you have fucking standers when it comes to sex?!

Devon: Yes, there are things that I won't do. Me: You asked me if I would fuck that Changeling Queen, and then that damn horn thing that you said to me that I would get something if I keep rubbing it!

Devon: Corrected me if I'm wrong, but didn't you fuck miss holey legs a few chapters back? Me: *glares* that's beside the point! Devon: And didn't she make you call her Mistress? Me: Shut the hell up! I thought it would make the story more...I don't know, stop changing the subject here! Devon: So you liked to be subbed by bug girls huh?

Me: I swear to god Devon, I will kick you so far up the ass that you will shit out my shoelaces!

Devon: and what is with all this 'ass this' and 'ass that' are you trying to tell us something?

Me: GAH! Just go back to fucking Rarity, I'm out! *storms out room*

Devon: *looks at screen* he'll be back, icon_biggrin.gif he always does.

Me: *from the other room* Fuck off!

(Back to story)

My hips jerked up as Rarity then brought the tip of my member into her mouth, her eyes closed as she moaned softly, sucking and licking at the head as ever so slowly more and more of my penis entered her muzzle. Since she did have a muzzle, she I didn't really get a deep throat treatment, but hey, at least all of me were inside of her right? I fell back on my back, my body already becoming hot at the feeling of Rarity working her mouth over my cock over and over again, my eyes closed making it unable for me to see her do it, but I sure as hell could feel it. At times her noise would hit my pubic hairs as she bobbed into my crotch. My hands went to the side of my body, clutching tightly on the sheets below me as she started and bobbed her head more. At times my hips would jerk up, giving her small shots of pre, which she drank down without stopping. Man, even saying that sounded sexy as fuck. But soon, I felt the coldness of air on my new wet member, looking down, I noticed at Rarity had climbed up my body slowly before putting her plot where my crouch was, I grinned, liking where this was going.

We both sighed at once as she slowly started to take me inside of herself, my hands went from the bed to her flanks. I felt her tail on my own tail as she went lower and lower, looking over her shoulder, I noticed that her tail then started to rise up. This always happened, maybe it was just a reflex, not really sure. Once our hips hit it other, she stood still like this. Leaning forward, our lips touched again as we kissed, my hands rubbing along her sides and her ass as she groaned, her hips softly rocking back and forth along my cock, before she then started to get to work.

Up and down, she slowly went on my now slick pole, her tunnel would tighten as she went toward my tip, as if her body was trying to keep me inside of her, not that I didn't mind at all, this feeling; was just damn good! When she came back down, the soft sound of her coat hitting my bare skin was softly heard, her marehood loosing the way it held onto me for easier motion. Our kiss was brought as when she came down once more, I would thrust up into her, causing her to move away from my face, her hooves on my chest as she let her head point toward the sky, groaning and gasping with ever jerk of my hips. Her female juices trickling down my stick and on to my balls before hitting on the bed was easily seen when I did look at how she was riding me. At times she would stop, grind her hips forward and backwards, even side to side before going back to work. My lips trailed onto her face, cheek, neck, and then back to her lips as I started to lightly suck on her tongue, making her body quiver slightly. My grip on her tightened, making my hips piston into her faster and harder.

She would groan my name at this, at many times saying 'yes' or 'more', and I gave her everything she asked for. My lower back was never even on the bed as I started to fuck her harder and harder, my hips slamming into her own as she moaned and cried out in pure bliss. My cock shooting more and more precum deep within her. For some reason I already felt her about to cum, how did I know, her body would quack more, her eyes shot open and her jaw left wide open as she started to breath faster and harder. Her insides tightened around me before she cried out, her fem juices. I wasn't to far behind as her inside milked me for my cum as I thrust harder and harder into her throughout her blissfilled moments, before at last I thrust up, groaning out my lovers name as I too started to cum.

No doubt my white seed painted her pink insides also white as I started to shoot more and more of my life giving seed deep within her. And pretty soon, when spring came around again, we would do this again, only this time it wouldn't be just making love; it would be breeding. Soon, I gave her all that I could, my breathing slowed down a bit as I laid slumped on the bed, after a while, she pulled off of me, crawled onto my chest and nuzzled my face and neck. I saw the blanket floating with her magic cover us both, and with my last bit of strength before sleep took me in; I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her forehead, before sleep took us both in.