Young Bunny Love

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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She walked into her room and closed the door behind her. Her breathing was fast and heavy, her cheeks red, should couldn't believe it. Getting walked home from school by him! She tossed her books down on her bed and flopped down, hugging a pillow and smiling.

He was the nicest guy she had ever met, smart and cute and funny. He was about 5' 9'' and slightly cubby, but handsome, a 17 year old male bunny, with white fur and soft blue eyes. He was in her chemistry class and was always soo nice to her, helping her along with the hard parts of the class and making labs even more fun. He had long black hair, curly and messy, always in his eyes, she always wanted nothing more than to reach out and fix it.

She was no super model herself, she was a 16 year old female rabbit, with breasts smaller than she would like and a belly bigger than she wanted. She was short, at just 5' 3'' but thought herself cute in her own way, with her big brown eyes and long lashes. She wasn't really all that smart, a B student at best, with long, light hair down her back to match her white fur.

She lay their for a few minutes, thinking about him. She knew his phone number, had gotten it from him long ago to help her with homework after school, but did she dare call him. She rolled over and decided to give him a call, reaching for the phone by her bed.


He walked back down the driveway, heart racing a mile a minute and a smile finding its way onto his face. It was a short walk home, and soon he was sitting alone in his living room, laying back on the couch with a can of soda in his hand, thinking about her.

He couldn't get his mind off her these days, her sent, her eyes, her body. It was driving him crazy, she was right there, a 2 minute walk away, in one of his classes, even his race, and he was afraid to make a move, it had taken him a week to build up the nerve to ask to walk her home.

Opening the can of coke he took a long sip, sighing as the sweet fluid bubbled and burned a little down his throat. Then he jumped when the phone rang, sitting on a stand not two feet away. He picked it up, "Hello what can i do ya for?" He said happily.

"Hey Kell." Came the soft voiced reply, he almost dropped his drink.

"H-hello, something up Jen?" He replied, his voice a little shaky, when did she get his number?

The reply almost stopped his heart as she blurted it out, "Would you like to go get dinner tonight?"

After a second of shock he spoke, trying to keep his delight from showing too much, "Sure Jen, sounds great!"

"Great, my folks are out of town and i didn't feel like eating alone, want to go get pizza? or should i cook something, we could just eat here."

"Well... I don't have the care this weekend, so your house would be easier, if you don't mind cooking."

"Its no problem at all! I love to cook, anything you don't eat?"

"Nah, im not picky Jen, when should i come over?"

"How about 6? should give me time to put a meal together" He could hear the delight in her voice.

"Sounds great, ill be there."

"Alright Kell, see ya then"

"6 it is, bye." He says, and hears the beep of her hanging up.

He puts the phone down and blinks a few times, taking another sip of his drink and then breaking into a small cheer. This really was his lucky day, she had invited him over, he would get to see her house, and her parents weren't even home!

He ran upstairs to shower and get himself ready, he wanted to be at his best for this.


A few hours later, at two minutes to six, her doorbell rang, and she raced downstairs. She was in a dark blue top and a pair of jeans, nothing fancy, but clean and they made her look good, showing off her breasts while minimizing the look of her belly. The jeans hugged her ample rump wonderfully, she loved them, they made her feel so sexy. She had just showered, and brushed out her hair. She wore a light perfume, the slightest hint of roses added to her normally sweet sent.

She opened the door and smiled, there on her front step stood the cutest bunny male she had ever met. He was in a black T-shirt and slightly faded blue jeans the color of his eyes. His hair was clean and almost orderly, his right hand in his pants pocket and the other just reaching out to knock a second time. "Evening." He says with a nod and a smile.

Stepping aside she waves him inside, "Please, come in, make yourself at home Kell, dinner will be ready in just a minute." She says, pointing toward a doorway to the living room, "I'll be in with it in a moment." she then hurries off into the kitchen.

He watched her go, eyes wondering to her rump, it looked so great in those tight pants. He walked into the living room and sat down on a couch, making himself comfortable and waiting happily for her return.

After a wait of less than a minute she returned, with a plate over each arm. She offered him one which he took happily, and she sat down beside him with her own. It was fried chicken and pasta, and it smelled simply wonderful.

They ate and made small talk for a few minutes, when they had both finished, he offered to help with the dishes, and two minutes later they were back on the couch talking happily. She could hardly take her eyes off his, or he take his off hers, they gazed at each other for an hour or more, hardly aware of the conversation they were having.

Then something nether of them expected happened, she leaned forward and kissed him. It wasn't much of a kiss, or a long one, just a soft brushing of her warm lips to his, before she blushed, and ran upstairs.

He sat still for a moment, lips tingling for her light touch, before he followed after her, he saw her run into her room and walked over to the door, it was open, but he didn't go in. "Jen... Jen its alright." He says softly.

There was no reply, and after a minute he walked into the room. She way laying there hugging a pillow, crying into it as sobs rocked her body. He sat down on the bed and put one paw on her shoulder, "Jen, its alright, im not mad."

She rolls over and sniff, looking up at him sadly, "yes you are, im ugly, and now you hate me... don't lie to me."

He softly strokes her cheek with one paw, wiping her tears and shaking his head, "I dont hate you... im not even mad... Jen, i feel the same way for you."

She slowly say up and stayed beside him for a minute, a few inches between then, her hands folded in her lap and here eyes on the floor. "R-really?"

He nods and rests one paw on her leg, turning her head toward him with the other, and pressing his lips gently to hers, after he pulled away he says softly "Really."

Staying still for a few seconds longer, she looks into his eyes and then hugs him, her ample breasts pressing against him, "I've wanted to do this for so long." She says, holding him close and smiling.

Her warm, flowery sent reaches his nose and he inhales deeply, loving the smell of her warm fur, the soft sent of roses mildly added in, and what he though might be the slightest hint of lust, "Iv wanted this for a long time too Jen, a very long time.?

Blushing she pulls away and smiles up at the taller male, she can feel herself growing wet down below, noticing the smell of it in the air, she stays close however. After a few moments of just hugging she kisses him again, then says, "Kell... would you... be my first?"

Blinking and blushing too, all he can do is nod and kiss her softly, his paws sliding to softly cub her breasts as he pushes her onto her back, "Yes Jen, i would be honored."

She lets him touch her, lets him control her, and all the time she feels herself growing wetter and stickier. She was thanking god she wasn't in hear or she would never get the smell of it out of her fur.

He climbs atop her prone body and kisses her softly, paws still cupping her large and full breasts threw her shirt. She reaches up and starts unbuttoning it, as their lips press together gently.

Once the shirt was undone she quickly removed her front clasp bra, and he tossed them both aside, leaning down to kiss her breasts softly, he was a virgin, but he wanted to make her enjoy this, no matter how hard it was to keep from just getting down to the mounting.

She gasps and moans at the soft kiss, reaching down to undo her pants, sliding them down along with her panties. It wasn't long before his head was between her legs, and he was kissing the outer lips of her sex softly, the fur around it sticky with her fluids.

He slowly licked along her slit and then slid his tongue inside, pushing in until he hit her cherry then swirling his tongue around a few times, enjoying the taste almost as much as the squeaky little noises she was making. He felt her paws start to undo his jeans, and leaned forward to kiss her tiny tail hole.

At the unexpected kiss to her back door she shuddered, finishing undoing his jeans and reaching inside, to feel a good sized shaft pressing against her hand. She helped it out of his jeans and strokes it as she speaks, "Kell... please... mate me..." She says pulling him up and kissing him lovingly, her nude body pressing to him.

He does as she asks, slowly pressing the head of his shaft to her wet lips, and sliding in slowly, until he hits her maiden head. He stops for a moment, and she gives him a small nod, and he pushes past it, she squeaks and shudders, a few droops of blood dripping out around his shaft, he presses his lips to hers to keep her from crying, staying still for a moment to let her get used to it.

After about 5 minutes of kissing and staying still inside her, he pulls back and slowly thrust back inside, his hair and ears flopped down over her face as they kiss, her lips parting to let his tongue explore her mouth. She moaned softly into the kiss when he thrust back inside, feeling herself spread out for him.

He kept thrusting slowly, building speed a little bit at a time. Every thrust was deeper, until he hilted inside her for the first time, pausing long enough to pinch her nipples before he started thrusting again, harder and a little faster than before. Soon his hands left her breasts and moved to her hips, holding her still as he slammed in and out faster and faster, balls slapping her slightly bloody ass as he does so.

Soon she could feel her climax building, breathing becoming short and her hips rocking back against him. The sounds of their young, unprotected sex filled the room, along with their moans. The soft sucking sounds every time he pulled out and the wet slapping sound when he thrusts forward was music to their ears.

The smell of her perfume, his pre cum and her sweet juices, along with the tangy sent of sweat and the metallic ting of blood filled the air, wafted into their lungs and filling them with greater lust and pleasure, as his hips hit hers in one last thrust, tip just hitting her cervix, filling her perfectly.

He grasped into the kiss as he came, and she reached her peek at the same moment. He hot passage rippling around his pulsing member. He gasped and moaned into the kiss, pressing her chest up against his as she twitched a few times, feeling hit hot, life giving seed fill her womb and fill her with warmth like she had never before known.

They stayed together, kissing and gasping for minutes, until the afterglow started to fade and they finally broke apart, both panting and blushing, his shaft still inside of her, her belly visibly swollen from his load, "Thank you Kell... that was wonderful."

"No thank you Jen, for letting me be your first... you were mine too." He says, slowly pulling out and kissing her again, "How long are your folks gone?"

She giggled and shuddered as her bladder leg go, blushing deeply but unable to help herself. He didn't seem to mind however, reaching down to rub her pissing mound, "Not long enough, thats for sure, only a week." She says, finishing her uriniating and giggling, "Sorry about that, it happens every time i... you know, cum."

"Not a problem for me, although by the end of the week it will have made quite a mess." And with that their week began.