Annexation, Part 2

Story by delta9 on SoFurry

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Sequel to , written by me an' :Sovandar: for our friend Foulfrost on FA. Part II of IV: The kobolds unleash their magic on the unsuspecting town, and our protagonist falls deeper under their sway!


"Annexation Pt. 2"


Sovandar and Delta



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Dietmar could smell the sour stench of alchemical magic far before they made it back into the town proper. Torchfires had been lit everywhere, throwing bright light through the middle of the village square and dimmer, flickering lights beyond, with deep shadows between the buildings. High-pitched yips echoed through the night sky, accompanied occasionally by distant shouts, grunts, cries and the subdued sounds of disorganized battle.

"Don't worry... we won't hurt anyone we don't need to." Kalaz said, patting Dietmar on his neck and pulling the raptor's muzzle towards the main path into town. "No need to hide, methinks."

Dutifully obeying, Dietmar galloped towards the archway leading into the village proper. The gate had been blown apart at the hinges, and lay flat over the ground. His talons rang against the metal bars as he walked across it, his two new packmates following close behind.

Dietmar saw utter chaos as they entered. Teams of kobolds carrying huge backpacks and hoses were running from house to house, drilling holes in the doors or shattering windows before spraying a thick, green gas inside; a pair paused to salute as Kalaz rode past. Dietmar's eyes caught movement on the rooftops, and he looked up to see a team of black-clad kobolds running and leaping from rooftop to rooftop, dropping alchemical bombs down homes with chimneys. In the streets, he carefully avoided puddles of foul-smelling alchemical brews and broken glass, signs of earlier battle in the streets. The attack must have started only minutes before, though.

In the village square proper, a small group of lumberjacks armed with axes were holding out against an encircling kobold crossbow team, while a bomb-thrower crept around a shop-cart towards them...

The bomber rolled a silvery-white sphere towards the loggers, which detonated right as it rolled past the first of them. A brilliant white explosion of energy enveloped them, and when the light faded the men were collapsed on the ground, holding their heads in agony. A single kobold armed with one of the pump-tanks calmly walked towards them and began to spray the prone men with thick, sticky green fluid that rapidly evaporated...

Dietmar and Kalaz both watched in rapt fascination as the men began to shiver and shrink, twitching as they grew far too small for their nightwear. Their skin seemed to sink in tighter around their frames as the men shrank, quickly turning into coats of mottled, now-familiar kobold-scales. The men hissed and cried in terrified confusion as they began to sprout tails, claws and head-crests, twitching against the ground. They looked at one another in horror, but had little time for action before the kobold army rushed towards them and dragged them off one by one.

More confused, naked kobolds were starting to wander through some of the nearby streets, holding their heads and looking more than a tad panicked. As Dietmar watched, a door near the square opened, and a pair of kobolds wandered out, also naked and looking rather aimless, dragging a few pieces of slightly torn human clothing behind them. Both were male, and both were aroused; freshly-transformed, he guessed, another of Kalaz' genius formulae. The pair must have been in the midst of a tryst when the attack started... and to judge by the way one of the males was dragging a torn dress behind him, his partner had probably got quite a surprise when they began changing!

Dietmar took in a few heavy snoutfuls of air, sniffing the hot, tainted atmosphere. Male kobold, male raptor, male dragon... scales and slitfluid and musk were thick in the air, but it was all male. There was little or no arousal... besides the freshly-emerged pair, but that was enough to make Dietmar feel rather more energetic than he had moments before. His libido was more powerful than before, too; his capacity rapidly regenerating. Somehow the warm, Summer night felt perfect for mating.

"Shit." Kalaz cursed, before adding in a few guttural words in a tongue that sounded like murder itself. "Something's not right... Where are my females!?"

"Where indeed?" Asked a strong, cold voice, followed by a dry laugh. "Did you fail us, Kalaz? Or did the Master not tell us everything about the magic he granted?"

Chieftain Splinter-Tail was sitting atop the bend where two roofs met, above Kalaz some ways. Next to the chieftain, a pair of kobolds clad in black armor and smeared with mud and tar perched, holding crossbows and looking bored. Their muzzle-masks were off; he could recognize both Scarred-Eye and Broken-Tooth, two of the Chieftain's favored assassins. "Kalaz... don't try my patience tonight. What do you know about this perversion?"

Dietmar wondered if Splinter-Tail could smell the musk on the three raptors, but perhaps he was too far away, or kobold snouts were not sensitive enough; he seemed not to have commented.

"Ah... I confess I do not know, old friend. Perhaps a miscalculation, perhaps some sheer coincidence... this is the purpose of testing, after all, not everything works according to plan at all times. Er... wait, what do you mean by, 'perversion'?" he asked, and Dietmar thought he sensed a slight edge of nervous fear in his master's voice.

Splinter-Tail was looking at his knife as he spoke. "Why does your mount... reek... of dragon?" the kobold Chieftain said, frowning slightly as he turned towards Kalaz. "Gods... that smell is..." the kobold shook his head, rubbing his snout.

"Ah, that... well, suffice it to say that this particular experiment went rather too well. I've already corrected the... error... so it won't happen again." Kalaz smiled a little wickedly. "I do think I'll keep this one myself, though. Care to pick one of the others for your war-mount? They're... very friendly."

The Chieftain scowled as he looked first at Daymond, and then Benar. "Mayhaps. But can they fight as well as wild raptors?"

Kalaz cleared his throat. "They certainly should be able to, though I confess it's untested as yet - for lack of targets, you understand. But to judge by the way their... other instincts have kicked in, I daresay this formula is a complete success." He beamed. "Once the village is pacified, we'll take stock of the effects of the various formulae, and if any need adjusting, then so be it. There are other villages... I'm sure I can alter the formula to produce only females if need be, given that at present... I confess that gender was a blind spot in the research, all the previous test subjects were male, I assumed that variable would stay continuous..."

The chieftain gave a snaggle-toothed grin. "See that you fix the problem before the breeding season begins. Until then..." Splinter-Tail shrugged. "There will be some explaining to do, but I suspect the overall success will prevent any serious repercussions. By the way, the rest of the militia is tied up in front of their guard post, as you requested." he paused, sniffing the air again, and began to fondle the front of the leather armor covering his groin. "You know, I apologize; I think you were right after all, this method of attack is certainly more interesting than the way I suggested. Not as viscerally satisfying, perhaps, but... it has its charms. In fact, I think I'm getting in the mood for a victory celebration..."

Kalaz gave a knowing wink in Splinter-Tail's direction. The two of them had been regular bed-mates since they were hatchlings. "Have fun, old friend... and, if you come across any... particularly good specimens, save some for me, I'll help you break them in." He sighed. "For now, though, I have plenty of work to do tonight... but in the meantime..." he patted Dietmar's neck. "I think we should introduce you to your old friends in the militia, eh?" He turned to the other two raptors. "Stay here with Splinter-Tail, guard him and obey his orders."

All three raptors gave deep, guttural growls of acknowledgement. While Benar and Daymond trotted to the side of the building, looking up at the kobolds sitting on the rooftop, Dietmar began to walk the familiar stone path towards the militia guardpost. Along the way, he watched the teams of kobolds continue their assault, a growing number of formerly-human kobolds starting to wander the streets, being guided gently by the fire-teams towards the central square. Dietmar saw a pair of stragglers- the village seamstress and her daughter- bolt for safety across one street, only to be knocked off their feet by blunt-tipped crossbow bolts and then sprayed down with the transformative gas. Mother and daughter held each other as they turned green and shrank down inside their nightgowns, disappearing inside them completely until a confused pair of male kobolds were struggling out of the huge robes.

The guard-post was not far; nowhere in the village was far from anywhere, of course. It was not an imposing structure, either; a converted barn from an abandoned farmstead that had burned down some decades before, its wooden-paneled walls did little to dampen sound or trap heat. In the winter, it was practically unbearable, and the smoke from the fire usually failed to find the makeshift chimney. This time of year, though, that was not a problem; the night air was deliciously cool after the heat of the day.

In front of the building, six sets of thick wooden stocks stood, where most villages might have a single gallows. Both Mayor Ashenbury and Captain Benar had no taste for capital punishment if it could be avoided - such a small community could scarce afford to lose people - but neither man had any compunction against locking up 'rabble-rousers' for a day or two at a time. Now, the last two members of the Salford militia - Brian and Gerald Toverstahl - were bound there, along with a pair of other villagers Dietmar couldn't quite make out. Surrounding them, though, was a horde of kobolds armed with all manner of lethal weaponry and tanks of what he know recognized as chemical paralysis sprayers.

The kobolds all turned to salute Kalaz as they approached. One of the bound villagers suddenly struggled against his bindings, shouting, "Kalaz of Clan Arkan! I should have known your foul ilk would resort to such savage irredentism! Answer for this!"

Dietmar turned, and suddenly realized why he recognized the mellifluous voice. It was the mayor; Derwyn Ashenbury! His wife, Elyana, was bound up next to him. Dietmar arched his head slightly to stare at the elf, chirping in surprise. Mayor Ashenbury was supposed to have once been a heroic monster-slayer! How had his own master captured him so easily?

"Well, well... it's been a long time." Kalaz said to himself, coolly. The kobold jumped off his mount's back and walked forward, "Greetings!" Kalaz said to the guarding kobolds, sounding soured. He grabbed hold of one of the senior-ranked crossbowmen by his tail and gave it a firm yank. "You. Status report."

The soldier gave a surprised yip before turning and bowing his head towards the alchemist. "Battle-Commander! All but two of the marked ones have been secured so far. We're still trying to track down the Barman and the druid."

"We have the druid." Kalaz heard a kobold hiss behind him. "He is secured near the dock."

Kalaz turned to see the kobold who spoke, half-surprised to see it was one of Spinter-Tail's men. This assassin wore a black bodysuit and black muzzle-mask, scales covered in tar and shrubbery. The effect was strangely unnerving to Kalaz; it was almost like watching a part of the forest talk.

"Oh? Good to hear." Kalaz said to the assassin, attempting a smile. Damn. Doubtless Spinter-Tail decided that he needed an escort after all! Damn it all! That was going to make any more personal experimentation difficult to sneak in...

"Anyway. Yes.." Kalaz said, walking towards the bound captives. As he did so, he withdrew a thin, folded piece of parchment and a mechanical pen. Clicking the tip of the metal pen with his claw and striding forward with a smug smile on his muzzle, Kalaz moved in front of the first set of stocks. He clicked his pen again twice as he walked down the rows, checking the prisoner's faces and his sheet of paper...

"Militia, guard post. One and two..." Kalaz said, looking at the young males. Their armor and weapons had been stripped off and hung from the eave of the barn behind them.

"They were asleep when we came in..." a kobold soldier opined, laughing. A murmur of hissing laughter ran through the rest of the ranks quickly thereafter.

"No we-" Brian began to say.

"Shut up, Brian!" his brother, Gerald, shouted over him.

Dietmar shook his head and growled. Brian and Gerald Toverstahl were older recruits, but with age wisdom had not exactly been forthcoming. The pair of them would have to stay awake if they were going to be on watch for the pack!

"No discipline..." Kalaz muttered, walking down the line to the mayor and his wife. "Well... Elyana Willowgrove; it's been some time..." he said, to the female elf.

"Actually... it's Ashenbury now, Kalaz." the female elf replied, staring at the kobold with a cold look.

"Oh... congratulations!" Kalaz chortled, clasping his claws together and pacing between them. "Well, Derwyn... Elyana... do you remember when I said that we would have our revenge on you all? You were such a skilled infiltrator! I don't think I expected to catch you sleeping!"

"Do you remember when I said you kobolds were pathetic little monsters who dream of impossible empires?" the elven woman quipped back at him.

"Goodness gracious; do *you* ever miss a moment for a smart little crack!?" Kalaz spat. "Do you think we brought our army here to parley!? Do you think we have forgiven what you did!?"

"*I* have not!" Another kobold hissed, followed by a string of harsh, guttural, hissing curses. Dietmar didn't understand the words, but he saw Mayor Ashenbury's face turned bright-red and smelled a hint of anger in the air. He felt pretty safe, though; the rest of his pack was close.

"Splinter-Tail... you lived?" the elf muttered under his breath, shaking his head.

Kalaz turned. Damn; the black-clad assassin wasn't sent *by* Splinter-Tail; it *was* him! He'd taken off his muzzle-mask now, and was staring at the elves with sneer curled on his broad, scarred muzzle. This could get dangerous, fast; they had very explicit orders from the Master not to kill any of the four he had marked for revenge.

"Yes; I lived. I've lived through worse, elveses..." Splinter-Tail muttered, drawing his dagger. The blade was covered in mud and grease, no longer gleaming but ready to for slitting throats in the darkness.

"Now do you recall?" Kalaz said, raising his voice in an attempt to take a handle on the situation. "Elyana, Derwyn, Vaelas, and Sir Keston. It was the four of you whole slew the dragon Atridan, mate of Zephiel."

Derwyn turned towards Kalaz as much as his restraints would allow. "If your... your *vendetta* is with us, s-spare these innocent people you monsters!"

"Innocent people!? Innocent people!? You mean the children of the men who annihilated Clan Kirkhan in decades past, and built their homes on the dust of their crushed skeletons! You deny their complicity, you who slew the Master's mate while she was heavy with eggsss!?" Splinter-Tail hissed, laughing madly. The kobold held up his knife and marched straight towards the elf, fingering it rapidly. "These are the innocents and we are the monsters!? Really, human?"

"Spinter-Tail... don't kill him..." Kalaz said, stepping after the other kobold. "The master said he was not to be harmed, very explicitly..."

"Did he really... did we hear that correctly..?" the chieftain asked, flicking his tongue across his sharp teeth and biting down hard enough to draw blood. "You left me to die... pinned to the side of the cliff by my tail..."

"I should have killed you when I had the chance!" Ashenbury spat.

Splinter-Tail brought his knife against the elf's neck and twisted the tip of the blade into his skin...

"Splinter-Tail!" Kalaz shouted, jumping to pull the other kobold's hand away. He landed just in time to pull back the chieftain's hand, though it took both his arms and all his strength. Splinter-Tail's arm-scales bulged outward as his draconic muscles flexed, his dagger slowly quivering backwards as he relented.

"I... won't kill him. I'll leave him alive, I promise..." the Chieftain whispered, pulling the knife forward despite Kalaz trying to hold him back. "Just... some lessons..."

"Do it!" Ashenbury screamed, straining forward in his restraints. Blood poured down his neck in a thin trickle from the point where Spinter-Tail's dagger had pressed, forming a stark stream of crimson across the elf's flushed pink face. "Do it! Kill me!"

"No! No, no... don't fall for his trickery, Splinter-Tail! He's trying to escape our revenge! I've got a better idea!" Kalaz stammered to his clan-mate, shaking the other to try and draw his attention while thinking quickly. He looked around at the assembled troops; the other kobolds were ostensibly under his command as much as Splinter-Tail's, but they clearly deferred to the elder assassin when it came to matters of war. He'd have to sate the chieftain's lust for blood lest Ashenbury end up exsanguinated...

Kalaz cleared his throat began to yell above the din of an army hissing for blood. "Yes! It is the will of the Battle-Commander Chieftain we fulfill the order Master Zephiel commanded of us!" Kalaz shouted, invoking the name of their draconic master to draw their attention. "These pathetic creatures are to be taught a lesson about Clan Arkan! We show our enemies the mercy of swift defeat and nothing else!"

A sharp, hissing cheer rose up from the assembled army, followed by a chorus of yipping. Kalaz looked around and withdrew a pair of hand-crossbows from his holsters, raising them up into the air and yipping himself. Others followed his lead, lifting their armaments up into the air, others jumping up and down in celebration. Kalaz watched Splinter-Tail carefully, noting with satisfaction that the Chieftain seemed to be wiping the blood away from his dagger. He only cleaned the ceremonial weapon before and after battle.

"So! They called us monsters; they called us enemies. Well, from now on they shall call us masters!" Kalaz finished, cheering and yipping louder.

Dietmar was proud of his master as the kobold's words spellbound the army; he stood tall on his hindlegs and cried out, "Rrrrawk! Raawk! Wrrrawk!" Behind him, Captain Benar and Daymond mimicked the cry, adding volume to their pack-cry.

Kalaz turned as he heard the raptors cry out. He stared at Dietmar's strong, powerful frame, and felt a sudden, stark, clear realization crystalize in his mind.

He knew exactly how he could sate the tribe's lust for revenge.

"War-Chieftain Splinter-Tail; at your command, I shall show them the full measure of our new power!" the alchemist said hurriedly, turning towards Splinter-Tail. The Clan leader was looking thoughtful at him, breathing heavily and nervously cleaning the blood and mud from his dagger. "Splinter-Tail... it's one of my personal experiments. It will show them their place. Just say the words," Kalaz continued. He knew he couldn't easily persuade Splinter-Tail; but the troops were now curious. They were not privy to all of the plan; that was his way in. The elder Chieftain would not risk disappointing his troops over what was a personal matter; it would be bad for morale.

"Silver-Tongued Kalaz; you've the blood of a sorcerer in you, not a potion-maker..." Splinter-Tail muttered darkly, knowing that he couldn't easily refuse, shaking his muzzle and knife alike. He poured water over the muddy-bloodied blade and began to wipe it down with a cloth, and whispered a short curse, sotto voce. Then he said, louder, "Very well. Do it. Show them."

Kalaz nodded once, turning away immediately and striding purposefully towards Dietmar. He took the raptor in hand by the front of his reins, pulling him over towards where the two militiamen were stockaded.

"Dietmar? Why don't you introduce yourself to your friends..." Kalaz said in a commanding tone, caressing Dietmar's muzzle with a pair of sharp claws. "Here... I'll take this for now..." he said, unstrapping the raptor's saddle and bridle before giving him a firm push in the direction of the captured militiamen.

"D-Dietmar..?" Brian stammered, suddenly shivering in horror. "Wh-?! Really?! What... what'd ya do t' him!?"

Kalaz couldn't help but give a broad, vicious grin as he handed the saddle to an armor-bearer. "Isn't it obvious? I always wanted to have raptor cavalry, but the feral creatures only live far away, in the jungles. And, they're *notoriously* hard to train..." he said, chuckling. "I developed a... far better way. As you're about to see, I rather hope."

Dietmar walked over towards Brian and Gerald, moving slowly and deliberately. He didn't want to scare them any more than he needed to, but they were shaking in fear of him! "Awwwl?" Dietmar burbled, lowering his foreclaws and muzzle as he walked towards the brothers. It did kind of distress him that the pair, who he still counted as friends, didn't recognise him... didn't trust him... wait...

What did master Kalaz want him to do? He wasn't quite sure.

"Oh gods, don't kill us Dietmar. If you can still hear us in there, don't kill us!" Gerald begged. Dietmar inclined his head; he wasn't going to kill them, why would Gerald even think that?

Dietmar walked closer, moving slower. He could see the kobolds around staring at him; all their eyes watching him as he stalked towards his former friends. The tension was strangely enjoyable, like the thrill of a good hunt...

"Ahhh! Stop! Nice... raptor! Please! Please, stop..!" Gerald begged, holding his head firmly back against the stock he was trapped inside.

Dietmar inched himself the last few slivers of distance towards Gerald, until his muzzle was a hair's breath away from his former friend's face. Gerald's hair was shaggy and brown; to Dietmar it looked like it would feel insanely warm in the summer heat. Scales were much better. Dietmar arched his tail and leaned down towards the militiaman's neck, hearing the crowd of kobolds give a chorus of excited hisses as Gerald whimpered in fright...

"Gerald!" Brian screamed. "Stop panickin'! You're scaring 'im!"

"Ahhhhhh!" Gerald screamed... Dietmar pressed his muzzle against the young male's neck and gave it a long, sloppy lick.

Gerald's scream abruptly cut off as he was licked. The kobolds around went silent, and then burst into raucous, hissing laughter.

Kalaz jointed them, laughing as he stepped towards the pair of males. "Oh, my, what a pair. He won't hurt you... well, unless you try to hurt him first, or I tell him to. Hells... I expected better of an upstanding pair of experienced militia!" he said, raising his voice a little and turning to address the troops. They laughed; they knew full well how pathetic the village's defenses were, having assaulted the place without a single casualty.

"But don't worry. You'll be far braver, more ferocious, and better-armed when I'm done with you... well, 'I' in the loosest sense, of course..." he said, turning back to the pair of militiamen and lowering his voice almost to a growl. He stepped forward, plucking a kobold-sized halberd from the hands of one of the nearby guards, examining the four-foot blade. Brian paled as Kalaz approached him.

"As a formality I'll extend you the same courtesy I did your friends. If you don't want to surrender and share in the fate of your civilians..." he said, fingering the metal haft but letting his words trail off.

Brian and Gerald couldn't yell over one another fast enough.


"We surrender!"

"I surrender!"

"I also-we both surrender!"

Kalaz smiled sourly; these people were too easy to break. Soft, self-indulgent, narcissistic... and they dared to call kobolds cowards! They dishonored the 'heroes' who shared the stockade with them.

He stepped between the stockaded pair, out of their line of sight. "Very well, then. We're all glad to have your cooperation!" he said, hefting the halberd, lining it up carefully, and making a swift strike in Brian's direction. The assembled kobolds gasped in glee... and then in some confusion, as Brian's belt parted, and the young man felt the cool night air on his exposed rear end. "Hey! Wh-wha?!"

Kalaz stepped aside; this was a test he'd intended to perform in private, but needs must... "Dietmar... mate with them. Let's see you... expand the pack."

"Awrk..?" Dietmar chirped, a little confused, bowing his head in submission. These were... humans, surely that wasn't right! It certainly seemed like a risky proposition that he mount something with such a tiny rear and such thin, papery skin. They weren't... sexy and scaly, like him or master Kalaz... but they would change into them, wouldn't they..?

"You heard me, Dietmar", Kalaz said, firmly. Dietmar began to walk towards the militiamen, feeling a faint stirring in his loins as he locked on to their scents. The male-musk the humans put off was weak- and that of the elves almost nonexistent- but he could still catch it after a few snorts...

"Wha?!!" Brian said, trembling suddenly. There were a few jeers from the troops. "A...anything! I...we said we surrendered! You c...can't do this!"

Gerald gave a sound like a sob. "What sort of witchcraft is this!? That's... that's not good Dietmar... don't listen to him!"

"I don't wanna be a damned saurial!" Brian pled. "Don't listen to the kobolds!"

"Oh, cease your pathetic whining!" Splinter-Tail cursed, spitting on the ground and drawing another round of jeers from his troops.

Dietmar hesitated, turning his head from Gerald and Brian to Kalaz and back again.

Sensing the raptor's discomfort, Kalaz slid next to his mount and gave him a long pat across the muzzle. "Come on, boy..." the kobold murmured, crafting an appeal that would resonate with the raptor's new instincts. "If you don't mate with them, you're going to have an awfully small pack."

"Awwwrrr." Dietmar replied, nodding and flicking his tail upwards. The kobold was right; it would just be Captain Benar, Daymond and him. It was far too few for a strong pack; he'd never be more than a Beta... and what would happen to his friends? What if his Master turned them into something terrible in revenge?

Slowly, Dietmar slid around to face Brian's backside, walking forward and examining the young male's rear. Kalaz had torn his pants down, and Brian hadn't worn anything underneath the leathery armor. Maybe because it was too hot in the middle of the Summer to wear much underneath the leather; Dietmar had done the same thing himself a few times. Dietmar felt his dragon-hood began to swell again slowly, making his male-slit feel warm and drippy...

Dietmar slid his muzzle forward and gave his friend's rump a firm nuzzle, pressing his scaly snout up against each cheek in turn before giving them slow, gentle licks. As he did so, Brian yelled and began to struggle against his restrains, while a sea of hissing laughter erupted from the kobold troops.

"Ahhh..! Gerald! Do somethin'!" Brian cried.

"Do what!?" His brother shouted.

"Something! He's gonna' bloody destroy me!" Brian sobbed, as he felt Dietmar start to mount him...

"Awwwrroooo..." Dietmar cooed, running his head along Brian's back as he rose up against him. Dietmar gently slid his foreclaws around the stockade Brian was trapped in, digging his sharp claws safely into the weathered wood. At the same time, the raptor felt his maleness start to slide out of his slit, forming a nice, heavy length to grind into the male's soft, fleshy rump. "Grrrrhhhlll..." the raptor sighed, pushing his head down against the back of Brian's head and smelling his hair. The human's male-musk was much sharper now, nicely salted with the tang of excitement and fear. Dietmar stopped and blinked, restraining the urge to bite his friend by the neck and rut him as quickly as possible...

"Help... me..." Brian panted, as the raptor's weight painfully pressed his ribcage into the stockade...

Dietmar backed off suddenly, trying not to hurt Brian and remembering something important in a flood of instinctual need. Quickly stalking forward, the raptor turned to face both Brian and Gerald, then lifted up his left leg and tail to show them the thickening, thirteen inch slab of ridged, knotted dragon-cock sliding out of his male-slit. It wouldn't be right to mate with another male without giving them the courtesy of seeing what would be taking them, after all...

"Oh... oh gods..." Brian whispered, shivering as though an icy breeze blew over him.

"That's... really..." Gerald stammered, swallowing once before uttering a silent, selfish prayer the raptor wouldn't mount him as well as his brother.

The crowd of kobolds were now hissing and cheering lewdly, but Dietmar ignored their words. He only took notice of the warming scents of arousal and male-ness in the air, kobold and human and dragon alike. As he paced back behind Brian and jumped back atop his rear, he sniffed in the richly-scented air. It was strange to smell his own maleness as a different thing than his scales, but Dietmar was slowly getting used to it...

"Oh gods..." Brian whispered. His voice grew even quieter as he felt the raptor's cock smear something warm and slick against his cleft, again saying. "Oh... gods..."

"Dietmar! Dietmar! Stop, gods-damn-you!" Gerald shouted. "Stop!"

"Oh, shut up!" Kalaz shouted.

"Awrrrr..." Dietmar purred, feeling the tip of his everting dragonhood slide up and down the warm cleft of the human's mounds. Unlike the sleek underside of a raptor, the fat globes felt almost ridiculous to him, save for the fact it was nice to rub his raptorhood between them. Dietmar looked at them; both Brian and his brother were strong and lanky, two full years older than he was. But to the raptor the human under him felt pathetically soft and weak; a delicate thing to be held carefully. Dietmar kept up his slow humping; balancing himself on the stockade instead of the male's back...

"Aaaahhhhhh... heavy..." Brian groaned, as Dietmar's weight mostly lifted off him. His ribs hurt, his lungs hurt, but he could still breathe. The fact that the raptor's cock was pressing right up against his anus was a distant concern, compared to his continued respiration!

"Brian! Brian, are you alright!?" Gerald yelled, panicking. "Gods-damn-it-all! Someone help us!" he hoarsely screamed.

"Shut up, boy!" Mayor Ashenbury shouted. "You're not helping!"

Dietmar found the tip of his dragonhood pressing against the young male's entrance with just enough force to keep it in place. He gave an aroused warble and slowly drew his hips closer, tail arching to balance his weight as he rose forward. He felt Brian's hole clench hard around the head of his dragonhood as the slender, spear-shaped tip of his hardening maleness slid inside it, now stuck in place.

"Ahhh!" Brian roared, going very quiet and still as the head of Dietmar's raptor-dragon cock slid inside his rear. Even though it was just the very tip of the beast's member, it was followed by a much thicker shaft that made the human male cry and pant with fear.

Dietmar growled into Brian's neck and forced himself to relax, trying hard to be gentle with the quivering male between his legs. He could feel Brian's hole clenching harder and harder against his tip, trying to force his member out. Dietmar growled and pushed in further, feeling his member surge with arousal as it was squeezed...

Brian went limp against his stockade. "Oh gods..." the militiaman whispered, as the raptor's maleness everted into his body. He felt a surge of warmth splash up into his anus, and felt the raptor's massive scaly thighs rub over his backside. His hole burned with tension; the young male had never felt anything like it before. He felt Dietmar push forward, and gave a low, whimpering moan.

Brian shivered uncontrollably as his rump-cheeks slid apart, the raptor's massive, pointed penis entering his backside ridge by thick ridge. "Oh gods... oh gods..." he panted wide-eyed, feeling his hole tense painfully around the six or so inches of saurial dick shoved up his rump...

Dietmar growled as he pressed deeper into the boy's fleshy, taut, sweaty ass, tail tensing and relaxing as he tried to go easy on his friend. Dietmar could feel Brian tense and shiver around his cock and underneath his belly, and he let out a purring, lustful growl. Even though Brian's fleshy body wasn't particularly attractive, the human's insides were *so* tight it was driving him crazy. He pulled his hips back suddenly, flexing the powerful leaping-muscles in his haunches, before again shoving forward into Brian, forcing the no-longer virgin male to take another three inches of his dragonhood.

"Ahh... ahh! Ah! Ah!" Brian cried out, in tune with the massive phallus ramming in and out of his anus; not simply physically violated, but also paraded in front of an enemy army, in front of his friends, his family... Yet, strangely, his entire backside and guts were tingling, no longer as much with pain as with a bizarrely... pleasant sensation, the pleasant feeling growing continually...

"Brian, be strong..." Gerald whispered, mostly to himself.

Dietmar kept humping deeper and deeper into Brian, relishing the tightness of his friend's rear-passage. It was getting easier and easier to thrust up the human's rump, though Dietmar quickly figured out why. Underneath him, he could feel Brian's sweat-streaked haunches starting to expand outwards, pulling the male's hole larger as it grew.

"Ahh... ahhhh... mmmmmgh!" Brian suddenly moaned out as the large dragon-raptorhood plunged deeper into him, not realising that it could reach farther because his rear was *growing*, becoming large enough for Dietmar's dragonhood to slide into him up to the knot. "Ahhhhhh-hhhhng!" he cried, continuing his desperate screams but feeling a deeper, surprising ambiguity about the sensation.

Dietmar gave Brian a happy, lust-struck burble, and began to lick the back of the human's soft neck. Brian's hips and sides suddenly began to darken, as if his pale skin was covered in a bruise...

Brian blinked heavily and quickly as he adjusted to the massive invader inside his ass. His rear felt like it was sagging, growing bigger and thicker with muscle than the rest of his body put together. He could just about take all of Dietmar's huge, animalistic member. The feeling of the thick rod filling him- pressing against a strange pleasure-spot deep inside his rear- was, he felt, kind of arousing, despite the fact that he was being exhibited like... like a trophy! The raptor's pre-cum felt like liquid fire being injected into his guts, and yet each time a spurt of the slick, hot fluids shot into him, it was pleasure and not pain that radiated through his blood... he felt his cock start to stiffen and he closed his eyes, praying that, at least, his brother would not see Brian being so shamed as to *enjoy* being rutted by a monster!

Dietmar pressed his head against Brian's cheek and let out a deep, guttural purr that vibrated against the trapped militiaman's back. Brian's rear had grown much broader and thicker, no longer shivering and crying when mated but instead moaning and tensing. Feeling the other male's excitement, sensing the changes already rushing through him, Dietmar's arousal throbbed. All he could focus on was the sensation of the other male's tight rear squeezing his dragon-cock. He began to buck into Brian's ass with short, rapid thrusts, rapturously enjoying the feeling of the human's mutating hindquarters... and Brian's arousal grew too, his cock hardening faster, a tent growing in his torn pants.

"Brian!" Gerald desperately cried, fearing the worst as Brian's shouts grew quiet.

"Gah... I'm... okay..." The changing human replied, as he felt a tremor run through his spine. He actually felt... better than okay. The next time his ass began to stretch outwards, it drew out his tailbone as well. Brian grunted as he felt the bulge press out from above his rear, stretching the skin above his ass in a way that made him feel sure it was going to tear apart. Instead, the skin abruptly hardened and thickened, turning into a dusky patch of smooth, misshapen scales. The swollen lump of scales grew at the end and expanded around the base, slowly growing into something recognizable as a tail. The cool air washed over the short new appendage, followed by the rough abrasion of scales. Brian's face flushed a deep crimson with mortified embarrassment as his cock started to leak precum; he still hated the public exposure, but, deep down, he knew that if somehow it all stopped now, if everything went back to normal... he'd go and find Dietmar in his new raptor body, take him somewhere alone, and *beg* the creature to mate him raw...

Shivering and spreading his legs out sideways, the human male practically came in his pants as Dietmar mated him and his tail and ass grew, barely suppressing a moan, enjoying the conversion far more than he wanted his brother to know...

"Ugh... ngh... grhh..." the young militiaman grunted, trying to put on a presence of pain, shaking his head from side to side. His face began to stretch forward, and he twitched his hands uselessly inside the stocks; he could see the blunt, gray-black blur of his elongating muzzle in front of his eyes. "It's... ahhhh... ahhhrgh... changing... me..."

"Brian!" Gerald cried out, shaking against his stock as he frantically tried to turn his head towards his brother. "Gods, no!"

Kalaz chuckled. "Don't worry... you'll be joining him soon... hah! *Them*, I should say...". He walked over towards the other bound militiaman, drawing the bottle of cum he'd milked from Dietmar from his belt. "Let's see if the seed retains its potency outside of the host. Cheers to never running out of 21-B if it does!" he said, grinning as he carefully opened the stopper. Kalaz abruptly tossed the entire half-gallon bottle of mutagenic seed over Gerald's back, to a riotous cheer from his fellow kobolds.

Gerald shivered as he felt the slick, warm liquid seep through his armor and shirt, pouring down his skin. Gerald bit his lip hard and whimpered as he felt the warm, slick semen trickle down his backside, rolling between his rump-cheeks and then sending two rivers of warm, sticky semen rolling down the back of his legs.

"Oh... gods... what is that... feeling?" Gerald mumbled, kneeing very stiff and straight as he felt tingly warmth blossom over his entire backside. The back of his ass began to grow and stretch with pleasurable throbs, swelling out and turning a dull, grey-black color.

"He'ssss... turning... turning usss..." Brian hissed, feeling his tongue swell up inside his mouth, making it surprisingly hard to talk clearly. The raptor was pushing the thickest part of his cock into him now, the bulbous, fleshy knot; that, too, made it hard to talk clearly, or even to think about anything other than the shaft invading him! He managed, just for a moment, to feel selfishly pleased that his brother was being turned as well. The opinions of the others, he didn't really care about; if Gerald was going to... want to be mated like this too... then Brian felt like he could enjoy it. Maybe Gerald would even be envious...

Brian tore his thoughts away from that, suddenly horrified that he'd wish that on his own brother, as Dietmar abruptly forced his knot into Brian's tail-hole, the leathery orifice squeezing shut around his the sensitive flesh in what Dietmar found to be a most scale-tingling way. Brian's thoughts turned from the other people present as he let out an unmistakable, hissing groan of pleasure.

"Ssss..." Dietmar replied. Even though the male underneath him was still mostly human, his tail-hole was just as tough as a full-grown raptor's rear entrance. Dietmar felt Brian's tail and haunches began to grow in tune with his thrusts, forcing him to lift his left leg up over the expanding appendage. Like the rest of his rear, it was covered in long, glossy black scales...

"Brian... does it hurt..?" Gerald panted, still scared, but also... surprisingly curious about what it *did* feel like. His rear felt numb, and it was tingling badly, but he couldn't see what was happening to him.

"N-aaaahhh... it... feelsss... so ghrd..." Brian panted, shivering as he felt his feet, tail and chest all grow larger at once. Dietmar was filling him up with more pre-seed than he'd have dreamed even a well-endowed raptor could produce. Brian could feel his tail thicken and snake out even longer with each warm gush of pre-seed into his guts and belly, along with the rest of his growth and changes. It was just so odd to feel the limb snaking around behind him, sprouting from his backside like an oily serpent... odd but so very, very good. Brian instinctively hugged his tail around Dietmar's rear, pulling the other male in tighter.

"Rrrggghhh..." Dietmar purred, quickly humping in and out of his now-willing friend's tailhole. He was coming along so nicely, the nascent raptor's legs and rear dark gray and scaly. The rest of his body was unchanged aside from his growing snout, though his chest and arms seemed to be growing as well.

Brian sniffed in the air as his nose melted down into a snout, suddenly smelling the intense raptor-dragon arousal hanging in the air. "D... Dietmar... Dietmar... Rr... grhhr.." he mumbled, suddenly desperate, craving to be taken, and heedless of any embarrassment of enjoying being mated in front of his brother, not to mention the kobolds who'd captured them. Brian closed his eyes as a warm, hazing feeling swept through his mind, temporarily blotting out everything but the *need* to let the other male mount him. Between his swollen legs, his hardened cock was pressing forward against his pulled-down pants, rapidly shedding it's bushy brown covering of pubic hair.

Around the stockades, the army of kobolds were hissing and yipping in excitement, or sneeringly urging Dietmar on. Many of the small, draconic reptiles were sporting bulges of their own, clearly aroused by the scene before them. The kobolds were even shouting lewd taunts at the changing militia...

"Enjoying yourself, male-sssluts!?"

"Weak-willed humanses!"

"Turn! Turn! Turn! Change them faster!"

"Mmmm... the rutting is turning me on..."

"Kalaz... make them go faster..."

Kalaz spoke again, feeding off their excitement. "See?" he said to Splinter-Tail, gripped by a wild and intoxicating sense of power as the other kobolds reveled the perverse scene. "Isn't this better than spilling their blood? Reshaping them to our will..?" the alchemist whispered, the words drawn past his lips with curious energy.

"Rrrrrghh!" Brian growled, not really hearing the kobolds. It was hard to do much of anything but feel the coursing heat of Dietmar's cock fill his tail-hole. Brian could feel his scrotum droop low between his legs as his balls expanded and his shaft lengthened, burning hot with arousal. Surges of pleasure tingled up his changing shaft as Dietmar humped into him again and again. The dragon-endowed male mating him hit the sexual spot inside his muscled, tailed rear again and again, filling Brian's tailpassage and cock with orgasmic pleasure. The young male was so enraptured by the feeling, he didn't even notice as his moans slipping into high-pitched squeals and barks more and more often.

"B...Brian..?" Gerald asked, feeling a little light-headed as, under his armour, his skin started to harden and darken as his first scales formed, "...What's... happening..? What's..." he asked, suddenly finding himself oddly, sexually enticed at the thought of the large, inhuman maleness he'd seen earlier...

"It'ssssssh.... grgh! Ssssssso... grrrrrrrrrrrrd.... awrk!" Brian said, his body shivering as he felt a familiar fire rising in his loins. "G-go-nrgh... t'... c...cmmmmm..." he growled, his voice fading into feral barks. Kalaz laughed, and the kobold troops gave a jeering cry, but that only spurred Brian on, encouraged him. Moments later, his still-changing cock gave a hard throb, and he felt himself cum hard as the pounding in his tailhole became too pleasurable to bear any longer, hot fluid suddenly surrounding his cloth-bound cock as he let his arousal peak...

Dietmar felt the mutating militiaman under him give a thundering roar, filling the front of his now torn-up pants with enough seed to drench the insides. Shuddering and straining against his stockade, the growing male growled and thrashed his lengthening muzzle from side to side.

Kalaz pointed a finger at Brian's stockade to order it opened, but before any could respond the growing raptor-boy tore his head and hands free from the wood, splintering the solid oak that the metal latch had been drilled into. Freed from his prison, Brian shivered and collapsed to his hands and hindlegs, still cumming hard into the remains of his human trappings, finally able to adopt an appropriate mating-position...

Growling, Dietmar hiked himself up and on top of the other raptor-like male, enjoying the sweet, slick kiss of Brian's spreading scales. Unlike his own rugged, mottled coat, Brian's gray-black hide was sleek and slick. The black scales were almost oily around his tailhole and underside. Dietmar pulled maw-fulls of Brian's brown hair away from his head, watching gleefully as the glossy black scales crept up the male's lengthening neck. Dietmar couldn't help but lick them as they formed, enjoying the slightly damp, sour, sweaty taste of the smooth neckscales. A sheen of human sweat still coated them, adding a salty mammal-taste to contrast with Brian's raptor-musk...

Next to his brother, Gerald was pretty sure he could feel something *wrong* with his backside. He felt something thick and fleshy pushing out from his backside, right above where the kobold had poured the vial of raptor-cum. He kept wiggling his fingers, to try and make out any abnormality in their operation or colour. But when he caught sight of his brother's huge, black snout and red, almost demon-like eyes, all his thoughts left him. Unlike Dietmar's feral countenance, his brother's pointed muzzle looked downright *sinister*. Brian clawed against the back of the bulging leather armor still strapped to his chest, but his hands were too awkward to manage now.

"B-Brian?" Gerald stammered.

"Rrrr.... rrrawwr!" the raptor growled in reply, staring back at Gerald with a jagged-toothed smile. His muzzle crashed forward into the dusty ground a half-second later as Dietmar bucked into him while he was distracted, drawing a long, sultry, "Awwwwlll..." from Brian's fanged muzzle.

Dietmar was close now, and entirely in the thrall of his mating-instincts. Growling in sympathy with Brian, Dietmar shoved his knot deep into the other male's tail-hole and began loosing enormous spurts of raptor-cum as deep into Brian's ass as he could.

Brian arched his tail and hissed in surprised, shuddering and re-balancing on his talons. The pleasure of the cum squirting against the pleasure-spot inside his tailhole was too intense, but he couldn't do anything to relieve the feeling with the larger raptor atop him. The raptor-male felt his massively swollen, still-human cock shuddering underneath him as Dietmar's mating grew sloppier and more erratically energetic, feeling another orgasm building inside him as he tried to pull forward against Dietmar's solidly formed knot...

Dietmar watched the black raptor under him snort and shiver as he poured his seed into him. The raptor noticed through the haze and ecstacy of release that the last of Brian's transformation surged to completion almost the instant he came. Webbing spread across the black raptor's slender paws, and then down his back and up his tail. Dietmar craned his head backwards as he yowled and filled Brian's snug tailhole with more seed, watching as the strange crest ran down his tail and then bloomed into a fin-like fan at the very end...

Not noticing any of those changes, the raptor-boy was far more concerned with what was happening to his junk. He was on the verge of cumming hard again; he could feel his internal balls clench and his shaft fill with release, feel and hear and *smell* the fluids that were starting to drip from his ruined codpiece, but his mostly-human penis still was not cumming; strange spasms and throbs running through it, even though he could feel, agonizingly, his pleasure passing the peak of orgasm already. As he shuddered with desperate need, he burst out from his leather armor and undershirt, his cock flopping free and his spilled human-seed falling to the ground with a muffled *sploosh*. He felt his cock start to throb and twitch wildly as his nostrils picked up the cloying, heavy smell of human-seed tinged with a delectable hint of the saurian: his own, new scent.

His male pride lengthened as it grew, freed from its entrapment, the head fading away as the flush of blood faded from it, replaced by the shadowy spread of gray, and then black dragonflesh. Brian felt his cock throb as it grew larger and larger, still twitching erratically as the delayed orgasm made his balls roil. Relief came in a sudden flood of pent-up precum that soaked his sleek bellyscales and turned the ground underneath his raptorhood into a swamp of musk. Seconds later, Brian felt his cock twitch powerfully to the left and blast a load of seed hard against the dirt, followed by a wild swerve rightward and another massive, milky burst of his essence.

Dazed and drunk with pleasure, Brian continued to spray his seed in random directions, covering both his forepaws and his own under-muzzle accidentally. As he spent himself, he only slowly came to realize that it was *his* fault; *he* was pulling his member in wild directions in the throes of ecstasy. Somehow, like a lean, snake-like muscle, he could feel his sleek cock, control it...

Dietmar yowled happily as he ground his knot against Brian's tail-hot, feeling enormously satisfied and pleased by the hot and sticky load he'd filled the other male with. Now, Brian was a sleek and... rather dragon-like raptor, one of the sexiest beasts Dietmar had even laid eyes upon. He'd make a swift and deadly scout for the pack, and his tail-hole was so snug, his ebon scales so sleek and pleasurable to rub against... aside from the fact his swampy musk was a little sour and strong, Dietmar felt utterly enraptured with his changed friend.

But Dietmar felt his attention drawn back to the others as his mating-lust faded. The cheering of the kobolds around them reached a hissing, yipping apex; a few of the creatures who looked like they were masturbating openly came into their palms in hissing fits or loosed their kobold-seed into the dusty ground of the patrol yard. Dietmar felt he could appreciate the gesture; nice, warm, sexy kobold-musk replacing the too-salty, almost pork-like human-musk was something any raptor would have found quite natural. Still, something in the back of his mind made him feel a bit more in tune with the kobolds, his new masters, than even they knew...

"Rrrgh..." Brian growled, again trying pull away from Dietmar's locked knot.

"Gr... awk!" Dietmar commanded, pulling Brian down with his foreclaws. They were both going to have to wait; that was just how things were. If the sleek-scaled raptor kept squirming, Dietmar knew knot would never get any softer and then he'd have to mate the male again. Part of him wouldn't have minded, but then he turned and saw the look of fear, shock, and resignation on Gerald's face. It wouldn't be right to keep one of their pack-brothers waiting in human form for much longer...

"Derwyn... Elyana... come on! You two have been awfully quiet!" Kalaz said, drawing the attentions of the kobolds back towards them. The army seemed to hang off his every word now, jeering along with his barbed taunts, gloating and laughing and yipping as they watched his pet turn the militiamen. "I've a question to ask, actually. Care to indulge me now? My favor might mean the difference between life and- well, another sort of life entirely, heh-hee..." the alchemist said, chortling.

"What!?" Derwyn spat, his voice steady with controlled rage.

"Tell me..." Kalaz continued, the malicious mirth leaving his voice. "Whose ideas was it, to kill Atridan?"

"Do whatever you wish. We're not saying... a word..." Elyana softly replied.

"My heart is with yours..." Derwyn murmured in accord with his wife, before turning his head towards Kalaz and saying, "We would never betray one another..."

"I'm trying to solve this murderous riddle and nothing else. If I find an answer that tears at your loyalties, that is not my problem." the kobold coldly replied. "Last chance. Does it change your answer if I told you that Zephiel has marked you for special treatment, while the druid and the paladin are mine to do with as I please? You'd be telling me for their sakes, not your own..."

"Burn in the hells," Derwyn whispered firmly.

Kalaz thought he caught a faint look of puzzlement on Elyana's face, but it was quickly replaced by a firm, petite sneer. The elves' faces were placid and still even in their anger and righteousness; Kalaz had to give them credit for grace the humans simply did not possess...

"Rrrrggghrrrr!" Brian growled, again straining to pulled himself off Dietmar's knot. As his tailhole stretched to part around the thick, fleshy bulge, a stream of pent-up dragoncream began to leak from his tailhole. The sleek-scaled raptor wiggled free from Dietmar's claws and stood up on his talons for the first time, arching his sinuous tail and flexing his semi-hard, prehensile shaft underneath his belly. He felt like a true predator, no longer a soft, weak and listless human-male, but a powerful raptor-male. Better than that, even! He lashed his finned tail from side to side, turning to face his slowly-changing brother.

Brian and Gerald Toverstahl regarded each other calmly. Brian gave a low, guttural, burbling cry and then walked towards Gerald on his webbed hindpaws, nuzzling his brother on his cheeks.

Dietmar watched as Gerald slowly went from silently crying and pulling his head away from his brother's nuzzling to reluctantly, hesitantly accepting the affection. Despite the creature's ruby-red, almost glowing eyes and knife-shaped teeth, he couldn't hate the raptor, couldn't fear it; it was his brother. Gerald softly kissed Brian's black-scaled snout as he was licked across his nose, and then the two brother's kisses met, Gerald's lips pressed flush against Brian's broad tongue...

Wordlessly, Brian walked behind his stockaded brother and bit down on the back of his belt, chewing through it and then pulling Gerald's pants dowm with his teeth. Brian's clumsy claws tore through his sweat-soaked underwear when he reached them, leaving Gerald's lower body naked save for his boots and a few shredded scraps of cloth.

No longer struggling but holding himself still, Gerald began to pant with exertion. The feeling of the summer night's warm, muggy air on his hindquarters was an alien one, the skin there feeling heavy and indurate. Behind him, Gerald felt his brother's muzzle slide between his legs, licking the back of his ballsack from behind, and then licking the now-exposed cleft of his own rear. His flaccid cock gave an unexpected, slow throb as he felt his brother's slimy tongue swirl around his clenched anus; it felt weird, disturbing... but something about it felt right. Gerald couldn't see the bruised-black colour seeping through the skin along his thighs, belly, back and rump; all he could do was feel confused at why he didn't feel so scared or repelled as he had been, and why the strange touch on his ass made his cock stir from its slumber, even knowing that soon, he would be plowed like Brian had been... changed into...

Then Gerald felt a burning tingle shoot through his ass as Brian's long tongue entered his backside, simultaneously both grateful his brother had thought to penetrate him so gently and still horrified about his incipient transformation. He shuddered as he thought about the rest of the militia; they hadn't been able to protect themselves. Why did he think he'd be any different than them, than his brother? All he could do now was join them... and... Brian hadn't seemed to mind once... once... Well, he couldn't deny what he'd heard, even though with his head held still he had not seen.

Brian had loved it.

"Wwwwrrh... mrrrrrgh..." Brian purred, suddenly jumping up to position himself atop his brother's stockade, in the same way that he'd been mounted. As he rose up on his hindpaws, a chorus of hisses, yips and jeers came from the crowd of kobolds. A lot of their armor had been pulled off or unzipped, revealing a veritable forest of small, slick, pointy, aroused koboldhoods. Save for a few uninterested and wary soldiers keeping watch on their perimeter, most of them seemed to have laid down their weapons or sheathed them by now, and were beginning to look lecherously between themselves for willing partners, filling the summer air with their musk...

The scent of aroused kobold in the air re-ignited the lust in Dietmar, and the continued scent of his dragon-musk aroused the other changed militia-raptor too, forcing both Brian and Dietmar to growl and shake their heads with lust. Brian, acting mostly on instinct and need, squeezed himself down upon his brother, while Gerald bit his tongue and held himself firmly in place. He had no choice, really, but to surrender to the black raptor that had been his brother...

Dietmar, anxious to add another to the pack and give Brian his brother back, paced around in front of Gerald, showing the human his seed-slickened, half-hard erection. His knot and shaft glistened with cum; great gobs of it were still stuck between his cockridges. When Gerald's unfocused eyes rose up to meet his, Dietmar saw the human sniff in the air through a pair of slits at the end of his nose, and then lick his lips. Dietmar stood up on his hindlegs and pressed his foreclaws down around the stockade frame Brian was also balancing with, pressing his messy, spent maleness against Gerald's face. He burbled happily when he felt the male start to slowly, experimentally kiss the tip of his draconic maleness.

Gerald knew he wasn't into males; and knew that he wasn't into.. whatever creatures his friends and family had become, either. But something about that strange musk, some pheromone in the air, was slowly making itself apparent, and starting to drive him wild. He extended his tongue in curiosity, his cock still only slowly stirring from its dormancy, but his bizarre feeling of neediness was growing fast. The small bead of cum on the tip of Dietmar's dragonhood made his mouth tingle and burn, in a strange but not-unappealing way. He wasn't sure if the taste appealed or not. Something about the situation felt... *right*.

In an instant of instinctual understanding, Dietmar rolled his hips forward to slide more of his wet dragon-cock into Gerald's mouth, and with barely a pause for surprise, the human opened his lips wide to receive it. At the same time, Brian began to flick the head of his prehensile penis up and down his brother's backside, slowly worming his cockhead closer to the male's tight anus...

The sickly-sweet smell of kobold-arousal tapped deep into the instincts Kalaz's mutagen had instilled in the new raptors, with Gerald slowly joining them in rut as his snout developed. Dietmar fed more and more of his shaft into Gerald's maw as it grew out into a pointed muzzle, savoring the way the male's tongue would lick between his ridges for more mutagenic seed. Each time he swallowed more, Gerald felt the haze of unfamiliar, animalistic instincts and lusts wash through his blood and fuzzy his head... and drove out yet more of his uncertainty, aroused him, made him *enjoy* what was happening. It certainly didn't hurt that Brian's slick, flexible member was slowly pushing deeper and deeper into his freshly gray-scaled ass, sensually pushing through his backside in a way that made him wish his brother, or another strong and virile male reptile, had mounted him many times before...

With one thick, ridged dragonhood lodged in his muzzle and another long, prehensile raptorcock snaking into his ass, Gerald felt himself falling deeper into rutting-lust. He moaned shamelessly around Dietmar's member and sucked fresh squirts of pre-cum from it, while pushing his rear into Brian's thrusts just as his brother had done for Dietmar. His sweaty skin felt slick all around him as his scales grew in. His new hide was snug and sensitive around his groin and rear, where his male-slit was forming and where his tail was growing. Soon, Gerald was couldn't tell what he was enjoying more: being mated, or being converted...

Gerald twitched his fingers; he could see them changing now. Darkness spread through his hands as though ink was being poured upon them, and his fingers began to swell and mutate. His middle, pink and thumb all elongated and grew sharp claws, while the two fingers between them melted into coal-gray webbing. Carefully twisting his muzzle around Dietmar's dragonhood, the changing male gave a snort of pleasure and began to eagerly suck on the enormous, tasty cock.

Dietmar was beside himself in lust, rapidly humping his maleness against Gerald's slick, broad tongue. He watches as the male's eyes turned the dull ruby shade of dried blood, and a fin-like crest very similar to Brian's sprouted atop his lengthened head. As the male's muzzle grew, Dietmar pushed more and more of his thirteen-inch dragonhood into it, but always stopped just short of overt humping. Gerald's fangs and his knife-shaped teeth were short but felt awfully sharp, even against his tough dragonhood. As much as he wanted to thrust straight in to the eager male's maw, Dietmar moved his maleness slowly and carefully. Thankfully, the black-scaled raptor had a really long and really slick tongue; Dietmar gave a yelp of surprised arousal when he felt Gerald wrap the slimy appendage entirely around the first eight inches of his dragonhood...

Dietmar growled as Gerald squeezed his tongue up and down his maleness, feeling his orbs churn anxiously. He could see Brian's muzzle press down from right above Gerald's as the fully-changed dracoraptor thrust a little too hard, knocking himself and Gerald forward and utterly destroying the stockade. Dietmar fell back on his hindlegs as the siblings crashed into him, still holding Gerald against his slit.

"Aawwwlll..." Dietmar burbled as he felt Gerald give his cock a powerful tongue-squeeze. He saw Brian reposition himself, hooking a webbed and taloned paw under Gerald's tail before sliding his entire throbbing, sleek, snake-like cock into his brother's tailhole. Their sinuous tails arched away from each other and then pressed together, coiling one around the other until they looked like a single twin-finned tail swinging wildly behind them...

The sight was more than Dietmar could stand; not with a slimy dragon-tongue flexing and curling around his shaft. "Aawwwwwwwrrk!" he screeched, squealing a few times more as he came deep into Gerald's muzzle, feeling the male squirm as he tried to drink down all of his seed...

...while, mere seconds later, Brian shoved his long, slick cock as deep into his brother as he could push it, cumming hard into the male's bowels. Brian ground his slick crotch against Gerald's oily under-tail as he kept wiggling his spasming phallus inside his brother's tailpassage...

The first few muzzle-fulls of mutagenic ejaculate were enough to change Gerald completely, making his body swiftly grow to match the size of his brother. Fins sprouted along the undersides of his oil-scaled arms; between his legs his cock was coil and twist in undirected ecstasy as it changed, becoming the twin of the prehensile maleness unloading underneath his tail. The new dracoraptor shuddered as he felt the aftershocks of the change burn along his body, confusedly pushing his prehensile phallus deep inside his own male-slit before cumming harder than he'd ever done in his life. Gerald hissed and gurgled in ecstasy as he filled his genital cavity up with seed, continuing to thrust in and out of his own crotchscales as backed-up dragonseed leaked from it, his muzzle and his tailhole in long, pale-white strings...

Dietmar watched Brian dismount from his brother rather quickly after they'd finished rutting; the other dracoraptor growled and rubbed his spent cock against his brother's tail as he walked away. Dietmar felt his snout wrinkle slightly as he caught wind of the sour, salty musk the black raptors were leaking. There was nothing subtle about the way the swampy musk screamed -SEX- into his snout, but there was nothing else pleasant about it, either. Dietmar rolled away from Gerald's muzzle and pushed himself back up to his feet, watching with interest as the brother raptors turned to face each other for the first time since their change.

The brothers looked at themselves and each other curiously, though their blood-red eyes never quite met. Both bore identical coats of glossy, almost oily black scales. Sleek fins trailed from their forearms and formed a crest atop their heads, one that ran all the way down their backs and tails before terminating in broad, leaf-shaped tailfins. Webbing ran between their foreclaws and toes, and they stood slightly higher up on their hindpaws than Dietmar and the other raptors...

"Black dragon-blood..?" Kalaz whispered to himself, gathering his thoughts. Still, the tail structure, the eyes... they shared too many traits for it to be happenstance! Something wasn't entirely right with his chymical calculations; Dietmar shouldn't be producing anything more than 21-B inside his loins, a 'mundane' raptor transformation mutagen. Which was a totally safe and stable alteration because the mutagen would have no effect on an already-changed saurial...

He took his parchment out from its pocket and began to scribble down notes.

Without warning, the other raptors of the nascent pack lept from the bushes behind Splinter-Tail, the converted militiamen greeting each other friendly nuzzles. Gerald and Brian felt into position behind Captain Benar as the older, larger raptor nudged their flanks, barking directions to them. However, the draco-raptors were hesitant to take position behind the alpha, hissing threateningly at the larger raptor. Benar refused to back down, howling at the younger, draconic males and swatting his tail against the ground in agitation.

"Rrrrawk!" Benar barked, demanding obedience. Daymond backed up their former Captain, barking fiercely at the newcomers.

Dietmar walked over to the Captain's side as well, growling at the black-scaled raptors and forcing them to back down in a second. Dietmar knew the brothers were too newly-changed to be allowed any leniency yet in the pack, and probably drunk on their own dragon-blooded power.

Both Brian and Gerald turned and looked at one another before bowing their heads low and baring their throats to Benar. The gray-scaled captain stood a full head and a half taller than the red-eyed, sleek-scaled brother-raptors; he slowly padded over to each of them in turn, giving their necks gentle bites to show he accepted their submission and then rubbing his male-slit against their snouts so they would know his scent...

Kalaz was almost beside himself with excitement, turning from his musings to scribble notes about how easily the new raptors seemed to integrate into a pack. Despite their draconic blood, the black-scaled draco-raptors seemed to retain enough of their human memories and raptorial instincts to defer to the elder male. Brian and Gerald gave low, hissing, snake-like moans when they breathed in Captain Benar's raptor-musk, Brian even growing so bold as to lick at the gray raptor's male-slit...

"Come here! All of you!" Kalaz called, the raptor pack suddenly springing to their feet and surrounding the kobold. Gerald and Brian were somewhat slower to follow but did nonetheless, slowly walking up to Kalaz and offering the kobold their bowed heads.

"So tell me, adventurers... did you really expect these people to protect you?" Kalaz asked, gesturing at the obedient pack around him.

"Is there room for anything in your tiny skull besides hate and vindictiveness?" Elyana offered in reply, while Derwyn merely shook his head and sighed.

"Of course. As you can see, I've got quite the imagination..." Kalaz replied. "Not that you've come close to seeing the full extent of our capabilities!"

The remark drew a tremendous cheer from the assembled kobolds; Kalaz smiled, stroking Dietmar's muzzle.

"Why don't you take the pack and go search for stragglers... maybe find some more recruits..." Kalaz said, patting Dietmar on his flankscales. "I've some business elsewhere, before we're done setting up for the main event. I will meet you again by the riverdock."

"Awrk!" Dietmar barked in acknowledgement, followed by a chorus of hisses from the rest of his pack as they ran off.

"Now! Untie the mayor and his mate! March them into the village square!" Kalaz shouted to the kobolds around him, watching with pleased as the ranks quickly dressed and rearmed themselves. "I'll be back shortly; there's something I must do first..."

Kalaz turned to walk away as the soldiers ran past him, but found a strong hand suddenly clasped hard around his shoulder.

"You're not sneaking away without me..." Splinter-Tail whispered to him from behind, sliding a gloves hand towards the back of Kalaz's neck and giving the loose scales there a firm squeeze. "I admit your methods proved... more amusing than I thought they would be, but even though the master commanded that your 'experiments' continue... I'll be damned if you'll continue unsupervised!"

"Yes... Splinter-Tail..." Kalaz replied, grudgingly turning towards the leader of Clan Arkan.