The Thought that counts (Revised Edition)

Story by Vaughn on SoFurry

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You Know the Drill by now Under 18 Please turn away unless you are really curious


The Thought that counts....

*Just another day in this boring place* Xuriana thought as she started to wake in the hospital bed

"Ahh... I see your finally awake Miss Feildyrre" said the Black Panther Doctor

"Finally awake?" she croaked through her dry mouth, it felt as though she had not had anything to drink in several days.

"Here drink this" he said and handed her a glass of water "This should help with the dry mouth. I see you are recovering from your accident very well!" he beamed.

"Huh? Accident? What Accident? How long and where.. What ... When?" She seems to be lost for words. Don't you agree?

Xuri has had a very bad accident apparently with some genetically and avridoactive chemicals that sent her into a two week coma.

"Xuri "Said doctor Valacc "You were doing some tests at the Horisson Research Facility in Dracon City two weeks ago and something went terribly wrong.."

She started to notice her body, It didn't feel the same as if it were not her own and she was adapting to a new -Skin. She was once a human but now she was somewhat different... she looked down and saw what was different her body was not that of soft smooth flesh but that of silky smooth fur, not silky smooth but smooth enough you could see the air caress her body. Her breasts were not so small any more, went from a c24 to a DD20 and here figure would make a coke bottle jealous, you know the old fashioned glass bottle kinds 36-22-38 and her... tail?

She was now in a body of a Leopardess that would make a gay guy drool and unbeknownst to her had the mental capabilities of an immortal.

"You were doing some tests with Felidae genes and crastimimium plasmics and were seeing if you could alter it and have it temporarily adapt to what ever being you so chose. Is this correct Miss Feildyrre? Miss Feildyrre? Xuri? XURI?!? She snapped out of her daze and looked at the doctor.

"Yes." She said meekly. "But what happened at the HRF Lab that put me in the coma?" She had asked him.

"Well, when you started to do another experiment with your *NEW* Avridoactive materials there was a 6.8 Tremor that made you fall loose grip on the container and become exposed to your new material that you specifically developed for medical purposes. Thus with it being in such close proximity with the Felidae genes and your own genetic material, the arid material acted as a catalyst and combined your genes and the felines to the core, creating your current form."

"Well I see you have done your research on my materials and have become quite familiar with my work, Doc. "She said with a small laugh "But what happened to the lab and was anyone else affected?"

"No, no one else was affected by the accident but if one of your assistants hadn't gone by the lab that day you would be a puddle of arid goop right now." He said with a smile

"What do you mean 'my assistant'? I was the only one who was doing research on those particular areas of gene splicing, I had no assistants!" She said with an upset tone

"What no Assistant... Oh I misunderstood that janitor when he said 'he went to your assistance after the tremor."

"Oh, sorry for getting up set like that, "she said while wiping a tear from her face "So when can I get up from this bed?" she asked noticing no IVY or monitor cables connected to her beautifully crafted body.

"Well to put it simply Xuri When you feel like your strong enough to get up, you can." Valacc said very plainly

"In that case move over doc cause I'm getting up feeling as though she could run a Triple Marathon."

"Very well But do be courteous to the other patients and keep the noise down a bit would you?" He asked of her "Oh and I Almost for got You may go home as soon as I Release you from Your Physical and Health Check up"

About fifteen minutes later, after he finished the tests he said "Just sign your name on this release form and you may leave" handing her the hospital release forms

"Ahh good to be home." she said to her self as she pulled into her driveway.

Then two things happened:

One. the garage door on her house opened on its own... She doesn't have an automatic garage door; She has the mental capabilities of an immortal remember.

and Two. she moved from her car to her bed room so fast that she doesn't remember even opening her car door.

"WHOA! what just happened?" she said with her going out of breath from a slight panic attack

"My goodness I must be more careful when I move about." she said then remembering the garage door opening by its self, she decided to do a little experiment. First she decided to try a little mind movement ,AKA Telekinesis, with her night stand coffee mug. What happened that made her go into a confused look that she didn't expect was that the mug did not move at all, not even twitch.

What she done was she tried to force her mind to make the mug move, so she relaxed a little and she gave a startled yelp as she seen the mug zoom past her muzzle and hit the wall with an ear splitting sound.

She almost jumped at a knocking sound coming from her Living room then realized in kind of a slightly embarrassed way that someone was at her front door.

She got up and went downstairs to her living room to see who her visitor is.

She opened the front door and was surprised to see that it was Doctor Valacc

"Oh Hello Doctor what can I do for you?' She asked

"Xuri I'm not in the white coat right now so just call me Val ok?"

"Ok but what brings you to my house at this time of night" She just happened to look at her clock in her kitchen to her left and it read 8:39 P.M.

" Well I just wanted to come by and make sure every thing was going to be alright since you only woke up today" he said with a pleasant smile showing only a small portion of his pearly white teeth

"Please please come in and have a seat" she said with a gesture towards the kitchen table

As they sat there talking about past events current events and events sure to come in the future Val looked down at his watch and said "Well its getting late and I have got a Very big day ahead of me tomorrow" and with that she decided to go to bed as well after seeing the doc had left and she locked up her house she decided not to take a shower and head straight to bed.




'I'm not running away from something but to somewhere'

She thought as she ran through these strange woods towards an eerie black and white ghastly glowing light that made her wake screaming in a cold sweat.


Looking around panting very hard trying to get her bearings together she noticed that her lights were not on but she could see very clearly as if they were on, at that she got up and noticed that when she stood her feet paws did not touch the floor but she paid it no mind and went o get something to drink.

"Well I might as well try to get some more sleep" She said and went back to her bed room and fell right into a dreamless state of sleep.

she awoke the next morning feeling a bit groggy and since Doc Val told her boss at the lab what happened she had a whole week to get used to her new form.

She decided to go for a walk and test her new 'Abilities'. she went out side and was headed for the park when her neighbor Crystal an Anthro female Fox came up to her and asked how she was feeling. her reply was "Well m feeling just fine for now but do you want to go to the park?"

"Sure let me jus grab my jacket and ill be ready." she replied as the fox went inside and came out just moments later.

Down at CollieCat Park Crystal and Xuri enjoying their time together Laughing playing on the swings something you just wouldn't see two full grown women do these days, "Xuri let me ask you something." Crystal said

"Sure go ahead." said Xuri plainly

"What is it like being Human?" Crystal asked.

This really threw her off but Xuri replied "Well you don't have all this fur on your body and you don't have heightened senses that would get kind of annoying sometimes, but other than that it's not so different being anthropomorphic either. In fact I would rather be an anthro than human any day now that I have this form I kind of enjoy my new body."

As they continued their walk through the park they decided to get some ice cream, since it was around midday and they needed something cool and refreshing. They stopped at the ice cream vendor but as Xuri was about to pay for the ice cream a Navy blue dragon went ahead and paid for their treats.

"Thanks for paying..." she slowed her speech when she caught the gaze of the most beautiful Ruby-Almond coloured eyes she had ever seen.

"No problem" He said "I'm Mike by the way"

"The names Crystal and this is my friend Xuriana, Xuri" Crystal nudged her friend to take her friend from her day dream. When Xuri came to she turned away blushing as much as a leopardess could.

"Heh heh. Nice to meet you two ladies" He said with a smile

The Lab ice cream vender said "Hey are you Xuri"

Xuri replied "Yeah that's me"

"Here, Mike left this for you" and he handed her a card with his home address and his number on it.

Crystal couldn't believe that her friend got some strange dragons' number and where he lived with out even asking: The thoughts that went through her head made her kind of wet.

Xuri had noticed that her Vixen friend had kind of an arousal moment but paid her no mind, She kept staring at the card her draconic friend left her as though she would burn a hole in it, Then an Idea hit her "Hey Crystal, How bout you and me meet this Mike fellow tonight say around 9:30 pm?"

"Sure can I bring some toys if anything starts to get interesting?" Crystal asked with a pleading pouting look in her eyes.

"Hey I didn't say no to anything, but alright and bring a video camera if you want to so we can watch how it goes and *Ahem* have some fun later on." Xuri said with a smirk.

As the day went on the two friends decided it was time to go home. It was 7:00 already and Xuri decided to *Explore* her body some more than just looking and examining, she wanted to feel a new sensation that

only she could find. Remembering those telekinetic moments that she had yesterday and today she decided to try something a little different, Being aroused and wet already by the thought she got on all fours in doggy style and thought a males member in mid air she looked up to see a rainbow colored shape of energy floating and throbbing just inches from her face. She just looked at the floating member and wondered if she could use it to pleasure her self. At the mere thought the member moved quickly from her face to her wet and awaiting pink sex.

She was surprised at this new feeling and started to move her new toy up and down along her slit making her moan, murr, and purr in a wave of ecstasy. Next while she kept up her rhythm, she decided to go a bit deeper within her already sorely waiting pussy. But as she was about to penetrate her self with her own energy, a loud ringing broke her concentration and she had fallen spread eagle on her nose with an "OOOF!" She got up and grabbed her cell phone checked the time, it was already Eight fifty pm and crystal was asking if she was ready to meet her new acquaintance, replying while rubbing her sore nose she said "Yeah I'm ready, but are you ready for a surprise when we get to his place?"

"Oooh!," Crys squealed like an excited school girl "What surprise do I get?" she asked with excitement over the phone.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?" She said in an impish tone, and at that she and crystal got their things they would need for their little party at Mike's place.

At Nine Twenty five they pulled into his driveway just out side of Dracon city limits. "Well we are here" Xuri said as they got out of her Jet-Black '56 Ford Mustang in mint condition by the way.

When she knocked on the door the Dragon she met in the park dressed in black silk night pants and no shirt answered the door "Hello I knew you'd be by so please come in, come in" and gestured for them both to enter,

"Well what brings you two ladies out to my summer Ville at this hour" He said catching a whiff of both the girls arousal.

"Well we just wanted to come by and repay you for that kind gesture earlier today" Xuri said in a sweetly seductive tone that made Crystal shudder in pleasure.

"Any ways I was about to go to bed but since you girls are here well I cant say no to a sweet offer like that" He said noticing that the girls noticed him becoming aroused at the thought.

"Hmmm... I think we can fix that for you don't you agree crysty?" she asked her friend

"Why yeah I think we can Xuri" she said through her moans of waiting for some action.

"So with that remark I think I'm going to make myself a bit more comfortable" Mike said walking up the stairs letting his tail sway with each foot step and teasing the girls with his *walk*.

When they all finally got to his bed chamber the girls decided to tease each other in front of him making him whimper slightly in anticipation. So xuri decided to try her *new mind toy* on her friend, Crystal nearly fell to the floor as Xuri hit her G-Spot and Cervix Simultaneously with out even touching her or entering her awaiting vulpine Love hole.

This nearly threw mike off the edge as he watched the Vixen Have an orgasm without any stimulation what so ever, perfect Xuri thought as she got on the bed with her Friend for the night.

Mike quickly grabbed his leopardess lover by the waist and started nuzzling her crotch, Already aroused from secretly stimulating herself with her MT(Mind Toy) She eagerly spread her legs as the dragons seventeen Inch lizard like tongue with a four inch girth serpentine its way into her wet pooling pussy just wanting to taste his lovers Sweet juices which surprisingly had a citrus flavor to them, while bring her to several climaxes before removing his seventeen inches of pleasure from her pussy he decided it was her turn to give him some pleasure after this. She knew just what he wanted and as soon as he finished tasting her she very speedily and with amazing strength, that gave the dragon a start, made him land flat on his back making him moan in pleasure as his nineteen inch dragon hood smacked against his belly.

She then started to tease him by licking and nipping at his tip tasting the slightly spicy yet sweet pre-cum Cuming from his massive member making him growl lowly and murr at this new sensation like he never felt before and whilst his climax was nearing Xuri, faster than anything he'd seen, snapped her hands together on his Members tip Knocking his climax right out of the room, but it didn't even hurt.

In fact it felt so good that he said "Oh Damn Do that again! Do it Dammit Do it!!"

Xuri much obliged and with that snapped her hands not on his tip this time but at his base making him spurt so hard it sent the seed from his loins twenty feet across the room hitting the window in gigantic globs.

He had never in his life shoot his load before having an orgasm or having it go clearly across the room.

She then decided to take his member and shove to his surprise to the hilt in her mouth without even a slight gag. She pulled almost off with just an inch left in her mouth then shoved it all the way back in. He nearly blew it there but held his composure and let the leopardess do her magic. Xuri pulled off the dragon and teasingly brought her body parallel to his just a half an inch from his blue muzzle, before he knew what was happening she slammed his shaft to the hilt and started to ride him like no tomorrow and with that he started to pump in rhythm with her and was going to fill her with his Dragon seed.



Xuri can read minds but does not tell any one

Now to continue with the story


She sensed the he was nearing another climax and decided to help him out a little, She used her MT technique to tickle his prostate gland while sealing herself to him hilt deep so that he could enjoy watching him fill her with his seed, she watched in awe as her belly began to inflate from the amount of seed this guy could produced. After a good ten minutes of flooding her cavity with his seed she went from having an athletic build on her abdomen to looking seven months in bearing a child.

After a bout an hour or so she decided to seal all his seed she had in her womb there until she was ready to have his children. So she asked

"How would you like to father my off-spring? Huh Big mike?"

He really wasn't expecting a question from someone he just met but to his own astonishment he agreed "Sure when do you want to have children then?"

"How about less than one year, okay sweety?"

This made crystal nearly fall to the ground laughing but stopped when she caught their eyes, she said "Well I caught the whole thing on Disk so we can watch it together"

"Cool cant wait to see it but I am serious about having children. It may not come to as a thrill but when I found out that I was more sterile than a hospital cleaned with ammonia it made me want to have kids, but since I met my little Miss Xuri I might have a chance to raise a family." With that said Xuri decided to release his member from her pussy using her MT to keep the fluids from getting on the bed sheets.




"Well Mike since it has been close to a year and I know I'm pregnant now why don't we celebrate by... going... m-m-my..water j-just..Broke!" she said over dinner they were having that night at his place.

"Okay, Okay we need to get you to the hospital,"

"911 what's your emergency" said the operator

"My girl friend is having a baby and we need an ambulance right away

"Okay sir just give me your address and an ambulance will be there shortly"

After less than a minute speaking with the operator he finally hung up the phone

"Hey Xuri, the ambulance will be here shortly so please try to relax the best you can: He said as he dabbed the warm cloths across her forehead that crystal had brought in.



Crystal has been staying with mike and Xuri over the course of her pregnancy and has brought in some extra income since Xuri cannot work at the present time. Also She has been Deemed God mother to her Children


In the delivery room Doctor Valacc had said "Well The sonogram shows two healthy Dragon leopards One a boy the other a girl!"

I don't really care right now so long as they come out alive" She said through gritted teeth and a fierce growl that made Mike jump.

After five and a half hours of labor and delivery the doctor said "Well here they ate Two healthy baby's Twins to be exact both 22.5 inches weighing a whopping 19 pounds each."

The babies had metallic-gold colored scales that covered most of their body except for the tops of their heads and their private areas which had Bluish white colored fur there

"So what are their names?" the doctor asked


