Life of Xey, Infection

Story by Xeylef on SoFurry

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#1 of Life of xey

I have not written anything before so I do hope this came out well. I have been trying to get the backstory for my character down in text for a long time. Seems I may finally accomplish that goal.

All characters are mine, and it was written by me, just a lonely pet/slave looking for a master.... Xeylef

"Hey sex toy!" I grumbled the moment I heard it. So many times having been called that makes it no less painful. I already knew who it was, he always called me that.

"Ren!!! How many times do I have to say it. DONT call me a sex toy! Do you see me talking? How about me kicking your tail?!?" I turned around and took a good kick at the anthro raptors rump. He jumped aside sticking his tongue out teasingly, as a raptor he had excellent reflexes. "Blah... Fine what do you want? And how about knocking next time!" I had semi expected him to come by but had at least hoped he would knock first instead of barging in and surprising me.

He just smiled and laughed "I was hoping to catch you naked! But looks like you're already dressed, so guess you decided to come with me?" I knew what he meant, the day before he had offered to take me out to the movies but I could only sigh at his mention of seeing me naked. He often tried to sneak in and catch me nude. I mostly ignored it not really taking him seriously. He always kept his scales extra shiny with polish and such, it was sort of a fetish of his. Probably why he wanted to see my body's natural shine without all my clothing in the way. I simply nodded to his question collecting my wallet and ID from the table.

"All right!" he snickered to himself. "But still you look like one silly! Now lets get a move on, were going to be late if we play around much longer squeaky tail!" Using a second nickname he enjoyed. To be honest he was right about one thing.. I did in fact look like a sex toy. For about 2 years now I had been like this. I am an anthro storm dragon, dark blue scales and light blue belly scales. Only difference is that mine are made of latex....

The idea of weird transformations is not uncommon though, but its not a regular thing either. Every now and then you would hear on the news about the newest victim, with a detailed explanation of the changes. The media usually jumps all over the newest TF case as fast as they would a murder but then drop it within a few days. Most are reversible though the price is often such that its not worth the cost to fix. There are insurance agencies that offer reversal coverage but even then some just never get it thinking it couldn't possibly happen to them. My own change is a bit more difficult to explain than most. Some are as simple as the cliché fell into a pit of radioactive waste. Though probably 90% that jump into such fluid hoping for a change die as is expected. There is no guaranteed way to force a transformation, its all just random and each is rare and difficult if not impossible to reproduce.

It happened about 3 years ago, the change that made me like this. However, thats not where it all started. The cause for my change happened long long before that, back when my parents were still together and before I was even born.....

Technology had advanced exceedingly well, the idea of nanites becoming a normal household word. Although there were many that disliked them, they really were harmless to people. The immune system had no problem with taking care of even a fast infestation, white blood cells or even some bacteria dissolving them with ease. Being a form of bio circuitry their programming was hardcoded and impossible to change once developed causing companies be very careful when investing in nanite technologies. Even a single error or change would require an expensive new strain of nanites. Even in large numbers they didn't have much strength, and although their computational power was impressive when working together, regular micro circuitry of the same size did just as good. However nanites have the benefit of not needing immediate proximity to accomplish the same goal. Often companies would order a strain of nanites with dozens of programs hardcoded into them as multiple strains were far more expensive than one strain to do multiple tasks.

AI was another advance that was widely used. It took micro circuitry the size of a car to obtain near human intelligence, so most people were use to AI that was no smarter than a small rodent, usually no smarter than a vegetable. But even a vegetable has adaptability and survival instincts.

One of the first uses of such nanites and AI were self repairing items, and of course the sex toy market jumped on this quickly! Within days of the tech becoming available they began producing all kinds of toys that could "heal" or clean themselves. A few of the more ambitious added complex AI that knew how to induce orgasm better or even learn the best vibrations to arouse its owner. After a few years the most expensive were a line of inflatable dolls. It was one of these that caused of all my problems before I was even born.

My mother was ecstatic when her order had arrived. She was rather rich and had obtained a set of 5 self customizing inflatable dolls, the most expensive available. Taking the box inside and opening it revealed a set of instructions, a single upgrade chip and five black latex orbs. What made these special was their ability to read their owners DNA and produce an inflatable doll of the same species. All she had to do was place one inside her vagina overnight.

She sat on the bed rubbing her long blue tail memorizing the instructions. It didn't take long for her to get tired of the complex explanations of what it did, she just wanted to have fun with her new toys! Nearly ripping a seam, she took off her panties. Retrieving some lube and slowly rubbed it into the scales of her tight scaled feminine slit. As the first slid into her, she smiled. It wasn't big, only about the size of a golf ball. The feeling of it was nice but she wanted more, taking another she slipped it inside. Then another and another, until all 5 were inside her tight pussy. She laid back on the bed spreading her wings enjoying the feeling of the orbs nestled inside her.

"Salian! You're in bed already?" My father yelled to his wife from the other end of the house.

"Oh shush sweety! Climb on in and join me, you know its been a while since we had some fun!" she said as seductively as possible.

"Alright... but I am to tired to do anything right now I just want to sleep... maybe in the morning" He worked hard each day making a decent wage but was nothing compared to his wifes photo shoot business. He walked into the room yawning and smiled seeing his wife taking such a sexy pose on the bed.

"Thats fine with me! In fact its perfect!" she smiled easily and grabbed his tail pulling him onto the bed! His dark scales and long horns reminding her why she loved him so much. He sighed and curled up next to Salian, caressing his horns as he laid next to her.

"Nighty night, Kourvn! We will have such a good time in the morning." She snickered thinking about the small orbs that were trying to read her DNA.

They both fell asleep, each curled around the other. Absently Salian fingered her pussy having dreams of latex dolls all night long. Kourvn was always tired, he often felt his wife only wanted him for his body and good looks. Sometimes enjoying toys more than the real thing, it bothered him but he figured no marriage was perfect.

She woke up first stretching her arms and wings with a loud yawn. When she started to move, there was a funny feeling in her cunt which caused her to remember the latex balls. Without thinking she stood up and forced open her tight scales revealing her glistening lips and slowly slipped a finger in. Her tail shivered in excitement as she felt one of the latex orbs and began to push. With a shock a number of them suddenly were pushed out and fell to the floor rolling under various pieces of furniture! Blushing deeply having forgetting the strength of her own cunt. She carefully fingered around in her slit finding another pulling it out. There was a groan from the bed as Kourvn began to stir.

"MMmm hey honey, remem...ahhh!" He said with a yawn "Remember that offer you made last night... I think I would like to collect now..." he grinned showing off his draconic morning wood. The long dark purple shaft extending from his slit as if begging to slide into a nice tight pussy.

She stopped for a moment to check for any more of the balls, not finding any she maneuvered on top of him delivering a deep sensuous kiss. Although she didn't realize it, there was one more latex orb still inside her that had been pushed against her cervix. The feeling of his long hard cock pressing at her cunt was too tempting to resist, eagerly lowering herself forcing it into her waiting slit. The ridged dragon cock felt perfect inside her as usual, she always wished it could vibrate like a real dildo but it was still enjoyable.

Kourvn chirred contently feeling the tight cunt sliding down his length. "Oh mhmm!! So wonderfully tight!" he moaned. With a quick turn he pushed Salian around so he was on top, she fumbled with her wings for a moment finally getting comfortable again, wrapping them around him. The dark dragon began thrusting deeper into her cunt, the ridges teasing along her clit with each stroke.

With one final thrust he sheathed his entire cock inside her, as a sudden popping sensation surprised her! It felt like his cock had just slid into her womb! "Oh now thats new!!! Yes!" she gasped as his knot began to fill locking him inside her. In truth it was the latex orb that had slid into her womb. A surging warmth of cum began to torrent into her, surrounding the orb. Unknowingly the stimulation and surprise from her inner chamber being penetrated induced her to ovulate early.

As his cum filled her, she clenched down feeling her own climax wash over her. The bulge that was forming at the base of his cock quickly inflated locking him inside her. The new feeling of something more inside her excited Salian, even though she was unaware what it really was. "Wow, I guess I underestimated you hun! I have never felt this full after a romp in the bed with you!" she smiled and kissed him deeply before he had a chance to respond. Her legs wrapped around him holding his cock tightly inside her cunt. "Humm seems we were having a bit to much fun, let ourselves get tied! Its so big.... how about sleeping in another hour or two? Not like you have much choice!" she teased him pulling at his knot knowing he couldn't do anything about it.

He had felt something odd while thrusting into her but after the warm thanks from his wife he simply ignored it just being happy he had pleased her with something new. His cock kept pumping cum into her for a few more minutes while his knot filled to full size completing the tie. In dragons the knot tended to stay hard far longer than other species, it was usually best to try and sleep it off rather than stay up and wait for it. It didn't take much convincing to get him to sleep in. They snuggled together for a while longer before finally dozing off to sleep still connected by his large thick knot.

She was woken up suddenly by a strange tugging sensation from her cunt as Kourvn tried to pull out, his knot much smaller, but still large enough to be stuck and require some force to free it. She actually felt her butt leave the surface of the bed suspending her from his knot for an instant before it popped out. This left her feeling very empty but fulfilled from having it inside her for so long. She rolled over and looked to him "So heading out now hun?" He was rubbing his cock a bit to clean it before getting his clothing ready for work.

"Yep, already late due to our little fun." he grinned at her before sliding his shirt over his head and wings, carefully sliding them out the slits in the back. Despite having already gone down, his cock and knot still made a significant bulge in his tight pants.

"Well, I will blame it on that knot of yours!" she teased, it had often been the cause for him being late. He simply laughed and kept getting ready for work, that bulge slowly reducing moment by moment.

The rest of the morning was uneventfully, already late he left rather quickly. She got up and stretched looking around thinking that there was something she was forgetting. She paced the bedroom for a moment trying to remember when she nearly tripped from stepping on one of the latex orbs! She quickly began searching for the rest of them getting excited thinking about the dolls.

She found three of them without to much trouble after getting on her hands and knees fishing around under the bed. Each of them had a new feature, a small air nozzle had formed indicating they were ready for inflation. Seeing only three, there had to be at least one more around. The one she pulled out earlier still on top the bedside table. It would turn up sooner or later, but for now she had other ideas.

She took one of the orbs and began blowing into the object as it quickly began taking on a more definite shape. Each puff caused it to expand and grow in size soon becoming more recognizable as an inflatable dragon. It had a blue tint to the entire thing, it was black when she started and the change in color was a pleasant surprise. The nozzle she was blowing into was surprisingly located on the dolls clit! The rest of the body began to take shape as well, the wings and tail filling out nicely as she continued to force air into the latex toy.

Each doll took genetics of its owner to determine its species and other features. The nanites only skimmed the DNA to get a general idea of the species it was attempting to emulate. The doll she was inflating now had a warm inviting look to its face almost resembling her own in a way.

With a few more forced blows the doll finished inflating and she set it on the bed to admire it. Within a few seconds the nozzle seems to pull back into its clit and disappear as if it were never there. The dragon doll was truly beautiful sight to behold, the light blue color of its latex along with a far lighter blue underbelly. Unlike cheap plastic dolls this ones features were sharp and looked more like a dragon in a tight latex suit than a doll.

Taking the upgrade chip with a bit of excitement she placed it directly on the doll's latex skin finding it sinking in and adhering by itself. Within a few moments the dolls clit began to enlarge. Soon it had a perfect draconic cock, about 8 inches long, ridges and knot at its base. Under the cock was the dolls fem slit, the upgrade chip to make it solely male was more expensive and she certainly didn't mind it still having breasts and a vagina for her to play with.

Even though the doll looked highly realistic it didn't have to stay that way, the brochure that came with the dolls said the company offered many kinds of upgrades. Including old fashioned fuck sleeves rather than the natural entrances they came with. Also simpler things like longer cock or even handles on the hips for a better hold. Although it was impossible to change the nanites coding they could connect to small upgrade chips with additional programs to act on as long as the chip was in contact the nanites as she had done with the cock upgrade chip. Upgrade chips could do a lot of things but they're mostly limited to external characteristics of the dolls due to the the nanites limited program. She had already been thinking of getting different upgrades for the dolls but that would have to wait.

The dolls greatest feature was its ability to react to stimulation. Salian smiled happily and decided it was time for some more fun, she positioned herself over the doll and began rubbing at its feminine slit. To her joy it grasped at the sheets as if feeling the waves of pleasure from her teasing. The excitement was unbearable so without hesitating further she kissed the doll deeply. Its hands raised up and presses at the sides of her head as it did its best to return the kiss! It had no strength behind its movements but still the effect was impressive. She cuddled with the doll for a few minutes absently contemplating how to convince her husband to have a three-way with it.

Though those movements were weak she knew that was just a matter of time. According to the brochure the strength of the doll depended on the amount of material that made up its body, right now it was at the absolute minimum. The dolls required liquid protein nutrients, of course they were built to use cum as a primary source. Raw latex helped build their form a bit but it did nothing for their strength, cum was processed into latex and latex musculature. There was also mention of the doll needing ammonia (obtainable from urine) but in small amounts and was only used when the doll became damaged.

After another hour or so of playing with the doll she got dressed and started getting ready for her own workday. Another reason for getting the dolls was to use them in her photo shoots, perhaps even offer some advertising pictures to the company that produced them. The market for porno involving the dolls had grown over the last year and she intended to capitalize on it. She felt giddy just thinking about how much of the competition she was jumping ahead of. Her photo shoot business involved more than just taking pictures of models in such. It also had a much more risqué side to it, pornographic and nude photography making up a decent chunk of her earnings.

As she went about her day the small orb inside her began counting down after being inside her too long. Eventually the nanites determined that too much time passed and began shutting down to allow her body to expel it naturally. However many of the nanites had already begun processing the cum and some of the nanites had deactivated while still attached to intact sperm cells. What happened next was by sheer chance, one of the sperm cells with a nanite still attached to it encountered the egg cell and fertilized it. The nanites were bio mechanical in many ways and used similar chemical triggers to initiate nanite replication even standby mode. Over the next couple days as the embryo grew so did the nanites, adopting similar chemical tags to the developing cells. They spread evenly through the embryo still in the inactive standby mode. As its immune system developed, the nanites were never recognized as a threat and were treated as natural cells.

Needless to say her husband was not thrilled with the dolls, seeing them as yet another example of her wanting to play with sex toys rather than him. No matter what he did she never seemed satisfied and to make it worse she wanted him to play with the dolls as well.

"Please, just one little romp with them I'm sure you'll love it!" She pleaded with him, not really caring about his pleasure, just trying to trick them into feeding them.

He seemed more annoyed than usual. His hands rubbing the areas under his horns as if trying to remove a headache. "Look this is silly, I have you. Why should I have sex with a latex-doll rather than flesh and scales, are you getting tired of our time in bed?" He really was quite tame when it came to odd kinks and such. A normal humping and maybe some biting was the best she could get out of him.

"Fine, look this isn't about you. I just want you to have sex with the doll a couple times." She said with a soft smile trying to appeal to him with her good looks probably as she did with many of her clientele.

Now he knew something was up. He was not oblivious to her sneaky methods of getting what she wanted and this had sneaky written all over it. "What are you up to? What's so special about the doll anyway that you want me to have sex with it?"

Looking rather defeated with her hands on her hips she knew she had to come clean. "The dolls run on a particular liquid, and that happens to be cum. So unless you want me to order some online, I really need you to do it with the sex doll. What harm could couple of orgasms do?" She said in the sweetest of voices possible.

After some more arguing he finally gave in, but refused to ever have anything more to do with the sex dolls. From then on it was always a bone of contention between them, one of the first things that had really got him annoyed with his wife. Over the next few days she was quite unhappy with him, though her attention span for such things was short and quickly forgot about it. Through her photo shoot business she found ample opportunities for strengthening the dolls with her clients cum. Though she never did find the last orb that she thought was lost in her room. No way of knowing a new life was forming in her womb with the missing orb's very nanites spreading through its growing body.

A new bond formed between them when Salian discovered that she was gravid with a single egg. They had been trying for some time to have a child, though secretly Salian had been taking birth control to try and prevent it. She hid her disappointment and rejoiced with Kourvn trying to make the best of things and actually starting to look forward to being a mother. A few months later not to long after her stomach became bloated due to the size of the egg, she was forced to lay it at home in the company of Kourvn. The process was quite painful first, moaning and curse words filled the air as her pussy was stretched to its absolute limit around the oval cantaloupe sized egg. As it slid free into Kourvn's hands she gasped seeing its size hardly able to believe it had been inside of her only moments ago.

As any would with a newly laid egg they took it to the hospital to make sure everything was all right with it. After all the testing was finished they determined it to be perfectly healthy, filling the two soon-to-be parents with joy. The nanite infection was completely overlooked due to being in standby mode.

It was several months later that the egg finally began to crack in the nest they had set up the corner of their bedroom. Salian had almost forgotten her hesitation and reluctance to have a hatchling. She was awash with excitement and joy as a dark blue head peeked out from a crack in the egg. The hatchling was a male and had very favorable coloring which excited both parents immensely. Despite the presence of numerous nanites throughout its body there was no sign of any problems or abnormalities.

It's strange talking about when one was a hatchling or young child. Although it happened to you, all you really know is from hearsay and stories. I do remember some of my childhood however, it was happy though Salian left most of the parenting to Kourvn. I made good friends in school and even joined a few sports teams in the early grades. I went to a mixed species public-school, Salian never did see much use in schooling feeling that people should rely on good looks and status to really get ahead in life.

My only real knowledge of sex came from my father explaining it after I had accidentally walked in on them humping on the bed. He told me I was too young to worry about that yet, but he did explain that it takes two people that are in love to have a hatchling. He briefly mentioned how it had something to do with the slit between one's legs and that I should never share it with anyone until I was much older.

After a school soccer match a few friends and I went out to go get pizza. It was a close knit group of soccer buddies all from middle school. Most if not all of us were in the middle of puberty, and only had experienced one or two classes of sex ed. Our conversations often revolved around sports or girls.

One of the older boys seemingly obsessed over the vixen in his second-period class, his bushy canine tail wagging excitedly whenever he talked about her. At the time I couldn't help mentioning the skunk from art class, she was quite good at drawing and painting. Even though she was terribly shy, it was her massive breasts that really called attention to herself considering how young she still was. We happily debated which of the two was hotter, personally I enjoyed a certain snake girl from my first-period class. She also had very large breasts for her age though not as large as the skunks, I guess I had a thing for breasts but still preferred scalies. At the time I was the only reptilian in the group, so I didn't see the need to mention her.

Somehow the conversation took a turn for the strange when one of the two twin dingos said he could fap all day long to Mindy (the vixen) naked. Some of the other students looked at him curiously, including me. Noticing all the strange looks, the two twin brothers glanced at each other and snickered. Whispering something into the others ear causing them to giggle amongst themselves.

Leiko the bobcat next to me was probably the least shy of us "okay guys share the joke, no fun leaving us in the dark!"

Kevan and Bevan, the two dingos grinned with their secret. "You guys don't know what's fapping is?" Bevan asked being cautious that he didn't say it too loud. Only three of us shook our heads, Leiko, Thuber and I. "The three of you can sleep over at our place tonight and we'll tell you all about it" Kevan said with a slight grin.

We tried to get them to explain it but they wouldn't even give us a hint, only saying if we wanted to know to come over to their place tonight. It was pretty common for us to sleep over at each other's houses, just as long as we let our parents know. I sent a call into Kourvn to let him know I wouldn't be home that night and headed for the dingos house. It was only 10 or so minute walk, located just beyond the tree line. The Twins had already left ahead of us leaving Leiko and I too head there on our own, Thuber apparently couldn't make it.

It was already late by the time we arrived, the sun just starting to hide behind trees. The two dingos were inside playing video games, we quickly joined in forgetting the entire point of the evening. As it got later and later we started feeling sleepy. Bevan had already prepared two extra beds for us in their room, actually just some sleeping bags with pillows. Once the twins were sure their parents had gone to bed and were definitely asleep, they started snickering and making strange noises.

I was more than willing to ignore the noises just assuming they were trying to be annoying. Although Leiko had no such reservations. "What the heck are you two doing over there?" He said sitting up in his sleeping bag looking over.

"It's called fapping, when you rub your penis and it gets hard. It feels really good!" Kevan said without even slowing down. There was a night light in the room so we could kind of see each other. Bevan and Kevan pulled down their blankets so we could watch.

Leiko did the same and stared at his sheath "I think I saw my brother doing this once before, he stopped when I walked in."

I was a bit more shy than the other three, okay maybe a lot shyer. It felt weird watching the two dingos rubbing their large red canine members. Reluctantly I pulled back my sleeping bag and looked to the blue slit between my legs but was interrupted by Kevan's snickering. "Ha! You look like a girl down there, where's your cock?"

I blushed furiously and closed my legs." All reptiles look like this! It's just hiding inside the slit okay?" I started rubbing it trying to arouse my penis enough to slide out. Once I got a hold of the tip I pulled it out completely to attempt to prove my maleness. "See? It just stays inside me when it's not hard."

The dingos grinned, Bevan quickly adding "Maybe but it still looks like it's coming out of a pussy!" I blushed again and rolled over pointing away from them.

"Oh just shut up! Mine is still longer than yours!" Trying to give myself an upper hand in the conversation. I pulled the sleeping bag back over me and tried to ignore their fapping noises. There was no question that mine was longer I, to the point the others didn't even argue. I had never measured it so I really didn't know how long it was, but dragons did tend to be longer than other anthros.

I was still curious about this entire fapping thing, I started rubbing my cock up and down wondering about the pleasure they were talking about. It really did feel good, causing me to let out a small moan after a minute or so. There was a sudden moment of clarity as I felt my first orgasm approaching. I involuntarily started to rock my hips against the cloth of the sleeping bag. Moving my hand up and down as fast as I possibly could something clenched inside of me. Before I knew it I was spurting thick wads of dragon cum all over the inside of my sleeping bag. I eeped and pulled my hand away thinking that I had somehow pissed on accident or broke something. "What the hell just happened!" I felt so embarrassed!

This time it was Leiko that got a laugh. "Ha! He didn't know that stuff came out of it when you fap. Even I knew that!" He said with triumphant amusement.

"You could have warned me! I got it all over the inside of my sleeping bag, it's sticky too!" I grumbled wiping off my hand on the sleeping bag. Folding the sleeping bag over I slept on top of it leaving the mess for them to clean up later.

They teased me about it getting a good laugh before the subject changed. Somehow moving to how it would feel if a girl were to suck their cock. One of them jokingly asked me if I wanted to suck their cock figuring that it would feel the same as if the snake girl were sucking them off. I blushed even more and tried to ignored them finally getting to sleep.

Who would've thought that something as innocent as a single orgasm would change my entire life forever. For the first time in my life the nanites embedded in the skin of my cock reacted to the presence of cum and started a "cleaning mode". Many of the nanites in my crotch area were suddenly activated taking the cum and converting it into latex. Over the course the night my entire cock was covered in a perfect layer of latex. Once the cleaning mode had finished they moved on to the next mode, but instead of standby they went into repair mode.

End of Chapter 1

Written by the lonely pet looking for a master, xeylef.