All You Need is Love: Chapter 2

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#2 of All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love: Chapter 2

David woke up the next morning surprisingly refreshed. He opened his eyes and noticed that Crystal was still asleep on her stomach next to him. He rolled over on his side and smiled as he gently rubbed her back. She stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. David leaned in and kissed her head lightly before carefully getting out of bed and quietly getting dressed.

He put on some jeans and a black t-shirt before heading out into the living room and then into the kitchen. As he got things ready to make breakfast, he thought about what would happen with school now. He still had another five months of High School left and he wasn't sure how that would work now that he had to take care of his sister. He began scrambling the eggs in a bowel as he decided that he would just take some time off from school. Just for a while, until he sorted things out.

He continued making breakfast and his mind went from one issue to the next. First of all were the bills he would have to pay. His car and the house were both paid off, but he still had to pay for utilities. He had a decent job, and the near million dollars of life insurance money could help with that. Other than that, there were just the basic necessities. He decided that he would put most of the life insurance money into a savings account and use the rest as it was needed.

He finished making breakfast and put it all on two plates for him and Crystal before going back into his room. Crystal was still asleep, but he could tell it was lightly now as she was beginning to stir. He sat down next to her and rubbed her shoulder and spoke softly. "Crystal, time to get up. I have breakfast ready."

Crystal opened her eyes slowly and then gave a large yawn. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes with her small paws and then looked at David. "mmm... ok brother." She said as she slowly propped herself up.

David tussled her hair affectionately before standing up. "Now hurry up and get ready. After breakfast I'm gonna take you wherever you want to go." He said with a smile. His first priority was to make Crystal happy now. Everything else came second. He wanted to make sure that her mind was off of depressing things before they both had to go back to school.

Crystal smiled and got out of the bed. She gave David a hug and looked up at him with a loving look in her bright green eyes. "Alright brother. Is it alright if I take a shower before I eat?" she asked.

"Sure. I'll put your food in the microwave and cover it up so it doesn't get cold as fast." He said with a smile as he hugged her back. She ran off into his bathroom and closed the door behind her. David left the room as he heard the water turn on. He went out and sat down at the table and began eating his breakfast as he was very hungry. He finished his eggs quickly and then slowly began to eat the bacon and sausage.

Crystal didn't take long in the shower and it wasn't long before she came to join him at the table. He got her food out of the microwave for her and then sat back down. He let her eat a bit before he spoke. "So where would you like to go today sis? Wherever you want." he said as he finished his food and took a sip of his water.

Crystal finished her bite of food before wrinkling her brow as she thought for a moment. Her eyes lit up as she spoke. "Can we go to the lake? I love going to the lake and feeding the ducks!" she said with a hopeful smile.

David chuckled. "Of course. We can go and stay as long as you want." he replied.

"Yay! Thank you brother!" exclaimed Crystal with a bright smile that made David's heart melt. She finished her food quickly and then went up to her room to change. David cleaned up the table and put the dishes away and went into his room to grab his guitar. He too enjoyed the lake. It was peaceful and a good place to play his guitar.

Crystal came back downstairs in a pink blouse and a denim skirt and she practically bounded over to David with a smile on her face. "Ok brother, I'm ready to go!" she said as she gave him another hug.

David chuckled. "Alright. Grab some of the bread from the bread box and then come on outside. I'm gonna go get the car warmed up." He picked up his guitar case and went out the front door. He went over to his car and put his guitar in the back seat before getting in and turning on the engine. He left the door open as the engine hummed to life. It was a beautiful day and David felt refreshed for the first time in the last week. His sadness had mostly dissipated, at least the worst of it had. There would always be that longing left, but he could deal with that easily enough. He just kept reminding himself that he had to be strong for Crystal.

Crystal soon appeared with a large bag full of bread. She ran over to the car and got in the passenger seat. "Ok lets go brother!" she said excitedly. David smiled and closed his door and buckled up as Crystal did the same. He pulled out of the driveway and onto the road out of town. The lake was about a twenty minute drive up into the hills. It was a popular place to go and spend a quiet day.

They moved along at a smooth pace and after a while Crystal spoke. "You know brother. I had a dream last night. I dreamt that mom and dad came to me. They told me not to be sad. They said to be happy and to listen to you. They said that they knew they could trust you to take care of me and that I should do the same. They also said that they loved us very much. When I woke up and you were there I knew they were right brother. I'm not gonna be sad for them. They would want me to be happy, so I will." She spoke in a tone that was full of conviction, yet as she spoke a few tears still made their way down her cheeks.

Crystal sniffed softly and then looked at David and spoke softly. "I love you Brother. I'm glad you're still with me." She finished.

David had a hard time keeping his tears back, but he was able to do it. "I love you too Crystal. Nothing will ever keep me away from you. I promise I'll always be there for you." He replied. He put a paw on her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. Crystal smiled at him and looked at him with a grateful and loving expression.

They remained silent the rest of the ride, but Crystal was deep in thought. She glanced at him again and felt a fuzzy feeling in her chest. It was something new and exciting to her. Like a fluttery feeling whenever she looked at him. These feelings had started that morning after her dream. She knew that he would never leave her. She knew that he loved her at least as much as she loved him and that he would never do anything to compromise that.

He was perfect in her mind. The tragedy of their parents had been heartbreaking, but David had been there for her and her dream had strengthened her feelings, though she still wasn't exactly sure what they were.

She looked at David again and blushed slightly. She had just begun to take an interest in boys and her brother was the most appealing by far. His strong body and his kind expression brought those same feelings to her chest. This is what her thoughts were contemplating as they made their way to the lake.

They arrived at the lake and they both got out and headed down the short trail to the lakeside. There were picnic benches all around and they picked one close to the water's edge. There were only a few other people there that day and it was exceptionally peaceful. The lake itself was a few hundred yards in diameter with a small island in the middle. There were large numbers of water fowl and chief among these were a large number of ducks that wandered near the waters edge.

Crystal left David at the table and took the bag of bread and went over to the water's edge. She threw a handful of bread out into the water and giggled happily as the ducks all scrambled to get the pieces. Once they had gotten all of the pieces she threw another handful and the process repeated.

David watched with a smile. She's so cute and carefree. I'm glad she seems to have gotten over mom and dad. I hope she stays that way. He thought to himself as he listened to her cute laughter. Yes...I'll do whatever it takes to make her happy. He concluded.

After a few minutes he got out his guitar case and set it on the table. He took out the guitar and began to strum a cheerful tune. He closed his eyes and listened to the other people and the birds in the trees. He listened to Crystal laughing and he felt his heart lift. When he opened his eyes he looked up through the trees and saw the sun rising over the treetops.

He changed his tune and began to sing.

_Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,

and I say it's all right_

_Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

and I say it's all right_

_Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

and I say it's all right_

_Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes..._

_Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,

and I say it's all right_

_Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,

and I say it's all right

It's all right_

He finished the song with a smile and his eyes closed. When he opened them he saw Crystal standing in front of him with a smile on her face as well. There were also a couple people around as well and they applauded. David smiled and thanked them then motioned for Crystal to sit next to him.

He strummed his guitar and then went into another song. He played and sang for a while as the other people and his sister listened. All of the songs were happy and cheerful and all of them made David feel better and better. By the time he finally stopped and packed up his guitar it was late afternoon and almost everyone else had left. He felt better than he had in a long time as he went and put his guitar in the car.

He came back and looked at crystal with a smile. "Well? What do you want to do now?" he asked.

Crystal looked at David and had to admit that he was attractive. It took her a moment to register that he had spoken to her. "Oh! Umm... I don't know." She stammered.

David raised an eyebrow and quickly picked her up and put her over his shoulder and asked playfully. "So what's distracting my little sis?"

Crystal screamed and giggled as David picked her up. She beat her paws on his back playfully as she stammered through her laughing. "hahaha! N-nothing! I'm just thinking is all!" she exclaimed.

David chuckled and put her back down. "Don't want to tell me eh? Alright, I guess I'll let it go then." He said.

Crystal was panting as she got her feet on the ground again. She fixed her clothes and looked at David with her tail wagging behind her. "Can we go for a walk around the lake?" she asked while giving him her best begging face.

David checked his watch and then looked at the descending sun. He smiled, "Sure I think we have time if we walk at a decent pace." He said.

Crystal beamed and took David's paw in hers. And they made their way down the path around the lake. They didn't talk much as they walked, instead they just enjoyed each other's company. They admired their surroundings and Crystal would often point out birds and animals that she saw. Crystal would often steal glances at David as well, admiring him as much as the forest and animals.

David himself was finding himself growing more and more fond of his sister's attitude and once he even caught himself looking at her body. He had stopped himself and reprimanded himself mentally, but now the thoughts were in his head.

They finished their walk quickly as the sun began to set and headed back to the parking lot. By now they were the only ones left at the lake and they headed to the car. Before David could get in however, Crystal stopped him. He looked at her questioningly and noticed a unidentifiable expression on her face.

Crystal's insides were fluttering as she spoke softly. "Thanks for taking me here today brother, I had a fun time." She moved in and hugged him tightly. "I love you." She said softly before she quickly stood on her toes and kissed David on the lips firmly.

David's eyes shot open and he recoiled after a second in shock. Crystal didn't stop him, but instead she just looked at him blushing slightly. She didn't say anything as she went around and got in the car, leaving David standing there with a stunned expression on his face.

It took David several moments to recover from what Crystal had done. He knew he should have been disturbed or upset at what had happened, however his mind was strangely alright with it. He absentmindedly ran his tongue across his lips and could faintly taste his sister on them. He dismissed it for now as merely an affectionate kiss from a loving sister and got in the car without a word to Crystal.

The drive home was spent in silence. Crystal was still fluttery from what she had done, and even more so because David did not seem upset. I wonder if he liked it too. She thought as she licked her lips. I wonder if its normal to feel like this. He's my brother so I bet it's normal for him to make me feel different. Still... he did seem really shocked.

Her thoughts continued like this for the whole ride home. When they pulled up to the house it was already dark and the stars were beginning to shine overhead. They got out of the car and David wordlessly opened the front door and ushered her inside. Once they entered the living room David spoke. "Go get comfortable sis. I'll get dinner started in a little bit."

Crystal braved a smile at him which he returned in order to reassure her. His thoughts however were really elsewhere. They went their separate ways and Crystal went upstairs to her room while David went to his.

Crystal entered her room and lay down on her bed. She put her paws behind her head and stared up at the ceiling. She couldn't get David out of her head now and that feeling in her chest was stronger than ever. She wondered if he would say anything to her and eventually decided to just wait and see.

She got up off the bed and undressed. Her body was like that of any twelve year old girl. Petite and not necessarily "curvy" but still feminine. Her small breasts were just beginning to form and she rubbed them briefly with a soft moan. She put on some pink panties and a matching pink night shirt that went down to her knees. Once she was comfortable she left her room and went downstairs.

David in the meantime was busy with thoughts of his own. Why did I enjoy that kiss so much. I'm sure it was her just being affectionate, but something about it was odd. He thought to himself as he undressed. I shouldn't even be having this discussion with myself. I shouldn't have enjoyed that kiss like that. Feelings like this should be appalling. He told himself as he pulled off his boxers.

He looked up and saw in the mirror that his penis had begun to poke out from his sheath about an inch. He gasped and realized that his feelings were more deeply rooted than he thought. He reached down tentatively and squeezed his sheath with a quiet moan. No! he screamed in his mind, and his hand moved away. I will not have those kinds of thoughts about Crystal. He told himself and then got dressed in some pajama pants and a loose fitting shirt. He left this room and entered the kitchen and began to get dinner started.

He pulled out the items needed for his own macaroni and cheese recipe. He prepared everything in a baking pan and as he was putting it in the oven Crystal entered the living room which adjoined the kitchen. He closed the oven and set the timer before going out to meet her.

Crystal was sitting on the floor by the entertainment station looking through DVDs. David walked up behind her quietly and then spoke. "So, you gonna pick a movie for us to watch?" he asked with a smile.

Crystal jumped and then turned to look at David with an upset expression. "That wasn't nice brother, you scared me." She said as she made a sad face which made David look sorry, after which she smiled. "I'm just kidding. Yeah, I cant decide on a movie." She finished as she turned back to the shelf.

David chuckled. "Alright, well you get to pick so I'll leave you to it I guess. I'm gonna go finish getting dinner ready. He got a nice salad together and got them both drinks. It wasn't long before the macaroni was finished and he took it out and set it on the stove to cool. Once it was ready he called into the living room for Crystal to come get her plate.

She came into the kitchen with her tail wagging behind her. David smiled. "Did you pick a movie?" he asked as he began to put food on her plate.

"yeah, I wanna watch Balto." She replied with a smile. She took her plate and went into the living room and set up some TV trays in front of the couch. David followed her and took a seat on the couch as she went up to put the DVD in the player. The had to stifle a gasp as she turned away and he noticed that her tail lifted up her night shirt, showing her pink-clad bottom. This was made even worse when she bent over at the waist to insert the disk. David couldn't help but stare. Her panties were tight and they showed off her cute butt and as she bent down David could make out the outline of her slit a little lower down.

He felt a surge in his pants and he immediately sat cross-legged on the couch and pulled the tray closer. Crystal finally stood up straight and David could have sworn that he saw the slightest hint of a blush on her face. Did she do that on purpose? He asked himself.

She sat down on the couch next to him as the movie began and they both started to eat. They were soon both into the movie as they ate and their food was soon finished and forgotten on the trays as they pushed them away and Crystal snuggled up next to David. They spent the whole movie like that, with David against the arm of the couch and Crystal snuggled against him with her tail twitching happily.

As the movie began to wind down and Balto and Jenna both show their affection for each other, Crystal shifted and looked up at David. She slowly moved up a bit so that she was about level with him and then spoke softly in a nervous voice.

David looked at her a little confused. "what?" he asked. Crystal didn't answer at first, but instead she slowly moved forward until they were nose to nose. She could feel his breath on her lips and she looked him in the eyes. They were both nervous, but David moved the last inch and their lips connected in a deep kiss, throwing all apprehension out the window.

To be continued...

(Song lyrics by The Beatles)