Oh! Introductions!

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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"Huh? The hell could that be? I just moved in two damn days ago," he spoke from around the cigarette in his mouth. "Did I already spark interest 'round here?"


He opened the door with the cigarette still in his mouth. He looked out the door, and from the bottom of his eye saw a short, young male feline. He smirked lazily and looked down at the kid.

"I'm not interested in buying popcorn, kid," he said with an obvious sense of sarcasm.

The man--well, in the physical sense, as he was still somewhat of a teenager on the inside--was a six foot, two inch tall Earth dragon. He had scales that were the color of bluish-green. He wore a white wife-beater which slightly clung to his hardly muscled body. Beneath that was a comfortable pair of khaki-colored slacks, which cut off right at the point where his feet met his ankles.

The cat-boy giggled softly and smiled. "I'm not a Boy Scout anymore, sir. I just came over to say hi and welcome to the neighborhood and all that stuff."

"Ah. I see. Well, hey, come right on in, then," the dragon muttered loudly from outside his Marlboro. The kitty padded in and around the blue-green dragon, his tail following him.

The gray-furred kid was about a foot shorter than the dragon, respectively, since he was about thirteen years old. He wore a pair of thin- and black-rimmed glasses. Two rounded squares with thick plastic. He didn't really have any human-like head fur, so to say, but he did have thicker hair where there was supposed to be human hair. His ears were naturally pointy. He wore a black Russell jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, and a pair of loose-fitting black jeans.

The house the boy had just entered would have had that brand-new house smell if it was a brand-new house. Of course, with the way houses go, it was only new to the buyer. The room was painted the color of lobster-bisque, the bottoms of the walls lined with white, which met the green-carpeted floor at a ninety-degree angle. There was a slight drop, a step, in the middle of the room. It could be interpreted as the den area, since it did have a couch, a main chair, and a television right across from both. The feline was headed in the direction of the couch, as was the dragon, following right behind him.

Cute boy, the dragon thought to himself. Then grinned. Nice little ass, too. The dragon then let a smirk crawl across hi muzzle. He wondered...

"Well, uh, yeah. I'm Jakk."

The cat blinked a bit, tilting his head. Oh! Introductions!

"Oh! Introductions! Right!" He giggled softly. "I'm Em."

Jakk blinked. "What, like the letter?"

Em's face remained static, since he had heard that so many damn times in the past. "Nah. Just e-m. It's pronounced the same way, though."

"Ah." They both sat down on the couch together. Jakk picked up the remote and turned on the television. It was set on Cartoon Network.

Em smiled, leaning back against the couch, immediately getting into the programming. Jack simply gazed at the kid as he did this, chuckling a little. He reached over and rubbed gently at the boy's thick head fur, mmming out. Em closed his eyes, gasping, and then shuddering with delight as he was petted like that, instantly turning into putty. Jakk quirked a brow.

"You okay?'

Em blushed. "Y--yes... I just... um... really like the feel of scales."

Oh how hard it was to prevent that smile from curling up along his face!

"Oh really?"

Em nodded softly. "Um. Yeah. I used to have this--" he paused for just half a second, if that "--girlfriend who was a dragon, and every time she pet me or hugged me or stuff like that I shivered. I just really like the feel of scales."

Jakk caught the pause.

"Mmmm. I see." He slowly began to caress the boy's neck, kneading gently at it. Em cooed with pleasure, leaning back against the palm, beginning to purr more and more. Jakk started to gently scritch at the cat's neck, running his paw inside the furry jacket, a little bit of a murr leaving him as well as his draconic tail swished this way and that. He scooted a bit closer to the younger feline, grinning deviously. He placed his cigarette in the ash tray on the generic coffee table in front of them. The cat didn't notice his neighbor starting to move closer, as he was lost in the attention. Eventually, the blue-green dragon moved his muzzle close enough to whisper into the cat's ear.

"If I didn't know any better," he spoke softly, huskily, "I'd say that your 'girlfriend' wasn't a girlfriend after all." And with that, the dragon quickly reached out and snatched the boy's chin, turning it to face him so the boy could see his grin. Their faces were merely inches apart.

Em gasped as he was suddenly whispered to and then turned. Once he saw that draconic smile he blushed deeply, but wiggled against the grasp of his neighbor. Those scales...

"Now." Jack slowly began to caress the underside of the feline's chin, grooming them with his claws. "More about this boyfriend of yours."

Em's posture seemed to change. As did subtle parts of his personality. Perhaps he became comfortable.

"Well... um... he was a Platinum dragon. He used to live down the street with us but moved out of state and we got out of touch. Um... he was..." The cat blushed. "Long. He was really, really sexy and adorable and sweet and I kinda miss him." He sighed softly, leaning now against his new dragon friend. Jakk murred, wrapping an arm around his new neighbor, rubbing gently at the boy's shoulder.

"Mmmm. It's too bad he had to leave. I guess he was your age?"


"I see. You went to school with him?"

He nodded.

"Mmmm... and I bet he was your first, wasn't he?" the dragon said gently, almost lecherously.

The cat blushed, but nodded again. "Uh huh... he was really, really good... he managed to make me cum without even touching me and it was really nice."

Jakk smirked from side to side. This kid's a godsend.

"Damn, you really like dragons, don't you?" The kid gasped softly as he suddenly felt a scaley hand at his belly, from under his shirt and his jacket, kneading. Em let out a moan. Jack let out a dark chuckle.

"You're an adorable kid, you know that?" the sexy whisper spoke. Em blushed.

"Th--thank you, Jakk. You're very sexy," was the kitty's quick response. And it was honest. Though he found all dragons sexy.

"Mmmm. Wanna back that thought up, kid?" Em blinked. Jakk just chuckled darkly again. That paw that laid on the cat's belly quickly sneaked under his pants. Em gasped sharply, moaning out, his young sheath starting to expand quickly. Jakk groaned, starting to gently knead at that growing sheath, his own shorts feeling like a prison.

The cat got the idea rather quickly, leaning against the couch and whimpering out with incredible delight, starting to pant heavily already as his young tool started to push out from under his pants. Before the kid could whine again, he was being kissed hard on the lips by the older dragon. His mouth opened in surprise, and, anticipating this, Jakk quickly forced his tongue into the cat's muzzle. Em was in heaven.

Slowly, the cat was brought to his back, and the dragon was sprawled over him. The scaley hand groped and rubbed at the fuzzy sheath. The other scaley hand rubbed and caressed the boy's body. Em's paws reached out and wrapped around Jakk's neck, a soft whimper of delight, lust, and passion flooding his body all at once, his figure melting entirely against the couch.

Jakk slowly pulled away and chuckled that dark chuckle once again, wiping his lips slowly.

"Such a sexy little kitten, hmm?" Em was obviously at loss for words, however. "Well, I know exactly what to do with sexy kittens." He quickly resumed the kiss, then began to pull off the boy's pants. Quickly, his fingers worked, unbuttoning, unfastening, unzipping. All from the boy. He shoved his fingers down within the cub's pants and yanked them down to his ankles, gazing at that one-and-a-half inch thick, four inch length, staring him back in the face. But he was not interested in this. He quickly lifted the boy's bottom and nuzzled at his rump, murring with delight. Em moaned out again, lifting himself against his captor's scaley hands.

Jakk sighed softly with a smile, then shoved his snout right into the boy's rump, his tongue quickly leaving his open muzzle and slurping over the tight tailstar before him. Em yelped and moaned out loudly, arching his back and spreading his legs, his prick throbbing from the single lick. Jakk chuckled darkly again, then began lapping hard at the boy's rumphole, coating it with saliva. Em's boyfriend had never done this, of course. He only used lube. This was a whole new treatment for the kitty.

After many moments of having that thick, forked tongue drive into and around the boy's anus, the dragon pulled back, licking his lips. He smiled warmly at the kid, then sat back on the couch, chuckling at what was before him. Jakk picked up the cigarette, placed it back between his furry lips, and gazed playfully at the kid.

"Yeah. I can see why you liked that dragon boyfriend."

The cat blushed. Hard.

"Heh heh. You're adorable." The dragon wiggled on the couch. His slacks were starting to get rather tight. Of course, Em didn't notice due to the fact that he was still coming down from that wonderful first rim job. "Maybe you can stay over here tonight, eh? Tell 'em you met your neighbor and he's a really nice guy or some dorky shit like that. I'm sure they'll be happy to let you go, since if I fuck anything up, they'll just stomp on over here and tell me... err, yeah, sorry, goin' off on a tangent. How about it?"

Em was still panting. Jakk sighed with a bit of annoyance, then reached over and grabbed the kid by the collar of his shirt. He eeped softly, then quickly opened his eyes. His panting was still there, but the glow was gone.


Em gulped, but answered. "Sure. I'd love to."

Jakk smiled, then gave the kid's nose a warm kiss. "Good. Now, pull up your pants, run back home, and come back after you have dinner, alright?"

Em giggled boyishly, then nodded. He pulled his pants back up, buttoned them, then waved as he flew out the door. Jakk grinned widely.

"Already in the neighborhood and I think I got a fuck-buddy." He leaned back on the couch on his back, murring lazily as a trail of smoke flowed and swayed upward into the air. "A cute, tight, young little fuck buddy. Nice."

* * *


Jakk swung the door open, smoke swimming slowly upward from the tip of his cigarette as he stared down at the young feline. It was about eight o'clock now. It was rather dark out.

"Well, kitty, you're here," the dragon stated matter-of-factly.

Em nodded, a bit of a blush in his cheeks behind his gray fur. "Uh huh..."

Jakk grabbed the boy's jacket, who squeaked a little, and pulled the feline into the house, closing the door behind him.

"I really don't feel like getting into the whole fuckin' let's-cuddle-and-then-later-get-down-to-business bullcrap 'cuz we already did that earlier. Take off your clothes and wait here. I have a new set of clothes for you to wear that I think you'll like." Jakk grinned, and then calmly slid his paw along the side of Em's face. The cat shuddered, closed his eyes, and instantly began purring. Jakk chuckled to himself, and walked off into the hallway, and into his room.

Em blinked and simply continued to blush--harder, even. Em stood in place and began to unravel his clothing. First came the baseball cap. His ears twitched a little bit as they were completely freed. He then unzipped his jacket, shrugged it off, and pulled off his t-shirt. He had a bit of a chubby form. His belly was rounded, as was his chest to a very slight extent. With a bit of a harder blush--his cheeks now looking faintly pink--he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, sliding off his undergarments as well. He had no clue as to why he was doing this, but he was doing it, and figured he would enjoy it immensely.

"Come in here when you're done!" the dragon yelled from his room. Em blinked, then walked down the hallway, and into Jakk's bedroom. Em stepped back, and was immediately greeted by a new set of clothes. Em blushed hard, holding the new clothes, looking up at Jakk. Jakk simply grinned from lip to lip.

"Go on. Put it on."

And he did.

After a moment or so, Em was wearing a female cheerleader's outfit. The skirt was short and the shirt was tight. It had the letter of some miscellaneous school and the colors of black and gold. The only real difference between this uniform and an actual cheerleader's uniform was that this set did not come with a pair of panties. Em was without underwear.

"Mmmm... that's a good little girl," Jakk said softly, licking his lips slowly. Jakk was completely nude as well. His bluish-green scales shone in the room. His body was well-toned and well-muscled. He sat on the bed, his length quickly erecting, the color of midnight. He teasingly crooked his finger toward the cheerleading feline. "Come here, girl," the dragon said with a soft whisper. The cat, in a trance-like state of mind, simply did as told.

Without a moment's notice, the dragon had pulled the cat onto the bed and onto his back, and quickly crawled over him. With a content chuckle, the dragon sat on the cat's legs, placing his talons on the boy's clothed chest. Jakk was now fully erect, standing at roughly eight inches long, two inches thick, and about two and a quarter gradually moving to the base. A thick, heavy set of musky testicles swayed underneath this beautiful member, which throbbed at the sight of a cross-dressing little cat. The head was tapered and drooling with white pre.

"That's a good girl," the dragon whispered softly, leaning in to lick at the boy's nose, his hands reaching up to caress the child's neck. Em gasped, arched his back, and purred with a very deep content.

"Lift your arms, kitty." And Em did as he was told. Jakk pushed the top half of the uniform up and off of the feline's torso, and then brought his paws back to the cat's chest. He rubbed and massaged at the boy's body, causing Em to whine softly and moan. The cat's erection quickly poked up from his skirt, standing at a meager four inches long. Jakk grinned, reached under that skirt, and began to gently stroke the boy's penis.

"Such a tease you are, girl, in a skirt with no underwear." Em simply continued to blush. "I'm just gonna have to teach you a lesson, then."

Em found himself suddenly rolled over onto his belly, pinned by the dragon's strong hands. But of course, he didn't mind in the least. The boy's purring was loud, and his tail was tiching back and fourth in excitement. Jakk wriggled back a little, sitting on the boy's ankles, gazing at the cat's wonderful, young bottom. He licked his chops, and slowly pressed one finger under the feline's tail. The kitten gasped, lifting his head and moaning out. Jakk chuckled, and without warning, plunged his finger deep into the kitten's rump. Em whined out loudly, wiggling his rump against the dragon's fist. Jakk mrred softly, scooting a bit closer. He began to pump his finger back and fourth within the boy, and this caused Em to melt onto the bed, moaning deeply, his anus relaxing around the finger. Jakk took this opportunity to add a second finger, and to quicken his pace. The feeling of those scaled fingers plunging back and fourth into Em's bottom was driving him wild, as very small dalops of the feline's own pre were dribbling onto the bed.

I can't take this, Jakk thought to himself, I gotta be inside this kid--now!

Jakk pulled his fingers away with a deep purr. Em groaned in pleasure as he felt those fingers leave him, and then gasped slightly in surprise, arching his back as he felt a slightly wet, thick, and warm probe at his entrance. Jakk smirked, placed his paws on the boy's shoulders, and quickly pushed his thick, tapered head in, giving a bit of a pop! feeling to the boy beneath him. In lieu of this, Em squealed with pleasure at the feeling, his whole body quivering with pure delight. Jakk laughed a little bit. He brought his paws back to the boy's hips and lifted them up slightly, but made sure that Em's body remained down. Jakk hunched over the kid, wrapped his arms around the feline's stomach, and began to slide inside of him, making sure that his draconic hands would rub against the boy's fur.

Em was in a state of erotic heaven. The feeling of the dragon's belly-scales against his back was enough to send him over the edge right now, let alone a big, thick dragon dick plunging deep into his entrance. The boy quickly reached under his skirt and began to paw himself off, causing his anus to tighten, forcing both parties to moan out contently.

Eventually, after what felt like forever, the dragon was fully hilted into the boy's bottom. Both the dragon and the feline were softly panting. The dragon brought his paws back up to the kid's shoulders and pinned him down. Jakk's thumbs gently brushed into the boy's shoulders, which caused the cat to purr out with great delight in between his pants and his soft moans. The dragon lowered his head and wrapped his jaws around the back of the boy's neck, and suddenly began to piston his hips into the boy's rump.

With the combination of both teeth on his neck and a sudden shift in tempo, Em squealed out in pleasure. He grabbed at the bed-sheets with his young paws and kept his head lowered in submission and in pleasure, his young hips eagerly pushing back against his draconic captor. This caused Jakk to groan and bite a bit harder on the boy's neck, in turn causing the feline to mewl out in delight.

Jakk was panting heavily through his nose--this boy was wonderful. He was tight, he stretched, and was eager to take him. With every swift push, his smooth hips met fur with a subtle slap, all eight inches of that thick, dark meat sliding with great ease into the boy's taut rear. Both parties were moaning, though off-beat to each other.

"You're so wonderful inside, Em," the dragon groaned out. At the same time, his hips began moving much faster than before. The slapping sound became much louder, and Jakk's length began to throb within the boy's bottom. Em squealed out in pure lust as that thick rod prodded at his prostate over and over and over again. The feline arched his back and began to pant harder, his claws digging into the bed-spread. His anus began to tighten and flex more and more around the draconic dick buried inside his rump, causing Jakk to groan out loudly. They were both close.

Em was the first to set off the chain of events. He squealed out loudly and orgasmed from the feeling of that thick dick pounding away at him, probing his prostate over and over, giving him the feeling of a life-time. His young testicles retracted up into his body, and his length bobbed up and down, only drooling out ample amounts of pre. While he did this, the feline's bottom tightened like a vice around the girthy dick. In turn, Jakk growled out loudly, and for a few moments, slammed his hips at the quickest speed he could. Then, with one last, powerful shove, he bottomed out inside the boy with all his might, and came. Thick jets of dragon-seed began pumping inside the boy's bowels. Em moaned deeply, lowering his head completely, bringing Jakk's jaws with him.

Every last drop of Jakk's seed filled the boy's bottom. Had Jakk not plugged the boy with every last inch of his dick, Em would definitely be leaking.

Jakk collapsed atop the boy, groaning a little. Em eeped as he was forced and pinned to the bed, but of course, didn't mind. In fact, he moaned, as the feeling of scales enveloped him.

But then Em heard a familiar sound. Was Jakk asleep?

He wasn't snoring, but the soft sound of his breathing led Em to the answer: the dragon was asleep. Em giggled softly, then wiggled his hips and got comfortable, and he too fell asleep, curled up and pinned against a sexy dragon. The sleep-over began.