The Road Of Life - Chapter 11

Story by Reks Syph Hatake on SoFurry

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#13 of The Road of Life

Heeyyyyyy Everybodeh!!! So i finally got the edit back from Nova and it's all ready to go! sorry that took so long guys! This chapter is still a slight bit of a collab. with Nova still, so the characters Shadow and Troy belong to Novastar while Max and the other characters of T.R.O.L. (oh geeze... I just realized one more L and it would say Troll.... T-T) belong to yours truly (me). This is a M/M Romance story and stuff, this particular chapter is rated E for everybody. So! Without further ado let's continue the story with Chapter 11 of the Road of Life!


Chapter 11 ~ Together Again; I'll Never Let You Go

I awoke with a vision and a goal in mind, how I wanted to change things; I had finally made up my mind. I took the paper that Troy had written his and Shadow's address on and took a bus to the campus grounds. It took me a while of wandering before I actually found the right apartment and I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Troy, who actually seemed a bit surprised to see me.

"Hey Troy.." I said, a somewhat nervous feeling in my stomach. I smiled a bit, "I was wondering if Shadow was around, if he wouldn't mind helping me train my reflexes..?" I asked.

"Oh! Um, okay sure. Come on in." Troy replied, standing aside to let me in. Looking around the apartment I could tell that these were a very organized couple. The apartment was spotless and it seemed everything was in its specific place.

"You have a very nice place." I said, walking over to sit on the couch.

Troy smiled at me in response. It was stunning. It was amazing how much their happiness together affected their physical qualities. I didn't think they even realized just how good they looked, separately and together. I smiled back, but it was still a little awkward.

"Thank you very much." Troy said, "Truth be told, I'm a bit of an organizational tyrant, Shadow just happens to hardly make a mess out of anything. So it works out perfectly." Troy laughed. "I'll go get Shadow for you. Did you want anything? Thirsty?" He asked.

"No, no thank you." I said. Inside I was still feeling pretty nervous about being here, and my stomach was churning.

"Okay, I'll just go get Shadow then." Troy said, walking into a room farther back in the apartment.

A moment later Troy came back out and informed me that Shadow was waiting for me in his room. I thanked him and walked quickly down the short hallway to the door. I entered a medium sized room, only dimly lit and with only a desk and chair in the way of furniture

Shadow was standing near the desk waiting for me. "Hello." Was all he said in his deep, smooth, voice. I didn't know how quite to reply, I was suddenly feeling much more nervous. How exactly was this going to go?

Shadow walked up to me, looking me up and down, feeling along my sides and examining my arms. "You are fit. You've got hard muscles. At least you're not lazy."

Suddenly he pushed me hard, right on my collar bone. I teetered backwards a step, surprised.

"That is bad." He said simply. "An important part of your reflexes is your balance. You need to be able to feel the slightest change in your balance and react immediately." Shadow walked up to me and placed a paw on my back, straightening me. Then he pressed down on my shoulders so my knees were bent just slightly.

"There." He said, and nudged me again. I still moved, but not as far or as wildly as before.

"I suppose we won't get into a full on self defense course. But I suppose I might as well show you a few quick defenses while we're working on your physique and stance. Here, give me your paw a moment." I hesitantly held my arm and paw out for Shadow.

"If grabbed by the collar or lapel," Shadow began, "One simple self-defense technique is to use your thumb to push their thumb down into the palm of their hand. This is a controlling technique. With enough pressure you can take them to the ground. Another option is to grab their thumb with your entire paw and force it to the back of their hand. This is a disabling technique. Their thumb can be dislocated creating immense pain. See the joint there..?"

As Shadow shared his knowledge with me, we would spend hours jogging or swimming at the college pool, exercising to build my strength and increase my stamina. One of the things Shadow told me if you could simply out last an out of shape opponent, you need not risk yourself or anyone in needless combat. Just wait until they tire themselves out. He warned me against the temptation to use knowledge out of hand and refused to teach me anything more offensive, though I asked a couple of times if he would do so. There seemed to be something he thought about every time I made the request.

Though we talked, we never got too personal in our conversations. He told me about his life here, and his time with Troy. A pleasant, smooth camaraderie built between us. Though not much was said, there was a sense we shared. Like Shadow had told me earlier, we were similar. We both had made dark decisions. Things that would haunt us forever. But we were rebuilding. Trying to make a better life for ourselves.

The next few weekends I spent simply working then going to train with Shadow to get my reflexes up, to make myself stronger. I was preparing myself emotionally as well for my return home by talking to Troy every now and then about things. Troy was so much different. A chatterbox that loved to smile and, though I was often flustered beyond measure, to flirt.

The time I spent around Troy and Shadow had made us great friends, Troy was a very warm person, and while Shadow was much darker than Troy he was still kind-hearted to a degree, the two of them were very loyal friends. I explained to them that soon I was going to return home and set things right, to fix the problems I had so childishly run away from. I made sure to leave them my cell number so that I had a way to stay in contact with them. On my last day of training I gave them both a tight hug and thanked them both for everything they had done for me.

I was determined now, and felt that I was ready, to return home and do whatever it took to reclaim Andrew as my mate. I was stronger now both in spirit and body and I was finally ready to set things right.

The next morning, roughly about 5:00 A.M., with my bags packed and my apartment key turned in I walked down the nearly empty streets of Valor Industrial District to the bus station. It was a cool morning and the heat of the summer day hadn't yet shown. I pulled out my phone and shot Troy and Shadow a quick text:

'Shadow, Troy, Thank you so much for all you've both done for me, for being there for me and believing in me. It's time for me to return home and change my stars. I'm going to get Andrew back, to reclaim all that I've lost. I won't stray from my path again, this time I'll do things right. Wish me luck and thanks for everything!

- Max'

As soon as the message was sent I put away my phone, sighing softly to myself as I boarded the 814 bus back to Rayla, the town where all my troubles and all my happiness had begun. As I boarded the bus I was surprised to learn that the driver was the same old Badger who had driven me to Valor.

He gave me an odd, knowing smile and nodded his head a bit. "Returning home, lad?" he asked.

I nodded back, "Yeah, it's time to fix some things." I replied.

He gave another soft smile before continuing, "No matter what problems we run away from, in time, when we're ready, we return home to face the problems and make things right."

His words spoke from experience and it made me smile back. I took my seat after storing my backpack containing the few belongings I had decided to bring with me from Valor and gazed out the window as the bus departed. In time the scenery began to change from the view of the large industrial city to the views of the country side. By the time evening rolled around the view changed again, from the country side to the view of a suburban town, a very small city in comparison to Valor. The bus pulled into the old familiar bus station around late afternoon and I grabbed my belongings, the Bus driver saying something to me before I left.

"Good luck lad, best of wishes to you on your road through life."

I nodded to him and then stepped out of the bus, making the long walk towards Andrew's house. The whole way there I formed what I wanted to say in my mind, but planning things out could not prevent the knots of nervousness that formed in my stomach. I only hoped he would take me back; However, I had decided that if I failed and he still hated me, I would abide by his wishes and leave him alone. The closer I got the more I began to notice the scent of roses and various flowers that filled the summer night air, it brought me peace and a feeling of security. My appearance had changed since I last saw Andrew and I figured his appearance had probably changed as well. I had begun working out, more so in the weekends I spent training with Shadow, which had toned my body and gave me much more strength than I had previously had. I dyed my head fur as well, changing the color to black. I had also gotten a tattoo on my right shoulder of some Asian characters that said 'Truth creates me, love binds me.'

The closer and closer I got to the house the more and more fear began to spring up in my heart. I wanted to run, to not have to face Andrew, but I knew better. I stood for a moment at the door, pausing to collect my thoughts and gather my courage before ringing the doorbell. I could hear the 'ding dong ding' of the doorbell after I pushed the button. The moments that passed after that seemed like an eternity before the door finally opened. At first I didn't recognize the skinny, emo looking Wolf that stood in front of me, then I came to realize it was Andrew. He stared for a moment as panic, pain and tears formed within his eyes. His immediate instinct was to close the door and block me out, but I stopped the door with my paw as a pained expression crawled onto my face.

"Wait, please.." I said in an almost commanding tone. "I know you never wanted me to come back.. but there's something that I have to say..."

I paused and took a short breath, he didn't say anything but I could tell he was annoyed.

"What I did... I know is unforgivable, and you have every right to hate me. While I was away I realized a lot of things... I realized just how badly I messed up, realized just how much I need you."

I took another short breath between the pause, he still was not saying anything.

"If you give me just one last chance... I promise you I'll do everything in my power to prove to you that you're the only one for me, and I will never betray you again. I love you Andrew... and I'm sorry for how much I hurt you. I never should have done what I did, never should have hurt you, and I'll always regret it."

He shifted the weight of his legs but still said nothing, though tears were leaking from his eyes as he listened.

"I've missed seeing you, missed being next to you... give me another chance and I'll never break your heart again, I swear on my life."

Tears had formed in my eyes and they had been falling for awhile now without me realizing it. He walked closer to me and tossed his arms around me, hugging on to me as tightly as he possibly could.

"I've missed you more than you know... I've been miserable without you." he whispered into my ears.

I held him, loving every moment I could feel the warmth of his body. Our embrace seemed like long decades of time, but in reality it was only a few moments of time that had passed. The full spectrum of Andrew's appearance finally dawned on me as I examined him. He had lost a lot of weight and it seemed, by the dark circles under his eyes, that he had not slept well in a long time. My eyes traveled down to see scars along his arms and even fresh cuts that couldn't be more than a few hours old. I felt guilty in an instant to have hurt him so badly that he had resorted to harming himself. A few more tears fell from my eyes and once again I hugged him tightly, holding to him as lovingly as I could.

"I'm so sorry Andrew..."

He managed to throw me off guard by kissing me. It surprised me and filled my heart with warmth and joy. After our kiss ended he smiled at me, probably the first smile to have appeared on his face in ages. His old, loving, happy self was starting to shine through the barricades of loneliness and sorrow, he was becoming himself again. It made me happy to see him happy again. This time I wouldn't mess up. This time I would do everything in my power to make things right and keep them that way. The rest of the day was spent cuddling together on the couch, explaining to each other what happened in our time apart.

Andrew had been going to see Mrs. Hardy for therapy. He had also graduated from school and received a scholarship offer to a college in Valor. I was surprised to hear about this, he told me he had accepted the offer and planed to go the following spring semester.

I explained to Andrew that I had actually been living in Valor, gotten a job there, and had met a couple who had greatly helped me with my problems. I also explained that Shadow and Troy attended the college there, the same one he had received a scholarship to attend. Andrew also explained to me that his parents weren't so fond of me after things went down and they found out what happened when they got home from work that day. Due to this knowledge I made it a point in my head to confront them when they got home and to make peace with them as well. For at least an hour we cuddled in silence, a long forgotten peace and calm returning to our lives after a great time of heartache and sorrow.

At around 8:00 p.m. that night I heard the unmistakable sounds of the garage door opening and I prepared myself again for the moments to come, planning things out in my head before they took place. I stood up with Andrew and held tightly to his hand as the door from the garage to the house opened and both Carol and James stepped into the house. Their first reaction upon seeing me was not hostile, but certainly discomforted. Andrew was the first one to speak before things got out of hand.

"Mom, Dad.. we need to talk." he said simply, gesturing to the table which we all sat at.

Carol seemed more reserved with me but James seemed the most discomforted.

"What is he doing here?" James asked, a protective nature in his voice.

"Max wanted to talk to you both.. concerning things." Andrew replied, trying to keep his dad calm.

There was a pause, a moment of silence as I found myself in a state of fear, feeling unsure of how they would react. Andrew nudged me lightly, which snapped me back to reality and allowed me to verbalize my thoughts.

"I know.. that what I did was unforgivable.. but over the past couple months I came to realize things. I came to realize my mistakes, how wrong I was, how much I had hurt not only myself but Andrew as well. I punished myself for the longest time, lost in my own self pity. With the help of some new friends I was able to understand what I needed to do."

I took a few breaths before continuing, "I learned that I had to stop running from my problems, to grow up and face them instead of running scared. I realized just how much I missed Andrew and how much I really loved him. I never wanted to hurt him, but I did because I was stupid. I know that in life I will probably make mistakes, it's impossible to not make mistakes... but no matter what, I will stand by Andrew's side and I will never stray again."

There was another pause before I continued my thoughts, "I love Andrew with all my heart... And it's not just me that needs him but he needs me also, I didn't understand that before. I want... to be Andrew's mate, to be there for him through sorrowful times just as much as when things are happy. I want to protect Andrew and never hurt him again. I'm sorry for the grief I've caused, but I want to make amends and set things right." I was crying a bit and Andrew was giving me a comforting hug.

Carol and James said nothing but looked at each other as if they were having a conversation without words. Shortly after James sighed as if his side of the unspoken conversation had lost. Carol gave a soft smile before speaking.

"Max... honestly this is the happiest I've seen Andrew in the longest time. I think it would be a mistake to banish you when it's been clearly obvious that he needs you. You both need each other. We want you two to be happy. I think you understand now the effect your decisions can have."

She got up and walked over giving me a hug. James still seemed at odds with me but didn't argue with Carol or myself. The conversation ended shortly after that and Andrew and I went to his room, laying together on his bed for the first time in a long time. At the end of the night as we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms I felt calm and happy. Andrew clung tightly to me, probably out of some fear that he might've been dreaming everything or that if he loosened his grip I might slip away into the darkness and never return.

I held on to him tightly too, whispering into his ear, "Don't worry love, now that we're together again, I'll never let you go."

It seemed to calm his nerves. I kissed the side of his muzzle to reassure him that this was real. He breathed easier after that and soon the two of us fell asleep, deep, deep in the calm of our dreams. The angels watched over us as we slept, filling our dreams with hope, love, peace, joy and reassurance.

When you run away from your mistakes, in the end, no matter how far you run or how hard you try to forget and move on, you must face them. You must always amend for the error of your ways. If you hurt the one you love most then you must do everything in your power to fix things. Sometimes, we as mortals solve the riddle to life's grand design too late. Sometimes, we ignore the words we don't want to hear, even if we know the words are right. Sometimes, we must do the thing we don't want to, the things that we are scared out of our minds to do. Otherwise we may very well lose that which is most important to us, lose the people in our lives that we love the most.

Never let the people you love the most go, or in the end all you'll have is nothing, you will be purely alone. I learned that to some extent and degree. Had I not returned when I felt I should I could have lost Andrew forever. Earlier he had told me that his loneliness was beginning to win, that he was planning to take his life today. I thanked all the angels in heaven that were watching over us both, that I wasn't too late, that I had arrived when I did. I was so glad that I had not lost the love of my life forever. Now, I truly would never let him go.

The Road Of Life - Chapter 12

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