The beach bully's best friends

Story by hegreloth on SoFurry

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Something that slowly came along. My idea was to make something using only aquatic and semi-aquatic species. Hope you like it.

"Pffft, you brought your phone to the beach?" An otter said to his larger orca friend.

"Just in case of an emergency." The orca responded.

"People these days need to stop relying on technology for everything and relax for once. It's the beach!" The otter said raising his arms into the air.

"Easy for you to say, you just got your first phone yesterday. You'll be the same as the rest of world in a less then a month."

"Yeah, right." the otter chuckled. "The only reason I have one is because you asked me to get one."

"Well you can't just drag your home phone everywhere and i'd like to be able to keep in contact with you when where not together."

"How often are we not together?"

The orca stopped realising that they rarely go anywhere without eachother. The two continued to chat (and argue) as they walked along the shoreline of the beach. David the otter and Leon the orca have been boyfriends for almost a year now. Leon wasn't embarrassed to admit he was gay but David isn't as open, so they usually never tell anyone unless they ask.

They were the only ones on the beach as they picked a weekday that they both had off work. That and it wasn't a particularly big spot, it was simply a patch of sand stretching along the coast of a very large lake distant from the city. There was no buildings or anything around but the great outdoors so it was a spot that you had to know was there and had very few people came even during the summer.

Leon had the idea of them going to the beach together but David was nervous about them going there with other people around. His excuse was so they could avoid the lady who brings her braty kids there during the summer, which was a decent excuse but Leon knew him to well for it to be just that reason.

"Hey, do you see that?" David pointed

"What?" Leon asked looking to where david pointed

"There's somebody over there."

"Hmm, well let's see who it is."

They continued to talk on their way over. As the figure came to view Leon's smile quickly changed into a frown when he recognized who it was. Rock was what people called him, neither were sure if that was his real name or not but one thing was for sure Leon did not like him. A few weeks back Rock got into a argument with his younger brother. It didn't get physical but quiet a few nasty words were said and it certainly left Leon very upset with the shark.

David was hopeing they could just ignore him and continue relax at the beach but Leon had something else in mind. He began to march his way to the shark currently staring out at the water while David tried to convince him to reconsider. His efforts were in vein though and they soon found themselves face to face with the shark who heard them approaching on the sand. The shark seemd to recognize Leon as his expression changed, strangely into a face of sadness.

"What the hell is your problem!?!" Leon began to scold the him.

David stood by and watched as the shark stood their and took every word that came out of Leon's mouth. David didn't really pay attention to what Leon was saying, he was more interested in the sharks lack of resistance. He towerd over Leon by at least a foot and had alot more muscle them him yet he never once interrupted, changed his expression or even dared to look away from David's orca lover.

When Leon finished there was nothing but silence for what felt like an eternity as the two just stared at eachother. Finally the silence was broken and suprisingly Rock was the first to say something.

"I'm sorry." He stared away from Leon who clearly didn't know what to say.

"He was sorry?" both thought to themselves. "He had to be one of the biggest and most fearsome looking guys in the entire school and here he was apologizing?"

"You- w- what?" Leon seemd to instantly forget he was even upset to begin with.

"Look I'm sorry, I really don't want this to become some never ending argument between us, please forgive me." Leon looked over to David who was equally surprised.

"Uh, yeah, sure, i'm sorry for yelling at you." He reached his hand out still thinking to himself. "Is that all? It's really this easy?" "everyone at school made him seem like nothing but a bully and so far that's not at all true, unless he's messing with me!"

"Thank you." He grabbed Leon's hand and they shook.

"You know for a big muscular shark your awfully cute." He slipped out. Immediately Rock's eyes jumped open and a clear blush came across his face.

"Wh- what?" He started rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't you deny it. Your just a really big, cute, shy guy aren't you?" A smile started to creep on Leon's face.

Leon looked over to David who was curious as to what he was up to.

"Well I, wh- yo- umm." He stuttered in confusion.

"Hey, calm down, I'm sorry for yelling at you but how about me and my friend cheer you up."

immediately then it became obvious to David what Leon was up to.

"What?!" both Rock and David asked in sync.

"Come on David you know you like to talk to calm yourself down I bet this big shark isn't any diffrent."

"Yeah but why so suddenly. I mean we barely even know him."

"Well you know me. I can't resist someone in need." Leon smiled at the shark who continued to stare in confusion and then looked back to David.

"Yeah I know and I still don't understand."

"Rock? you mind if I ask you a question?" Leon looked back to him.

"Uhh, sure go right ahead."

"Who do you hang out with? Who are your friends?"

Rock stood there and slowly let his gaze leave the orca.

"You see what I mean? The guy has to deal with eveyone claiming he's a bully over his looks and that argument he got into with my brother didn't help either." Leon looked back David.

"Alright, but I want him to agree, I still don't think it's right to jump this far up into an relationship."

"I know but I just want to show him a good time, after all that's what friends are for." "Now Rock, what do you say?"

"I'm still not sure if I know what you two are getting at but alright."

"Well then lie down and get comfortable."

The shark proceeded to do as he was told. Aware of what was in store for him, he lied down in the hot sand and let himself relax as the other two lied down next to him. Leon put his hand up to the sharks head and lightly caressed his cheek.

"Your probably wondering why I am doing this to you. Honestly you remind me so much of David, misunderstood, shy, just in need a friend, just wanting to be loved." Leon said.

Rock was mixed between emotions. Confused and disturbed at why they were doing this yet feeling like he was in the right place at the same time. He looked over at David who was lying next to him and probably sharing his emotions aswell. Rock wrapped his arm around the otter and pulled him in closer.

"Awww, aren't you two just adorable together." Leon teased.

"Yeah thats why I don't want to do this. I thought we were dating."

"You two are dating?" Rock looked back and forth between the two.

"Oh don't be jealous David, your still my little otter."

"I'm not little!... and I'm not jealous." David blushed.

"Hey don't worry David I will never cheat on you and don't you worry either Rock once were done here we'll find someone for you too."

"You will!" Rock nearly sat up in excitement.

"Some how I knew that would make you happy now let's get things moveing."

Leon reached down to his shorts and sliped them off and did the same for Rock while David also did so. Leon and David both grabbed Rock's erection and started lightly strokeing him. Rock put his arms around both and held them close as he started thrusting into their hands. Leon started running his tongue over Rock's neck and check, Rock's tail started pounding against the sand as he started panting from the pleasure. It didn't take long for him to reach his climax, he came what seemd like a river full all over his chest and stomach.

"Now before we go let's put on a little show for you." Leon smiled.

David and Leon both stood up and walked infront of the sharks view. Leon grabbed on to one of David's hands and began kissing him. They both fought over each others mouths with their tongues as Rock watched the hot scene in front of him. Leon got on his knees and started licking David's tip. Leon began to cover David's cock with his tongue as the otter above him moaned in pleasure. He took the otters whole cock in his mouth and ran his tongue over every inch of the organ. When David reached his climax Leon drank all of the hot stickey cum that was givin to him. They both started cleaning themselves off and putting on thier shorts.

"Wait, but what about you?" Rock stood up and asked at Leon.

"I've got plenty of time at home." He replied.

Suddenly Leon felt the shark grab him from behind and pull his shorts down.

"I think we've got plenty of time here." Rock said seductively

Leon just let himself lie back into the shark as he cuffed his big hands around Leon's erection and started strokeing him. Leon gave moans of pleasure as the shark started pumping his cock faster and faster. Rock was letting his other hand wander over the orcas hot chest and stomach and began licking his neck. Leon hit his breaking point and came all over the sand, as his breathing slowed down he pulled his shorts up from his ankles and the three began walking.

"Well, I didn't think you had it in you Rock." Leon breathed out still surprised from the sudden events

"Please, my name is Tyler." He smiled at his new friends.

"Alright Tyler, I believe we promised to help you find a date so..."

Yeah this took WAY longer then it should have. There are so many reasons for it that I can't even count them on one hand and I probably could have made this better, but the point is I lost quite a bit of time. On the bright side I thought of a few great ideas for what to make next so hopefully that will come faster.