February October

Story by mryia jackalope on SoFurry

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This is a story I have translated from german to english.

It may contain horrible translation mistakes.

Please be gentle with me. I'm only a german.

Thanks to Alex Eagle for checking that text.

February October

[© November 2004 - Mryia Jackalope]


I'm 16 years old now, in fact almost grown up. My name is Aktjabr and I'm the oldest son in my family. We all are rabbits, but I'm used to be called a hare or a bunny too. My father is a real russian rabbit with snow white fur and dark grey muzzle, ears, paws and tail. Mother is a pinto rabbit, and that is the reason why all her kids looks different. I'm 170 centimeters tall without my ears, of course. My fur patterns are easy to describe as "undescribable" composed from black and white parts that goes all over my body. Both of my ears are block furred, also the half of my face but the other half is white. All over the white fur are many black dots as there are also many white dots in the black colored fur. My ears and my tail are a little bit bigger than the average in my species but my parents seems to like that. Like most other rabbits, I have large brown eyes.

My smaller brother that i'm writing about is 14 years old now. His name is Fiwral but everyone is calling him Fiw. He is coloured like a real wild rabbit with the typical grey brown fur, white belly ,and the unobtrusive black ear tips. Mother told me Father was shocked as he saw the new born rabbit with his native fur but the doctors at the hospital said it was normal with cross breedings. Fiwral is a half head smaller than me, only 160 centimeters tall, and got those big brown rabbit eyes too. Like me, he also had bigger ears and tail than the average. He still goes to school, visiting the 7th class, for the second time. I'm finished with school and still searching for an apprenticeship place.

I'm still thinking about this incident that changed the the relationship to my little brother for ever. But was it wrong? Was it right? I still can't answer the question. So can you? What would you have done in my place? But maybe I should tell the whole story for you first.

It was the day before the long vacation and we should get the school certificates. For me, it was the last day in school and I was waiting gladly for my leaving certificate of the 10th class. I had known my grades for some time now so I had a reason to be lucky that day. After the third lesson the teacher gave out the certificates and wished us all the best for our future life. Then I went back at home smiling proudly with my graduation in my backback. Without losing time I framed this small, but worthy sheet of paper and hung it over my bed. After beeing ready with that I carried some food from the kitchen to my desktop near the bed of my brother.

We didn't had the largest apartment, a small three-room-apartment in complex II of the new town. I had to share a room with my brother which in fact was very difficult from time to time. We both had our own lives and interests, colliding in the tightness of our room. Mum and Dad weren't home yet. Both had their day-filling jobs to do. Dad ran a small kiosk and Mum worked as a cleaner lady at the city office. My brother had six lessons that last day, so he would be here in two hours. Enough time to play a bit with myself after dinner, I thought. So I removed my clothes and sat naked at the desktop remembering where I had hide the Yiff magazine.

Suddenly, with one loud blast, I heard the apartment door shutting loudly. My brother ran into the room with loud and heavy steps faster then I could find my trousers on the ground. But he didn't seem to notice me as he immediatly jumped into his bed and pulled the blanket over his head. His clothing seemed to disturb him. I only saw him dither around under his blanket pulling off his shoes, trousers ,and shirts. I was confused, no thougts about the fact that I was still naked. I called him and asked whats up with him but I didn't got an answer from my very discomposed brother.

So I slowly and quietly went to his bed and listened. Fiwral seemed to be crying, at least he made sobbing sounds. I tried to handle the situation, because the last time I saw my brother crying was long time ago. I think he was 8 then and some morons from his school had glued a lot of stickers on his fur. But why was he crying now? I felt something deep inside my heart I could not explain. I had arguements with Fiw often, sometimes even with beating and kicking. There were moments I had hated him. But now as he cried and sobbed, something inside me happened. Was it the instinctive brotherly care? I had the intensive need to spend him comfort. So I knelt next to head end of his bed, raised his blanket a bit and asked quietly what happend.

"Go away, Jabi!, Let me alone! It's enough that Mum and Dad will hate me. You don't have to blame me, too." I had to gulp. I could not remember for such an answer from his muzzle. Normally he was rather untalkative but he had a very warm relation to Mum and Dad. His answer sounded weak and shivery and he had to cry a lot. "Nobody is gonna hate you, bro, at least me.", I answered in a soothing voice. "Why do you think everybody would hate you, what in hell happened to you?" Fiw sobbed. "Those fucking teachers..." he throwed out in broken sentences, "My certificate... a six in mathemathics...missed the class goal... have to repeat the year..."

Ouch, I thought. Fiw had never told me anything about difficulties in school or his marks. Now I was sure to know why. I tried to think about a way to make him comfortable remembering my own childhood. Mum had always given us a hug if one of us was sad but that had been a long time ago. Without any other thoughts I stood up and climbed under his blanket laying myself next to him. Fiwral lied with his back to me, his face directed to the wall. "What are you doing there?" He wants to know as I just put my arm around him. "Psst!", I whispered softly into his ear and pulled the blanket a bit downwards. "Nobody will hate you because of your certificate. It's normal that one didn't reach the goal in the first try. Trust me, in the next year, you'll be the best of the class." Fiw still sobbed. "Fine, but what does that for me now? Dad will spank my butt to glow."

I hugged my brother a bit more tightly and pressed my chest on his back. "Have you forgotten what Daddy has told so often? That he had to do the lap of honour, too? Then, in Karaganda. And he also had got his mining engineer title in the end, too." Fiw seemed to have a bit calmed down, at least he wasn't sobbing anymore. "And what is the worth of this title here? He had to sell papers and cigarettes." He said almost defiant. I sighed. He was so right. Dad was so happy that he finally found a job in this land that should be the new homeland. In the meantime, Fiw had finally stopped crying and I just wanted to leave the bed, as Fiw held my arm tightly. "Should I stay a little more time?" I asked carefully. Fiw nodded and suddenly he approached his body to me, his tail touching my crotch for only a wink. Suddenly his tail touched my crotch for a moment.

I was startled and immediatly moved a few centimeters back, but the soft touch had unexpected effects on me. A light shiver ran over my back and that felt very comfortable. But there was something that made me a bit awkward because my member began to grow and slid out of my sheath. I pressed on my lips, tried to think about something frightenig but it didn't help. My hopes are that Fiw didn't notice anything. We were laying there for a while and I automaticly had begun to stroke his chest fur softly. He didn't said anything, but he also showed no signs about discomfort. It was beginning to get warm in here, I was feeling a strange kind of heat. Suddenly Fiw pushed his back once again and bumped with his furry buttucks at my hard member. In shock I stopped breathing and moved back fastly and Fiw made a short flip ahead too.

I don't know for how long we had been laying back on chest again but Fiw had been breathing easily and had seemed to feel very comfortable in my arms for the whole time. Again I began to stroke his chest fur almost automatically, which made him sigh quietly. Slowly our bodies began to approach again, and finally his fluffy tail touched the tip of my penis. Fiw shivered for a moment but he didn't seem to be frightened at this time. He moved his body tight to mine crawling deeper into my arms. Apparently he was enjoying my strokes. It became more and more warm under the blanket and I began to receive more and more feelings. His soft, grey-brown back fur at my chest caused pleasant shivers inside me with every touch and my member was achingly hard. I still hoped that Fiw only touched my erection by accident and that he didn't have thoughts about it, but it should become different.

We both began to sweat, rational thinking seemed to be switched out. Fiw pressed himself more and more tight against me. Again and again he touched my erection with his buttocks or his tail. That couldn't be an accidential slip. I, for myself, enjoyed to stroke my paw through his soft fur and had almost forgotten that this was my own little brother. He purred and made quiet grinding sounds with his molars, a sure sign that he really liked it. Fiw moaned as I stroked my paw a bit more over his belly exploring the more intimate places of his body. I didn't know why but suddenly I had to touch his sheath. My heart began to beat even faster as I felt his swollen member in my paw. It was pulsating and Fiw was moaning even louder. Immediatly he pressed his buttocks against my crotch as tight as possible.

My member was slipped between his butt cheeks now, right under his fluffy tail. I couldn't help myself. I enjoyed the warmth, the tightness, and the soft white fur of his hind cheeks. Fiw sighed quietly sounding very happy. His right paw suddenly went over to me and shyly began to scritching my buttocks which caused a comfortable shivering inside me. I couldn't resist to let out a short quiet moan and Fiw took this as a reason to press his paw firmly against my bum pulling me tight against him. Like driven by some unexplainable deep instincts, I began to press my body tight against his body tenderly nibbling his neck. Again he moaned quietly and began to move the crack of his butt along my hard member. For the first time I had to moan a bit louder and I bit my lips for that. His crack was already slippery wet from his sweat and my precum and as he moved his body a bit downwards I felt my penis pressing against something hot, wet, naked. He had his anus directly at my glans, his most intimate place was touched by mine. My heart wouldn't stop beating faster and faster and my paws trembled as I stroked his fur continuesly.

In the back of my mind little angels and devils appeared, honesty and lust, morality and unmoralty, fighting desperatly against each other. Only Fiw didn't notice anyting from that, he seemed to be floating in his own world of dreams. One angel told me to move my pelvis away from his bum but Fiw kept his paw pressed firmly against it. Suddenly it happened. Fiw had abruptly pressed his butt hard against me as my penis popped in with one single move. "Good god..." I heard myself moaning inwardly and Fiw made hissing sounds, like he was biting his lips. "Fiw? Are you okay?! I whispered interrogative into his ear. My brother only nodded, swallowed hard and gently stroke the fur of my bum. Altough only the first two centimetres of my member was surrounded by his brotherly love, it was a wunderful, joyful feeling. But I just didn't knew what to do now. My hard-on pulsated and his tailhole gave a short contraction as reaction. Fiw seemed to knew what to do or he just let himself drive by his own feelings. He pressed his bum harder against my member until he had taken up all the length of it. But again he hissed his teeth and it seemed to me like he had pain.

"Are you suffering pain?" I asked caressing and tried to rest upon my ellbows. I wanted to see his face. He nodded and a single tear was rolling over his cheek. "Should I stop?" I asked more tenderly and softly stroked my paw over his cheek to wipe away the tear. Fiw shook his head. He seemed to be thinking about something and tried to get a view though our room. Then he pointed at the desk at the bed's end. Fastly I realised what he meant. The things from my diner still stood at the table, just as a cup of margarine. "Are you really sure?" I asked again carefully. Fiw nodded and withdrew my member from his tailhole. Once again I asked if things are okay as he bit his teeth. "It hurts a bit", he answered murmuring.

Without protest from the back of my mind this time, I well-smeared my member with the margarine and cuddled against his soft, warm fur. Like no guidance was needed, my penis found the hot, pulsating plance unter his vellicating fluffy tail. Still a bit shy and iffy, I only pressed very soft against the spot under his cute tail. Fiw wanted more, he pressed his tailhole harder against me and pushed hard. We both had to moan as I slipped in deep with one thrust. I stopped, asked him if everything is okay. "Nothing hurts... it feels nice somehow", my Fiw moaned gently. He pushed a bit more and my member was completely inside him.

My right paw now searched the way to his member and found it erect. I softly sourrounded it with my fingers, pet it, stroked it, while I enjoyed the wonderful tightness around my member. Tenderly I begann to nibble at his neck moving my erection slowly inside him and started to jack his pulsating hard-on with my gentle paw. Fiw shivererd and moaned. He seemed to like it. He nuzzled his whole body against me and pushed the tempo a bit with his own motions. Everytime I had my member deep buried under his tail he moaned out a sharp, lustful "Oh" and massaged my butt cheeks with his right paw squeezing my bum with his claws. Again and again there went a shivering and tremble through his body and I noticed his prick becoming strained like steel. There must have been a volcano inside him bringing his body to the boiling point. Also my body began to boil inside. The wet, hot tightness of his tailhole, his soft ambrosial fur, my more and more intense thrusts and his wonderful cock in my paw, that all together brought me to the edge of climax.

Fiw began to moan louder and louder, evidently he seemed to really like the faster thrusts. Now I pushed my member inside him faster and faster, groaning out my lust with every thrust and masturbated his prick with the same rhythm. He trembled, moaned loadly by every deep thrust, for god's sake our parents weren't at home. Suddenly his tailhole became surprisingly tight around my shaft and he groaned out very loud, he squeked like a little girl and his whole body began to rock. I heard something dropped at the blanket, then I felt a warm gush of spooge running over my paw. But his climax wasn't over yet, he still panted, moaned and pressed his tight hole further against my hard-on. I guessed what he wanted as I took him gently between my arms and thrusted deep under his fluffy tail. My teeth were clenched in his neck as I felt a tingle in my pelvis. The climax has gotten me, I cramped all my muscles and groaned out loud my own orgasm. With three intensive last thrusts I pressed my member deeply inside Fiws bum and shot my load inside his bowels. Inside my head there was an explosion or something, it took some time til I could breath normally again.

We both layed there, cuddling each other, with my arms still wrapped around him. I enjoyed this moment, the afterglow, as Fiw did too. Finally my erection shrinked and slipped out of his bum, causing one last moan from him, followed by a long sigh. I bowed over to him, saw him weeping silently. Large tears were running over his cheeks, but his face showed a heavenly bliss. Were it tears of happiness?