Tails of Pleasure

Story by Axel the Silver fox on SoFurry

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Tails of Pleasure

-Chapter 1- Master, or Pet?

It was a bright April morning in the small town of Castelle and everyone was still in bed. Well, everyone except one excited 10 year old girl. Gloria had just turned 10 this very day and she was now old enough to get her own pokemon license. She had been up all night making sure she had everything packed even though she knew it would be another week before she set out on any adventures. Now, as she stood before the mirror in her room brushing her beautiful blonde hair she had the grin of a child who one day wanted to become a pokemon master. She wasn't a very big girl really, only small breasts and a very thin body. She had icey grey/blue eyes and loved to wear her favorite jeans with a hole in the right knee and on the back of her left thigh and her yellow tanktop with a red bandanna around her neck. Now she turned and looked at the clock, 30 past 9:00 A.M.

"I should head out and get my beginner pokemon from the professor..." She thought excitedly.

Professor Daniels was a highly respected professor in her region, almost more so than Professor Oak, and he had promised to have a begginer pokemon ready for her today. With one last glance in the mirror, she grabbed the pokeballs her mom had bought her yesterday and her pokegear and ran out of the room towards the stairs. Just as she was about to start down the first step a voice called out from behind her.

"Hold it right there!"

Gloria turned to see who had just impeded her progress, it was her mother, standing there with her hands on her hips and a devious smile acrossed her lips. "You weren't planning on going without saying goodbye to me first were you Gloria?"

"Mom!" Gloria protested, "I'm only going to get my pokemon from Professor Daniels!"

With a slight chuckle her mom walked over to her and hugged her tightly, "I know...but it feels like I'm losing my little girl already."

Gloria felt a tear forming in her eye but she quickly held it back, "I know mom, but I'm not leaving until next week."

Her mother simply nodded and released her reluctantly, "You make sure you hurry back and show me your pokemon dear, ok?"

Gloria nodded excited and kissed her mom on the cheek before turning and running down the stairs in leaps. She came down so fast she actually nearly ran into the door because she couldn't stop herself. With an excited squeal she threw the door open and hopped on her bike just outside, taking off down the road at full speed. Along the way she saw people she knew just getting up and walking out to get the morning paper, including Mr. Jerry whos son Kal had a major crush on her. Though she would never admit it she had grown a soft spot for Kal and she blushed just thinking about it. As she made her way into the main town she came acrossed an old run-down building with what sounded like crys coming from inside. A sign outside said: "Demolition today! 12:00 P.M."

"Well....the demolition isn't until twelve so I might as well make sure that whatever is in there is okay." she thought to herself as she dismounted her bike.

She walked up to the entrance and sighed, "Oh no...it's boarded shut..."

After a quick walk around inspection of the sight, she found a window that had the boards burned away which made her wonder if a fire pokemon had taken refuge in there last night and gotten stuck. Without even a second thought she hopped through the window and turned the flashlight on her pokegear on. The light provided wasn't ideal but it was enough for the moment. Gloria heard another cry, much more audible now, coming from upstairs. she quickly found the stairs and slowly climbed them, being sure that they were stable enough to hold her weight before she stepped on them. Once upstiars, there was a little more light filtering through the windows and she could see fine without her flashlight. From behind her she heard the cry again and she turned to see what appeared to be a Ninetails trapped under some metal framing and plaster from the floor above. Cautiously, she took a step towards the fox pokemon and paused, waiting to see its reaction.The Nintails let out a low growl and looked at her in almost a glaring way. Gloria was about to step back but then she got some courage and she took another step towards it.

"Hey, you know for somone in need of help you sure aren't acting nice!" she said to it.

The pokemon looked at her again and opened its mouth as if to growl again but quickly closed it, bowing its head as if admitting it needed help.

"Thats better!" Gloria said, walking over to the fox and examining the damage. "Uh oh....i don't think i can move this stuff Ninetails...."

The pokemon looked at her with a look as if to say, "Duh, if I thought you could I woundn't have growled at you."

"Oh don't give me that look!" she said.

After a few more minutes, Gloria had an idea and grabbed one of the pokeballs from her belt. The Ninetails face showed instant intrigue...and alarm at what she was doing and it tried to move, but again failed.

"No no, don't you worry. I'm not going to catch you I'm simply going to put you in here to get you out from under that framing and then I'll let you go i promise." she said calmingly.

The pokemon wasn't at all convinced and it growled at her yet again, baring its fangs threateningly. Gloria sighed and held out her hand, right in front of the pokemons fangs.

"If you are going to bite me do it, but it won't stop me from putting you into this pokeball to get you outta here. Don't you realize this building is getting demolished in an hour and a half?" she said firmly.

For a second, the pokemon looked as if it was struggling with somthing. Then, it finally closed its jaws and licked her hand, bowing its head again to let her know it agreed. With that, gloria enlarged her pokeball and lightly tapped the Ninetails on the head, causing it to open and pull it inside in a flash of red light. Then, before the pokeball registered that it had indeed caught somthing and locked up she pressed the release button and in a flash of blue light the Ninetails was released beside her, out from under the frame work and a happy look on its face.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it Ninetails?" she asked with a smile.

The fox pokemon shook its head and walked over to her slowly, its massive body easily almost as tall as she was even on all fours, and it nuzzled her softly as thanks.

"Well, you are most certainly welcome!" Gloria said happily.

With a gentle pat to the pokemons head, she turned to leave. As she was reaching the stairs she felt it's warm, soft head nuzzle under her arm and she turned back to it.

"What is it? We both need to leave this place, we can't stay." she said.

The pokemon nodded but continued staring at her with those red eyes, as if examining her and making a descision about somthing.

As Gloria looked at him she got an idea and pulled out the pokeball again, "Would you like to come with me and be my partner Ninetails?"

The pokemon looked her in the eyes and with what appeared to be an "Ahhh...what the hell?" look. It nuzzled the ball and it was once again sucked inside in a flash of red light. The light on the front of the ball lit and she felt it wiggle a bit but it quickly faded and the ball went still in her palm. She just looked at it for the longest time, a slow grin appearing on her face.

"YES!" she exclaimed, "My first pokemon!"

Her excitement would have to wait though, she still had to get out of here and go get her pokemon license of the professor before she could do any celebrating. Carefully, she worked her way back to the window and hopped out. The light from the sun hurt her eyes at first, but they quickly adjusted and she walked over to her bike. When she picked it up, she realized she still had the pokeball in her hand and she shrunk it quickly and strapped it to her belt with an electric snap. Then, mounting her bike, she rode off, the warm April breeze and hot sunlight hitting her and making her blonde hair shimmer slightly. Finally, the professor's lab was in sight and she sped up, riding as quickly as she could to tell him of her recent adventure in the building. As she pulled up, she realized the professor's lab was much larger up close, made of shining painted metals with the new age architechtural styles of Gianovo himself. There were several large windows all over the buliding to allow massive amounts of light in and allow the workers a pleasant view at all times. Gloria walked through the doors and instantly the professor was upon her, talking excitedly about how proud he was to be providing her with her pokemon license. She smiled and stopped him before he even started about the first pokemon thing.

"Professor, on the way here I heard crys coming from an abandoned building and i decided to investigate. Much to my surprise it was a Ninetails that was trapped under some metal framework." she explained.

"Were you able to free it?" the professor asked, reaching for his pokegear.

"Of course!" she said, "Afterwards, it wanted to come with me though..."

He looked at her and smiled, "Did it now? What did you do Gloria?"

"Well...I sorta...caught it." she said, unsure if she was even allowed to do that.

"Well,as long as it was of the alleged Ninetails' free will then it was not against the law. May I see him?" Professor Daniels asked.

Gloria nodded and took the pokeball in her hand, enlarging it and letting the pokemon come forth from it. The Ninetails appeared in a flash of red light and scratched its ear distractedly before turning to them and staring at them with its red eyes.

The professor looked stunned that she had actually caught it...but it also proved that it had wanted to go with her because otherwise she couldn't have caught it without terribly weakening it. "It is a fine pokemon indeed Gloria, fit to be your first partner."

Gloria smiled happily and hugged the Ninetails, "Did ya hear that Ninetails? You get to be my first partner and go on real adventures with me!"

The pokemon nodded and nuzzled the girl softly, an expression of joy on its face.

"Apparently he wouldn't have it any other way!" The professor chuckled.

Gloria smiled and continued hugging the fox gently, "Thank you Ninetails, you have no idea how happy this makes me..."

Ninetails just nuzzled her again and bent low for her, motioning to its back.

"Oh my...apparently he wants to give you a ride home Gloria." the professor said with another chuckle, "Don't you worry about your bike, I'll keep it safe for you. Just let me get your pokemon license and you can go play with your new friend."

With that, the professor departed for just a minute before returning with a small card with Gloria's picture on it. he handed it to her and she hugged him tightly before turning to her partner.

"Look Ninetails I got my pokemon license!" she exclaimed.

The pokemon sniffed it then nodded his approval before again bending low and offering her a position there on his back. Gloria quickly put the license in her wallet and hopped astride the fox pokemon with a squeal of excitement. The pokemon walked outside and then took off at high speed, nearly making Gloria topple off backwards but he used his tails to keep her from falling. Onwards they ran, everyone in town stopping to stare and a few clapping for her that she knew. They were making record time to her house until they reaced the run down building.

"Oh! thats right, you don't know where to go from here do you Ninetails?" she asked.

It shook its head and looked back at her awaiting directions.

"Just follow this road here and I'll tell you when to stop ok? Oh and don't hold off on the speed, lets see what you can really do!" she said with a smile and a gentle scritch behind the ears.

The pokemon pushed her low with one tail and then took off even faster than before, its muscular body throbbing with each step of its paws. By the time she told it to stop her hair was windswept and looked all frizzy but it was worth it. She opened the door and let the pokemon in, following close behind before running about looking for her mom.

"Mom? Moooom!" she called, "Hm....mabey shes not home."

Sure enough, upon closer inspection of the kitchen she found a note on the fridge. It said: "Gloria, went to take care of some buisiness that just popped up. I love you dear and I will be back tomorrow morning."

With a sigh she set the note down and looked at her partner who had just walked into the kitchen, "Well, there you have it buddy....mom won't be back till tomorrow morning."

Ninetails looked at her with a rather satisfyed looked that to her...seemed to say "Purrrrrfect."

Ignoring the feeling, she looked to the coutch and ran over to it, hopping over the back and plopping down with a soft thud. She picked up the remote and flipped through the 300 channels they had. Only one thing she saw looked good and that was a show about all the different kinds of pokemon. So, she patted the cushion beside her, offering the place to Ninetails and left it on that channel.

"C'mon ninetails, come up here and watch TV with me!" she said.

With a gentle movement the pokemon was up on the coutch and laying its rather large head in her lap, its many tails flicking now and then. Gloria couldn't help but giggle and pet him gently. It had only been one day and she could tell that this pokemon would be her favorite one that she ever caught.

"Hey...you know i still have to give you a name. I can't just go around calling you Ninetails for the rest of my life now can I?" she said.

The Ninetails looked up at her and cocked its head to the side curiously, awaiting its name.

"Hmmm.....how about...Dart?" she asked him.

He thought a moment and then licked her face affectionately to show his approval.

"Well then Dart it is! Welcome to the family Dart!" Gloria said, chuckling and hugging her pokemon tightly

Dart nuzzled her and licked her neck softly.

The feel of his warm tongue caused her to shiver and pull back, wiping a bit of slobber from her neck, "Hehe...your tongue tickles."

Dart just wagged his tails and layed his head back down in her lap, his head turned towards the TV. After about an hour, Gloria was half asleep and she very faintly heard the TV...as if it were turned down low. It was talking about Ninetails and thier breeding habits and even though the words never registered to her at the time, she still heard them, "Ninetails typically pick thier mates in mid to late April. It is advised not to let them get too close until mid May if you are a female because there have been reported matings of humans before."

By the time they finished, Gloria was out like a light and Dart was still laying peacefully on her lap. Instantly, gloria was in a dream...a very...pleasant dream. There was a figure...just a black fingure before her..licking at her belly and chest. She realized she was naked but her clothes were nowhere to be found. The figures tongue found her wet little slit and lapped at it non-stop, stroking her tunnel and clit endlessly as she cried out again and again, her mind wishing it would stop but her body betraying her terribly. Just as she was about to climax she awoke with a start, sweating heavily and breathing hard. Dart was still laying with his head on her but he was fast asleep.

"D-dart....." Gloria said shakily, shaking him awake, "C'mon...lets go upstairs, its getting late outside and I should probably get to bed, my real bed that is."

Dart nodded and followed her upstairs, yawning now and again. He had been having a pleasant dream about the day he took a mate and he wanted to get back to it quickly.

Gloria walked into her bedroom and flopped down on the bed, Dart close in suite. She sighed and pet him softly, "You know Dart, you are such a lap fox."

He purred softly and nuzzled her, licking her cheek.

Gloria stood and stripped her bandana and tanktop off, removing her bra and gazing at herself in the mirror. She pulled out some pajamas and stripped her pants off next, tossing them to the bed and pulling her pajama pants and shirt on. Dart sniffed at her pants interestedly but stopped dead as he smelled somthing on the crotch of the pants. The smell was so familiar, and it made him feel so wierd but he liked it. He continued sniffing it as Gloria crawled back into bed and pulled them away, tossing them into her dirty clothes hamper. She crawled under her covers and looked for Dart but he had dissappeared. As she looked she saw a lump appear under the covers and it moved up till it was between her legs and Darts head popped out, laying on her tummy gently.

Gloria chuckled and pet him gently, "Dart...you goof!" she chuckled.

Dart looked up at her as if to say "But I'm YOUR goof!" and licked her tummy.

Gloria figured he was just getting comfortable and leaned back, staring at the ceiling and closing her eyes calmly. In truth, Dart was getting comfortable but he smelled that smell again soon and sniffed at Gloria, realizing that she was what smelled so good. He moved up her body until he was fully on top of her and he licked her neck softly. Gloria looked down into his eyes and she kissed his nose.

"What is it Dart?" she asked.

Dart just nuzzled her and licked her neck again...and again.

Gloria giggled but tried to push him away a bit, "C'mon now dart, I need my sleep."

Though she tried, Dart didn't budge and he kept licking her neck and face with his long, warm tongue. He was obviously enjoying it so she decided that mabey she would let him continue a bit longer to see if he would calm down. That was mistake number one, when she relaxed he thought she was accepting his offer to mate her. Soon, Gloria felt somthing poking her belly softly and she reached down to move it. she was startled when she felt how warm whatever she had touched was, and even more surprised when dart stiffened above her before licking her even faster. Her eyes widened and she tried again to push the Ninetails from her body, twisting around uselessly. She managed to get onto her belly but that was mistake number two. Dart felt his shaft press up against her small ass and he purred in contempt, though he knew he'd have to remove that clothing before anything could be done.

"Dart! Dart STOP IT!" Gloria screamed to him, kicking back at him in vain.

Before Gloria knew what was happening she felt her pants singeing off as Dart carefully used his breath to burn them away without burning her. Gloria shivered as she felt cool air touch her now exposed womanhood and she looked back at Dart with pleading eyes.

"Dart...please don't do it...please."

It was too late though, Dart mounted her, wrapping his front legs around her body and pressing his hips into her soft butt cheeks. He began thrusting at her, trying to find her love tunnel as he licked her neck slowly, trying to get her to relax a bit. Gloria could feel his long vulpine shaft, mostly likely eight inches long rubbing along her belly and soft vaginal lips, causing her to moan out in pleasure. What was she doing? Was she actually enjoying the feeling of having this pokemons dick run along her vaginal lips? The very thought sickened her but somhow she felt herself getting wetter and wetter the more she thought. With a soft rumble Dart pulled back farther and gave it one last powerful thrust forwards. Gloria was just thinking that he wouldn't get to her hole but then she felt his tip push quickly into her depths and rip her hymen apart, taking her virginity. She screamed out in pain at being streched by his massive cock and dug her nails into the bed, struggling hoplessly to get away. Dart, meanwhile, having found his mark murred in pleasure and wasted no time in beginning to thrust into his tiny mate at a quick pace. Gloria was still in pain as she felt him begin thrusting but that pain was slowly becoming overwhelmed by a new feeling, a feeling of pure ecstacy as little bumps and ridges on his cock meant to stimulate a female during mating rubbed along her insides over and over again. She found herself beginning to moan and buck up against him, drooling just a bit.

"Ohh...o-ohh.....oh god....." she panted.

She couldn't help it, dart was making her feel so good and she could no longer deny it. She was getting fucked by her pokemon partner and she liked it...no...she loved it, she wanted more and more as the thrusting continued. Gloria found herself hugging his front legs with one arm and panting Dart's name over and over as he continued to pound her warm and inviting pussy. She began to sweat and cry out with each thrust and Dart licked the sweat away, stimulating more and more pleasure from the small girl as his warm tongue tickled her soft skin over and over again.

Dart felt his knot forming and he growled long and low, speeding up his thrusts as feral instinct replaced the care he was taking to not harm his trainer. He bit her neck hard, causing pain to mix with Gloria's pleasure. She felt herself go crosseyed from the mixed feelings within her and she screamed as he bit even harder, holding her in place as his knot continued to swell and pound at her entrance.

"Oh Dart! More! More you beautiful fox...fill me with your seed Dart!" Gloria cried out, not even recognising her own words as Darts knot slipped in with a pop and swelled quickly within her.

Gloria screamed in pain as it felt like her lower half was being ripped in two. The feeling was drowned out however by a new feeling just as Dart went stiff over her and thrust one final time. She now howled in pleasure as her body was racked with wave upon wave of almost unbearable pleasure and her walls began milking Darts cock for what it was worth. Dart hit his climax as well, his balls which had been yerning for release unloaded a flood of his seed into her awaiting womb. He yipped like a pup in pleasure as he felt her walls milking his vulpine cock and he began licking her everywhere his tongue could reach. Gloria collapsed to her belly under him and panted, gripping the comforter in her outstreched hand. Her lower half felt used and abused but she liked it. She had heard of sex with pokemon before and she knew he wouldn't be able to impregnate her if he ever did this again. Quite frankly, she wouldn't mind if he did it a hundred times over. She loved getting fucked by this magnificent pokemon and she had a feeling he enjoyed her too because he hadn't left her yet, he was still licking her softly, his big red eyes staring down at her lovingly.

"Dart...yo-....you....you've...picked me as...a mate...haven't you..?" Gloria asked him.

Dart nodded slowly and licked her lips softly, murring as he did.

Gloria smiled and kissed his nose, "I never thought i'd say this but...I'm glad you did."

Dart smirked as if to say, "Of course you are."

Gloria just smiled and sighed as Dart pulled out of her at last, licking his cock clean of her sweet juices. Then Dart got beside her and snuggled up against her with his warm body, his tails wrapping around her like a blanket. Gloria knew Dart loved her from that point on and she was happy to be his mate.

"Mabey....just mabey I'll ask mother if she ever got feelings for a pokemon before i leave..." she thought, letting her eyes close sleepily.

Before long, pokemon and trainer, mates, were both fast asleep, Darts cum leaking from Gloria's abused hole in a slow trail. Gloria herself was dreaming of the next time Dart took her, she wanted it to be twice as pleasurable.....tomorrow perhaps...

-to be continued-