The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 8

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#8 of The Ultimate Winter Break

This is the Winter Break edition to The Ultimate Man featuring the Further Confusion Furry Convention in San Jose.

Here is a change in plans for all readers. Something fun has happened that I wanted you all to read. I hope you enjoy... and yes, this is still The Ultimate Man


I have always loved riding up to Further Confusion, it being one of the few furry events on the west coast that I actually take pleasure in attending. While this was my first year back after a long absence, I knew I would see old friends there. But in a way I also wished I could have brought some of my new friends, my friends back from Santa Monica.

This past year has been a blast, each new experience down south a great one. I had originally lived up north, having gone to UC Berkley but after receiving my bachelors there in developmental studies, I wanted to move down to Los Angeles to pursue my masters in Youth Development. It had been a hard change but I knew I wasn't meant to stay up north, the south was calling.

While I did have some family up north, none of them really knew of my fandom with the furry community. It was not that I was embarrassed to tell them, they knew about me being gay and were fully supportive of it, but I just didn't feel the need to tell them. Especially not that I created artwork and stories: both of which were resting in my trunk. My fur suit was also in the trunk, carefully laid over the portfolios and bound books, my main worry not that it would get ruffled by my driving, more that the heat would hurt the fabric somehow.

I have never been a fan of driving up from Los Angeles but when compared to the flight, I was ok with it. It gave me time to reflect on everything as well as look forward to the con. Sighing heavily, I thought over how long I would have to stay in the suit, and given that I didn't have anyone to help me around, made a mental note to limit the amount of time spent in the single suited sauna.

I arrived at the hotel around 7 at night, and the instant I arrived, I knew it was going to be a great end to the week. Some of the furs were already running around; some pink bunny out in the lobby chasing a blue fox's tail. Leaving my stuff in the trunk, I took only what I needed; the suit, my suitcase, and my computer. I wanted to start and upload the next chapter of "Broken Youth" to SoFurry before the convention ended; giving the fans something to read over during their stay here concluded.

Moving up through the hotel's lobby, I took my time, taking in the suits and fur fans that were hanging around; the connections and friends being made. While a pang of loneliness hit my stomach, I put on a half baked smile, tossing some grins to some furs who had glanced my way.

While few of them might have known me in my suit, I had a good hunch that no one knew me outside my fursona HuskRy. It was something that I had gotten used to but at times I wanted to drop the name and just be known as Ryan. I don't mind being the husky, because he is a hot pup, I just wish I had thought over the name better...

Moving up the elevator, I stood in front of two furs; a tan hare and bright orange lion. The lion's suit was really well made, possibly a five thousand dollar costume. Mine was only four, and, as I subtly looked between the three suits, I was happy with how mine was. It stood out being a variety of shades of grey. The hare's fur was well groomed, not a piece out of place, but it seemed too... I don't know... bland in my opinion. The lion's on the other hand was great, the eyes having their own personality, almost a commanding look to them as I peered at them from the elevators mirror door.

Stepping out, I breathed a sigh of relief, the gnawing thought that one of them would start a conversation and I wouldn't be able to finish it with them. Moving into my room, a nice single bed overlooking Market Street, I dropped off my stuff onto the bed and went straight for the window. Even though I was 22, I still acted like a child when it came to tall hotels, the views my eye candy. I could see park a little to the north, as well as the Museum of Art's further in the distance.

Hanging up my suit in the closet, I set up my computer and started typing out chapter 5 of Broken Youth: "Tyson looked so cute standing there, his ears flared up, the fur on his body standing on edge. Even through his clothes, it was clear to see the rising pelt pushing up. His stance had gone from freaking out, eyes wide, to him now leaning on the counter, a hard glare at both Anthony and me. 'Well? What happened to the both of you?'"

Given everything that had happened between Ryan and Tyson in the story, I wanted this to be an angry conversation, especially since it involved Anthony. Man this will be a great chapter to write out. Continuing to press against the keys, I let time fly by as I worked on the story.

Around 9, I knew I needed to call it a short break to grab some dinner. Having been here before, I made my way out of the hotel towards the park, knowing of a good pizza eatery to dine at. It hadn't changed names, thankfully, the Circle of Palms Pizza, which gave me hope that they would still have the same great pizzas as before.

Eating alone and I am not going to sugarcoat this at all, sucks. People look at you like you are some sad guy, you have no one to drink to; it can be hard at times. On the plus side though, when you have a cute waitress come up to hit on you, it can be fun to play around. I never did have the chance to get her name, and even though I am gay, I still like knowing I can win over women. It's more of a game than a challenge to me. I chuckle to myself as I sip in some beer.


The following morning was an early one, my alarm blaring off at 7am. Groaning, I roll over to slam my phone, my groggy eyes not yet adjusted to the slivers of light emulating from around the room. Finding the phone, I press my fingers on the dismiss button and roll back over, spreading my body wide in the sheets. Moving up, I rub my eyes and pull the sheets off, exposing my nude body to the chill of the air.

I have always enjoyed being nude in hotel rooms, the feel of the sheets rubbing against my body, the warmth of the heater blasting against my flesh. Stretching out, I rub my scruffy hair, a small thought of a haircut entering my mind before being pushed out by how sexy I feel with it. Being a surfer, I know it is a bit stereotypical but I like the look. Moving towards my suitcase I pull out some underarmour, knowing that it will get hot in the suit later on. Pulling some shorts out as well, I head towards the shower, lathering my body up as much as possible to keep out the upcoming sweat fest.

Dressing myself up, I take the suit downstairs, flicking my keys around in my free hand. Heading straight for the cloakroom, I hand off my suit, noting the other suits that are being stored there as well. A very nice dragon suit; red outer fur with a white chest, the wings, while small, still hang there in a slightly imposing manner. Behind that hangs a cat suit, its tail lacking any fur, its length at least 3 feet long. The fur is black with silver stripes, lightning cuts of color ripping down its back.

Heading out to my car, I was happy that it was cold, my car being shown on by the early morning sun. Looking down at my watch I notice that it is approaching 9:45. As I grab some of the boxes which hold my artwork and stories, I hear a car screeching around the parking complex, its rubber tires making a symphony of noises as the driver drove the vehicle. Looking out from my trunk, I catch the car speeding past me, a Honda from the looks of it. The driver is scanning for open spots, its passengers helping him out.

As I look at the car more closely, I get a look at the rear passenger, and become suddenly very confused. It couldn't be... was that Chris? What would he be doing here? Nah I highly doubt it. I highly doubt he would be a furry. I mean it would be great if he was, it would allow me to finally talk with another sports guy about the furry community. The driver moves on, not finding any places, and breaks off from allowing me to see if it was actually Chris.

Shaking my head, I grab the boxes and head out, thinking over the possibility of it actually being Chris. I had not seen him since the tourney, nor talked with him. I mean yea I had a crush on him but I had to get over it because he was with that Kyle kid. He looked to be a good fit for Chris but from whom I saw in the car; Kyle didn't look like any of them.

The trek back felt way longer than the way out, probably because of everything I was carrying. Some of the furs were moving past me, and one did offer to help, a nice husky looking dog. I thought about taking his offer but my pride got the better of me, passing up the proposal. Watching as he passed on, I took notes about his suit thinking of any ways that I could improve upon my own.

I thought of heading back to my stall to drop off my box first but with the possibility for someone to steal my stuff, I decide otherwise, instead heading back to the cloakroom to grab my suit. Exchanging the box for my suit, I head off to the bathroom to change. Heading into the disabled person's stall, I start to strip down and change. As I switch bodies, I could swear I hear some yiffing coming from the next stall.

Becoming HuskRy is always something that I enjoy doing. People know who he is, how he acts, what he writes. It's a whole different persona, a fursona in this case. Stepping into my paw booties, I move around to make sure they fit alright. My ears pick up the growing moans, and as I groan out, they cut out. "Thank you." I mutter to myself. A bit early for the sex to begin in my opinion...

Grabbing my clothes I move out of the stall and head back out to the convention. After dropping my stuff off at the cloakroom, I debate whether I want to bring my box out or just walk about. Thinking it best to walk around first, I head off, passing a group of fans. Stopping to take some photos with them, I smile, well smile inside since the grin on my muzzle never changes.

Then I see him. His walk was undeniable, his curly brunette hair still as ruffled as the last time I saw him. It wasn't Kyle that he was with anymore, some new guy that he was holding hands with. But it was nonetheless Chris. Moving up towards him, I stand there for a second, him and his friend having been talking about something important. I had just caught the end part of it, something about not being about porn but about emotion.

I really didn't know how to say hi to him. I mean I had not seen him in over 2 months. Man it had to be approaching three months now. "May I help you?" Chris asks out to me as I stand there stupidly.

Shifting around, I take a small step forward opening out my hands. My mouth opens up but nothing comes out. Nothing at first at least, "Umm hi... Chris." I squeak out, something that HuskRy would never do.

Chris looks baffled at me, unsure of how I know him or who I am. His friend moved protectively to his side, making the intention that he is more than just a friend. "Tay is that you? You didn't tell me you were getting a suit?!" Chris happily shouts, moving in to hug me.

He thinks I am someone else! Who is this Tay? What? "Tay? Who is Tay? I'm not Tay." I stammer out, becoming confused at what all is going on. This is not how I had planned for things to go. Chris pulls back as I am about to tell him who I am but right when I am about to speak another guy approaches, apparently knowing both Chris and his friend, as well as me... well not me but HuskRy.

Ok this is all too much. I need to tell him, no show him who I am. Taking my paws to behead myself, I move to take it off, the heat already matting down my fur to cover my eyes. While I had wanted to keep the suit as a whole, I was happy to get out of the head, exposing the cool air conditioned to my matted hair. Pulling my hair back with my paw, I look at Chris, my green eyes emulating out to him, wanting to connect back with him.

Instead I connect with his friend, the one who happened to know me. He was oddly cute, in a quirky kind of way. Maybe it was his collection of furry items, or something else. I don't know. Before I could react though, I was hugged by Chris, his enthusiasm about seeing me overwhelming. "What are you doing here Ryan?!" He cried out as he pulled me in close.

Well now... SURPRISE!!! I hope you all enjoyed reading that as for some of the coming chapters, Ryan will be showing his side of the con to everyone. Let me know what you thought.

The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 9

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" I was completely confused at what all was going on. How did he know I was here? I mean I was happy that he was here, but, I mean, this was a big surprise. Stepping back to Michael, I wrap my arms around him to bring him...

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The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 7

Finally!!! The Furry Convention is here! Now for a very fun few chapters to read over. A lot will be happening. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After spending a...

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The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 6

I know I am a little behind on the whole four day posting but things came up... I hope you enjoy it none the less. :-D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything...

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