The Ultimate Winter Break- Chapter 7

Taking the booklet from us, her paw etched an outline for onta's website, some place called hardblush. "this isn't really an official booklet but i respect onta enough to not sell any of his work."

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The Soldier part one

I am olton son of oderic son of ontas." olton said growing more confidant with every word. " i am here to fight sir, and to kill these kaddocks." olton said with confidance.

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The Famer part two

"oderic son of ontas of the qudra moon clan. now, onto the matter at hand, where was your friend wounded?" asked oderic, as he was looking over the young lion. frowning deeply at the wounds, he knew that that the lion was gravely injured.

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Innit Vexin: Mittens the Kitten

"elrid's goin' ta' jump onta' the auriental. he's bartered his way on, but the boat's hidden by impish magic. it only docks durin' the half moon, see? well, i can get through that magic, an' i figure why stop at elrid?"

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Interview with a Hard-to-Understand Otter

Odd thing tae latch ontae, but a actually felt quite confident wi' ma body efter a while, an' thankfully it's stayed relatively consistent since returnin'," he chuckled, but this was starting to get a little weird and intimate, so i decided to cut him off

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Red Delicious

"ah got yer letter, cousin, an' ah think yer really onta somethin'. ponyville's great, but branchin' out is gonna be great fer business. but ah don't think ah unnerstand--why'd you wanna try appleloosa first? they got apples here. plenny of 'em."

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Chapter 1: The Bet

Video games can be dangerous by damiean i got the inspiration for this story from onta's story 'cross platfrom.' it can be found in the cocktails 2008 comic book. disclaimer: the usual stuff here...

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Slave Trade - Stabled

He chuckled softly, "maybe lord 'ector's onta somethin' in ye."

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A Lesson in Hauntings

And the ones that don't wanna pass on, too scared or too sad or too... well nevermind, but they might very well hold onta some task they know ain't got no endin." the jackrabbit slumped a little, stared at the ground.

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Slave Trade - Unexpected

Finneas acknowledged, "threw da inta th' dungeons an' tossed me and ma onta th' slave block." "that's horrible..." sidney murmured.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 9 (MHO)

"for a typical ghoul or the like, you'd be onta somethin' with that, so yer instincts were good at least," algrytha said, nodding. "revenants are another story though. especially ones like him."

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