DreamCloud's Café (Part 3 of 3)

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#3 of DreamCloud's Cafe

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


"Whoa..." Solemn whispered under his breath as he pulled his jeep in right behind

Somber's car. They had pulled into a giant parking lot that was fit for an amusement

park, and it had almost been filled by the time they had arrived.

The parking lot was nothing compared to the gigantic dome that lay in the middle of it

all. It must have been four city blocks wide and four city blocks across, which pretty

much made Solemn feel like a tiny ant that was scurrying across the pavement.

When they finally found a parking spot that was close to each other, then got out and

walked what seemed like a mile just to get to the entrance.

"So what do you think?" Somber smiled, pounding Solemn on the shoulder with his fist

as the walked.

"It's..." Solemn said as he looked up, watching the lonely flags on the top of the dome

wave them on as they stepped their way closer. "It's incredible... just simply incredible."

"It's our city's Fun-Dome," Somber giggled, covering his face. "The makers thought

they were pretty clever naming it that, seeing as it's so huge."

"Huh?" Solemn replied, raising an eyebrow. "I... don't get it."

Somber sighed and grabbed Solemn's paw, pulling him closer. "Fun-dome is slang for

condom," He whispered, still giggling a little. "But its ok, I won't tell anyone."

"I figured as much," Solemn sighed, feeling embarrassed for not being up to date with

todays hottest, and most ridiculous nicknames for sexual items.

"I said it was ok," Somber laughed as he planted a kiss right on the wolf's cheek,

making himself blush as he did so, seeing as he noticed he was still holding his paw.

"I know," Solemn giggled. His heart was racing a million miles an hour as he walked,

which made him blush, then smile, then made him think about returning the kiss.

When they finally made there way to the entrance, snuck to the front of the forty foot line, and had their floor bracelets put in their wrists, they had about five minutes to get

some refreshments, maybe take a washroom break, then head onto the floor and push

their way to the front.

"Whatcha want?" Somber said as he took out his wallet and opened it, pulling out a twenty dollar bill.

"Huh?" Solemn replied, snapping out of his 360 neck spin, taking in everything the

atmosphere had to offer.

Somber just giggled and grabbed Solemn's paw and repeated. "I said what do you


"Uhhh..." Solemn said, trying to keep his cool. He could feel everyone watching and

picked up all the whispering comments that were firing off near him, and it made him

blush harder then he ever had before. "I'll take..." He replied, slowly pulling his paw away

and clinging it to his chin, making it seem like he was deep in thought. "... a Dr. Pepper,

I think, k?"

"Ok," Somber said like it was nothing. Mission accomplished.

"Well I think I'm going to the bathroom," Solemn said as he pushed his way through

the crowd.

"Good luck," Somber chucked a smile, which smacked Solemn right in the face. He still

couldn't get over how cute this fox was. It was unreal.

"Good luck?" Solemn recovered, now screaming to get Somber to hear him.

"Yeah," He heard the shout back. "There's a million furs here. No doubt at least a

quarter of them have to pee."

Solemn just sighed. He was right, but he HAD to pee or else he would be going into a

crowd with dry pants, and then be coming out with a giant stain down the front. "And I

don't know about you," He thought to himself as he speed-walked, following the signs

that lead him to the washrooms. "But I don't find urine to be that attractive. Especially if

you're wearing it..."

Finally making it, he whimpered. The line was coming out of the door and taking over

the hallway, and he only had about two and a half minutes to get back to his boy and

head inside.

"Maybe..." He thought as he raised an eyebrow. "HEY!!" He shouted, trying out

something he saw on TV ages ago. "HEY... JUSTIN?!"

About fourteen heads turned, spanning from the door to the end of the line, and

Solemn picked his target.

"Justin! Is that you?!" He shouted, moving towards the crowd, hearing the angered

growls of people who probably watched the same show.

"Hey! Get to the end of the line!" He heard someone behind him say, but he made

sure not to turn around.

"Sorry, Mister," Solemn lied. "I need to catch up with my friend... I lost him in the

crowd and I have no idea where to go..."

"You GO back to the end of the line," Someone else said in a terrifyingly angry tone.

"Justin?!" Solemn called out again, passing the fur he had originally planned on

meeting up with. "JUSTIN!?"

"WHAT?!" He heard various Justins reply to him, but always ignored them. He just kept

on moving through the crowd. Like a ninja.

"Oh yeah..." Solemn thought as he spied a free urinal, then sped up and took it before

some weasel had a chance to unzip his pants. "You're a ninja, Solemn. A ninja that

claims unsuspecting urinals, and then marks them as your own. Maybe I should be a


Finally finishing, he washed his paws, then pushed his way back out.

"Find your Justin?!" Someone called to him, and when he turned around, he wanted to


"Hi... Isabella..."

"Solemn!?" She shrieked as she jumped out of the women's line, and ran to hug him.


"You'd be surprised at some of the things I like..." He said, limply hugging her back

with one arm. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm here to see my favorite band ever!" She replied, screaming when normal talking

was still achievable.

"Oh good," Solemn tried to say, but was interrupted by a screaming lioness that

jumped up to Isabella and started tugging her shoulder. "Izzy we have to get going!!

The doors will open any second!"

"Oh!" Isabella said as she pointed. "This is my friend Solemn," She pointed to the

lioness and giggled. "And Solemn, This is my girlfriend Pam."

"Girlfriend?!" Solemn said with extreme excitement. He then reached out and shook

Pam's paw. "It's nice to meet you Pam! You two make a nice couple."

"Both of them burst out into laughter, which made Solemn sigh, then slouch over in


"Solemn, by girlfriend I mean she's my BEST friend!" Isabella laughed again with Pam,

who was hysterical.

"How rude of me..." Solemn said in a monotone voice and his eyes narrowed. "I forgot

that women had the power to do that..." His voice was rich with sarcasm.

"So..." Isabella turned back to Pam, who snapped back to attention with a sort creepy

robot-like obedience. "Are you ready Pam?"

"MmmHmmm," She nodded. "Well it was nice to meet..." She stopped, looking back to

where Solemn once stood, which was now occupied by some Zebra who was fighting his

bladder, and apparently losing.

"Haha..." Solemn giggled as he snuck through the crowd, laying low. "I am DEFINATLY

ninja material." He spotted his fox, who was holding a bottle of Dr. Pepper in one paw

and a bottle of Root Bear in the other. He was looking around with his ears down, and if

Solemn had a camera he would have taken a picture because it was the cutest look ever.

Innocent, yet at attention.

"Hey Hey," Solemn said as he seemingly appeared through the crowd, pick pocketing

the Dr. Pepper bottle right out of the fox's paw.

"Took you long enough," Somber smiled, taking a swig of his own bottle, licking his

lips afterwards, then winking.

"I ran..." Solemn felt embarrassed. "Into someone I knew..."

"I thought you said you didn't know anyone here yet?" Somber giggled, motioning for

them to get in line for the doors to the floor to open.

"She's from my apartment building..." Solemn sighed, rubbing the sweat under his fur

on his forehead. "...and she seems to follow me everywhere..."

"That's a woman for ya," Somber giggled. "I just hope you like me better then her in

the end, that's all." He took another sip.

"I don't think you have to worry," Solemn smiled. He then wondered. "Hey Somber?"

"Yeah?" Somber said, giving him that burning look of intense attention that foxes are

pretty much famous for.

"What do you think would be a good ninja name...?" Solemn giggled, watching

Somber's expression contort from curiousness to absolute confusion.

"Excuse me?" He said just before the bell tolled and they were almost trampled by

everyone who had been waiting for those floor doors to open. Thankfully they kept each

other up and steady, all the while making it to about the middle of the crowd before the

pressure of bodies started to press them.

Inside the dome was as spectacular as the outside. Even though it was only a fraction

of the space the dome took up, the room they were in could have housed ten thousand

furs easily, combining the floor and the seats that lined up on the walls. Then there was

the stage, which held a couple hundred guitars and basses along each side, a drum kit in

the middle, and several mic-stands that lined the front with picks attached for easy


"So this is the fun-dome?" Solemn said, looking around at the ceiling, then to the furs

that were taking their seats.

"Ha ha," He heard someone say behind him, making him crane his neck to see. "That's

a good one, mate," A tiger, wearing a leather jacket with studs running up and down his

arms, said with a smile.

"Thanks..." Solemn smiled awkwardly, embarrassed for taking credit for a joke that he

didn't understand at first. "But..."

"That's Solemn for ya," Somber spoke up as he craned his neck back as well. "He's

always been clever like that, haven't you Solemn?"

"Oh..." Solemn blushed but was thankful for the dark shade of the dome which seemed

to hide it. "Well I don't like to toot my own horn or anything..."

The tiger just laughed and gave him a friendly nudge with his fist. "The name's Will,"

He introduced himself, then brought his friends into view. "The weasel's name is Bill, the

raccoon is Mill, and the Hedgehog is Jill." All were sporting leather jackets and looked a

little on the rough side, but the sincerity in their face seemed to contradict what a first

impression might give off.

"I'm Solemn and this is Somber," Solemn said as he tried to turn around, but was

caught between the leather sporting furs and the crowd in front of him. "Nice to meet

you all." He gave a smile of his own.

"Will, Mill, Bill, and Jill..." Somber said as he eyed them up and down as much as his

vision would let him. "You guys can't be serious..."

"We get that a lot..." Bill said as he eyed Solemn with suspicion. "Wait a second...

Aren't you the wolf who snuck past everyone and stole the urinal I was going for?"

"Heh..." Solemn said uncomfortably. "Ya know... when mother nature calls... you kinda

gotta answer..."

"True enough," Will said as he patted Solemn on the shoulder. He then turned to Bill.

"Next time you just gotta go for it, mate." He gave another chuckle. "So you guys

excited for the show?"

"Totally," Solemn said as he turned around again. "We'll look out for you guys in the

mosh pit."

"Likewise, friend," Will said, patting them both no the shoulder again. His massive

paws were intimidating to say the least.

"Ninja..." Somber whispered, giving Solemn an innocent smile.

"What can I say..." Solemn giggled, then threw his arm around the fox, holding him

close. "Let's not get separated, k?"

"K..." Somber smiled, feeling warm all over as the crows shifted and swayed.

"Hey!" A wolf in a tight band tee walked up on stage with a guitar in his paw. The

crowd went wild as he took a seat in the middle of the stage. "How are you guys doing

tonight? Good?" He just sat like it was nothing as he tuned his guitar.

The crowd went wild and pushed as close they could, holding out their paws in hopes

that the wolf would jump down and touch them. But all he did was sit there and smile.

His blue eyes sparkled in the stage light.

"You guys are great, you know that?" He chuckled into the microphone as his flipped

his straightened hair out of his eyes. "Hey Tom, come out here, would ya? You know how

stage fright affects me..."

"It never affects you, you lying son of a..." A white tiger came up on stage was a bass

strapped to him. He then turned and waved with a coy smile as he took his place on the

right of the stage. "Hey everyone!" He threw his paws in the air, stoking the crowd even


Then a fox with a backwards cap came on, drumsticks in his paws, followed by a

panther that held a wireless microphone came up on stage and waved to their adoring


"Well," The Tiger said, playing the lowest note he could. "I think the gangs all here,


"Yeah," The wolf agreed, giving the panther the middle of the stage.

"Thanks, Marc," The panther patted him on the shoulder. "Now then..." He cleared his


The crowd went wild as the band flew into motion, playing their first song, starting

pockets of mosh pits amongst the floor. Solemn and Somber joined in, jumping around

like wild animals, bumping shoulders with fellow listeners as the band cranked outt the


Then, after they played the first song, the wolf stepped up to his own microphone and


"We wrote that song when we were in high school and the meaning still stands," He

looked back to his band members who edged him on. "Ya know..." He continued. "When

we were first noticed, there were some things that stood between us and the road

ahead, and some of you may not know this, but we rejected our first chance at fame..."

The crowd listened, mesmerized by his words.

"Yeah," Tom said as he stepped in. "But in college, we were given another chance, and

thankfully, we took it. And it allowed us to not leave anything behind." He looked up and

smiled to the balcony, where a lonely lion and husky sat.

"But enough reminiscing," The drummer said as he began the intro to their second


"Yeah," The wolf said as he began carving arpeggios off his fret board. "I just wanna

say..." He said, then began humming a tune.

"We know..." The tiger and panther chimed in, in unison, then began playing the song,

dancing and moving to the beat.


"That..." Solemn said as they exited the fun-dome hours later. "...just...wow..."

"Yeah I know," Somber said as he put on the Tiger-Wolves tee over his own shirt.

"That was just amazing..."

"I liked how the guitarist dedicated the whole show to his brother," Solemn said,

looking at his own tee that he bought."

"The husky?"

"Yeah? That was sitting in the balcony."

"Heh..." Somber giggled as he grabbed Solemn's paw. This time Solemn didn't turn

away, he just drew closer. "THAT... was his boyfriend."



"Well then," Solemn giggled. "That makes him THAT much cooler then."

"SOLEMN!" A familiar voice shouted that made the wolf want to flee. "HEY SOLEMN


"Oh god damnit..." Solemn said as he stopped, putting his paw up to his forehead.

"What?" Somber said as he looked back, seeing a mixed sea of furs. "What's wrong?"

"Remember that girl from my apartment building I ran into?" Solemn sighed.


"Well... Here she comes..."

"Solemn!" She shrieked, pulling Pam behind her. "Oh my god how did you enjoy the


"It was amazing!" Pam chimed in with a smiled plastered onto her muzzle.

"No not you, Pam," Isabella said. "Oh who's you're friend Solemn!"

"I'm Somber," The fox said, taking a bow with utmost politeness. "Nice to meet you


"Oh!" The vixen said, taken aback by the sudden barrage of manners. "I wasn't aware

Solemn had any friends..."

"Yes," Solemn said, mimicking Isabella's enthusiasm. "This is my boyfriend, Somber!"

"Solemn, Solemn, Solemn..." She tisked. "Only women can say things like that about


"Isabella, Isabella, Isabella..." He mimicked. "By boyfriend... I mean BOY friend."

"Solemn..." Somber giggled. "You're making me blush..."

"Oh..." Isabella said awkwardly, meanwhile, Pam stayed zoned out. "Well... we must be

going!" And with that, she pushed her friend away and disappeared into the crowd.

"That gets rid of that annoyance..." Solemn thought as they walked out into the

parking lot together, trying to figure out where they parked.

"HEY!" They heard someone shout in their direction. "HEY FAGS!"

Both turned and saw a short panther that was sitting on the shoulders of a rhino, and

they were headed right towards them.

"Oh good," Somber said. "What a perfect way to end the night... A couple of closed

minded retards..."

"Yeah that's right," The panther shouted as they drew near. "You guys stop and wait, I

have a bone to pick with you!"

"Ugh..." Solemn said. "Is this a joke..."

"NO!" The panther shouted, even though they were in talking distance. "This ISN'T a

joke! You guys need to get off our turf! We don't appreciate fags like you who kiss other


"And we don't appreciate closed minded retards who have to rely on furs bigger then

them to get around..." Somber shot off quickly.

"I'm going to make you regret you said that!" The panther spat everywhere. "Boomer!

Put me down so we can teach these two a lesson!"

"Yes, boss," Boomer sighed, not really liking these turn of events, and tugged him off

his shoulder with a move of his massive hand.

"Thank you, Boomer," The panther walked up to Solemn, standing as tall as he could,

but only making eye contact with his nipples. "And as for YOU..."

Solemn pushed him, giving them some distance. "Look," He growled, baring his teeth.

"If there's something I hate more then arrogant jackasses, it's an arrogant jackass who

tries to ruin other furs lives by pretending they own the fucking place."

"I'm going to make you regret that..." The panther bared his fangs, which were kept

surprisingly clean. "Get them Boomer!"

"I have no intention on hurting these nice boys," Boomer said shyly. "Can't we just go

get a milkshake or something, Ralph...?"

"Boomer!" Ralph shouted angrily.

"I've had enough," Somber said as he walked up to the panther and pulled him by the

collar of his shirt. Throwing him to the ground, he pulled him up again and repeated, all

the while listening to the screeches of the panther trying to protest.

"So how did you enjoy the show," Solemn asked Boomer as they both watched with

wide eyes.

"It was pretty good," Boomer spoke in his steady low voice. "I thought it was cool how

each had a story from their high school days. Something we could all relate to, ya


"Yeah," Solemn agreed. "But I'm not really sure about the whole kidnapping by the evil

doctor thing. It seems a little farfetched, eh?"

"I dunno," Boomer replied. "There are some deranged furs out there. It could happen."

"I guess," Solemn agreed. "But anyways, it looks like we're about done here so it was

nice to meet you Boomer."

"Ditto," The rhino said, holding out his massive hand. "I didn't catch your name, by the


"It's Solemn," The wolf smiled, shaking paws. "And that's my boyfriend, Somber."

"Best of luck to the both of you."

"Thanks, to you as well."

Boomer walked to the two and pulled the sobbing panther from the dirt, hoisting him

over his shoulder. "Come on Ralph. Let's go get that milkshake now."

"Ok," Came the weak response of a shaken up panther.

"Well," Somber said, panting slightly. "What now?"

"I have the perfect place to go," Solemn smiled, raising his ears.

"Ok, I'll follow you anywhere," Somber smiled.

"Alright," The wolf replied to him, heading back towards his jeep.

"And Somber."


"Try to keep up."


"A twinkling night in heaven is what I needed...And you're here to make it complete...

you know that?"

"Wow..." Somber said, laying back, parting the grass behind him. "The stars are so

bright tonight... and the moon is so full..."

"I've been waiting for someone to share this place with," Solemn said, speaking into

the sky. "And I finally have someone to do that with."

"Solemn..." Somber smiled. "I feel the very same way..."

And, moving without instinct, Solemn ran his paw through Somber's hair, gently

pushing his muzzle into his, connecting them by the tongue. There, they explored with

their paws and their tongues, tasting what each other had and loving every second of it.

Gasping every time Somber threw his paws up his shirt, Solemn kissed harder,

intensifying the mood with his passion, feeling the pressure build in his shorts as he

rolled over on top of the fox without breaking the kiss.

Then the clothes started flying, and before either of them knew it, they were naked

together amongst the grass. The stars watched intently as both they're cocks rubbed

together, mixing each other's pre, matting the fur on their bellies.

Suddenly, both gasped, intentionally breaking the kiss for the first time. Then Somber

moved in, engulfing Solemn's wolfhood with his muzzle as Solemn hugged his back,

holding him close as he moaned. Each wave of pleasure increased as Somber licked,

sucked, and blew with, what seemed like, years of experience.

"Ugh..." Solemn spoke as he blushed, blowing a load that seemed to go on as each

spat filled his mouth.

Then stench of sweat grew and blew in the wind as they switched positions, making

eye contact and kissing again.

"You wanna..." Somber spoke in between breaks. "...go... further..." He stuttered as

Solemn kissed his stomach.

"I don't have..." Solemn replied. "...ya know..."

"Lube?" Somber said, reaching for his pack. "I got some..."

"Where did you get that?"

"I picked it up..." Somber seemed embarrassed. "On... my way up here."

"Well..." Solemn said, thinking it over. "I'm... sort of a virgin..."

"I'll be gentle..."

Solemn nodded, and then got on his paws and knees, exposing his tailhole. Somber

lubed up his hard-on, then put some on Solemn's hole, making him shudder.

"You ok?"

"It's... cold..." He replied, laying on his chest, trying to relax.

"I know," Somber giggled. "I'm going in now..." He said as he kissed his tip to the hole,

making the wolf shudder even more.

"Just go..." Solemn said as he braced. "I'm ready..." And before he could finish, Somber

penetrated, going in slowly but surely as he laid on Solemn's back, keeping him calm

with his steady breathing.

"Shhh..." Somber said as he focused on going in slowly. "It's ok, everything's alright..."

Finally, after feeling both bodies touch, Somber started to pull slowly, getting Solemn

used to the feeling of a foreign object in his rear, and when he was loose enough to

enjoy, He started to thrust slowly, listening to the tiny moans that came rhythmically

from him.

"I'm speeding up..." Somber whispered.

'Just GO!" Solemn screamed, feeling the moment in the back of his throat, then feeling

the repeated pierce of Somber's member burying itself deep within.

Grunting, Somber reached full speed as Solemn threw his head back, staring at the

moon and howling. Everything at that moment started to glow as he felt Somber shoot

over and over again. Time stood still as the world stopped and everything melted away,

only leaving two bodies tangled within each other, lying in a world of endless grass.

Panting, Somber kissed Solemn's cheek as he pulled himself out, then wrapped his

arms around him, making the moment complete.

"If I had... just one wish..." Solemn whispered as he closed his eyes. "I would wish for

someone to be here with... I mean... someone to share all this space with... even if we

only take a fraction of it... I would wish... for you..."

"May all your wishes come true Solemn..." Somber said, running his paw through

Solemn's fur as they laid there.

"They don't need to, Somber..." He smiled. "As long as you're here... I don't need to

wish anymore... Forever... Amen..."


And that's the end of DreamCloud's Cafe. Sort of anyway. I'm writing a epilogue as we speak, or, as you read this lol. I hope you enjoyed everything that this mini series had to offer, really i do =). Happy new year everyone and a merry xmas to all, and to all a good night!
