The Late Christmas Special

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Twin World Revolution

Chapter 9: The Late Christmas Special



I groaned and opened my eyes as the unpleasant shrieking of my alarm clock woke me. I gave a growl of annoyance and slammed the snooze button. Across from me in our room slept Hannah, apparently unaware of the alarm. It was winter break for school and we spent most of it catching up on sleep.

Ever since Hannah had disowned her human parents, she had moved in with us. Mom and Dad got her a bed and the two of us shared a room. We didn't mind though. It just seemed to rekindle the sisterly friendship we had before we split. We would help each other with hair and makeup and stuff like that. At night, we would watch movies downstairs or just sit up in our bedroom talking til the early hours of the morning.

I closed my eyes and reached out to Matthieu with our link. Instantly he replied, calm and fluid, ebbing and flowing, but lacking the strength of his draconic form. I felt him telepathically kiss me.

His voice flowed through my mind, sending shivers down my spine at how deep it ran in my mind. *How'd you sleep?*

*Perfect until my alarm clock went off.*

Matt laughed. *Sucks to be you. Merry Christmas anyways.*

*You're coming over for the day right? You and Sarah.*

*Yeah. We're just picking up some last minute groceries your mother needed. Mira's coming as well with Skyve and Ruuk.*

We were all going to celebrate Christmas at my house on earth. I couldn't wait. Mom was going to make turkey, then for at least a week afterwards, we'd have leftovers like turkey sandwiches, turkey pot pie and, best of all, turkey soup.

*I'll be over in about five minutes.*

*I love you.* I said, yawning slightly.

*I love you too.*

Something crawled onto my bed and I looked up. Uura and Thaad sat on the edge of my bed. I gently picked the two up and brought them up next to my head. They were growing very quickly, both now the size of a football each, and were now able to speak in basic English and Aryian, though they prefered Aryian.

"Koor Chrissamas su pari." (Merry Christmas you two.)

Uura smiled. "Koor Chrissamas Mi-irass." (Merry Christmass Sunset).

"Ume su pari particu suar numues?" (Have you two practiced your numbers?)

Thaad nodded eagerly. The two always wanted to impress either me or Hannah. " Hyi! Onm, pari, triu, fura, rasha, muruu, sanva, egiu, ocut, parrasha!" (Yes! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!)

Uura snorted. " Mas? Ve fue di arimati. Pari kun pari emeu rasha." (So? I can do math. Two plus two equals five.)

I smiled. "Umei siu Uura. Pari kun pari emeu fura." (Not quite Uura. Two plus two equals four.)

Hannah groaned. "You're too loud." She rolled towards us and opened her eyes. They were no longer neon green, but a dark, candy red. Her hair had turned ice blue from its old navy blue.

I turned to Uura and Thaad. "Su pari meu gouis." (You two run along.)

Uura and Thaad dashed out the door. I rolled to face Hannah.

"Enjoying life here?"

Hannah sighed. "How could I not? I've got my half twin sister (Author's note: Twin dragons are born from the same egg in my story. Sunset and Nephilla were born from two seperate eggs in the same clutch.) and my little brother and my little sister back."

"How about you and Rykuu?"

She yawned. "We're getting along better. I'm sleeping with him more often than I did as a human."

I noticed that she use 'as a human.' It was a good sign that she was become more dragon again. Most dragons took great pride in their heritage. A dragon's name usualy went First name, then family name, then blood name. Lacyus' full name was Lacyus Eryx Akvial, and mine was Sunset Kreya Tzura. Lacyus was from the Akival blood, which were traditionally palace guards. Even now, Lacyus served at least one month of guard duty at the palace per year. He had his own personal guard armor with custom colors and everything.. Mira also did guard duty. My blood was that of a line of famous spellcaster priests, priestesses and monks. On my seventeenth birthday, I am to complete several trials. One is to prove my strength in battle, one to prove my moral integrity and one to prove the faith I have in my mate. Only then will I be considered a woman and not just a girl.

I sat up and swung my legs out of bed. I wore only PJ pants and my bra. "I dunno about you, but I don't like an empty stomach in the morning."

Hannah, wearing the same, chuckled and got out of bed too. "Yeah, me too." She clapped her hands together and transformed into her dragon form. Ever since she had transformed into a Furydragon, Lacyus and I have been able to sense this incredible power brooding in her. It was as if she was holding something back.

She sniffed the air. "Mmmmmmm, smell that?"

I transformed as well and instantly smelled it. "Mom's apple cinnimon pancakes."

Instantly Nephilla bolted out the door. "I get first one!"

I laughed and darted after her. "Not if I get there first!"

We laughed and tried to shove each other out of the way in order to get to our favorite breakfast. It was natural for both genders of dragons to be rough with their siblings.

Finally we got stuck in the door to the kitchen. Instantly we blurted out at the same time. "Can I have the first one?!?!?"

Mom, in her dragon form, smiled. "Sorry you two, but someone else beat you two."

We looked over and saw Uura and Thaad sharing a pancake, tearing off pieces with their claws, dipping them in a little pool of syrup and proceeding to gulp them down.

We both went over to them and put on our best suck up faces. I spoke first. "Hey, how about you give a piece to your older sister Sunset?"

Instantly, two pushed the pancake away and growled defensively

Uura spoke up. "We aren't stupid."

Mom laughed at that. "That you aren't." She set out two plates. "Here you go you two."

We took our plates and sat at the table. I took my first bite and savored the sweet flavor. "So, where's Dad?"

"Oh he's out picking up some stuff that I forgot for turkey tonight."

There was a knock at the door. I stood up. "I'll get it."

I transformed as I got to the door. I opened it to see Maria and Samuel standing on the step. Maria had a couple of wrapped presents in her arms,while Sam had a big cloth bundle in his.

"Merry Christmas." Maria said, smiling. I noticed her engagement ring on her right hand.

"Hey, come in." I motioned for them to pass me.

They walked past and shed their jackets and scarves. Maria went over to our tree and set the presents down underneath it. Samuel set the bundle down and it immediately sprang to life, startling me. It started going in circles. I had no idea of what it was until I saw the dragon snout poking out the front. I stepped on the blanket's edge and Ruuk charged out from under it going full tilt, slamming into the wall causing a painting of my family to fall on his head. He growled and shook his head. As soon as he spotted me, he tackled me down and began to give me sloppy lick-kisses.

"Okay, okay, get off! I'm happy to see you too!" I laughed and pushed Ruuk away.

Uura and Thaad came charging out of the kitchen. "RUUK!!!" The two latched onto the dragon's legs. Ruuk nuzzled and licked both affectionately.

There was a click and the door opened. Sarah's unsure voice filtered through.

"I dunno Matt. Maybe you should ask if we can come in. Marissa might take it the wrong way."

"Don't worry, she knows I'm here."

"I know." I called to them. "Matt's welcome here whenever he wants."

Matt walked into the living room with grocery bags in hand. He leaned over and kissed me. "Merry Christmas."

I smiled softly and gave him a half hug. "Merry Christmas to you too."

I walked back to my breakfast and noticed a seething black liquid bubbling up from the floor vent. It pooled in the middle of the floor and tentacles sprang forth, forming themselves into Ennica, Amel and Echelon. Xenomorph panthers were unique from their natural counterparts in the fact that they went through a winter fur shedding. Gone was their black fur, now replaced by a white and light grey coat of thicker fur.

Ennica sighed. "Sorry about the bit of forced entry Ms. Tzura. We couldn't find the front door."

Mom laughed. "So long as you didn't break anything, I'm fine with it." She turned to me. "How many people are coming?"

I counted on my fingers. "Well, there's me, Neph, you, dad, Lacyus, Sarah, William, Mira, Skyve, Rykuu, Ennica, Amel and Echelon."

"So just about everyone's here." Mom finished making her bit of the pancakes and came over to sit. She smiled. "First Christmas back together, eh?"

"Yeah. It feels so good to-"

I was interupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Ennica called, transforming into Riica. There was a click followed by a gasp. "Y-y-you... Oh my.... You....."

I dashed over in my dragoness form. Nothing could catch Ennica off guard, but she sounded absolutely awestruck. In front of her stood a ruby red and black dragoness. She smiled placidly.

"Hello Ennica."

Riica slumped to the floor, apparently passed out from shock. It took me a second for me to recognize the dragoness, until she spoke again.

"So, Sunset. How's Lacyus?"


Alora immediated clapped her hands over my muzzle and made a 'keep quiet' jesture. I could tell what she wanted to do. She pointed to Riica. "Let's get her into bed."

I nodded and we gently picked her up and took her upstairs to my room and laid her down in my bed. As we walked down to the living room, Mom spotted us and her face lit up. Alora, however, quickly silenced her with a jesture. She grabbed a pillow and cocked her arm back, aiming at Lacyus.

"Lacyus." Alora called to him innocently.

Lacyus instantly recognized the voice and whirled around only to recieve a facefull of pillow.

Alora sighed and shook her head. "Disappointing Lacyus. After all these years, you still don't get it."

I giggled. Alora took great pride in her martial skills. She drilled both Lacyus and Mira in self defence and wilderness survival, whether they liked it or not. It was quite often that Alora had random "tests." That was just one of her many versions.

Lacyus quickly jumped to his feet and embraced his mother. "I missed you so much." Even though Lacyus was a bit sentimental by human values, family was the absolute center of draconian values. A dragon never grew far from their parents, no matter how old.

Alora's eyes partialy filled with tears, but she kept her voice even. "I did too hon."

Lacyus led her over to the couch. "So how's it been?"

"Kinda rough." Alora sighed. "After loosing you, I found out that Byre had tricked me. He created that portal that sucked you up in hopes of that she," Alora pointed to me, "would dissapear."

"Where's dad now?"

Alora gave another sad sigh. "We divorced. Honestly, I can still say I love him, but what he did to you two is unexcusable."

Mom came out of the kitchen, her mouth spread in the widest smile I have seen in a while. "It's good to see you again Alora."

Alora got up and hugged my mom. "What has it been? Nine, ten-ish years?"

Lacyus gave a confused look. "What's going on? You two know each other?"

The two turned, their arms draped over the other's shoulder. "We were best friends in college."

Suddenly, a wave of draconian instinct hit me like a brick wall. "Uh, can Lacyus and I leave you two for a bit?"

Mom smiled and winked, having read my mind. "Sure, go ahead."

I lead Lacyus upstairs to the guest bedroom. By that time he had gotten a whiff of what I wanted to do.



I pushed Sunset onto the bed and unclipped her bra. She smiled seductively. "I love it when I go into heat."

I took my shirt off and helped Sunset pull down her PJ pants. "Why is that?"

"Because, you can fuck me senseless until I pass out."

I cast a silence spell on the door and shed my pants. When mating, Sunset was a little on the submissive side. She loved it when I controled her while I mated her.

My head and body slid down her chest, planting loving licks and kisses as I went. Finaly, I reached her sex. I planted a kiss on top of her lips and she gasped. I planted another kiss, but this time I started licking her gently, tasting her cum. I felt Sunset beginning to gently stroke the back of my head.

"Ahhhhhh, that it, ahhhhh, Lac."

Finaly, I pushed a bit harder and my tounge slithered past her lips, making her moan. I dragged my tounge up and brushed her clit. Her stroking became a bit firmer as I pleasured my love. One of my hands came up and I looked up. Sunset's eyes were half closed in lazy pleasure.

"Ahhhh, go ahead and stick, ahhhhhhhnnnnn, it in Lac."

I took my finger and teased Sunset's lips before finally pushing in. Then I gave her a treat. The finger liquified and became a tentacle. It began to snake around, rubbing her feminine depths. Sunset gasped as she realized what was happening. My other hand went around and began playing with her tailhole. She squirmed and moaned, each lick of her clit making her breath catch in her throat. Finaly she reached her peak and climaxed, her cunt gripping my finger tightly. She let out a long moan and her eyes closed. I withdrew my finger and came up to her face level. Sunset smiled affectionately and we kissed.

"Ready to move on?" I asked smiling.

Sunset returned the smile. "That's a stupid ques-"

"Sunset, honey! We're gonna need some help pretty quick!"

I growled in annoyance. "Why now?"

Sunset sighed and got up. "I guess you'll just have to wait."

"You feeling okay?" I wanted to make sure Sunset was sexualy satisfied so she didn't try to fuck me on the spot downstairs.

"I'm fine for now." Sunset sighed.

Then Sunset's mother called from downstairs. "Never mind! Neph's got it!"

Sunset turned to me and smiled. "I guess we have time now."

She smiled and and laid back on the bed, spreading her legs to me. I laid on top of her, kissing her deeply and rubbing her pussy with my cock. Finaly, I began to slowly push into her, enjoying the snug fit I made with her nether regions. Sunset moaned, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me again. Sunset's pussy always felt very tight and I loved every inch of it. She gasped as my ridges popped in one by one, and I finally pushed through her cervix into her egg chamber. Dragonesses didn't have a womb for giving birth to a live baby. Instead, they laid eggs. Of course, they still looked pregnant. An image of Sunset with an egg in her, her belly swollen and round made me just want to see her like that.

I began to thrust into Sunset, slowly at first but gaining speed. Depending on how I thrust in, Sunset either squealed or moaned or gasped. I loved trying to figure out how to get her to do each. Suddenly Sunset rolled both of us over so she was on top.

"Mmmmmmmm...." She reseated herself, sliding down so my entire member was in her. "You always mate me, so I want a chance to mate you."

I smiled and grabbed her nicely shaped ass, running a teasing finger across her tail hole. "How about we make this a contest. First one to cum has to lick the other clean."

Sunset simply leaned down and kissed me to seal the deal. She began to ride me, rising and falling slowly, moaning and hissing. My knot was beginning to form, mashing up against Sunset's folds and her clit. I snaked my tail around and pressed firmly on her clit, causing her to arch her back and moan.

"Ahhhhnnnn.... I never said you could do that!" She moaned again in protest as I flicked my tail over her cllit again. "Don't touch my, ahhhh.... my clit."

I felt Sunset's depths start to rythymicly start to massage my cock, signaling she was close to cumming. "You never said I couldn't do that, or this."

I thrust up as she came down, sinking my knot into her. She wailed and climaxed, her love cum seeping out of her depths. I moaned and came, filling her with my cum, making her collapse forward and wail again as another orgasm ran through her body.

She panted and sighed. "Crap, you win." Sunset smiled and kissed me on the tip of my snout. "I love you."

I returned her show of affection, nuzzling her. "I love you too, but that isn't going to get you out of your job."

"Please Lacyus? Just forget it this one time."

I sighed and smiled. "Fine. But you have to do it next time, okay?"

Sunset nodded. "I promise."

She got up and moaned quietly as my cock slid out with a pop and a slurp. A bit of my cum dribbled out. We got dressed again and headed downstairs.

Mom, Mira, Sarah and Azura (Sunset's mom) were sitting at the table mulling over a wedding gown catalouge for Mira. Occasionally, one of the would raise their volume for "The perfect dress." Skyve and Kuicyas, Sunset's father, were starting a fire in the fireplace while Will and Amel watched. Amel was desperately trying to shapeshift into a dragon, but all she succeeded in doing was growing a draconian muzzle. Meanwhile, Nephilla, Rykuu, Ruuk, Uura, Thaad, Ennica and Echelon were staring at the TV, one of the traditional burning logs on the channel.

Ennica cocked her head left and right in an effort to decifer the meaning of the log. "I don't get it. There's gotta be some kind of code behind this. Some millitary secret that the human use this to transmit."

Neph shook her head. "I don't think so Ennica. They have this every year. Although I don't see the point of it. We have a perfectly good fireplace here."

Echelon growled. "I don't like the music. I know it's part of the christmas spirit, but they play it too fucking much."

Rykuu nodded his head in agreement. "Ennica's right. What's the point?"

Azura came over, the catalouge grasped lightly in her hand. "How the fire coming along Kui?"

Kuicyas let another stream of flame loose from his muzzle. "Not too good. Can't seem to get this thing started."

Sunset sighed and walked over. "You never were good with fire dad." A torrent of flames spewed from her muzzle, leaving a burning log behind.

Azura walked over, smiling proudly and patted Sunset on the head. "That's my girl. Time for presents."

Everyone got up and headed off to the tree. Under the tree were stacks of presents for everyone. Nephilla sat in Rykuu's lap, the two kissing briefly. Ennica snuggled up beside Echelon letting him scratch behind her ears. Mira and Skyve sat on a couch, leaning against each other. Sunset sat in my lap and I lovingly wrapped my tail around her waist.



"So who wants the first gift?" Mom asked, sitting down.

"We want it!!!" Uura and Thaad rushed forward together and picked up a present for themselves.

Mom gave them both a frown. "Don't you think that's a bit greedy you two?"

However she quickly changed her expression when they set it in front of Ruuk and Uura said "Open it Ruuk."

Ruuk tore off the wrapping paper to find, to his delight, a rather large bone for him to chew on. He jabbered in glee and promptly began to gnaw on the end, growling in delight.

Thaad gathered up the paper. "Do you like it?"

Ruuk stopped chewing and his tail began whipping back and forth in appreciation.

Dad smiled and patted the two on their heads. "Good idea you two." He pulled out a present that was marked 'To Thaad and Uura. Love Mom and Dad.' and handed off to the two.

The two worked in concert to tear open the present. Under the wrapping was a box for Snakes and Ladders. The two cocked their heads in confusion.

"Dad," Uura asked. "why would there be snakes and ladders in the box?"

Thaad circled the box. "Wouldn't they be dead now Uura?"

I was holding back laughter, as was everyone else in the room.

"I think so...."

"Well? How will we know?"

"Let's shake it and make sure." Uura picked up one end and Thaad, the other. They vigorously shook it, the contents rattling. Uura gave dad a worried look. "I think we killed them dad. Sorry."

Dad couldn't handle it anymore. He burst out laughing. Everyone else lost it at that moment. "There's no live snakes in there. It's a board game."

Thaad eyes bulged in disbelief. "Really? Can we go play with it?"

"Be my guest." Mom said, still snickering.

The two trundled off with their new game.

The gift opening progressed with gifts of all types being opened. Lacyus gave Sunset a new notebook for her to write and draw in. She gave him a bunch of different books, but his favorite was Arthur Miller's The Crucible. I gave him a Xbox 360 game, Halo 3 and instantly, Sunset and Lac were arguing over who would kick who's ass in the game. Mom and Dad gave me a new teddy bear just like the one I lost when they sent me away. Rykuu, on the other hand, gave me something much more meaningful: a very expensive spiritwood bow. In tradition (this particular tradition I rembered when he gave me the gift in a memory lapse), dragons would carry one weapon as their mainstay of their existance. For Lacyus, it was his two swords. Sunset had her scythe, Mira had her rifle, Skyve had a pair of daggers and Rykuu had his razor cables (which I actually gave new hypervelocity tungsten cutting wires to replace). Mine was now this bow. Spiritwood was special in the fact that it was linked directly to my soul. The stronger my soul was, the more elastic the wood would be. Mira recieved a bracelet from Skyve. She gave Skyve a book of famous draconian literature. Ennica got a set of bath products from Echelon, while she gave him a new Ipod

After that, we had dinner. Mom made turkey, as usual, and all of us put together nearly stripped it. Alora left with Ennica, for some reason. Mira and Skyve had to leave as well. Rykuu and Lacyus though were allowed to sleep over though.

Rykuu and I were cuddling in my bed. The only problem with dragons and turkey is it cause our bodies to release a chemical that made us super-relaxed and sleepy. Because of that, I felt more comfortable lying naked with Rykuu as spoons.

"Love you..." I murmured to him in his ear.

"I love you too." Rykuu murmured back. "But more."

I plucked another piece of chocolate out of my stocking and broke it in half.

"Open up."

Rykuu opened his mouth and I flicked the piece of chocolate in. Probably my favorite thing about being a dragon was that my metabolitic rate was much higher than a human's, so I burned fat as fast as I ate it. And the bad chemicals and cholesterol and other crap like that was chemicaly dismantled and used in the glands that produced my firebreath.

"Mmmm.... I like the peanuts." I said, still half chewing on my half.

Rykuu swallowed his half. "And the best thing is, I don't half to worry about my mate getting big down here." He patted my belly.

I gave a playful growl in response and nudged his head, which was sitting above mine. He thrummed happily and nuzzled me back. That was another thing I loved about being a dragon. The noises that we made in response to our emotions gave a whole new level to understand another on. Right now, all I got from Rykuu was a deep love for me.

I yawned and my eyelids drooped. Rykuu noticed and pulled up the covers.

"I'm not that tired yet..." I mumbled, slurring my words together.

Rykuu shook his head. "You may not be, but I am." He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Since there was nothing else to do, I simply let my eyes close and I drifted off to sleep.



This was the best day of my life. My mom was back. I was standing with her in front of Marissa's house. It turned out that she was also Lacyus and Mira's mother. They didn't know about me though.

"So when will I see you again mom?" I asked, not wanting her to go.

She smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "In time hon. Until then, keep your brother and sister safe for me, okay?"

I smiled. "Okay mom. I love you."

She gave me a warm smile as she sat down in her car. "I love you too Kitty."

The engine started and the car dissapeared into the night.


Author's notes:

Sorry about the wait. I got tied up in Christmas and New Years parties.

*Sunset slaps me across the back of my head with her tail*

Sunset: Liar, you were too busy playing Assassins' Creed and Bioshock and Crysis idiot.

Lacyus: Shut up, they're addicting! What about you? You could have posted it just as well as I could have. I though you said you'd do that.

*Sunset blushes furiously*

Sunset: Sh-shut up you! I forgot!

*I sigh and shake my head*

Lacyus: Oh well, what's done is done. Anyways, next chapter the humans are back and they plan on taking a life. That's all I'm gonna give for a preview. Now if you'd excuse me, it's 12:18 AM and Sunset's waiting to snuggle up to me in bed.