The Toy Bag: The Tri-Color Knife

Story by Jairdan on SoFurry

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#1 of The Toy Bag

Jairdan begins preparation to open up her new sex store, with her own unique toy collection. When a diminutive mouse applies as an extra hand to mind the shop, she gets to test out a new toy that'll grant one of her deepest wishes. And give Jair a little fun to boot.

Jair sat back and looked around the building. It was a cozy enough building, with a selling floor of roughly twelve hundred square feet. Set up just so, so that one person could run the floor and leave the 'specialty' rooms in the back for a second employee. Dark wood shelves lined the walls while a number of display stands took up floor space. She had a counter along the back wall for things like her register, specialty items, and things of that nature. There were empty brackets upon the wall at regular intervals as well as hanging lanterns of a sort, also empty. An even larger bracket hung up against the wall behind the counter.

Jair had picked the location for the coziness, first and foremost. Second was the handsome hardwood floor, an odd type of dark wood with silver highlights. And third? The light blue wallpaper. It was perfect. It even had a kind of darkened storefront window so that shoppers could be secretive about their purchases. Sometimes needed when it came to this type of establishment. It just felt right.

Still, it felt kind of empty. The lights hadn't been set up just yet, leaving the main floor darkened. None of the shelves had been filled. The changing rooms in the back had no curtains, and the 'specialty' rooms to the side had yet to have their particular tools put in place. All in all, the shop was far from complete. But it was Jair's. That had to count for something.

The hybrid leaned against the main counter and rubbed her hands together gleefully. It was too perfect!

It had taken quite some time. She had been looking into getting herself a business for months. Maybe even years. Her sense of time never had been particularly good. But all of her normal haunts were used to selling flesh. Why would any of them want what she would peddle? Not to mention the fact that Jair was only of the lower middle class and wasn't very educated besides. Those able to finance such a store were not willing to work with her. And those willing to work with her...

Jair mused for a few moments as she went to the storeroom, hunting for lighting. The hybrid stopped and made a face at the lantern on the front counter. Gas burning lighting, blegh! Her form of lighting would be better in this store. But she'd have to find it first. She snagged the handle on her way into the back. Then it was a simple matter of hunting through boxes.

Jair had gone around the various slaving establishments looking for people interested in her items. It wasn't easy to do by any means. A hybrid such as her was generally looked down upon as a mutt. Anyone with money generally held themselves above her. Her rather simplified speech, intelligent but not learned, didn't win her any favors either. Nor did the fact that she often wore nothing but pants. Letting her upper body hang out, little though there was. Needless to say, it didn't make a good first impression on many of the lords and ladies.

The hybrid paused as she found a box of glowing blue gems. Ah! Found them. Her arms creaked a little as she hefted the box and made her slow way back to the front. The lantern was discarded for now. The gems would be enough light. The box was set down on the front counter with a thud and a sigh of relief. Her left hand found her right bicep and massaged it a little before she laughed at herself. Why be sore? It was only an illusion that she kept up at this point.

With her preferred lighting in the front, Jair started to put one gem after another in pre-installed holders on the wall. Aligning them just so in each bracket before screwing them in. The dull radiance was only enough to cause dim outlines of the store, but the hybrid didn't seem particularly worried. All in good time. Each one was set in its particular holder and fastened, a good forty or fifty in all. And given the size of the store, a good nine were suspended from the ceiling. Force of habit had Jair climbing a ladder for that one.

When this was complete, Jair went to get the final stone. This one a gentle and soothing purple. But unlike its brothers, six inches tall to a man, this one stood a good three feet tall. And hefty. Jair felt her arms strain again as she lapsed once more into a habit of a long-ago life. It too found itself in a holder, this one behind the counter. And as it drew level with the rest, they began to glow much brighter. Lighting the store much better than flickering lanterns or guttering candles.

Not to mention the fact that the gems would advertise the store for what it was. A store of magic, of intrigue. Not a place for the mundane.

A few more of the blue crystals were set around the store in the various rooms, lighting them all. Not that many of them were needed yet. Most were empty. But it would save her time for later.

And save her a busted shin when there was a firm rap on the front door. Jair stepped to the door of her workroom and glanced to the big glass front door. Ah! Not a customer at all, but her benefactor. The hybrid gave her a wave and then slipped herself into one of the bathrooms to freshen up. The jingle from the front door told her that the wolf had let herself in.

The hybrid took a quick look at herself in the mirror. Never very self conscious, she had to learn from that wolf that appearances were important. A measure of vanity had shown up in Jair after some canine instruction. Still happy to reveal her chest to all, but a willingness to make sure that she was primped and preened and that her leather pants were shining and clean. Once upon a time, they would have simply been beaten on rocks in a stream.

So now her shining silver eyes were able to take in a look at the mirror. Not your standard sort of beauty, even the hybrid herself could admit. She looked like a group of reptiles and mammals got together and got a gangbang going on and placed bets on who would be the dad. Not exactly as farfetched as it would seem. Jair's ancestry included some hyena, some snow leapard, a chameleon, and... Who knows what else, really. Jair didn't know her parents, so she had no idea.

The results, however, were telling. And odd. A canine-like muzzle that commonly showed an open and friendly smile, but more often showed a look of lust. Or at least of simple sexual interest. Her ears were large and triangular, almost catlike, and often perked through her black hair. Her hair was currently cut short in a stylish and almost boyish cut. Keeping it out of her way when she did her busy work. She could always grow it out later. Besides, the black and short cut contrasted nicely with her fur. A lovely white that gets marred with a dusty yellow depending on location. And the obvious leopard markings that put splashes of black in random places all over her body.

Jair took a second to brush some dust off of her shoulder before preening for just a moment. Once more thinking over whether she should actually wear a top. But why? In a shop like this, bearing your chest would be good, right? Besides, her breasts were small. Often mistaken for overly large pectoral muscles. Poor Jair was rather flat when it comes to her chest. Such a shame. Still, it let her pull off the topless look. It also went well with the swimmer's body she sported. Sleek. She shifted a little to check on her pants, making sure the brown leather was respectable and clean. Stains wouldn't be acceptable anymore.

Good. As she turned to go, she caught a glimpse of blue in her fur. And simply grinned. Anyone who got close to Jair would notice that she wasn't just furred. Scaled too. A lovely blue underneath the yellow and white. It always looked nice when it flashed through.

The hybrid left the bathroom to meet the wolf, who immediately caught her up in a bearhug.

"Sam. Sam! Breathing!" Gasped the girl. "Can't do it!"

The wolf chuckled and let her go, taking a step back.

Sam wasn't anywhere near as unique as Jair. Or, that is, so she'd tell you. A dark gray wolf standing tall and broad, standing a good four or five inches taller than her at five foot six.. Black hair cut in a short and masculine style failed to get in the way of her face. The smoked glasses she habitually wore, even inside, failed to disguise a red glow from her right eye. The smirk on her face showed good humor as well as a distinct lack of makeup. This lack, along with the masculine haircut, said something about the wolf. As did her clothing. A white dress shirt tucked into black slacks with a leather belt. Scuffed black military-style boots. And her right arm is made of brass, a clockwork and heavy-looking prosthetic that ticked as she stood.

"How are you doing in here, hrm? I saw the lighting." The wolf looked around the place, glancing at the blue crystals.

"I put them up just before you came in. They're working very well. Jire did great with them." The hybrid bounced on her feet before beckoning the wolf towards the back room.

Sam raised an eyebrow as the hybrid spoke that name. "Your mate, right? Has he come in here yet?"

There was a pause from Jair before she shook her head. "Not yet. He's been rather busy lately. He'll be in later, though. He's already working on the first batch of the toys."

Sam moved to grab a few boxes to bring to the front, shushing Jair's protests as she did so. "Well, you have stock, at least. I'm glad that money I gave you got this going."

Jair nodded a little to herself before she started unpacking toys. Or, rather, dildos. And anal beads. And all sorts of sexual objects that she'd be selling in this new store. "It definitely helps with these things. Jire said it wasn't quite worth it to make the unmagical toys in the same way. So I'll just buy them and go from there."

Sam glanced on over at Jair for a moment before leaning against the counter. "Have you gotten any of the... Employees yet?" There's a slight stress on the word 'employees', as if it were significant.

The hybrid just shook her head sadly. "Nothing yet. Not even an applicant. I'm hoping soon."

The wolf nodded and continued to help her unpack mounds and mounds of toys for men and women alike. The actual shelving of the items would happen later, as would the making of prices. Tonight was unpacking boxes and boxes. A job that Jair would get to alone.

The wolf bid her fairwell and good luck, letting her know she'd check up on her in a few days. Jair wasn't worried. Sam had come in on this as an investor more than anything and had become something of a part owner.

The next day was the day of shelving. The true toys would be coming in later on in the day and Jair had a lot of work to do to be ready for that. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand and got to shelving another set of toys when a knock came at the door. The hybrid lifted her head and glanced at the glass front. A look of delight crossed her mouth when she saw the person standing there.

She was a mouse, and a short one at that. Probably just barely reaching five foot tall if you didn't include the ears. Almost waifish in a way. And by the way she held herself, insecure. The gray fur was cute as all get out, and the blue eyes were luminous. She was wearing nothing more interesting than a light blue sundress and a wide-brimmed hat. There was the hint of a purse on the side. One arm was held across her body to hold the other, and she glanced around warily. As if worried someone would see her knocking on the door.

The hybrid swiftly went to unlock it and let her in. Making no bones about checking the girl out. And as she did, she asked, "Yes? What can I do for you?"

"I... Your sign says that you need help?" The mouse's eyes were staring at Jair herself, at the lack of shirt and apparent lack of inhibitions. There was a blush growing on her cheeks before she met the hybrid's eyes.

"I do. I need someone to help set up and take care of my store with me. Are you interested?" Jair was watching the girl's expression closely. Not just anyone could be a good fit.

There was an internal struggle written cleanly on her face before she nodded. "I think I am... But... What do you sell?" Her eyes started roaming the store, swiftly widening as they see the sex toys openly displayed on the walls.

The hybrid had to grin and makes an open gesture towards the walls where the mouse's eyes had been just moments before. "Sex toys of course!"

The girl's mouth held in an 'O' of surprise at how brazen Jair was about this. But she simply nodded and glanced around. "What are... You know... The details?"

This is where Jair faltered, glancing towards the door for a moment. "My... Partner is the one you'll want to talk to. You'll get good pay, especially if we sell a lot of toys. You'll also get some for yourself."

'Good pay' interested the mouse. As did the idea of getting some, but she didn't want to let that on. The hand on her right arm tightened for a little. "And that's all I have to do? Just... Sell things to customers?"

The wandering eyes of the hybrid slowly turned to look at the mouse with an almost predatorial look. One that vanished just as quickly as it came. "Well, there is another aspect of the job."

The mouse's voice almost cracked when she heard that. "O-oh? What do you mean?"

Jair pointed to the back of the store, where the other boxes lay. Her voice came out casually, "Testing out some of my new designs."

It sounded so easy. Of course the girl was interested. So she nodded and shyly held out a hand. "I definitely want to try. Oh!" A bashful look and a slight blush. "I'm Mina... I forgot to introduce myself, huh?"

Jair took the hand. And then raised it to her lips for a kiss, working to intensify the blush on the smaller girl. "I'm Jair. Nice to meet you. When can you start?"

There was a helpless, and hopeful, look on the girl's face. "Today, maybe? As soon as I can to make some money."

The hybrid nodded to her before waving an idle hand towards the counter. "You can drop your bag over there. We're going to unpack some more boxes while we wait for my next shipment--"

The hybrid was cut off as, even while she was speaking, that shipment arrived. There was no delivery man, however. There was simply a sound akin to paper tearing and an eye-watering bend in the air around the counter. As if someone was cooking just out of sight and the heat was distorting the air. Slowly a 'tear' formed, showing a different set of surroundings where once was simple countertop. A cardboard box was slipped through the tear onto the counter, accompanied by the sound of a blown kiss. Then the tear was closed up again. Leaving nothing but a normal store, as if nothing had happened in the first place.

Mina, for very understandable reasons, had jumped at the appearance of the tear and had hidden behind an amused Jair. She spoke as soon as the rip had been mended. "What was that?"

The still-calm hybrid glanced down at her before patting her head. "Just my mate, Jire, delivering a few of our specialty goods. There will be more later."

She made her way slowly towards the counter and checked the box. It could contain a number of toys she had designed, by herself or with friends. And some of them would not be good for a sudden introduction with so skittish of a mouse. Inside the cardboard box was a number of handsomly carved wooden boxes with silver hinges. A color scheme that matched the store rather well. But the cover of each had a carving of a butterknife, garishly painted with pink and blue halves and a golden stripe running from tip to hilt. This simply made Jair grin.

"What are they?" Asked the mouse, peeking around her to look at the box.

"I think my partner Sam said we should call them Tri-Color knives until we can think of a better name for them."

Jair reached in and lifted one of the wooden cases out. A silver hook-latch was undone and the box opened. The inside was lined with red velvet, molded to fit around a knife of the same make and color scheme as the cover indicated.

"Your 'partner'?" Questioned the mouse, curious about that even as she looked at the knife. "But you said your mate was Jire."

Jair lifted the knife to take a look at the craftsmanship even as she answered the mouse. "Yes, I did. Jire is my mate. I may have other mates too. Sam is the one who gave me money to open the store. You'll meet her later."

Apparently satisfied with the knife, Jair checked the box again. Ah! A note. There was a frown on her face at it. Why would Jire send a note? He knows she can't... Oh. His powers of foresight are tremendous.

"Here. Read this for me." The hybrid hands the note over to Mina as she unloads the rest of the boxes. Each the same as the first.

While the hybrid starts to stack the knife-boxes in a specially made glass cabinet behind the counter, Mina reads:

"I hope you like them. I kept them faithful to the original, which is still here with me. I'll start working on the black knives now. Do you want to change the colors for them? They don't look particularly pleasing, and they may draw the wrong crowd. Let me know. You may also want to test these new knives. I haven't ever made the toys in batches like this before. Love you, see you soon. Jire."

Mina looked up at the hybrid with a slight frown. "What are all these knives for? I thought you sold sex toys."

Taking the first box with her, Jair gestured towards the back rooms. Towards one in particular with a rather heavy door that looked... Soundproofed.

"We will be selling normal toys for the most part. But Jire has some... Unique abilities. One of those is to bring things I want to reality. Me and a few friends came up with a few toys a few years back. Jire made them real. The knives are some of them. They are going to be what brings people to The Toy Bag."

Mina looked rather confused as she followed along. Eyeing the door as she slipped in. "The... Toy... Bag?"

Jair gestures to the store before she closed and sealed the door behind them. "My store. Now. Onto the table! And take that dress off. You're going to try out this knife."

There was a sudden intense blush on the mouse's cheeks, a blush that made her all the cuter in the hybrid's eyes. "Me?!" It came out as a sudden squeak, much to her embarrassment. "But... How could you use a knife on me?"

Her hands came down to the hem of her dress and, far from lifting it, she pulled it down harder. As if working hard to keep it on. Jair tut-tutted and, setting the knife to the side, moved in to get the garment off. "You'll see. It's a very special knife. But you have to be naked first. So let's get this off!"

The woman forced the dress off without any sense of propriety or shame. After all, she had been walking around without a shirt on the entire time. What she found... Well, caused her to chuckle. The girl had very small breasts, but Jair knew that already. The panties, on the other hand, had a not-so-subtle bulge to the front of them. Indicative of something.

"Well what do we have here?" The hybrid looked down at that bulge, which was swiftly covered up by the mouse's hands, before looking up towards Mina's face. "Is my little mousie a special girl, hrm?"

There was simply a shy blush on the girl's face. Just a hint of shame but, to Jair's relief and satisfaction, this wasn't one of those cases. But there wasn't a response.

Jair reached down to slowly pry the hands away to reveal that bulge again. While there was resistance, it was only a token bit. The pressure on her hands were particularly firm and Mina didn't seem to be that against having her bits revealed. The hybrid's hands then moved to the waistline of the panties and slowly pulled.

There, in all its glory, was a wonderful set of male mousie bits. Not the biggest set that Jair had seen, of course, but Mina had been taking care of herself. Jair slowly tugged on those panties to remove them and set them aside. Reaching down with a gentle set of fingers to lift the girl's sac and give a questing touch underneath. If she was surprised or disappointed in the lack of female bits beneath, she didn't show it. Rather, Jair gave a slight grin up to Mina and pulled back.

The blushing mouse watched Jair, leaning back on her arms now that she'd been revealed in all her glory. Her shaft hadn't begun to throb to life yet. Jair didn't seem to focused on making it so, either. Instead, she reached out for the butterknife and held it casually. Looking along the dull edge as she asked, casually, "Mina, how would you like it if I gave you the parts to match your body, hrm?"

The question was met with silence for a moment. That silence went on for a good minute or so, long enough to get Jair worried that she had offended the girl. Then, "Can I keep my cock?"

Silver eyes lifted to Mina's blue ones before nodding, to Mina's apparent joy. "Of course. I wouldn't deprive you of something that beautiful, hrm?"

The mousie looked incredibly pleased. Until something struck her and burst that bubble clean through. "But how can you? Even the doctors say they'd have to use it to make me whole. And it wouldn't work right, either."

To which the hybrid simply lifted the knife, pink edge to Mina, and gave her a slight grin. "You saw what Jire did to deliver these. I'm sure you can imagine that he can do more than just that. But... Perhaps I simply show you, hrm? Lay back, my dear. And I'll have some fun."

The mouse wasn't entirely sure about all of this. After all, it does sound like a knife, no matter how dull, is going to be going towards her nethers. And she had only just met Jair. But... If she could be given the parts she should have been born with... Perhaps this would work?

Jair shifted herself to be kneeling off the edge of the table. Tugging on Mina's body to get her rear on the edge. Ah! Such a lovely heart shaped rear. This one would be a real cutie at the end of the day. Jair would have to keep herself under control. So for now, she simply leans up and kisses at that limp little shaft. Rolling it about on her tongue for just a few moments. Mostly teasing at the girl. Mostly. Partly, Jair just wanted a taste.

When Mina seemed rather relaxed from this treatment, and when her shaft started to grow, Jair reached up to grab the mouse's hands. Getting her to wrap them around her thighs and hold up her legs. Giving Jair full and complete access to everything below her waist. The hybrid's fingers lifted the girl's sac with one hand and gently pressed it against her sheath. Rubbing gently against it while the other hand got in position. The tri-colored knife was pressed against the girl's taint, getting a soft gasp from the mouse. A slight tremble of fear, excitement, and arousal stopped Jair from beginning straightaway.

"You have to be still, Mina. I want to make it right for you." Jair chastised her gently before giving the knife her attention.

Then she began.

The process was a rather simple one. The pink half of the knife began to glow a soft and rosy hue as it pressed against the mouse's flesh. It would be hard to say if the knife's power came from what side was pressed against the flesh or the sheer will to change, but Jair kept to tradition. The knife began to slice the flesh open. But for Mina, there was no pain. There was simply a dull tingle of pleasure as she felt warmth blossom up inside of her. This same pleasure started to spread to her shaft. Getting her nice and hard as arousal bloomed.

Jair's movements of her hand didn't precisely correspond to the creation of the sex beneath the knife. While she moved her wrist as a carver would against a block of wood, the flesh seemed to know what it needed to do. The initial slice spread the skin out and let it slowly well into a lovely set of pouting lips. The knife pushed forwards as the cut started to dip in and truly form a canal. A lovely dark pink of grasping flesh. Still dry, for now, but that would be fixed later. Jair's attention seemed split for just a moment.

She abandoned the passage proper and focused on the outside. The touch of the knife drawing out the mound of the girl's sex. A lovely amount of flesh to be enjoyed by the passing hand. The mouse's clitoris is what Jair does seem to focus on. It's probably just a personal bias, but the mouse would get to enjoy a rather large clit. One that wouldn't stay hidden behind its hood when aroused.

As Jair worked on that particular section, the mouse's throat closed for just a second. Sparks of pleasure flying, pleasure in a way that felt altogether foreign. That made butterflies snap about in her belly. Sparks that started up a fire around those same butterflies and made her tummy tense. Sparks that felt so very right. That fit. She was having a hard time staying put as ordered. Her rear wanted to writhe, her back wanted to arch. Right at this moment, she wanted to grasp her shaft and give herself something. This felt like a tease! Mina was haivng a hard time not trembling. Her will gave out after a few moments and she let go of one of her legs to stroke her shaft. The merest touch getting her to release a soft and needy moan.

There's no knowing if Jair actually heard that moan. She was too focused on her job. The outside was done, and done well. To Jair's standards at least. That's a sex she'd love to spend some time with. But she'd need to spend time elsewhere as well. A soft kiss to the girl's balls before she starts to slowly drive that knife in again. Lengthening her sex by a few inches to a proper depth. The knife would make the necessary adjustments to the internals. Jair's attention is on the form. Gradually building the muscles needed to grip and milk, the texture to drive a shaft wild. Eventually building the cervix at the end. And the womb beyond. Making it as complete as she possibly could. As far as Jair knows, none of the recipients of the knife's gifts has ever become pregnant. But she'd at least give it a try.

Mina's pleasure became altogether palpable as Jair continued. But there did seem to be something missing. While she could feel herself become more and more complete, while she felt a void building inside of her body that always should have been there, some part of the flesh didn't feel quite right. It felt... Insensitive. As if it should have been much more enjoyable to the touch. Not that she wasn't enjoying herself! The tingling and jolting pleasure was building a fire in her middle. Not quite like a male orgasm. Not a build that threatened to push up her shaft and coat her nicely. No, it felt like a lake building behind a damn. Steadily as opposed to in waves or spurts. She felt herself dreading, anticipating, hanging on that damn breaking. Unable to wait, and not wanting it to happen.

Jair was almost done, thankfully. Just two more finishing touches. And the first would be that part that Mina had been waiting for. The knife came back out and did the finishing touch. Creating the g-spot from the flesh that had been altogether insensitive. Too much so. If it had been there while she had been working, Mina would have cum too soon. No, it needed to be taken care of on the way out. Jair did so. But, being Jair, she made sure that the spot was nice and large. Easy to hit. Mina would never have trouble getting off with a partner with the parts Jair gave her. Another kiss to the girl's sac from Jair, a promise that the job was almost done.

The final touch, of course, was simply finishing it. The knife withdrew. The parting touch 'activated' the sex. The walls and lips of it, which had been held open as if around an invisible behemoth, gradually tightened up. Going from cavernously loose to virgin tight. Not quite done, though, Jair glanced up.

"Would you like to be a virgin, my dear Mina, or should we pretend that had already happened?"

The mouse was barely attending. Her sex, now real, was starting to send some very real signals to her brain. The need to be filled. A feeling of swelling around her lips, a hardness of her clit she had never felt before. A wetness that she had only felt on other girls and now knew was her own. Her brain clicked a little as she heard a question. It took a seconds' rewind of the situation before the trembling voice of the mouse replied, "V-virgin... I want it to be real..."

Jair couldn't fault her for that, so she slowly slid the knife back inside. The girl's clenching muscles made the knife writhe. Not a problem at this point; the job was nearly done. The mouse's virginity was built rather easily, the knife removed. Mina's sex, and Mina herself, was now complete. Perfect.

Or, rather, not quite. Jair had teased the hell out of her throughout the entire process. Not on purpose, mind, but the feeling of a building sex, of all those nerve endings being made and activated, had taken its toll ont he mouse. Had built her up towards an orgasm that she didn't know how to push. That she couldn't force herself over. The hybrid watched the gasping girl stroking her member. She saw the slight puddle of pre on her belly, the throbbing shaft that was drooling more as she got close to orgasm. The roaming silver eyes slid downwards to find a slit that threatened to make a similar puddle on the table. Jair's mouth stretched into a grin.

It wasn't hard to finish the job. Hot breath wafted over the mouse's new clit and a mouth descended upon it. A warm and wet tongue lashed the clit once, twice, and then soft lips closed around it for a gentle suck.

That was all it took. Upon that gentle suck, the mouse's back arched until she was almost off the table. Her mouth opened in a scream of pleasure that raised into a shriek. The male orgasm she had stroked herself to occured within seconds of the first female orgasm she had ever had. While jets of creamy white cum splashed over her chest and splattered against her face, Jair got a faceful of feminine juices that sprayed from the mouse's clenching sex. Soaking her front. Not minding at all, the hybrid simply lowered her mouth over that sex and suckled on it firmly. Taking every drop to drink and coaxing just a little more out.

Mina was spent. The twin climaxes had caused her to black out. Too much pleasure had overloaded her brain. It was to be expected, really. A new sensation that was rather powerful combined with an old one that had built up. Jair slowly shifted her to rest on the table more squarely. Thankful that she had soundproofed this room, she opened a nearby cabinet to pull out a towel kept there for just this purpose. And, of course, a blanket. Both of them were dried off and the girl wrapped up.

Still drying, and smelling of mouse and sex, the hybrid went back to work with a smile on her face. As she started to set more of the mundane toys on the wall, she simply told herself, "I believe that one is quite perfect."

Jairdan and Mina © Jairdan, Jirekianu © his player