On a warm autumn afternoon...

Story by Geno the Kitsune on SoFurry

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Just a note that this was an RP that I did with another person. Yes I have permission.

On a warm autumn afternoon, instead of going home to do his homework, Geno went to the park to play after school. He loved to play in the tall grass in the deeper areas and pretend he was a Lion hunting his prey. Miss Wolf was watching for possible 'playmates' as she stalks through the park and surrounding areas. Finding a little boy, she decides to watch him for a bit, licking her lips and smirking when she sees him playing and 'roaring'. Perhaps she could show him how a real predator operates. Chasing after lizards and rodents in the grass on his knees getting his school clothes all dirty, he finally catches a small lizard that bites his nose when he brings it close to his face for a better look. "Ouch!" He exclaims throwing the Lizard down "I wasn't really going to hurt you meeny" Miss Wolf slips through the tall grass, going on all fours as she is comfortable doing (though the weeds sometimes scratches one of her nips the wrong way). Coming up behind him, the wolfess pats his shoulder. "Aww, no luck on the hunt today?" Startled a bit at being snuck up on Geno quickly stiffens up and quickly turns around. "I... I'm n n not H h h hunting m m miss" he stammers a little afraid of the she wolf before him. Miss Wolf smiles as she looks down at him. "No? Didn't I hear you and see you going through the grass, scaring all the little lizards into easy food mode? Well, that's okay." She's kept her eyes about, and having seen no one else about, she stands up and stretches, showing a body that while having humanish features (such as breasts and hands), she is a startling nine feet tall at the ears, and so dwarfs the little boy easily. "Hmm, funny that I should meet you like this. I, too, was out looking for something to eat," her gaze falling upon him with both kindness and a teasing hunger. "And I do declare, I think I found something. But you're not going to try to bite my nose, will you?" Thinking that she is playing as well he smiles and replies "No I don't bite, besides I'm missing some of my teeth." Geno then begins to crawl about on the ground pretending to be a lizard, sticking his tongue out now and then the way he saw them do. Miss Wolf sees the little 'lizard' about, and so she 'catches' him, scooping him up in her arms easily, holding him to her chest like one would a small child. Glancing about again to check for others, she carries the boy off to the thicker parts of the park, into the trees. "Well, then, how about we go over here so that I can 'eat' you," emphasizing the word to imply that she is indeed just playing a game with him. "I think we can have a lot of fun together," cradling him close as she licks her lips out of sight. Being caught does nothing to deter the young one, he laughs and rubs his face into the soft fur of his kidnapper, Imagining what game will they play next. "I've never been this deep in the woods before. Do you live out here miss wolf?" He asks Miss Wolf nods and nuzzles the top of his head with her nose. "Yes, I do, and I come out to the park to find playmates," leaving unsaid what exactly she does with her 'playmates'. Eventually stopping in a nice secluded little stand of trees, with just enough sunlight to see well, Miss Wolf sets the boy down onto a grassy tuft. "What's your name, little boy?" she asks, sitting down with him. Wearing no clothes, she has a nice thick fur coat to snuggle him to. "My name is Geno" He replies "What's your name?" he asks getting comfortable in the grass, and leaning on the soft fur. Miss Wolf considers giving her real name, but decides to keep herself anonymous, for now. "You can call me Miss Wolf. Now that I've got you where no one can tell you to go home," she maneuvers, "I've got a couple questions for you. Do lizards wear shirts?" she asks, lightly touching his t-shirt. Geno Smiles at her name, and thinks a bit at her odd question. "No!" He shouts and jumps up and takes off his shirt and throws it up in the air as he again begins to crawl on the ground like a lizard. Miss Wolf catches the shirt and sets it neatly aside, preferably out of sight. The little area has enough sunlight to have a bounty of grass, and there are relatively few twigs around either. "I didn't think so. Hmm, do lizards wear shoes? Or socks?" she asks, stretching out her legs and leaning on one arm, as if to subtlety show that she isn't wearing any shoes or socks either. Or a shirt, or anything but fur, for that matter. But one article of clothing at a time. "Hey your right Miss Wolf" he says as he sits still long enough for him to take off his shoes and socks and one by one throw them in different directions before returning to his Reptilian like crawl Miss Wolf takes a moment to get on all fours as well, 'stalking' her prey in circles for a few moments before pouncing on him with a "Growr!", gently pushing him down, before picking him back up and pantomiming chewing on his shoulder from behind. Her teeth and lips just barely brush his skin: she's just 'playing', after all. "Nyom, nyom, nyom," she giggles, before lifting up one arm and 'chewing' on that. Seeing a lizard crawl past his vision as he is being "Chewed" He realizes that he still has his pants and undies on. "Could you stop for a second so I can be like a real lizard Miss Wolf?" He asks while trying to undo his belt. Miss Wolf nods. "I just noticed that as well, Geno. When you're all set to be a lizard, let me know. I can't wait to catch you and eat you, you're so cute!" she says as she lightly rubs his shoulders. Such innocence, such a shame to disabuse him of it. But, she is a wolf after all. After taking off all his clothes, Geno turns around and says "Thank you Miss Wolf." The back again he goes crawling around the grass, only this time he goes a little slower as the tall grass is tickling at his little boy parts. Miss Wolf 'stalks' through the grass, using her sense of smell to find the boy's clothes and surreptitiously hide them away somewhere. She continues her growls and crawling, and then stops. "Mmm. Say," she says as she crawls, "how about instead of being a lizard, you be a little boy? I can still 'stalk', 'catch', and 'eat' a little boy, and you wouldn't have to go about on your knees. Just pretend you're out playing, and then I'll come up and 'catch' you. How does that sound, Geno?" Miss Wolf adds, "Besides, who really wants to eat a lizard?" Geno stops and thinks about it, cocking his head to one side and taping his chin with his fingers. "I don't know. And I am out playing, silly. I don't haft to pretend to be myself. You can still chase me though" He responds with a grin. Miss Wolf grins back and rubs her handpaws together eagerly. "Mmm, alright. Ready?" she asks, hunching down on all fours like a sprinter at a race, waiting for him to go. Nodding his head with an "uh huh" he races off. Running around the large clearing, giggling at the fun game. Miss Wolf chases Geno on all fours, quick on her feet despite being on all fours, but that's not a huge stretch for a wolf. However, she doesn't catch him immediately, but lets the boy get worked up and chases him around for a couple minutes, 'missing' with several pounces, staying just behind him before 'tripping' and somersaulting head over heels before catching up again. Eventually, though, she does catch the boy, tackling him carefully and rolling about to finally pin him. "Gotcha!" she exclaims, lightly tickling him as if part of the act of catching him. "Now, let's see," she wonders, tapping a finger to her chin. "I've stalked ya, chased ya, caught ya... what comes next," like she doesn't remember, and needs Geno to remind her. "You Eat Me!" He shouts happily without thinking. Then it sets in. Tears start to well up in is eyes as he realizes the she really is going to eat him, and not pretend to. Miss Wolf nods happily when he shouts out his enthusiastic answer. "Ah, yes! I get to eat you!" she says, but when his eyes start tearing up, she frowns a little. "Oh, don't be that way. We've had such fun, and we'll still have more yet. Yes, I'm going to eat you, but I promise it's not going to hurt," she says as she pulls him against her breasts, burying his face in them. "I'm going to taste you, and maybe a little bit more, but I won't chew, and you'll just go down to my tummy, and that will be that." Children are always somewhat bittersweet meals, but she does her best to help them through, rocking him back and forth, his boyish body held tight in a hug. *sniff sniff* Geno looks up into her eyes and sees the motherly look in them. That combined with the hug calms him down greatly. "Oh ok, if its not going to hurt." He says quietly and timidly Miss Wolf nods; glad that she won't have too much trouble with this one. Some of them were downright inconsolable, but thankfully Geno is a good boy, even under the circumstances. Miss Wolf smoothes the boy's hair, still providing comfort even after he's agreed. "Now, then, how about you lie on your back, and relax. I want to taste you," setting him down and rolling him back, lifting up his feet to her mouth. Her long, wet, leathery tongue licks over the soles of his feet and over his toes, darting over, around and between them, before putting them in her mouth and suckling on them a bit. She lightly nibbles on them his toes, to tickle him and also to show that her teeth won't hurt him. Miss Wolf licks and tastes the boy, suckling on his feet in her mouth - all the way in her mouth, being so small compared to her. Once he seems to be in a good mindset, she removes his feet and nibbles on the underside of his calves, then licks his thighs. As she comes around his inner thigh, she glances at the boy's bits. Seeing that they're just slightly starting to react to the wolf's mouthing of his legs, she gently separates his legs and licks up from his bum up over his scrotum and penis, up his belly. She's curious as to how he tastes, and as well how he reacts - some children become more sensitive earlier than others. Shivering with pleasure as she licks around his privets and belly he feels his peepee get hard and he visibly melts, making moaning sounds with every breath. "...Moan... Miss... ohh... Wolf... mMmm... What's... ahh... Happening?" He tries to ask in-between moans. Miss Wolf sees that he is indeed very sensitive, and finding that he is erect and quite tasty, she decides that since she is going to eat him, predator's prerogative extends to this situation. She looks up from his bits and smiles, licking her lips. "You're very sensitive in that area, and so I'm going to do something that will feel really good. Now, normally you shouldn't let other people touch in that area, but since I'm going to eat you up anyways, it's okay for me to do so. Those that eat others get to do what others can't, because your body becomes theirs," she says as she lightly strokes him. She doesn't normally endorse child abuse, but since she was going to reform him as she does all children, if he remembers then he will know the proper etiquette for being eaten. Better that, then make the pred so angry that they hurt him unnecessarily. "Now, just relax, and let your body do what it wants," returning her tongue to his bits. Not fully grasping what she was telling him, he just nods. Feeling her tongue focus on his kid bits, his hips begin to buck and his moaning increases in volume. Miss Wolf runs her handpaws up his legs, over his hips, and up his chest, lightly stroking and rubbing his skin with her handpaws. Miss Wolf remains aware of his reaction to her tongue, and she sends it up and over him, encircling it and sucking on it from time to time. The wolfess lets him try to thrust and tense, and tries to work a routine so that he can know what she will be doing and be more responsive. It's only fair that she gives him release, seeing how she will be eating him soon, and she may not see him again until much later, if ever. Geno quickly picks up the idea that he should thrust when she gets lower and does so with as much force as his little body can. After about a minute his thrusts greatly increase in speed and magnitude as his little bits almost come to climax. Miss Wolf licks and bobs her head to allow herself to spill his little boy seed on her tongue and in her mouth, and probably all over himself as well. Being the devoted wolf mother, at least for a moment, she dutifully cleans up her little boy. The wolf waits for him to catch his breath, and then lays herself over him, not resting her weight on him but holding him to her, looking down to his face. She idly licks her lips. Spilling his boy seed made the little boy sleepy, but that soon passes as the wolf lies on top of him, he snuggles in close. Miss Wolf rolls onto her side, pulling Geno up to her chest and curling around him. "Mmm... You taste so good," licking his face as if to prove her point. She's already swallowed all of his seed, so at least he only gets slobber on him. "Your feet, your legs, all of you. You're a delicious little treat, and I'm glad I found you out there." Miss Wolf keeps his body off the ground, in her arms and legs. Now catching a new wind, and his position on top of the Wolf, he begins to struggle and tries to get away. Miss Wolf traps him in her arms and legs, wrapping her own around him. "Nuh, uh, uh. We already agreed, and if you try to struggle to get away, you could get hurt if I have to eat you without you lying still. Besides, aren't you going to show proper thanks for all the fun we've had?" "Thank you for playing with me then." he says in hopes that she will let him go. He remains still, not so much because he wants to, but because he can't move anyway. Miss Wolf nods and gives him a kiss. "Thank you for being such a cooperative little boy, even when faced with something as scary as being eaten." She sits up, still holding him in her arms and lap. "Now, this will be scary, but I promise it won't hurt, and you'll stay in my tummy for a while, then fall asleep." She's vastly simplifying the process, but thankfully she can keep her acids at bay until the air thins enough that the boy will just drop off to sleep. After that, he will feel no pain. She's not sure she would be able to eat the little children if she couldn't do it humanely. "Are you ready?" Geno nods his head and tries to relax. Trying not to think of what is going to happen next he closes his eyes. *Holding him in front of and just below her mouth, Miss Wolf licks and kisses at the boy's face and head, getting him used to the feeling of her tongue and lips. Since he's already naked, she doesn't need to remove anything, and instead strokes over his back and shoulders, consoling him (or at least, trying). Soon the licks turn into a wide mawed taste, and Geno's head moves into the wolf's jaws. Miss Wolf is being careful to watch the teeth, and he easily fits into her mouth before she closes it around his head momentarily, sucking. Then she opens it, and pushes the boy's head towards her throat, his neck and shoulders moving in. Geno kept his eyes closed up until his head touched her neck muscles. Once he saw where he is headed, Geno begins to get scared. Miss Wolf pats the boy's arm, and she continues. Rather than swallowing him headfirst like a long noodle, she pushes him in as far as he can go, with his back rubbing against Miss Wolf roof of her mouth, she lifts his legs up, bending him forward, bringing him into a kneeling position in her mouth, knees up under his shoulders, feet just hanging over her lips. His arms at his sides, hands just over his knees, the boy fits in Miss Wolf mouth like a big, oversized pill, unable to close her mouth completely but he fits in most of the way, his butt and feet just under the wolf's nose. Trying to move in the Wolfs mouth, Geno's hands slip and He accidentally Plunges himself towards the back of her throat. With a third of him now heading towards her stomach, Geno again finds himself becoming hard on the rough wolf tongue. Miss Wolf thought to swallow him like a big pill, but after he slips and slides into her throat, his legs slip out of her mouth and she finds herself tasting his bits again. Tasting a growing erection, she shrugs slightly and holds onto his legs, taking his whole pelvis in her mouth and suckling on it. Her tongue slides all around him, and his hips are hot and soaking with her saliva. Murring a bit, she enjoys his taste. One last slurping before he goes couldn't hurt. As he feels her tongue and the heat rising from her belly, Geno rubs his bits till he cums one last time. Then as he goes sliding down her gullet, he also falls into an exhausted sleep. Miss Wolf rubs her belly once Geno slides all the way there, feeling the boy's form inside her. She listens carefully to his breathing and makes sure that he's asleep, and waits a bit longer just to make sure before releasing her acids to coat his body and eventually starts to break him down into mush. She crawls over to where she stashed her clothes, and thinks about where she should reform him. It will take a couple hours, but once he appears nearby in the woods, she will dress him again and leave him at the park's entrance, there he will be found and taken home. The process usually erases any memory of the encounter, but occasionally they do remember. However, it's usually easier to believe it was all a dream, especially since they are safe and sound and not in someone's tummy.