Welcome Home

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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Two dragons meet at an airport after three years of speaking online. The sparks will fly in this one.

The plane trip had been far too long for Jade. Multiple stops mixed in with even worse layovers had left the dragon in a rather foul mood, but he knew it would not last for long. As the hours ticked away and the final miles disappeared, the wheels finally touched down in Vancouver, the night sky crowded out by the illuminating lights on the runway and the orbs glowing in the city. The black dragon longed to stretch out his blue wings, the glossy dark green stripes along his body covering the tense muscles that begged to move again in a normal fashion.

He had flown here from the southern ranges of the Andes Mountains in Chile; in total a whopping five flights, and more customs procedures than he cared to count for the sake of remembering them. Over twenty-seven hours later, the winged lizard was finally where he wanted to be.

"We have now landed in Vancouver, Canada. The local time here is 2:11 in the morning and the temperature is eleven degrees Celsius. The sky is clear and the wind is blowing at a moderate ten miles an hour from the southeast.

At this time, the use of cellphones is permitted, but all other portable electronic devices must remain off and stowed away until we have reached the gate and the seatbelt light has turned off. Thank you for flying with us and we hope you choose Southwest the next time you fly."

That was the moment Jade had been waiting for, the chance to finally talk to the very soul he had come this blasted far to see. His name was Trace, and from what Jade knew, he was another dragon, but with red scales along his belly, lower jaw and the underside of his tail and black scales everywhere else, except for the white wings that sprouted out just above his shoulders. Jade's purple ruff shook with barely contained excitement as he dialed the numbers with his claws, bringing the device to his ear as he waited.

The ringing startled Trace, waking him up far too quickly from what was becoming a very wonderful nap. Annoyed, he picked up the source of the hateful noise and looked at the screen. His gold eyes shimmered as he read the name on the top of the monitor and nearly gasped. He was finally here!

The airport was about a fifteen minute drive away, plus a couple more minutes for parking, but he was already on his way. Running out to the car, Trace hopped in, hit the ignition and was out of the driveway within a minute. The drive seemed to stretch on forever, each light almost diabolical in their combined efforts to make him stop for as long as possible.

His breaths came quickly, and he couldn't help but feel a twitch in his slit at the thought of seeing what had been his boyfriend, but only online, for nearly three years. The two had met while taking an online course together and never looked back. Unfortunately, neither one of them had the money to move at the time, and so they remained close friends and then near mates as they both worked through the next three years of college.

Now, though, 1,143 days since they first talked, Trace was going to see him in the flesh. The trip had been possible only by the two of them pitching in together to buy the black and green dragon's flight up north. The hope was that they would get married relatively soon, which would immediately grant Jade dual citizenship in both Chile and Canada, allowing him to live there as a resident and work.

Finally, the red and black reptile took the last turn, pulling into the parking garage, snatching his timed ticket and parking at the first spot he found. Bounding back out of the car, Trace ran to the door, leapt up the stairs and then briskly began walking towards the arrivals section. It would be a bit of a walk from here seeing as how the airport was an international one, but he knew exactly where to go.

Grabbing his lone bag from the overhead compartment, Jade joined all the other scales and furs on their procession out of the walkway and back into the terminal. Though he was off the airplane, he still had to go through the Canadian customs before he would be allowed to leave the airport. Just one more time and he was done with this nonsense. The reward for the struggle, however, was going to be well worth it, of that he was convinced.

Jade worked his way through the lines, filling out his declaration card, and with a grin on his face, he entered a completely empty file, placing his paperwork in front of a rather tired looking stag. The deer looked over the documents, scanned his photo, stamped his passport, and then wished him a good stay in Canada. Sighing with relief, the dragon nodded in appreciation and then marched onward to freedom.

Stepping into the baggage claim area, Jade located which turnstile to wait at for his bags. He hadn't brought too much, just a couple well packed bags, one of clothes, the other with books and some electronics. He was mixed in with about twenty other passengers, all of which looked more than ready to leave and reach their final destination, which looked like a bed for most of them.

Finally, the whirring noise that signaled the re-ignition of life to the conveyer belt reached his earholes. Sitting sounded miserable right now, so Jade simply stood, stretching his wings out luxuriously, popping his back and neck, reveling in rapturous glee as blood started pouring into his nearly atrophied muscles.

Turning around one of the last corners before he would reach the end of his journey at the baggage claim area, Trace began sniffing the air, hoping to catch the alluring scent of his friend. Even though he didn't know what Jade smelled like, he guessed at it, imagining how wonderful it would be. The sounds of quiet chatter weren't far away, and they only grew louder as Trace drew nearer. Rounding the last visual obstacle, the red and black dragon caught sight of the throng of animals, but his golden eyes scanned for only one. Within seconds, he spotted him stretching and strode up to him.

Placing his fingers onto his lover's shoulders, he brought his nose forward and deeply breathed in the musk and scent of the other male. Jade just shuddered, wrapping his tail around one of Trace's legs, moaning a little as the dragon behind him wrapped his arms around his chest and stroked his tongue over the back of his neck. Trace rumbled a bit as he licked him again, his slit starting to swell, the very tip of his prick beginning to slide out.

Jade closed his eyes to just slits of amber light, groaning out in pleasure as he felt the warm claws encircle his chest. He forgot about his bags, his flight, and all the other furs that could be watching them right now and simply craned his neck back and moaned. The smell of Trace's musk was unmistakable and it made Jade's mouth water, his turquoise tongue sliding out of his maw just a bit. He could feel his shaft twitching as it slipped out of his slit, beginning to rest over his balls as the soft caresses of the red and black dragon behind him sent blood rushing to his member.

He couldn't say anything, he didn't want to, rather he just accepted and enjoyed the touch, the feeling of affection. Trace wasn't slowing down, his hands now underneath his shirt, rubbing and pinching the sensitive green scales that adorned his chest. Here and there, they would pass over his now rock hard nipples, tickling them in such a way that Jade had to hiss from the overwhelming heat covering his nubs of flesh.

Throbbing now, Jade's shaft was rising, but was still confined by his pants. But he wasn't the only one excited. The prodding feeling of another imprisoned shaft twitching relentlessly against his rump was clear to the blue winged male and gods, he loved it. He stayed still though, giving Trace the full run of his body. Slowly, the claws slipped back out from under his shirt, sliding up to massage his shoulders.

"We should probably get those bags of yours now," Trace said as he pointed to Jade's belongings.

Pulling his claws back off the glossy black and green striped shoulders of his lover, he petted over his ruff once before walking forward to the bags. Jade hardly even moved, simply panting in ecstasy and arousal. Lugging the two bags onto his shoulders, he slipped an arm around the black dragon's waist, tugging him close.

"I'll make sure to finish the job when we get back to my house, but we can't keep it up here."

With that, the two males sauntered off to the garage. By the time the two of them got to the car, Jade had regained his senses, helping put the bags into the trunk, but before he could go anywhere, Trace's claws were running down his back, his maw kissing the underside of his ruff. The Chilean reptile moaned out appreciatively, his slightly softened dick hardening again at a rapid rate, pressing hard against the fabric of his boxers yet again.

Jade hissed through clenched teeth as those red paws worked their magic over his back, the ever moving tongue lashing over his neck. He was unprepared though when both of his hands slid down his back and then into his pants, the hands groping the hard muscles of Jade's rump. Flexing in instinctual response, he could hear a pleased growl rumble from the red dragon's throat.

"You're so jumpy. You must have gotten yourself really worked up over the last day. You wanted me that badly?" Trace whispered into Jade's earholes.

Another moan was all Jade could respond with as his cheeks were squeezed again, the claws tickling the scales while his fingers began prodding and petting his ass. The black and green dragon held onto the car's spoiler while he softly ground against it, slowly stroking his shaft through the fabric of his jeans.

Trace noticed this, but did nothing to stop his mate from his self-pleasuring. He wouldn't get himself off by doing that, but it would allow his mate to relieve himself at least that much. The Canadian dragon had a rather perverted and devious mind, and in such brains, ideas like the one that had just popped into his head now, were born. Pressing his groin against Jade's ass, Trace moved his paws over to the front of the sweaty dragon's crotch, one paw taking hold of his sac, while the other stroked firmly down his shaft, eliciting a deep moan and a dribble of precum.

"How badly do you need to get off, my pretty Jade?"

"Badly, so very.....badly"

"How badly is that? What would you do in return?"

"Anything, anything, just please let me cum!"


With that, Trace brought his paws out and turned his mate around, pressing his lips against his own, bending Jade over the rear of his car as they made out. Stepping between his legs, the red and black dragon pressed his crotch into the green groin of his mate, beginning to firmly grind against him as they kissed.

Tongues intertwined, dancing in feral pleasure and a drunken need that echoed off the walls with moans and grunts. Trace brought his paws down to Jade's pants, unzipping the jeans and then ripping the pants and boxers down to his thighs, exposing ten inches of shimmering purple cock. Wasting no time, he turned his claws to his own trousers, within seconds, leaving his own foot long ruby red cock to press against the other.

Jade moaned out in desperate need as the dragon above him began grinding the two exposed members together. Almost immediately, a spurt of clear fluid shot out from his shaft, splattering the contents onto his chest. He felt a returning spurt from the red snake shower him as well before Trace broke the kiss. Two hands firmly grasped his shoulders, holding him down as the red and black maw began traveling southward.

Licking over his neck, teasing him as he locked his jaws around the vulnerable flesh, Trace suckled on him, claiming his dominance over his mate with each successive lick. He worked down the entire length before moving down to his nipples. Locking his jaws over the surrounding scales, he brought his tongue down and began to slobber all over them, alternating nipples every ten seconds or so.

Hissing in ecstasy and moaning in submission, the green dragon spread his blue wings out, grasping at the waxed surface of the car he was pressed against for traction. He was agonizingly close to release, but he was fully at the mercy of Trace, the male on top of him so firmly grinding against his crotch that he could hardly move on his own. The pace was torturously slow but deliriously fantastic, leaving Jade to moan and snarl as he was ground against.

The heat was almost unbearable at this point for the both of them, but even more so for the spread reptile on the car, sandwiched between the cold metal and hot scales. His chest was soaked with Trace's saliva coming from the continued ministrations of his tongue over Jade's blue-green nipples. After many minutes of the continued stimulation, Trace slid his palms underneath the green dragon's armpits before dipping his maw lower, kissing his belly as he made his way southward.

Jade hissed as the grinding stopped temporarily, just long enough for the red dragon to maneuver his head down his belly. Finally, Trace drew back, but followed instantly as he drew his tongue over the twitching, throbbing shaft. The red dragon now had his arms locked onto his mate's hips, holding his crotch steady as he began dragging his tongue over the staff of flesh, slipping down to kiss his green scaled sac.

Trace locked his lips over the base of his lover's member, sliding up to just underneath his tip before drawing back down again. He kept the slow rubbing going, bringing one paw down to caress his orbs while the other stroked the very tip of the drooling and spurting shaft. Lining up his claws, Trace then slipped one into the shaft's slit, sliding into it about an inch.

Numbly yowling from the sharp, agonizing pain of having his piss slit penetrated, he bucked hard against the claw, his body refusing to ignore any stimulation. The movement actually caused it to slide down a tiny bit more, leaving Jade to wince as his urethra burned against the contact. Trace held the green dragon down well with one hand, using the other to begin tickling the tip of his shaft while he slid his claw out and then back into his mate's shaft.

Jade winced from the lancing sting burning into his shaft, but moaned lewdly from the sensitivity being so provocatively played with currently. He was barely aware of where he was, bent over backwards on a car in an airport garage, held down while his cock was mercilessly toyed and tortured. Each time that diabolical claw slid back down, it felt like he was going to pass out from the pain, but the difference in pain once the tool slid back out was so massive that his mind was associating it with pleasure.

He did nothing as he felt Trace's second paw leave his chest and slide down to his balls, stroking over his scales the whole way down. Merely a few more strokes over his shaft was all the green and black dragon would need to spiral past the event horizon of his climax. Merely a few more slides of that claw and Jade would lose himself to the demon caressing and teasing and tormenting his member. Suddenly, though, the submissive reptile came to the realization that those mere few strokes and slides of that claw were not coming.

Grinning with pure devious dominance, Trace stood back up, leaving his pained and desperate lover still bent over the car. He leaned forward, giving him a quick kiss on the muzzle before lifting him up.

"Come on. We have to get ourselves home," he said as he began pulling Jade's boxers and shorts back to his waist, trapping his oversensitive shaft back in the imprisoning fabric. "Wouldn't want someone to get offended watching two horny dragons getting off in the car garage."

"But.....but, you said, you said you'd let me cum"

"I did, and you will, but not here and not yet. Not until you're spread eagle, ass up on my bed, with my snake claiming every inch of your rump. And only if you're a good lizard and do what I say."

Jade tried to respond but Trace quickly clamped a paw around his maw, keeping his jaws locked together.

"No more words from you until I say otherwise. You are mine and you will do as I say. There is no need for you to speak, but only listen and do. Now, get into the car."

Grunting softly in both frustration and need, Jade turned towards the vehicle and slipped into the passenger's seat, accepting whatever the rest of the night and his newfound lover had planned for him. Before he could even get himself settled in, he felt a hand slip back under his pants, teasingly scratching over his taint. Slipping back out seconds later, the claws clamped over the bulge in his pants and squeezed deliberately hard. Howling softly in ecstasy, the green dragon bucked ruthlessly against the friction. The presence left shortly afterwards, leaving him even more erect and panting.

"Remember Jade, that cock is mine and you will only touch it with my permission. For now, leave it alone."

Nodding in obedience, he sat back in his seat, trying to ignore the throbbing anaconda ready to explode in his crotch. He had never felt this hard before, and something told him he had only seen the tip of how far Trace could go. When the two of them had actually started pursuing a relationship, the red dragon had been very clear in the fact that he liked to play rough and was very dominant. Jade hadn't been very turned on by it at first, but over the many months of fucking each other online, he had found it more alluring. Now though, with Trace in the flesh, it was a whole new level.

The drive to Trace's house was terribly erotic, as the driving dragon made sure to never let him get soft. Every couple minutes, his right hand would trail over Jade's green groin, laughing slightly as he twitched and shuddered, his precum pouring out so copiously that it looked like he had pissed his pants. The submissive reptile desperately wanted to beg his mate to just let him blow his load, but he had been told to keep quiet, and so he did. Finally, though, Trace broke the silence.

"When you get out, go straight to the door, place your feet on the mat and stretch your hands out to the doorsill. Don't move once you're there."

Jade nodded and began walking towards the house. It was a well secluded, one level condo. Surrounded by trees, one really felt isolated once they passed his fence, but knowing his mate was close behind him made the place feel less daunting. His cock throbbed in the early morning air, nearly aching now from how long it had maintained full rigidity. Part of the green dragon's mind told him to stand up to Trace and tell him to get him off now, but the more powerful side argued to let his lover have his way.

Before he could argue internally any longer, he heard the shifting of the mat as he stepped onto it. Without really thinking much more, Jade slid his arms up the doorframe, closed his eyes and waited for Trace.

Now with all the instruments he planned to use, the red and black dragon turned back towards his home, smiling as he approached his obedient mate so provocatively positioned at his door. Reaching his lover, he unzipped his pants, letting his cock spring lose and loudly slap against the thinly clothed scaled crack in front of him. Hearing his bitch moan, Trace slid one paw up his shirt while the second one dived down his pants, firmly grasping and then stroking over the hot, twitching meat inside.

Jade bit his lip and moaned out, grinding his ass against the hot meat pressed against it while softly humping into the clawed hand sliding up and down his own dick. Pre was leaking from it like a faucet in need of a plumber, but his mate was barely producing more than a few drops that slightly stained his shorts. Groaning again, he felt the second paw leave his belly and draw down to his zipper and buckle, undoing both before letting them drop to his ankles.

"How is my bitch liking his master?"

The question caught Jade so off guard that he nearly did nothing but stutter incoherently. Eventually, after another long howl of desire as both paws began working over his member, he responded.

"He loves his master."

"Will he obey what his master tells him to do?"

Simply nodding yes in reply, Jade then suddenly reared back as pain spasmed through his shaft. He felt his sac pulled through as well before the taught ring was in place, squeezing down upon the very base of his purple cock. He wanted so very badly to touch it, but he kept his hands where he was told. Trace had told him to expect everything that first night, but his imagination hadn't come close to the reality he was living with right now. As he felt his master's paws slide back up his belly and then begin massaging his nipples, Jade knew what was coming next.

Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, the black and green reptile closed his eyes and then hissed when he felt the cold metal touch his right nipple. Looking downward confirmed his knowledge, his eyes locking on an ebony ring with an amethyst stud. Pressed against the sides of his exposed flesh were two short, but very thin and sharp points. Stretching his neck out and taking a deep breath, Jade readied himself for the first of what would be a total of three rings to pierce his flesh.

The two points then broke through the skin and locked together, leaving the ring to hang on his now bleeding nipple, the purple gem dangling directly underneath it. Trace gave his pet a few seconds to catch his breath before lewdly sliding the second ring up to his left nipple, waiting for Jade to take a breath before executing the same maneuver as before.

Now, both nipples bled slowly, each adorned with a gemmed ring that spread about an inch in diameter. The pain was still intense, but relief was close behind. Jade felt Trace's arms slide up his own until his fingers locked around his wrists, pulling them off of the door.

"Turn around, Jade, crimson doesn't look as good on you as it does on me."

Jade complied, shifting his position while remaining in contact with his master, craning his neck to the sky as he felt a slippery tongue begin running over his stabbed nipples. The tongue was soon joined by a pair of lips as Trace cleaned up the blood while also disinfecting the area with his saliva. Jade soundlessly moaned to the heavens as the blistering pain was cooled with such a masterfully soothing maw.

The lips soon left his nipples to their own, traveling further south until he reached his target. Trace spat down onto the purple shaft before lowering himself onto it, sliding the shivering dick into his hot maw, spreading his saliva and Jade's precum all over the needy flesh as he ran his throat up and down his member, the sensitive scales twitching desperately.

Reveling in the pleasure, Jade contemplated what was coming next. He had been warned in advance what his mate would want and what he would demand he give up and what he take, but now only one more thing remained. Even now, he could see one of Trace's hands sliding back out of his pocket, holding what looked to be a small, silver horseshoe shaped ring. Whimpering in anticipation, Jade watched in horrific acceptance as his master slid back off his cock and began bringing the ring up.

Trace slid the cold metal up the underside of his pet's ever throbbing shaft, slowly stroking up and down with what was about to be permanently attached to it.

Jade groaned loudly as the red and black dragon pulled it back into his maw, covering it with a coat of his saliva before drawing towards what would be its final resting place. Looking into Jade's eyes, he positioned it, feeling the green dragon jerk slightly as the now sharp end of the ring slid into his urethra, diving about an inch before prodding the flesh inside of his piss slit with the unmistakable desire to exit back out through the flesh of his shaft.

"Are you ready, dear Jade?"

Only responding with a nod, Jade flung his arms back, digging his claws into the frame of the door before letting loose a deafening screech as the sharp end punctured his flesh and drove all the way back out of his cock, just underneath his tip, breaking through the scales before the ball point end was reattached. His rapidly throbbing cock was now left with two silver balls, one peeking out of the edge of his slit while the other was an inch down his cock, sitting perfectly in the middle of the underside of it.

"So beautiful. Makes me want to just eat it, but that will have to wait a bit. For now, let's get inside and get you some food."

Jade could only nod, still breathless and whimpering as Trace left his shaft to bounce with each step, lancing pain coursing through his entire crotch to meet the now increasing pain in his nipples. He felt Trace's hands glide over his now naked body, his shirt having been discarded in the car. His mate led him to a comfortable seat, but he was rewarded with an even better one as Trace sat down first, pulling Jade down onto him. He could smell the food in the oven, but his attention was quickly turned from that as he felt Trace's tongue licking over his neck while his paws returned to his stinging cock.

Whimpering with each small squeeze, Jade could feel both sharp pain and pleasure writhing through his member. Panting so fast he felt light headed, he felt again the beginning of a rapidly building orgasm. The heat built deep within his sac, the pressure, like a volcano, building stronger and stronger before the moment of eruption, which again, as was announced by a near sob from Jade, never came. Trace lifted his lover back up before sliding out and gently setting him back down.

"In time, my beautiful slut, but we need to eat first."

Left panting in exhaustion, and moaning in the still throbbing nearness of an ecstasy he had never come close to before, Jade again accepted his fate. He longed to caress his shaft and erupt in hundreds of spurts, but he had done this much to please Trace so far, and he wouldn't ruin it now.

The food was wonderful; the smell of the sausages and biscuits was intoxicating, leaving Jade's mouth to water even in his current state. Trace was sure to pay attention to his mate's cock, using his tail to hypnotically rub over the flesh, keeping Jade in a constant state of deliriousness as he ate. Finally, as the last bites slid down their throats, Trace wrapped his tail around Jade's shaft, squeezing hard once before letting it go. Standing up, he motioned his pet to join him as he headed for his room. All the preparations had been made, now was the time for the final play.

The first thing Jade noticed when he walked in were the manacles at the head of the bed, no doubt intended for him. Additionally, there were other locked boxes sitting on a shelf of what had to be Trace's closet. Suddenly, the red dragon was in front of him, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in for a deep kiss. Jade pressed back just as hard, their tongues clashing with each other in desire. Whatever had been keeping the red and black dragon's lust in check seemed gone now, both of them locking lips with pure abandonment.

They didn't stand for long, though, as Trace led him to the bed, turning around so that Jade fell down first, with his master on top of him. Without breaking the kiss, Trace grabbed hold of Jade's arms and pulled them up towards the chains. The green dragon didn't resist, fully allowing his mate to close the shackles around each of his wrists, effectively trapping him to the large bed.

Standing back up, Trace finally undressed himself, allowing Jade to get his first true glance at his lover. Dripping and no less hard than his shaft was, Trace's member throbbed out another stream of precum, the fluid drooling over ruby red scales. Down the underside of the shaft were four pairs of golden studs and the very tip of it was decorated with a small ivory white ring that slid into his urethra, much like his now did.

With all his clothes now removed, Trace returned to his bitch, sliding in between his legs, pressing his shaft against his mate's and grinding back and forth while his claws idly played with his still very tender nipples, eliciting hisses and moans in constant supply.

Jade was completely his now. Shackled to the bed, Trace could do anything he wanted with him and he didn't wait long. Leaning his head down, the red dragon kissed his mate one last, long time. Their tongues met again, but the red one pushed down hard on Jade's turquoise one, gaining entry into his maw. The red member dove into his cheeks, exploring Jade's maw and teeth, running through all the crevices as the two lovers moaned.

After a few minutes, Trace pulled his tongue back, teasing and inviting Jade to follow him into his own maw. With no hesitation, he did and his bitch explored all he could with as much abandon as a small child plays on the swings. After giving him nearly a minute, the red dragon pulled off of him, lifting himself up for more leverage as he began heavily grinding against his mate's shaft.

Leaking precum all over himself, the green striped dragon had no ability to hold back. He ground back as hard as he could against the red snake viciously stroking over his dribbling cock. Jade shuddered in ecstasy, every twitch and throb pulsing another spurt of precum over his soaked chest. The pain was long gone now, the rings on his nipples and the stud in his shaft doing nothing but providing excruciatingly brutal pleasure to his whole body as they were pulled on and manipulated.

Eventually, Trace stood back up, ready to increase the stimulation. Picking up a key from on top of his dresser, he brought it to one of his boxes and put it in the keyhole. With the tumblers set, the red and black dragon opened the box, producing a tool he had constructed purely for this day. Stepping back while he held it in his claws, Trace slid the rod into his maw, coating it with his saliva as he prepared it for entry into his slut's drooling piss slit.

The rod was made out of pure crystal glass, the edges completely polished and smooth with one small ball bulge an inch down from the tip and then tiny millimeter ring bulges every two inches. The hilt was crafted to look like that of a dagger's with small engravings and designs over the two inch end. Overall, it was thirteen inches long with eleven inches of actual sounding length. It would reach the very roots of his pet's ten inch shaft, and as his cock was stuffed, he could only imagine in his head what kind of noises Jade would make.

In order to keep the noise down, though, Trace pulled a drawer out, obtaining his blue gag and fastening it around his slut's maw. Jade cooperated nicely, opening his mouth wide as the gag very nearly silenced him. His green stripes rippled as his muscles contracted in anticipation of what was to come. Trace sat back down on the bed, pulling his mate's legs behind his back and then using a leather strip to tie them together. He now had unlimited access to Jade's most sensitive region.

At first, all Trace did was slide the rod up and down his green shaft, smearing his precum around and ladling it onto the toy. Jade watched in near terror as he knew what was coming and that there was no way he could stop it. When he found out Trace was into this kind of stuff, he figured he would try it out himself, but the pain had stopped him from ever trying sounding out. After the first inch, it felt like he was piercing himself and he just couldn't get past it. Now, though, the choice was no longer in his hands.

After a few minutes of being ruthlessly teased, the rod was pulled back into his master's maw, Trace moaning as he tasted the precum. After a few seconds of lewd smacking, the rod returned into view and was brought into alignment for the initial entry. One paw locked hard onto his cock while the other held the tool, and then they both began to move. Jade hissed as the tip began to slide into his piss slit, his cock flexing as Trace firmly stroked up and down. On the other side of his crotch, the green dragon could also feel pressure against his pucker as Trace began pushing against him, pulsing the clear fluid over and even into his tailstar.

His attention was brought back to his shaft as the first inch fully entered, the ball now wavering over his slit. It held there for a couple seconds before it sunk into his dick. Already, the stinging was evident, but there would be no turning back, not to say his instincts weren't doing all they could to combat that inevitable truth. Jade thrashed his trapped arms and legs, his tail fighting against the much thicker red one holding it down as the rod slipped ever further into his slit. Trace had an iron grip on his member and the rod just sunk deeper.

Jade was in tears, the pain so intense that he almost wished he could go back in time and not allow this, but it was too late. Soon enough, three inches were inside him and the first ring was stretching out his tip. Trace then mercifully slid the sounder back up to the ball tip before sinking it back down to the ring, by all truth, Jade's shaft was being fucked.

As the slow and gentle probing continued, it hurt less, but even still, the pain was hardly bearable. Jade had given up at getting away and now simply laid there watching as the thrusting sunk ever deeper into his shaft. As he watched it happen, he surprisingly started getting turned on by it. There was something disturbingly erotic about watching his shaft be violated so dominantly. Precum bubbled out of the tip with each drawback, squelching like a wet asshole each time the rod sunk back down.

As Jade became more aroused, the pain lessened more and more, to the point that he was simply fixated watching the second ring pass into him. He could feel the first ring and ball stroking inside his shaft and there was an uncanny desire in him for it to go deeper. He wanted the rod to slide deeper into his slit, and soon he began thrusting against it, trying to bury it fully into him.

Trace watched as his mate drooled and panted around his gag, no longer struggling to get away from the sounding, but to slide the rod deeper into his cock. The red dragon held no reasoning for giving him what he wanted, and so the gradual thrusting descent continued. Soon, though, he was running out of rod, but he knew what was coming. Jade's tailstar was completely exhausted and could no longer fight back against the constant pressure his dick was exerting upon it. As the last inch of the sound sunk into his bitch's slit, he brought his hands down around his waist and violently thrust into his virgin hole.

Yelling into the gag, Jade tried to come to terms with yet another terrible pain. His ass had just been rent open, twelve inches of rock hard, red dragon scale cock now throbbing inside his rump. His own cock pulsed around the rod embedded in it, dribbles and small splatters of pre flowing from its fully pierced slit. The ecstasy of his shaft quickly drowned out the pain in his ass, and soon nothing but the weird feeling of being fully filled was apparent to him.

Trace held onto his slut's hips, grinding his tip as far as it would go before pulling back to the very tip again. He shuddered as he enveloped every inch of his meat into the hot, tight depths of Jade's ass. Groaning out in sheer need, the red shaft slid out again before pummeling into him again, this time wasting no time before pulling out and slamming back in. Trace kept this pace going, knowing that this would be the only way to prolong what was going to be an absolutely epic climax.

Jade moaned desperately into his gag, his shaft throbbing and pulsing with each brutal thrust into his ass. He practically mewled when he felt a hand rip the gag out before hot lips smashed into his own, his master in an absolute frenzy of lust and desire and need. The green dragon wasted no time in joining him, the two maws meeting in an epic collision of flying saliva and thrashing tongues. There was nothing majestic or pretty about their union, but rather a simplistic, animalistic, instinctual need for release.

Pummel thrusting now, Trace could feel himself beginning to lose control, climbing closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. Breaking the kiss, he gasped for breath, sitting up and then hilting himself inside Jade's ass, heaving to catch his breath as his cock twitched and throbbed inside its fleshy prison. Jade moaned in need, but seconds later was left snarling in rapturous pleasure as the previously dormant rod began pumping with a vengeance.

Trace groaned as he felt the vice like grip of his lover begin tightening as he brought the black and green dragon to his climax. Finally, he fully slid the sounding rod out and mashed his maw down upon his purple tip while both his paws fervently stroked over its throbbing length. He first felt it, the tension rip through Jade's body, before focusing fully upon his ass and cock.

Erupting like a fire hose, the green and black reptile roared as a huge spurt of cum blew out of his balls, shot up his urethra and burst out of his slit into his master's awaiting maw. His climax was heavenly, indescribable, unbelievable; each spurt feeling as satisfying as an orgasm all by itself. He felt streams of his spunk pouring down his shaft as Trace struggled to swallow all he could. Finally, the pressure lessened and he began to relax, only to be caught off guard by a renewed, vigorous thrusting from behind him.

Still trying to breathe through the many pints of cum logged in his throat, Trace thrust with pure wild abandonment, the tight grip of Jade's insides bringing him to his peak as he hilted himself inside his bitch, diving forward to lock his jaws around Jade's neck as he came, pouring wads of seed into his ass. He could hear the soft moans and mewls coming from his mate below him as the sperm began flowing out of his overfilled ass and pooling around his balls and tail.

As his own load slowed down and emptied, Trace let go of his lover's neck, locking his lips around Jade's own in a soft, but still passionate kiss that embodied their love and deep relationship. They would probably never fuck this hard again, as this had been the culmination of years of imagination and ideas and lusts, but that didn't matter to Trace or to Jade. They had each other now, lived with each other and loved each other. The red dragon lifted his head and kissed his mate on the nose before nestling his head next to his lover's.

The two of them closed their eyes. Jade snored through the night, enjoying his master's loving embrace while Trace did the same, rather enjoying his mate's warm body.