My dear Brutus

Story by P999P on SoFurry

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#1 of English


This is my first attempt to translate one of my own stories into English.

For the most part, I used Google.

So do not be angry with me if some sentences can be read strangely

and some words somehow seem ripped out of context.

This story haunted so loud in my head that I could not help but write it down.

Stefan Perters on the day he meets his neighbor and her dog parade. A strange couple living in the apartment next to him. And thanks to this acquaintance to his life has a strange twist before.


My dear Brutus

Author: Gendori Kabashi

07/27/2012 - 07/29/2012


Translation: The big G. ^^

Stefan Perters on the day he meets his neighbor and her dog parade. A strange couple living in the apartment next to him. And thanks to this acquaintance to his life has a strange twist before.

It was the 14th February, when Stefan moved into his new apartment. Alone. Stefan was single and had been gone quite well with it. He looked quite passable, slender, 1 m 80 tall, blue eyes and shaggy, dark blond hair, which he tried in vain to subdue with hair gel. He carried just past the box and tried to unlock his apartment door somehow, as heard a female voice behind him.

"Oh, you must be my new neighbor?"

Stefan was startled, the box slipped out of the insecure grip, fell to the ground and spread its contents across the floor. Stefan heard a deep "Woof" and the woman laughed with her bell-like voice on. Stefan went to his knees to his stuff back to package into the box and turned around. He caught sight of two dark-brown eyes, a black wet nose and a huge mouth, from which hung a tongue out panting. The tongue licked his face and he backed away, Stefan, lost his balance and hit his head on the door.


"Brutus! But that was not nice! "Stefan still heard the woman cry out, then he fainted.

When he regained consciousness, Stefan felt that he was lying on something soft. And he could smell wet dog. His skull hummed, he slowly opened his eyes and saw bending over the face of a woman who smiled at him gently. Her Emerald eyes sparkled at him, and her thin face was framed by long black hair. It fell like silk to her shoulders.

"Thank God you're back among the living."

"Where am I?" Said Stefan. Back of his head dully muttered. He sensed a big bump.

"In my apartment. I must apologize for my Brutus. Although he is already old, but still a kid. He seems to like you, by the way." Replied the woman.

Stefan sat up. The pain in his back of the head wanted to teach him a better, and of the hum got a hammering, but he controlled himself. His hostess was standing before him. She was built very narrow, 1 m 65 tall and her breasts were perfectly proportioned for her height. They seemed to be small and firm. Stefan found her very attractive.

"Then I'm glad he likes me." He muttered under his breath and smiled wryly.

"Are you mad at us now!" asked the woman concerned.

"No, No, I was just surprised. He certainly could not help it." Stefan appeased.

"I'm glad. Brutus, did you hear, you have been forgiven, " she said relieved.

"Woof!" It sounded as a response from one corner of the room. Stefan looked in that direction and saw Brutus, a great tan German Dane, when Stefan was not wrong. And he really seemed to be very old, because was he already turned gray around of his mouth and even in his short coat, were many strands of gray. The dog was lying in a large dog basket, chewing on a beef bone, but the dog's eyes wandered attentively again and again by his mistress back to Stefan and again. Stefan was sure that he, if he had intended anything evil, would have made the unpleasant acquaintance in seconds with the teeth of the dog.

"We have not introduced, yes. So I'm Lydia Grayfur and this here," She points to the dog, "is my dog, Brutus." she introduced herself to her neighbor.

"Perters, Stefan Perters. Very pleased to meet you Mrs Grayfur."

He stretched out his hand to her, she took it and shook it briefly. Her hand was so delicate and small in his own, but her grip was firm and shows sign's of great self-confidence.

"Not so formally," she laughed, "We are neighbors after all. For you, Lydia, if I may call you Stefan?"

"Um, well yes, no problem, L ... Lydia. "Said Stefan somewhat restrained.

"Brutus, come and say hello to Stefan!"

The old German Dane got up and walked slowly toward him. Then he sat down in front of him and lifted his right front paw. Stefan, surprised by this gesture, took it and shook it.

"Hello, Brutus. Nice to meet you."

"Woof!" It was satisfied by Brutus, the dog got up again and wagged his tail. Stefan was confused because he thought he saw, that the dog was smiling at him.

"Can dogs smile at all?" He asked himself.

This huge animal, it could definitely and Stefan smiled back friendly.

"To a good neighborhood then." Lydia cried out happy.

She seemed very satisfied to be, that her dog and her new neighbor got along well. That was how Stefan know his neighbors. In the coming weeks, they met again and again in the hallway or in front of the house when he returned from work and Lydia returned home from a walk with Brutus. Stefan found that men never got Lydia visit, just as he was visited by women. At the thought of asking her whether she had a boyfriend, he never came. So it would certainly go a long time, but on a Saturday morning, everything changed.

Knock, Knock" It knocked on Stefan's door and then the doorbell rang storm. Half asleep, he woke up and heard that Lydia called his name.

"Stefan, Stefan, I need your help. Brutus ... "He jumped out of bed, pulled on his robe and walked to the door through the door he could hear her sobbing. Lydia almost fell around his neck when he had opened the door. She wept bitterly.

"What's going on Lydia? What about Brutus?" He asked anxiously.

Her old Dane had greatly reduced in recent weeks. He was a very old dog and everything to her. It did hurt Stefan in his heart when he saw the limp old, good-natured dog beside his mistress. He was relieved that the house had an elevator. Lydia had never been able to carry the big dog up, or down the stairs. German Danes were not actually created for the city.

"He ...." ... sniff .... "He's just collapsed!"

She clung tightly to Stefan and he registered as only that she was wearing only a light silk robe over her thin nightgown. He could feel the curves of her small breasts more than clear.

"A veterinarian, Lydia, have you ever called a vet?"

"Nnnn ..." Sniff. She shook her head.

"I'm coming!"

Stefan grabbed his house keys and led Lydia to her home. He took her into her bedroom.

"When was the last man here probably have been possible?" Wondered Stefan and swearing at himself and thought. That it was now nothing.

"Put on something else on please, Lydia. I call a veterinarian. Or have you a permanent? "

"Dr. Frenzen! The number of him hangs on the wall. "

Stefan was going to go, as she held him back a moment and looked at him with her beautiful eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem. That goes without saying," He answered, and left the room. She looked shortly after him and then a strange smile on her face was noticeable.

Stefan entered the living room. He heard a faint whimper. Brutus. The dog was lying in his basket and looked terrible. The dog's tongue was swollen and hanging limply from his mouth. The body of the dog had fallen in, and seemed to be deprived of any power. Stefan phoned the doctor who recognized the seriousness of the situation immediately and promised as soon as possible to come. After the call went Stefan over to Brutus and crouched down. He gently stroked the dog's head, which felt hot. Brutus whined.

"All right, my boy. Direct assistance will come and you're not alone, Lydia will be right here!" Stefan tried to comfort the dog.

As Stefan mentioned the name of Brutus mistress, the dog opened one eye and winked mischievously at his human friend. Stefan smiled back. Brutus suddenly twitched and with a surprisingly quick motion he had bitten Stefan in the forefinger of his right hand. Not very strong, but strong enough that it bled.

"Ouch, Brutus," said Stefan surprised.

Of a reflex, Stefan put his finger in his mouth, and sucked on the light but painful wound.

"What's gotten into him?" He thought.

Brutus meanwhile had fallen back into his state of apathy and was breathing fast and shallow.

"Stefan? What happened, did you scream? "Said Lydia, as she came into the living room. She had put on a pair of jeans and a sweater. She knelt down next to Stefan and stroked Brutus, who seemed to feel that his mistress was present. His breathing became slower, but also deeper.

"He bit me." Replied Stephen, "Look, here!" He pointed his finger and showed her the little bitemark.

"I'm sorry," she said, near tears again.

"It is long since forgiven him again, maybe I hurt him, reflexes are strong. You know. "

"You're a nice man! In the bathroom, there is a pharmacy cabinet, in the second drawer from the top, is something of iodine. Just in case! "

"Yes, that will be better. Thank you. "

Stefan got up and went into the bathroom. He was not like Lydia leaned close to the head and the dog Brutus gently whispered in the animal's ear.

"So he's really the right thing?"

Brutus again opened one eye, winked at her and growled softly.

"I love you my big, cuddly dear!" She embraced Brutus and kissed the dog on the closed eyes, and he whimpered softly like a puppy, but this time not because of the pain he had.

A little later, Dr. Frenzen arived. He examined Brutus, but he could not help the dog. He had only a proposal and reluctantly agreed to Lydia. Brutus should not suffer. She held the head of Brutus in her lap, and stroked him gently and spoke soothingly to the dog. He flashed only briefly, as the needle of the syringe penetrated him. Lydia started to cry and it tore the heart of Stefan, as Brutus was the last breath, his heart beat for the last time weak and his long dog's life was ended.

The vet was deeply moved, and when he passed he gave Stefan the card of a funeral parlor.

"I think this will be referred to by Mrs. Grayfur. He was one of the nicest dogs, which I could deal ever. "He said quietly and left the two mourners.

Dr. Frenzen was right. Stefan accompanied Lydia on the following Tuesday for the funeral of Brutus and was surprised by how reverent the expiration of the small ceremony. After they had drunk coffee together then he brought her home and said goodbye to her. Before she closed the door, she kissed him on the cheek still grateful. Stefan was surprised and went to his apartment as befuddled. He absently rubbed his injured finger. The wound healed already and showed no signs of inflammation, but again she knocked gently and then he rubbed it until it disappeared rap. In the evening he spent most time at his computer and drinking a bottle of wine. At 10 clock in the evening he went to bed tipsy and fell almost instantly into a deep sleep. He dreamed, and the dreams were strange, almost as if it were not his own. There were strange, canine dreams.

Stefan woke up suddenly by a sharp pain in his hand. It was dark and it was hot, but he did not sweat. He looked at his alarm clock, 2 clock at night. Again a wave of pain shot through his hand, which was kind of stiff. He could barely move his fingers. What was it fate? He suddenly tensed. His whole body was burning and his muscles in his arm went haywire.

"Lockjaw" flashed through his mind. The bite. Had he been infected with tetanus. The next seizure followed. Stefan groaned in pain.

"My God, oh God, oh God! Please do not! "

He wanted to scream, but his jaw did not move. The muscles in his face this time were affected by the seizure and he gritted his teeth with increasing violence.


Something had broken in his mouth. Have his teeth, the sound was so loud he had himself some teeth gnawed to splinters filled his mouth. His breathing was shallow and fast. He was so hot. Fever. The spasm passed and Stefan finally reached for the light switch. The light in the bedroom gleamed and dazzled him. He sat up. He trembled, he was hot and he was still not sweating. Then came the next attack and Stefan was thrown from the bed and landed on the floor.

"GnGNnnn." More he did not show. At least, was the seizure does not this time in the face. Stefan spit out the splinters. He looked with terror, like his hands, their shape is lost. His fingers reduced to stumps, and his fingernails fell out. Same fine black lace pierced the skin of his fingertips. "claws?" he thought in shock. Dark Shadows made themselves felt on his skin gray and blue hair sprouting. Only very thin and then faster and faster. He grew fur. Crack was heard. Moved his bones creak in the chest. Under horrible pain in his muscles regrouped. Some bones grew, others shrank, disappeared or merged into new bone. His feet and legs took a few minutes of your new form. And then it cracked in his head. With eyes widened in horror as he saw changed his lower visual field. Something pushed out themselves. "A muzzle," thought Stephen, "I grow a muzzle?" His jaw pushed forward and united with his nose, which was now black in color. His lips grew and became lips that hung down the side of his jaw. At the same time he felt like his teeth became loose, failed and the new biters willingly took place that were suitable for his new appearance. Disgusted, he spat out the remains of human teeth and felt his tongue from his new teeth. He gasped and his extended tongue rolled out of his mouth. Almost immediately, he did not feel so hot and feverish. The air that caressed his tongue ago, cooled it off effectively. Stefan panting. Dazed, he crawled around on the floor and tried to get up. But again he fell, he bit it up. Slowly it dawned on him that he no longer commanded to walk upright. He had become a pure four-legged friends. When he had realized this fact, he placed one of his clumsy paws after another on the ground. Trembling, he got up and was soon in full size next to his bed. He was pretty big, but what exactly was he? A pain in his back had extended him yelp. A bump was felt there, which grew and grew and eventually scored a slim, long tail out, his tail. On the pile of clothes, was a mirror that had fallen well off the shelf. Stefan padded back and looked inside. From the mirror opposite him stared two light blue eyes. The eye color, which he had since his birth. But the face was not that his soft-essential. He looked forward towards the face of a large gray-blue Great Dane is framed by two long floppy ears.

"A dream, a dream, that can only be a dream! People do not turn into dogs. There are no werewolves, and it's not a full moon. I am a man. Immediately I wake up. Please Stefan. Wake up!" he thought frantically. Stefan desperately yelped and then collapsed unconscious.

Stefan woke slowly, his head throbbed, his tongue was swollen and it was hot again. He opened his mouth and his tongue hanging out, almost immediately he felt better. The heat wave subsided. He took a strange smell true, no, not one, many. There was alcohol, sad smell of sweat, old nicotine stench, bääh, Stefan was Non smoking, how it smelled in his apartment for nicotine? He smelled like paint and paste and a faint, sweet scent that was pleasant. And much more.

"What a crazy dream. Anymore red wine, "he thought, but when he opened his eyes he had to realize that it by no means a dream. He had turned into a dog. The top of its broad snout in the field of view and from the gray-blue dogs fur covered front legs were evidence enough of everything else, not to mention first. He sat up and examined himself. A dog, specifically a dog, that he should be, much like Brutus, a gray-blue German Dane.

"But how? I must be dreaming still. "He asked himself.

A sound made him sit up. His apartment door was open.

"Who has another key?" Stefan asked himself.

"Who's there?" He called. Woof, bark, Woof, it came from his throat.

"Stefan," he heard a loud voice asking, "Is that you? Where are you?"

"Lydia? I'm in the bedroom!" Bark, woof, bark, bark Stefan called.

"Where does she have a key to my apartment from?" he thought.

He heard her coming closer and Stefan looked uncertainly at the door. He sat down for doggy style. His tail eagerly knocked on the carpet. Her footsteps were silent, but he heard it very well. She stood at the door. The door handle was moving slowly and the door swung open. Lydia looked into the room. She was wearing only her bathrobe. She looked at him and Stefan looked back with his head tilted sideways. When their eyes met, Stefan looked strangely no anxiety or fear in her eyes that had to be green, but this color had disappeared from his sight. No, no fear! No fear, because of the fact that instead of her neighbors was a huge dog with blue eyes in his bedroom. On the contrary, it flourished before the grieving to formal. Her eyes were huge and glistening with joy that brightened face darkened by grief upon himself. Joy began to spread in her face. She rushed towards him, fell on her knees before Stefan was aware, she gave him a kiss after another on his nose, his forehead, his ears, the nose.

"My God Stephen, what are you to become a splendid fellow!"

He was Baff. With this reaction from her he had not expected. She hugged him tightly and then scratched his back.

"What has happened to me," he thought. The crawl felt good. His tail beat quicker on the carpet.

"Oh, Brutus made his greatest gift to you," she replied, and gave him another wet kiss on his cheek, or rather his lip.

"As a gift? Brutus? "He thought, then he noticed something," Wait a minute. Lydia, you do understand me?" he thought in surprise.

"Loud and clear," came the answer.

"Ok, who's now gone mad. This is the most insane dream I've ever had! "

"No, Stefan, this is no dream. You know Brutus was something very special. For one, I'm older than I look. Much older! And the same goes for Brutus. He was really 80 years old. Human years not dog years. And he has been with me in the past 60 years, protected me and loved me. We will spend as much time together in the future. You will protect me now support, and love. "

She clung tightly to him. Stefan took advantage of her smell and inhaled deeply.

"As she meant it, loved ', as she and Brutus?" Wondered Stefan. Although he was now a dog, but inside still a man, and he found Lydia was very attractive. He felt how his manhood between the hind legs began to become apparent. Lydia, meanwhile, slipped off her robe and whispered in his ear.

"Oh yes, we have so much time! My dear Brutus! "

Brutus stood up and wagged his tail enthusiastically.