Forging bonds

Story by Fanficsrus on SoFurry

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I thought I'd do something original for a minute. Honestly this is what i normally do. I'm actually new to Fanfics. Either way this is something I came up with, i'm not sure if it'll be a series or not, but everything i write always seems to be, so who knows.

*Warning* (in case you missed the one at the beginning of this sight) The following text contains mature content...screw tech speak, there's gay secks, get over it.

Brian sat on the couch he'd taken from home three years ago when he'd first moved out from his parents house. Now, at the age of twenty-one he had his own studio apartment thirty minutes from his parents. He no longer shared a home with his high school buddy Mark. Mark had been with a German Shepard chick named Rachael for the last four years, and things were going well for them. She was a nice girl, too nice for Mark, Brian worried. Mark was a bit of a dog in more ways than one. He was a tall thick Lab, with goofy eyes and a smile that, for whatever reason, made women melt. Rachael had fallen for him, and despite Brian's worries of her getting used or hurt, Mark actually seemed serious about this one.

In essence, she was the reason Brian now had his own studio apartment. Mark had broken up their agreement so he could go rent a house with Rachael. Brian wished them the best, and although he didn't like being forced into his position, he was already appreciating the quiet. In front of him the TV was set to one of the music channels, and was blaring Mudvayne. Brian bobbed his head absentmindedly and watched his hand as he clenched his middle two fingers. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and could easily see his muscles and tendons stretching and flexing under his golden fur.

His claws slipped in and out as he moved his fingers, their deadly tips as sharp as ever though rarely used. His gaze made it's way up his arm, over his bulging forearm and to the meat of his arm where his bicep and triceps stretched the fabric of his sleeves. His friends always joked with him, calling him Chuck Norris partially because of his obsessive use of his total gym, and partially because his mane was a rival for any beard. The king of cats and others, he was a prime example of a male lion. He was all muscle and bone and fur and cunning, yet there he sat alone only partially by choice.

He'd been looking for a mate sense leaving high school, but found his heart was never in it. His friends called him picky, he referred to himself as careful. He'd been in a relationship once where the girl had grown far too attached to him, and when he had to end it she was hurt so deeply it frightened him. The next relationship he forged he wanted it to last, to be special. His cell phone rang, pulling him out of his trance. He reached for the remote and quickly turned down Mudvayne so his Killswitch ringer could be heard. He was a metal head through and through.

"Hello?" he answered his phone in his deep rumbling voice that impressed, but never captivated any of the ladies.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Came the voice of his notoriously foolish friend, Adam. A lion as well, he and Adam had met in their junior year of high school and played Lacrosse together, the only sport Brian had ever cared to play.

"Not too bad, What's up?" Brian asked.

"Not much at all. Hey," Adam said, growing suddenly loud as he got to the point of his call. "you wanna go hit the clubs tonight man?"

Brian shrugged. "I guess. I don't have to work till Saturday." It was a Thursday so he knew he'd be fine. "You driving?"

"There." Adam confirmed. "I'll be there in a few." Adam hung up. Brian was always the DD because he didn't have much of a taste for alcohol. Brian knew that half the reason Adam always called him to go to the club was because Adam was just a bit too round, and a bit too short to attract the women he always managed to romance when they went to party. Once Brian got the women over to them without doing much of anything, Adam would take over and take what he wanted.

Most of the women they met where instantly dismissed as worthless by Brian. Entirely too slutty, looking for what Adam would give them, a one night stand. He rushed into the shower to clean up. He wasn't a huge fan of the club, but he held out hope that there may be some use for the mass gatherings. He soaped up, and rinsed out before he heard the doorbell ring.

"Just come in." He yelled. "It's not locked." Brian couldn't hear the door open, but caught the sound of it closing over the shower. He turned the water off and dried himself. He wrapped the towel around his waste, regretting not taking his clothes into the bathroom with him.

"A bit under furnished don't you think?" Adam commented. "You don't even have a bed?" He laughed.

Brian shrugged. "The carpets good enough." Brian grabbed the clothes he wanted from the drawers that sat next to the couch, and returned to the bathroom to get dressed. He wore loose tan cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and a black jacket over that. When he exited the bathroom he found Adam on his couch flipping through the channels. It was hardly dark out, but they left anyway, going to Adams favorite spot. It was along the middle of the tracks as far as quality of clubs, and therefore was agreeable in price. It drew a large crowed, and already they could hear the pounding bass from outside.

They paid their cover charge, and made their way in. The crowd hadn't shown up yet, but there were a few scattered furs, dancing eating or drinking, none of whom drew Brian's attention. They took their seats at the bar. Adam ordered a shot Brian had never heard of, which wasn't a rare happening, and Brian took only water. The water was stale in his mouth, but freezing cold with the heaps of ice the bartender, a short badger, had shoved into the glass. Within an hour the club had picked up considerably, and the badger bartender was replaced by what else but a whoreish female bunny in leather.

She was new to the club, but not to the bar tending job which was made clear when she expertly sloshed Adams drink precisely onto his groin when he made a once too sexual comment towards her leather wardrobe. Brian laughed, but already his head was starting to ache as the smell of tobacco grew more pungent and the music drowned into repetitive slams of bass. Finally, the techno stopped, and Static-X started up.

"Holy crap." Brian said aloud. He looked back to the DJ, a sly looking fox who was looking back at him smiling. He lifted a hand and a thumb, Brian returned the gesture. Ian, was the DJ's name, and he shared a taste in music with Brian. They had talked once while Brian was waiting for Adam to finish hugging the porcelain god. It was not ideal, but it was an improvement. Brian looked about the bar, and back to the tables, and noticed that nearly everyone was nodding their heads to the infectious electro metal blend.

"Why can't they play this all the time?" Brian wondered aloud.

"Because they want some females in this place." Adam said, nearly shouting over the music. "Over there." He said, looking straight to their left. A group of lost looking, feline females where wondering about, looking utterly idiotic.

"Really?" Brian asked sadly.

"Yea, let's go for it." Adam said, missing the reluctance in Brian's voice or just not caring. He downed a shot of whatever it was he was downing, and stood like a bad ass. Brian stood beside him smoothly, not trying to, but entirely emasculating his friend by comparison. They moved over towards the women, who instantly started giggling when they noticed their approach. Adam smiled stupidly while Brian tried to hide a look of disgust with a the most fake ass smile he'd ever conjured.

It took only five minutes for him to convince the ladies that Adam, not he, was worth speaking to. They of course had been only interested in him, and needed convincing before they would acknowledge Adam. Within twenty minutes the girl's, none of whom had earned enough recognition for Brian to take note of their name, where speaking in not the normal annoying voices of their type, but incredibly painful, ear shattering shrieks that sent Brian's brain writhing. The stupidity that flowed so easily from their over make-up'd faces sent chills down his spine.

He excused himself to the bathroom before he snapped or their shrieks deafened him. He had once thought such intolerable voices where really how people sounded until he realized it was a sensitivity he had for people he couldn't tolerate. The music was no longer as good as Static-X which had been only a momentary reprieve, and now the techno had turned from bass pumping, to brain bursting. Crazed strobe lights and flashing lasers darted across the room while high pitched zings filled the air, replacing what could have been music. It was fine for some, but the sounds drove Brian crazy. He looked frantically for an exit as steam built up under his shirt and he began sweating like a claustrophobic hippo in a coffin.

He found a back exit, and took little note of the tiger who hurried out of it. He looked passed the tiger's shoulder and saw the dark of night. It looked so inviting. He hurried for the door. The group that followed the tiger was too big to not take note of. Five large wolves pushed their way through the door, all sporting "gangster" looks. Odds are they'd never even seen a gun or been in such a terrible situation as a gang battle, but they were up to no good, this was clear.

Brian hurried forward, his discomfort forgotten. He broke into a run as he drew near to the door, imagining what awaited him on the other side. His father had always told him he was the king of beasts to give him a dominant feeling over others, instead it had given him a feeling of leadership and of responsibility. He always helped others that his father thought he should have taken control of. He rarely agreed with his father, or his mother, but there was no time to think of that. As his nature dictated, he felt that he needed to help this tiger.

He finally reached the door and pushed it open. The door led into the cliche ally that waited behind and beside every night club in the city. The tiger slid his back across the brick wall, trying to keep the canines from circling around him.

"This isn't your problem." One wolf said without turning Brian's way. Their ears where apparently sharp enough to hear the door even over the blasting and wailing music. Brian held his ground, watching as the wolves closed in on the tiger. The Tiger looked over the wolf's shoulders and his eyes met with Brian's. He saw something familiar in them, and Brian instantly relaxed. The tiger could handle himself. These dumb asses where hardly a threat.

One wolf drew a knife, and the tiger unsheathed his claws. Brian did the same.

"Five to two, this is not a smart fight my friends." One wolf said smartly. Still none faced Brian, a foolish mistake. Their ears may have been sharp, but they could not catch silence. Brian was behind the closest wolf before he knew it. His paw right paw crashed into the right side of the wolf's head from behind him. Brian's claws dug in painfully, drawing blood from the wolf's face as he fell to the ground. The wolf to Brian's right turned and threw a hook at him. Brian easily lowered himself below the strike and backhanded the wolf in the jaw.

He opened his entire body as he followed through with the powerful blow. He then lowered himself as he threw a straight, crippling straight punch into the wolf's solar plexus. Held between the unforgiving brick wall and Brian's ferocious strike the wolf was downed in an instant. Brian caught site of a wolf flying high overhead, out of control. He'd probably been thrown by the tiger. It was an impressive height to have thrown a creature. Brian, taking advantage of his natural agility and grace, jumped and planted his right foot into the brick wall. He pushed off and leaned backwards. His left foot caught the incredibly surprised wolf in the chest.

Brian's claws caught in the wolf's loose jacket and tied the canine and his foot together. Brian landed with the wolf pinned beneath his foot, knocked too silly to even resist. With his arms crossed over his broad chest Brian looked down as the creature regained some of his awareness. He looked up at the lion, clearly frightened. Brian lowered his head, so he was squared up with the wolf's. His wide face and hanging mane increased the intimidation factor, and the wolf closed his eyes, whimpering and turning his snout to the side.

"Jackass." Was all Brian said before taking his foot off the wolf's chest. The wolf took this chance to dart away as quickly as he could mange. The other's had done the same, save for one who remained in the ground unconscious next to the tiger.

The tiger wore a black t-shirt and jeans, the generic look for one of Brian's own metal head friends. Brian held out his hand. "Brian." He said.

The tiger smiled broadly. "Eric."

"What where you doing out here?" Brian asked. "What did they want from you?"

Eric shrugged. "I don't know what they wanted. Probably money but they wouldn't have gotten any even if they'd been able to search me. I went into the club because it's the cheapest hotel I can manage, but it was too much. I don't like that many creatures all in one place, all that noise, all those smells. It was overwhelming. How about you? What are you doing out here? You just go around looking for people getting mugged to help?"

Brian was still on the hotel comment. He shook his head. "About the same. Too much noise, to much stupidity. I had to get a breathe. You said this was a hotel for you?"

Eric smiled, embarrassed. "This and my car are all I've got. This is no sob story mind you. I could have had a normal life, but i took a chance with this band, then they broke up and so...well I haven't really decided what's gonna happen next."

"You where in a band?" Brian asked intrigued. "What did you do?"

"Vocals, lyrics, and bass. I was sort of the core of the whole thing, but without casing a core is worthless." Eric explained.

"So you just have your car?" Brian asked.

"It's not so bad. It's a little Toyota, but it gets great gas millage and I can almost lay down in the back sense one of the seats burned out and I can stretched into the trunk." Brian looked Eric up and down. He could hardly see the ripped tiger crushed into a tiny Toyota.

Without hardly thinking, Brian said, "You know, I've got an apartment. It's studio, but I think we could both fit easily enough. I've been looking for a roommate sense my other one moved in with his fiance." Eric looked straight into Brian's eyes. Brian couldn't believe what he had said. He was very slow to trust others, but something about Eric put him entirely at ease. They had some sort of understanding that went beyond what time could bring. As they stared each other down for only a moment, Brian's spine melted and his fur bristled. It was an odd feeling, one he'd never experienced before. It confused him, but he didn't worry about it.

Eric nodded. "Yea, that sounds good." He turned and faced the wolf who was regaining consciousness. "I've got some money coming in from royalties on our CD to the P.O. Box. I can handle half the rent on a studio."

"Sounds good." Brian said, impressed by the fact that Eric's band had recorded a CD before breaking up. "I came here with my friend though, and I'll have to drive him back with us. He'll be passed out I'm sure, but we still have to wait for him."

"No problem, I've got all night." Eric said smiling as they moved back into the obnoxious music and voracious crowd. Brian spotted Adam who was dancing with an entirely new set of whores and a drink in each hand. Adam motioned him over, spilling beer all over the place.

"I've got a ride home man!" He yelled, slurring surprisingly little for the amount of alcohol he'd consumed. "Take my car back to your place if you want, i know you hate these places. I'll be by the pick it up when I'm done." Brian shrugged.

"You sure?"he asked. Adam nodded. Brian ignored the attempted seductive looks by the girls around Adam, and found Eric by the front door.

"He's got a ride." He announced. "I can take his car. I'll show you where I'm at."

Eric nodded and smiled. Eric followed Adams huge truck in his tiny, beat up Toyota through the city until they reached Brian's apartment.

"I'll deal with the landlord tomorrow," Brian said as he left Adams car and headed for Erics. "but go ahead and bring your stuff in. She's a bitch, but she'll get over it." Within two trips each, Brian and Eric had everything Eric owned into the apartment.

There was room to spare, even with Eric's stuff set up as much as you can set a CD collection, a base, an amp, a pile of clothes, and some toiletries.

"Sorry I've got no bed." Brian apologized. "I didn't really think of that. As odd as it seems I've been sleeping on the floor sense I was fourteen, beds never agreed with my back."

"No problems here." Eric said. "I'm going straight to bed though if you don't mind. I'm pritty tired."

Brian shook his head. "I think I'll do the same." Eric pulled a blanket out from within his pile of clothes and laid it out on the ground. It was thin and worn, but it didn't seem to bother him. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it into the pile of clothes beside him. Brian swallowed hard, his breathe suddenly caught and his groin tingling. Eric was built to say the least, his fuzzy orange, white and black fur covering well defined muscles and a squared box chest.

Brian tried not to appear as if he where staring as Eric stretched his arms high into the air before flipping over and laying on his stomach to sleep. Brian rarely slept with more than his briefs on, something Mark hadn't cared about because the lab had enjoyed sleeping nude, and both of them were clearly straight. Now Brian wasn't sure. He pushed aside all thoughts and pulled his own shirt over his head, extra tufts of chest fur fluffed free of their confines and where allowed to air out. Eric laid out his own blanket, and lay on it on his back.

He left his pants on, but pulled his arms up under his head. He stared at the ceiling for a while before sleep finally started to take him. Just as it did, he felt a hand drop onto his chest rub through his chest fur. His eyes were wide as he pushed his head up and saw Eric kneeling next to him. His eyes asked the question.

Brian nodded, and Eric smiled. He must have felt it too, whatever it was that drew the two of them together. Eric lifted his left leg and straddled Brian's stomach. He fell down onto Brian, pushing their broad hard chests together. Eric hooked his arms under Brian's, and pushed them up. He slowly rubbed his way down Brian's raised arms, then down to his neck. Sliding down in pace with his hands, Eric rubbed through Brian's thick chest fur and then over his hard stomach. He reached the belt of Brian's pants and undid it. He pulled it free of the loops on Brian's pants and threw it aside.

He quickly undid the button, then slowly unzipped the zipper. Brian thrust up a bit as Eric hooked the sides of Brian's pants and pulled them down to his knees. A bit of the darker fur pushed through the sides of Brian's briefs, and Eric eagerly pulled them down as well to join the pants. A sea of dark groin fur covered Brian from the base of his sheath, all over his balls, and down to his ass. His sheath was swelling and his cock was appearing quickly. Eric rubbed up and down the inside of his thighs for a moment, then moved his head over Brian's cock.

He reached out with his lips and began coaxing the member out from it's shell. He reached up under Brian, and touched his tight tail hole with in index finger, pushing aside the access fur. Brian just laid back, squirming a little in pleasure and little in expectation. His cock continued to grow and Eric sucked harder as more substance was made available. His finger too pushed it's way into Brian's tail hole, stretching it. The push was tight without lube so Eric pulled away Brian's cock, and removed his finger for only a moment.

He lifted Brian's legs just enough to allow him to get his snout under Brian's ass, and begin rimming him. The warmth of Eric's tongue was enough to send Brian over the edge but he controlled himself and let Eric finish his rimming. Eric looked back, ready to continue sucking on the reluctant lion cock, but found that the monster had been unleashed. In both width and length Brian's cock was impressive. Eric gave it one long,slow lick before moving to the straddle Brian's stomach again. Brian took his queue and reached out to Eric's jeans.

He unbuttoned the metal button and held onto them while Eric lifted out of them. He threw them aside and Eric stood over him. The erection within Eric's boxers was obvious and protruded violently from his body. He dropped his boxers and threw them aside, his white and orange furred balls seemed to call out to Brian. He reached up and cupped them in his hands, squeezing gently, feeling the fine fur upon them. He grabbed onto the base of Eric's cock as the Tiger bent his knees to allow Brian easy access.

He rubbed his hand up and down the entire length which rivaled his own. Eric knelt again, this time straddling Brian's chest. He used himself forward until his nuts rest upon Brian's jaw. Opening his mouth, Brian took one nut into his mouth and sucked gently. He reached around Eric's back and rubbed up and down around his around ass. He switched to sucking the other nut, before Eric pulled away. Eric spit a fair amount into his hands, and without looking lathered the saliva onto Brian's pulsing member.

He lifted himself and bit, and lined his tail hole up with Brian's spear. He slowly began lowering himself, and Brian felt the first moment of penetration as divinely as he'd ever imagined. He reached out and supported Eric by the hips, helping him lower himself slowly. Eric twisted his head and face as he lowered himself, but he never slowed. Finally he sat upon Brian's pelvis, the lion's balls pressed against his ass, and his own against Brian's stomach. Brian was entirely embedded within him. Eric began bouncing, slowly at first but gaining speed.

Brian reached out, and worked Eric's cocked as his own was squeezed tight with ass muscles and pushed deep into Eric repeatedly. Brian began bucking his hips with the action and the telltale slapping of nuts on skin could be heard throughout the home. Both where sweating after a minute of hard fucking, and Eric moaned softly as he tried to finish of the king of creatures. He leaned forward a bit, rubbing Brian's chest as he worked from a slightly new angle.

Brian could hold on no longer, and with a great roar he let his load free into Eric's tail hole. Still working Eric's cock, Brian's chest, face, and hands were all covered as Eric tensed up and shot his own load into the air. Brian thrust into the air for a few more moments and cum leaked onto his ball sac and from Eric's cock onto his stomach. They rested for a moment, before Eric pulled himself off of Brian and lay on his back beside the Lion.

He looked over and saw that Brian finally showed the surprise he'd been feeling. "It took you that long to register the surprise?" Eric asked laughing.

"You've done that before?" Brian asked.

"Only once, but i learned a lot, including how painful having dried cum in your fur is." Eric said. "Let's wash up quick." They washed the cum from their fur and returned to the only room of their shared studio apartment. Eric moved his blanket next to Brian's. There was a lot to think about, a lot to talk about, but all of it could wait until morning Brian decided. Eric leaned against him in nothing but his own pair of cargo pants. Brian wore his same pair of cargo pants and leaned against Eric as well, their shared heat enough to keep them warm through the entire night.

Brian was more comfortable than he'd been in years, the warmth from Eric's body extending beyond his flesh. He smiled in his sleep.

A bit longer than I'd expected, or than I've written on this sight before. Also my first attempt and posting entirely original characters online. As always comment all you like, and please be honest about it. It's appreciated.