Maranatha - Chapter VI, as told by Q. I. Malloy

Story by khakidoggy on SoFurry

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#6 of Maranatha


© Osfer, November 2004

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Chapter VI - As Told By Q. I. Malloy

I walk.

From the second I step out of Nezzy's shop and lock the door behind me with her

spare key, I walk. My emotions drained into the shower's cold water, leaving me

dulled and I would be uncaring, but for the unyielding determination I feel

burning in the furnace of my stomach. I have my suit, which clings so tightly to

my body I might be mistaken for a bouncer, were it not for the expensively

tasteful cut of the cloth, I have my spare key and Nezzy's, I have my cell-phone,

slightly recharged, I have my passport, slightly altered, and I have a

hand-written letter in an envelope. With these, and nothing more, I'm going to

take on the world.

Okay, I'll cop, I wish I'd brought Lola as well. She could've tucked down the

small of my back in a splendidly-concealed holster that made this suit twice as

expensive as it needed to be - but, then, if you want the best, you've got to go

to Clemens. He's the one who once provided Owen with a wrinkle-free light grey

suit that had built-in knee padding and a concealed split down the seat so he

could make his arse available for entry simply by gripping his buns and pulling

at the fabric-

Owen, that's right. That's who I'm doing this for. Or maybe I'm not doing it for

him, and I'm just doing it because I'm angry, I don't know. My emotions feel...

filtered, somehow. Like when you've stayed awake for two nights in a row, the

way things sound - they're muted, they don't seem quite real, even though

they're really loud. But it's because you sense them in such detail that they

become unreal and don't affect you. That's why I feel such anxiety at having

left my precious gun Lola back in my apartment, but that anxiety doesn't affect

me that much.

The walk back to the bank is long, but it can't be helped. Everything hinges on

the strut, and getting out of the wrong kind of car or arriving too early or too

late could arouse suspicion, and once one red flag goes up I'm screwed. So I

walk, and think, and try not to think.

The city's waking up, now. Traffic's starting to form, gushing into the streets

like freshly poured Guinness and then congeals like the thick head of foam.

Maybe Guinness is a rubbish metaphor; I suppose the black stuff could count as

asphalt and the foam would be the gridlocked traffic. No, that's a stretch. I

could murder a pint right now, though. It's tempting to make a quick stop at the

Firkin pub as I pass it - bloody poser's place, ain't a single Brit ever been

involved in setting it up or running the place, yet they've still got the balls

to call it an Authentic Irish Pub - but I have to restrain myself.

I wonder what people must think when they see me walking. I'm still a few

minutes away from hitting the business district and I look seriously out of

place. Maybe they think I'm a mobster, perusing new real estate to claim, or

maybe that I'm some kind of hustler like Owen, heading to a new client. Both of

those seem like a ridiculous idea, so I guess nobody really has any thoughts on

who I am or what I'm doing.

God's honest? I don't even have much of a clue what I'm doing.

I've got my plan, for certain, the whole 'new solution' thing again. I've got it

planned out. But only up to a point, or rather, several points. In half an hour

I'll know if I'll end up in jail. In two hours I'll know if I'll live. By the

end of the day I'll know if I can get Owen back, or if I'll never see him again.

But even if everything goes as it's supposed to go - which you and I both know

is seriously unlikely - I don't know what'll happen tomorrow. Or the day after.

I don't know if anything I do today makes a damn fucking bit of difference, or

if it's all just a waste of time and worry and money and lives.

Oh, fuck. My feet carried me quicker than I expected, and now I'm standing where

I was not two hours ago: in front of the glass walls of the Northern

Transnational building. The bank's just opened, but inside it's already buzzing

with business, people in expensive suits, some of them better than mine and all

of them obviously newer, walk in and out of the building with purpose. I don't

slow, I just keep going even though I'm getting a little worried. I thought I'd

have time to prepare myself during the walk but I was so caught up in my

thoughts that I completely missed that opportunity. Ah well, can't be helped.

And I can't help smirking, either, when I notice the stain on the glass next to

the rotating doors, where I licked it earlier.

Inside the building I notice the smell first. That stale, businesslike smell

that tells you nothing real ever happens there. Just plans and ideas, pieces of

paper, words and promises. It's important, I'm not trying to diss the whole

banking world, as the kids are sayin', but you just get this vibe about places

like this, you know? I walk straight toward the reception desk, where a white

squirrel, who after a moment I realize is female (I have a hard time telling

with rodents, sometimes) smiles at me.

"How may I help you?" she asks in that helpful, sing-song tone receptionists

often have. She's wearing a black blazer and a crisp white shirt with one of

those ladies' ties, two diagonal black strips at the collar.

I smile at her, effortlessly, and pull the envelope from my inside pocket,

laying it down on the desk as if it's supposed to mean something. "I'm here to

close my employer's account. Account name Malloy, initials Q. I."

She types at her keyboard and shows me that blank, friendly face cashiers

normally show. "Malloy... Ah, here it is. Of course, sir. Please take the elevator

to the fifteenth floor, a clerk will be waiting to help you with your business."

She smiles and waves in the direction of the elevators.

Do you know why she didn't ask me my name, or check out the contents of the

envelope? It's the strut. What you need to do, is give people an impression of

who you are, let it be their first impression of you. In my case, a slick

businessperson. Most people, when they do disguises, leave it at that, and

confirm the first impression through their act, but you can't do that. People

are used to judging other people wrong. So you've got to modify their

expectations, which they're used to doing. In my case, because I'm not a slick

businessperson, I'm just a flunky, holding a letter that gives him permission to

close his employer's account.

There seems to be extra security around, plain-clothes, and not just around the

metal-detectors... Or maybe I'm just paranoid. The guard I molested earlier seems

to have gone home, but, on a whim, I walk up to the door of the closet next to

the elevators and open it a crack as if looking for the bathroom. I smile as I

peer into the little closet with its cleaning materials and, oddly, a

shaving-mirror and see the wet grey splash on the bare concrete floor where the

Shep gurgled out my load. God, I'm hot.

It's a few minutes after the hour. The people who are always on time for work

are already at their desks and the people who're running late ain't arrived yet,

so there aren't that many people at the elevators. The walls are plated with

that poncy faux-marble that should look classy but with the light greet tint it

has to it ends up looking like that lobby from that sci-fi movie with the slow

motion and the digital world. Right now, I sure wish I had superpowers like that


The last thing I hear from the lobby is the receptionist saying "Sir! You forgot

your letter!" and then the doors close. Ding, goes the elevator. Ding goes.

Dingoes. Really, my mind's all over the place. Like the fine, fine bum on the

young fox clerk that just stepped in. Polite wee smile when he got in the

elevator with me, as if he was asking me permission, even though there was four

other people in there already. On a better day I'd give him the ol' smile, pinch

that fine bum and score me some quick fox-arse in the mens' room without even

leaving him my number, but today I've got business on my mind. So I start


"Scuse me," I say and start coughing some more, really heavy-like. I pull my

handkerchief from my breast pocket, really hocking into it, snarking up some

snot and spitting in it. I look at it with worry and just as the doe next to me

loses her cool and tries to see out of the corner of her eye I start coughing

again, my whole body shaking.

Ding-dong bingo gringo, we have a winner. The doe leans past some miscellaneous

businessperson and presses the button for the next floor. The doors open and

she's first out, followed by mister Misc. That leaves my boy the fox and two

stags, who look at each other for a second and when the doors start to close,

first one and then the other pushes through and exits the elevator. Guess they

must think I'm contagious or something.

So now I'm alone with my fox. He looks at me, and then at the large colour

screen showing the floor numbers in 3-D animated glory, real fancy. We're

approaching the tenth floor, which is the button he'd pressed when he got on. He

looks at me again. He's pretty cute, for a square office-clerk kinda guy. Hair

styled short and neat, crisp white short-sleeved shirt, pressed slacks. Probably

some exec's son or nephew, given a cushy job to prepare him for his initiation

in the Old Boys' Network.

Looks like this boy's been 'initiated' already. He notices the bulge in my

fucking expensive trousers which in all honesty was brought on by the thought of

fucking some exec's son than the features of this fox, who's certainly

good-looking but by no means out of the ordinary. And, remember, I just fucked

the single most beautiful lion on the planet for half a dozen hours and then,

sicker than I've felt in months, muzzle-raped the least dignified member of the

security branch you're ever likely to meet, so going for somebody who's simply

nice-looking is a serious step down from my standards. But then he hits the

Elevator Stop button, I suppose because he thinks the maintenance guy isn't on

time and won't be at his desk to ask if we're all right, and unbuckles his

pants. Ah, why the fuck not.

He doesn't even look at me, which I think is pretty good. He's facing the wall

to one side of the doors and as I unzip my fucking expensive trousers, let me

remind you, they're really expensive, he pulls his trousers down just far enough

that the waistband hangs below that soft-furred bum. It really is quite fine,

and he's thoughtfully flagged his fluffy tail to the side. Now he looks at me,

over his shoulder and just for a second, then he places both hands on the wall

in front. I guess he was wondering if he should reach out and grab me to guide

me in, but he decided the better of it.

I step up, enjoying the silence, which breaks when he lets out a soft little

sigh as I grab his hip, press my tip under his glossy orange tail, and start to

press into him. He's not even that warm, inside, just... average. And once I'm

balls-deep in his arse, holding his hip in one hand and his shoulder, I start to

wank myself off under his tail and take ten minutes out of my busy

world-conquering day to have myself a perfectly average fox-fuck.

There's honestly nothing to describe. If you've fucked a fox, then you know what

I'm talking about and if you haven't, words simply won't express the kind of

experience it is. It's completely satisfactory. I've never met a fox I couldn't

get off in, never in all my life. But with very few exceptions the sex is

standard, ordinary, you know? It's like McDonalds' food. No matter where in the

world you go, you can stand in line with furry-hat-wearers or squint-eyes or

yanks or Masai but you still know, even before you reach the end of the line,

what the burger's going to taste like. That's what it's like to fuck a fox. It

always takes me nine minutes, I never feel the urge to have a chat the way I

usually do when I'm fucking somebody - the German Shepherd from a few hours ago

excluded, naturally - and afterwards I feel the same as before.

Which is how I feel now. I'm just looking at the numbers - eleven, twelve,

thirteen - and I've completely forgotten about the fox I just shot a load in,

probably something that'll cheer him up throughout the day, the knowledge that

he's got a stranger's load in him. A strange businessman, he probably thinks.

Me, I think nothing. I don't remember pulling out and zipping up, I don't

remember the satisfaction I saw when he simply pulled his pants up, lowered his

tail, pushed the Elevator Stop button again and got out on his floor without

looking back.

I do remember to press Elevator Stop myself, just when we pass the fourteenth

floor. The lift is wider than it's long so I spring forward and plant my foot

against the sealed, gleaming metal doors and as I push myself backward I

straighten my leg to plant it against the other wall with a resounding thump,

keeping myself up in a splits. It aches a little in my hip-joints, obviously I

ain't as young as I once was, but the stance feels solid enough, I can hold this

for a while.

You see people do this all the time in the movies, slide up the ceiling panel of

the lift and climb out, as if it's that easy. And sometimes, just sometimes it

is. Which is the second of three reasons I picked the Northern Transnational

bank for my little transaction - the first, of course, being my acquaintance

with its weekday night-guard. And the third, you may ask? Let's go find out,

shall we?

The ceiling's side-panel slides sideways. In any other building I might have had

to yank out some bolts or unscrew some nails with my very claws. After all, I

couldn't bring my old lock-picks any more than I could bring Lola for fear of

setting off the metal detectors. But no, not in the Northern Transnational

building. Just push up and the panel slides sideways along a little rail.

Perfect. Now it's simply a question of grabbing hold of the edges of the gap and

lifting myself through without letting my clothes touch the oily rim of the

opening. I'm grateful that I'm an upper body kinda guy. I've got beefier legs

than Owen does, that's for sure, but while his legs are his greatest strength,

mine are good for fast running and long jumping but not much else. Not much use

in a fight.

Now, my arm... My guns, as Owen likes to call them. I push myself up with no

difficulty, my upper torso suspended in the sci-fi bleakness of the lift tube, I

swing my legs up, bent at the knees and part them again, bracing them on the

rims of the opening. The I stand up and step sideways and as I slide the panel

back into place I can hear the little intercom give a discrete little beep,

which is a hell of a lot better than the burst of static you usually hear, and

some bloke with a voice like he just had a laryngectomy asks if I'm all right.

Sure I am. I'm standing in the void, the sci-fi bleakness of the elevator shaft,

in the lion's den in more ways than one, gambling more than I've ever earned

based on instinct, feeble observation and sentimental loyalty. I guess I didn't

turn out as quite the kind of bad boy I'd hoped to be, when I came to Maranatha.

I wait for another elevator to come up. It takes a while, since it's early in

the morning still, but then from the dim abyss below I see no less than three

carriages rising. I wonder which of them have occupants enjoying some quick

elevator sex. After all, if that clerk was so easy to get into there's bound to

be more employees as 'sociable' as he was and plenty of managers enjoying a

quick foxfuck on the way to work.

The first one up is too far away and it passes me, opening at the fifteenth

floor. I can hear some stifled gasps when the doors open, some serious voices

asking people to step out of the elevator, another saying "Where the hell is

he?" before being told to shut up. Seems some people were waiting for me on the

fifteenth floor. Gosh criminy, what a surprise.

The next lift passes and I get ready, pulling up my sleeves a bit. I stand at

the side of the elevator, feeling it shake a little as its doors are forced open

and somebody steps inside. "Hello?" that croaky voice asks, probably a lizard of

some sort. Fuck it, just wait a second, I think as I hear him slide in a crate

or something to stand on, just give me two more seconds...

The second lift whooshes past me with the speed these modern contraptions have

and when it's passed, I make my jump and only then does it occur to me that I

just threw myself at a fourteen-storey drop, not counting the basement floor,

and if I miss this grab I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

That realisation hits me as soon as I feel the cool plastic of the thick

electrical cables under the elevator against my face and it's all I can do to

swing my arms forward and grab the nearest part of the lift and hope, fucking

hope that it's not the electric cable I can feel on my cheek because if it is

it'll snap and even if I don't get electrocuted or fall I'll still be fucking


If I were a religious man I'd be saying a prayer now, as what I've gripped is

metal, the underside of an I-beam that forms the cage of the lift carriage. It's

a precarious hold, one I can feel starting to slip, but it's the best I can do

with that hand. My other comes up and grabs the other side of the frame and now

I'm suspended between the front and back end of the lift with my arms

outstretched, almost exactly the same position as when I was doing the splits in

the first lift.

The first lift, whose hatch just opened to reveal some reptile in blue overalls

with a red baseball cap sticking his head through and shining a torch. "Hello?"

he asks again, looking around and shining that damn flash-light all around and,

fuck it, if that beam comes near me I'm screweder than hat fox I just had.

I freeze like a deer in head-lights when I feel that beam on me and hold my

breath... Nothing happens... I crack open one eye and look down, seeing the

maintenance lizard in the hatch of the elevator, shining his light up at me but

looking down at somebody talking to him. I don't think I need to tell you what

I'm feeling right now, the numbness in my dangling legs, the sweat on my aching,

white-knuckled fingers, the tightness in my stomach and the burning in my lungs...

Then I can't take it any more and I bark out a breath before slurping in a new

one and as I look around, spitting away some drool so it doesn't drizzle down my

suit, I realise I'm ten floors up and that the light's gone and the hatch is

closed and the lift is finally on its way back down. It's a good thing, too, my

fingers are starting to ache like nobody's business and while they're petty

strong - piano practice as a child, don't you know it - even they have limits. I

can stand the ache in my biceps and I can stand the stabbing pain in my

shoulders, but the fingers, man, and the muscles in my hand, the pain's almost

more than I can take. And there's still two dozen floors to go...

I try to distract myself, to think of something else. My mind goes back to that

night in my apartment with Owen, naked in bed, just talking, and he said

something that stuck with me. He said, "If I leave town, I'd leave without

telling you. Otherwise it wouldn't be like leaving, at all." And that didn't

hurt me when he said it because I knew what it meant and I agreed, if I wanted

to leave I wouldn't tell him either. But now that memory mingles with the last

night I spent with Owen. Well, evening, really. With Alice between us. It's only

been a few hours but, cliché of clichés it feels like weeks. And that makes it

hurt. I know it doesn't make sense but right now, I feel like Owen knew he was

going to leave even that night when he was straddling my abdomen and we were

talking about leaving and where we would go, and he knew he'd leave without

telling me and he'd go someplace where I'd never see him again.

I hit rock bottom. That is, the elevator reaches the bottom floor and I know

this because it stops and starts going up again, so I let go with one hand -

sweet relief! - and swing toward the side of the elevator shaft, the door-side.

The only handhold there is the rim of the ground floor doors, which is a

precarious hold, but I grab it and brace my expensively-shod toes against the

walls, and it's enough to hold my weight if I don't move, and the elevator

doesn't change its mind and comes back down again. I start shimmying to the

left, carefully, since each slight movement of my much-relieved, but still

aching fingers carries the risk of a drop down a shaft that runs down two

sublevels of parking space and a maintenance basement.

Reaching the very side of the door-rim, right up against the I-beam that serves

as a vertical rail for this lift, I perform my most dangerous stunt yet: I lean

back and sideways and swing around the I-beam to grab hold of, thank god, a

fully functioning ladder. I can't fucking remember the last time I was so happy

that every lift shaft is designed with a ladder, though I'll wager it was a

sitch much like this one.

After that, it's child's play. Climb down the ladder, dodge a lift carriage

coming up from the second parking sublevel and finally, the basement. While all

the other floors have doors in front of the elevator shaft, the basement only

has a harmonica-style cage-door. But not even that craftily-designed safety net

is in evidence right now. The door's open and bleak light spills into the

cave-like darkness of the lift shaft, which would be damn creepy if I had

anything in the way of nyctophobia. Fear of the dark, that is, and it's a word I

always fear spelling.

I slow my climbing and listen as I descend, silently, rung by rung. I can hear

something. Breathing. Heavy, quick, hot. There's something else, too. A wet

noise. Smacking. Slapping. It stutters the breathing, interspersed with soft

whines and a low groan. I smile. I know what I'm hearing, and as I reach the

lowest rung of the ladder I swing around and step into the open doorway of the

basement elevator entrance, and stand there.

My feet are wide apart, my hands resting on the doorframes. I'm looking down a

long concrete hallway wide enough for three men my size abreast, lit by a string

of light-bulbs, with someone, naked, on all fours. Well, all threes, one hand is

between his legs, pumping furiously. He's facing away from me, his

light-brown-and black tail lashing, and there's a black mark under it, coming

into view now and again. It's writing. On his left butt-cheek. Can you guess

what it says?

It says my phone number.

And under that, it says "Go to the basement, open the elevator doors, take off

all your clothes and wait for me."

Now how, do you ask, could I be so certain that this studly, dutiful German

Shepherd, would obey or even read this hastily-scrawled command? Let me tell

you. I know people. That is, I can tell when somebody wants something. It's my

spider sense, I've talked about it before. I felt what this guard bloke needed

and what's more, I felt that it was something I could provide.

I watch him, his handsome body mock-humping some phantom bitch as he fucks his

pumping fist, buns tightening. I let my mind wander a bit, trying to remember if

he'd gotten hard when I fucked him that night... It's hard to remember, I was

being so selfish then, but I'm pretty sure he was soft. He was soft, and he

didn't complain, and now he's hard. You know, I think I might be the very first

male he's ever been with? It's such a ludicrous thing to realise, such a stupid

idea, but this studdog's probably had one girlfriend after another and only a

few weeks ago decided to go for it and try what it was like to be a bitch for a

change. And then this morning he got another taste, and now he's decided it's

for him.

Christ. I fucked a virgin. How long's that been?

He's close, now. His back's arched, his thighs tensed, his tail tucked low and

his buttocks dimpled. With some training, he'll soon have the reflex to flag his

tail higher at the moment of issue, which is mere seconds away. Three, two...

I make a fist and hit the doorframe hard, hard enough to make the retracted

cage-door rattle loudly and yell "Stop that!" so that the poor Shep startles in

mid-stroke and tumbles forward and sideways. He can't help it, he's there and

white semen spurts from his bright red doggydick, hitting him across the chest

and muzzle. He falls onto his back, writhing and spasming, glaring at me

wide-eyed, caught between his body's reverie at climax and his mind's panic at

being caught and all the consequences of that. I smile, it's a soft, cruel

little smile that's just totally appropriate. I can't imagine how fractured his

mind must be now, how the thought of getting caught by his boss and the

humiliation and ridicule he'll suffer is interspersed with the hollow,

unsatisfying high of a spoiled ejaculation.

I step forward and he falls still, lying on his back, propped up on his elbows.

His cock, forgotten, continues to spurt watery canine cum across his face,

unheeded, and strings of semen comically dribble from his muzzle. My footsteps

sound hard and empty on the bare concrete, echoing down the hall, but the sound

seems to soothe the dog's breathing. Or maybe it's just his orgasm running out.

"What's your name?" I ask him, casually looking past him, down the length of the


"M-my..." He looks up at me, head doggishly tilted. "Calhoun. Alan Cal-"

"Rover it is," I say simply and lift up my foot, and plant it on his

light-furred belly, just above his still-hard erection. Semen squishes

underfoot, soaking into his bristly belly-fur. "And what do you do, Rover?" I

ask, still not looking at him. That's important, you know. I'll explain why


He looks up at me uncertainly, but with trust in his eyes. No, not trust, it's

something else. Something lower than submission. Surrender? I don't know if

that's the right word, but it's there in those intelligent eyes of his - he's

willing to surrender himself to someone else, to give up the burden of being

strong and independent and let somebody else make decisions for him and to not

think about anything ever again. "Security," he blurts. "I'm in security... sir,"

he adds hopefully at the end, looking up at me with a smile. He's probably only

ever said that word to actual superiors, but it has a sexy ring to it, now. I

can see his erection throbbing against the heel of my expensive shoe, staining

it a little with semen.

"Security is a job. Dogs don't have jobs. Dogs have masters," I inform him. I

know it's crude bullshit, and believe me, usually I'm subtle - but usually the

guy I'm doing it with is worth doing it with. The Cliff notes will have to

suffice with this bloke, although I must say, he's impressing me. He nods at me

and lies back on his back and I can see muscles twitching in his face and body,

and a fine body it is.

It must be such an experience for him. To be naked and at the mercy of another,

to let go of all the things he needs to feel, safety, security, control. To be

sexually aroused by someone he doesn't consider his lesser, to be aroused by

someone who looks down on him, to be aroused by being looked down upon... I almost

wish I had more time to let him feel it, but I need to get the job done. "Are

you my master?" he asks, closing his mouth and letting his tongue hang out a

little, unconsciously.

God, what a pushover. I'm half tempted to walk away, fuck my plan and fuck Owen,

simply out of disgust with this happy GSD. And then it hits me. I massage his

hard belly with the sole of my shoe, mashing his own load into his fur, and he

doesn't care. His uniform is in a crumpled pile next to him, nightstick, sidearm

and all, and he doesn't care. I'm disgusted with this sexy creature. I look down

on him more than I look down on some dumb slut like Cannit, and he's fucking

autistic, and it occurs to me that that is absolutely perfect.

Who wants to have a slave he respects? Not I.

"No-one else would have someone as pathetic as you, so I suppose I am," I inform

him and all the twitches and shakes in his body stop. Just straight out. The

happy smile solidifies, the eagerness in the eyes dims - neither disappear, but

they lose their initial edge the way a campfire burns hot for a few minutes and

then starts to burn long. This dog? He's started burning long.

"What would you like me to do for you, sir?" he asks. His voice is deeper now;

it's lost that put-on imitation of submissiveness. He's himself now, a fairly

buff, well-trained, confident Shep who's decided that he doesn't want to be what

he is. He wants to be a pet. A dog. I made a good call when I called him Rover.

I want five minutes' peace without hearing you," I snap at him, my voice hard

and raw while I keep smiling at him. "Clean your face with your clothes and when

you're certain you won't stain my trousers, you can take my dick in your mouth."

His face brightens and I quickly stamp on his belly, causing him to groan and

double forward and he's about to grip my leg with his cum-sodden fingers, but I

raise an admonishing finger and he stops, and straightens out. "Bad dog," I

inform him and stamp again. He groans again, grits his teeth. But the grin only

grows wider. I'm actually starting to enjoy this fucktoy, strange as it seems.

"To ensure your silence you may take my dick in your mouth. But no sucking, you

hear? No tongue. Just a snug dickwarmer's all I need, if only to shut you up.

And give me your walkie," I add almost as an afterthought as I lean my weight on

his belly, step onto his chest and then off him, walking a few steps away from

him. I stand wide, my back to him, and hear him scramble, sitting upright and

rubbing his uniform over his face and staining it with semen and not caring. He

starts to stand up, then remembers to snag his walkie-talkie and stands up to

walk over to me.

I raise a finger, just a finger, and he stops. Thinks. Gets the message. I hear

his breathing quicken again and then I hear the soft pitter-patter of hands and

knees and a cold nose snuffles under my hand, stuffing the walkie he's holding

in his mouth into my hand. "Good boy," I say offhandly and give him a rough pet

on the head, turning my body so I'm now crotch-to-nose with him.

He wastes no time. He seats himself on his knees and carefully licks his fingers

clean before he pulls don my zipper and, hell, I'm hard as a rock. Two rounds in

Alice, one in Rover, one in a fox and already I'm ready for more. He looks up,

pleading, whining, but I shake my head at him and, reluctantly, he opens his

jaws wide, closes his eyes and rests my jutting erection on the bottom of his

long muzzle, closing his lips around the base of the knot. He's a good dog and I

reward him duly, rubbing him over the ears and he looks up happily, but doesn't


That's impressive, part of me thinks.

But what am I thinking of? Hooking myself a slave, of all things? What's the

point! I can get sex anytime I want, I can bat someone up anytime I want, I can

get told how awesome I am anytime I want. I don't need to have someone waiting

for me at home, fuck that.

Still, an unskilled muzzle like this would be fun to train.

I flick on the walkie and the first thing I hear is, "And you can tell Mister

Ferrum's fucking security people that the guy never arrived and I don't

appreciate him breathing down my neck like this. For fuck's sake, this is a

police matter, and he's trying to get office security to solve it for him?" I

flick it off.

It makes me laugh. I hadn't thought a single element of the plan would go well,

up to now. Not getting Mark to co-operate, not the heist, not the balls-out

walking into the building and not discerning, from mere security chatter,

whether Ferrum was already aware the money got stolen from him, and by whom and

it was so fucking easy. That's four things that went right. Four elements of a

plan. That means I've got one more, and that's it. Never in my life have I had

more than five phases of a plan go right, so I always try to keep them short and

simple. Weird thing, this. I'm almost hoping this next part'll go wrong, so I'll

have some good fortune to look forward to later down the line. Nothing to do now

but wait...

But not for long. Halfway through a sigh my phone starts ringing and it

surprises Luke - sorry, Rover - enough that he gulps around his mouthful,

accidentally swallowing my tip down his throat, which of course sets him off

gagging. "It's okay," I assure him and grab him by the hair, then pull him

toward me, sheathing my cock down his throat nice and deep. It feels so nice to

have someone gagging around your dick, and it sounds kind of interesting too,

which is what I'm counting on when I click "receive" on my phone and put it to

my ear quickly to get the first word in.

"You'll soon have your money back, mister Ferrum," I inform him. Rover, to my

great satisfaction, doesn't look up, simply sits there, hands on his knees,

throat full of cock, trying not to throw up all over my clothes. He does a good

job of calming his heaves, turning his head sideways, starting to bob a little.

That actually feels damn nice. "I see the receptionist at the entrance finally

decided to open the envelope I forgot on her desk?"

"Why didn't you cover your tracks?" the deep, confident-sounding voice says on

the other end of the line. The stallion is probably sitting back in his chair,

still sweaty from his morning work-out, a towel draped around his neck,

coordinating his security force's search for the perpetrator of this theft,

something he noticed really, really quickly. Mere minutes after the banks

opened. Or maybe I'm just imagining he's that cool because I feel that cool, in

my expensive suit with my worthless fucktoy sucking my dick so fucking nice.

"Plausible deniability. If I'd gone into hiding you would have assumed the

obvious trail to my account was a false one left to hide the true identity of

your robber." Jesus, it's been a while since I've enjoyed a blowjob this much.

Or maybe it's to do with the power I feel now, dealing on such even terms with

someone with as much plain, raw power as Tiber Ferrum.

"Who would be someone close to me, and probably who might have a grudge against

you. Such as your friend Sharpish, mister Malloy."

I smile, even though I know Ferrum can't see me smile, and lay one hand on

Rover's head, pushing him a little to make him suck me harder and louder. I love

the way he gags around my dick and still keeps going, as if he's learning that

the urge to throw up and the sickening effort of repressing that is simply part

of giving good head, something to be grown accustomed to rather than overcome.

"You've really done your research. I didn't realise you even knew my name."

"Your name came up briefly in my first conversation with Sharpish," the stallion

says calmly, "He muttered it under his breath so naturally I memorised it and

had it investigated when I had the chance. If my hunch is correct, you were the

doberman-of-action with Owen when you barged into my office yesterday, yes? And

since he has since been taken into... well, custody might not be the appropriate

word. But you intend to get him free. Do you intend to use my money for that

purpose? I'd be interested to know what you had in mind..."

I'm humping into Rover's mouth now. I barely heard half of what Ferrum said to

me, I'm so enjoying this rough muzzlefuck, but I get the gist of it. "You don't

need to keep me talking, mister Ferrum. I know you're probably having the funds

stolen back as we speak, and I'd have expected nothing less. The money is yours,

not mine, and I didn't steal it to spend it. I stole it-"

"You stole it to impress me. Mister Malloy, that's... impressive."

I'm on dangerous ground here. Ferrum's tone is so flat and even and calculated

that I just can't get it figured out. I don't know what he's after, if he wants

revenge or to have me working for him or what. "Thank you," I say, trying to

balance respect with mockery, pulling Rover's head roughly backwards and

forward, trusting him to slurp up his excess saliva and my preseed as I

muzzlefuck him for the second time in as many hours. "I simply wanted to show to

you what I can do, to prove that I'm someone worth having in your debt."

The horse snorts lightly, a polite gesture amplified over the phone. "You want

to demand something in return for me getting my money back?"

"Of course not," I tell him simply and I want to say more, I want to explain it

better, but my eyes are focused on that chiseled canine face pumping itself so

masochistically over my erection, throwing his own comfort to hell. He's not

even hard, and I know for a fact that Rover's getting off on this more than on

any sex act he ever enjoyed.

"You truly are impressive, mister Malloy. Tell me, now that you're made your

mark, what sort of a favour would you ask of me?"

And then I came, and groaned into the phone. And I told Tiber Ferrum what kind

of a favour I wanted from him while I flooded my new fucktoy's throat with

cocksnot and I knew right then and there, in that moment of climactic victory,

when a heist had culminated in a deal with one of the most influential

executives in Maranatha - and one that only visited once or twice a month, too -

that at this point my luck had officially run out.

I don't like telling bad stories nearly as much as I like telling good ones, so

here's the deal. I walked out of the Northern Transnational building, escorted

by Alan Calhoun, the security guard, who guided me past the checkpoint at the

car entrance ramp and toward the plaza in front of the building's official

entrance. There, two men were waiting. Two men I recognised. A tiger with a

black eye and a jackal that wasn't looking too good, each dressed in plain,

ordinary clothes that looked so out of place amid the stylish suits everybody

else was wearing that they might as well have worn the security uniforms they

wore when I beat the crap out of them in Ferrum's office.

They introduced themselves, I forgot their names immediately. Rover stiffened as

my phone went off, which I'd had him set to vibrate, carefully lick from end to

end and then carefully shove up his own arse. Good thing for him mine was a

stylish, ergonomic clamshell rather than a pointy, boxy brick. He tried to look

inconspicuous about it and I wondered who would call me at this hour, but I

couldn't think of anybody who could call me for whom it would make a difference

if I called them back after what we were about to do.

Ferrum had provided us transportation. A black van, not unlike the one I'd

parked in the alley behind Anezka's shop, but better-organised inside. The tiger

got behind the wheel, showing no signs of holding a grudge, and the jackal got

in the back with me and Rover and went through the weapons available in the van.

I'd never fired an SMG so I politely declined on the MP5 the jackal - I remember

his name now, Reiner - offered me, opting instead for two hand pistols. Black

and well-balanced, they were far from Lola's elegance but felt familiar enough.

I stuffed them both down the back of my pants while I gave the tiger

instructions on where to drive.

Long story short, I said. I'm going to hold to that. Here goes.

Alice said he'd been kept in a warehouse that was empty except for a cage and

Owen took Alice's place and I know of three warehouses McIlwain owns that

Sharpish would have access to, and two of them are used for stolen cars, so I

had the tiger... Whose name I totally can't remember, drive to the third.

We drove right through the loading doors and all of us jumped out of the van

simultaneously, weapons at the ready, ready to take on...

Nobody. There was nobody in the warehouse. It was empty, as Alice had said and

there was a cage large enough for a man to crawl in, but it, too was empty. And

a door at the far end opened and Sharpish stepped through and before I could

stop him, Rover leveled his weapon at the ferret. There was a noise like a

thunderclap and then Rover flew backward, trailing blood through the air and

when he accidentally fired his weapon at the floor, in the haze of smoke and

dust I could briefly see three red lines, laser sights, that redirected

themselves. No doubt at myself and the two men Ferrum had provided, who

recognised a lost cause when they saw one. They dropped their weapons and knelt

on the ground on either side of me, as Sharpish approached and it was as if it

all happened in slow motion, you know?

I stood there, my guns, drawn but unfired, dropped to the floor. I stood there

in a daze, unable to believe it. The last part, so simple, the easiest fucking

part of the plan now that I'd jumped through all these hoops and gone through

all this trouble and planned everything from the start and now, this last part...

Owen wasn't there to be rescued.

Sharpish took long strides toward me and the door behind him opened, several

more thugs in black bomber jackets coming through after him. I tried to think,

tried to think how he'd known I'd come here, how he'd known so quickly. There

was no way. No way. He couldn't have predicted I'd get this kind of manpower

this quickly.

I saw the glint on Sharpish' fingers. Brass knuckles. He was five steps away,

already preparing the punch and I couldn't think to defend myself or even get

ready, I was so lost in thought. If he wasn't waiting for me, then he was

waiting for somebody else. But who? I tried to think of the possibilities, but

Sharpish was already there and I tried to raise my hands, to ask him for just a

few more seconds' thought, but I didn't get it.

And with that, and a whole shitload of regrets, ol' Malloy's out for the count.

To be continued.

Available on paperback in 2005


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