Chapter 1: A Fox's Heart

Story by Rask on SoFurry

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#1 of Animus Mutatio

Chapter 1: A Fox's Heart

Disclaimer: This story is a fictional account that contains materials

of an adult and homosexual nature. If you are not legally permitted to

view it, whomever or wherever you are, I'm not to be held responsible.

So, please, carry on if you are interested and free to let me know if

you liked what you read. (This is also my first time, so feel free to

also tell me things you didn't like and an corrections I might need to

do... ^_^ I'll give ya a cookie.)

A small drop of dew pelted my nose. This stirred me from my seemingly

eternal slumbering. With a wriggle of my nose, I ridded myself of the

remaining water. A youthful voice called.

"Who might you be?" Opening my eyes, the rays of dazzling, brilliant

light blinded me. Quickly I seal them back hiding them once more from the

foreign glint of the sun. I moaned as I sat up to face the voice. Again

I open my eyes to the outside world. My vision was a little blurry, but

rapidly focused. Holding my head so that my left hand cupped over the

matching eye; I scanned the area for the speaker. To my surprise, I

found myself in a gorgeous meadow. Flowers of every color bloomed about the

ground in a ransom order. Three-quarters of the way into my turn, I

discovered the person how had spoken to me. Gasping at the sight, I

dropped my hand and drew back. This being had fur all over his body and

looked much like a fox in his appearance. The tips of his triangular ears

were black that merged with the darkest tangerine color I had ever seen.

About his crown were several brown spikes of hair, messy in ever

meaning of the word. His intense green oculars almost jumped out at me as his

silky white under fur was fluffed up in a quirky way.

"Why are you so surprised little one?"

"I've never seen one such as you!" He gave this quizzical look to me,

and then opened his fang filled mouth to reply.

"Have you never gazed at yourself before?" He lifted his paw and

pointed behind me. I turned to see what he was pointing to. Sparkling in the

sunlight was a pool of water. His words echoed in my mind, 'Have you

never gazed at yourself before?' I couldn't remember a time I had ever

liked hearing anything that started that way. The water sat right there

in front of me, but I was reluctant to see. For that moment, time lost

its flow... seconds ticked by like years. All I needed to do was go to

the water's edge and this plaguing would cease. I could stand it no

more! I finally broke down and crawled on hands and knees, solely focusing

on the lagoon before me. Timidly, I peered into the pond's reflecting


"IMPOSSIBLE!! I'm a monster!" Smaller in size, lighter colored orange

fur, but other than that... I looked exactly like him. Then the gravity

of my words hit, and I rose my voice to speak, still looking to the

water at myself. "Oh! I'm sorry, I did mean it the way it sounded. It's

just this isn't how I remembered myself."

"Then how do you remember yourself? What were you before? Heck! What's

your name even!?"

"That's easy I was... uh... I mean... to say..." NOW my mind drew a

blank. "I had the answer a moment ago." He chuckled as I stumbled over my


"Well, how about my third question? Do you at least know your name?" I

blushed from sheer embarrassment. I could feel my white fur turn red.

Noticing my uneasiness, he stopped laughing as his face changed

demeanor. "You honestly don't know, do you?" I averted my gaze, keeping quiet.

"I guess I owe you an apology, I had no idea."

"It's okay," I spoke in a soft whisper.

Standing tall, he approached me. I could finally see him as he truly

was, his body well kept, something you'd expect of a trainer. If I had to

make a rough guess, he must have been at least 5 foot, and perhaps 7

inches tall. I studied him further, unable to determine his age, but

'bout his waist sat a loin cloth, savage attire; don't get me wrong... it

was well kept for his only article of clothing. A bit fear started to

take its grip. I had no clue of what to do, but I guess he could see my

fear and offered a smile and a gentle pet on my head. He strolled into

the pond and kneeled down in the water waist deep. He breathed in, and

then submerged his form into the depths. After a short second, he flung

his body back, sprinkling water everywhere. His eyes were closed and

his face skyward. For a while he stayed like that. Time passed, and

eventual he opened his eyes and stood up. Water still dripping from his fur,

he turned and faced me. "Now, so not to forget the formalities, I'm

Tsumi and for the time being you'll beeeeeeeee.... Rask! Well, at least

until you remember yours. When I introduce you to my clan, you'll need a


"Your clan!? You mean there's more of you... er... us?"

"Quiet a few," he smirked and winked at me. His cute smile calmed my

apprehension. "Now, before we head to my village, you have to do

something." Oh great! He wants something from me, I thought. Just then he

sauntered over to me and took a hold of my wrist with his cold, wet paw. His

touch was so gentle and caring, never aggressive. With a light tug, he

guided me into the pool. Strangely, I followed him as if I had no will,

but it's not like I could have done much anyway. His paw encircled my

entire wrist, and if he wanted, he could have crushed it. "Were you

watching what I was doing earlier?" I looked away and blushed; I didn't

want to admit that I had been staring at him. "Are you listening?" I

jumped a bit as his sudden remark drew me back to reality.

"Oh!? I'm sorry," I paused for a second before continuing, "Yes, I was


"Good! Now, listen closely. I want you to do the exact same thing!"

"Wha-? Why?"

"You have to have done this rite to get a hearing, let alone enter the

village. There are special cases, but why risk it."

"I don't understand..."

"This pond is a special place. At least once a year, we must travel

here and bathe in its waters for spiritual cleansing. Not to mention it's

said that a wish made here will come true..." He paused and looked to

me, letting go of my paw

"Now little Rask. Bend down into the water so that it is waist deep,

then clasp your hands in front of your chest. If you have a wish, make it

now. Plunge your body into the water, and then catapult it backwards.

Then finally speak this: 'Dues ex Spiritus! Accipio meus Amaturio.'"

Giving him a slight nod of understanding, I performed his ritual, and when

the wish came up, I prayed with all my heart. Please, let me remember

who I was. With that done, I finished up, make every move flawlessly. I

looked to Tsumi, and he snickered softly as he gazed down at me with

half sealed eyes. Then he lifted his paw and ran his fingers through my


"Come on, I can take you back to the village now..."

"Lead the way," I shouted with vigor, I was in fact eager to see others

of... our kind now.

"Don't be in such a rush; we're going to take it slow. You don't look

like you're up for something at 100% yet." I nodded in agreement, I felt

fine, but he had been a fox-person longer than I had, so he'd know what

a sick one would look like. I stood and pivoted fully towards the

vulpine, a smile about my muzzle. He once again took my paw, and from there

he led me into the forest. The trail was kept clear and orderly, much

that was expected for a sacred place. My eyes wandered off to the

distance, taking in the beauty of the luxuriant greenery, but unknown to me

at the moment, Tsumi was taking my beauty in with his own hues. When I

finally looked forward, I caught a glimpse of his stares, and I cocked

my head softly to the side, offering a smile to the fox.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Not at all little one... Just keeping my eyes on you." I turned a

bright shade of red as looked down to the ground.

"You don't have to. I'm fine really..."

"Ya say that now, but you may have suffered from a serious injury. Who

knows what might have caused you to lose your memories." I was

flattered that he had cared so much for me, a complete stranger. It's amazing

the power of someone's heart. "Well, here we are..." I looked about the

small circular clearing, my brow arching softly.

"Where exactly is here?"

"This is just a rest stop from the older ones of the village, there are

three. This is the first one on the way back, and it'll be getting late

soon, so we'll camp here." Gazing skyward, I was shocked to see that we

had been walking for quite a bit of time, I'd totally lost track of its

passing. He strolled closer to the field and to what appeared to be a

fire-pit, picking up pieces of wood as he walked. I followed timidly

after him, but I kept a few paces behind him, unsure of what I could do to

help. Bowing into the pit with the lumber, he orderly placed it down in

crossing patterns. He looked softly over his shoulder at me with a

gentle smile and summoned me closer with his head. I took baby-steps

towards him as he turned back forward. Lifting his paws over the wood, he

began to chant softly in a tongue I had never heard before. A supple

luminescence arose in-between his mitts; its warmth crackled for a moment as

a spark of fire surged upward from the logs in the pit. Astonished at

what happened, I lurched backwards, my mouth dropping open and eyes

shifting from him to the fire and back to him. A toothy grin appeared as he

gave me wink.

"How did you do that?" I kind of chuckled as I spoke, still a little

surprised at this display of power. He shot his eyes towards me in a

playful manner; he was quite smug about his trick. Waving a single paw over

the flame, it was extinguished. I did a double take and quirked a brow

to him, it was obvious he was enjoying this.

"Okay, I had my fun. All things of the world have an element spirit and

can manifest it. You, the lumber, me, we all have it, and we can tap

into the other spirits around."

"I don't understand? What do you mean?"

"Perhaps if I showed you then you'd understand. Kneel down closer to

the pit." I shrugged and did as I was told. Bending down to my knees,

arms by my side, and eyes looking to Tsumi, I waited for the next part of

my instruction. He gathered a few more branches and added them to the

pile before he got on his knees behind me. He was extra cautious to be

careful of my tail as he proceeded to come closer and press his chest

against my back. He reached over my shoulders and took a hold of my

wrists, lifting my arms out over the pile. I felt my throat dry out, and I

tensed up instantly. "Relax little Rask! You're far too drawn. Take a

deep breath." His words worth quite soothing, and I couldn't help myself;

I did exactly what he said. My chest expanded as I inhaled through my

nose. "Now exhale and close your eyes." Puckering my lips, I pushed out

the extra stored airs and sealed my hues shut. "Good, very good. Next,

I want you open your mind, listen to the area around you." My ears

perked up and I slowly shifted to focus on the vicinity about me.

"I hear birds..." I whispered. He replied in an even softer, very

encouraging tone.

"Good, what else?" I tightened my eye lips extending the tips of my

ears to their limits.

"There are some squirrels, I think, the wind, and..." It was so

rhythmical. Bum-pump, bum-pump, bum-pump.

"Yes? Anything more?" I swallowed a bit as I canted my head and opened

my mouth, readying myself to speak.

"A heart... No! Two," I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder to

him, "Yours and mine." He smiled and nodded plain and simply.

"Shhhh... Close your eyes again. Try to channel these things, focus

them into a force before you."

"But how?"

"Shhh." I sighed, turning back around to the lumber. With one more deep

breath, I again closed my hues and tried to do what seemed to be

impossible for me. "Don't answer, just follow. What do you want to do?" I

want to light the fire. "Can you sense the things of your space?" No! This

is silly! I can't do this. I couldn't feel anything but his touch. "You

must open your mind, let your soul do the touching." This isn't

getting... Hmm? It hit me with a sudden force. Even with my eyes, I could make

out the outline of the objects. I started to laugh loudly, and looking

about with my 'soul' as Tsumi put it. It was amazing, the trees were

yellow and the birds were this shade of green. Looking down to myself, I

noticed that my body color was blue, but Tsumi's was red. Then his

voice was whisper into my ear, "tell the spirits what you want, focus to

them." I gave a thought of the twigs bursting to flames, just as I had

seen them do before. A golden sphere appeared before me, shining brightly

like a star. Within this sphere, red sparkles started to materialize,

growing in number and intensity. Shifting the focal point to the lumber,

I directly willed the spirits to ignite it, and sure enough, the

crackling roars of fire rang in my ear. I quickly opened my eyes and smiled,

as the blaze grew higher. My vulpine friend loosened his grasp and

moved to the opposite side of the pyre. "That was excellent! You're

absolutely an astounding person."

"Well, I had help there!" We both laughed for a while, filling the air

with sound of joy. A little while later, he yawned and lay down,

stretching out every part of his body. His paw fell to his hips and untied

the straps and gently removed his loin cloth, putting it closer to the

fire. With an arch of my brow, I scratched my temple. Okay...? He must

not mind getting undressed in front of others?

"Well, Little Rask, It's been a day, but it is about time we slept.

We'll need to make sure to hit the second rest stop before dark tomorrow."

He gave a brisk nod before yawning once more and drooping about his

eyes. I chuckled softly to myself and took after his example, laying about

the ground and falling swiftly into slumber.

Later that night, I felt the fire got out. I opened my eyes to the

sound of a low growl behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I gazed into the

night; the still glowing embers helped me to see that the snarling was

come from Tsumi. Smiling with a bit of relief, I started to turn back

around when he moaned again. I spun back around as he opened his legs

wide. Being the point of movement, I, of course, focused on his lower

area. He groaned as he petted his lower region. Until this moment, I

hadn't really paid much notice to it, but he had a sheath for his member. I

don't know why I couldn't stop staring at it; I just found it

mesmerizing. As I continued to watch, I noticed something further. His husk, it

was swollen. Quirking my brow, I flashed a deep tint of cherry. WHAT am

I do!? Before I could divert my gaze, his enlarged scabbard surprised

me once more; a large bulge started expanding in the midsection. It was

something like a knot. Damn you Rask! Turn around! This isn't right. I

finally broke my lock, and turn back forward. I was so embarrassed;

this wasn't something I was used to. Closing my eyes didn't help, I could

still see it in my mind. I swallowed and exhaled several times, trying

to clear my head. But time passed and finally I slipped into dreamless


"Rask... Lil Rask, Wake up..." A soft paw nudged my shoulder and my

eyes began to open. It didn't even seem that I was asleep for that long.

"Good morning Rask! Ready to go?" His emerald oculus shone so bright, it

was sickening how he could be so cheery early in the morning. Groaning,

I rolled back over and tried to go back to sleep. "Haha! Oh no, you

don't!" Suddenly I found myself lifted into the air, and my belly resting

on his shoulder. My face thudded against that furry back of his.

"Come on, let me sleep..."

"If you can sleep while I carry you that's fine." I grunted and half

closed my hues. He then secured the back of my knees with one arm, and a

moment later I found a hand upon my rear end. My eyes quickly shot open

and in a nervous voice, I stuttered out a jumbled thought.

"Oh, huh... well, you don't, uh. You don't need to do that, I'll walk."

He smirked as narrowed his vision to me in an impish way and started to

walk with me still in his arms. "Come on, let me down!"

"Sorry, when you snooze, you have to suffer the consequences." I

grumbled as he continued to carry me down the path. I was helpless to do

anything, because the more I struggled, the tighter his hold got. I finally

just went slack and let him haul me. He's enjoying this far too much.

"Good boy, ya've learned that I always get my way." He burst into

laughter and strode off, his manus still upon my posterior. It was a wee bit

weird, but I kind of enjoyed the attention, but nevertheless there was

something in my mind telling me that, 'he's a guy, it not suppose to be

like that.'