RS: Incestious liberation 1/4

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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#1 of Incestious Liberation

I don't own two characters of which I have borrowed, however I do own a entirely different wolfess.

being Locke, Sal, and the other two of which I can't stand and would rather name them nameless.

Furthermore I stretch that I'm not one of those who sees the positive sides for slavery for It doesn't exist.

To others who are confused a willing slave is one who has been drugged and hypnotized by swirly eyes and not a skeleton key which makes it highly improbably unless they are already broken.

This story series centers around a man trying his best to free her even if he must shatter her view of the world and her getting very much deserved vengeance against the one responsible for everything. Along with freedom of her shackles from adoption, note this series focuses on incest past the prologue and I do hope you all enjoy this.

My daughter my mistress

Lightning crackled and thunder boomed all across the college dorm. A lone male was sitting on his bed in his apartment as he looked at his slave. He grimaced with distaste as he whispered "goddamn you uncle, goddamn you all to hell. I never wanted this..."

His name was Locke, and he was a college freshman. First, he got a hermaphrodite wolfess slave named Kris, and he tried to help her but. It wasn't enough; his heart thumped as he shed a tear remembering his uncle and his dark business of indoctrinating cubs to be sex slaves until they were old enough to have masters.

Felicita a familiar slave used him making his emotional turmoil grew. The last straw was over hearing his uncle saying for Kris to spy on him. He didn't want to be that mans heir however. He could feel it, he was slowly becoming like him like it was corrupting his core. His very kind behavior was being altered even on a subconscious level terrifying him and leaving him an emotional train wreck that's gone too far.

Day after day it grew too much for him to handle so he wrote a note, a suicide note before sneaking in a rope with a noose.

He clutched the rope and started to sob gently stroking the sleeping grey wolfess and whispered "I'm sorry; I can't handle it anymore. Kris I love you, and I wanted so badly to free you from my uncle..."

He walked into his Kitchen thinking "Sal, please forgive me..." Slowly attaching the rope to the ceiling and slowly stood on a nearby chair.

He placed it over his head and thought "I always loved you Kris..."

And kicked the chair away; it was a slow death as he was hung but soon the darkness claimed him. He shed a tear feeling his heart slowly come to a stop... Without him; she would go back to the dreadful place for more training, if it wasn't for the fact of one man who would come the next day.


It was a cold day in New York as a rider on a purple hover cycle drove by his dorm. As it started to rain, he noticed the same following three signs that appeared when he nearly lost one of his dearest friends and closed his eyes in grief.

Evan raised his head and doused his cigar and muttered "so this is my dorm... Lame, even if I haven't been in one before..."

On the streets the citizens watched unnerved by his arctic cold hazel golden eyes and holographic swat badge. The black lines on his arms were clearly visible as his prosthetics merely whined silently under the wind. On his back were two beam katanas and his standard weaponry consisting of two Excalibur gauss shotguns, an Excalibur class gauss sniper rifle, two Excalibur class submachine guns hidden underneath the brown cloak he was wearing.

Attached to both his thighs were two gauss magnums.

He snorted and muttered "I figure this is my motherfucking punishment for not telling her father after all!"

Earlier, the following day Peter his boss even after becoming a SWAT was livid with him because of the marriage to his daughter, and threatened to take away his badge if he didn't attend college in this reality.

Needless to say Evan complied only to warn him about being separated from his wife and lovers.

"Fine but I am warning you, when I am alone I can be a sadist. If I see trouble there I won't stop!"

Before leaving with a look of sorrow and anger his hands trembling with rage. He talked to his wife about what happened as well as his tenants.

The entire campus was concerned as soon as he came up not caring about his mood. The teachers didn't complain as he would listen and write down notes. Also seeing that badge always made them unsettled and filled with grief. Seeing those arctic cold hazel golden eyes that burned with anger, angst and sorrow filled with determination.

Various students wanted to see if he was open, but he pushed them away to protect them. He wanted to be alone and far from everybody be it men or women he was not in the mood. His ears raised slowly hearing the concerned voices from the teachers saying, "have you seen Locke or Sal? It's been too long..."

He shook his head and whispered "why do those names sound so familiar?"

A nearby classmate shook his head and answered "Lockes the anaconda and the Sals the dragon; I think the vixen is Kris is it calling him master was silly."

Making his eyes widened in shock and thought "oh gods please no, anything but that subject; I don't want to lose control of my emotions! I knew I should have taken more lessons with her when I went to here..."

He shook his head reminiscing about the past few hours and suppressed a heartless chuckle. New things done by force always sets him off, it hurts, it feels like a knife in his heart.

His cybernetic eyes spun slowly as he gazed at he dorm and headed inside. He winced sharply feeling a pain in his chest being separated from his wife, his friends, for who knows how long.

As every step he took into the Dorm the more the shadows and darkness grew. He has battled his darkness and feelings for months and held them back as much as possible. Even with the wraith gone to it was still too much for him to handle. And walked to his dorm room listed on the piece of paper the teacher gave him somewhere on the 8th floor.

He heard whispers and frowned as he climbed the stairs higher and higher.

Upon Reaching the 8th floor he heard weeping and watched as a golden dragon lowered his head. He smelt blood and strolled forwards and asked, "SWAT officer Evan young's Wolffang, I would like to ask a few quests-"

The sentence died on his lips as he looked into the room and noticed a grey wolfess on her hands and knees crying. He raised his head and saw an anaconda with a noose around his neck.

He gazed at her with wide eyes seeing that she was wearing a cloak with a hood. As he looked at her carefully he studied her figure and winced seeing tatoos cover her arms. Along with a piercing on her ear and maybe more decorating her but they were hidden from his view because of her clothes. He aslo took notice of the bulge in her shorts and flushed seeing that she was indeed a hermaphrodite. He growled as he aslo noticed that she was quite thin besides being pretty. Feeling quite nauseous he quietly mused as to why she would even be here at all. In fact she looked like an adult much like himself.

His musing was interrupted as he barred his teeth hearing her whisper "master why?" and slipped out of control of his vast psionic potential of the bydo core. He closed his eyes hearing whispers of how to please, to punish yourself when you did wrong, and watched through her eyes about the so-called training she went through ever since she was a eight year old cub. The training was essentially indoctrination on the lowest darkest level. The name Kris rang a bell and his heart clenched as irrational rage threatened to swallow him whole.

Before he entered the room he extended his senses and smacked into a giant steel cage. His jaw clenched feeling barriers surrounding her entire mind and a giant steel cage. He swallowed hard as he realized that she has been basically brainwashed or indoctrinated by slavers. It made his fur crawl knowing that some slavers use this method but this was far beyond what he had expected.

He felt around the barriers and the steel cage extending his psionic reach slowly but not alerting her. False images of kindness, being proud of what she does, it was sickening. Whoever was this 'high master' was he better not touch her again, as indoctrination can never be fully healed when it becomes permanent.

He closed his eyes and detected the smallest of cracks located on the steel cage holding back her freedom of choice. He hid back a smirk as he realized that she could be saved after all. It was not going to a nice and gentle push; it's going to be a hard push which should help her eventually.

He clenched his fists and made up his mind slowly entering the room while the Golden dragon shouted "HEY STOP you can't go in the-"

He froze in horror as Evan glared at him letting his aura washing over the entire room.

The wolfess froze in shock before looking over her shoulder cautiously, and her heart froze. A police officer was not good not good at all.

He strolled into the room materializing a pair of rubber gloves and wore them. He gazed at her with deep sorrow and angst making her cringe in despair and confusion.

Evan whispered "who is he? And please don't say master I don't want to get upset with him. I have heard from the teachers that Locke hasn't come from his room at all, and now I know..."

Before slowly gazing at the poor freshman.

The coldness went away and whispered "why ask me? I just want to serve h-"

Evan slowly cupped her chin and spoke firmly "don't; I know you slaves, and it makes my skin crawl. Your so-called training is indoctrination by sick men who want you to go to their direction!"

She looked appalled and angry, and he growled saying, "face it your slave hood makes you useless in the real world! The high master of whoever trained you is just using you. I know you don't understand but look into my eyes!"

Her mind was rattled as she squirmed around weakly. She didn't want to accept those words; she couldn't she just wanted to be a s-

He forced her head a little to gaze into his eyes and whispered "I am so sorry for this, see through my eyes of what slaves are forced into for the rest of their lives!"

Much to her horror and panic as he sent an orange spark into her mind.


She watched as slavers beat their victims, or when willing slaves were tossed away like dirt. She closed her eyes and clutched her head as they went through her.

Her resolve and proud ness of her slave hood were being chipped ruthlessly as she sobbed. She watched as masters beat them hard and laughed, or left them to die.

She wanted to rave to shout before freezing as she watched some of them went through the same training she did when she was eight. A large crack appeared in her resolve for being a slave, and she pinched her eyes shut and wailed loudly before it stopped.


Sal rushed forwards and tackled him shouting "what the hell did you do to her?!"

As he watched Kris crumpled up into a ball weeping as he was tossed aside. Evan chuckled smiling making him angrier and Evan added, "I merely showed her my memories, of all the acts of slavery and so-called training does or what I call indoctrination! I simply don't care about what you think boy!"

Sal punched him across the face making him blink and added, "please stop your hitting a SWAT officer, and I don't want to arrest y- oomph!"

Sal hit him repeatedly before long he shuddered hearing dry pleased laughter escape his lips. Evan whispered "I'm the Enforcers best officer, but I can understand your anger and not booking you right away boy!" smiling darkly as his berserker side came to the front momentarily turning his eyes pitch black.

Sal backed off quickly his eyes widened with fear as Evan slowly got to his hands and knees. He coughed loudly and whispered "I'm so deeply sorry for showing those to you Kris, but it's the only way. I know you don't have much experience outside being a slave. However, it's the only way to heal the damage the so-called high master has done for most of your young life..."

Kris whimpered loudly as she feebly gave a heart-broken whisper "why?!"

It broke his heart to do such ruthless things to a poor girl. Especially one as beautiful as herself, but he already has a wife making this a complicated position. He thought to himself "how am I going to explain this to my wife? Wait why not an adoption can be possible. I will do anything to free this poor girl from her life."

When a slave looses a beloved master, it hurts them deeply. Enough to kill themselves or get sent to another master in question, Evan does not like this one bit as he would always destroy whatever new slavery rings that spring up out of nowhere.

Evan swallowed and explained, "I know I was rough, and I deeply apologize for that, I only sent the tamest memories, so I didn't break you. I did it so you can see the truth... whatever high master he is he doesn't care about you. All he sees is money and not the beautiful and gentle girl whom Locke tried to help break free..."

Kris slowly moved from her position tears rolling down her face as she shouted "I ALREADY TOLD HIM THAT I WAS PROUD OF MY SLAVEHOOD! However,-BUT I don't know anymore I loved my master deeply! HOWEVER, WHY, WHY DO THIS?!"

He swallowed hard and stood up slowly and turned away.

He sighed as he folded his arms saying, "maybe he knew that you were spying on him..."

Kris shot her eyes up in shock as her heart nearly felt like somebody slammed a knife into it.

Evan sighed and added, "look he didn't want to be the heir of such an awful business, but he didn't mind being with you. He loved you deeply and not as a slave he could have made you his wife after college..."

Kris burst into tears, and he walked forwards cautiously to wrap his arms around her waist.

Her eyes widened in shock as she whispered "what-" she was slowly cut off as his paws gently massaged her back through her clothes. Slowly, and kindly he kindly stroked along her tail as well with his other hand getting her hard as gentle and soft pleasure filled her.

Evan sighed and whispered "I am deeply sorry for what I have done, I don't want to press my will against you. However, if you keep calling me master because that is what you were trained to do, then I will call you my mistress..."

Her eyes widened slowly as she murmured "what do you mean?" as she whimpered softly in guilty pleasure that she wanted to be punished for.

He merely smiled as he kissed her forehead and cheek gently whispering into her ear.

"It means you control me instead of the way you're used to..."

She flushed feeling herself get hard at the strange suggestion. She closed her eyes, and he continued "look life as a slave can be very harsh. Your body might be injected with so many chemicals that it's poison. I just want you to control your own life. I am deeply sorry for what happened to your lover..."

He released her and started walking away as she bursted into tears once more.

She remembered how different her master was, how gentle, kind. He was unique trying to help her as best as he could even when she couldn't understand. She was trained ever since she was eight to be a slave, and to be proud to be one. However, that just might change after all...

she closed her eyes and thought "could he be right? For once I would want to be control of myself. However, not because of the High master..."

She opened her eyes feeling uneasy as she began to follow him her thoughts were filled with doubt.

Evan looked over his shoulder stopping as he smiled and extended a paw. She hesitated, and he spoke gently "once you accept being my mistress, there is no chance of the so called high master coming to get you. I promise I will defend you, protect you, and love you as much as possible. Without taking advantage of while you're in command. I am a submissive man when it comes to woman and some men, I'm also Bi, and I wouldn't mind being taken by a beautiful herm like you; my name is Evan Young's Wolffang professional S.W.A.T officer and bouncer for a gay strip club..."

His words were gentle as they used to be so hard and demanding making her hesitate.

He gazed at her with eyes filled with sorrow and understanding before she gently took his offered paw.

She squealed in shock as he quickly pulled her closer and started carrying her bridal style out of the door. She gazed at him in shock as he whispered "I'm sorry for my aggressive behavior; I'm separated from my wife who is a dominant, and my sexual male partners who are gay. I need a dominator to keep me in line, will you be that?"

She smiled as she squirmed trying to get closer to his muscular but very slim chest and answered "I will do so my m-"

He gently placed a finger on her mouth to silence her, and he swished his tail saying "ah, ah, ah my mistress you don't need to say that. I make sure you are never sent back to that place again!"

As he gave her a look of sorrow and gently raked a paw across her cheek.

His room was right across the hall, and he opened the door with a hand as she smiled quietly as he carried her inside. He walked within the spacious room and gently placed her on his bed and added, "Hold on I will get your clothes for you my mistress..."

Making her blushed feeling flabbergasted as he swayed his hips to get her duffle bag from Locke's room. The sirens of the paramedics were heard, in the distance, as he returned with her clothes and placed them gently next to her.

He latched his weapons against the wall before adjusting his clothes making her stare at the armor underneath feeling afraid.

He sighed before quickly locking the door and walked forwards.

She watched him in concern as he walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed. She nearly whimpered as he slowly materialized a brush and unhurriedly began brushing along her fur. She widened her eyes as he looked into her own and added "I told you, I wouldn't harm you. However, I have been naughty!"

He slowly atomized his armor and lower sleeveless shorts and underwear. He simply got onto the bed next to her and spread his legs and replied "I won't tell you to do anything, this is your choice, and only choice alone Kris..."

Kris trembled trying to think of the past lessons and Evan spoke soothingly "You're better than this; I will let you punish me for causing you grief!"

She shed a tear before quickly rolling onto him lowered her pants and giving a sharp thrust inside his walls. Evan yelped before adding, "THAT'S MORE LIKE IT HARDER!"

She merely barred her teeth and kept on thrusting, he was so tight around her cock. He gently wrapped his arms around her waist to hold in place and added, "harder please harder make me shout in sweet release!"

She started to cry as she did so before gently feeling him nuzzle her. He looked at her with passionate eyes as her own eyes were blurry from the tears and whispered "come now don't be sad, I am deeply sorry for what also happened to Locke... what caused it?"

She pumped in and out of him slowly as she smiled sadly and her head rested under the nook of his neck. She whispered "I think he listened to his uncle and what his plans were. My sister was such a bitch, and I hate her for starting it!"

She shook slowly as she continued "I-I want to kill her for what she did!"

Evan merely rolled her eyes and gave a cruel smile saying "if they come here there is nothing they can do. I have small connections to the Global News network for saving their lives. Furthermore, I can be a sadist but, not now not here..."

He gently rubbed her ass and gave it a squeeze making her yelp softly.

He smiled sadly saying, "it's not cheating if you're a herm, I can't do normal sex with you, and I am sorry..."

Kris sniffled as she lowered her eyes and added, "Why? Why do you want to remove my slave hood?"

Evan merely frowned in concern and added, "I just do; I do it because I don't want to break you... I will help you with whatever you need my mistress."

That was the final straw that broke her back as she released herself inside his colon and started to sob loudly. He pulled her closer kindly and sat up with her cock still inside his body. He gently rocked her before his head rested on on her right shoulder and nuzzled her.

He opened his eyes and gazed at the door his golden hazel eyes turned pitch black. It could take years to heal her from her brainwashing; he was pretty sure his wife would love her as well.

He narrowed his eyes as he whispered "no one shall take you away this I promise. You never said high master, either I am impressed..."

She nearly panicked before swallowing as she added "but b-"she cut off as Evan gently stroked along her tail making her an unknown feeling of soft pleasure.

He shed a tear and added, "I've seen what happens to loyal slaves from afar. The high master doesn't really care about them and will let other slaves sleep with the one they love. In order to break them..."

She felt her heart almost shatter as her weak mind nearly caved in before he gently licked her neck.

Evan licked his lips after the lick and added, "He doesn't care if they break or not, to the high master a slave is just a slave. I am so deeply sorry, but the truth hurts no matter how hard you wish it wasn't true..."

He started crying as she looked on in shock as he gently hugged her tighter and whispered "but I, if I wanted to and will gladly do is to adopt you into our family. My wife is my dominator you would be my daughter and mistress, and I would love every second of it. However, I need your permission first this way he will never touch you again. You can think about it if you want to..."

She bursted into tears and sobbed loudly as he fell back onto the bed and covered them both with the covers, gently stroking along her back in order to calm her down. She rested with him with his arms wrapped around her waist crying as he stared at the ceiling.

A coo escaped his lips as he whispered "no one will harm you again, my daughter my mistress..."

She raised her head quivering, and he smiled softly and added, "but I'm just a s-"

Evan merely kissed her forehead and added, "Not to me; I can see that you enjoyed it. You shouldn't feel so dirty either; I wanted it, and you didn't hurt me. After all I need someone to keep me in line..."

He materialized a spiked dog collar and a leash connected to it. Her eyes widened in shock as he wore it, and he gave her the leash saying, "it's about time you took control for once instead of the other way around. My wife makes me wear this whenever I drive her crazy too much..."

She merely sniffled as she dried her tears, and he gently whispered "if you dream of bad memories of your past, I want you to think and whisper these words when you start to fall asleep. Standup be strong know right from wrong for forever hence believe yourself..."

She raised her ears listening as he added "when you feel the pressure the strain is hard to measure, so with your sheer endeavor. Forever hence believe yourself. The first line goes first before the second and speaks them repeatedly. Trust me, it will help you immensely more than me; I've been suffering nightmares to long, and I don't want to harm you..."

Shi took those words as a command and closed her eyes thinking about them repeatedly. He gently massaged her back feeling her fur and whispered "good night Kris my beloved mistress..."

While thinking about how to get the adoption papers written up without causing a scene. Alternatively, not attract unwanted attention. He clenched his right fist and thought "if I meet whoever this high master is I will make him into a wallet, a belt, and a hat extremely slowly and still alive..."

Meanwhile Kris was whispering the words before she fell into slumber as he brushed along her fur with his paws. As he closed his eyes, he didn't know that he set up a link between her and him due to the bydo core within his chest.

Kris's dream

Evans eyes widened in shock as he looked around bewildered. He stopped and stared seeing his mistress getting whipped while whispering the words under her breath. He fell to his knees as she was repeatedly injected with unknown drug cocktails while her resolve began to harden and waiver.

He dashed forwards and into the room as she began to cry, an eight-year-old wolf cub. He was so angry; all these memories were that of an indoctrination process. To brainwash a small cub to be a pet for life is beyond evil.

Kris widened her eyes in shock as she felt the whipping stop followed by outcries of agony. She raised her eyes and widened them seeing golden hazel eyes staring at her in dismay and sorrow.

She heard him whisper "Oh Kris, what did they do to you?"

she outstretched her hands and he removed the needles from her clitoris, and she whispered "E-Evan?"

His eyes widened in shock as he bursted into tears as he hugged her tightly. She was deeply confused as he whispered "I'm so sorry; I didn't know it would be this bad!"

She gave a small whimper as the doors burst open, and she gasped seeing the high master, except, he was furious. Evan looked at the man and whispered "Kris don't go near him just don't. He is the person that caused Lockes suicide in the first place."

She lowered her head, and her eyes narrowed as she spoke softly "how?"

Evan sighed and whispered in her ear "some people can't take the pressure; he was weak willed. He suffered from his private bitch as she forced herself on him. He was used by him; he didn't want to be part of this business. I am so sorry for being so rough with you..."

_She flinched seeing the high master yell "SLAVE COME TO ME!" _

She squirmed in Evan's grip, and he held her tighter and added, "I will never let you go back to him. Do you hear me never? He has already destroyed your love life with Locke so why would you want to return to this place?"

She growled and added, "I have nowhere else to go!" she snapped before trying to bite him on his right arm.

A clang was felt as she bit into his augmented right arm making her wince. She was expecting him to punish her instead he lip locked her making her cease her struggle. He broke away and whispered hoarsely "I know, and that is why tomorrow with the help of my wife, we are going to make the adoption papers. I just wanted you to be pleased, happy without being a slave but instead my daughter and mistress when my wife isn't around to control my actions!"

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt her heart thump. He merely shed a tear and continued "I would never punish you; you don't deserve to be punished. I will gladly help you with anything because of him!"

He finally finished "education, common sense, learning about the world; I want you to become a Wolffang so badly. Her father is the main commander of the Enforcers and over protective of her. You become our daughter, and he will never get to see you again!"

Pointing at the high master looking disgustedly at the anaconda as her eyes narrowed and spoke "no I will not come with you high master!"

The man howled as the darkness exploded outwards racing towards them.

Evan barred his teeth shouting "THIS IS YOUR MIND, AND YOUR DREAM, IN HERE YOU ARE GOD NOT HIM!"

Kris was terrified out of her mind she did want to anger the high master. However, the howls of rage were enough to see that his friendly appearance was, in fact, an illusion. The crack of her resolve to be a slave turned wider and turned into a fractured piece of glass.

She trembled before screaming "GO AWAY!"

The darkness shattered as well as the entire room, leaving only the barn. He gently started stroking her fur as she bursted into tears shaking as she started to weep as she whispered "was it all a fake?"

Evan raised his head as tears rolled down his face and answered "to you, it may be true; to me, it is. I'm just too stubborn when it comes to my own views..."

She gazed into his eyes as he gently rocked her and added "sh it's alright; it's alright..."

His eyes wandered around thinking about how long it would take to fix the damage done by the so-called training. He closed his eyes and thought "I need to purge her of the drugs and soon. I can smell it; she is literally begging to be fucked. However... their also acting like poison in her body how much damage that is done I don't know, my poor sweet mistress..."

He slowly started walking out the doors of the barn listening as she sobbed and whispered "Locke, I am so sorry..."

He smiled sadly, and he added, "he would have forgiven you; you're not at fault only that wretched man. His mind must have been an emotional train wreck for a long-time..."

His eyes softened as he heard her sniffle with eyes filled with sorrow.

He closed his eyes as they left the mental representation of the barn and away from the farm completely and whispered "it's about time I tell you why I wanted a mistress. I have been under an insane amount of pressure and stress; I have acted out of spite. I wanted you to become like my wife when she isn't around. I did not do this because I am selfish but to help you. Why? Why were you so proud of this?"

She shed a tear and whispered "I had no one but what is indoctrination?"

Evan grimaced saying, "it's highly complicated for you to understand, but I will say it anyway. Brain washing in subtle ways doing this so-called training at an early age would do this. Children are easily impressionable and can be molded like so. Slave training doesn't make me happy because of it; you're nothing but a skeleton key!"

She whimpered loudly hearing his bitterness, and he continued "I know I sound stern, strict; I have to be. I am not a weak willed nor am I strong willed. I am stubborn and I do my job because I love it, and have to in order to protect my wife. I know sorrow, bigotry, sexism, horrors of terrible masters from scoping them out. However, the truth about my feelings is because I am hyper empathic..."

He looked into her eyes and added "soft spoken, polite, misery, you only say that your proud of it because you're forced too and know nothing else unless its from different training because of the high bastard. I, on the other hand, am strict, submissive when it comes to my wife and our tenants. However, I also am a sucker for women who are suffering."

He gently touched her neck and her eyes widened ever so slightly seeing chains and locks covering her.

Evan shed a tear and continued "this is what happens to slaves; they become trained enough that it's nearly impossible to heal. Locke helped you more than the high master realized..."

As he pulled at the collar, and it dissolved away and finished "that was the collar restricting your own decisions, tell me did you fall in love with him or was it because of the so-called training?"

She lowered her head closed her eyes. She thought of her deceased master and slow acceptance until she opened her eyes and lowered her head. He smiled sadly as she whispered a soft "yes I fell in love with him" before everything shattered once more.

Exit dreamscape

_ _Seconds, minutes, hours passed around six he opened his eyes and slowly slipped out of bed. He slowly walked into the bathroom and gazed into the mirror. His eyes were filled with sorrow and misery, and he shook his head to get the emotions out of his head.

He resumed his flossing and brushing schedule before he sighed heavily.

He should have had more respect for Locke, that poor snake was going through emotional hell because of his uncle and high master. He simply sighed as he walked back into the bedroom.

He gazed softly at the sleeping hermaphrodite wolfess his mistress and gently stroked her cheek. She stirred gently and never whimpering making him smile softly before blushing as he realised he forgot to remove his gauntlets.

He pointed his left hand at her and scanned her using the medical scanner and stored away the information until later. He materialized a black cloak and another outfit for her funeral clothing that is. Then he also materialized a bag pipe. He swallowed hard as he walked back into the apartment's kitchen.

His apartment was a large room with well-stocked kitchen and other utensils, and he sat on the couch.

He shed a tear quivering as he whispered "this is for you Locke, I will save her as you tried to do... I am sorry for my unpleasant behavior yesterday to her. I hate myself for doing so, it hurts so much but I will play this for you, Amazing grace..."

He placed the tip in his mouth and started to play.

Kris stirred awake, and she listened to him shuffle his feet out the door. She slowly walked to the door and watched in sorrow seeing her slave having a strange instrument. She shed a single tear as he spoke the words about saving her and began playing a song dedicated to Locke.

He shed a tear as he continued playing, and he turned his head to see Kris at the door. Her eyes widened in fear, but he smiled weakly with the tip still in his mouth. He patted on the couch making her slowly walk into the room and sit down.

He gently nuzzled her as he continued playing while she started crying once more.

His eyes softened before internally sighing as he thought "poor Kris, to lose the only one that truly cared about her. Maybe, just maybe I can help her and what Locke would have wanted before getting used to it and vice versa..."

Evan had a fetish for woman dominating him often, but he would only be dominated by her and his wife.

He finished the song, and he hugged her quietly. She whispered "I miss Locke..." and started to weep as Evan smiled sadly gently rocking her once more.

Shortly she looked at him and then at his crotch. He lightly placed a paw on her chest saying, "no; it's me who should be pleasuring you instead..."

Grabbing her cock making her eyes widen stammered before he gently licked it and added, "I want to do this please mistress?"

She responded by grabbing his head and forced it down. She grunted feeling the pleasure and the power she seemed to have for the third time in her life. She smiled sadly thinking of Locke before continuing to deep throat her would be father.

Evan nearly choked if he didn't mind it, his wife would deep throat him with a strap on if he annoyed her greatly, but it just makes her hotter in his eyes.

Kris grunted as her cock throbbed saying, "that's it make me cum my slave!" Evan swished his tail and whimpered needly as she removed her cock. She smirked grabbing him and flipped him around and gave a sharp thrust into his ass.

He yelped before panting as she pounded him mercilessly. He replied "I'm mph, sorry about oh not giving you any pleasure but. I have a grunt wife I can't cheat on her so this way is preferable."

She merely smiled softly kindly massaging his furry bum. She spoke quietly "your such a man-whore aren't you slave?" he raised an eyebrow before thinking saying, "I bet Locke will be watching after you, wherever he is my mistress..."

She smiled sadly, and he gently added, "if you move your cock ever so slightly you will find my prostate, and that makes things so delightful!"

He yelped as she hit it, and soon they started panting up a storm. Her own arousal was starting to die down moderately, and later she came within his colon once more.

She pulled out and moved him once again so he could clean it up.

She smiled as she stared into those golden hazel eyes and kissed his forehead as she whispered "thank you..."

He smiled gently adding, "no thank you; I've always been out of control around total strangers. Tell me why haven't you called me master yet?"

She sighed and added, "Locke was my master, and I should stop saying that, but I can't..."

Evan merely finished cleaning her cock with his tongue and added, "it will fade in due time; it can be a few days to weeks. At least, you called Locke by his name and would help his friend with pleasuring him!"

She giggled weakly and he gently looked into her eyes. He merely placed a paw on her right cheek and added, "your quite a beautiful woman. And if your still hard you can always use my ass as I will be contacting my wife by holo phone..."

He yelped as he was flipped over again, and she slammed into him once more. He huffed and rolled his eyes pulling out his holo phone and dialed his wife. Her holographic image appeared, and she turned red in embarrassment and Evan snickered saying, "she's a herm so don't worry I wouldn't dare to cheat on you!"

Sheana rolled her eyes huffing as she shouted "EVAN YOUNG'S WOLFFANG!!!"

Kris widened her eyes as Evan placed his head on the couch and whispered "fuck she's pissed... now you see who owns the pants in my relationship and my growing need for a mistress. She makes it sound so easily and hot, and it's not painful, unless she gets pissed making me bend over for her with ease!"

Kris raised an eyebrow as her thoughts whirled around before smirking saying, "hello you must be his wife; I'm proud that you could make him be your slave!"

Sheana rolled her eyes and added, "husband, what the hell is going on and why are you wearing a dog collar connected to a leash when I don't use mine on you?"

Evan winced as Kris hid a giggle before Evan added, "um correctly, this would be hard to explain. Kris here is actually well she was trained since she was eight to be a pleasure toy..."

And so he talked to her and talked leaving her disgusted, shocked, and nauseous.

Kris lowered her head and Sheanas image extended a paw and placed it close to her cheek.

She whispered still on the line "you are a poor dear, you used to like it?"

Evan's eyes softened and added, "Yes my beloved, but not anymore. She was trained since she was a cub and injected with who knows how many drug cocktails, I will study them before cleansing her of them. She was very well trained or should I say indoctrinated but all it takes is one simple push. I want to adopt her to keep her away from his clutches, if she goes back to the farm it would be much worse for her..."

Sheanas concerned look turned into intense anger as she replied "don't worry I will set up the papers immediately without him noticing. Never mess with a Wolffang or you will meet my father when he is angry..."

Soon they disconnected the connection, and he looked over his shoulder and answered "looks like it could be smooth sailing from here. However, if he shows up at my doorstep, I won't hesitate to break him..."

She merely shuddered as his eyes turned arctic cold but not at her and resumed thrusting.

After she was finished, they got dressed, and he helped her with her clothes. She smiled gently as she murmured a soft "thank you" of which he gently hugged her while massaging her back once again.

He smiled quietly before releasing her and sat down at the kitchen table, and he prepared himself and her for breakfast consisting of Swedish pancakes, orange juice, eggs, and bacon.

He gently patted a spare chair and added, "You can eat first, please by all means help yourself!"

Making her eyes widened in shock behind her cloak's hood, and he smiled sadly saying, "I know it's hard adjusting to life that's different from what you're used to. However, it is needed my wife is drawing up the adoption papers and shall be coming over soon. Please Kris Locke wanted you to be somebody you always wanted to be. However, his uncle or the high master ruined it..."

She sat down at the table and whispered "what were you talking about?"

Evan placed a hand on her stomach saying, "you were injected with who knows how many drug cocktails; I want to see what they truly did to your body..."

She flinched remembering all those times she sat on a needle and was injected.

He sighed and materialized a diagnostic report. He looked it over, and his eyes widened in shock and deep concern.

Kris looked worried as he added, "I know some drugs can be used for sex. Aphrodisiac, for instance, makes you very warm and in need for sex, but to many of the different types of aphrodisiacs?"

He flipped the report, so she could see it for herself and her eyes widened seeing black areas on her body. Evan swallowed hard and added, "I don't want to be bearer of bad news but all these drugs are unknown to me and their poisoning you. You are dying Kris..."

She felt a cold chill crawl down her spine as her heart stopped beating the image of her proud image of her slave hood cracked once more and then finally shattered into pieces.