Deviant Desires: "Fuck Like a Stud!…"

Story by taboogle666 on SoFurry

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The next chapter in the series has been waaaaay long overdue, my apologies, i've been procrastinating too much...

To understand the first reference, it's from my previous stories, but you don't have to read them to enjoy this one.

Contains: woman turning into male stud, rubber, muscles, hot gay sex ensuing later :D

Deviant Desires: "Fuck Like a Stud!..."

A woman, over 6 foot tall while wearing black thigh high shiny boots, with an extremely tight, short, black long-sleeve turtleneck dress tightly hugging her perfect curvy body, walked into the research lab while hastily tugging on a white lab coat. Her long nails matched the bright ruby red that coated her lips, her eye's iris's also the same hue. Her jet black hair crisp pageboy haircut played a stark contrast against her perfectly pale skin, the straight bangs neatly framing her eyebrows. Her name was Levixiana, and she's General Supervisor over the research and development department at Deviant Desires Inc., a company in which she is also a major shareholder.

The research lab in which they worked was filled with the latest technology, some of which the rest of the world had never even seen or heard of before, almost straight out of science-fiction! The people that worked there were a mystery however, sure they were extremely brilliant, but they weren't quite...normal. They were, in all actuality, highly advanced humanoid androids, programmed with an Artificial Intelligence that was super human, engineered to be highly efficient at problem solving and abstract thinking, but lacking emotions, making them very suited to their work. The entire scene seemed definitely out of this world...

Levixiana was now at the center workstation, an elevated platform where she was able to oversee the work and progress of all the research drones, as well as access the huge terminal that displayed a large holographic screen. Deftly using light taps of her fingers, she touched and navigated the holo-display to open the files from the latest reports. The new research data from the latest prototype had finally been finished, and she was quite curious to see the conclusion.

Upon opening the file, Levixiana was greeted with several images of what appeared to be pink, rubberized, anthropomorphic panther men, followed by blocks of text and graphs. Quickly scanning through the data with her red eyes acutely focused, a slight grin formed upon her luscious red lips. 'Hmmm... seems to have been quite the success...' She thought to herself internally.

REPORT: Prototype Code PP

The overall designed intent of the prototype has displayed success into which it was originally designed for. The neo-nanite system has exceeded expectations.

Physical: The nanites were able to fully integrate succinctly with all the organic systems within each host. Alterations and merging of synthetic and organic tissues occurred as per programmed. Each organic hormonal system was successfully altered and produced desired results. Host DNA fully altered.

Mental: The nanites were able to fully integrate with the entire neural network of the host, and was successful in implanting pre-programmed impulses and artificial instincts and urges originally foreign to the host. Artificial subconscious impulses drove host to desired actions.

Licking her shiny ruby lips, Levixiana swelled with pride at the overall success the report gave, knowing already that it would've ended the way she planned it. She then proceeded to open another file, glancing over the details for the new prototype that was now undergoing testing. The new prototype stemmed directly from the success of the first, however the added difference laid in both the integration process as well as a fairly new feature that she was dying to try out.

The first prototype was designed with only pre-programmed behavior modification that executed once fully incepted within the host's brain, the new one however not only possessed that function, but also established a sort of network that would then uplink wirelessly to the lab's main terminal where it would give live feedback on the host's condition, as well as be open to receive new programming updates if desired. This feature allowed more flexibility and control over the progress of the host to better suit the testing and increase desired results.

Immediately, a new incoming message relayed across the holo-display. Opening it, Levixiana read that the first of the new prototypes had found a tester. Giving a devilish grin, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, staring intently at the display for its next update. 'Well this should prove interesting...' She thought to herself.


Joanna sighed as she threw off her blanket, eyes still shut as the morning light was still too bright, but could feel that the space next to her was empty, as her husband had already left for work. She just layer there, not in any rush to face the day's tasks, instead reviewing how the night before went. Once again she tried to coax her husband for sex, and once again he denied her for the umpteenth time, giving another lame excuse. It had begun to depress her, she just couldn't fathom why this was the case, weren't the husbands usually begging the wife for action?

"...sigh...I don't understand." she exclaimed quietly and with that, proceeded to get out of bed and start the day. As she was stripping off her night-wear she glanced at herself in the mirror with just her underwear on. At 32, she looked pretty good for her age she thought. Her body was slightly out of shape, but her breasts were still perky, her face still free of wrinkles, not having any kids probably being the main reason why.

"Is he not attracted to me anymore?" she said to herself, gazing at her own despondent reflection, her big blue eyes returning her depressed expression, slowly running her fingers through her long black hair. They had been married for about three years now, and their sex life had decreased exponentially since the honeymoon, by no means was it because of her though, if anything she had an overly active libido for a woman!

'Could he be having an affair??' She thought to herself, quickly pushing the thought aside as she knew that it wasn't the case, she could genuinely feel his love for her, and he showed it to her often enough, he was fairly open and honest and she never noticed any suspicious behavior, so that wasn't the case.

What could it be? It was obviously on his end, but Joanna felt too awkward to ever directly bring it up, afraid of evoking a negative response from him. Maybe he was having erection problems, or something in his diet was causing his libido to wane? Something had to be done soon though, Joanna needed to get this resolved as she reaching her limits on the issue, studies have shown that sex was a major part of a healthy relationship and Joanna was beginning to understand why!

Like a mindless drone, Joanna finished getting ready like she had done numerous times in the past to take care of the same repetitive daily tasks, her thoughts no longer being needed to focus on her chores, but instead pondering over her sad sex life and the depression she was falling into. She thought about her role, as the cliche housewife, tending to what needed to be done and maintaining the household so her 'man' could just focus on work and come home to his meal and all-tending wife each night and sniggered at the whole idea.

Just a few years ago, Joanna could have never pictured herself in this position, it went against her ideals. She was excelling at school, and was ready for an exciting career after, totally independent and strong. Not exactly a feminist by any means but a 'new age' female, one to break the old molds of society's interpretation of what a woman should be, to be strong and financially independent with no reason to rely on any man! Then she met Steve... love can make people do crazy things.

She did chose the lifestyle she was set in, Joanna reasoned internally. Steve makes way more money then she could ever pull in, so there really wasn't any need for her to work. But this lifestyle just wasn't making her happy, only Steve's smiling face and warm hugs were keeping her going, but to get the whole package, she needed Steve's 'package', thus the current dilemma.

"Uh! God, things would've been easier if I had just been born a man!..." She cried out halfheartedly, the thought crossing her mind not for the first time. In a lot of ways she was kind of tomboy, growing up especially. Being the youngest in a big family of all boys sort of developed her masculine personality traits, they were all internal however as on the outside she was quite beautiful, which caused numerous frustrations for her through the years. Many times when she would try to prove herself through her work and efforts, she would 'achieve her goals' because of her looks, she would never be treated as an equal, it frustrated the hell out of her. 'The cock only respects the cock!', she thought with disdain. Hell, with her sex drive alone, she knew she should've been a man!

Finishing up her daily chores, Joanna sat down at the computer desk to pay online bills and check her email. She looked upon her well-manicured fingernails, colored a bright red, a feature she largely ignored most her life until she met Steve, who encouraged her feminine side to grow. So then she started buying more dresses, make-up, and high heels, much to her initial resistance. But it was all for nothing, she thought, for wasn't the purpose of all that girly shit to get your man to fuck you more? Indeed, Joanna was on a negative streak today, all of her built up anguish was all bubbling out incessantly. As she opened her email, the top message caught her attention.

"From Deviant Desires?...Usually this kind of stuff should be sorted out to the spam folder..." Her initial take from the name of the sender was obviously that of a sexual nature, an online sex store perhaps? In the past she had thought of getting herself a toy, to help quell her aching need, but would have felt so bad and ashamed if Steve would've ever found out, thus resorting to the occasional finger masturbation in his absence. Just as Joanna was about to move the letter to the trash, the heading caught her eye...

"'Fuck Like a Stud! Get Hung Like a Horse!'...Hmph, like I haven't heard that before..." She hesitated before opening it however, thinking how in the past she considered buying 'male enhancement' products to secretly slip into Steve's diet, but would've had to explain the bank statement purchase notice and his super erections somehow, thus crossing it off the mental checklist as a possibility. Curiosity got the best of her however, as desperate times called for desperate measures, besides, the universe works in mysterious ways... She clicked the link and opened the email.

~Fuck like a stud, and get hung like a horse!~

'You have been chosen to participate in a free trial of our latest, product! Guaranteed to upturn any unsatisfied sex life, and bring passion and excitement back into your relationship! This is a unique product, never seen on the market before, and has never seen a dissatisfied participant yet! Be the next to change you and your partner's life for the better! Bigger is better, release the confidence and passion that's waiting inside! It is a free gift, with no strings attached or hidden contracts and fees, all we ask is that you send us your review after trying it, so don't hesitate with such an amazing offer!'

Sincerely with warmest regards,

Deviant Desires Inc.

Joanna sat there reading it over a few times, making sure she understood everything completely. Of course it all sounded too good to be true, yet as she analyzed the whole letter, there was no micro-sized text lining the bottom or any link to 'terms and conditions', just a button that said 'ACCEPT!'. There was no link to a website either, being a cautious woman, Joanna opened a separate tab and tried to google the name of the company, but it brought up no such related websites... She deliberated in her head what to do, 'Well, the timing couldn't be better, as I've run out of ideas, plus if it's really free it wouldn't show up as a purchase, it would be a surprise and I could act innocent, not knowing what it is and gauge Steve's reaction when he discovers it...' she grinned as she mentally patted herself on the back for hatching up such a scheme, she then proceeded to click the button. As soon as she released the mouse, the window containing the email disappeared, much to her surprise, as she was expecting an address form to fill out or something, even the email link in her inbox vanished!

"Oh shit... I wonder if it's one of those virus thingy's?..." Joanna was hoping that she didn't fall for one of those identity theft or phishing thingy's, and that her computer was going to produce a bunch of porn pop-ups... she wasn't the most computer illiterate person in the world, 'Oh well, it really was too good be true' she thought. She slowly stood up from the desk, slightly confused, and then slinked into the kitchen to prepare dinner, the pulling of pots and pans noisily clanking away her confused thoughts out of focus.

Time flew for Joanna as no sooner when she prepared the table, she heard the door close, Steve had gotten back from work.

"Hey hon, how was work?" Joanna threw out with forced enthusiasm, tiring of the daily old question, and like clockwork, Steve would reply with-

"Oh the same ol', ya know!" He said with humored sarcasm, his kind smiling eyes bringing a little life back into Joanna. She really did love that man, there was just, something about him, whether it was his handsome face or his superman-like figure, his charming smile and kind brown eyes, even if he was a little boring and repetitive. As he came in, he would then proceed to hang his coat over the dining table chair, sit down to remove his shoes, and loosen his tie, but this time, something different was thrown into the mix...

"Hey hon, this was sitting on the doorstep, did we order something?" Steve asked as he placed a completely opaque, shiny black box about the size to hold a laptop, onto the dining room table. Joanna looked up briefly from setting down the plates, and nearly dropped one as her heart skipped a beat when she caught sight of what he brought in.

" No, I.. don't think so, uh.. are you sure you didn't?" She could barely sputter out her answer, her mind ablaze with alarms, 'There's no way in hell that could be... it's just way too fast, and I didn't even give an address!, it simply can't be..' her mind was cycling through various kinds of reasoning, perhaps a surprising coincidence? Yeah, that's all...

"I'm pretty darn sure I didn't order anything...hmm... I guess it's a gift possibly, I do have clients that know my home address, I suppose it wouldn't be too unusual." Steve rationalized, giving the box a good once over. "Here on the top, it's addressed to us from... Deviant Desires Inc.?...hmm... That doesn't ring any bells... There's no return address either..." Steve's face then gained a more concentrated look, Joanna on the other hand, completely froze, the fork in her hand that she was just about to place down suddenly seemed extremely interesting, her breath was caught in her lungs, her mind trying to erase the words she just heard.

"Huh, wh-what a name ya? Must be som-some kind of a gag gift from somebody or something'! Haha!" Joanna sputtered out nervously the quickest, most reasonable lie she could think of, her being was trying to recover from the feeling of shock that over took her, still in disbelief at what had just happened.

"Lemme just go throw this in the closet so we can get to dinner, I'm starving aren't you starving??" She said with a bit of tense haste, her forced smile revealing the tension underneath. Steve however was quite curious and grabbed the box right as Joanna picked it up and had to jerk it with a bit of force out of her clamped hands.

"Haha, what's the big deal Jo? If it's probably a prank, lord knows we need a good laugh!" Steve playfully said, his hand going to the top of the lid to pull it off. Joanna just stood there, eyes wide with terror, mouth agape, wondering what the hell could be in that box, it sure couldn't be a set of pills...

"Oh a letter! It says... 'Thank you for accepting our request to try our popular product, we know you will be satisfied %100, you will find that your love life will take an exciting turn upward, as you will gain the confidence, power, and size you always had within! Remember that 'Bigger is Better!'

... Sincerely with warmest regards... Deviant Desires Inc....huh..." Joanna watched as Steve's facial expression went from curiosity, to sternness, the feeling of anxiety now caving in her chest, a cold chill running up her spine, 'Oh...fuck...', she silently thought. Steve looked into the box, and then directly into Joanna's eyes, obviously upset.

"You know, something tells me you know about this, and if this is a prank, it's a cruel one..." Steve said somberly, looking a little hurt. Joanna felt terrible, a whole wave of regret washing over, finding the look on Steve's face unbearable...

"No, honey, please, let me explain!...It was this, online thingy I barely just finished not too long ago today! I just-"

"-It's ok... I get it... I'm sorry i'm not enough... you know how much work takes out of me, it drains me and I just...sigh... i'm...not that hungry... i'm going to bed..." Steve turned sullenly, and slunked off into the bedroom, Joanna couldn't do anything but just stand there with tears welling up in her eyes, hating herself at what just happened, angry and confused at the whole situation, 'why did this happen like this!?' she thought to herself, still in disbelief at how fast that package came. What happened, happened however, and if it had happened like this now, it just would've happened like this later anyway. She was just trying to bring back that spark, perhaps ordering a mystery package may not have been the best solution...

Steve's whole demeanor really changed when he looked into the box she recalled, she wished she could've received the box first alone and checked its contents before ever letting Steve know about its existence, but the way it happened, was all too eerie, and now she was alone with it, the mystery box...

Carefully, being highly aware of each slow step, the drama was thick in that moment. With a deep breath, Joanna craned her head over to look within the dark depths of this foreboding box, as though it held some unspeakable horror, and gasped at what she saw. There laying on top of crumpled black wrapping paper, was a large penis and testicles, a black, shiny, large set of male genitalia. Quite puzzled, she tentatively reached her hand in, about to grasp the perverted object, yet was still somewhat hesitant.

'Oh come on, it's not going to bite!' She joked to herself, then wrapping her hand around it, she noticed it was cool to the touch, smooth, and rubbery... a dildo? Pulling it up out of the box and bringing it closer to her face, she then noticed two unusual things. First, the thing was much lighter then she expected, looking at the base past the testicles, she noticed it was hollow. Second, this was not a human shaped set of genitalia, but that... of a horse. There was no mistaking it, the flared flat tip, the grooved line for the sheath, a medial ring, and just its shear size, 16 inches long, with a diameter of 3 inches, along with the pear-sized balls, yup, definitely horse genitalia.

"My...god..." Joanna rotated the thing in her hand, examine the detail, totally enraptured by the thing. The detail was amazing she noticed, each vein, the slit on the head, even how the 'skin' that held the balls showed its tension, this thing seemed to be literally molded from actual horse genitalia! The curious thing was the open base and hollow interior. Looking inside she could see that the rubber was only about a centimeter thick all around, but as she squeezed she noticed that there wasn't much give, it was quite solid feeling for being hollow. Studying the ring around the base, she noticed it was big enough for a man's penis and balls to fit through, the balls were hollow as well to cradle that of the wearer's. She supposed it was some kind of a sheath to wear, although with how big it was, it obviously couldn't fit on any human, it would just fall off, that and it wouldn't really give any sensation to the wearer, it seemed quite impractical, silly actually.

"Fuck like a stud, hung like a horse... oh god..." She depressingly mused, 'How could I have fallen for such a stupid ploy? This is so dumb, how could you advertise such a thing like that, that this... thing! ... Could actually help relationships and...' she thought despondently, thinking herself as such a fool, understanding why Steve felt the way he did now, she tossed the toy back into the box, and walked into the dark silent bedroom, to face yet again, another sexless night... one that will follow many.


Joanna woke with a start, her body was wet with sweat and flush with heat, her breathing was ragged as she wildly looked about, startled from an intensely lucid dream. 'Horses... I was fucking...or being a horse..?' She was definitely not into bestiality, but damn was she aroused! Why was she so hot and bothered right now? She laid there in bed, Steve had already left for work, she thought she might as well take advantage of her current state. She reached a hand down and felt her swollen lips through her very soaked panties, giving a rub she felt the hot moistness respond by sending a shiver up her spine. Reaching her other hand down there she peeled back the waist band feeling the slimy panties peel off like a 2nd skin, she couldn't believe how wet she was down there, she hadn't been this aroused in... she had forgotten!

"Oooh...fuck..yes..!" She felt the warm pleasure wash through her body as she used one hand to rub her clitoral hood, while the other had its fingers pushing into her hot wet depths, searching for her spongy g-spot. It had been awhile since she last played with herself, all the frustrated build up seeming to push all out at once. She started to wiggle her fingers faster, rubbing her clit with more fury, feeling the usual crescendo starting to give rise. Feeling quite passionate with her labored breathing, with sweat running down her face, she started to thrust her hips into her hand to give rise to her desired finish quicker. The pleasure was steadily increasing, her actions becoming more and more wild. She came to the point however, where her wrists were starting to strain.

Despite her current lust-addled state, Joanna wondered, why she hadn't orgasmed yet. She could feel it so close, her body twitching for release, never before had she gotten this high without quickly getting off, her hands and wrists were begging for a break, how long had she been at this, seemed like over an hour! With an angry snarl, Joanna flung both sore sets of hands to her sides and laid there on her back glaring at the ceiling, catching her breath and wondering what the hell was up. She had never had a problem before using her hands to get herself off, she had done this thousands of times throughout the years, every day she climaxed from masturbation before she married Steve! Yet here she was, still panting for release, the urge showing no sign of backing down.

Maybe walking around, getting some coffee, could maybe help take the edge off? God was she still super horny! Getting out of bed she pulled off the sweat-soaked nightgown she wore, tossing next to her wet panties. She then proceeded to walk to the dresser to pull another pair of panties out, as she slipped them up her legs, she noticed the wet drippings were still profusely running down her legs, she quickly wiped them away with a hand and pulled them all the way up. This in turn elicited a low moan from Joanna, the soft feeling of the fabric from the panties rubbing against her swollen angry nether lips caused her hips to twitch and eyes to close, letting the feeling rake through her body, as her cunt spewed out another dose of juice, soaking the new set of panties through just as the last. Taking a moment to steady herself, Joanna was quite dumbfounded at her heightened response, thinking this was definitely the first time she had ever felt so enthralled from just putting panties on. She looked down and gawked in amazement, seeing how just a second ago these sopping wet panties were completely dry. With a slight shrug, she pulled them off and tossed it into the growing wet clothes pile and looked over at her dresser again.

"Fuck it, i'm just gonna go all natural for now!" She said aloud, a new cheery energy running through her at her own suggestion. 'Why not, it's my house, and I don't really have any neighbors close enough to worry about!' She thought to herself, besides, in this current elevated horny state, being naked felt so right! And with that, Joanna hastily left her room towards the kitchen. Her senses seemed to heightened somewhat as entering the kitchen was quite the experience, the cool tile on her bare feet sending shivers up her spine while the slight cooler difference in air temperature caused her nipples to tweak and goosebumps to run across her breasts. The first thing that caught her attention was the black box... Seemingly hypnotized she slowly padded to the box, looking down to see that monstrous 'toy' waiting, perfectly perched upon its paper manger like a waiting gift. The image brought back a brief remembered image from her previous dream of fucking horses, her pussy twitched in response and gushed out more warm juice down her legs.

Joanna looked at the kinky object, a whole mix of varying emotions and thoughts pouring in at once. The first thought of course was make use of its intended purpose, but quickly after she thought of Steve, and how this thing was the cause of him getting upset. She bit her lip in thought, staring at the toy, almost as waiting for the thing to make the decision for her. She then quickly pulled it up and out of the box, bringing it close to her face. For a second time her eyes danced all along its surface, in awe at its craftsmanship, the thing looking so real, the silicone-like surface almost making it feel natural! She gave it a little squeeze, despite being hollow, the thing did have quite a degree of sturdiness, enough for what she wanted to do with it at least! But wait, Steve! Besides, this thing was a horse cock! How bestial and perverted, how dare she even let such lewd thoughts run through her mind, plus the thing was just way too big and... *shudder...

Joanna quickly shook her head to clear her mind to think clearly about everything. 'Ok, first of all, Steve is already angry and upset at me over this, and he's currently gone...Secondly, did I not ask for something to help out with my 'problem'?...And finally, here I am completely naked, very horny with a huge dildo in my hand with my cunt leaking non-stop...hmmm...' The answer was becoming quite obvious, yet she wondered if having the head of the dildo slowly moving towards her face indicated if it had been a choice at all, her current need was controlling every action at this point.

With a lust-dazed face, she opened her mouth wide and shoved the toy in, its large flathead stretching out her lips and pushing her jaw wide open to its maximum give. She moaned lustfully at her kinky act, sucking and drooling all over the massive toy loving the rubbery taste and smell filling her senses. She could barely push the thing a few inches in her painfully stretched mouth, the tip uncomfortably pushing at the back of her mouth, there was no way in hell it was going to fit in her throat, but that was okay, she just wanted a taste, and to get the thing slimy for what she really wanted to do with it!

A long string of saliva trailed as she pulled it out of her mouth, the entire tip now glistening with her spit. Quickly, with both hands she positioned the toy with tip facing up down to her crotch, she spread her thighs like she was sitting on a saddle standing tip toe, the head of the toy now firmly pushed against her wet hot lips. A lustful sigh escaped her mouth as she felt the warm slick rubber texture make contact with her swollen pussy lips.

'Finally!', she thought, something to fill her pussy with, it had been so long! Slowly she applied pressure from the bottom, adding more and more gradually just to get the head in. She wiggled it a bit, trying to find the best angle, her attempts bringing slight waves of pleasure pulsating from her clit as it made brief contact. She grunted in frustration as she realized that the thing was just not going in, with its big flat head, and the shear size of the thing, plus the fact that her pussy lips are still quite tight from the lack of inserted objects over the years, she was going to need a lot more leverage.

Determined to fill herself with the thing and quench her lust, Joanna quickly thought of a way to get it inside her, a idea quickly popping into her head as she looked at one of her dining room chairs and pulled it away from the table. She then proceeded to place the base of the toy onto the flat sitting surface of the chair, which she then proceeded to position herself over the toy as though she was going to sit on, she would utilize gravity!

Grabbing the back of the chair with one hand, and using the other to hold the toy in place, she slowly relaxed her muscles, applying more weight against the toy's tip. She shifted her hand that grabbed the toy up to her cunt lips, and used her fingers to pry apart her lips as much as possible, to aid in her goal. Her pussy juices were running down her fingers, down her thighs, and all over the toy mixing with the saliva, as though with a mind of its own, her pussy was drooling in anticipation, adding more lubricant to satisfy its hunger.

Joanna could feel the massive thing knocking on her door downstairs, and she feared it might be just too big, her lips were spread quite wide yet it showed no signs of entering. With renewed vigor and intensified determination, she pushed against the head, her face muscles all contacted in, showing signs of angry focus. She felt the tip finally slip in, her whole body froze as pain shot through her body, she cried out from the feeling of being split apart quickly overriding her feelings of pleasure, Joanna quickly pulled off in anger and frustration...

"Goddamn! What do I have to do to get off!?" the sexual build-up had become extremely intense, and her lack of any progress on relieving the build-up had paid its toll on her emotions. Almost ready to cry from sheer frustration, Joanna pulled on the dildo to throw it back into the box but was suddenly thrown off by its sudden resistance, as she pulled the whole chair towards her, like the dildo was attached to the chair somehow.

Now with a bit of curiosity, Joanna examined for the reason behind this, and found that it was securely attached to the chair due to a vacuum effect, her pushing on it earlier had probably caused some air to escape, and since the dildo was hollow and made of a rubbery substance, it acted similarly akin to that of a plunger. Once again she pulled up on it, and the chair rose into the air with the rubbery cock. She the placed her barefoot onto the smooth wooden seat of the chair as counter leverage and then pulled with both hands, and then with much strained effort, it came off with a loud audible pop and flung Joanna back, the sudden shift in momentum causing her to fall on her bare ass.

"Damn that was pretty strong..." Joanna said to herself as she analyzed the now free tool in her hands, looking more closely around the base edges and interior and now seeing details she missed before. The flexible, yet diagonally cut edge around the base does look like it could act as suction device, Joanna's curiosity was now piqued as she looked over at the black box sitting on the table, wondering if it might hold something else.

Getting up, she padded over to the box and reached in, tossing the black wrapping paper out sure enough saw something else inside.... In the bottom of the box, there was another huge horse dildo, except this one was white! Along side it, she saw a small bottle gray bottle, as well as two sets of what looked to be shiny(either leather or rubber?) straps studded with metal bits, one set white, the other black, bundled up as well. Now even more intrigued, Joanna began to take each item out of the box and place it on the table.

The white dildo was exactly the same as the black one, and even had the same shine. The bottle was label-less, but there was something viscous inside as she could tell from how squeezable it was. Now the straps were confusing, what were they there for? Picking up the black bundle, she undid the rubber band around it that kept it so tightly compacted, and it sprung lose and unraveled in her hand, separating into two different sets of straps, the smaller one fell on the table while the bigger one was held up by her hand.

Using her other hand, Joanna picked up another attached strap and held it up like a garment and could see that it was indeed something you would wear, it looked like one of those bondage body harness's, a series of straps connected by three metal rings. She could see how seven straps went from a center chest ring over the shoulders, underneath the armpits, and then around the waist connecting at the back ring in twos, while the seventh strap went to connect to another metal ring which looked to be towards the crotch.

Midway on the shoulder straps, there were another set running perpendicular ending in what looked like arm bands. The back ring sent out its seventh strap towards the buttocks, which after two feet split into an upside down 'Y', each end connecting to what looked to be bands for the thighs, of which it sent two other straps back up to the crotch ring, each strap having blunt metal spike studs running across the center.

Joanna wasn't quite sure what to make of all this, and was confused as well as intrigued. Placing the harness back down on the table, the other smaller strap heap caught her eye and she picked it up. Holding it up to her face, she could see it was a much smaller series of connected straps, probably for the head, looking like it's made probably for a horse?

It would make sense if that were so, keeping in theme with shape of the dildo. Placing the head harness down, she noticed bottom of the box was not just colored white, but that it was a sheet of paper, and it had some text on it. Picking up the paper, she confirmed her suspicions in what was a manual of sorts. It was a folded sheet, she opened it up and was presented with more text an now pictures showing a diagram of sorts for a series of actions, she started at the top and began to read...

Thank you for deciding to participate in trying out our exciting new prototype! Please read the product information section to gain a better understanding on the mechanics of how the product works before proceeding onto the instructional steps....

How the product works...

The Genital Encapsulation Prosthetic(GEP) is made from a newly patented scientific formula that creates a special type of synthetic polymer that was engineered for the combined use of advanced nano-technology and bio-responsive features. The included bottle contains with in a similar yet different formula that works as a conductor between the user and the GEP, hence it's more viscous state. When the conductor is placed within the GEP and placed upon the user, the conductor works as a conduit between the surface of the GEP and the user's flesh by transmitting sensations via bionic-nano-nerves that are all throughout the conductor, which then react with the user's natural nervous system to simulate real sensations...

'Hmm ok... so it's fancy futuristic technology huh...? I've never heard of this ever being possible before, yet... It's being used for a sex toy??' Joanna thought to herself. 'It really makes me wonder... this is just all too weird to be real, the whole past 24 hours seem so surreal....' She didn't bother to finish reading the rest of the product information, feeling like she got the main point, but yet, was even more skeptical, and now unsure of how to proceed next. She looked through the instructions real quick and saw diagram pictures of first the bottle substance being poured into the hollow dildo, then an actual man's penis and testicles placing itself neatly within the dildo, then the harness being placed on the example body, the harness being used to keep it in place she supposed. She really wondered if this thing could work... She knew however that Steve, the one with the penis, would probably never even think about trying this, let alone even see this thing ever again, in fact that was just a redundant idea, so never mind that. Joanna herself didn't have a penis, so... what now?

Joanna quickly looked into the manual again, scanning for more information. Although it's obviously made for a man sporting male genitalia, it never said anything about a female not using it, and the product info part where it talked about sensation transference, it's not like it's made specifically for a penis, it's just to flesh in general so.... 'Wait, why am I reasoning this all out, do I actually want to try this thing out!? I mean, i've never been the kinky type...' She thought to herself, shaking her head from the ludicrous notion, but a second later she knew why.

Briefly her chain of thought was interrupted by the sensation of moisture running down her bare leg, looking down Joanna saw her moist swollen pussy lips and realized that she was getting even more horny by handling and reading about all this new stuff and it's possibilities, it was her lust that gave her the idea... "Well let me think... Steve is still gonna be gone for several hours and still may come home even later cause he's upset at me, I finished all of my responsibilities up to this point, i'm standing here naked and still kinda horny... ah hell, I've got nothing better to do then to see if this shit really might work!..." Joanna said out loud to herself, trying to logically justify her desired intent to satisfy her curiosity and arousal. After finally acknowledging her desires, she grew excited and more aroused about what she was about to do!

Joanna for the most part knew what to do after reading most the manual and looking over the pictures. Now with a grin on her face, she picked up the dildo and grabbed the bottle. Opening the cap, she took a whiff and was overwhelmed by a pungent, strong, musky rubbery smell. She looked over into the manual just to double check this step. "1... Pour approximately half of the bottle into the GEP, and then carefully apply a small amount around the base edge..." She read aloud.

Following the directions, she poured until she could see half of the grey goop was still left and then applied a small amount around the edge, she then closed the cap and set the bottle back down. Looking back the manual, she read the next step out loud. "2... Place the GEP, with the head facing down, over genitals while pushing the base firmly against skin, squeeze the shaft to push air out while maintaining pressure at the base to initiate suction, the air will escape from the tip's slit...hmm...", Joanna was fairly acquainted with this feature already.

Looking down the base of the dildo facing up, she spread her legs to again apply the dildo only this time would be reversed. She slowly lined up the edge to cover her pussy completely and then some as she positioned it centered and in place as where a normal penis would be. A small chill was sent up her spine as she made contact with her skin, feeling the slick, cool sensation of the gooey rubber stuff sticking to her sensitive, warm nether flesh. Using both hands, she pressed the horse cock base hard against her hot groin and then squeezed the shaft a bit hard, feeling a very slight draft of air blow through between her fingers near the tip as it escaped, and then felt a delicious sucking sensation on her swollen lips which gave another round of shivers up her spine, escaping her lips as a slight moan. Looking over at the instructions for the next step, she saw a highlighted section proceeding #3.


Once the conductive solution makes contact with both the GEP and the user's skin, the initiation sequence will begin and it can not be stopped once it commences!

'Oh... I see... oh well!' Joanna thought to herself, at this point, she wasn't wanting to stop anyways, and with that she let the shaft go and felt it spring up, sticking up like an erect cock should. She immediately felt the gooey contents within submerge her hot pussy, feeling the cool goo smother and cover the lips and then breaching the shore of inside her vagina, it felt so erotic and wonderful actually. Looking down and seeing a long black horse cock proudly standing erect between her legs, feeling the weight of it hanging there, really got her kinky mental process's running full blast! Secretly she had wanted this deep inside, to feel what it's like to actually have a cock, to thrust with it, to take control with it...

Now she might be able to miraculously, and the thought of it was releasing something deep and primal within her, and filling her full of joy and aroused anticipation! She felt a slight tingly buzz now in her pussy, like a very very mild, constant electrostatic shock, quite pleasurable really. She figured it was the 'stuff' working its 'magic', and she simply couldn't wait for it to finish!...

Picking up the manual, she looked over it for the next step step. "3...Optional... Put on the body harness and attach the metal crotch ring around the GEP... what's this?.." Joanna noticed that there was a side reference giving additional info on the harness, more science mumbo jumbo. The kinky look wasn't really her thing but, she would at least check it out. Holding up the shoulder straps, she was fairly amused at the sight of the harness, never actually seeing one before let alone holding one. Looking over it she realized it might be a little too big to fit, so decided against messing with it for now. The last part of the manual simply had a tip..."To quicken the assimilation process, you can both squeeze and stroke the GEP to incite a faster response integration... don't mind if I do!" And with that, Joanna grasped the shiny black horse cock with both hands, and gave another slight squeeze. Immediately she felt more add suction on her swollen pussy lips, the feeling was beyond anything she had ever experienced!

Feeling a surge of giddiness, Joanna quickly padded over to sit on her dining room chair while holding her pseudo cock, slightly shivering as she felt the cool the surface of the chair seat on her bare ass. Now in a more comfortable position, she took a moment to take everything in. 'What a strange chain of events, but I must say, I'm absolutely loving this! I'm so curious how this will end..will this work for me being a woman? Eh, at least i'm getting some satisfaction out this...more from this weird kinky toy then Steve ever gave me!' Joanna thought to herself, as she gave the cock another hard, horny desperate squeeze.

Once again a little air hissed out from the tip and more suction force was applied to her nethers, and she could feel her vulva being sucked up more into the dildo, the pleasure driving her absolutely mad. She remembered how powerfully attached the dildo became upon the chair last time, and wondered how secure it was now to her crotch. With an experimental tug, she tried applying some force to pull it off, which only illicited a moan from the wonderful mix of pain and pleasure it brought. Yeah, the thing was definitely quite secure, which gave her some concern... But she remembered from the instructions, that this was part of the process and it couldn't be interrupted at this stage. That was the last thing on her mind though, as the wonder and horny excitement was far more overpowering then her legit concerns.

Pulling and squeezing the rubbery cock only further continued building Joanna's pleasure and arousal simultaneously. It was a strange kind of pleasure, one that was both pleasing yet intensifying. She knew that what she was currently doing was only causing her mound to swell, thus increasing the sensitivity and her need, but without actual direct contact, she was stuck in a vicious cycle of continuously getting more and more aroused with not the right kind of stimulation to bring her to an actual climax, ergo release that she desperately wanted. She could feel at this point a gentle tingly buzz not only exciting her lips and clit, but that it was traveling within her wanting, slick hole. She gasped as she sworn she felt what could have been her g-spot stimulated by this pleasurable foreign sensation. 'Has the stuff started seeping into my vagina..?'

Joanna wondered to herself. She could definitely feel a warm tingly sensation rising within her internally, and could now feel a slick sensation stimulating her vaginal walls. Amazed at what was going on, how sci-fi this all really seemed, she simply continued pulling and squeezing, bringing herself to a higher state of pleasure and arousal, totally enthralled by both the physical stimulation, and the psychological stimulation of 'getting off' with her 'male appendage'.

Unbeknownst to Joanna, the nanites in the internal solution had completely covered her internal sexual organs, all the way up to her ovaries. They were simply only programmed to assimilate a male appendage, and did modify what was necessary at a molecular level to achieve what they were meant to do. As Joanna created more and more of a vacuum and added more heat and frictional stimulation, the nanites worked faster and faster to complete assimilation, Joanna didn't quite grasp what that meant however. Instead, Joanna, with her eyes closed and panting heavily, was just lost in her squeezing and tugging session, trying to derive as much pleasure as she could to counteract the constantly building need of release. She felt a weird cramp in her abdomen but it didn't resonate as top priority with what she currently had in mind. She really, really needed release at this point, getting closer but still not quite there, the frustration only leading her to increase her ferocity in which she 'jacked' herself 'off'.

With her increased speed and desperate state of mind, her internal make-up had now quickly shifted, the nanite-covered interior now being pulled in like a deflating balloon, her cervix had pretty much collapsed while her ovaries were now lodged in her vagina tunnel. Her nether lips and clit had been expanding this whole time, with the constant pull of the vacuum and the working 'magic' of the nanites, her clit had extended as far out as her pinky, the nanite substance both pulling and pleasuring it along the way.

Joanna felt some definite unpleasant discomfort from her internal abdomen, but the slight pain was heavily outweighed by the pleasure and arousal she was currently occupied with. With more desperate yanks and squeezes, her ovaries plopped out of her slit and into the hollow and waiting testicle mold of the dildo, while her clit continued to expand further and longer into the dildo.

At this point, Joanna was sweating profusely as she worked really hard on reaching climax, her clit now pulsating and throbbing as it has nearly reached the end of the dildo, her once internal pisshole following suit as it creeped along underneath her now 15 inch, thick throbbing clit. She was so close, soooo close!

As her clit finally made it to the tip, her pisshole merged with the tip of her clit and the tube expanded, filling up the once hollow crevice on the dildo of the large vein that normally carries piss and sperm on the underside of the cock, while her ovaries settled, the nanites worked quickly towards the assimilation process as per programmed, and made them more adequate', by converting them into male testis. As her new testicles grew and surged and churned with a corrupted, nanite-mutated seed, it connected to her expanded ureatha tube. Her once-internal sex organs had now fully 'converted' to external, fully functional male genitalia within the dildo.

As Jonna felt an incredible foreign stirring, churning sensation located within the testis of the dildo, a large involuntary shiver of immense pleasure shot all through her being, which was then followed by a powerful sensation located through the shaft of the dildo, in which a small amount of her first 'pre-cum' shot from the tip of her 'dildo-cock'.

Joanna simply moaned out extremely loud at the sensation, her body frozen, eyes shut tight, panting hard as she was simply trying to process what happened as well as ride the immense pleasure that had overcame her completely. Her eyes snapped wide opened open however once she felt something slick hit her fingers however.

Quickly she looked down at the scene, and sure enough there was a black shiny liquid goo substance dribbling over the fingers of her hand closest to the tip of the dildo. It certainly wasn't the only thing that caught her attention however, she could now 'FEEL' the dildo, the warm contact of her tightly wrapped hands and the warm goo of her 'pre'. Quickly her logical mind stepped in and rationalized that the assimilation process had finally been completed, and that the liquid goo running down from the tip was probably some excess conducting fluid that escaped from the tip....right?? Oh whatever, for christ sake, she could feel 'her cock'!!

With renewed effort and vigor, no longer able to hold back the immense arousal and demand of relief, Joanna started stroking 'her cock', using the leaking goo as lubricant to really stroke and and squeeze her length. She could barely stay conscious from the crazy amount of new pleasure signals her brain was receiving from her new appendage, she couldn't believe how good a cock could feel! The sensations, the motions, the actions and psychological impact was building up Joanna to a exponential crescendo, 'her testicles' churned super hard and 'her cock' twitched and spasmed violently as she shot her first load out with extreme bliss.

The force of all sensation caused her to involuntarily push her bare feet hard against the tile floor and she flung herself and the chair unto her back while 'her cock' shot load after load of hot, black rubbery seed, all over her face, breasts, body and floor... Joanna felt her soul shoot into the heavens, her consciousness leave her body and the world fade to black from the tidal waves of rewarding pleasure rape her entire being...


Joanna simply laid on her back, with her feet in the air and her arms splayed out still on the tipped over chair, totally unaware of what was happening. Only moments after her massive male eruption, the black shiny gooey seed that shot all over her face, body, and floor, was starting to move... Very gradually, the cum that shot all over the floor and chair, gathered towards Joanna. It looked like the spreading of spilled black liquid, in reverse. As the last of black rubbery cum clamored onto her unconscious form, it started to disappear, actually seeping through all the pores of her skin, absorbed within her body like a sponge.

Soon after, it looked like Joanna never came at all, every trace of her load had vanished within her. Inside her body, the sentient cum began flowing and spreading through her interior being, spreading all throughout her blood system, her own immune system not sensing any threat from the foreign invaders, so immaculate was the ingenious design of the nanites. Gradually the nanites all throughout her system lightly pulsated a weak signal at a special frequency, one that only tiny receptors could intercept. All the nanites were in communication with each other, and their weak emitted signal felt like a very slight warm tingly sensation, that slowly brought Joanna back into consciousness...

Waking up, Joanna grimaced at the slight discomfort her body seemed to be in, why was her bed so uncomforta-....? With a start, her eyes snapped open realizing that she was still on the floor, on her fallen chair with her legs still in the air, all the memories of what barely transpired rushed into her head. Snapping her head up, she looked towards her crotch, and sure enough, the huge flat head of a shiny black horse cock was staring back at her. So it wasn't an amazing, surreal dream after all, it all really did happen!

Several thoughts flashed into her mind at once, first, was the fact that she could actually FEEL the thing between her legs, she could feel the cool air, and the warmth of her belly skin from the surface of 'her cock'! Second, she swore that she remembered 'cumming', that wonderful, euphoric, all encompassing feeling of spewing out something, and feeling it hit all over herself, but looking around her body and feeling her face with her hands, there wasn't a trace anywhere... strange... must've been her imagination, after all her mind was going through some very intense sensations and feelings, she might've just thought that she had. She could definitely remember the feeling though!

With delicate grace, Joanna slowly rolled off the chair onto her hands and knees, and immediately 'felt her cock' slap against her thigh. It was such a foreign sensation, having that sensitive new member delivering all those new nerve signals to her brain, it was tripping her out. Tilting her head down she looked between her arms towards her crotch and saw that long shiny black monster swaying limply, almost touching the ground, 'her testicles' were now realistically swaying as well, as big as pears, gently cradled by a thin rubbery sack. Something seemed different though, it was limp but... Joanna was in slight disbelief of how realistic they looked and felt, this was amazing technology she thought to herself.

Out of curiosity, she push herself off her hands onto a kneeling position, sitting on her calves, all the while watching her new equipment carefully, wanting to examine them more. Now kneeling, she felt 'her testicles and penis' land onto the cold tile, the acute sensitivity of her junk caused her to let out a sharp sigh. She was better able to inspect herself now, and instantly saw the detail that didn't seem normal, her penis was inside a sheath, and there was a newly formed rubber membrane connecting it up towards her navel that wasn't there before! Just like a real male horse...

It was so strange, first it was just a hollow dildo, now it was Joanna's very own male horse genitalia! Reaching down tentatively, she used one hand to pick up her flaccid member, she could feel the warmth of rubbery cock, as well as the cool touch from her palm, and it was so sensitive! Her other hand, reached under to cradle one of her huge balls, and gasped from the contact, these things were hyper-sensitive! The texture felt like she was rubbing on a ripe mango through a very thin loose rubbery sack, while her penis felt a bit thicker, a warm rubbery flesh tube.

Even her rubbery sheath membrane attached to her upper groin area felt warm and sensitive. She wondered though, this thing felt so fully attached, so fully apart of her, how would she remove it? She didn't read the whole instructions so maybe it'll tell her in there, and looking at her clock she saw that she still had plenty of time, besides, this was way too cool and she wanted to experiment more!

All the feeling and rubbing of her rubbery junk not only brought wonderful sensitive sensations, but triggered a strange sinking feeling in the bottom her gut. What Joanna was experiencing was blood rushing in to fill out her erection,

a new experience for her. She watched wide eyed at the process, seeing and feeling the monster come alive and swelling up, pushing out of its sheath. The feeling of her cock engorging and sliding out of the sheath was incredible, it gave her a huge wave of sexual energy, radiating out through the rest of her being, the last of which to hit her brain, and that's when she felt something inside flip like a switch.

She became instantly super horny, like the incredible build-up she had last time, and an extremely powerful feeling of lust surge through her thought space. This was a much different form of arousal then before she

put this thing on, with just her pussy, she just wanted it to be filled, and felt like submitting to a cock to ram up her. But this, was an intense aggressive feeling, she felt primally dominant, and her monster member wanted to shove into something hot and tight real bad!

Joanna's breathing was heavy now, and she felt hot and flustered, this new kind of arousal was very intense, but she loved it very much, it made her feel amazing and powerful! 'Is this what guys feel like every time they pop a boner?? Now I can see why they love their cocks so much! Oh, not only do I have the equipment of a stud, but I got the libido of one too!' She thought to herself.

She gingerly placed both hands upon her hot shiny black rod, and let out a long, low moan at the wonderful sensation, the feeling was so much more different and intense now that it wasn't flaccid. The wave of pleasure caused another interesting sensation, she felt her balls twitch and churn as they were producing more cum to soon release, causing her groin to flex involuntarily, which caused a little bit of pre to spill out at the tip.

The feeling was absolutely lovely, and sure enough, just as she thought, the cum was shiny liquid black. This time around, using her index finger, she swiped a bit from the tip, the touch of her slit caused a shiver to run through her spine. Bringing her finger up close to her eyes, she saw what looked to be

black liquid rubber, and rubbing it between her finger and thumb, it felt like a mix of sticky cum and liquid latex. Bringing it to her nose, it smelled musky and rubbery, she then tentatively stuck out her tongue and took a small taste. Sure enough it tasted like sweet and salty rubber, but musky and... pretty good actually!

A strange and strong urge overwhelmed Joanna's mind, to get more of that cum in her mouth! The new strong drive and her powerful lust put her in a very suggestive state, her rationality not fully functioning at this point. She greedily stuck her finger and thumb into her mouth and sucked them clean, licking her lips. With vigor, Joanna got off her calves and sat straight on her ass, her big rubbery balls flopping against the floor, and started to stroke and rub her shaft with focused intent.

Hunched over, with her cock pointed to her face, an impulse popped into her mind to suck the tip, with it being so close. She didn't have to bend over too far with how long her rod was, she opened her mouth wide and swallowed the huge flat tip.

The sensation of her tip inside her warm wet mouth was incredible, the feeling causing her to let out a muffled moan, her eyes rolling back into her head while copious saliva was running down her shaft, to which she quickly utilized as lubricant to stroke with. She shoved her tongue into her slit, causing a bolt of lightning to flash through her being, which triggered her balls to twitch, churning and swelling for the inevitable finale.

As her balls retracted in, her whole body flexed stiff, she held her breath, and shut her eyes tightly, and the soul-wrenching orgasm fired off, her cock spasmed wildly and pulsated like mad as hot, gushing cum shot through her fuck rod with amazing force blasting into the back of throat. Joanna did her best to swallow as fast as she could, slurping with all her effort, but the amount caused her to choke and the black slime burst out of her mouth all over her breasts and face, spilling all over her cock and hands.

Joanna fell onto her back, panting, eyes closed with a slight smile, her dribbling cock now shrinking back into its sheath. Half-consciously she brought her hands up to her mouth and started to lick them clean, in-between her fingers and palms, savoring the lovely rubbery musky taste, she then spread and slathered the remaining cum on her face and throat and breasts like a lotion, rubbing it in and enjoying the sensation.

Gradually the intense fog of lust cleared from her mind, and her rationality reemerged once again. She opened her eyes in surprise, going over her recent actions, a little puzzled by them. Never before had she ever done anything so bestial and lustful, like some sex-crazed, mindless animal, then yet again, she had never handled such overwhelming urges and impulses before. She didn't know what to make of it, it was all so strange and new, but if anything she thought to herself, she loved what was going on. Never before had she felt so free, and felt such pleasure, it was the greatest feeling she had ever had this far in her life, nothing compared to this feeling.

Joanna really debated if she ever wanted to remove the beastly fuck stick, it felt so natural and wonderful, she could easily live with it for the rest of her life... but what would Steve say? That thought quickly led her wonderful train of thought to a skidding halt as reality came crashing down, she would have to remove this wonderful appendage, and... just use it again tomorrow when he's gone! Hell, maybe she could just keep it on and try her best to hide it, after all it's not like Steve would ever try to initiate anything sexual with her anyways so... She stopped mid-thought as she felt a very pleasant warm tingly sensation deep inside her abdomen and all over her chest, neck, and face.

The warm buzz slowly spread out to the rest of her body, looking down she saw the black shiny cum slowly, more like sinking into her skin! Looking with rapt awe, she watched the last of the black cum sink into her breasts, which left a lovely tingly feeling. This was quite odd, but with all that had happened so far, it's not like she should be surprised at this point.

Looking at the clock, Joanna saw that she had about an hour or so before Steve might come home, if he didn't hit a bar or anything on his way home, which he'd sometimes do. Laying there naked on the floor, with a her horse cock, Joanna realized that she had accomplished much today besides her sexual exploits, which she was quite happy about and needed badly, but remembered that she hadn't eaten anything today. At the moment, she strangely still wasn't hungry, nor thirsty, even though she exhausted a lot of energy and sweated out quite a bid of bodily fluids.

Joanna's thoughts refocused to figuring out what to do next. As much as didn't want to, she would have to remove her beloved horse junk and hide it away, and then maybe get dressed and do something productive. Reluctantly, she got up to her feet and padded over to the table where the manual awaited her. She enjoyed the sensation of the rubbery cock and balls swaying and gently slapping her thighs as she walked over. Picking up the manual, she quickly scanned through the table of contents, and that's when her brows started to furrow. There wasn't any section on removal listed... Not missing a beat, she started to flip through the pages, now quickly reading each page in depth, figuring that it must be after the instructions on how to first use it. However, it wasn't there either...

A small pang of anxiety rippled through Joanna, wondering if maybe the removal info was in another manual as it still hadn't popped up. She then began to read the last listed section, praying mentally that she would find it there, but it was just info on the head and body harness that came in the box. She started to slowly go over this section as the info proved interesting. Apparently, the harness's were also made with the same technology that the dildo was. It would activate once the base ring was securely connected to the base of the cock, after the cock first was attached. She wondered to herself what 'activate' meant exactly? Would a plain body harness do with such fancy technology built in it? She had reached the end of the manual, and sure enough, no info on removal...

With no luck, Joanna sat down on the edge of a chair, her junk left hanging off. She looked down at it and pulled it up closer with both hands. Of course, pleasant sensations coursed through in accordance to her touch but she completely stemmed them off with a strong resolve to figure a way out to get it off. She felt along the edges where it met with her skin and, it felt like there was no seam of separation at all. She could feel the difference between the texture of her skin and rubber with her fingers whilst trying to find the seam, but could feel no difference of sensation from the touch of her fingers of both surfaces.

Examining her junk carefully, she could find nothing of use or interest, no button or switch... As a last ditch effort, she slowly wrapped both of her hands around the base of the cock between the testicles and her groin, and gave a brief tug. Instantly, shocking pain shot up her spine and then crashed into her gut, making her feel like she just got socked in the stomach. With a ragged gasp, Joanna realized that she got the cons as well as the pros with her male junk, and now felt sympathy for the guys that she had kicked in the crotch from her past...

She quickly scanned the contents of black box again, hoping that she missed a piece of paper or something, but was met with no success. Now the small pang of anxiety had turned into a sinking feeling of panic. 'What the hell..?' She thought to herself. Right then, a sharp, quick pain in her brain caused Joanna reflexively wince and grab her skull.

The pain left as soon as it arrived, however it was unlike any headache she had ever had before, it was like, an electric shock. Unbeknownst to Joanna, the nanites had finished fully integrated within her brain, and had sent off a beacon to signal its completion, unto which it immediately received a transmission back with a new program data packet included, which then began to orchestrate its new commands...

As Joanna gathered her senses from the strange passing headache, she noticed that her sense of concentration seemed off...Suddenly, an impulse popped in Joanna's head. She turned to the harness's on the table, picking up the body harness. Her mind and body seemed somewhat disconnected and hazy, but there was this strong building desire to try on the body harness.

Seemingly on auto-pilot, she lowered the harness to the ground and then stepped into it with both feet and began pulling it up, raising the crotch portion up to her thighs and then slipping her arms through the shoulder straps, her body now fully within the harness.

Maneuvering the harness in her hands, she found the base ring and then began to pull the ring apart, as there was a hinge built into the ring. As the ring was opened from the split, she then proceeded to attach it where she previously tried to yank with her hands, on the shaft behind the balls. She felt the cool sensation of the metal upon her junk, and then closed the ring, hearing a click to signify that it was secure, noting that it fitted quite snuggly. Instantly she felt a tingling buzz around her shaft, the supposed 'activation' was beginning.

There was a slight background thought echoing in Joanna's mind, that of how she knew how to put the harness on correctly without ever using one before. Before the thought could fully sink in however, a new sensation distracted her, the harness straps felt like they were getting tighter! She heard the rubbery straps make creaking noises as they began to retract in length, digging into her skin slightly. Soon after that, she began to feel the tingly sensation spread from her crotch to all over her body where her skin met the straps from the harness.

The tingly sensation increased quickly in power, and was beginning to become uncomfortable. The straps started to get really hot, and Joanna let out a yelp of painful surprise. She grabbed at the straps frantically and tried to pull them away, but realized in horror that they too were somehow now fused to her skin. She then reached for the ring around her shaft and desperately tried to pry it apart, but to no avail, it wasn't budging at all. The hot tingling sensation coming from her crotch and the straps were beginning to have an effect on the rest of her body, she felt uncomfortably hot herself and began to perspire and breath heavily.

Joanna wondered if this was what the 'activation process' was, and realized that the manual didn't give much detail into what that really meant. She only thought that it was just a costume prop, but was intrigued by the details in which the manual gave about how the harness was built with the same technology and that it could be activated, but what does this all entail exactly?

The harness was programmed to emit a signal to activate the next process sequence to all the nanites throughout her body once activated. Within Joanna's body, the nanites that were freely floating throughout her system were now responding to the activation of the harness, in effect causing Joanna her present state of discomfort, but she wasn't aware of these details. The nanites were artificially altering her hormone glands as well as the receptors, preparing to produce an artificially mutated strain of new types of hormones.

Another shock was felt within Joanna's big rubbery testicles, as they began to initiate another process besides that of producingthe mass amounts of rubbery black cum, but instead produce as well mass amounts of a synthetic super testosterone. Joanna closed her eyes and shuddered from the delicious new sensation that her churning balls produced, and felt a new wave of power and energy course all throughout her being. She simply stood there with her eyes closed, taking in all the sensations that were running through her body, it was only when she lazily opened her eyes and noticed the time on the clock did she snap out of her stupor.

Steve was going to be home in just a few minutes! The only solution left she thought, was to find out if there was any information about this on the internet! Quickly she padded over to the shared computer in the corner of the room, one of her hands holding her junk as to not let it slap around too much, and sat down at the computer desk an opened up Google.

Joanna typed in the name of the company 'Deviant Desires Inc.', but it showed no valid results. It was then that she remembered trying to search for the company before without much success. 'This doesn't make any sense? Why wouldn't this company have an internet presence??' She thought to herself angrily. Not wanting to give up, she figured maybe she could type in a few keywords and perhaps get some kind of useful info, perhaps someone posted about this same issue on a blog or forum or something, though she doubted it...

Typing in 'rubber hollow horse dildo sex toy kink technology help' did not in fact bring up what she had hoped to see, but she figured she'd look through the search results and see. Sure enough, several 'adult' sites popped up, dealing with kinky porn and sex toys, but not quite what she was looking for. As Joanna got to the last result on the page, she paused as she realized that the blue link text was purple, showing that the site had been visited before...

The site description read something about 'furry anthropomorphic fandom art and stories'... Out of curiosity, Joanna clicked on the link. What appeared next was something totally unexpected, the site was full of pictures of these strange, humanoid animal creatures! Like were-wolves and were-...well many 'were'-things. Most pictures showed various characters with 'adult' themes, showing private parts and various acts of sexuality. Joanna looked on with a curious eye, figuring this to be one of the many strange sick perversions that seemed to be all over the internet nowadays. She pretty much was sure that she had never visited, let alone heard of this site before, so that means that the only other person who would have, would be Steve...

Many various thoughts were now running through Joanna's mind, like why Steve had never mentioned anything like this to her before? Looking up at the top corner of the screen, she read 'Welcome SexyBeast666', and realized that it must be a website you are able to have an account with. 'So Steve must be a regular then...' She figured to herself, as she pointed the mouse over to the User's Profile link, totally absorbed by her curiosity, totally forgetting about why she originally got onto the computer in the first place. As the page loaded, she started to read the profile's details...

"Age, thirty three, well that's Steve's age... Gender, male... Sexual Preference, men...wait, what!?" Joanna yelled aloud in shock. "He'"... Her heart felt like it had stopped, her mind went blank. Looking down from the profile info she saw images that were titled 'Favorites' and sure enough, she saw some pretty gay stuff. There was one image of a minotaur, a huge, tall, muscular bull-man with a huge hard-on that was sucking the phallus of what looked to be a huge, muscular were-donkey. Another image showed a well built cheetah man, sitting on a well built hyena man's cock, jerking off, cum spewing everywhere. As she scrolled through the images, sure enough, there was only muscles and cocks, no breasts or vaginas to be seen at all...

Joanna wasn't quite sure to what do next, her mind completely spinning from what had finally dawned on her... Steve was indeed probably gay, but.... She really could feel that he loved and cared about her! That was the confusing part. His sensitivity, his somewhat feminine mannerisms at times(which all of she liked), as well as their nonexistent sex life... It all made sense...

Her mind was just spinning far too fast and all over the place for Joanna to make any coherent thought as to what to think about anything, this was all just too much. Suddenly, an image popped out at her from the corner of the screen, and out of curious impulse she clicked on it to make it full screen.

Before her was an image of two, large, hyper-masculine anthro horses, with large muscles and large horse cocks, one was a dark brown, the other was gray. The dark brown one had impaled the grey one's ass, and the artist somehow conveyed human-like expressions of immense pleasure on the grey's horse face, as copious cum was squirting from the tip of his large cock.

Her eyes were wide open, scanning quickly over all the beautiful detail, drinking it in, devouring the image with her mind. She was strangely pulled to it, although at first she was repulsed by the contents of this site initially, although she barely found out Steve's true nature, all her focus was on the picture. She found it strangely alluring and...Very exotic and sexy.

Although she tried to look away and rationalized why she was so interested, another part of her being was responding to her true and hidden feelings. She felt that strange sinking feeling deep in her gut, as once again she felt her cock come to life. She felt the tip hit the underside of the computer desk and moaned from the feeling. She couldn't deny it, this kinky gay shit was really turning her on! This time like never before however, as the arousal resonated throughout her newly super-testosterone infused body, reverberating much more powerfully with animal lust. The new testosterone combusted like rocket fuel, surging an intoxicating power all throughout her body.

Joanna was not prepared for this at all. As a woman, arousal was a slow, gradual build up, which could at any point be wiped out as women were that much in control over their sex drive, quite unlike the male arousal. With the new hormones reacting with the new re-wiring of her brain, Joanna was experiencing not just a normal male arousal, but that of a young stallion! It was like being 'possessed'! All thoughts of all her worries about her 'predicament, Steve's sexuality, and the odd nature of the material she was getting off to, were all abruptly shoved out of her mind, and were replaced by intense lust and extreme drives to just 'get-off'!

With her left hand reaching under to start madly stroking her erect, rubbery horse-cock, her right hand clicked on the horse category tab to look at more of these magnificent sexy beasts! She was then awarded with more pictures of the beautiful sexy creatures, but then saw breasts in one of the preview pics, and with annoyance, clicked on the 'male' only preference tab. Finally, there was a wide array of muscles, cocks, and horse tails, muzzles, and hooves before her, and she went through them one by one, stroking her cock wildly all along.

The nanites all throughout Joanna's body were now going into overdrive, her testicles churning furiously. Joanna's attention was completely zoned in on the erotic material in front of her and her self-gratification, completely oblivious to how she was behaving or how her body was altering its arousal response. Gradually, she was increasingly flexing all her muscles, her toes curling in tightly, her breathing increasing in rhythm as her body was responding to the new power that was coursing all throughout her. The new altered synthetic hormones were directing her internal body chemistry to speed up at an alarmingly fast rate, causing her cells to act in a rapid, mutated manner.

She could do nothing but constantly flex all her muscles to release the tension her body was feeling, and with each repetitive flex, her muscles swelled up gradually. Her body was undergoing an aggregative second puberty, growing and changing within a matter of minutes.

Her skin was beginning to feel uncomfortably tight, especially her chest, as her internal organs were beginning to swell along with her ribcage to better suit her 'new' body. She felt a dull pain ringing through all her bones, as they were slowly stretching, her limbs and spine elongating. Her toes, curling as tight as they were, were beginning to cramp and growing numb, the front balls of her feet swelling as well. Her back muscles, shoulders, arms, and legs were ballooning out, Joanna was beginning to look like a champion body builder.

Although there were signals of pain and discomfort shooting from all over her body to her brain, Joanna was still completely absorbed in her building arousal and pleasure and the captivating pictures of sexy perfection on the screen. Her coccyx was painfully lengthening, pushing out against the skin,

until a tiny black tendril ripped right through above her ass. The shiny black tendril lengthened to about one foot long, at which then tiny rubbery fibers bloomed from all over the tendril, growing out 2-3 feet, the end effect looking like a synthetic horse tail.

Joanna was completely oblivious to her new tail now absent-mindedly swaying, nor the increasing pain that was building around her joints and how uncomfortably tight her own skin was becoming. She was taking deeper and deeper breaths, as her lungs had been gradually increasing in volume along with her expanding ribcage, an audible pop was heard as her shoulder suddenly shot wider apart. As her lengthening spine was beginning to raise from her back along with her thickening back and shoulder muscles, the tension proved too much for her. With a grunt, she flexed her muscular shoulders forward and her skin then ripped from the base of her tail all the way up to the back of her neck like a splitting shirt. Underneath her 'old' skin was glistening black rubbery skin, extremely defined muscles showing through with chiseled definition where it was revealed.

Joanna gave a sigh from feeling relief from the released pressure, but still felt uncomfortable tightness along other parts of her body, especially her feet, it felt like she had on extremely tight ballet slippers. The front balls of her feet were still swelling up, her tightly curled numb toes were being maneuvered into an impossible position from the swelling. Due to the numbness, Joanna was unable to feel the bones altering and dissolving from her toes and along the rest of her foot, her foot arches straightening out, lengthening simultaneously, pulling the heels of her feet further apart from her toes.

Two dull ripping sounds were heard as the skin along the bottom portions of her feet burst apart, the remnants of her toes fell away to the floor, large black hooves now in their stead. As her now straightened arches stretched apart, hooves busted through up along the length of her calves then up to her ballooning thighs, her old skin looking like torn leather leggings.

She was beginning to feel more and more gradual relief from the uncomfortable tightness she felt earlier, but had no conscious thought as to the reason why, her focus still completely centered on relieving her powerful animal lust. The split that happened vertically along her spine was now splitting horizontally across from the top tear point, splitting across and over her massive shoulders, traveling down her now titan-like biceps and triceps and swelling forearms. The palms of her hands were bulging out, her fingers swelling out into thick, sausages of masculinity.

A small part of Joanna's mind dwelled on the unusual tightness she felt on her hands, like she was wearing leather gloves several sizes too small, that, and along with lack of tactile sensation she received from her hands stroking her cock, she couldn't register any sensation from her hand, like the skin on her palms were numb. That should of sent a red flag to her notifying her that something was deeply wrong, but the concern had no way to compete for her focus away from the sexual lust high she was on.

The rip traveled across her now thick forearms to her meaty hands, both of which were now furiously stroking her raging cock. The combination from the loosening of the skin around her hands from the ripping skin, along with the friction from her tight grip on her cock as she stroked it, caused the skin along her fingers and palms to rip clean off from one of her powerful strokes.

A plethora of messages bombarded her brain from her nervous system at once; the sensation of her now 'old dead skin' rubbing between her tightly gripped hands and cock, the feeling from the texture of her new, smooth rubbery hands, and the much larger size difference of her new hands. THAT was enough for Joanna to look down finally from curiosity and shock. The last stroke from her now newly massive, smooth rubbery hands however was enough to finally send her over the edge. The moment she looked down at her hands and cock, her big testicles churned furiously and tightened up, and that familiar feeling that she was driven so anomalistically to work for, reverberated like a gong being struck.

This orgasm was the most intense yet, powerful vibrations of ecstasy coursed through her entire being causing her to involuntarily flex her entire body and shudder like mad. Her eyes clenched tight and her mouth went wide agape and her testicles and newly formed male g-spot exploded hot black cum like a shotgun repeatedly all over her face and in her open mouth, completely covering her entire face and head, as well as leaving shiny black splotches on her monitor, keyboard, desk and floor.

Joanna's body body slumped down in her chair as she let out a deep, sated sigh, feeling high on cloud nine from the post-orgasm bliss, all conscious thought and concern totally wiped from her dopamine filled brain. She felt a warm tingling sensation all across her face and neck, where she had just jizzed all over barely, and savored the rubbery taste. Her high-like bliss was abruptly interrupted as she heard the garage door opening in the background. She suddenly jerked upright and the force alone toppled her and the chair she was in over onto the floor, and frantically she scrambled on her hands and knees to the bathroom.

'Fuck he can't see me like this, what the fuck am I going to do!?' she thought to herself in panic. As she got to the bathroom entrance she tried to get up to her feet but then stumbled back down, completely unaware of her new hooves and their alien feeling, not being used to them at all. She instead frantically crawled into the bathroom and shut the door behind her and locked it.

Still on the floor on her knees, Joanna closed her eyes and took some deep breaths, trying her best to gather her wits about her. Her mind was racing a million miles an hour with thoughts and questions, and there were too many at once to really focus on any which one. Her conscious, rational self was finally beginning to catch up on a lot of the details it had previously missed due to her lust-addled state that it just barely emerged from. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down upon herself hesitantly, not wanting to face the reality that was

now hers.

As she glanced down, the first thing she noticed was her 'old' skin was hanging on parts of her chest and thighs, a new shiny rubber one underneath. She couldn't believe what was before her eyes, was this the 'activation' process she read about supposedly? Slowly, she shifted her position so that she could sit on her ass and to take a better look at her new legs and feet but yelped in painful surprise when she sat on her tail. 'A tail?... What the hell..?' she thought to herself as she looked behind her and grabbed her rubbery horse tail. Turning back to look at her feet, she confirmed that she was indeed hoofed, which explained the numbness and lack of sensation she felt earlier down there.

Joanna grabbed the edge of the counter with both hands and slowly pulled herself up onto her new feet, a little unused to the new digi-grade stance, it was like standing on high heels with no heel. Her new massive hooves did give her some decent stability, and the elongated feet allowed her to bend her knees a bit to find a better balance. She then looked into the bathroom mirror and what she saw made the blood drain from her face, if she could've seen her normal face that is. What she saw before her was a seven and a half foot rubbery black behemoth, all semblance of her old self gone except her face, yet even that was covered in shiny black now.

Any evidence of her ever being a human woman, now laid in tatters across her body, scraps of torn skin hanging and clinging to various places. She reached up with her new massive hands and grabbed what used to be her breasts, which were now dangling on a loose flap of skin, and yanked them off, revealing massive, defined masculine pecs. She the went to each flap of skin in turn, tearing it away, until all she could she was shiny blackness.

She looked over each detail of her new body with scrupulously, drinking in every single detail. She had the perfect male body, like it was chiseled out of black marble by the greatest master of sculpture, a body of a greek god, and uber-masculine. Her shoulders were wide, her muscles were bulging large and extremely defined. ' can't get any closer to male perfection... first the beastly cock, and now the body to match!' she thought to herself excitedly, in awe and entranced by her reflection.

With the hooves and the tail, she most certainly almost resembled the sexy beasts she was jerking off to not too long ago, every detail was there except the head. She still had her normal face, except it was completely covered in shiny black rubber. The rubbery black cum she shot all over self had even gotten all in her hair as well, and as she looked it over, that's when something odd caught her eye. Coming closer to the mirror, she watched the blackness slowly spread across her hair! She remembered how before her jizz would just absorb into her skin, this time around however, it was spreading and smoothing out all across her face and skull, enveloping all her hair gradually and pushing it tightly against her head. It wasn't too soon after when it finally finished smoothing all out, all trace of her hair gone, and the surface was completely level and smooth.

Staring back in the mirror, Joanna saw the last of the latex shift, giving her a smooth bald look. Her face was the only feminine attribute among the glistening black masculinity that was now her form. Looking at her face she wondered why it hadn't transformed itself into a more sexy masculine shape of a horse stud- 'Wait, why I'm a thinking that..? I need to figure out how to get back to normal!' She thought internally, but for some reason her emotional state was that of well-being and joy about her current predicament, even though Steve would eventually discover her fairly soon, she felt relatively calm. She wondered why her sense of panic wasn't in full force anymore, she was too preoccupied admiring herself in the mirror. Just by looking at herself she was becoming aroused again, as she saw in her reflection her large cock beginning to rise again. 'What am I going to say to Steve..? I should... just fuck his faggot ass...yeah..' She smirked to herself...


Steve wandered in from the garage door into the house, feeling pretty tired from work. His mind was a bit numb from all the thinking he had been doing about the events from last night with Joanna, not really sure how to proceed. He felt mixed emotions, rationalizing that he couldn't be entirely upset with her as she seemed genuine in her surprise. She was probably just trying to spice up their almost nonexistent sex life, she was only human after all and needed sex like everybody else, the problem lied within Steve however, a demon that's been lurking and growing secretly in the back of his mind. He couldn't even begin to think how he would approach her about it though, as he loved her dearly and didn't want to do anything to hurt her.

Walking into the dining area, he dropped off his coat and keys on the table and loosened his tie, and that's when a very strong and pungent odor hit his nose, it was dank, musky, sweaty and...rubbery? He noticed all other areas of the house was dark, with no lights turned on which was unusual, and wondered what Joanna was up to.

"Uh..Joanna?" Steve called out, and got no response back. Maybe she was in the bedroom? As he walked towards the living room area, he the scent was getting stronger and more pungent, and noticed a dim light coming from the corner. Curiously, he headed towards the source and saw that the computer was still on, but as he got closer to the scene he raised his eyebrows in confusion and shock. The chair was knocked over and there were scraps of some material ripped in pieces everywhere with some strange black shiny substance globbed all over the chair, floor and computer and desk. He came closer to inspect the very unusual picture before him and gasped in revolt. The scene before him looked straight out of a horror movie, the ripped material pieces were human skin! He saw some toes and fingers among the scraps that confirmed his suspicions, and gingerly reached down to pick up a flap.

Surely the pieces felt like skin, cold tingles began to reverberate through Steve's guts as he felt and analyzed what he now confirmed to be skin. Strangely enough, it was clean of any blood, looking around he saw no blood at all just the strange, pungent rubbery black goo everywhere. He saw that the goo had covered up much of the keyboard and a good portion of the monitor of the computer. The entire scene was extremely surreal, had this all been Joanna's doing? Now he was extremely weirded out and terrified.

"Joanna!?" Steve yelled out a bit more frantically, now terrified for his wife. Briefly his eye caught an image from the monitor, it was that of a familiar logo of a website he knew very well about. Frantically he used his hand to wipe and clean enough of it off to confirm his worst conclusion, it was the furry fetish website he would browse through in secret from Joanna, and sure enough, he was logged into his account. He felt his heart stop and drop into his stomach, as he saw pictures of all gay stuff spread across the screen, it was over, his demon has been discovered by Joanna. Never in a million years could Steve have ever imagined a much worse scenario, he was now panting wildly, his mind swimming in a sea of fear.

"Jo-Joanna!!!" Steve yelled out, heart pounding and sweat pouring as his he spun around like a mad man, lost in his emotional high. His mind was going over flashing, terrible thoughts as fear overpowered his rationality. 'Is this weird shit here because Joanna found out about my secret and is trying to scare me as revenge??' He thought to himself, become increasingly paranoid. As he was about to leave to look for Joanna elsewhere in the house, that's he noticed a strange little trail of skin bits and black dots littering the floor. Following it with his eyes he saw that it ended at the bathroom door, and sure enough he saw light coming through from the bottom crack. He walked briskly up to the door and when he tried to turn the handle, it was locked.

"Joanna, are you in there!? Please say something, what the hell is going on!?..." Steve yelled at the door as he frenetically pounded on the door.... There was nothing but silence. Joanna, knew that time would come, but still didn't know what to say, for instead of preparing some dialogue, she had instead been too distracted with her image, admiring it in the mirror and touching her new body. She knew she would have to come out eventually, but... "Joanna please... tell me what this is all about!!" She heard him yell, the tone of which snapped

something in Joanna, and the first thing that bursted out of her mouth was-

"I'll tell you what this is about, it's about you being a fucking faggot!" Joanna yelled back unrestrained, the flowing testosterone in her making her more aggressive and unreserved. She flinched as she realized what she had said, not meaning it to come out that way. Steve's whole body froze, his pounding fists slowly lowered limply to his sides, it felt like he had just been shot, and his eyes and lips pursed tightly shut. Steve didn't want things to happen like this, he felt that someday she would have found out, but not like this...

"Sigh...look... Joanna I... i'm so sorry I... I didn't know what to do or say, I just... can't honest to god help it, I've tried really I've tried to 'fix' myself, to avoid it but... and I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't want to hurt you, I just....* y-you.." Joanna heard Steve choke and sob and heard his body slump down the door as he then started sobbing uncontrollably. She felt her heart sink a bit, and now really felt bad for what she said.

"Look... Steve, honey... I know you love me, and I love you too but... you should have been honest with me!.. We've been through a lot together and I'm your partner, it hurts that you didn't even try to open up to me about it, that instead you kept your distance emotionally and physically, that's not fair to me after all that I do for you..." Joanna said through the door a bit softer, with a slightly more caring tone.

"I-I know..*'s just, I was so afraid of losing you..." Steve gasped in-between sobs. "Please Joanna... could you come out so we can talk about this..?? And... why is there black goo and skin all over the place..?" Joanna braced herself, the time of reckoning had come.

"Uh, ya...about that... look honey, it's hard to explain, i'm going to have to show you but... well, just stand back and please don't freak out..." And with that, Steve slowly got up and stepped back a bit, not sure what she meant, but was still emotionally distracted with other thoughts. He heard the door unlock, and slowly the door opened, revealing something that was not Joanna...

Steve's red, tear-filled eyes went wide with horror as he saw an extremely large and tall black, shadowy silhouette block the bathroom light. He jerked back suddenly and fall on his ass as his mouth fell agape. The 'thing' ducked as to not hit it's head on the bathroom door frame as it stepped out, and that's when Steve got a more detailed look at what was before him. It was a huge, large, extremely ripped man made of rubber it looked like. It stood upon dinner plate sized hooves instead of feet, and there was a long horse tail flickering behind it, and at the crotch was set of balls the size of tangerines and a foot and half long horse cock jutting straight out into the air. Looking at the face though, at the bald, black rubbery face he saw the features of Joanna's familiar face.

"Look, I... don't know how to say this exactly..." sure enough, Joanna's voice was coming from the behemoth, but it was still too surreal

for Steve's mind to wrap around.

"Uh..wh-...uh..yo-..bu-..." Joanna just looked down at Steve's shocked face, hearing him sputter out nonsense. "How is this..possible?"

"Well... remember that weird sex toy thing we got in the mail yesterday?..Well uh... I tried it out and long story short, this is how I ended up, don't ask me how, I'm not entirely certain myself, but it has to do with some kinda, advanced technology, nano technology or something... So the skin?... ya that came from me, more like...ripped off when I became like...this... and the black stuff is... well...uh..."

"This is... impossible... it's not some kind of costume or..?" Steve said feebly.

"I wish hun, but I'm afraid not, I somehow... became this, and sadly I have no idea how to reverse it, I looked through the instructions and everything but...sigh..." Joanna reached down with a massive hand and offered it to Steve. Slowly and tentatively, he reached for it still in a daze. Joanna quickly grasped it and yanked him up on his feet with almost no effort, both were really surprised by her newfound strength. As got to his feet, Steve felt Joanna's 'cock' jab him in the chest, leaving a big black shiny wet mark on his shirt. Joanna briefly shivered from the contact, still extremely horny and felt her cock twitch. Steve, witnessing all this, gasped in surprise.

"I think I might've figured out where the black goo stuff came from..." He said dazedly unable to unglue his eyes from Joanna's new form. Joanna gave a nervous chuckle and glanced around nervously. "I... still can't believe this it's... I mean..."

"Ya, neither can I Steve," Joanna said, "look, i'll try to explain it from the top." Joanna spent the next few minutes filling Steve up on every detail, from beginning to end, even all she read in the manual, ending with-" ya, that's it so far, and I still have no idea how to get back to normal..." Steve was, the whole time, unable to make eye contact with her, instead eyeing her body up and down and dwelling a little too long on her cock at each pass over, which Joanna got notice of. "So... that's my side, now don't you have something to talk about..?" She asked slyly. That got Steve to look up into her eyes, after which he immediately looked down upon the floor, obvious shame creeping up his blushing face.

"Um.. I.." Steve quietly stammered, unable to look up.

"Steve, at first, I was shocked and hurt, I mean, what woman wouldn't be in my position, right?... But, I do love you and I tried to understand it... and after looking through a few pic's, and becoming extremely aroused myself, I think I began to understand, not sure why, it is kind of weird, but it is unusually hot so... I guess I can relate in that aspect, haha... maybe I should be more disturbed, or more bothered but... I don't care Steve, I don't judge you, I love you... also... like I said I don't if I'll be able to reverse this but honestly... I don't want to..." Steve looked back up into her eyes in surprise. " And something tells me you wouldn't mind it either," She said as she gave a wink and used one of her massive hands to grope Steve's obvious erect bulge from his pants, "perhaps this all was a freak accident that worked out miraculously good for the both of us."

"Although this is all extremely abnormal, and maybe we should talk more about all these issues, but I really don't give a fuck at this point, I'm not gonna lie, all I can think about is fucking you hard, and maybe this time, now that i'm like this, you'll finally fuck me back!" Joanna said with a laugh, " You will not withhold sex from me no longer Mr., or else I'll just take it from you now!" And with a devilish grin, she gripped Steve by the shoulders and threw him and the ground, and then pounced on his surprised body, gripped his sides tightly, and then began to grind into him, dry humping his erection.

Steve was completely shocked at first from the sudden quick burst of animosity from Joanna and being thrown to the ground so powerfully, but then started moaning as they began frotting their raging erections through Steve's pants. Joanna bent down and started to deeply kiss Steve on the mouth in which Steve responded back passionately, one of his hands gripping her muscular rubbery back, the other one feeling her rubbery bald head. He tasted rubber upon her lips, and and felt their strange rubbery texture, but he highly aroused and really did love her new look.

Joanna then gripped Steve's shirt at the buttons, and with one quick motion tore it cleanly off in two pieces. She then reached at his waist, and ripped his pants and underwear off with her insane new strength as well. Steve was now in a powerful sexual haze, his mind trying it's best to hang on to the incredible emotional roller coaster it's been on all day, and now his secret forbidden fantasy, which was just that, fantasy, was now coming true despite the impossibility of it! To be totally man-handled and dominated by a wild, sexy anthro-beast much bigger then him, and the best part was that it was his wife! His eyes then shot open and let out a gasp as he felt the slick, hot tip of Joanna's cock push against his pucker.

Joanna was herself was in her own sexual haze, deep in an animalistic, testosterone driven fury where her old, rational self had taken the passenger seat, with a more primal, instinctual side taking over the driver seat once again. She had been having plenty of fun and pleasure tapping off all day, but had been craving the real thing, to feel her hot raging rod enveloped tightly in warm flesh, and now the time had come!

Flexing her muscular hips, and letting out a guttural grunt, she powerfully thrusted forward into Steve's pucker. The tip had just smushed up tightly, not popping in, which in turn caused Joanna to let out a frustrated bellow. She pulled her hips back once again and thrust forward more powerfully, gripping Steve's shoulders with an iron grip with her massive hands. Steve yelled out loudly in pain-

"FUCK!! JO-JOANNA NO! IT'S NOT GONNA FIT, YOU'RE TOO BIG, IT HURTS, PLEASE STOP I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!!" Steve's face was red and his eyes were watery. Joanna froze her self mid-thrust, her entire body flexing, her massive muscles quivering, holding back her continuing onslaught at this point had been the hardest thing she had ever had to do, it was like trying to stop a tsunami wave. She gripped her eyes shut tight and gritted her teeth, fighting the urge was like trying to break in a wild stallion, like the one that she was now. Her mind was at war between her usual self, and this new, darker, primal, powerful animal side, it was fighting for control, it took all her willpower to slowly back away from Steve. Steve slowly edged himself away, rubbing at his painful ass.

"Ga-...god damn it was so hard stop..." Joanna gasped heavily, eyes still closed and with her breathing now focused. She remembered how painful and how near impossible it was to stuff that dildo into her vagina, there's no way it could fit into Steve's virgin asshole. But.. She really, really needed to fuck now, and it was so hard to hold back the raging beast within. Suddenly, words popped into her mind, and out of her mouth.

"Steve, go to the kitchen and bring me the black box and all the stuff you see on the table, NOW!" She roared with an authoritative, dominant tone. Steve didn't even think about it, and just ran to do as he told. He came back quickly, and dropped the box with the other contents before Joanna. Joanna took one last deep breath, and her muscles stopped quivering, she had gained her control back, temporarily, knowing that the beast let itself be subdued just so Joanna could better sate it's ravenous appetite when she finished the task at hand!

Quickly she reached in the box and pulled out the other, white horse dildo, and then deftly grabbed the grey bottle, and emptied the rest of it's contents within. She then deftly reached behind Steve with her free hand and aggressively pulled him closer to her, while the other hand lined up the opening of the hollow dildo with the tip of Steve's erect shaft. Steve instantly put two and two together, remembering what she told him about the process, and tried to pipe up about it.

"Wait, Joanna isn't that how yo-" He was cut off as Joanna hastily shoved the dildo and squeezed hard with her strong grip, causing a lot of air to hiss out at once from the tip and create a powerful vacuum that sucked hard on Steve's shaft, "uh..uhhh.fuuuUUCKK!!" The last part of Steve's sentence warped into sounds of pleasure as he felt the wonderful sensation. Joanna continued to squeeze and pull with one hand while the other fished for the white body harness. Finding it, she then pulled Steve down to the floor and pushed him on his back, as she began to pull the the harness past his feet up his body, and secured it upon his thighs and arms.

Right as she was about to position the cock ring over behind the dildo, Steve once again tried to mildly butt in, but Joanna quickly gave his rubber covered cock another squeeze which quickly turned his protest into another moan of pleasure, upon which Joanna then snapped the ring into place. Steve then began to feel a tingly buzz all throughout his body, just like what Joanna described before.

"Uh-Jo-Joanna, doesn't this mean-"

"Shut the fuck up Steve, we both know we want this! If I can't fuck your tight little human ass, i'm going to fuck your bigger, rubbery, sexy stud ass!" Joanna exclaimed as she gave Steve's cock another squeeze and quickly bent down to muffle his moan with a deep passionate kiss. She wanted him to transform quickly, her lust was at a plateau that she had never reached before, and she was straining painfully, wanting nothing more then to shove her twitching, hot hard shaft into something tight and warm as soon as possible. She then remembered that the more friction and heat you added to the system, the quicker the process, so with that she changed position, placing her face above the dildo, and stuck the tip in her mouth, using her hands to stroke the length quickly and powerfully. Steve was in heaven, enjoying the most unorthodox blow job he had ever gotten, feeling wonderful sensations like never before.

As Steve was randomly thrashing his head and arms about from the amazing pleasure, his arm brushed against something which caused him to briefly become distracted and look up. He saw at his finger tips the both the white and black smaller head harness's, and with a smirk, he grabbed the white one and placed it over his head, it was a bit loose, but there were two little snaps that hooked into the side shoulder straps, and once he snapped them in place, he felt the familiar buzzing feeling start to spread up his neck and spread throughout his face and head.

Steve knew that this would alter his face, and that this was the last thing Joanna was missing. While Joanna was still preoccupied with hastily giving his shaft head, Steve stealthily slipped the harness upon her head, and hooked the snaps in.

Joanna immediately froze when she felt the straps brush against her head and heard the snaps close shut and looked up to see Steve smiling down at her, with the head harness on, sure enough when she reached up with a hand and felt it, she confirmed her suspicion, there was no going back now. She felt the familiar buzz spread throughout her face and head, and although she really wanted do rid herself of the last vestige of her previous identity earlier, she realized that this would possibly be the last time she would see Steve's face, and he would see hers. She craned her self back up to Steve, coming face-to-face, harness-to-harness.

"Steve... this could be the last time we see each other's faces like this, promise me you won't ever forget my face, it will probably become some kind of a horse head.." Joanna said quietly as she gazed into Steve's eyes longingly.

"Of course not, it's the face I fell in love with, and no matter what you become, I know it will always be you inside, and I love you." Steve said back softly and reassuringly. It was a brief, touching moment that dispelled the rampant lust, and then they both went into a kiss, tender at first, but steadily grew more aggressive, until they sucking at each other's mouths. They began to frot again, rubbing their shiny rubbery cocks together in increasing tempo.

Steve had let out a moan, the nanites had finally reached critical mass and were beginning to take effect, the new super synthetic testosterone had begun flowing through his veins, giving him a savage new primal energy and source of strength and lust. He then began to voraciously rub, hump, and kiss Joanna, the beast within him growing. In turn, the beast within Steve reignited the beast with Joanna, she felt the dark primal energy sweep up through her, it had been suppressed long enough and this time there was nothing to stop it. This time Joanna wanted it to come full bore, to completely let go and surrender to the animal, especially after what Steve had barely said.

As Joanna internally released all resistance, she felt a powerful wave vibrate from her genitals up her spine to her tingling head, causing the tingling to intensify tenfold. Joanna pulled back from Steve's kiss and closed her eyes, biting her lips as she could begin to feel a tightness grow around her face, it had begun. Steve watched in fascination as he saw his wife's face slowly puff out and stretch.

First, he saw her nostrils gradually widen and push further apart, as her ears began to grow point, and slowly migrate up her skull. Then, her lips began to puff up, and both her nose and chin pushed out, slowly lengthening out into a muzzle. Her eyes had gotten a little larger, and very slightly angled apart, not even close to the degree of a horse, but noticeable enough. Upon the top of her head, small strands of latex began to emerge in the pattern of a mohawk, which grew down her increasingly thickening neck as a mane. All the while, with each

gradual change, Joanna's grunts of discomfort became lower and lower in pitch. Her new muscular neck and hybridized horse face had filled out the harness nicely.

Joanna felt the changes finally finish, and when they did, she felt an odd internal shift. It was hard to explain but, it was like by ridding herself of her last aspect of her humanity, of her feminine identity, she was able to completely click with who she was now. Joanna's eyes snapped open, they were no longer blue, but instead a dark chocolate brown. Steve looked up in awe and lovingly rubbed along her new muzzle.

"Joanna, you're beautiful- no, so handsome..." Steve cooed, looking into those large, new brown eyes.

"Hehe, you can just call me Joe from now on," She said in a richly deep, manly voice "your own personal, sexy stallion fuck stud!" Indeed, something had shifted in Joanna, now Joe, even Steve could sense a change of some sort. Joe had fully embraced HIMself, and lovingly accepted who HE had become, he was now Steve's hot gay lover, his wild beast of a fantasy, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Steve just grinned, loving every second, blown away by the new 'Joe'. Joe reached down with that lovely muzzle of his and kissed Steve fiercely before quickly pulling down back to blowing him, now doing a much better job with his longer and bigger mouth, able to suck more of Steve's length. This time Steve moaned out aloud in blissful pleasure, as the dildo had fully integrated and had become his new cock, and he could feel more richly Joe's expert administrations.

The building intensity in Steve's pleasure and lust was taking it's toll on him. He was taking in bigger and bigger breaths, as his lungs and ribcage had begun to expand. In turn, all of his muscles were bulging out more and more, swelling into massive proportions at an alarming rate. He let out a groan from the growing discomfort, but loved the new feeling of raw power that was flowing in him.

Joe merely smiled to himself as he knew what was coming next, looking down Steve's legs he could see his feet beginning to swell and disfigure at the front balls, his shoes bursting at the seems. This only encouraged Joe to work more passionately, wanting to bring his fellow stud out to sooner. Not just his body, but Steve's face as well was undergoing the transformation, as his nostrils and lips started to grow and mutate. In a fit of primal lust, Steve gave out a deep grunt an shifted himself under Joe's crotch, pushing Joe onto his side and prompting a 69 position, and deftly took Joe's throbbing, leaking cock with his swelling fingers and shoved it in his lengthening mouth.

Both Joe and Steve were letting out low moans of muffled pleasure from the intense cocksucking they were giving each other, until Steve let out a sudden large grunt, feeling his new tail rip out from the skin above his ass crack, feeling the tail worm around as it lengthened out and started to grow white rubbery strands all over the place. Joe was able to see Steve's new tail wriggle out from between his legs and knew it was only a matter of time, not wanting to waste any more though, Joe tightly gripped Steve's newly huge muscular ass with his hands

and ripped the skin off from his waist down past his knees, revealing huge, sexy defined, gleaming white rubbery muscle.

Soon after, Steve's feet followed suit, and the shoes and socks ripped right off as massive white latex hooves grew into place. Steve took up on Joe's cue, and gripped along his chest skin and ripped it off, revealing a bulging eight pack and massive pecs, he then reached up to each bicep in turn, and pulled the skin down like he was peeling off tight leather opera length gloves, reveal more massive white rubber muscle.

Steve pulled off of Joe's cock, which in turn made Joe look down to see why he stopped. Steve reached back behind his head and ripped his old face off in two pieces, revealing his new sexy horse face and head, and his new grey eyes. Joe gave him an approved nod, and then gripped Steve's ass cheeks apart, and then proceeded to bury his muzzle in-between, roughly licking his new hot rubber pucker.

Steve gave a slight moan which escalated into a whinny, and quickly shoved Joe's cock down his new longer muzzle, deep-throating it and getting it nice and sloppy, preparing it for what he knew was coming next. Joe meanwhile was ferociously tongue fucking Steve's asshole, using one hand to stroke Steve's cock, and the other to poke first one, then two, then three fingers into Steve's awaiting fuckhole. When Joe was sure that Steve's asshole was nice and loose and lubricated, he pulled away and got on his knees, pulling his cock abruptly out of Steve's mouth. He then flipped Steve onto his stomach, and then straddled his hips.

Joe used one hand to grab both of Steve's wrists and hold them behind his back, pushing roughly into his back to sandwich Steve's throbbing hard cock between his rock hard rubbery abs, and the floor, while with the other hand he had grabbed the base of his own drooling cock, and was teasingly rubbing it up and along Steve's crack. Steve was letting out whimpering neighs, being driven mad with lust and anticipation.

Joe was just merely chuckling, knowing how bad Steve really wanted this, and boy was Joe ever going to enjoy, he had waited far enough, but could wait just a little longer just to squeeze a some more satisfaction out of Steve, he was really enjoying his new dominant streak, and was just instinctively following his alpha male impulses.

"This time Stevey, you're not gonna bitch and cry and crawl away, no, not this time..." Joe purred threateningly into Steve's ear. "Your ass is mine, you got that?" Steve just merely whimpered, both in defeat and in anxiousness. "You want my big cock in your ass doncha?" Joe asked as began to press the tip up against Steve's wet, quivering ring. Steve moaned and nodded his head up and down. "And why do you want it in there so bad? Tell me.." Joe rumbled, smirking at what he was doing to Steve.

"Because I... I want it... I ... need it!" Steve pleaded between ragged breaths.

"Why? Because you're a..." Joe held out the last part, waiting for Steve to complete it.

"..Because i'm a...a.. a faggot! And I love cock! Your cock!" Steve cried out, getting more and more desperate for action.

"I want you to beg for it, beg for it properly!" Joe said with a sadistic smile, he didn't know where this sinister dominate side had come from, but he was loving every minute of it, it was turning him on like nothing else.

"Please! Please shove your big cock up my faggot ass!" Steve gasped in horny desperation.

"Hehehe, with pleasure!" Joe smiled wide, and with that, he thrusted in long and hard and fast, hilting Steve's ass right up until their balls slapped together, Steve threw his head back and whinnied out loud from the extreme pain and pleasure deliciously mixed in one that wracking his entire being. Joe then slowly started to pull out, getting right to the point before his head was about to slip out, and then slowly pushed back in, working slowly from that pace building speed.

Gradually all the pain had shifted into pure pleasure for Steve, his asshole was feeling like magic, never before had he felt such amazing pleasure, he never could have imagined it feeling so all encompassingly good. Steve could feel both the flared tip of Joe's head, as well as the medial ring on the middle of his cock, rub against his throbbing prostate with each thrust Joe made,

Steve felt like he was floating, the waves of pleasure and passion were taking him up to new heights, this was better then his fantasies ever were.

Joe could tell that Steve was in heaven at this point, and Joe was following close behind. He would have never thought fucking a tight ass with a cock could have ever felt so good, Steve's tight ass felt amazing, and he loved how Steve would squeeze his sphincter tight when ever he would pull out, like he was milking him nicely. This totally blew masturbation out the window, and he could totally get used to this Joe thought to himself. He especially loved being on top, doing the thrusting and the dominating, letting the primal, testosterone driven beast take control and just go ballistically lost into lust. He could have never imagined going back to just being a female, laying there and taking it, he was in love with his new self now.

Joe grabbed both of Steve's arms and pulled them up, using them both for leverage and to keep Steve submissively restrained. Joe then began to thrust and grunt more voraciously, flexing all his muscles, and reveling with pride and joy in his newfound male-hood and alpha dominance, becoming drunk from the power-fueled lust.

Joe and Steve were both moaning, and grunting, flexing and writhing all in tandem, building each other up into higher and higher states of ecstasy and passion. The sound of heavy breathing and squeaking rubber, along with the smell of musky, sweaty, rubbery latex filled the air. Both Joe and Steve were on animal autopilot at this point, the lust filled beasts of instinct had taken over and was driving them closer and closer to what they sought. Joe briefly pulled out, leaving Steve to cry out in need, but was quickly flipped over by Joe onto his back.

Joe pulled both of Steve's legs up and to the sides like a V shape, and then repositioned his cock and thrusted back in, not losing pace. Joe reached out with both hands, and Steve reached out and grasped them his, palms to palms, with fingers interlocked. They pulled each other down into kiss, using their long rubbery tongues and massive rubbery lips, kissing wildly with lust. There was no 'loving' in any of this, only pure, raw fucking.

Joe, with his hands still locked with Steve's, proceeded to stretch both sets of arms, pushing them onto the ground above Steve's head, which caused Joe to lay more directly chest to chest against Steve. This new angle caused Joe to better hit Steve's prostate, he responded then with wrapping his massive legs around and behind Joe's ass to further shove his cock into his wanting ass, that in turn caused both Joe's and Steve's washboard abs to sandwich Steve's cock, adding delicious friction and pressure. They were both kissing and fucking madly, overwhelmed by their lust, and the new position proved too much, Joe could feel his balls churning.

Joe thrusted in hard, shoving his rod as far as it could go, as Steve clamped down with his hole as hard as he could, then Joe flung his head back and whinnied out loud as his balls and prostate seized in mightily, unleashing torrents of hot cum deep into Steve. Steve in turn went over the edge from the sensation, his prostate twitched madly as well as his cock as it released copious spurt after spurt of hot spunk all over their chests and necks.

The orgasm ripped through both muscled rubber studs more powerfully then they had ever known possible, their entire beings felt like lightning had struck. They were gripping and wrestling with each other tightly, riding the waves as their muscles flexed and twitched sporadically, holding on to each other for dear life. Finally, the intense wave of orgasmic subsided as did their inner wild beasts. Joe collapsed on top of Steve, both were completely spent, it had been a very trying day, and intense session, and that last orgasm sent both into a blissful unconsciousness....


The front door, although previously locked, somehow opened slowly, and in stepped Levixiana, wearing her usual sexy business attire of a form fitting low cut blouse, tight business coat and skirt cut really high, with wickedly long pointed pumps upon her feet, all in jet black. As she stepped through the house, the strong smell of sex and rubber hit her like a ton of bricks, only merely bringing a devious grin to her ruby red lips. She walked casually to the source, and found on the ground a large black anthro rubber horse creature dozing off on top of a white one. With clipboard in hand, she swiftly took down notes from the scene before her, writing in as much detail as possible as her eyes scanned across their unmoving forms.

"Good morning gentlemen!" Levixiana called out with a loud cheery, yet stern voice. "So sorry to disturb you both, however I have been sent here as a representative on behalf of the company Devious Desires Incorporated to further inquire about the success of our product, as well as to further provide assistance and gain feedback from our valued testers." Joe slowly gathered his wits about him, and groggily looked up to find the source of the noise that woke him up. Still in a daze, not fully conscious of the fact that he was a naked rubber monster with his cock still wedged into another one right in plain sight of this new stranger didn't quite register.

"Who the hell are you..?" Joe grumbled out as he rubbed his face.

"Oh well pardon me, where are my manners? My name is Levixiana, head researcher and board member of Deviant Desires Inc., I know that it might seem rude barging in like this but I'm merely fulfilling contractual agreements." Levixiana said with a controlled smile.

"Wai-..what agreements?" Joe was now even more out of it, and Steve had now woken up, groaning.

"A Mrs. Joanna agreed to become a tester for our new prototype, did you not? By agreeing to become a tester, you also agreed to all of our terms and conditions, and part of those terms and conditions were to attend follow up studies and evaluations at our research facility after the initial run. Our company will provide the transportation, lodging, and any other requests and necessities that you might require during the final evaluations, I can assure you that it will be for both your benefit and pleasure..." Levixiana said smoothly and quickly with a very professional tone.

"But.. I don't remember reading any-" Joe protested but was quickly cut off by Levixiana.

"Perhaps next time you should read the fine print!" Levixiana said with a wink, and with that, an extremely fast small flash of red light flickered from her bright, red iris eyes, which caused a strange sense of warmth and trust to spread over both Joe and Steve. "So come on you sexy studs! Don't worry the whole process is fairly quick and completely painless, so if you will, follow me to the escort vehicle outside!"

Both the muscled rubbery behemoths slowly started to get up. White shiny cum was still all over both their chests, and as Joe pulled his semi-hard shaft out of Steve's ass, black shiny jizz oozed out down his legs to the floor, neither seemed bothered by their appearance however, both felt completely natural and comfortable, and felt peaceful around this strange alluring woman. They numbly got to there hooves and proceeded to follow Levixiana's shapely behind out into the front yard where a chopper was waiting, it's roaring engines coming to life.

They weren't quite sure what was going to happen next, but Joe and Steve gripped hands tightly as they stepped into the chopper, content with whatever was going to happen as long as they were together...

The end....for now....

Deviant Desires- Project Black Box Pt 2.txt

Deviant Desires:"Project Black Box" Part 2 Haley was trying her best to not fall on her face from stumbling up the stairs to her apartment. She had just finished partying hard late into the night with some friends at a nearby club, slamming...

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Deviant Desires:"Project Black Box" Part 1

Deviant Desires:"Project Black Box" Part 1... Eve walked up the stairs to her college dorm apartment, tired as hell from getting her ass kicked once again at work... Walking down the corridor she spotted on odd surprise sitting on her...

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