Dee's Humiliation 2: Diaper Boogaloo

Story by BadgerMD on SoFurry

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Dee's cock throbbed powerful, dribbling with his rich, virile precum. It was completely, stupidly oblivious to his current peril. Floating in the air, powerless in the grip of the magical, invisible caretakers of a long abandoned nursery. For all his strength, all his ferocity, he could not overpower that which he could not even see - save their reflections in the magical mirrors that lined the walls. The magical forces manifested in the mirror as calico cats, a variable number of silent nursemaids led by a better dressed nanny figure. 'She' mocked Dee continuously with her patronizing tone, but as a specter she only did what she had been enchanted to do so - which was to care for little children. Those enchantments were not her fault, nor was Dee's clumsiness that had accidentally marked him as her responsibility.

A cold comfort for him as he floated toward an orc-sized changing table, complete with pink orc-sized diapers and other accoutrements! "God damn you, I swear when I get out of here I'll strangle the mage what made you!" His already exhausted limbs could not struggle much more than they had, and as he hovered over the changing table the last of his strength seemed to be sapped. "I'll kill his family and rip off his head! I'll piss in the neckhole and burn his tower!" His lungs still had power, enough to bellow hoarsely when the invisible hands pushed him against the lightly padded tabletop. Cabinets and drawers opened noisily, hinges rusted and in ill-repair, but holding magical supplies that would never succumb to rot. As long as the spells held out, anyhow. "You're all doomed, doomed once I get out!" Just saying the words made Dee feel a bitter better, a little more in control. It seemed almost possible that he would escape once he said it aloud!

"My my." The calico nanny's cool voice seemed to come from all around, calmly soothing in that patronizing tone. "You are quite the fussy little girl today. Do you need your pacifier? Yes, I think your soother will help you." She nodded in the mirror, gesturing to one of her nursemaid minions. Dee whipped his head around to follow the movement of the maid in the mirror as she reached into a drawer. In the enchanted reflection, she carried a pink pacifier with a white shield toward him - but to Dee's naked eyes, the pacifier floated of its own accord. The pink, rubbery nub of the suckler descended toward his powerful, tusked jaw - and so Dee whipped his head to the side. The pacifier floated then to that side, and for almost half a minute he managed to dodge his head back and forth before the vise-like grip of invisible paws held his head still.

Dee screwed his eyes and mouth shut tightly as the cool tip stroked along his stubbled jaw and rough lips. "Come now, do not be sassy. Its your favorite nunu! Don't you want it, honey?" For some reason Dee tried to shake his head, before remembering it was immobile. So he opened up to bellow out more epitaphs, in his haste forgetting the rubber nub waiting just outside his lips. Drink and indignation had dulled what passed for his common sense, and he paid for his panic by having the words smothered by the heavy rubber pressing up against his tongue, garbling anything he'd like to say! His body surged in the magical bonds as the pacifier sunk in, his tusks grinding in frustration as he attempted to bite it in his desperation. The tough rubber nub inside his mouth seemed immune to the snapping, and worse still retaliated to his struggle! The sensations of it squirming against his tongue and the roof of his mouth were disgusting, as if something alive was in his mouth and fighting to slither down his throat. Dee sunk deeper into panic, if that were even possible, as the small chewy nub swelled and shifted shape to fill his mouth firmly. In the space of less than a minute, the orc was effectively gagged by the mass of magical rubber holding his jaws apart and tongue down on the floor of his mouth. His lips had been forced in a distended O-shape, slightly apart and loosely sealed as if in the middle of a nursing slurp on the artificial teat. With the shield having formed itself around his protruding tusks in such a fashion as to 'lock in' there simply wasn't a way to for him to dislodge it from his mouth.

"There we are, quieter and calmer already. I'm sure its just a spot of colic, little treat." Dee glared at the reflection of the calico nanny with a burning hatred that should have been terrifying. The fact that she was a construct undermined that, but the massive pink pacifier jammed in his mouth and the snot running from his nose would have pretty much invalidated it anyway. His nostrils flared, and lungs burned - unable to draw in big breaths from his mouth it was harder to struggle, even weakly. He just didn't have the air for it. Even when he did, he couldn't stop them undressing him - just like he couldn't stop those ghostly hands from pulling his legs up and into the air. He flexed his toes in rebellion - that was one part of him he could move, one part that would listen. Unlike his stupid cock, which was still mistaking the treatment for erotism! Drooling precum onto his belly, making a big sticky mess of the thick curly hair there. "Hold still. You'll be in bed soon."

Dee screamed in anger, silently, mentally, as his legs were folded up into the air. The view of himself in the mirror with knees to chest, vulnerable and open, reminded him of the many times he'd put a woman in similar positions. It made him feel, if it were possible, more helpless to see his pink asshole fluttering behind its protective screen of hair. To watch his buttocks tense in anxiety as the reflected cat paws laid out tins and wipes. His head, now freed from their grip, flung from side to side. His muffled protests were swallowed and stifled by the pacifier in his mouth. "She is still pitching quite a fit. I suppose she needs some salve. Get the clyster." More cabinets opened at the calico's words, and for a split moment Dee stopped his head from thrashing around. He was both curious and terrified at the prospect of a 'clyster' and what it was used for - with good reason. A clyster was apparently a glass cylinder with a plunger - a syringe of sorts, but with a thick metal nozzle instead of a needle. When a thick pink fluid was poured inside and grease deposited on the nozzle, its terrifying purpose became obvious.

"Mrrrphhhh!" Dee screamed, fruitlessly, into his pacifier gag. The veins in his forehead throbbed, and all his considerable hair stood on end as the clyster floated between his buttocks. The best the defeated orc could do was curl his toes and clamp down as hard as he could with all his ass muscles to deny it entry. He was helplessly immobile in the hands of the enchantment, but his spirit was not yet broken! He clenched up for dear life, and for a moment it seemed that the nozzle would not gain entry to his innards. Unfortunately for him, though, magic has better endurance than even the toughest orc, and when the thick donut of his sphincter fluttered once from fatigue the greased nozzle-tip found purchase. From that tiny foothold the nozzle squirmed a bit deeper, the calico maids shifting the clyster from side to side as they pressed harder. Dee struggled to breath through his nose, trying to redouble his efforts, gather his strength to force it back out. It was an impossible task, the cunningly tapered nozzle designed to slide in faster and deeper with every centimeter it penetrated. Slowly, but surely, cool metal invaded the bulky, brawny orcish ass.

For a completely heterosexual and masculine orc, having something pushed into his ass was a fate worse than death. The feeling of his tight orchole getting forced open sent waves of shame ricocheting around inside his brain in concert with the discomfort of the intrusion. Considering that the nozzle was orc-sized, it was too much like a phallus to avoid disgusting parallels to completely immoral and emasculating homosexual acts. Dee was unable to stop his muffled groan of distress from leaking around his gag when it settled in him fully! He squirmed, as if that would dislodge the nozzle, and for his trouble got the tip of it to nudge on his prostate. He discovered right then something more humiliated than being penetrated, and that was having his fat green orc-cock bounce and splutter a big wad of precum when penetrated! Uncontrollable reaction or not, feeling that hot glob fall on on his pec and drizzle through his chesthair cast doubt on his own sexuality. Such alien uncertainty was like a dagger in his mind.

"Shush now, this is for the best." The nanny's reflection patted gently at Dee, and his long black hair parted like grain in the wind. The orc was not soothed by her lifeless words, or the invisible touch to his hair. The plunger on the big enema syringe began to move, the rubber stopper inside pushing on the thick pink paste within, forcing it into the nozzle lodged deep inside Dee's ass. The tip of it was poised just over the orc's underdeveloped prostate, a sensitive area that responded to the liquid pressure by clenching tightly! Humiliated, immobile, but resistant, Dee tried to keep the paste from entering him. The discomfort from the pink gel pumping into him was as acute as the base humiliation of penetration. The volume injected was also substantial enough that by the time the syringe was empty, Dee's gut felt bloated as badly as the time he ate bad mutton. The nozzle's removal and sudden clenching of his tight pucker didn't help him feel any better at all, to capstone the terrible experience.

His ass ached from the penetration, his guts were sore from getting filled with paste, his lungs and throat burned from screaming, and his limbs were like dead meat from all his fruitless struggling. Mentally, physically, and emotionally Dee was in shambles. He didn't quite have the strength to do more than grunt in token resistance when his legs were spread again. A bottle of oil floated into the air, tipping over in the grip of an invisible paw. Splattering out onto his thigh, the thick, soothing oil soaking in through the thick nest of hair to coat his green skin. To guard against chafing, no doubt. The cat reflections leaned over, using soft silken wipes to spread the oil across his thighs, crotch, and grease-splattered ass. It was clumsy work, with his thick bird's nest of pubic hair, but they didn't care. Dee did though, or at least his cock did - his fat cock did nothing but splurt and splutter more when the soft silk stroked up its length, spreading a gross mix of oil and precum all over. 'I cannot enjoy this. No!' His mental protests went ignored by his cock, so self satisfied by the warm caress of oil externally and a gel bathing internally.

Next the tin of powder floated into the air, pink particles falling like snow into the slimy mess of Dee's crotch. Between the sweet powder and thick oil, a slick paste began to form. An anti-chafe measure, maybe. It didn't soothe him at all, even if it was intended to do so. It just further exhausted him, to feel it clinging thickly all over his ass and cock. "Up we go now.." The calico churred, as invisible hands pulled on the orc's ankles and waist, levitating his body an inch or three off the table. He could not see, but he could hear the hiss and crinkle of cloth on rubber. It had to be the diaper, the cursed pink monstrosity.

His suspicions were confirmed when his paste-covered ass was lowered, hitting a thick combination of cotton and stuffing. The padding on the diaper was obviously trying to compensate for the orc's size by being so thick, because it felt like his rump was perched on a pillow! When his legs were finally allowed to uncurl and his heels hit the table, Dee knew for a fact how substantial the thick stuffing was, for even with his weight his entire pelvis was a good two inches off the table top. Invisibly, the front flap began to rise, the rubber seals on either side tickling across his strong inner thighs on its way up. In the mirror it took two of the nursemaids to lift it properly, so unwieldy it was with bloated pads. Uncontrollably, drool ran down his chin as he snorted in panic on seeing the diaper descend toward his crotch. Like a perverted mirror, his oversized orc-cock drooled more precum as the silky soft padding pressed along its length, pinning it to Dee's belly. Immediate it became glued there by a mix of oil, powder, and precum. Completely covered by the oversized diaper, his cock marinated in its own juices that immediately started to soak the thirsty diaperfront. Luckily, or unluckily, the diaper reached well past Dee's navel, as if made for an orc-sized newborn. Otherwise his dribbling cocktip would have protruded well past the waistband and continued making a huge mess!

Invisible hands pushed down on the front flap of the massive diaper, forming hand-shaped depressions in the noisy rubber outer layer as they pressed it tight to his skin. Tight to his skin, and his ragingly erect cock. Other unseen hands operated the flaps, and with a loud ripping sound strong adhesives bound rubber to rubber. It was official, Dee had become trapped in a massive and thick diaper. Ass elevated, thighs forced apart, padding from mid belly down past the junction of his thighs like a newborn. Mouth forced open, unable to swallow down the drool dribbling around the pacifier shield to drip off his chin like a nursing babe. Nose snotty, eyes bloodshot from tears, body shaking with fatigue and stress. A truly sad and miserable sight.

"You must be exhausted. Come now, to your crib. Time for nighty night sleep-byes." The reflected calico maids acted in concert, floating Dee up off the changing table where he had been humiliated into an exhausted surrender. Already learning of his helplessness, he barely tried to move his limbs as he was carried into the next room and the waiting adult-sized crib. Dee simply felt too tired, worn to the brink from drink and horror to fight much as he was lowered into the magically resized sleeping crib. Under him, the rubber mattress crinkled and squeaked, above him a pink mobile hung. "Now...sleep." The nanny intoned the command softly as the mobile began to turn, making a soft chime as it wove a powerful sleeping enchantment. Dee sunk into the blackness of sleep almost willingly.