A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 8)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#8 of -A Name, Not A Number-

*Whaaat III've dooone. I start again, to cross out what III've beeecome.*

Tobias lurched as the sound of his loud, annoying phone woke him. He opened his eyes, only to shut them soon after, due to the light in his room. After he got oriented, the husky reached over and grabbed his phone.

"Ummm... He-Hello?" asked the canine.

"Hey buddy," Josh said through phone, "so... Are you coming to school today for a change?"

"Oh, hey Josh" Tobias said, recognizing his friend's familiar voice, "Yeah, I was about to get up."

"Good. Well I guess I will see you there." said the tiger.

"K, bye." said the husky before hanging up the phone, grabbing a change of clothes, and heading towards the shower.

Tobias went through the usual routine of getting ready for school. He hummed a tune that was in his head as he went about his morning activities. He was in a good mood, despite the early morning. He gets to be with his best friend, who had become an even closer friend because the husky had just opened up completely with him, and had been accepted for who he was. Tobias also looked forward to hanging out with his boyfriend. It was going to be a good day.

After finishing getting prepared for school, Tobias rode with his dad to the end of their driveway and waited for the bus. The bus arrived, interrupting an uninteresting conversation between the husky and his dad, so he got out of the car, and got on the bus. The bus ride was the same as usual, and the familiar sites passed by Tobias's eyes as he thought about Ky. The bus arrived at the school and the canine got off the bus. He was pleasantly surprised to see his best friend waiting for him.

"Hey bro! Why are you so early?" Tobias asked as he pounded Josh's waiting fist.

"Hey," said the white feline, "Oh, well my dad dropped me off today."

"I see," said the husky as he started walking towards the front entrance, with Josh walking next to him, "So, how are you today?"

"Ummm, pretty good. What about you?" Josh asked.

"I am good," Tobias said before a sadden look came onto his face, "but I miss Ky. Oh- Sorry, does that make you feel weird?"

"I don't know, it is going to take awhile to get used to." said the tiger, "But don't worry, I will get used to it. So, are you going to, like, come out at school now?"

"Hmmm, I don't know. I haven't talked to Ky about that yet, but I am thinkin not." said the canine as a smirk grew on his muzzle, "I am pretty sure I don't wanna die just yet."

"Yeah, everyone here is kinda a homophobe." Josh said, laughing, "Oh well, there really isn't anything they aren't homophobic about besides chewing tobacco and NASCAR."

"Ha, yeah." laughed Tobias, "By the way, thanks for being so cool about this."

"Aw, anytime bro. But I still feel bad about the way I first reacted." said the husky's friend as his ears drooped.

"Yeah, that was pretty bad, but things are fine now." said the canine patting his friend on the back. "Well, I say we get some food."

"Yesss! You read my mind." Josh said as his ears returned to their normal perkiness.

The two friends went to the cafeteria and got their food. Tobias slowly ate his way through a cup of yogurt (one of the few things he enjoyed eating in the morning) as he watched his friend dig into the biscuits and gravy. After they finished their breakfasts, Tobias and Josh threw their food away and went to their classes.

The husky sat in his first class and drew some pictures on his notebook as he subconsciously listened to his teacher lecture. He was in the middle of drawing the thorns on a rose that was a small part of his picture when he was suddenly startled by a buzzing in his pocket.

"FU-!" He then noticed that the whole class was staring at him. "... NNN!" exclaimed the flustered canine, recovering the "bad" word he was about to say, for he did not want to get in trouble. "This class is just so fun. FUN!"

"Thank you for that contribution to my lecture Tobias," said the teacher in a sarcastic monotone voice, "It is nice to see that someone finds this class... fun. Now, back to my lecture, this part of a..."

Tobias smiled to himself as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He hid the phone under the slab of artificial wood that made up his desk/chair and slid it open to see that he had one new message from Ky. He pushed a button and read it.

"Good morning Sunshine, how is school going?"

The canine smiled when he read it and typed, "lol... Hello Gorgeous. Um... it's pretty boring :("

"Im sorry, I wish I could help."

"Actually... it is helping talking to you..." Tobias typed.

"Well thats good, lol. So, how are you today???"

"I am pretty good... except I miss my amazing boyfriend..." wrote the husky, occasionally looking down to see that his words were spelled right, for he could text without looking due to practice.

"I miss you a lot too. So you can hang out today, right?"

"Yeah, prolly... I hope I can. So... how is my beautiful wolf doing today?" Tobias typed as he thought about what they would do later.

"Oh, I am-"

The canine's reading was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice.

"Tobias!" said the teacher with a loud voice.

Tobias immediately looked up from his phone.

"Apparently my class isn't "fun" enough to keep from texting in class. Hmmm?" said the sarcastic teacher, holding out his paw for the phone.

"Um... No?...Yes?" said the husky as he handed the phone over, not wanting to get into an argument.

"Good, now back to the lesson." said the teacher as he resumed the lesson in his monotone voice.

Tobias stared at his phone, which was now lying on the teacher's desk, as it lit up and moved around on the table. Ky was texting hem, but he couldn't answer. The canine started feeling frustration taking over his thoughts. All of a sudden, his thoughts were interrupted by the infamous bell.


The husky sighed as he got up, grabbed his bag, and walked up to his teacher to try and get his phone.

"Hey Mr. Garrington. Sorry about the phone thing. Ummm... Do you think I could have it back now?" Tobias asked.

"Now Tobias, you know that I can't give it back. You have to come back later with your guardian to pick it up. I guess you should've reconsidered texting in my class, eh?" Mr. Garrington said in a mocking tone.

"Yeah, whatever." said the frustrated fur before turning around, and walking out of the classroom.

Tobias went through the rest of day, trying to keep his happy exterior the whole time. He ate his lunch alone, like usual, then headed for his favorite class. He had a good time talking with his Mrs. Marsh and hanging out with Josh. He half paid attention as he worked through his assignments and after finishing them, the husky went over to talk to his best friend.

"Hey buddy." said the white tiger.

"Hey, so... how has your day been going?" Tobias asked as he sat down backwards in the desk in front of Josh.

"Boring, like usual. What about you?" asked the inquisitive friend.

"Well, I got my phone taken away while I was texting Ky, so that wasn't good." said the canine as he started drawing a picture on his friends notebook.

"That sucks. Are you going to hang out with him later?" Josh asked.

"Probably. I really hope so. I really miss him." said the husky as his head started drooping.

"Yeah, I can see that. Hey, would you mind if I hung out with you guys a while after school? I don't want to be a third wheel or anything, but I just feel like doing something." Josh asked.

"Actually, I think that would be good." Tobias said, "We will go to his house after."

"Good, it will be cool to-" Josh was then interrupted by that annoying bell.


"Well I guess I will talk to you after school. See ya!" said the husky to his friend before grabbing his stuff and started heading out of the classroom.

"See ya!" replied the friend as he too, gathered his things.

The canine went through the rest of the day, thinking about the fun time he was going to have with Josh and Ky. The bell rang several times throughout the rest of the day, as Tobias traveled form destination to destination. Finally, the last bell rang and the husky head to his locker. Once arriving at his locker, the canine entered his code and opened it.


Tobias's locker was slammed shut by the familiar white paw of his best friend.

"Thanks Josh. That definitely aided my task of getting my stuff out of my locker. Thanks." Tobias said in an extremely sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, I thought it might help." said the friend, laughing.

Tobias reentered his combination and removed his things from the locker and put them into his bag. He started walking down the hall towards the exit, with Josh right next to him.

"Ummm, could I borrow your phone so I can call Ky?" asked the husky.

"Sure, here." Josh said, giving him the phone.

The canine dialed his home number and pushed the call button.

"Hello?" said the voice that Tobias recognized to be his mom's.

"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out with Josh and Ky a while today." asked the hopeful husky.

Tobias's mom then went off on a big lecture of how he never gave her enough early notice and how he is always home late, but after a few minutes of persuading, the canine was able to get permission from his mom.

"K, let's go." Tobias said as he put the phone into the waiting white paw.

"Kk!" said the tiger as they walked towards the busses.

"So, why don't you drive to school? I would think that you would hate riding the bus." Josh said.

"Gas. I don't want to spend the money on so much gas." explained canine.

"Oh yeah," said his friend, "I forgot about that."


After riding the bus to Tobias house, the two friends went inside and after being greeted by his mother, headed towards the husky's room.

"Look Tobias, I can't get how I reacted to you telling me about you and Ky out of my head. I still feel bad about it. Like I was a terrible friend." said the feline as they entered Tobias's art filled room.

The canine turned to his friend and hugged him, before saying, "Look, its fine. I can't blame you. If my best friend told me he was gay, I am sure I would freak out too. Actually, now that I think about it, I would probably freak out from joy. *chuckle* Listen Josh, don't worry about. You hurt me, badly, but you were confused. You're still my best friend."

"I am so sorry I hurt you." Josh said as tears formed in his eyes.

"I love you Josh. Thanks for always being there for me. You have been the best friend I have ever had." Tobias said as he felt himself feeling bad for the pain that his friend was in.

"I love you too bro." said the tiger as he released his embrace on his friend.

The two friends released each other and Josh wiped the tears from his eyes as Tobias grabbed his keys from his desk.

"Let's go to Ky's now. K?" asked the canine.

"K. So what are we going to do when we get there." asked his friend.

"Hmmm, I don't know. We will figure it out when we get there." stated Tobias.

"K." said Josh as he led the way out of his friend's room.

They then went outside and got into the husky's van. Tobias turned on the van and started playing a My Chemical Romance CD through his stereo. The two friends sung along to the familiar songs as they drove down the road towards Ky's house.


*Ding Dong*

"TOOOBBBIIIAAASSS!!!!" said a muted voice somewhere inside the house.

"Ummm, did you hear that?" Tobias asked his friend as the waited on Ky's doorstep.

"Uh, yeah. It sounded like it came from inside." Josh said.

"Hmmm, that's weird. I wonder what it wa-" said the husky before being interrupted by the door flying open and a flash of grey and white fur.

The canine felt the hard earth come in contact with his body. He soon figured out what had happen as a pair of familiar lips pressed against his own.

Ky kissed his boyfriend several times before saying, "I missed you so much!"

"I... *grunt* I missed you too. Ummm, can you get off now please? You are crushing me." Tobias said as he started chuckling.

"Oh, sorry... I guess I was a little too excited to see you." said the wolf, giggles laced throughout his words.

"Now that's an understatement." said the canine as his boyfriend got off of him and held out a paw to help him up. "And by the way, you can stop laughing now Josh."

The tiger covered his mouth with a paw and tried to hold back his laughter, though he was having a lot of trouble holding it in as he watched the clumsy couple.

After getting up, dusting himself off, and giving his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek, Tobias said, "I am glad I get to be with you, finally."

"Me too! K, let's go inside." Ky said as he led his lover inside by the paw, with Josh close behind. "Why didn't you answer my texts earlier?"

"Oh, my teacher took it away in class." said the husky as he followed his mate, "Sorry."

"Man, that sucks." said the lupine.

"Yeah." responded the canine.

The three friends headed inside and went into the living room. Tobias sat on a recliner, pulling Ky onto his lap, and Josh sat on the couch. The three talked about several different things that they could do to get rid of their boredom. After several minutes of fidgeting, they finally decided to walk to Dairy Queen and get something to eat. They all got up and headed for the front door and just before they reached it, the knob turned and the door open.

"Oh. Hello sweetheart. How's my little boy?"

"Ummm, hi mom? What are you doing home? I thought you were going to stay with Jerry for a few months." said the confused wolf as he let go of his lover's paw.

"Awww, well I couldn't leave you all alone, now could I?" Ky's mom said.

"I guess not," said the lupine, "Well I am going to walk to Dairy Queen with Tobias and Josh, K?"

"Alright son. Ohhh, hello Tobias. How are you today?" asked the female wolf.

Tobias looked over to his boyfriend for advice and after getting a shrug he looked back and said, "Ummm, good ma'am. Thank you."

"K, bye mom." Ky said as he walked out the front door.

"Bye sweetie." said the female lupine as she watched her son and his friends leave the house.

"Wow, that was weird." said the husky to his mate.

"What was weird?" asked Josh, who was completely unaware of his friends' previous experiences with her.

"She was in one of her happy moods. Usually she is a bitch." said the wolf.

"I see. Well she seemed nice." said the feline as he walked with his friends.

"Yeah, she seemed nice." Ky said, emphasizing the word seemed.

"Well, it's good to see that she isn't always like she was that one day." Tobias said.

"I actually think she is a schizophrenic." said the wolf as he kicked a rock that was on the road, "She seems to constantly switch personalities."

"That's not good." Josh stated.

"I am sorry Ky." said the husky, grabbing his love's paw.

"Oh well," the lupine said as he squeezed his lover's hand, "I am used to it."


The three finally arrived at DQ after taking a few shortcuts and detours. They went inside and each ordered a blizzard. The slowly devoured their frozen treats as the talked and laughed with each other. After finishing, they threw away their cups and went outside. They started walking back to Ky's house and along the way, Josh kicked his shoe off and challenged his friends to try and kick theirs further. This started a game of shoe kicking and the whole way to the wolf's house.

"So, you guys had better start practicing your shoe-kicking abilities if you are ever going to beat me." said the arrogant tiger, laughing as they entered the house.

"Yeah, that's one of my life goals, so I will be sure to get on that." Tobias said sarcastically.

"MOM, WE ARE HOME!!" yelled Ky, still laughing from the humorous exchange between his boyfriend and Josh. "MOM?"

"I guess she isn't here." said the feline.

"Hmmm, I guess not." said the wolf as he sat on the one end of the couch.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Tobias said as he lay down on the couch with his head on his boyfriend's lap."

"I don't know. Let's watch a movie." Josh said, sitting in the recliner.

"How 'bout Matrix?" asked the husky.

"Sounds good," responded his mate, "Can you put it in Josh?"

"I guess." sighed the white tiger as he got up and put the movie in.

The three settled down as the movie started. Tobias nestled his head into his mate's lap and murred. Ky started giggling, but was soon silenced by a "shush" from Josh, who was staring at the TV screen. After few minutes of watching the movie, the husky moved his gaze from the screen to his lover's face. He watched his boyfriend space out on the intense fight scenes and noticed him flinch a little bit when there was a startling moment in the movie. He watched the lupine's nostrils get bigger as he took in air through them. Tobias started giggling at the faces Ky was making, which caused the wolf to look down with a look of curiosity. The canine responded leaning up and kissing his love on the lips. The lupine responded and kissed back. Like always the kiss became more intense and Tobias brought his paws up to the back of his mate's neck. They started breathing more heavily and Ky started roaming his paws all around his boyfriend's chest. The husky started moaning into his wolf's mouth when Ky moved his hand down to his increasingly hard dick.

"Guys! Come on... Here?" pleaded the feline as he turned his head away from the kissing couple.

The two were too enthralled in what they were doing to notice their friend's remark.

"GUYS!" Josh said louder. "Seriously."

Ky heard him this time and looked up at the tiger, trying to look innocent, as a string of saliva hanging between his and his boyfriend's mouth broke. The sight of this made Josh look away and make a sound of distaste. Tobias leaned his head back over the arm of the couch and giggled at the sight of his friend covering his eyes.

"Man, will you two behave?" said the feline in a stern voice.

"Fine. If you don't like it, we will go to my room." Ky said as he got up, bringing his boyfriend with him.

"We will be back in a bit." Tobias said, chuckling as they walked down the hall towards Ky's room.

"Yeah, whatever," Josh stated as he turned his attention back to the movie. "As long as I don't have to see you."

The couple walked back to Ky's room and laid down on the bed, next to each other.

"I am so excited about getting to be with my boyfriend tomorrow!" said the husky, snuggling up against his mate.

"Me too." said the lupine, snuggling back. "So, are we going to be open about our relationship?"

"Ummm, I don't think so." Tobias said, as he moved his hand up under his lover's shirt and started rubbing his stomach. "People here don't handle... gays very well."

"I see," said the wolf as he rubbed his cheek up against the top of Tobias head, "but it is going to be hard holding back the urges to jump on you and fuck you on the teacher's desk. *giggle*"

The husky started laughing at Ky's comment and said, "Yeah, but you will have to try."

"Well let's get it out of my system then, eh?" Ky said as he trailed down to his mate's crotch.

"Let's." said the canine before moans started escaping his mouth from the attention his dick was getting.

The lupine rubbed the hardening member through the denim before he unbuttoned the button keeping his boyfriend's pants on. He then unzipped the fly and yanked both the jeans and the boxers down his mate's legs in one pull. The wolf looked at the hard, pink, piece of flesh that was lying on the white fur of Tobias's stomach. He smiled before leaning down and pressing his wet nose against it.

The husky jumped before saying, "Ooh, its cold."

"Sorry." Ky said as a giggled escaped his muzzle.

He then proceeded to lick the canine from under his balls to the tip of his warm dick. Tobias shuddered in pleasure as the warm, wet tongue slid along his member. When the lupine reached the end of his mate's dick, he flicked his tongue against the tip, teasing the squirming husky. He grabbed the pulsing member in his paw, and licked a bead of precum of the tip. He then wrapped his lips around the pink pole, causing his lover to tense up with pleasure.

The canine moaned louder as he felt his dick being engulfed in soft, warmness. He then felt a paw reaching under him and felt a finger pressing against his tensed up hole. He felt the rough pad teasing him as waves of pleasure swept up and down his spine. He moaned louder, not caring if anyone heard, and started pumping his hips.


The TV screen became unfocused as the white tiger's mind drifted to thoughts that he had never dreamed of having. He listened to the moaning and slurping coming from the room down the hall. Josh suddenly felt his shorts squeezing his hard cock, making him feel uncomfortable. To relieve the pressure, he unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, and soon found himself stroking his member as his thoughts drifted to his two friends. He thought about what they were doing together, and then he added himself into the scene, fantasizing about being given a muzzle job from his best friend. He continued to stroke himself as his climax came closer and was surprised when he found himself fantasizing about being fucked by Tobias while being sucked off by Ky. He imagined what his best friend's dick pounding into his ass would look like, while he started pawing harder. He imagined what it would feel like to have a long dick sliding in and out of his ass. He imagined kissing the husky while he was being fucked by him.

"UUUGHNNN!!" moaned the feline as his orgasm hit him like punch to the stomach.

Ropes of cum flew onto his face and shirt as his moans subsided. He sat in his afterglow as people ran around on the screen, shooting at each other. After recovering from the huge orgasm, Josh thought about Tobias. Why did he suddenly have these fantasies about the canine? It was so strange. He had never thought about fucking other guys, let alone getting fucked by them. What was going on? But he was sure about one thing; that husky was so hot, and cute too. Tobias had an amazing body and such an amazing personality. The feline suddenly realized that he was jealous.


Hmmm... So it has been awhile since I posted a story. I just haven't been feeling like writing lately, so I hope this makes up for it. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and there will be more on the way.