Club Co'est - PokeBrothel - Part 2

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#3 of PokeBrothel RP

Liam and Daniel explore the depths of the Club, finding more Pokemon to enjoy and explore...

This was an RP between myself and the wonderful Lost Soul. This was done for fun and probably contains mistakes and not a great deal of sense. It's a pornographic RP, so plot and characters are not a major focus. I play the character of Liam, he plays the character of Daniel, and together we have some fun with a whole lot of Pokemon. Enjoy, Part 3 coming soon.


Daniel thought for a moment, going to back to the conversation with Arcanine, "Do you want to go find the fetish room Arcanine was talking about?" he asked Liam, who smiled back, replying, "Sure."

After leaving their room and entering the elevator, heading back to the ground floor a thought occurred to Daniel, "Do we have any idea where this fetish room even is?"

Liam smiled and shrugged, "No idea unfortunately."

"How about we head back to the reception quickly, see if we can get some sort of map for this place?"

"Good idea."

Luckily, the corridor only being two directions it was hard to get lost and they quickly found themselves at the reception again, the cheery Gardevoir receptionist still manning it. "Ah, the two newcomers," she said happily, "Anything I can help you with? Enjoying yourselves I hear."

"Yeah, it's been great so far, love the staff here. We were wondering if you have any sort of map for this place, we don't really know where we're going."

"Ah," the Gardevoir seemed genuinely guilty, "we do have maps, and its custom to give them to any newcomers, i may have forgotten to get yours."

"No harm done, it may have turned out for the better actually." Daniel said as the receptionist handed over 2 maps. "Thank very much."

Liam pocketed his own map and thanked the female receptionist. The pair of them looked on at Daniels copy, opening it up to see where things were. Now that they had their hands on a map, it was clear to the both of them that they hadn't even seen a small fraction of this enormous facility.

"Wow," Liam breathed, "look how many rooms there are."

"Yeah," Daniel agreed, "and there is over three-thousand Pokemon here... that's insane." They wondered how much money this place must pull in, and realised that it would probably be quite a lot for what they offered.

"Found it," Liam announced, pointing to a room that was only a few hallways down from their current position. They folded up the second map and headed onwards, searching for about three minutes before they arrived at a dark, black door with a rather intimidating sign.

"Fetish room," Liam read, "normal facility rules do not apply past this point. Enter at your own risk." He looked at his lover and grinned; that sounded like a very interesting place. He reached out and pushed on the door, and it swung open to admit them entrance.

Both of them stood in awe of what lay beyond. It was even more intense than the club they had visited, the smell of hot, unbridled sex washing over them instantly. Liam didn't even know where to start to look. The room was wide and open, with many smaller sub-sections with no doubt even more going on inside of them. To the left, a young human woman was surrounded by half a dozen Rapidash, each taking their time to have themselves sucked off by the rather attractive female. Her skin was barely visible under the equine semen that caked her flesh. Over to the right, an older man had a female Gardevoir bent over his lap, a small cane in his hand. Her rear was red, and she seemed to be loving the punishment. Various devices, instruments and tools were littered around every inch of the room, some made for restraint and others for pain, while some looked to have no understandable use whatsoever. Yet, everything seemed to be rather in control, and nobody appeared to be unhappy with their various acts of sexuality.

"This is unreal," Liam spoke softly to his mate, "I haven't even imagined some of this stuff in my wildest fantasies."

Daniel tore his eyes off of a female human who had every hole available filled by an Infernapes cock to look around the rest of the room. "No kidding, they really do serve everyone's appetites here, I wasn't even aware some of this was..." he trailed off watching a man's head and shoulders disappear down a Charizards gaping maw, and he wasn't struggling in the slightest. ".. possible," finished Daniel, before catching himself, "I think we'll find a less hungry Charizard to play with." he joked, receiving a chuckle from Liam who had also seen the vore pair.

As he looked he noticed a couple Pokemon lining up behind a Bayleef; she was bound down over a bench at about waist height, leather straps strapping her down tight. A ball gag covered her mouth as she looked at the man currently thrusting into her. Her entire back end was covered in gooey cum, steadily dripping it over the floor where a large puddle had formed. And from the gaping, seed filled asshole and cunt Daniel saw as the man finally finished and pulled back, she'd been heavily fucked repeatedly for a while now.

"Hey Liam, you see what I'm seeing," he nudged his mate and pointed at the Bayleef. "You have to wonder what that feels like," he commented as a Magnetric stepped over her next, his pointed, barbed red cock quickly sinking into her sloppy pussy as he pounded forwards, without mercy.

"Let's take a closer look then," Liam suggested, moving over to where the bayleef was being taken by the Magnetric. The electric-type Pokemon came suddenly, shooting his own load into what looked like dozens upon dozens that had been already pumped inside and over her body. Together they stood and watched, seeing the look of hazy delight on the Bayleef's face.

"She does this a lot," came a voice from behind them. They turned to see the Charizard from before, his belly bulging more than the usual for his species.

"She comes here most days, allows herself to be bound and then takes anyone who wants to leave their mark upon her. She's one of the sluttiest females in existence, and she craves having her body filled as often as she can by as many as she can." Liam stared, wide-eyed; the very thought of that was arousing to say the least.

"That's different," he admitted, "this really is the fetish room. Speaking of which..." he looked down at the shifting bulge in the fire-dragon's gut, "did you really just... eat a customer?" The Charizard chuckled and rubbed his belly with a small grin.

"Oh, first time seeing that?" he said with a pat of his gut, "that's a service I offer anyone who asks. It's perfectly safe, I have a special drug I take that stops my digestive system for half a day, so he's just enjoying the experience. It's more popular than you'd believe, and many humans and Pokemon here request it. Especially since I have such an accommodating appetite." He grinned and watched the human inside wriggle a little.

"We're forbidden from killing clients," he said, "even if they ask us to do so, we cannot make money from deceased people. So we don't offer any snuff services here, which I find much more suitable for me. I just like feeling them all curled up inside of me, but I'll let him out later. He'll want a shower though, they usually do... doesn't stop them from coming back for more though." Liam nodded, learning something new about that particular kink.

"I'll pass on that for now," he said, "might take a bit of time to get used to something that extreme. Hey Daniel, why don't you go sink yourself into that Bayleef?"

Daniel grinned, the thought already having crossed his mind as the Magnetric mated the Bayleef. "Sure, but only if your next," he replied, winking at Liam.

"Deal," Liam answered happily, receiving a chuckle from the Charizard.

"Just about everyone here has fucked her at some point, including some of the more adventurous females." He paused, watching Daniel with predatory eyes as the human stripped, passing his clothes to Liam, "I wouldn't mind gobbling you up, in more than one way." said Charizard hungrily, winking at Daniel who blushed. "Maybe later..." he admitted, his eyes traveling down to Charizards slit, "hopefully later."

Thoughts of how large the Charizard tool must be running through his mind, Daniel walked towards the Bayleef, stumbling as neared her. The smell of sex and cum was powerful in the room, near Bayleef it was overpowering. 'How much cum did it take to make such a strong smell,' wondered Daniel as he moved to stand behind the Bayleef. Her stubby tail wagged slowly over two gaping holes, both of them looked overused, stretched beyond what Daniel thought healthy, filled to the brim with cum.

"Damn..." muttered Daniel, feeling his cock throb as he imagined what it must feel like with all that hot, gloopy semen around his cock. At his muttered word Bayleef's head swung round and she winked lazily at him, wiggling her but at him. Daniel grinned, she really was a massive slut.

Moving forwards he positioned his tip at her gaping cunt, feeling the leaking fluids already begin to drip onto it. "This is going to be a first," grinned Daniel as, gripping Bayleef's hips, he thrust forwards slowly. Daniel groaned in surprise and pleasure, the hot, sticky cum quickly clung and covered his shaft, letting him smoothly slide in with no resistance. As he hilted himself in one smooth motion Daniel gasped, surprised, as despite the unknown dozens of Pokemon and humans of all sizes who had come before him, once he got halfway in her passage rapidly became tighter, those velvety walls rippling against his shaft.

Liam watched, entertained as his mate slowly pressed into that tied-down Bayleef's body. It was an absolute mess; the moment Daniel's cock began to sink into those overused folds, a large glob of mixed semen from who knows how many males poured onto the puddle on the ground.

"Damn Daniel," Liam said, "how does it feel?" His partner turned his head back and grinned.

"She's got no resistance," he replied, "she's taken so much that her pussy just feels like cum." Liam watched on as Daniel pulled back out, his shaft completely white with other males seed. It was quite extreme, but it looked to be very fun. As Daniel began to pump his length in and out of the grass-type slut, Liam looked down at the ground where he stood in a huge puddle of ejaculate. Judging by the size of it, she had already taken at least three dozen males today alone, and it was where that strong, room-filling scent was coming from. Liam slowly rubbed his cock in his pants, hoping that he too would get a chance inside of the Bayleef's well-bred holes.

"She loves the attention and the fun," the big Charizard explained, "I don't think she'd stop even if anyone tried to make her." Liam grinned, and looked over her body, seeing her delighted eyes look back at Daniel, thick pools of semen coating her hindquarters. She was definitely enjoying this quite a lot, and Liam could see why.

"Give her another load," Liam called out, "finish in her."

Daniel grinned at his mate's call as he thrust in again. It was definitely a unique experience, her warm walls clamping around his shaft while dozens of Pokemon's hot ejaculate coated his shaft, allowing to slide almost effortlessly in and out.

"You have to feel this to believe it," Daniel replied, groaning as he thrust in again, causing more seed to spill out over his crotch and legs, joining the rapidly widening pool of fluids beneath her.

"You feel wonderful," Daniel admitted to Bayleef as he sped up his pace, his cock thrusting in and out rapidly as he pushed more seed both deeper into her and forced it out as his cock pushed deeper and deeper into the Pokemon.

"I think i'll add my load to Arceus only know how many others," he grunted, "Then i think my mate will add another load on top of that." He thrust harder and harder, those velvety walls responding and seeming to get tighter and tighter as he neared his peak.

Fairly quickly after Daniel hilted himself as he came, his white seed shooting deep into Bayleef, mixing with dozens of other species within her womb and vent. After he felt himself finish Daniel pulled back out slowly, his cock followed by a flow of fluids, and looked himself over.

"I really am a mess" he chuckled as he slowly made his way back to his mate.

"I think it might be better to finish our fun here before getting cleaned again," he advised Liam, taking the clothes he offered, before turning to the Charizard, "I can see why she's so popular." he said grinning.

"She's much tighter than she looks," grinned Charizard in return, "I won't deny taking her myself every other day."

Liam looked down at Daniel's messy lower body and grinned.

"I can see why," he said in response to the Charizard, "Daniel looks like he enjoyed it." He looked over at the Bayleef with a grin, but his turn was suddenly delayed as a large Mightyena mounted her forcefully.

"Oh..." he said, a little dismayed, "looks like I was beaten to it."

"She's free for anyone to use," the dragon chuckled, "first in, best dressed, so to speak." Liam and Daniel nodded, and wondered what they should do about Daniel's mess.

"There's a shower to the left," the fire-type told them, pointing. Daniel thanked him and quickly dashed inside, reappearing a few minutes later in a much more presentable fashion.

"Much better," he grinned, smiling to the Bayleef who was getting a rather harsh pounding, and loving every second of it.

"Come meet me later in the restaurant," the dragon told them, "I wouldn't mind getting to know the both of you." Liam grinned and nodded, as did his lover.

"Thanks," he said, "we might just do that." They thanked him one more time, giving a quick glance back down to the quivering belly of the dragon, before turning and walking even deeper into the fetish room to find more outrageous stuff.

"Any idea what we're looking for in here?" Liam asked with a small laugh.

"No idea," admitted Daniel laughing as they walked side by side exploring the fetish room, which, as they moved deeper into it, Daniel began realising was a very understated term, the place was enormous. Multitudes of rooms lined the walls, with several corridors branching off and Daniel noticed several signs above them, indicating one was for Masochists, another simply said 'Single Orgy room.' He avoided both, determined to find something a bit more appealing for both him and his mate.

He paused watching as a man's body half disappeared down a Seviper's gullet, of more interest was that as he slowly swallowed the man, his hemi-penes were thrusting in and out of the mans rear.

"They certainly cater to everyones needs," grinned Daniel, looking around again, "Is there a Pokemon we want to look for or a certain fetish?" he asked, hoping to get some sort of clue what to look for.

"Not sure really, there's so much to choice here it's hard to say what I want most right now," replied Liam and Daniel nodded in agreement, watching a Gallade holding a leash attached to a human's neck as he slowly thrust into her.

"With so much choice it becomes tough," he admitted, looking around and watching a few of the various acts being performed. Just beyond one of them, something caught his eye. A lone Lucario, sitting down on a chair over against the wall.

"Hey," Liam nudged his friend, "look there. A Lucario." Daniel's eyes lit up, and he knew they might have struck gold. Approaching, Liam stopped a few feet in front of him, seeing the steel-type look up from his thoughts.

"Oh hello there," the blue Pokemon spoke, in a surprisingly soft and gentle tone, "who are you?" Liam and Daniel paused for a second; everyone else seemed to know they were the new pair.

"I'm Liam," he offered, "and this is Daniel. This is our first time here today, and we're checking out this room." The Lucario smiled at them, a rather interesting look.

"I'm a Lucario, as you can see," he explained, "it is also my first time here. This is my first day working at Club Co'est, so I take it you will be my first encounter here." Both men looked at one another, surprised. They hadn't expected this, but it was only natural employees were sometimes as new as customers.

"Shouldn't you be out finding some people to spend time with?" Daniel asked suddenly, and the Lucario swiftly shook his head.

"I'm not on the same contract most of the others are," he said, "I agreed to work here for free... I came from the street, you see, without a family. The owner offered me a job and accommodation with food, on the premise that I worked for him. He was a very nice man, and allowed me to pick my terms even." Liam and Daniel stared, learning something new about the system here.

"So what are you looking for?" he asked.

"Well," the Lucario replied with a blush, "I'm naturally very submissive... I've always wanted to belong to someone. With no parents, I've been looking for someone who I can call my Master. I would belong to them and them alone, and would live in their room, providing them with any service they may require. I would work for them, instead of the company. The owner agrees with this, he says a happy customer will stay longer, so I would still be an asset." Liam looked, wide-eyed, at the explanation.

"I've looked at a few people," he continued, "but none of them were willing to take me into their room and lay claim to me. If you'll look after me, I would like to offer the same to you."

Daniel listened to the Lucario, feeling sorry for him and amazed at the clubs owners' generosity. He looked at Liam, already mentally adjusting his income to suit the Lucario's needs. Liam smiled at him in return and nodded and Daniel turned back to the Lucario, "I'm sorry that you had to grow up to live without parents, but I think we can make it better for you. We would like to take you up on your offer and have you stay with me and my mate," he winked, "You'd have two Masters so i hope you're okay with that."

Lucario stared at them, confusion, disbelief, then hope flashing through his eyes. Daniel suspected that the Lucario had already started bracing himself for the refusal, then gasped in surprise as Lucario leapt up, sweeping the pair of them in his arms, crying gently as he repeated, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," over again.

Daniel looked at Liam, surprised at the Pokemons strength as he held them wrapped in his hug. "Can't say I was expecting this," he admitted, then, feeling sorry for the Lucario he patted his head, rubbing fondly between the Lucario's ears.

"It's going to be okay now, we'll look after you. But could you please loosen your grip, i'm starting to find it hard to breathe."

Lucario let go suddenly, blushing, "Sorry Master... Masters," he amended looking at the two of them, "Thank you, I wasn't sure anyone would even take up my offer..."

"You should have more confidence in yourself," Liam said, looking at Daniel.

"How about we go up to our room? we can show Lucario where it is and introduce ourselves," Daniel asked him.

Liam nodded and looked at the Lucario.

"We have a room on the fourth floor, you're welcome to stay in it," he said.

"Thank you Master," he replied, bowing a little, "I will stay there and keep it clean for any staff you bring back there. I hope you don't mind... but I'm a little shy, and I prefer to just be with my Masters. I don't mind you going and having fun, but I'll restrict my sexual activity to just you." Liam grinned and rubbed his paw.

"I don't mind, that means we get a sexy Lucario all to ourselves." He grinned widely, and the Pokemon looked a little nervous before suddenly hugging him again.

"Thank you," he repeated, "I'm so glad..." Liam stopped and kissed him between his furry ears, before indicating for him to come with them.

"Let's go to our room," he suggested. It didn't take long this time, able to make their way back through the rooms and up the elevator until room 404 was right before their eyes.

"You first," he gestured to the Pokemon, opening the door with the key. The steel-type smiled and walked in, looking around at the huge bed and all the extras that surrounded it.

"Oh wow," he said, "I'm going to live here?" Daniel nodded and rubbed the Lucario's back softly.

"Absolutely," Daniel responded, "this is your home now. If the owner allows it, we'll even take you back home with us as well, if it isn't too expensive to take such a lovely Pokemon off his hands." The Lucario beamed; it was like is every dream since he was a child had come true. Sitting down on the bed, he looked up at the Lucario with a smile.

"So tell us what you like... you seem really nice, but I doubt they'd put you in the fetish room if you didn't have some kind of kink."

Lucario looked nervous and blushed as he hesitated before answering quietly, "Well Master, as I told you before I'm very submissive and wish for a Master to... dominate me." he blushed heavily, looking between the his two Masters, "But it goes a bit further than that Masters, I don't like having control during sex, at all really, I fantasise about being tied down, unable to move or resist as i'm bred, used however my Masters please, treated like a slave."

Daniel blinked, only really coming to realise how submissive the Lucario was and grinned, "I don't think we'll have any problems with dominating you if you wish," he hesitated, "Though I won't ask you to hurt yourself, and you'll only need to ask if you want to be treated fairly." Liam nodded in agreement.

Lucario bowed lightly, "Thank you Masters; it might be nice to be treated equally occasionally, but i do wish to serve you."

Daniel looked at Liam and they nodded. "If you're sure we would be happy for you to live with us, we would be happy to dominate you, treat you as a slave if you wish."

Lucario bowled, "Thank you," he smiled as Daniel reached forwards a hand, running his fingers over Lucario's head, feeling the short, soft fur. "We're glad that you wish to say with us," admitted Liam. "It's definitely going to be fun," chuckled Daniel as the Lucario leaned against his hand, already imagining what he wished to do with Lucario. "I expect there's some equipment around here somewhere, these rooms seem well equipped," he added to Liam.

Liam nodded and looked back at the Lucario.

"Well, since we've taken ownership of you, I guess that means you're our Pokemon, if we can get you from the club," he said, "I'm sure if we pay enough we can take you. We both always wanted a Lucario but your species is tough to locate in the wild." The steel-type nodded and looked at him with a smile.

"Well," Lucario replied, "now you have one, and I'm yours to do with as you please." Both of them grinned and rubbed the Lucario softly.

"Oh..." the Pokemon added quietly, "I know in my body that I am submissive... I've never felt anything else but the need to be loved and owned... but I am a virgin. You will be my first... lovers." That made Liam look to Daniel with wide eyes: they were going to deflower a sexy young Lucario. The very thought made Liam shiver with lust over the idea.

"Don't worry," he reassured the shy Pokemon, "we'll be very careful with you... unless you want us to get a bit rougher." The Lucario smiled and bowed slightly.

"Yes Master," he agreed, "I will do everything in my power to make you happy, if you look after me." Daniel and Liam nodded and pulled him in for a loving hug. Liam looked around, breaking the embrace and looking over at the storage spaces to the left of the room.

"Hey Daniel," he said, "go check what's in those, see if anything good is there."

Daniel nodded, "I may as well see what else we've got in this room while I'm at it."

Getting up he ran his eyes along the various shelves and headed for one, opening it. "Well this is useful, if not right now," he called out, "Seems they stock these rooms with a collection of spare clothes for us. Closing it he started moving from shelf to shelf calling out as he did so, "Books... nice collection actually; First aid kit; Ah." he paused, holding out one of the object he'd found, a long, thick Rapidash-styled cock with a flared head, "I think I found a toys shelf, there's a couple dozen here of all shapes and sizes," he grinned seeing Lucario's and Liam's eyes staring at the massive shaft.

"Maybe later," he amended, and put it back, moving onto a smaller drawer. "Hmm, quite a collection of lube bottles here, but i prefer we use our own," he winked at Liam as he laughed.

"Ah, found it." he stopped at a large drawer, staring at the contents. "I wasn't even aware you needed so much for tying someone down," he admitted. Calling Liam over he pulled out some straps and a pair of soft handcuffs, "Do you think we'll need any more?"

Liam shook his head, looking at the handcuffs and taking them from his friend as he returned to the bed. The Lucario looked at them with a broad smile, and lay down upon the soft mattress for them. Liam noticed the bed had been designed with this sort of thing in mind; there were spots were the ties could be used that were built into the bed.

"Spread your arms and legs," Liam commended, trying to put authority into his voice. The steel-type did just that, spreading himself wide for the two humans watching. Liam signalled for Daniel to move back and observe him; he had always been the dominant one in their relationship when they sometimes played their own power-roles in the privacy of their home bedroom, and he had the experience to handle the submissive Pokemon. He got onto the bed, leather ties in hand as he took the Lucario's left paw and strapped it to the corner of the bed, using rope to make it adjustably tight.

"Here's how this is going to work," Liam began, moving around to the other side. He picked up the right paw and slowly got to work tying that one down as well.

"My partner and I, your Masters, are going to introduce you to the way things work around here." Liam smiled, a hint of playfulness overrun by the dominance in his tone. He slowly moved down to the hind paw, working on it as he continued.

"I'm going to tie you to this bed," he informed the blue Pokemon, "and you're not going to be untied until your Masters have finished with you." That seemed to perk up his ears, the Pokemon smiling at the thought.

"You might be a virgin," he continued, tying the last paw firmly to the bedpost, "but we will make sure that by the end of this hour you are little more than another bitch to be fucked and filled with our cum." His tone lowered with each word, filling it with the command of his position. Satisfied with his work, he slowly pulled each cord, forcing the Lucario's limbs to stretch out wide.

"While you are in bed with us we are going to make you into the slut you are," he grinned, "and you will have no say in the matter. You are ours to breed as we wish, and you will take anything we do to you."

Daniel moved up on the bed beside his mate and the spread-eagled Lucario, "You see, slave, we do everything together, so after one of us has taken your virginity, fucked you raw, and filled you with his seed. Your other Master is then going to fuck your slutty ass then fill you again with his seed."

He grinned, watching Lucario smile happily at the thought, "You'll be our private bitch, our slut. We're going to fuck you and fill you with our cum whenever we like. We might even oblige to letting you mount us occasionally," he gave a wink. "But for now, we're going to pop your cherry, and breed you raw."

He stopped himself from laughing at himself, not normally being the dominant one as Liam took to it more naturally. Not to mention all the talk of breeding and cum had made him achingly hard, as well, it seemed, the Lucario whose sheath was already swollen with a red, damp tip peaking out.

Liam slowly moved forward, running his fingers over the Lucario's vulnerable body.

"I think we're going to have a lot of fun with our new pet," he said with a smile, "it will be good to have a place to put our semen each night." He saw Lucario's eyes light up at the idea, and he knew how much the Pokemon wanted to be taken by the two males that owned him. Liam slowly trained his fingertips over that plump sheath, with the red tip jutting out from the Pokemon's arousal.

"Since you're just here to please us," he added, "you're not allowed to cum. If you cum before we allow you to, you will be punished." The Lucario nodded intently, listening obediently. Liam moved around to the Lucario's head and slowly removed his clothes, giving the Pokemon a look at his naked body for the first time. The steel-type stared at his hard cock, and was immediately overtaken with an urge to taste it. Liam gripped his length with his right hand and held it over the Lucario's head, and just as the tongue was about to slip free, Liam placed his hand over the Lucario's maw.

"Did I say you could do that?" he asked with a tilt of his head, his voice full of dominance. The Lucario shook his head apologetically.

"Exactly," Liam said, "you don't do anything anymore without permission. You're our bitch, and only we say what you can do." He slowly released the Lucario's mouth, and held his erection over it teasingly. He pushed forward with his hips, rubbing the swollen tip over the fighting-type Pokemon's muzzle, rubbing a little pre into his furry face.

"You're going to beg," he ordered, "you're going to beg to suck my cock. You're going to beg to be given the honor of tasting your Master. Beg, little slut, beg for the cock you want inside of you so much. Beg knowing that you're just a dirty little Lucario who has no control over what is done to his body."

Daniel grinned at his mate as he gave strict orders to the Lucario, he'd been on the receiving end of that more than once and it always made him incredibly submissive to hear that tone of voice used on him, but to hear it used on someone else... Daniel was looking forwards to keeping this Lucario around, as he shuffled forwards to listen better to the Lucario beg to his mate.

Lucario blinked as the wet cock tip pressed against his snout and fur, matting it down with his Masters pre. He so dearly wanted to lick it, to taste his Masters cock but his order ran through his mind and he smiled, he loved to beg, but before he could do Daniel moved up to and spoke.

"You're going to be our slut, our cum bag. We'll use you as we see fit and you'll never complain. Every time you want to do something you will beg for it, beg like the dirty bitch you are, and even then we may not let you. However if you displease us, if you cum without our permission you will be punished."

Daniel grinned, quickly thinking up a punishment, including one that Liam and used on him more than once, adapting it to the Lucario "We'll coerce your cock to full length, we will then tie a rope behind your knot, then shove a plug into your ass and leave you overnight. And even then we'll only release you if you beg enough for it." Liam chuckled, recognising the punishment, before Daniel finished up with, "So keep that in mind before you act. now beg for your Master's cock."

The Lucario nodded silently, his heart racing at the thrill of his first complete submission to his two owners, the ones he had trusted to breed him and care for him. He knew they were both only playing with him, but it felt so good to be ordered around without any control over the matter.

"Please..." he spoke finally, his voice soft and full of longing, "Master... I beg of you... please allow your grateful pet to taste your wonderful body. I know I am not worthy of your flesh... but I crave you in any way you see fit to give me. I am only a slave to your whims, and I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but I am desperate to taste you... taste your intimacy... taste your fluids... anything to make you as happy as I can." He paused, looking down submissively as the cock hung before his sensitive nose, within reach but yet out of it in command.

"If you give me the honor, I will do my best to pleasure you with what skills I possess," he continued, "I am inexperienced but I will give your cock my full attention until you feel the need to relieve yourself of your seed... which I would be proud to take within my maw, or my tailhole, or over any part of your body you wish to mark. I will not remove it unless you give me permission, and if you so wish it, I would wear your cum proudly as a mark of your claim over me, even if it means anyone else seeing me out in public with the sperm of my Masters within my fur. I can only ask that you give this Lucario a chance to show his dedication to you."

Daniel couldn't but help staring slightly, even at his most submissive in their games Daniel had never managed to beg so sincerely, so heartfelt. They were lucky to have him him he considered, admiring the speech, realising this Lucario was more submissive, more into complete abandonment of control to his Masters than he had realised. And it made his cock throb as he imagined dominating the Pokemon, making him beg for him to fuck him, mark him than have him wear his seed in public.

Daniel moved back slowly,and began to strip off his own clothes and he watched Liam grin at Lucario's begging. "Not bad slut, I think you can now have a taste of me, stick your tongue out and lick your Master's cock." Liam ordered Lucario. He could barely believe how hot it was watching the submissive Lucario stick his tongue out and lick tentatively at his mate's cock tip.

He watched, grinning as the long, wet organ slowly lapped at his mate's shaft, running in long strokes along its length before returning to the tip to lick it clean of his pre. "You taste delicious Master," the Lucario complemented Liam.

Liam grinned and placed a hand on the Lucario's head, stroking it fondly. Despite all of his games and dominance, he had a deep and intimate love for this Pokemon who had given everything to be with them.

"You have a wonderful tongue, little pet," Liam commended with a grin, "perfect for pleasuring other males." He could feel that long, flexible organ slide over his achingly stiff cock tip and noted that the Lucario's tongue was indeed very pleasurable to feel against him. He took his cock into his hand and slowly rubbed it around the outside of the Lucario's muzzle, watching the tongue dance over his pulsing shaft as he slowly spread his scent over the bound male.

"How would my pet prefer to get his Master off?" Liam asked with a coy smile, "are you going to use that talented tongue of yours to bring me to my peak, or am I going to thrust down into your muzzle and feed you my load?" The force of the question made the Lucario's erection throb, dripping pre-seed over his belly fur.

"That's for my Master to decide," the Lucario replied calmly, indicating he did not wish to be given a choice. Liam looked over at Daniel and ushered him to approach. A grin covered Liam's features; he hadn't expect the Lucario to want this so much. He had just assumed they would be doing some light bondage and some sex, but this Lucario seemed to be getting more aroused each time he was teased, ordered and used.

"Go on my love," he said, "show this little Pokemon what it feels like to have his throat fucked."

Daniel smiled, winking at his mate as they swapped places. He was already falling slightly in love with this submissive Pokemon, he'd never truly imagined having a Pokemon, let alone one he could have sex with and share with his mate. A submissive male Lucario was just the cherry on the top.

Once he moved in front of Lucario he saw those eyes gaze on his cock, his maw opening slightly and Daniel felt his shaft throb slightly at the sight of his mates pre matting the fur around his face. "Ok then pet, you're going to open your mouth wide and suck on my cock as I fuck your face," he grinned as he watched Lucario smile happily, quickly widening his open mouth. Daniel hesitated just before entering that inviting mouth, "If I feel your teeth on my cock you're going to be punished. Keep that in mind as you suck."

Daniel didn't give Lucario a chance to reply, instead moving forwards, feeling his shaft guided into Lucario's mouth by the tongue. He groaned as he felt his cock head then his entire shaft quickly engulfed by that warm, wet maw, the tongue licking around his shaft as the Lucario sucked greedily on it.

"You have a great muzzle pet," said Daniel as he pulled back, one of his hands holding Lucario's head still while softly scratching him between the ears. Slowly he began to thrust in, feeling the lips forming a suction around his shaft as Lucario sucked on it, the warm organ licking his shaft. "Keep this up Lucario and you may even get a reward," chuckled Daniel.

Liam watched, his eyes fixed upon his mate's hard length as it was slowly swallowed up by the Lucario's greedy maw. Daniel made sure to keep the dominance at the front of the act, pulling back slowly and rubbing his cock tip over the Pokemon's snout before pushing back into his wet, warm muzzle.

"That looks good," Liam commented, "he sucks like a trained whore." That made the Lucario blush beneath his blue fur, pleased that his two Masters were happy to cater to his submissive needs. Liam reached out and slowly ran his fingers through the soft belly fur, scooping up some of the leaking pre-cum from the steel-type and sampling it with a smile.

"His pre is delicious," he noted to Daniel, "a lot more subdued than Arcanine's, but much easier to take." The Lucario's erection throbbed from his arousal of being spoken about so casually, knowing he had made the right choice in wanting to have these two own him. Liam turned his attention back to Daniel, who was busy making sure the Lucario's maw would smell like his cock for a fair while, pushing into that slick tongue with deep, deliberate strokes. His balls came to a rest upon the Pokemon's lower muzzle, reminding him of what he was going to be taking inside of him soon; a fresh batch of his Master's sperm.

"Go on," Liam encouraged Daniel, "show him how little control he has. Fuck his little muzzle, don't worry if you have to be a little rough to teach him a lesson."

Daniel heard and nodded in agreement, quickly picking up the pace from his slow thrusting, shoving his entire shaft deep into Lucario's maw, feeling his dip begin to go down his pets throat before pulling back just as quickly.His thrusts became longer, quicker and more powerful and he thrust into that warm, wet hole.

"You have to try this Liam, he's great at this." exclaimed Daniel, sinking his cock in again, "It feels so great and it's completely different to someone's ass or cunt."

It was different from anything Daniel had experience before, Lucario's loving maw wasn't tight until he pushed deep into him so that his tip was massaged by those rippling throat walls. He loved the feeling as Lucario's tongue wrapped around his shaft, sucking his pre greedily. He was happy they'd run into such an amazing Pokemon, it was hard to think of such brilliant skills coming from a virgin. The thought of simply falling asleep with Lucario between him and his mate crossed his mind and he quickly realised that Lucario was going to be more than a sex tool in their lives.

Daniels impending climax distracted him from those thoughts, instead concentrating on his fast fucking of Lucario's muzzle as his cock slid and out of the wet, warm hole almost effortlessly. "You've been a good pet Lucario, and good pets deserve rewards," he grunted, feeling his climax rapidly nearing its peak. He wanted to make Lucario happy, and he wanted to fill him with his seed, Daniel was happy that both were essentially result in the same as he thrust inside Lucario's maw a final few times.

With his final thrust Daniel groaned as he hilted himself, Lucario's lips pressing against his groin as his balls smacked against the Pokemon's chin as he came. Thick ropes of his hot seed shot down Lucario's maw and Daniel pulled back slowly, so that some landed on Lucario's tongue while his last few spurts caused the gooey sperm to splash onto Lucario's muzzle, marking him with his seed. As he breathed deeply he noticed Lucario keeping his mouth open, tongue still covered in his seed and couldn't but help chuckle, Lucario really was taking the no control limits to the extreme.

"That was excellent Lucario, you can swallow whenever you feel like as a reward," he said happily, feeling like kissing the Pokemon as Lucario closed his maw, swilling around his Masters seed first before swallowing. "You were delicious Master, thank you for such a fantastic reward."

Watching the display, Liam couldn't help but smile. His own cock still hovered nearby, needing to be pleasured by their new pet.

"You were quite good at that," he commented to the Lucario, "even holding his cum in your mouth... I must say that was impressive." The Pokemon nodded happily, glad to be praised. Liam slowly grabbed the ropes and pulled them a little tighter, spreading the Pokemon out even more.

"Does it feel good?" he asked with a light smile, "knowing that you have no way to stop us from fucking you any way we like?" The Lucario nodded, eager to have his Master's know he would please them in any way he knew how. Liam slowly straddled the Lucario's body, moving up to where Daniel had left his musky claim moments before. Hard cock in hand, Liam slowly pushed his tip into some of the sticky semen left upon the Pokemon's muzzle, wiping it into his fur with his member.

"It suits you," Liam noted, "but it's not enough." He wrapped a hand around the back of the Lucario's head and pulled his head closer to his stiff maleness, pressing it up against the Lucario's sloppy maw. Without giving any warning he pushed forward, thrusting his shaft deep into the steel-type's muzzle. The Lucario's cock pulsed gently as his mouth was used by his owner; Liam's cock hilting into that slick, heated maw, the tip slipping into the tightness of his throat.

"Oh yes," Liam moaned, pulling back out and thrusting in once again with a rough force, "I'm going to cum in your mouth," he said forcefully, "You're going to feel my seed on your fur, and you are forbidden from cleaning it off until you have permission." That seemed to please the Lucario, his erection straining against his belly as his body responded to the domination. Liam leveraged the fighting-type's head to fuck his muzzle even harder, pushing down into the entrance to his throat with long, deep thrusts." Liam could scarcely believe how good this felt; his nerves from arriving at Club Co'est all but gone as he made their new pet into their bitch.

"Daniel," he grunted between forceful thrusts, "go to the cupboards and see if you can find something else for our slave. A toy, a collar, a leash... anything you can use."

Daniel nodded, feeling his cock twinge with lust as he watched his mate thrusting forcefully into Lucario's maw as he straddled the Pokemon. He already had an idea of what he was looking for, having spotted a couple varieties in one of the draws. Moving quickly to it he pulled it open and started sorting through the collection, dismissing most of them as he muttered, "Too fanciful; too big; too small; too pink. Ahah, here we go." He pulled out a relatively plain black leather collar with silver trimmings.

Moving back to the bed he sat beside Lucario, watching his mate fuck his mouth for a short while before starting to talk, showing Lucario the collar.

"You see this collar? When my mate here his finished claiming and marking you you'll put this on and never take it off without permission. It symbolises that your our property, ours to do with as we please; you can do nothing without our permission, no other may take you without our permission. Wear it day in and day out, and remember who your Masters are."

Lucario blushed and somehow managed to nod briefly, managing to say "Yes Master," before Liam cock thrust into his open maw again. Daniel smiled fondly at the Lucario and rubbed his head happily, idly swirling some of his seed deeper into the fur with his fingers as he did so.

"You're going to wear both your Masters seed proudly, not hiding it from anyone in public. You're not allowed to wash or clean it off without either of our permissions." Daniel ordered eventually.

Liam nodded in agreement at his mate's words, pounding the Lucario's maw forcibly with the full intention of feeding him his load. It didn't take him much longer either, the pleasure of the Lucario's soft tongue and throat becoming too much for him. His balls tensed up as he came, a hot spurt of warm, gooey cum splashing against the back of the Lucario's throat. He pulled back a little, allowing a few more ropes of his fertile semen to splatter across the Pokemon's face, white streaks coloring the blue fur. The steel-type did not swallow, simply allowing his Master's fluids to ooze into his mouth as the last few spurts fell from the tip of his cock. Liam smiled as he pulled his length back, seeing his pet stained with two loads of cum across his muzzle.

"Don't swallow," Liam ordered, slowly leaning forward and pressing his lips to the Lucario's cum-covered maw. Together the pair kisses slowly, their tongue wrestling against one another as they tasted the combined ejaculate. Liam slowly rubbed the Lucario's fur, and made sure to kiss him passionately before slowly moving back.

"That was amazing Lucario," he said, "you're fantastic at that." The Pokemon beamed and looked at them with bright eyes.

"I haven't ever felt so dominated," the Lucario admitted, "that was even more intense than I had ever fantasized about." They all grinned, and Liam slowly set to work undoing all of the bonds tying the Lucario down.

"We both love you Lucario," Daniel said, "the dominance is only sexual, we really want you to be equal with us as well." The Lucario nodded and slowly flexed his sore limbs, a little tired from the hard pounding.

"I know," he replied, "but I do love it when you talk dirty to me. I'll wear your seed proudly for the day, and wash with your permission tonight." Liam grinned and nodded, pleased with that and finding it hot the Lucario would show off his submissiveness so eagerly.

"We'll let you rest for now," Liam told him, "you're welcome to stay here and clean up, and then do as you please until we return. Make yourself comfortable and we'll return for more fun later. And, if you're extra good, we'll let you sleep with us too." The Lucario's ears sat up happily.

"Thank you Masters," he said, "I will do my best. Thanks for the gift of a collar."

Daniel smiled, looking at the cum covered Lucario, they were lucky to have met him they realised, and now he was theirs.

"If you're hungry there's probably a phone service or simply head down to the restaurant, just charge it to our account." he grinned, "Remember you're not allowed to wash yourself though until we say." He rubbed the lucario fondly between the ears, "I'm glad you liked it, I have to be honest in saying that I'm not normally a dominant person but it was fun."

"Thank you Master, and you were great, both of you were."

"I'm glad you're happy then."

Daniel began to dress himself again, copied by Liam who finished shortly after him. "I think we'll head down to the reception about accepting Lucario's contract. We need to find how much this is going to cost us anyhow. From there we can head to most of the rooms on the map."

He turned to Lucario, "I'm glad you wish to stay with us, we're going to be very happy with you around."

Lucario simply nodded, smiling as his Masters closed the door behind them into the corridor and he moved back onto the bed, resting. This was better than anything he'd ever dreamed of; not one, but two Masters who could dominate him so completely yet were loving and caring, delicious and hot. He quickly fell asleep imagining himself wrapped between his two Masters.

Now back in the elevator moments later, Liam and Daniel pondered what to do next.

"We should go sort out Lucario's ownership," Liam suggested, and his mate nodded. The doors opened in the reception area, and they quickly caught the attention of the Gardevoir sitting behind her desk.

"Are you two boys looking for something?" She asked as they approached, and Liam nodded.

"Yes, actually," he replied, "we were wondering if you could tell us how much it will cost to bring that Lucario we just took to our room home with us?" She looked at them with a small frown.

"We don't sell staff to the clients," she said with a shake of her head, her fingers tapping across a keyboard swiftly. Her eyes slowly widened a little as she looked at the screen.

"However..." she said slowly, turning back to the pair, "it seems that the one you mention is not a regular employee. It says here he can be released to a full-paying client." Liam looked up hopefully, about to open his mouth to say he'd take the Pokemon happily, when she cut him off.

"Sorry," she said, " a full-paying client is one with a one year membership." That made Liam stop, and he turned back to Daniel who nodded silently at him, knowing what he was thinking.

"Then we just became one year members," Liam retorted with a smile, his wallet already in his hands. She took his card, scanned it and handed it back to him.'

"Yes you are," she replied, and did the same for Daniel, "the Lucario is now your legal property, to do with as you wish. Have a nice day." Daniel and Liam hugged, and kissed happily.

"We got him," Liam stated, "so what do you want to do now?"


This was an RP between myself and the wonderful Lost Soul. This was done for fun and probably contains mistakes and not a great deal of sense. It's a pornographic RP, so plot and characters are not a major focus. I play the character of Liam, he plays the character of Daniel, and together we have some fun with a whole lot of Pokemon. Enjoy, Part 3 coming soon.