My people

Story by sylviathesweet on SoFurry

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This is my first submission and really my first work that I've liked, so please feel free to comment how you like it so far. Obviously it's not done and I'll be adding more as time goes but it's about a catgirl who's had the responsibility of the fate of the world thrust upon her and she has to find the truth, as well as figure out who she really is and what she wants.

It all started before I was born. Ages before I was born, my people were hunted and killed because we have no real natural defenses to the more predatory peoples. There was mainly dragon kind hunting us for food and slaves, the other kinds weren't too friendly with us as they thought of us as weak or at least that's what all younglings are told and no one is wiser about this as we keep to our borders, never leaving or exploring. My people are isolated voluntarily due to lies by our monarch. It was true in ages past that my people were killed and made slaves but this was due to a broken treaty. There was once a group of one of each of the many peoples populating the world and a tight alliance was made amongst them all because of a serious threat to all, a creature so fierce they drove the proud Dragon kind to ally with the people of the world for help in defeating them. Only by working together and using everyone's strengths were the creatures defeated. The alliance held for ages, everyone working together and even some love matches were interspecies though most of these matches were unfertile, it hadn't mattered but then something happened. My people, the feloid, are told that a love match between one of our people and a dragon kind went wrong. The dragon had set up his love to die and it was speculated that the match wasn't a love match. This of course caused descent between our peoples and soon caused many to question their matches and all other peoples but their own and so anger grew.

I was born in a time of greatest anger between the peoples of the world. It had been foretold that my birth would change the fate of the peoples of the world, that I would change the course of the future but it wasn't clear on how that change would happen. Most assumed that I'd change things for the betterment of my people by leading a war or through cunning politics, no one could have foreseen what really happened.

I was born on a clear sunny day, a beautiful girl of moonlight pale skin and shimmering silver-white hair. The cat-like ears atop my head are black and a long, thin, black furred cat tail extends from my spine. I was a blessing to my parents, the king and queen, as they thought they'd never have a child and with the prophecy looming over their head they were desperate. Everyone had expected me to be a male, even mother and father, so you can see how disappointed everyone was. They even believed that I wasn't the one prophesied about but all the prophets where adamant that it was I who would change the future. These things affected my childhood. I was a princess, so I got all the best my parents could get me. Tutors in all subjects, I was taught politics and fighting which is unheard of for females to learn.

Even with the assurance of the prophets and being of noble birth, many of my people still looked to me as less than what they expected. No matter what I did, I could not please all of my people. When I was nearly thirteen, the kingdom rejoiced for my mother was once again with child. The ones who shunned me, thought me to be not of the prophesy, spread rumors that the true prophesied child was to be born and when the babe was born a boy it one reaffirmed their views. Mother and father weren't swayed though, and my tutors became my brother's so that I would help him learn for he was to be reigning king of our people while I was to save us all.

By the time I was sixteen my parents had found a suitable husband for me. He was of a noble house, and two years older than I. He was nice enough though he disapproved of how smart I was and all of the knowledge I had, because I managed to find flaw in his farm workers and production. He didn't take kindly to my advice. No matter how much I protested the match, mother and father were adamant about the match.

I was nineteen, and after two years of putting off the wedding to Mateous, there was an attack on an outer village. I volunteered to lead a small group of troops to the village as I was one of the best soldiers in the kingdom as I was trained by our General. Brother wished to go as well but mother and father thought this was my time to fulfill the prophesy. So preparations were made and the next morning we made to ride out for our countries borders but were delayed a bit by my odious fiancé.