My people

It all started before I was born. Ages before I was born, my people were hunted and killed because we have no real natural defenses to the more predatory peoples. There was mainly dragon kind hunting us for food and slaves, the other kinds weren't too...

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I feel special when we talk, when you are near. Love warms me and holds me in it's embrace You are everything that I feel is good and happiness fill me to the brim. I never knew I could feel this way, from just a simple smile. You probably don't...


The Princess in the mountain

You hear the stories of the knights who rescue damsels from fire breathing beasts, rescuing them from the dragon's keep. You know the stories that the knight and damsel ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. You hear the story of how...

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Darkness surrounds apathy abounds Life holds no bright light Nothing to shine in this endless night. I watch the world turn, watch the waves churn and crash with unbridled force to take everything and leave no remorse. With many tears...