Changes: Chapter 2

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Changes

Changes: chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles, or any of it's characters. Only Zero.

Please R&R Enjoy!

Chapter 2: meet Casey Jones, the idiotic vigilante.

It was the day after the mouser incident, wounds still fresh and Rapheal's anger wasn't good. Zero had taken a seat and watched as he and Mikey sparred. It wasn't Raph's day, because Mikey ended up slinging him into a stack of boxes "Hah! Nice fall Raphael" he said dusting his hands off. "Just come on back, if you want some more of that" he mocked.

Zero looked at Mikey in annoyance. It amazed him that Mikey was even breathing still. Raph got up and pulled a box off his head. "I've had it Mikey" he pointed at him. Mikey made another sign language "For one thing, that grin has got to go!" he jumped at the turtle, but Mikey jumped out of the way quickly. "Good reverse punch!" he ducked under a kick, and dodging more "and nice roundhouse kick" zero watched as he got annoyed "Do you do this to him all the time Mikey?" the turtle nodded as he continued to dodge the red "Raph, of you don't kill him, I surely will" Zero said as he sat back on the couch.

Splinter and Leo walked up and zero stood up from his seat. Mikey had slapped Raph and Raph punched his brother some ways away before charging, ready to punch again. Soon they were locked in and Mikey spun. Raph went flying and broke a table "winner and still champion, Michelangelo!" raph picked up a pipe "Shit!" raph jumped on Mikey, Zero and leo ram at raph, if it wasn't for Leo, Mikey would have been splattered on the floor. Zero had his hand on Raph's shoulder "Raphael, have you lost your mind?!" Leo asked. Donnie had popped up somewhere between the fight and the pipe.

"You ok Mikey? What were you thinking raph?!" Donnie asked, but Raph was still in his rage. He soon snapped out of it, breathing heavily "I...I..." he dropped the pipe and looked at Leo "Leo... Mikey... I..." he face palmed "It's ok Raph..." Zero said, squeezing the turtles shoulder a little.

"Ah, my son, so angry, Rage is a monster that will destroy you from within" zero could hug the rat for his interruption, zero didn't want to know what would happen of he continued. "Raphael, a true warrior fights balanced, in all things" raph had gotten up and Zero let go, standing beside the turtle. Raph was horrified "Master splinter, I... I...I gotta get some air" he ran towards the door "I'm going after him" zero ran with him, and they disappeared out the lair. Soon zero had caught up to him as he opened the door to the roof. He went to the edged and growled at himself. Zero was soon beside him "Raph... you ok?" he asked, the turtles turned his head towards Zero "Why the hell did you follow me?" the turtle asked. Zero laughed at that "When one is angry and alone, it tends to end up worse. I should know. Now, what are you doing?" the turtle sighed "I... don't know, I'm so angry at myself, I almost killed my little brother" he said. "but you didn't. Your not alone Raph, it's not like your alone in life" Zero sighed "how about we just go hopping Roofs for a bit. Run out the anger. " he sighed "What is wrong with me?" he asked.

Zero smiled "Absolutely nothing. Anger is just a part of you, so is the passion and fire in your eyes" he said. The turtle nodded and they began jumping building to building 'what to do with you?' zero thought.

Zero and raph had come across some thugs picking on a woman. "man, these guys picked the wrong night to tick me off" Raoh said "Wait, you were already pissed off though Raph" Zero said.

Before raph could answer, a voice popped up "Purple Dragons~" a large guy in a hockey mask. Long black hair, a golf bag full of wooden weapons, and just Buff.

Zero began to image himself real quick, he was a good 6'0" in height, he had long back hair as well, but he had it ponytailed, as to not get on the way, his hair without it was weird, it naturally spiked ours a little. He had golden amber eyes, and so did Rapheal. He was wearing a black T-shirt and Black jogging pants. He had taken a class with splinter that morning, to see how far he was. Splinter had commented Zero was in great shape, it helped that zero new multiple martial arts and parkour. He wasn't ready for a weapon yet, However.

The vigilante had a hockey stick out. Zero frowned "Who's this guy?" he asked, but to his displeasure Raph shrugged. "Come out ad play" the moron had grabbed a rash can lid as a shield and banged on it with the hockey stick.

It didn't take long for him to beat down the goons "my mistake he's better than he looks" Zero commented. Raph was enjoying himself as he watched the thugs get their asses handed to them. But when the guy went to bash a guys skull in they jumped off the railing at the guy "this guy is out of his mind, I changed my mind about him" Zero said.

Raph hooked the guys arm "easy there cowboy, their down, you did good. Now take it easy" "Raph, that may have not been the best idea" Zero said. The thugs had run off "Awe man, Their getting away!" the guy said. "Stay out of my Business Freak!" he punched Raph, That pissed zero off. He caught Raph quickly " you can Run purple dragons, but you can't hide from Casey Jones!" he ran off "Prick" zero commented at the guy "but we have a name, Casey Jones"

He helped raph up "you ok?" he asked "Yeah, the guy throws a hell of a punch though" he said. He picked up the purse and handed it to the woman "Keep away you lizard thing, keep away!" she backed up, but zero walked up "No appreciation" he said as she ran off.

They ran off after Casey, finding him beating the thugs to an inch of their lives "Unbelievable, this guy just won't quit" they ran after Casey, raph jump kicked him, zero blocked his path behind him. "I told you to Cool it pal" Raph said "Yeah? Well I told you to stay out of my Buisness. Since your ears don't seem to be working, I will have to get my point across another way" he aimed the hockey stick at raph, he didn't notice Zero yet however. Zero smiled and winked at raph. "Listen here bub, I'm trying to tell you something" they began circling, zero sneaking and kept behind Casey. They had a plan. "Your really working my last nerve" Casey began to mock "Is that right?" he began swinging at raph, who dodged as fast as he could. Zero jumped, hooking his legs around Casey's neck "What the?!" zero pushed back, arms coming out towards the ground as he slung the vigilante back in a Judo flip. "stay aware of your surroundings and all that junk" Zero said.

"I think your doing the right thing, but your going about it all wrong! You gotta have control of yourself. " Casey looked furiated "Look Green boy, if your protecting these purple dragons and your in my way, your going to get it too!" he went at raph, dodging Zero as he charged him. "Hockey season is over" he kicked the hockey stick out of the guys hand. The guy drew two bats and hit them together "Well baseball is in season, and so are you, you freaky frickin weirdo" he spun the bats "this guy is nuts" Zero commented.

Raph drew his sai "Fine play ball" zero leaned back and watched. "I wish I had popcorn" he said. They began battling it out, matching blows. It was quite unsettling. No one was winning. Raph tried to talk him down.

After hitting him into the wall and taking the mask off, the guy grabbed the bat "you've shown my the error of my ways, not!" he tit raph with the golf club. Zero ran and helped him up "fine then? You hurt him? You deal with me" zero picked up the hockey stick and spun it, he charged, Casey swung, zero leaped and flipped, landing and spinning, sweeping the guy. Casey recovered and ran off.

Zero ran to raph, but forgot he was holding the hokey stick and tripped himself, he landed on raph, and their lips touched, quickly recovering he quickly got up and helped raph up "sorry about that" they ran after Casey, but raph stayed quiet for some time.

"He's got to be around here somewhere" was the first thing raph said, the turtle must have pushed what happened to the back of his mind 'Shit... what did I do? I accidentally kissed him... though it wasn't bad' Zero thought. he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind himself and followed.

Arriving at an alley a motorcycle kicked on and shot at them, Casey driving it. He tripped raph with the golf club and sped off. "I got more where that came from freak boy!" he had stopped "Raph, I hate to say it, but his anger is worse." Zero said.

"Friday night, Central park, Be there. Adios Loser!" he sped away. Raph growled, and zero walked up to him "you ok?" he asked. Raph suddenly deflated 'Thats new' he thought. "About earlier, I'm soor--" he never finished. Raph had pushed him against the wall and kissed him. He stopped and backed away "umm... sorry, I hope I'm not that horrible at this" zero was pretty speechless "we can't tell anyone about this, but I'm not against seeing where this goes" Zero and raph looked at each other and ran off.

They arrived at the lair and the guts walked out of a type of elevator "That wasn't there before" Zero said "Welcome home Raph! Zero!" Mikey said "Man, you look like you got the hell kicked out of you" he said. Raph was pretty sullen. "Yeah it's a long story, but I just want to apologize. I'm sorry I got so out of control earlier. Guys? I'm really sorry" his head went down and zero put a hand on his shell.

"hey don't sweat it Bro!" Mikey said punching him in the shoulder. Leo pointed at raph "Wait. Who are you and what have you done to our brother Rapheal" he accused. "Let's just say I had a chance to think on the way I've been acting, and something good also came out of it" Zero raised an eye and knew what he meant. It was still odd about what happened. It wasn't real love, not yet anyway. "I'll fill you in over dinner." "dinner, now your talking my language!" Mikey said.

After dinner the turtles and Zero were sneaking towards the door "I don't know raph, shouldn't we tell master Splinter?" Leo asked "And let him stop us from going topside? We need to stop the vigilante whack bag" Zero saw splinter out the corner of his eyes. He sighed 'Well, I know what happens when we get back' Zero thought. "He's not a bad guy. Just a little misguided" he said. The lights snapped on and everyone turned around.

"ahem" Splinter said "Busted" Mikey commented. "How many times have I told you not to sneak out up to the surface?" Mikey thought "this month?" "512 actually" Donnie answered. "it is dangerous to go about openly on the surface. You cannot simply walk amongst the humans" "I can" Zero commented. "they cannot accept who and what you are. It is as the great sage and warrior: Kenji Hakamora once said, why walk, when you can ride" Zero started laughing, hard. "good one Master Splinter" Zero said. "Come again?" raph said.

The elevator opened "Take the truck" splinter said everyone stepped in. Once in the garage zero saw the ride "Donnie, what have you been doing today?" Zero asked. "we have until Friday to get this bad boy ready" raph said towards the armored car.

Everyone began working, soon the car took shape "Now this, is a ride" raph said when they finished. Zero couldn't have agreed more "you haven't seen nothing yet, let's roll!" they claimed inside, and buckled in. Raph and Zero were in the back row. Mikey was stuck in the middle of the floor. And they were off, shooting out the warehouse and into the streets. Donnie was saying facts about central park when Raph saw him "Hey, there he is!" he said. "you and Zero go get him raph, I whipped up something special for both of you, their in the back" he said.

After seeing what they were Donnie pipped up "like them? I call then the shell cycle, and shell shocker" zero sighed "im going to call mine vortex" he said as they say on their bikes. Raph's was red, and zero's was black. The doors to the back opened and they shot out, helmets on as they swerved around and shot past the battleshell.

It didn't take long to catch up with Casey "Hey hotshot, Slow it down!" he said. Casey didn't listen "I said pull Over!" he said. He tit Casey's break, sending the poor guy flying on his back. "A little Overboard Raph!" Zero said. He had stopped, and raph soon slid to a stop "Time for a little shell Shock!" he sped at Casey, and jumped off his bike, slamming himself into him. Zero had gotten off his bike and stopped Raph's before it fell over.

"ugh, I can't believe I got my but kicked by a giant frog" "Turtle" raph commented "Whatever" Casey shot back. "look. I'm no fan of the purple dragons either, but just killing them in cold blood isn't the answer.I will help you take them down, but you got to exercise a Little restraint" he said helping the guy up "You got no idea what your talking about" Casey commented "Try me" raph said.

Zero sighed at the display "Oi, this isn't going very well" he said. Casey started telling them his experience with the dragons as a kid. After he finished tears were in his eyes 'poor guy' "So do tell my how to deal with purple dragons!" he said "be careful, your anger can take you down" he pointed at Casey "make you act just like them. My father once told me a true warrior finds balance in all things" "balance huh?" Casey crossed his arms "well, as balanced as a couple of whack bags like us can manage" zero ran up "You forgot me Raph" Zero said. "And you Zero" he said. Casey pointed at raph "Me? Your the whack bag around here doc" he said "hey, I'm not as half as crazy as you" he punched Casey in the chest "I'm crazier than you both combined" Zero muttered to himself.

"Sorry, but for a little green dude, your nuts" "Yeah? Well I'm not the one running around in a hockey mask" he shot "I gotta protect my good looks" he shot back. Zero and raph were grinning "and what looks would those be?" Zero asked. "Hey, I'm saving this face for Hollywood." he said.

"Well, isn't this romantic?" purple dragons showed up. Zero took a stance, a guy with a chain stood infront of him. He judged the situation and waited. "so, when you said I would go too far and get myself into trouble, you meant something like this right?" "something like" he dropped the helmet and the goons drew near.

Engine roared and headlights shone as the battle shell came forward and soon the four titles were together "friends of yours?" he asked "brothers actually" raph answered "I can see the family resemblance" he said as they drew their weapons. Zero had his skills for the moment. "I'm the pretty one" Mikey said before the fight started, zero had knocked out a guy with a chain before spinning it experimentally. Balanced weight.

Wasn't long before all the dragons were on the ground. Leo had gotten hos split kick right, and raph had to comment on it 3 times. Casey gave him a 10, all raph could give was a 6.

"I know I'm going to regret saying this, but I'm glad I met you crazy man" Raph told Casey. "Me too green dude. And you know something? I'm starting to see what your all about" he put a hand on the turtles shoulder. "you mean about balance? Self control?" "Nah, I mean your a green mutant freak, hehe" he punched Casey in the shoulder, Casey punched back, and soon it was a cat fight.

Zero sighed in frustration "These Guys are practically identical" he said. It was creepy all in all. Mikey and Leo fought on who should break the two up. It was just a new normal day for zero.

Back at the lair Zero and Raph sat in Zero's guest room. "About earlier" Zero began, but raph stopped him "I meant what I said, I'm willing to go through and see where this goes, maybe it's nothing, or maybe it's something, We just have to see" Raph put his hand on zero's before walking out. "That's what I'm afraid of, I don't want it to be Nothing" He said to himself.

Changes: chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles, or any of it's characters. Only Zero. Please R&R Enjoy! * * * Chapter 3: Dance of steel * * * It had been a week and a half since Zero had met the turtles. He and raph had something, but since...

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Changes: Chapter 1

Changes. Chapter 1 An OC Tmnt story from episode 1- the end and beyond. This story was originally what I had in mind. Before I started generations due to a friend request, I started that first. I'm going to hold off a little on that story...

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Tmnt Generations: Chapter 5: Talks and teens

Tmnt Generations: chapter 5: talks and teens Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles, my story is the only thing of tmnt I own. Warning: Fluff, Awkwardness, The embarrassing "birds and bees" talk, and more! R&R Enjoy! * * * Tmnt: new...

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