Colie 06: Culture Gap

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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Brenda- lycainthrope rough collie female

Randolph- human male

Collie 06 culture gap

Well collie fans, this may be the last epicode for a while. I'm off to see some other war torn country. I hope to not be totally cut off but don't expect anything for about a year or so. I'm sorry.

If I do not post after two years,... well it's probably safe to assume anyone continuing this story would have little to worry about me bitching about copyrights ^.^ (Wink wink nudge nudge and all that,..)

Please excuse the spelling and grammar errors, I was very rushed in getting this out.

Also a finger goes out to morality nazis. May your genitalia turn a ripened red and fall off from overuse, and sumarily stuffed into the mouths that spew retoric that only the witless will find appealing. If you find this on your kids com, well, It's your fault. Plain and simple. You should have watched the blighter better and not been off fornicating like ruting ferrits.

And now what will hopefully be superseded by a collie 07, The story.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Randolph stood with his back to the wall of the whitewashed house. He gave his gun another pump and smiled maniacly. He rounded the corner, Brenda was there, with the hose.

Randolph's eyes widened "Hey! No hose!, that's against the Geneva convention!"

"You never took me to Geneva!" she cackled with a bark "I don't know what that convention was about!"

brenda then let loose a stream of water drenching her husband. He fought the stream and grabbed er arms puling the hose form the squeeling canine and soaked her to the core. But she had the last say as randolph laughed, she shook off . randolph didn't think he could get any more soaked. Brenda grinned as she accomplished the impossible.

Randolph hugged his collie mate and kissed her thin lips. She smiled up to him. and touched his face with her soft pawpads.

Randolph smiled. "You know what elce yoru good looks will not save you from?" Brenda looked to him quizicly then doubbled over yipping in laughter as he tickled her. she reverted to her collie form and bolted off across the yard and around the house. Randolph bolted the other direction and went in the house. He heard her run around the house twice. Then trot around once. He heard her claws click on the boards on the porch and then the doorknob wiggle and open.

She stepped in and looked about. "Randolph?" she called wondering. She stepped past the counters and yelped in surprise as she was swept off her feet. She looked to her husband and licked his nose. He held her behind her knees and midback, his hands locked together to support her. she smiled and lifted her hand to his face. "too bad your hands are tied." she held his face as she kissed him deeply. She broke away and reached her paw behind him and swatted him on the ass.

Well, I'm gonna take the kits out into the sinshine" she said enthusiasticly kissing her mate again " now if you could set me down." She smiled to him and he licked her teeth

"you know when they get older, we cant do this anymore." He said as he set her down gently on the floor.

Brenda looked at him strangely. "oh? Why not"

"well, it just,.." he blushed "I mean, we can't let the children see."

Brenda looked at her mate with a smirk. "Randolph, I hate to point out the obvious. But you are the sole human in a family of dogs"

Randolph looked at her strangely and she continued ticking off on her fingers. "your wife, a bitch, leterally,"she smiled "you don't have children, you fathered puppies. How many humans past the age of five say that? And thus being moslty canines in this family, your silly human concepts of affection suppression. Gone, just forget them they do not exist."

She smiled and crossed her arms over her chest with a nod.

Randolph gripped his collie's tail and pulled her to him. he hugged her to him. "so I should run around naked then?"

Brenda giggled. And licked his nosetip. "Nah, then nothing but I would get done around here." She grinned and walked away form him, her tail swaying seductively.

He grinned and shook his head. She was so much happier now that she had freedom to go out as she pleased and run about like a wild canine. She came back with the pups and a blanket. Randolph grabbed a bag of doritoes and held the door for her.

Brenada had the balnket spread out and their pups wiggled about the blanket. In the shade of a large oak. She turned to her husband, tail wagging. Randolph loved her smile. He sat on the blanket and patted his thigh. Brenda laid down, in her collie form her head on Randolphs thigh. The pups wandering about an aria of blanket.

He felt so free now. His wife and children were finally in a more comfortable surrounding. He never knew how stressed he was. He was sleeping almost until noon. Looking down he watched Brendas chest rise and fall. He was in a family of dogs, he thought. He head honestly never thought about it, he had thought of them as semi human. He pet around Brenda's ear and scritched around its base. Either way, it didn't matter , he loved them all the same. He sat petting his wife for a while, but his leg was beginning to cramp. He slid out for under her and she looked up to him.

"sorry dream girl, needed the feeling back in my leg." She waged her tail and looked about. She ran over to the woodline and came back with a good size stick. Randolph laughed as she tore back to him and tossed the stick at his feet and barked, bright eyed and wagged her tail furiously. Complying with his wifes orders he tossed the stick as far as he could. He watched her snatch it up as it tumbled end over end on the ground. She pranced back to her mate with her tail in the air like a banner, and dropped the stick at his feet again.

He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the muzzle and patted her ears. "good girl" and he flung the stick across the yard again.

Randolph sat with is legs crossed on the blanket with the pups as brenda ran to the house with her stick. He heard a bark and looked to the porch where brenda was stanging in her demihuman form. She held the stick up and licked it like a lollypop and gave him a wicked smile tossing the stick down beside the porch "you want a drink?" the collie yelled.

"Yes please" randolph laughed bemused. He then turned and picked up his children, Pups. He corrected himself. He nuzzled them. Amased they were half his. "Look mom, I did have puppies" he said to no one. He looked up as brenda handed him a thick glass full of tea. She was pouring hers into her open muzzle, something she was getting better at. Straws were not everywere. Something she started when she got here and they had forgotten straws, and the dog bowls were packed away.

Brenda looked down at him. "what you have planned for dinner?"

"me?" Randolph said perplexed "I thought you were cooking tonight."

The collie grinned and ruffed her husbands hair. "nope, was your turn"

Randolph sighed and pulled out his cell phone. Brenda looked at him scornfully but he still dialed out. And ordered pizza.

"Fourty five minets and we eat fluffy"

"Cheater" she crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him.

"If you're not cheating, your not trying"

? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Brenda trotted up to her husband and put er paw on his leg. He looked down at his wife sitting on the floor, her tail wagging. "It's late love." She looked to what he was reading and he handed it down to her.

"What is this?" she asked

Randolph shrugged and petted her between the ears. "It's what dale gave me. In brief it says that he has no idea what he is dealing with and how whatever is in your blood can't work in other animals and just dies, la la la, just crap. Its strange how it lives in you but it refuses to destroy anything outside your blood." He rubbed his forehead and temples. " Anything added to yoru blood is attacked, anything your blood is added to, it just sits there until the virus dies." He shrugged as brenda put the papers on the floor and slipped behind him rubbing his shoulders.

she grinned wickedly as she ran her claws over his scalp. Randolph gasped, eyes closed. It was amusing to watch him get so much pleasure form something so simple.

"You're working on time you are off, Quit it" she scolded him, she knew in this state he would not answer back, "You only have four days left and I want you to myself for that time," she scritched over the sides of his head and neck. "All mine." She swung herself into his lap and kissed him.

"But if you insist on playing doctor, I insist on me being your patient." She said crawling back on his desk her footpaws on his chair, she leaned back on her elbows her legs spread out in front of him. she gave a smile, "I hurt right here, doctor." She said pointing to her small dark cunny, her fingertip over her clit.

"Aww, poor puppy, I'll kiss it and make it better." Randolph said lowering his head between the collie's legs. He heard the murr from his wife as his lips pressed to her clit. He licked up over her clitoral hood.

The two lovers looked to eachother as a cry, a whimpering howel, came from the livingroom followed by a second. Brenda sighed then gasped when her clit was kissed again.

"I guess I'll Have to rescedual your appointment." Randolph joked as his wife put her feet back on the floor, slipping off the desk.

She flicked her tail in his face as she walked out of the room to tend their offspring. Randolph sighed licking his lips. He was truly lucky to have her, he thought as he bent down to retrieve the papers from the floor. He stared at the papers, the words a blur, his eyes unfocused as his mind worked. It suddenly hit him, he rummaged thrugh the basic study of the entity itself and suddenly realised what Dale was talking about.

He watched Brenda's silloutte on the wall in the next room, set the papers he now understood on his desk, and joined his wife in the next room. He read another novel in his chair as his collie wife lay on the floor tending the pups. He eventually lowered the book to rub his eyes and get a drink. He was about to ask Brenda if she wanted one too, but found her fast asleep, the pups nuzzled against her. Randolph grinned, getting up from his chair quietly. He went into his office and got his camera. Most people wanted digital, but he prefered 35mm film, but given his specal circumstances, he was forced to the world of didgital media. He slunk back into the room and took a few pictures of his family. Leaving them to rest he put his camera back and fixed a light snack and got a drink before retreating to the livingroom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Randolph woke at his usual early hour now, his body and mind already getting set for work only days away. He patted his dogs rear softly and went down to eat breakfast. He was watchiing the news. As usual no good news is news. He was about to turn off the television when a comertal caught his eye, histomine blockers, triggers, he laughed at how simple the problem was. If he was right he would give dale a stroke with Brenda's next blood sample.

As if his thoughts were a call brenda trotted downstairs and to the kitchen door, and outside, the sound of her four paws trotting off the porch. Randolph shook his head, reminding himself, he was the only human in a family of dogs.

He flipped off the television and put on his sneakers, soon going out to find his collie. Brenda soon ran about his feet her tail wagging merrily. He ruffed her ears and took a tennis ball form his pocket and gave it a toss. The pair played fetch until brenda's ears perked toward the house and she trotted back toward their home, her acute hearing picing up on the waking of her children.

Brenda took to to her demihuman form and went into the house, walking up the stairs to get the pups who were pleased to get their breakfast. Brenda looked out into the yard from the upstairs window. She leaned her head down and licked soflty over her pups. She didn't know what to think. Randolph put her here, gave her a family and all the love and understanding she had only dreamed about. SHe shuddered at her life before the pound, and the pound itself and her close call with death.

She nuzzled her offspring again walking with them nursing from her down the stairs and sat on the couch.

She watched Randolph fumple with his new hobbie, gardening. But he had a pretty black thumb with plants. She reverted to her canine form on the couch, continuing to watch the father of her pups fumble around in the yard. She reflected on how hurt he seemed he could not intorduce her to others. If the mail would only bring her packages. She deydreamed about what they would do until a hand on her scruff broke her concentration. Randolph smiled to her and kised her between the ears and wandered into the bathroom.

She sighed, lifting her pups in her paws and set them on a rug on the floor watching them wander aimlessly on the floor.

* * * * * * * * * *

Brenda wagged her tail wildly as a postal van came down the long driveway. Randolph accepted the box shaking his head.

Brenda met him at the door and snatched the box form him gleefully bolting up the stairs to their room yelling for him to follow. Wondering what his wife could have done to cause such exitement in her.

He opened the door and stared at the odd sight that greeted him.

Airn't you the wrong color to be a ghost?" Randolph chuckled to his shrouded collie.

Brenda rolled unseen eyes and sighed and lifted her arms again, "I'm not a ghost, it's a baklavah

"Ahh, it speaks in tongues,. Moriarty, is that you?" randolph teased. The shrouded collie planted her paws on her hips

"No, It's so I can go out with you to different places, reasutaunts and stores."

Randolph dropped his smile and sat on the bed. he seemed so distracted Brenda pulled the baklava off and balled it up in her arms. She dropped it back in the box as she sat on the bed next to him, thinking she had done something wrong. As she opened her mouth to ask if he was allright she found his pressed to it. It surprrised her she tried to gasp but only managed to deepen the kiss. Randolph broke off just as she was getting over the surpprise. "That's why I love you Brenda, you're always making things better. The collie femme chuckled and reached into the box again, this time what she drew out was sheer and colorful. She grinned and licked his cheek.

"later I will show you better."

* * * * *

Randolph hated to do this. It was never pleasant hurting someone he loved so much. But she always seemed so eager to help. Brenda put out her left arm and tilted her head as her human shook his.

"I need you to do something different this time Brenda." He patted her red furred leg " I want you to be a dog and turn to your other form as we take the sample. Brenda nodded and was again, the form he first met her in. she put her left paw on his leg and he redied the syringe and preped the site. He nodded to her and plunged the needle into her vein. As the blood flowed into the syringe the collie grew taller and her paws became more like hands. Until as he pressed on the site with a cotton ball to pull out the needle, she smiled to him.

Holding one of the two vials as randolph put some of the syringes' contents into it. She capped it and held out the other to be filled.

"what did you want to try to do?" the collie asked

randolph cinched down one side of his face as if it hurt to think. "I have a hunch, I think I may be able to help out Dale find his cure."

Brenda grinned "I hope so too"

He loved how painless she made this for him. And she honestly wanted to help too. She wrapped the vials up and put them in the fridge, and pulled out a few things for their dinner while she was at it.

* * * * * * *

Randolph sighed and pet his collies' head idly. She had fallen asleep negating any plans for a frisky evening. So he let her sleep. He woke her when he lifted her and carried the sleepy collie upstairs and gently laid her in the bed. he checked on trent and elisabeth tucking them in and then retireing to bed himself, curled next to his love.

The next morning came as a surpprise after his shower. His still damp body was suddenly pushed from behind onto the bed. he turned around slightly annoyed at the shock and action until he saw his wife and decided to sit on the bed and avoid the floor where his jaw lay.

A gold tiera of chain and plates adorned her head. Surrounding her ears and dangling down over her cheekruffs. She supported her breasts in a violet silk wrap with a gold clasp between the cleavage. Her dress a mere veil of opaque fabric, betraying the sexy form underneith.

"Watch." The collie made the whisper a command. One that was followed as her husband watches as she rolled her hips. Gold bangles swung about with the almost shear fabric. Her white belly fur twisted with the ruddy fur over the rest of her body. Her tail swayed fluidly in a blur of fluffed fur with the bangles on her hips. She lifted her arms to the back of her head elbows wide as she jiggled her snowy breasts benith the violet cloth. As she turned he realised she has silver bracelets on her wrists, a transparent ghostly fabric from one wrist to another swung like whisping mist followed by her full tail whisping tendrels of white fur against his chin. He watched almost hypnotised by the wagging tail and the rear it was attached to as it swayed and took on a more exotic look as the sheer fabrics came together to screen and shadow her body. Then without warning she turned and the violet fabric fell to the floor, freeing her snowy breasts as again she flaunted this aspect of her femininity. Randolph just watched, pitching a tent with the towel large enough to hold a nomad convention as he watched the swaying hips of his hound wife.

The sheer fabric of her dress came tumbling off her body as she spun again. Striking a dramatic pose with her tail covering her lower parts. The slip of cloth connecting her wrists fluttered like a butterflies wings as she trim collie pranced and whirled her way to the bed and pounced her human. She grinned widely letting her multitude of sharp teeth show. She pulled the towel away from his body as her arms forced him back down on the bed. she put her hands over his wrists as she eased herself down on him. She murred and smiled to him mischieviously. Her hops drove down on his hard grinding more, her body felt different. He opened his eyes and it took him a momnet to register that Brenda had changed to her canine form. Her paws rested on his chest as she ground on his groin, her wide panting grin told her how much she was enjoying him inside her.

Randolph grinned and let the collie have him, he lifted his hands to her hips and held the trim collies' middle as he thrust tiny thrusts into her as she ground on him. She wharbled and whimpered and her forearms fell on his chest as she still mounted on him.

He felt the burning confines of his canine lover tighten and become slick. She shuddered and dropped her chin on his chest. He chuckled and kissed her nosepad.

"still have a thing for me huh girl, well I have it for you as well."

He flipped the dog over on her back careful to keep his member inside her. Brenda just lifted her head on the bed pillows and squirmed a little agains her human lover as he pounded into her. she could feel the pulce in his cock as his seed filled her.

Spent he looked to his canine companion and kissed her as he rolled them both to the side.

* * * * * *

Randolph played at untangling the dog from the cloth on her wrists. She looked embaressed when she could not change back to unravle herself from the cloth, and she didn't want to tear her costume.

Brenda took the hug from her husband and gave him a lick in return. She trotted to the bathroom changing forms before she shut the door. her husband watched the sexy collie intil she took away his view. Then he chuckled and bolted up to tap lightly on the door. "Hunney" he chided mirthfully "you're a dog, why close the door?"

He laughed as something hit the door to accintuate a playful "shutup"

He saw his wife again as he was finishing making dinner. It seemed a regular quiet evening until the mans emerald eyes looked to the earthen colored eyes of his canine wife. "I was thinking that tomorrow we would give a go on your idea" he resisted a casper comment.

Brenda giggled and put her paw on his hand. "thank you" she smiled in a very cute way, her chin tucked in as she looked to him. "I love you." She gave a coy smile but the admiration was there.

Randolph squeezed her paw as he looked into her soft brown eyes. "And you, my dream girl, are loved as well."

Brendas' tail wagged furiously, hitting the sided of the chair she sat in. she had so much she wanted to share with him. Going to movies to the shops and talking to his friends of his. She really wished for friends of her own. But this was the first step of many, and was it ever high.

* * * * * * *

Brenda cleaned the whole house. Every little thing she could think of to do. Randolph just sat stunned as his collie whirled about. He thought of the ironly of being told to sit and stay by his collie. But he was just getting under her feet anyway. So he watched telivision and the kits. They were wiggling about a lot now. Trying to recognise things it seemed. He could only wonder when their first steps, be it quad or bi, would be taken. With human children there was a slight timetable one could use. But every thing they did, would be a surpprise.

Brenda could not contain herself she was so exited. Running in the yard was only so helpful, but she realised how much stuff needed to be done in the hose. She set Randolph in charge of the kits while she worked. It helped keep him out of the way as well. She giggled and ruffed her fur out. She really wanted it to be evening already. But she worked thrugh the day and flopped on the couch next to her love and cuddled against him for a nap.

Brenda roused from her husband shaking her gently. "Get up Brenda," he prodded gently "you have to get ready."

Brenda sat bolt upright and before randolph could utter a squeek she took to her collie form and was off and up the stairs to their room. She switched to her demihuman form and pulled a pair of cloth boots from under the bed where she had hidden them. She had worked long and hard to make them fit her. just in cace a paw would slip out. she pulled on a pair of trim leather gloves that went up almost mid forearm. The collie then pulled over the concealing fabric of the baklava and pulled and squirmed until it was on streight. She looked in the mirror thrugh the thick lace and nodded. She remained contious of her tail and kept it between her legs. Satasfied at the guise she carefully made her way down the stairs. She saw her husband smile, she knew it was hald in mirth but the half that was glad he could take her into his human world freely was the half she held to. He had put the pups in the carseat, they remained in puppy form, and covered them with a blanket. He wrapped an arm about her back as he escorted her to the truck.

Brenda smiled a hidden smile as she felt her husbands hand on her leg. She watched the world out the window, her first time as a human. She waited patiently when randolph parked for him to open her door. he retrieved the carrier and escorted his wife into a nice reasturaunt. She was a little nervous being in this form with other humans about. She about turned back to a collie right there, but refrained, just keeping her tail between her legs and reminding herself to not twich her ears, head down,...

"Mason resorvation." Randolph told the doorwoman and watched her check her book.

"Yes, Doctor Mason and family. I have you down for a private booth." The blond woman looked to them both and smiled. "I'm rachel, let me show you to the room, please follow me." She grabbed two menues and struted past table in the main dining room to the back where the private arias were.

"here is your booth, just press this button when you are ready to order." Rachel said pointing to a small decoratively set button.

"Thanks we will" Brenda timidly said, Rachel taking it for a dismissal and left them with a set of menues.

Brenda Giggled and threw her arms about her humans shoulders. "Wow, I really never expected it to be so exiting! No wonder humans do this so often. She let her husband go and shed the concealing garment. She threw her soft feathery furred arms about his shoulders again as she stood on her tiptoes. She kissed him deeply and giggled. As she withdrew her muzzle from his lips.

Randolph sat in the bench seat and invited his wife on his lap wich she promptly accepted. He opened a menue and began reading off what they could dine on.

"Oooh, salmon steak." The collie femme crooned and pointed to the item.

"Silly dog, how did you get to like fish so much?"

Brenda shrugged, "In the pound, you learn to survive."

Randolph smirked at the collie in his lap and kept reading down the menue.

"and a steak for me."

Brenda looked to him. "I wish you were canine, with that diet you would have a coat better than mine."

Randolph riffed his wifes head between her halffold ears. She yipped and squirmed in his lap as he tickled her a few momnets. Brenda stood and dawned her garb again waiting fo rthe server.

Only a minuet or two after pressing the button did an older man arrive to take their orders and then the couple found themselves alone again. Brenda flung the baklava form her again and looked at her husband from across the table. She took is hand in hers. "I'm so happy Randolph. I never imagined my life would ever be like this, with you and a litter." She smiled and leaned over to kiss him. And now I'm in the middle of a fine resturaunt with the human I love."

Randolph smiled. "I'm glad I could give you a little of the joy you brought to me dream girl."

Brenda tilted her head and smiled to him cutely.

The evening went well for brenda, the dinner was exelent, the evening did not end at the restraunt. To Brenda's surprise he took her to the theater and they watched a movie together. And in the darkness the collie was able to feed their pups unnoticed. They ended the evening walking along a waterfront in the park.

She talked to randolph about the evening as they returned home. They went upstairs, randolph putting the Kits in their crib as their mother disrobed.

Brenda cuddled to her mate under the covers of their bed she could feel her husbands breath on the back of her neck and shoulder as he slept. But she could not sleep, the exitement of her memories being played over and over again kept her awak long into the night.

* * * * * * * *

Dale bounced, it was an odd term for such a thin figure, but nothing better describes it, into Randolphs office "You have no idea what you sent me, it's amasing!" he said animately. "there were so many neurons and the receptors it's just indescribable. a veriatable univerce in a blood sample there should not be that much neurologic material in blood!"

Randolph shrugged "what does that mean?"

Dale suddenly went still and looked at Randolph. "I have no idea, it will take me years just to identify everything and have it analised, much less to figure out how it works" he then cocked his head and without even a bye scurried out the door so fast Randolph thought his pony tail would get stuck in the door.

Randolph watched the door. somehow, just fo ra moment he felt a shiver over him,.. like something forboding. But he let it pass and thought nothing more of it for the rest of the day,..

* * * * * * * *

Comment as you will I will not really be around to read it.