The Glory Of A Summers Day Part IV

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#4 of The Glory Of A Summers Day

Part four of five of 'The Glory Of A Summers Day' series. Nearly there now, hope you like his part too!

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been warned. Any reference to characters living or otherwise is purely coincidental and therefore does not carry any weight in any normal society. Now that that is out of the way, please enjoy the story.

The Glory Of A Summers Day - Part IV

It was like time had stopped for poor little Milo. A little bulge went down his throat as he gulped, the tasty liquid that was in his mouth slipping down the tube. The lovely taste kept in his mouth, but he was far too concerned about getting caught in the act to really pay much attention to the residue that was left. His little grey chest was heaving and his ears were pinned back, ready to be given a telling off.

But William was smiling from ear to ear; he knew that his son had loved the taste of his canine seed. He also knew that poor Milo was probably rather confused to what had happened too. As he saw his son pant and retreat into that submissive gesture, he just smiled more and reached a paw down to give him a gentle ruffle on the head "Don't worry little one, daddy isn't mad at you. In fact that felt really, really good son"

Milo was startled as he saw his father only smile, tilting his head a little in confusion. But as William explained to him that it had felt good, he relaxed a bit, still a little worried but letting his ears pull up a bit. He looked up at the larger wolf and gave a soft whimper, trying to look cute to gain more forgiveness "Are you sure daddy? I know I shouldn't come in here while you're asleep in the first place, never mind do...that. I kinda wanna know what happened to your peepee to make it all big like that and why it made that strange tasty stuff."

William watched the cub relax slightly and gently nodded as he talked to him in his cute little high-ish pitched voice. He had always loved his son's voice, but now it seemed to echo even more nicely in his ears as he talked about that sort of thing. As Milo stopped talking he almost whined at the sweet serenade stopping, but he controlled himself and thought how best to answer the questions he had been asked.

He came up with this and spoke it calmly to the little boy wolf, trying to explain it all the best he could without confusing his young mind "Well you see son...a males peepee usually gets big and hard like that when he needs to mate. When you touched it, daddy was dreaming that you were his mate and he started to get even more excited. When daddy got too excited, he made that special milk so that the excitement could go somewhere."

The cub just sat there, looking slightly confused at first and then slowly nodding as he started to sort of get what his father was saying. So his father had thought that he was his mate in dreams, which made sense he supposed. Milo thought for a second and tilted his head at the older wolf, wondering about something "Daddy...can I get bigger like that and make that special milk?"

William looked at the cub as he slowly slipped into understanding, smiling a bit as he started to nod. But as the young wolf's head tilted, so did that of his elder counterpart. But as the sound of the cub's question hit the elder male's ears he smirked, pretending to be unsure although he knew from experience that the cub could do both "well I'm not sure son, it's supposed to be something that adults can do but that doesn't mean you can't do it"

With a small sense of asking a little too much, the young pup kept a rapt attention on his father's words. But when he got his answer, his ears dropped a bit in disappointment and he looked a little sad that he most likely couldn't get that amazing looking feeling that the elder canine had experienced right before his eyes. He quickly shook his head and perked up again looking at his father with a little blush on his face "daddy...can you stay like that please? Without your clothes on I mean...I really like looking at you like that..."

Now it was Williams turn to blush, as he was caught completely off guard by that question. He had to force himself to regain his soft composure, smiling widely at his son and being proud of him for being so brave to ask that. He thought for a moment, before giving a little grin and nodding at the cub softly "Hmm...ok son, but only if you be nuddy with me. You're too cute to be covered up anyways hehe."

Milo blushed hard. He hadn't expected to receive an ultimatum and wasn't sure if he was comfortable with his boyhood flopping about everywhere for all to see. But who would see it? After all it was just him and his father in the house and unless someone came right up to one of the windows, there was no way they would be able to see inside. So the cub made a conscious nod and slowly stood up on the bed, pulling off his underwear and kicking them away before standing there with a blush on his little face.

William could almost see the cogs turn in the pup's mind, as he obviously mused to himself if he would do it. Just as he was about to tell him that he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to, he was thrown a sudden curveball. Milo had just downed his y-fronts and kicked them aside, leaving himself completely exposed to the elder wolf's eyes. He couldn't help but murr and smile at the blush on the cub's face, before petting at the pillow beside his head and indicating to his son that he wanted him to lay there with him.

A moment or two passed as Milo watched his father admire his nude boy body, letting him look as it was what he wanted. As he saw the elder wolf motion to him he nodded, padding quickly up and laying beside him in the bed with a little smile. His little tail wagged behind him as he lay there, he didn't know why but laying there with his father, both of them wearing nothing, it felt really strange but in a nice way.

The pair of dark green, jewel like eyes followed the cub as he lay beside him, getting to stare into his little blue ones and churr as they glimmered in the light. He felt so right there beside his child, both comfortable enough to hide absolutely nothing about their bodies to the other. The undertones of it were wrong, but the larger male no longer cared, he wanted his son and this was how he had to start getting him. William felt a rather sudden, uncontrollable urge wash over his entire body, making him shiver and smile strangely as it tingled away.

He had to act on it; it was far too strong for him not to. He rolled over, softly pinning the cub with his paw and looking at him for a moment with a smile. He was so cute, a little ball of nude fluff below him with a red face. William knew it was about to get redder still, as he leant down, closing the gap between their two faces in a careful movement. With a small breath, he let his lips meet those of his son and passionately kiss him.

Milo eeped a little, finding himself suddenly in the long-cast shadow of his father looming over him like some kind of predator. He watched the dark green sparkles looking over his body and wondered what he was going to do. The cub soon found himself looking right into the face of his father, both eyes locked for a moment. Then he got the answer to his wondering, feeling those hot lips meet his own and kiss at them tenderly. He didn't quite know why he had gotten into that predicament, but what he did know was that his body started to tingle at the kiss and he tried to copy the movements and kiss back, wanting his father to feel the same.

William was lost in the moment for a little while, knowing that he'd made the move rather suddenly and had probably confused and maybe frightened the poor cub under him. But as he felt Milo try his best to kiss back, he murred hard, letting him know that he loved this too. The elder wolf gently let his tongue out, poking it into the cub's mouth and swilling it around inside hotly, before wrapping the warm, wet muscle around the small tongue of his offspring and giving it a little squeezing.

Poor Milo was trapped, but he was far from complaining already. He meeped slightly, not really ready to have his mouth entered by the large tongue and almost gulping it into his throat. But somehow he managed to stop that and even churred softly, going limp under the bigger wolf as he felt the tongue explore the insides of his mouth. He felt the slick, hot flesh wrap around his own much smaller, but similar one and squeeze on it a little, making the cubs little body shiver. He didn't want the feeling he was getting to ever end, it was like there was a party in his chest and everyone was there. It was utterly amazing.

The two kissed for a good long while, tongues dancing away at each other a bit more, bodies pressed together hotly in a swirl of passion. But like all good things, it had to end eventually and it did when William pulled back, panting slightly. Both of their faces flushed red, but they kept their eyes locked as both uttered those three simple words that were the hardest to say to each other "I love you". Naturally the cub only knew of his love to his father as just that, but the elder wolf knew that if he explained it to him, he would probably feel the same.

The larger wolf moved back a bit and gave the pup a wide smile, he didn't have to ask if he had liked that or not, because he knew what the answer was already. He looked his boy over again and gave himself a little nod as he asked him something he never would have thought he'd say until maybe only a few hours ago "Son...I want my mate. Do you want me as yours too?"

A churr escaped the cub, as he saw a strange, almost unnatural glimmer in his father's deep, dark green eyes. Then he listened to the elder wolf speak, before eeping and pinning his ears back a little to his head. He wasn't sure what a mate was, let alone if he wanted it to be his father. But something at the back of his mind told him that this was what he wanted, something more with his father. So he nodded, smiling gently as he did "Daddy...yes...I want you as my mate too, but you're gonna have to tell me what to do"

William watched the obvious and more delicate movements of the younger wolf, wondering slightly if he even knew what being a mate meant. Although it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, he could always teach the pup one way or the other. But as the child responded, he smiled wide, his heart melting in joy at getting a mate again and pride at his son's bravery. He gave the cub a look that showed how he felt and then slowly moved down a little at a time, stroking his paws on the little wolfs chest and little round belly "Thank you so much don't know how much it means to hear you say that. Of course I'd tell you son, but I think it's easier if I show you hun. You have to let me do it though, ok?"

Milo watched as his father's facial expression changed to one of extreme joy and pride, it made him smile seeing that he could make him feel like that. He gave a little churr, loving the feeling of the soft strokes to his little chest and less small belly, his leg shaking a bit at that feeling. His ears twitched slightly as he listened to the elder wolfs words and he eventually nodding and looking at those pretty green orbs in the others head "Ok daddy, I'll let you do whatever you want with me, I trust you"

The elder wolf waited for a response, smiling and enjoying the cute little sounds the cub made as he was stroked and watching as his leg kicked a little in enjoyment. His eyes picked up the delicate movements of the little ears, watching them echo what he said into the child's brain. Then a soft smile crossed his lips, as his son spoke again, confirming that he should go ahead with what he was going to do. William slowly slipped down more after hearing that and prepared to give the cub his first conscious erection "Ok son, I'm gonna get you ready first, this might feel a little strange, but not bad at all"

And with that, the older wolf let one of his paws slip down, stroking it gently at the small package of his boy as he had done the night before. With a tender rub with his fingertips at the tiny sheathe and a gentle grind with his palm to the cub's small testicles it wasn't long until he got the reaction he was looking for. A small pink tip appeared at the top of the sheathe, quickly growing out into a small length of about three inches. With a careful claw the larger canine pulled back the small sheathe, letting the last inch of puppy flesh out to breathe in the air.

With an eep, the smaller canine jumped slightly, really not expecting his father to touch him in his private area. But, he had promised to trust him and tried to relax. It didn't really take to long, because what the older wolf was doing with his puppy package felt rather nice. He started to shudder, getting a new feeling in his very veins, the feeling of arousal. The small canine watched in awe as his cock grew out and jumped slightly as his sheathe got pulled back, making him moan out cutely. Milo couldn't believe it; he was hard and bigger than usual. This to him meant that he was grown up and he puffed his chest up in pride for a moment before relaxing again to his parent's whims.

William watched him carefully, seeing that he was a little uncomfortable at first. But he didn't have to worry for long, or much at all because Milo was quite obviously enjoying it. The older wolf chuckled a fair bit to the cute noises he was making, enjoying the sweetness of them. But he had to make sure that he was going to enjoy the next part of the process too, so he moved his other paw down. That warm paw would eventually shift the cub slightly, making him more lain back and exposing his little rump to the cool air. He then placed the paw on the rump and stroked it a little, purring as he got a good feel of its strange roundness. As the wolf watched his son carefully, he gently rubbed a fingertip around the others tight virgin rear entrance, careful not to frighten him too much as the other paw slowly started to stroke his length gently.

Milo didn't know why, but he felt himself be moved, letting his body go limp a bit as he did. He now found his rear to be hit by a little draft coming form somewhere, making him shiver. But it was allright, as the warm paw of his father soon rested and rubbed over the cold cheeks. Just as he was starting to enjoy that feeling, he felt something stroke at his butt hole, making him jump a bit and look down to see what it was. Seeing that it was just his father's finger he laid back again with a little shudder as he felt his sensitive male flesh stroked by the hot paw. He could feel something starting to build up inside him, like the need to use the bathroom but slightly different somehow.

A tender smirk crossed the elder wolf's muzzle, as he watched the cub react to his touches in such ways. He felt the little star under his tail clench slightly to his fingers touches, before relaxing and clamping again. William gave Milo a reassuring look, before softly pressing his fingertip into the untrained hole and opening it out softly with the thick digit. He made sure to keep stroking at the cub's small pillar of pink flesh, going slightly faster now to try and keep the pleasure up there, rather than let the younger male feel the sting of the first penetration he'd gotten.

The poor cub looked up at his father, seeing him smile strangely at him and shyly smiling back. But the happy look was broken, as he felt the thick finger of the other male enter him slowly. It was like a burning inside, pain aching up his small spine for a while and making him whimper for it to stop. However, as it just lay there inside him, he slowly got used to its girth and eventually started to murr again at the pleasure it seemed to add to what was happening to his cock. Small pants started to escape him, a small knot growing at the base of his puppy cock as the building feeling in his crotch built up more and more until he was on the edge of release.

It carried on and increased more, the elder wolves playing with the cub did. His finger slipped a little further into his newly opened hole and started to slowly pump away, letting him slowly open out deeper and deeper. It wasn't long until he had the finger hilted in his son's rear hole, wiggling it gently about inside the unexplored regions and stroking at the tiny button of pleasure that was the cub's prostate gland. He cold feel the little pink maleness expand in his paw and was a little surprised to see that he had a knot this time, but it was a welcome surprise because he now knew that the boy was ready to burst forth with his underage seed.

Milo gasped, as more and more of his father's finger sunk into his innards. It felt like it was almost poking into his belly by the time it was all in and when William twisted it around inside the poor hole it clenched in a little pain and pleasure combo. But then, something happened. The cub felt the finger hit something and it was like a pressure switch inside him. He felt himself shudder hard and then howled out at the top of his lungs, the pleasure finally getting to the inexperienced pup. A series of bursts of seed followed, the pup humping up as each one was forced from his tip. Every shot rained onto his belly and got it relatively wet in the sticky cream.

William murred as the cub finally broke. He felt the newly opened butt hole clench hard only a short moment before the seed shot out and it continued on as the pup orgasmed hard. His paw on his son's cock stopped and gently squeezed the small knot, as the finger still inside his ass stroked at his sensitive spot, eager to let him have the fullest release possible.

As the final few, small shots of puppy cum dribbled down the pink rod, poor Milo was left spent and panting hard as he came down from the most intense pleasure he'd ever experienced before. As he dried up, William finally withdrew his paws, carefully pulling his finger out of the cub's hole and letting his knotted length flop onto his belly gently.

The elder wolf smiled down at his child and chuckled slightly. He moved his head down and took a few long licks of the cubs belly, cleaning it of his young seed quickly before moving down to lick at the still-twitching cock. William was careful, knowing that it would be super sensitive after that powerful climax. His tongue swiftly got the small pup completely clean and then he murred, savouring the taste of the young load in his mouth a bit before gulping it down.

Poor Milo could only pant in exhaustion and watch as his father started cleaning him up of the mess. His body cringed slightly as he felt the tongue clean his cock, but he could hardly even whimper in his current state. He let himself pant hard for a while as the other wolf backed away a little to savour and swallow his second load. It was a rather slow recovery, but after a few minutes he looked up tiredly at the elder wolf and smiled a little " daddy......that felt...really good"

A gentle smirk crossed William's face as he watched the cub recovering slowly from that mind-numbing feeling of intense pleasure. He was quite surprised when the cub spoke, not really expecting him to be able to for at least a few more minutes. But he smiled nonetheless, moving his paw to the cubs head and petting him gently in congratulations "Hehe I bet it did Milo my boy, I'm really proud of you. I'm going to let you get some rest now, but later on I'm going to mate with you for real."

Milo noticed the other wolfs look of surprise, not really sure what had caused it but not too worried about it as he was still recovering slightly. As he got a petting he churred gently, his little tail wagging tiredly. He half-listened to the praise and smiled as he got offered sleep, but then he eeped slightly at the last part of what his father had said "t-t-that wasn't mating?"

William watched him, laughing gently at how cute he was being. He watched his tail move lazily back and forth for a little while, almost hypnotic in its rhythm. But as the cub eeped he looked up into his face, which looked rather confused at what they just did if it wasn't mating. The old wolf looked at him with a soft smile and a ruffle of his head "No it wasn't hun, that was what people do before mating. It's called foreplay." The wolf had knowingly told him that last fact, he somehow knew that it didn't really matter anyway at this point.

The cub lazily let the other male watch his tail for a bit, swaying it more for him. Then as William looked down, he looked up with that confused face he often wore. As his head got ruffled he meeped slightly, but still listened to what the elder male had to say. He gave a smile and then yawned wide, what he'd just done really taking the wind from his sails. His eyelids shut and he churred into a sleep, uttering one last thing before he slipped into the slumber "mmm, foreplay..."

A wolfish grin crossed William's face, watching and staring at the cub as he cutely yawned. His grin grew as Milo shut his eyes and said that final thing, knowing that the child's dreams would most likely be filled with what he had just experienced. The old wolf slowly and carefully tucked him under the covers, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead before leaving him to enjoy his newly found erotic dreams...

The Glory Of A Summers Day- Part III

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been...

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The Glory Of A Summers Day - Part II

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been...

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The Glory of A Summers Day Part I

This story is for adult audience only and as such contains scenes that would be considered unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. This story contains gay cub sex and therefore is only suited to those willing to read about such. You have been...

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