0 - Dekusoura, Dark Soul

Story by AGaruna on SoFurry

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Basis: Da-ku souru (Jap. "??????" "Dark Soul")

Nickname: Sora, Deku

Origin: Alternate reality Decavou (Viral Core, "Decavou Garous Garuna"). This 'Viral Darkness' has been the apocalyptic master, the destroyer of Newearth, Rendeara. Regretful of his deeds, he wanders worlds, trying to make up for the evil he has done. His skin is nonexistant, and his old beauty is forevermore gone. His whole left arm is fully made of Corrupt Tykle (Jap. "???????????EX???" "Black Blood Tykle EX"), only remotely usable when he channels dark energy. He wields the Black Blade (Jap."???????????" "Dark Doom Blade", also known as the Doomsday Knife (Jap. "??????" "Apocalypse Knife"). By channeling his dark energy into his blade, he can perform an attack known as Blade Dance (Jap. "????????" "Dance of Blades"), which slices the opponents he chooses. His blade can change into other things for easy hiding, the most common one being the black cloak he often wears. Few can rival his power, except for his Brother, Anymys (Anymysian Core, "Anymys Gari Geralds Garould Garuna", and some Light-based and Dark-based foes he has beaten before. He has the ability to call on his 'echo', a copy of him made of solidified shadows that he can use as a second body. He uses his shadow power to fake having skin, but when that skin comes into contact with direct sunlight, it evaporates into the shadows that it is made of, showing his metal underskin. When he meets people that he sees have walked, or may attempt to walk on 'a dark path', he tells them about what happened to him, warning them not to mess with the shadows, then often leaving. He has Psycho-Cybernetics in his head and hands, allowing him to communicate and interact using psychic energy, which also allows him to form near-unbreakable barriers with it, as well as catch incoming projectiles with it. He has a tender side for the innocence in children, and will fight to protect them, regardless of whether or not he had wanted to fight. He avoids fights for the fact that he becomes more 'in tune' with his own Darkness when fighting, allowing him to do despicable things he would never normally do, but if he is reminded before things get out of hand, he can stop it from happening. His eyes glow a deep crimson in darkness, matching him quite closely with a demon-esque creature, but if you look closely enough at his eyes, you will find that they reflect a deep regret and sadness from long ago. When in contact with direct sunlight, his eyes take on a normal state, as though the sun banishes the darkness into the depths of his consciousness.When he lets his darkness take over, he can perform the ability "Blood Rain", using his Corrupt Tykle hand, he clenches it, producing Blood Tykle bullet rain that seems very similar to a true blood rain attack.

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