A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 9)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#9 of -A Name, Not A Number-

"It took you guys long enough" said the tiger to his friends who had just came out of Ky's room.

The couple started giggling as they walked over and sat on the couch next to each other, paws laced together.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Tobias said to his friend, who was intently focused on the movie. "I guess we kinda lost track of time."

"Yeah, I could hear that." Josh scoffed jokingly.

"You heard us?" questioned the embarrassed wolf as blood rushed to his face, turning it an obvious shade of red.

"Yep. A little too well, I might add." said the feline.

"Oops. Sorry about that." Tobias said as he leaned his head against the shoulder of his mate.

"It's fine." Josh assured him.

The three friends sat and watched the movie, adding little comments about it once in a while. The husky nuzzled the soft fur of Ky's neck and inhaled through his nostrils, smelling the sweet scent of his boyfriend's soft fur. The couple cuddled together as the movie came nearer to the end. After several minutes, the movie ended and the three were faced with the same dilemma that they were faced with earlier in the day.

"Hmmm... So what do we do now?" questioned the happy wolf.

"Let's go eat!" Josh declared, "It's already past six and I am really hungry."

"Good idea!" Tobias stated, "Now that I think about it, I am really hungry."

"Yeah, me too." said the lupine as he got up and pulled his mate with him, "Where do you wanna go?"

"Let's just drive and choose on the way." suggested the tiger as he led the way out the door.

"Kk." Tobias agreed as he went around the front of the van and opened his door.

"Shotgun!" Ky yelled to the feline's dismay.

"Shit!" Josh said in a frustrated tone. "I always forget about that."

The canine chuckled before getting into the driver's seat and stating the engine. Ky got in next to him and the tiger got in the back. Tobias floored it, only getting a little squeak out of the tires, due to the vans lack of power, and drove out of the driveway. They sped down the road towards town and the lupine turned on the stereo. He went through the CD's until he found one he liked.

"I love this song." Ky said as Knights of Cydonia by Muse started playing. "The chords are so awesome."

"Yeah, I love this song too." Tobias said as he rolled his window down, letting the warm air push its way into the van.

The lupine rolled down his window before playing the air guitar to the music. Tobias looked into his rearview mirror only to his a big, goofy tiger dancing to the music. The husky started laughing as he sped down the road, stereo blaring. They passed several places before settling Mexican fast food. They went through the drive-thru and got their food. They stopped in a deserted parking lot and ate their food. After finishing they decided to go cruising as daylight started leaving the small town. They drove around town, stopping occasionally to chat with a couple of friends, and played music loudly.

Tobias could feel his happiness physically. It was so strange. He was tingly all over and he just wanted to hug everyone he saw. It was the best feeling in the world; driving around at sunset, the now cool air rushing into the windows, loud music playing, and being with the best boyfriend and best friend in the whole world. He could spend the rest of his life doing this. But unfortunately, the husky's biggest enemy, the enemy that made every good moment in his life go away, was doing the same today; Time, the one thing that could never be stopped and would always end all good things.


Darkness slowly consumed the road and everything else in the city. The three friends continued cruising around and stopping at several hang-out-points for a few hours until they decided to call it quits.

"It's almost ten. I think I better go home now." Josh stated. "My mom is probably really pissed."

"Hmmm, ok. I probably should too." agreed the canine. "K, I will drop you guys off and do you guys want a ride in the morning? Since it's Ky's first day, I think I will drive to school tomorrow."

"That would be great." said the tiger.

"Yeah!" Ky agreed, "I am so excited."

"Me too!" Tobias said.

The husky drove back to Josh's house and after saying their goodbyes, dropped him off. He then drove to the lupines house.

"Today was really fun." Ky said.

"I know. I am so happy right now." explained the canine.

"Me too." agreed the wolf, "So, I guess I will see you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, goodbye love." Tobias said.

"Bye gorgeous." said the lupine before leaning and kissing his boyfriend on the lips.

Tobias kissed back and after a few seconds broke it. "I love you."

"Love you too." Ky responded as he got out of the van. "See ya."

"Bye." the husky said before waving. He watched to make sure his lover got into his house ok before driving away.

Tobias drove home and went his room. He stripped to his boxers, got into his bed, curled up under the cool blankets, and waited for them to warm up. He closed his and felt that extremely comfortable feeling come as he waited for sleep to take him. He was too tired to think about anything and within a few minutes, he fell asleep.


The husky woke up the next morning, feeling great. He was so excited about going to school with his boyfriend and he had the best day the day before. Happiness overwhelmed him. After lying in his bed awhile, Tobias got up and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror, only to see a very tired looking husky looking back at him. The canine in the mirror had fur sticking out in every which way and had his eyes half closed. Tobias left the familiar reflection and went to turn on the shower. After turning on the water, he brushed his teeth and tongue, waiting for the water to get warm. He rinsed his mouth, went to the shower, and felt the water with his paw. It was just right, so he pulled the tab that turned on the shower nozzle. The husky stripped off his boxers, but hesitated getting in the shower. He hated the feeling of shock he always got when he stepped under the water. After a couple seconds, he jumped in and endured the short moment of shock. After adjusting to the water, he lathered his fur with wash. He rinsed, got out, and dried off. Once his fur was dried, Tobias decided to straighten his hair. He spent a few minutes doing that before looking in the mirror one last time to make sure there were no flaws. He ran down the hall, nude because he forgot to bring extra clothes, and shut his door behind him. He picked out a pair of boxers and grabbed a pair of cargo shorts that he had purposefully splattered paint all over. The canine then chose a tight, black and brown grunge shirt and put it on. He threaded his black, cloth belt through the belt loops and sprayed on some cologne before grabbing his keys and running out of his house.


Tobias impatiently pressed his paw against the horn, trying to tell his friend to hurry. After a few minutes of honking, he watched the clumsy tiger bound out the door. The feline tripped a couple of times before finally reaching the van and opening the door.

"What took you so long?" asked the canine as he started backing out of the driveway.

"Sorry, I kinda lost my backpack." Josh explained.

"Ah." Tobias said as he drove.

The canine soon turned into his boyfriend's driveway and saw a cute wolf holding a backpack. Ky was wearing some tight jeans and a grey t-shirt with black pinstripes. Tobias smiled as his love walked towards the van. The husky greeted his mate when the sliding door was opened.

"Good morning gorgeous." said the canine.

"Good morning to you beautiful." Ky responded.

"Hey Ky." greeted the feline.

"Hello Josh." said the lupine.

"So, are you excited?" Tobias asked as he started driving towards the school.

"You bet!" answered the wolf.

The three friends talked about the day to come. Ky explained what classes he had and to Tobias's relief, four of their classes matched up (including Honor's English). After several minutes of driving, they arrived at the school that always seemed so gloomy, but now seemed somewhat happy now that the husky could spend his time with his mate there.

After parking in the student parking lot, they all piled out and headed towards the school. They headed into the school, Tobias getting the usual insulting comments along the way. The two friends showed the wolf around the school and showed him where his classes were going to be. After giving him the grand tour, the three went and had breakfast. The bell then rang, sending them off to their first classes. They all walked down the down the hall and Josh separated from them as he went to class. Luckily, the canine's first class was one of the four that he shared with his mate.

"This, as you already know, is World History. He is an ok teacher, but he is really strict. He is the one who took my phone away from me yesterday. " explained Tobias before saying his next sentence partly to himself, "Speaking of which, I need to get that today."

"Oh, well I will make sure not to text in his class like a naughty doggy that I know of." Ky jokingly said to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, he is naughty, but you seem to like him quite a bit, so it shouldn't be that much of a problem." joked the "naughty" husky.

"Liking him quite a bit would be a huge understatement." said the cute wolf before walking up to the teacher to talk about joining the class.

Tobias watched his mate walk up to the teacher's desk and smiled as he watched his wolf's tails swoosh back and forth as he walked. How was he ever going to fight his urges to kiss that beautiful wolf? The canine watched the lupine converse with the teacher, but was unable to understand what they were saying.


"Ok class, everyone quiet down." Mr. Garrington said in a stern voice, "I would like you to meet the new addition to our class. This is Akkia."

"Ummm, you can just call me Ky." explained the wolf to the teacher.

"Hmmm, ok. Ky." said the teacher, correcting himself, "So treat him with the upmost respect to make him feel comfortable." The teacher then put his paw on the young lupine's back and said, "You may choose a seat now."

"Ok Mr. Garrington. Thanks." Ky said before going to sit in an empty desk behind his boyfriend.

The teacher began talking about the Romans as Tobias turned around and smiled at his boyfriend. He got a smile in return before he turned back around and started drawing something on a blank sheet of paper. His skillful paw guided the pencil he was holding around the piece of paper as dark lines appeared on the contrasting white sheet. The shapes of two silhouettes slowly appeared on the page, one of a wolf, the other of a husky. The two silhouettes were leaning against each other and were holding paws. The background of the drawing gradually dissipated the further it got from the couple in the center. After several minutes, the husky was satisfies with it, so he put his signature on it and wrote a little note to the side of it. He folded the paper a couple of times before casually passing it back to his boyfriend. (They sat in the back corner so it wasn't that hard to do anything without being caught.)

Tobias felt the familiar paw take the folded paper from his paws, he turned his attention to the front of the room, even though he was thinking about his mate's reaction. The husky listened to the paper being unfolded and could feel the smile growing on the muzzle behind him. He listened as a pencil scribbled some stuff on the paper and reached back when he heard it being folded. The paper was returned to his paw and he brought it up to his desk. He unfolded it and felt a warm fuzzy feeling grow inside of him as he read the little note.

The couple continued writing back and forth throughout the whole class period. After a while, Tobias noticed the time on the clock and put his things in his bag as he waited for the bell to ring. He counted down in his head and got up just as the bell rang.


"So how did you enjoy your first class?" asked the canine to his secret lover.

"Hmmm.... The class? Not so much. Reading your notes? I enjoyed a lot." said the wolf jokingly, "Thanks for the beautiful drawing by the way."

"Anytime." Tobias said, "I am glad you liked it."

"Oh, I did." said the lupine as they walked out the door.


The day went on as the couple found more and more secret ways to express their love for each other. Every class that the husky had without his mate felt like it went so slowly. Every moment that he wasn't with his love lasted ten times as long as when he was with Ky. But, the classes that he was with him, were wonderful.

Ky slowly adjusted to his new surroundings and made a couple of friends as the day went along. Both he and Tobias were very happy to hear that they had the same lunch period. He thought Mrs. Marsh's class was the best out of all of them, just like his husky said it would be. School ended and the wolf followed his boyfriend down the halls as he tried to help locate his locker. They eventually found it and after putting his books in it, they went to Tobias's locker. The canine put his stuff away and the three friends headed towards the exit.

"Wow, today was a lot better than I suspected." said the lupine as they opened the door, letting the cool breeze hit them.

"I am really glad you liked it." said the canine. "I actually enjoyed it a lot t- Oh crap!"

"What?" Josh asked as they stopped walking.

"I forgot to try and get my phone from the office that Mr. Garrington put it in." Tobias explained as he turned around. "Stay here, I will be right back."

"K." Ky and Josh said in unison.

The husky ran back into the school and ran up to the office. He saw one of his older friends inside and asked him to get his phone for him.

"Well, I guess I owe you for texting me the answers in Geometry. Just a sec." said the cheetah as he gracefully walked back into a room to retrieve the phone.

"Thanks." Tobias said to his friend.

The cheetah eventually found the phone and walked back to the counter.

"Here you go." said the feline, "Just don't get it taken away. I don't want to get caught getting it back for you and get kicked off Stu-Co."

"K, I will try not to." laughed the canine, "See ya."

He ran back outside and met back up with Ky and Josh. They walked towards the van while Tobias explained how he retrieved the phone. They arrived at the van and piled in.

"Let's go to my house and play Xbox." said the tiger as changed the stereo to a song that he wanted to listen to.

"Fine, but we're going to my house next time." said the canine as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward his friend's house.


After dancing to the loud music in the van a while, they arrived at the large house. They all got out of the van and walked up to the house. The three friends went inside and ran upstairs. Josh went over to the Xbox and turned it on. He handed Ky and Tobias controllers and sat on the couch next to them. They all started playing Halo. It was no surprise that the feline dominated the other two, inexperienced furs, but they started getting the hang of it gave Josh a run for his money. They played for a couple of hours before getting bored of it.

"Hmmm, I am hungry." stated the lanky tiger, "Let's order some pizza."

"That sounds good." Ky said.

"So when do your rents get home?" asked the husky, yawning in the middle as he stretched his arms and legs.

"Around six I think." Josh answered before bounding towards the phone.

"I hope they don't mind us being here" said the wolf before pushing his boyfriend on his back and hugged his torso. The wolf rubbed his face I against his mate's chest and inhaled deeply.

"Nah, they won't." said the feline as he dialed number he knew by heart.

Ky rested his chin on his husky's chest and looked up at him. He watched his straightened hair move a bit in the slight breeze that moved around the room. He looked into the deep blue eyes of the beautiful husky and noticed the slight twinkle. He reached up and moved the hair out of his boyfriend's eyes with his paw before moving up and kissing him.

The two pushed their tongues into each other's mouths and tasted the familiar taste of saliva. Ky pulled their bodies closer together and ground his crotch into his lover's. Tobias murred and continued kissing as Josh placed the order.

"What kind of pizza do you guys wa- Oh." said the tiger as he felt a stir in his pants. He then put the phone back to his ear and said, "We'll just have three medium pepperonis, and a two liter of sprite."

The couple continued their make out session, unaware that their friend was secretly watching as he talked on the phone. Ky slid up and down on his lover's body and pushed his body against the warm mass of fur and flesh that he was laying on top of. Tobias moved his paws around his mate's warm body and moaned to his wolf's maw as his soft boxers rubbed against his hardening cock. The husky suddenly realized that they weren't holding back very well for their friend so he pulled out of the kiss and looked at his friend to apologize. Just before he said sorry he saw that Josh was staring at them and noticed that his shorts were tented.

After a quick pause to try to understand what his friend was doing, he said, "Sorry about that. We kinda forgot about you."

"Nah, its fine. I am actually getting kind of used to it and it's not so bad." said the tiger as he readjusted his member, trying to hide it.

The canine then looked back at his boyfriend and scritched the top of his head. Ky smiled and gave his husky a quick lick on the lips.

"Pizza should be here in about a half an hour." Josh said as walked over to the couch and sat on top of both his friends.

"Ugh. Come on, get off." Ky said as the air was pushed out of his lungs.

"Yeah, your crushing me." agreed the husky.

"Oops, I didn't see you there. Sorry about that." said the laughing tiger as he got up.

"Sure..." the wolf said sarcasticly.

The three furs sat around and talked about random things as they waited for the pizza to arrive. After a long time of talking, and a few wrestling matches, the pizza finally arrived. Josh paid the delivery fox and brought the three boxes inside.

"We got pizza!" Josh said happily.

"Three whole pizzas?" Tobias questioned, "I can hardly eat half of one."

"Me too." agreed the lupine.

"Well, that means all the more for me." laughed the feline as plopped down on the couch, holding the pizza, the two liter of Sprite, and three plastic cups.

Josh handed out the pizzas and cups to his friends, before opening his own box and shoving half a slice into his maw. Ky and Tobias laughed at the site of their friend devouring the pizza. After the laughter subsided they took their own slices and took a couple of bites out of them. They sat and talked as they ate their pizza.


After eating as much pizza as they could, besides the large tiger, who finished all the left over pizza and was still hungry, they sprawled themselves out on the couch and floor. Their calm digestion was then interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

"HONEY, WE'RE HOME!" said the voice of a female tiger.

"Hey Josh. How ar- Oh, you have friends over." boomed a voice from a large tiger standing in the entrance of the room. "Hello, my name is Jon."

The wolf got up and shook the large tiger's paw as he introduced himself. "Hi, I am Ky."

"Nice to meet you, and this is my wife Carol."

"Hi" Ky said waving to the female.

"And you know me Jon." the husky said jokingly.

"Yes, a little too well I might add." Jon said sarcastically.

"Heyyy." Tobias said.

The three teenagers talked with the adults awhile before they told their son that it was time to go to bed. After a few minutes of pleading, he finally gave up, said goodbye to his friends, and went to his room. The secret couple left after saying goodbye to their friend's parents and got in the van.

"You wanna spend the night at my house tonight?" asked the canine as he started the engine.

"That would be awesome!" Ky said excitedly.

"K, let my call my rents first." Tobias said.

The husky called his parents and after a while of arguing, convinced them to say yes. The two furs listened to the music as they drove down the dark road. After awhile, Tobias turned onto his driveway and carefully drove down the road, not wanting to bottom out on the messed up gravel road. They finally arrived at the modern log cabin that was hidden under a blanket of trees.

"Wow, cool house." Ky said to his mate.

"Nah, yours is way better." The canine said as he parked off the driveway and turned off the engine.

"I still like yours." explained the wolf.

The couple got out and went into the house. After the greetings and introductions, they went down the hallway to Tobias's room. They walked in and Ky was amazed by the realistic and abstract paintings that covered the walls. The wolf complimented every one before they undressed, turned off the lights, and got into the medium sized bed.

"You are an amazing artist." said the lupine, looking into the eyes of his boyfriend as his own adjusted to the darkness.

"I 'm not that good." the husky said looking back into the eyes of his only love.

"Don't be modest." Ky said as he moved his paw to his canine's hip.

"I 'm not." explained Tobias, "So... Did you happen to notice Josh staring at us while we were making out?"

"Umm, no. Was he?" questioned the wolf.

"Yeah, and he had a hardon too." said the cute canine.

"Really... Well maybe there is more to this feline than he is letting on." giggled the lupine, "Hmmm, maybe we should bring him in on some of our fun?"

"Yeah, I bet he would like that." Tobias said as he started giggling, "I guess I could share you with him, but you're still mine."

"Ditto for you too." Ky said playfully.

The husky looked into his love's eyes and noticed the reflection of the starlight coming through the window in them. They looked like someone had sprinkled glitter in his eyes, making sparkle and shimmer. They were beautiful. He watched the fur on his face wiggle slightly as he exhaled. Tobias thought about how fortunate he was to have such a beautiful, amazing wolf. He felt that familiar warm, tingly feeling come over him as he caressed his mate's face. He was so happy. He was so in love."

"I love you Ky."

"I love you too Tobias. Sweet dreams."

"They will only be filled with you. Goodnight love."

"Night Gorgeous."


Hi! I am really satisfied with this chapter and I hope you liked it just as much as I did. After taking that short break from writing, I want to do it all the time, so there should be a new one very soon. Thanks for reading and please comment and tell me what you think.