The Dangers of NSA

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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Warning ahead all ye who may be squeamish and cannot handle things of extreme nature! Turn back and do not read! For this is a collaboration between myself and the tiger of legend, Charn

If you have read his work, you can assume what ahead is something for those who can handle something of this genre, so please, no disgusted comments!

Anyway, enjoy!

The Dangers of NSA © Komatose and Charn

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The Dangers of NSA

By Komatose and Charn © 2012

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"Hey! Glad you could find the place. Hope the directions weren't too much trouble for you," said a deep and seductively toned male as he leaned against the open doorway to the home he resided in. "Damn...I gotta say, you look amazing up close and personal," Said the proud male lion, standing at least seven feet tall as his luxuriously fluffed and well pampered mane surrounded his high and mighty head. Ralan's deep brown eyes looked down upon the shorter guest he had invited over to his home.

"Please, come on in," he said with a toothy grin as he stepped back, allowing his guest into his den. It was one of those Quaidslist meetings, a typical advertisement stating "Horny male ISO fucking and sucking' or something like that to an extent. It was too hard to deny an offer, especially seeing pictures of the lion's huge, throbbing length with a matching set of balls for the photo in the ad.

"Oh, I forget...Gus, was it?" he said quizzically to the male that was stepping into his abode, a simple nod being the only reply. Ralan allowed Gus to step fully inside before closing the door behind him, introducing his guest to the lovely living space on the main floor. There was a large flat-screen television mounted onto the wall, video game and music systems, plenty of modern decor around... and the scents in the air, there had to be more than just the lion that resided here.

"So...Gus? Do you want to come up to the bedroom or just do the deed right here on my comfy sofa?" Ralan said with his deep, rolling voice as he motioned over to the large leather sofa in the living room, sure, it did look comfy, well, to himself it did anyway.

Gus stood silent for a moment, as if he was pondering the options, then finally spoke. "The sofa is fine," he spoke in a rather monotonic voice, but Ralan could easily pass it off as nervousness, perhaps intimidation. Ralan was a rather lovely specimen of his kind; the lion having a nice, muscular, defined frame with size in all the right places where it mattered. His fur shone, his mane groomed and styled, even his tail tuft was brushed and poofed nicely.

Gus on the other hand was a badger. Perhaps an American variation of the species? Or European? Honey? No matter, Ralan did not care about diversion in species that much, since he knew his kind were the true king of species. Though it was funny how all of the African lion kingdoms collapsed years ago, descending the entire continent into turmoil, civil war, and famine... Probably because of dilution of the royal blood line. That and other rogue cat species taking over. Oh well! He was safe in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Gus had a bit of bulk on his frame, thick arms and legs, a powerful chest and shoulders that held up his almost expressionless head. He did have a bit of a gut, but it was one of those well muscled, solid guts, certainly not a fat one, or else Ralan would not have acknowledged the reply to his advertisement. The badger was dressed quite plainly in a white button down collared shirt, tan khaki shorts around his thick thighs, and a pair of sandals at the footpaws accenting the large black claws.

Ralan figured that Gus perhaps needed something to drink, that could possibly cut the tension in the air. "Would you like something to drink? A beer? Maybe something harder? I have rum, whiskey, vodka?" He said as he motioned back to the kitchen, but Gus merely shook his head.

"No thank you. I am just nervous," the badger admitted, causing Ralan to purse his lips and nod softly.

"Ooh, don't you worry now, Gus, I know I am handsome and well hung, but we are still in our clothes!" he boasted as the proud and muscular lion was in a simple black tank top, showing off his arms proudly as his dense, powerful legs had on a loose pair of red workout shorts, showing a rather ample outline of the bulge hidden inside. Ralan stepped on over to the sofa and plopped himself onto the black leather surface, spreading his legs a bit and patting the spot next to him.

"Sit with me for a bit, that will make you feel better," he assured as he let out a charming purr deep from within his chest, the badger slowly nodding and strolling over, slowly seating himself onto the spot that was open for him. Ralan took a moment to look over the badger; he sure did have a nice, thick frame to him, but he really needed to loosen up, it was killing the mood a little.

He draped his brawny, hairy arm over the shorter, but thicker male's broad shoulders, patting along the dense deltoid muscle, giving it a squeeze. "Oh, Gus, you sure have some strong shoulders. Don't you want to touch me?" he slumped down in the couch, spreading his legs slightly, invitingly. His body was completely open for the badger to touch, all he had to do was reach out and go for it.

Gus finally reached over and rested one of his dull-clawed paws on the lion's naked knee, touching through the thick soft fur there. Ralan chuckled approvingly, letting a warm purr encourage the badger more.

"See? I won't bite you...not yet at least."

That got a smile from Gus, and those fingers slid up along his thigh. They tickled, the badger squeezing along his powerful thigh muscle until fingers were touching at the end of the leg of his gym shorts. Ralan could feel his cock thickening, that broad banana-shaped cudgel fattening up and sliding under the fabric. Gus was watching it intently, watching the lion's erection lift up from the still heavy bulge of his fat nuts, which kept his shorts pulled tightly over that great length of dick.

Ralan breathed deeply, as those fingers slid just inside the leg of his shorts, smirking and flexing his hips, clenching down just enough to make his cocktip just brush against his fingertips. "You can touch it, Gus. That's why you came over, right? You wanted a taste of hot lion stud, didn't you?"

Gus nodded, sliding out from under the lion's heavy arm. "I did. And I think I'll have that taste." The badger slid down, off of the couch and onto his knees. He studied Ralan's face, watching him intently as he moved, and Ralan watched back with almost lidded eyes as the badger moved in between his spread thighs. Everything Gus was doing seemed planned, intentional, concise. The way he used his elbows to push the lion's knees just a little bit further apart, the way he nuzzled one side, and then the other of his bulge in his shorts. It was a bunch of little things that were adding up to the lion getting one of the stiffest erections he'd had in a long time. He was used to his one night stands just diving onto him and servicing him like the proud, regal king he was. Gus was so deliberately slow that it was driving Ralan mad!

The lion finally decided to help the badger out, and pulled up at one leg of his shorts, tugging and edging it up until his cockhead was jutting stiffly out, a thick dark spear of reddish brown, the smooth skin gleaming. Gus didn't seem any more excited then he had just a little bit earlier, so Ralan kept pulling, lifting and tugging at his shorts until his peachfuzzed orbs flopped out onto the scratchy couch cushion as well. They had always flopped and hung low, easy to move around, and the lion tugged at his shorts, lifting up behind them to push them forward.

"Come on, Gus... enjoy yourself. Have a taste. Just a slurp, a lick, and you'll be hooked." The throbbing, uncut shaft of the proud male lion stood at a whopping thirteen inches long, not to mention nearly as thick as a soda can, making it quite the impressive shaft to behold. The balls were another story all in their own; each one the size of a plump orange, hefty and packed away into the loose sack they lived in. Ralan had the natural look for his privates, a thick shrub of brown fur around his shaft and even a small trail leading down the middle of his sack, leading all the way over his taint and running up the lion's asscrack, giving it quite a hairy look back there as well.

Gus's large, clawed hands came to the massive cock, leaning in softly to sniff the swollen glans as it lay hidden under the thick layer of foreskin, the potent lion's balls already producing pre as a pearly bead of it was forming at the large, wine-red tip under the skin. The badger's paws wrapped around the base of the shaft, giving it a slow yet firm squeeze, causing the lion to groan and thrust his hips forward, the musky lionhood prodding the badger in the face.

"Come on... wrap those lips around it, can't you feel how hard I am for you?" Ralan said with a toothy grin, the lion's large, bare foot paws stretching and then the toes curling as he awaited the badger to make a move and get to some action, as he had claimed he was interested in to begin with. Finally, the badger's maw slowly opened and slowly, the thick black lips wrapped around the lion's thick head, giving Gus quite a stretch but nothing the wide-jawed male could not handle. Ralan groaned out hotly from deep within his chest, his paws slowly going for his shirt to peel it off and show his upper body, the well formed eight pack of abs, the large, powerful chest as he pumped his pecs for the badger, all of it topped off with a thick treasure trail that led from pubic shrub all the way to the mane.

"You think I'm sexy, don't you? Yeah...they all do," he said with a hiss from behind clenched teeth as Gus slowly bobbed his head on the shaft, taking in the taste. The salty, musky flavor was pleasing to his senses as he took it in, such a ripe, fresh flavor it was. Gus rumbled deeply, showing some enjoyment as his lips clenched and he slowly bobbed his head for a moment on Ralan's throbbing, veiny length.

"Mmm...there you go...just take in a little more...I know you can take every inch in if you really tried," he urged, purring seductively afterwards as he ran his own paws over his powerful chest, fingers coming to the perk nipples, giving them a pinch with a moan, toying with himself playfully to make the pleasure only heighten. Gus was bobbing slowly on the shaft, taking his time on it, sucking and slurping softly for a moment before he pulled back and off with a wet slurp, the glistening cockhead left throbbing and drooling precum.

Ralan looked down at the badger with a cocked eyebrow, wondering why he stopped as he continued to pinch and play with his sensitive pink nipples, noticing the badger going a bit lower, a grin coming back as it seemed Gus had taking an interest to the lions low-hanging, heavy, full nutsack.

"You like my balls, huh? Mmm, big and juicy, aren't they? Full of my cum, which you will need to work a bit harder to get out. Go ahead and pop one into your mouth, or try." There was a soft flash to Gus's eyes, it was a bit odd to see, almost like something had changed in his mind as suddenly an almost demonic grin came to those black lips and teeth. A soft hiss of air came from behind Gus's sharp teeth as the clawed paws grasped the lion's heavy sack, rolling the hairy orbs around.

There was no reply as the badger slowly leaned in under Ralan's hard, throbbing cock, his nose sniffing one of the low-hangers and growling softly, drool almost beginning to drip down the corners of the wide-mawed badger as slowly the jaws opened quite wide, Ralan's brows perking with interest to see just how wide the badger could really open his mouth.

"Yeah, that's it, go for it, take my big nut into your mouth," the lion said with a grinning growl as slowly. Gus leaned in, pressing the warm musky flesh against his lips and slowly stuffing a heavy, large testicle into his maw, the hairy trail between them tickling his lips as he managed to cram an entire nut into his mouth. Slowly, the lips closed and gave it a tender suckle, the flavors pleasing to his tongue and a heavy rumble coming deep from the back of his throat. His eyes flashed once more as his jaws came open, the teeth baring. Ralan looking down with a satisfied smirk on his proud face at the hungry badger.

"You like that, don'tcha? I would normally wash up, but man, I just been sooo busy." He grinned, folding his hands behind his head. The badger seemed to be licking, scouring his nut with his tongue, squeezing it against the roof of his mouth. "So it's probably a bit muskier than normal. Probably a bit bigger than normal, too. I hear if you don't pop off regularly your balls get kind of- Ow!"

Ralan growled, abs clenching as he curled over reflexively, the badger's lips having tightened around his nut-sack.

"Dude, did you just bite me? That fucking hurt!" He growled, his erection still twitching against his belly. The badger had gone completely still, just watching him with those strange glimmering eyes. It was kind of unnerving. The sharp pain he had felt in his nut was gone, just a dull ache now, and Ralan gradually leaned back against the couch. "Be more fucking careful."

The badger swallowed, gulping loudly and throat bobbing, like some cartoon afraid of getting into trouble. Then he started to slurp, sucking and pulling in more of the lion's scrotum, slurping it in until the feline's other big nut pressed against Gus' lips. It wasn't quite as sexy as it had been, and Ralan was feeling a bit pissy about the love-nip still. He frowned at the badger. "Oh, you want to suck on my other nut, too? I don't even know if I should let you, you said you were great with your mouth." Ralan was being kind of bitchy, but he felt kind of bitchy - it wasn't like he let just ANYONE near his crown jewels. Some people just weren't respectable.

He watched as those lips slowly widened, the badger sucking, pulling at his nut through the jaws that weren't quite wide enough to accept it. It made a dull ache in his belly, and he felt that he should push the badger away, kick him out of his house... but it felt good, the way the badger was slowly sucking his nut into that hot, hungry maw. One long wet hand wrapped around his erection, the dark black claws seeming to curl in, as Gus stroked him off...

And bit him, again!

The lion roared, this time it had to be deliberate, and he curled forward and pushed his hands against the badger's muzzle. Surprisingly, the badger didn't resist him at all, and allowed the lion to push him away from where he was still suckling on the lion's scrotum. His mouth pulled back, and the naked, fuzzy skin that held Ralan's balls flopped wet and soft and Empty against the rough couch cushions.

"Wait, wait, what?" Ralan couldn't believe his eyes, that dull pain in his groin seeming to surge to mind-wracking intensity as he placed the cause of it. His balls. They were... gone! He broke his gaze away from his emptied scrotum, to the badger who was rolling something around in his mouth. Gus was smirking, still stroking along the lion's erection, and opened his mouth to show the lion's fat, pale, gleaming testicle resting between his teeth. CRUNCH! The sound of the badger's jaws so casually chewing through his organ made the lion's belly clench, and he pushed, kicked to get away from the crazy asshole.

"Not so faaaaast," said the badger, in a distant, lazy voice. Hands were grasping at Ralan's thighs; dark, long, black hands, and the confused lion couldn't understand what was happening. There was still a hand stroking his cock, how could he be holding the lion's legs, pushing at his belly? The hands weren't hands, though. They were thick, muscular snakes, smooth and warm, gripping and coiling around his body and holding him still. They were coming from the badger, rippling under his clothes, oozing from his fingertips, bulging from the fly of his pants. The badger wasn't badger shaped anymore, his skin was tearing and splitting apart to reveal the tightly knotted masses of tentacles that reached out for him.

"Where do you think you're goooing?" the voice said, only it wasn't coming from the badger's mouth, but from inside the ... badger's chest. "You almost demanded I get a sample of what you tasted like... and I think you taste very, very good... I want morrrrre...."

The badger's arm reached up, fingers swirling without bones in them, and like some trick from a cheap horror movie, it pulled the badger's head up and off, the thick skin sliding loosely from the unfurling mass of glistening warm tentacles that apparently filled it. They were greasy looking, foaming with white and grey chunks and cream, and the lion realized it was his testicle mashed up between those ... those tentacles!

Ralan screamed, as the thing that used to be Gus lunged forward, and the lion's erection, still thirteen proud vain inches (even without its two friends hanging below) buried into the center of those tentacles. They were not very big, but he couldn't rip his hips away from them - they were wrapped up tightly in corded tentacles that were as thick and tough as garden hoses. So he could only watch as those tentacles curled and gripped and pushed against his erection, slowly getting harder, grinding harder and harder against his erection.

"Please...just let me go, I won't even--I won't sue, I won't even press charges, nobody even has to know!" Ralan babbled, tears wetting his cheekbones as those tentacles drove inwards. Instead of polishing, rubbing against his flesh, they dug into it, with spatulate edges, digging at the hard flesh. Ralan gasped, shocked into silence as they tore at the head of his cock, tugging and ripping and pulling until that mouthful of meat just ripped clean free.

He was glad at least that he couldn't see it. That 'mouth' descended, grinding and chewing, like a living pencil sharpener. He could hear the wet rupturing sounds, the sickly gulpings, the eagerness with which the thing attacked and destroyed his last erection. If he had been in a sane state of mind, maybe his cock would have gone soft and been harder to eat. Gus had a tentacle stuffed up his ass, probing and poking and squishing against those tender parts, and Ralan howled in humiliation as he felt his body eject, spewing its last load without pleasure into that grinding mass of tentacles. Soon the thing's 'face' was pressed against his groin, ripping at his sheath, claiming the last of his musky scrotum, shearing all traces of his masculinity from him. It pulled back, and the lion wept as he saw the raw, hamburger like remains that used to be his groin.

Gus wasn't done yet though.

Those tentacles in his mouth seemed to erupt, getting larger, spreading out like some obscene flower. The tentacles that had wrapped around the lion's arms pulled at them, the lion hissing and howling as his hands were plunged between them. He could feel pieces, chunks of his own cock still slithering between the tentacles. They were oozing a slime now, curling and wrapping around his forearms, gripping at his muscles and stroking along it. It was almost sensual. His legs were pulled up as well, hands and feet both being licked and curled over, being gripped and pulled at. The tingling spread with the ooze, the tickling turning into pins and needles as it soaked through the fur. There was loose fur everywhere, it was sliding out of his skin, baring the flesh underneath. His forearms were streaked with that strange frothy lube, almost completely bare as those tentacles wrapped around them and pulled again.

Ralan could only watch in shocked horror as his forearms fell apart. A well cooked salmon steak could not have flaked apart more easily, the flesh was simply detaching, pulling free and baring gleaming bone beneath. The badger claimed the thick muscle that seemed to get snagged around the lion's wrist. Another passing stroke of a tentacle and it separated, disappearing between those tentacles. The same thing happened with his left calf muscle, and then his left hand. They were claiming one piece at a time, the flesh just slithering away, greasy and raw and very much part of the lion's. It didn't hurt though, not like he'd expect, the strange feeling of 'detachment' was all that he felt. It slid up his arms, his legs, the bones being slippered out of socket, tugged and taken. The tentacles wrapped around his neck, his waist, folding him down until his muzzle poked between his knees. Folded up, completely helpless, the lion was pulled closer.

The tentacles consumed him, gripping and sliding him into a slime bath that stole everything from him. His fur, his mane, his ears, his skin, ribs, muscles. He could feel his body cavity decompress, tentacles sliding up inside him, gripping and pulling, and blissfully, Ralan blacked out.

Gus was alone now, with his folded up 'cat sandwich'. He enjoyed it at his leisure, slowly consuming down from those thick muscular shoulders, towards the tight pert butt. The long tail was the very last thing to go - Gus liked that. The way the tail would flicker, like a white flag of surrender. HE sucked out the juicy sweet meats inside the lion, tasting fuzzy lungs and chewy slippery heart, tentacle writhing and pressing through the fresh meat until all that was left WAS that toothpick like tail. Gus laid back, slowly slurping it up, sucking the marrow out of it.

That was when the door opened.

"Man...Hey Ral! You're not gonna believe how many cops I passed with open beer in my car!" exclaimed a voice from the door, turning the tentacled mass' attention to the sound as someone else was now inside of the house! The tentacles flailed like startled snakes as Ralan's body was slowly melting away and dissolving into a colorless paste inside the hearth of the creature. There was the clicking of keys, the clunking of shoes being taken off and tossed to the side as a chuckling voice came closer and turned into the living room, the soul looking upwards as a beer was slowly being poured into the muzzle.

Sure enough, it was Ralan's slutty meathead roommate, Jake. Basically the same personality as Ralan, aside from being in Doberman form. The male, shorter than Ralan for sure at about six feet tall, but still had a similar, muscular body as he was dressed in a simple blue button down, the top buttons open to show his strong chest, a pair of black denim jeans, with the fly open, around his legs.

The canine sighed as his maw was full of beer, finally looking into the living room, and naturally, spitting the liquid out all over as he reacted to what he was seeing. The Doberman screamed out in shock as he could see Ralan's mutilated form inside of the jelly-like creature.

"What the FUCK?!" He screamed, frozen in pure shock as a gentle chuckle echoed in the room.

"Ah, lovely! You're just in time for dessert," said a strange, almost liquid voice as the tentacles sprang forth towards the roommate, wrapping around his wrists and knees and holding him tight. Feeling this, he struggled with them, trying to pull back but only pulling the mass of tentacles closer to him, kicking it with a muscular leg, but the footpaw getting stuck right in the center of it. Jake hollered, growling deeply as he felt the tentacles slowly wrap around him, pulling at his clothes and tearing them away, essentially melting them as the Doberman's smooth, muscular body came into view for 'Gus' to enjoy.

The tentacles were not kind to the male, one sliding behind and pushing itself into Jake's tight ebony pucker, sliding its way in all the way like a slithering earthworm vanishing back into the soil. The Doberman howled out in shock and terror as a larger tentacle wrapped itself around the male's sizable genitals. Oh, Gus would be kinder this time, but only because he just met the male.

The gelatinous form surrounded the Doberman's length and heavy balls, slurping and sucking on them as the shaft began to rise quickly, the tentacle that buried itself deep into his muscular ass wrapping around the prostate and massaging it, causing Jake not only deep, tingling pleasure but almost a sense of euphoria as his body froze for a moment, the tentacles pulling him up from the ground and suspending him in mid-air.

The muscle bound canine's big hazel eyes were wide as his maw was forced open, another tentacle sliding down his throat, wiggling around and making the male gag and choke on it as it curled into his stomach, soaking up the contents of the strangely delightful fluid inside that the male had been consuming.

Jake was silent now as he was gagged, frozen in form from the cropped ears at the top of his head to the stub tail above his claimed asshole. Gus slurped, sucked and engorged on the cock that was forced hard as steel, slathering it with tingling goo, the prostate nudged and massaged inside. Finally the male's body tensed up, wriggled a bit, and thick ropes of white seed shot forth into the mass of tentacles, giving the dark jelly like tentacles a bit of creamy color to them as they forcibly emptied the Doberman's nuts.

Gus made quick work of the stunned roommate, tentacles slowly wrapping around the legs, up the body, almost encasing him into one giant tentacle as Jake's worried eyes looked down and around, his body slowly being enveloped and encased by the horrid creature in his home. He whimpered softly, unable to speak as slowly, tentacles dragged over, almost licking his tight packed abs, over his chest, nipples, surrounding the arms, and curling around his neck and shoulders like a living scarf.

Jake gave one last whimper of despair as a last tentacle caressed his cheek, then slowly curled around his head as if a child were to close their hand around a dolls head, covering him completely in the gelatinous form. Gus was feeling very satisfied, the Doberman looking almost as if he was laid into a jello mold, still standing upright. Slowly, the form began to digest Jake, starting with the fingers and toes as the melted away like strands of meat being pulled from a fresh roast right out of the oven. Jake's eyes remained open as everything went dark, his body giving in to the invader as he was broken down into shreds and melted away like a wax figure in an oven. The substance Jake was turning into was full of flavor and potent, a nice shade of black to match the fur color as the features the male once had slowly liquefied into a wobbling mass that looked nothing like the muscular male he was moments ago.

The body was torn away, organs and bones being melting and absorbed as last came the shoulders, neck, then head, flesh torn away until the skull remained, melting into white jelly, the teeth floating around until they too vanished into dust. Gus delighted in the hearty meal he had taken in; not one, but two young, muscular, virile meals for the evening. He surely would be satisfied for the month, getting ample nutrition to keep himself sustained.

Gus's mass of tentacles slowly began to relax and curl back into the main husk as they lay down upon the floor in the empty living room. They took shapes once more, two legs, two arms, a torso, looking more familiar as a living being as they took on a shape once more. This time, however, the shape was a bit leaner, more defined and taller than Gus once was as features became more clear. The tentacles started to cover themselves in flesh and fur, a velvety ebony, a few patches of brown at the chest, neck, thighs, and groin. Tentacles curled to form a large cock and heavy balls, toes, fingers, and then the head, a pointed muzzle, two tall and pointed ears, eyes, teeth, and a wet nose.

Soon, the wiggling began to slow as a solid form was there, a nude male laying down on the floor and staring at the ceiling. After a moment, the eyes blinked, and slowly stood up, standing nude in the new form and shape of the body he had just taken. He examined himself, the paws, the defined, rock-cut body, the large endowments, and smiled.

"Ah...Hello, my name is Jake." He practiced in the male's own voice, unlike his own gooey, wet sounding one he had revealed after losing the form of Gus, who now no longer existed but in memory, instead listed as a missing person who had not been seen in over a month.

His thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of his cell phone. He would have to swap out to a new one, of course, but he was curious who could be messaging him this time of night. He unlocked the screen, pointy dog ears perking as he saw he had a new message. He opened it up, and was confronted with a picture of a good ten inches of forearm thick bearcock. "Ready for U!" was the text on it.

Jake smiled. "Isn't technology wonderful?" Looked like he might have to start going to the gym, or else he was going to start gaining weight.

Beach Bum - Just A Typical Day

\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Beach Bum - Just A Typical Day By Komatose and Ozygorrister © 2012 \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Could it really have been a more perfect day to get out to the beach? Well,...

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A Beauti-full Meal

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Hungry, Hungry Horsecock

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