The Worst Thing I've Ever Done

Story by Pasquin on SoFurry

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After close study Jeff had come to a firm conclusion: a fox attempting to eat pizza was the most hilarious thing he had ever seen.

The fox, a five-foot-tall russet-furred coworker of his brother's named Baker whom he had met for the first time that evening, was perched on the overstuffed easy chair in his living room with a paper plate in one paw and a slice of pizza in the other. Foot-long cords of mozzarella drooped from the slice to his muzzle as the fox attempted with to reel them in despite lacking the dexterity of human lips. Jeff had always privately believed that there was something slightly absurd, if endearing in the juxtaposition of canine physique and delicate cat-like manners he had observed in the few fox-major chimaera he had met.

His brother heaved himself up from the adjacent sofa a bit unsteadily, thumbed off the display on his phone with a wince, and shoved it in his pocket. He said, "Sorry guys. Christie is waiting in her car downstairs, and she's ready to tear me a new one for waking her up this late. I tried to tell her that I was doing her a favor by not getting another DUI, and then she really went off on me." He sighed, "Bitches be crazy, you know?"

Jeff laughed and saluted his brother with a half-empty beer bottle. He said, "Alright, Rob. I'd hate to be responsible for breaking up a fairytale romance." Jeff thought he caught a snigger from the fox, but when he looked over Baker was daintily licking crumbs from his pawpads.

Rob punched Baker in the shoulder playfully. "You need a ride home, too? It's in the opposite direction, so Christie will freak," he said, "but she's going to go off on me anyway. Might as well get my money's worth."

The fox laughed out loud this time. He said, "No, I'd rather save introductions with Christie for a time when I'm less likely to be on the receiving end of an ass-kicking. I can always call a cab."

"Alright, alright..." Rob muttered, pulling on his coat. "It's clear the bro-code has no meaning here." As he was closing the door on his way out, Rob called back, "At least you can hang out with my poor, shut-in of a brother for a while longer. Drink some brewskis for me, talk about babes! Distract him from that damn computer screen."

Rob disappeared down the hall, and a minute later they heard a female voice shouting in the street below, followed by slamming car doors and screeching tires. Chuckling, Baker grabbed another beer from the near-empty case and twisted off the cap. He offered it to Jeff, saying with a grin, "Here's your 'brewski'. As to the babes...?"

Jeff took a swig, then laughed and said, "Not exactly my field of expertise. I love my brother, but I think he's still hoping that I'll find a girl one day so that we'll finally have something in common to talk about."

The fox quirked an eyebrow. "Not interested in dating?"

"Oh, that's not the issue," Jeff said. "Rob actually got along great with LeCarr and Jackson. He even ferreted out that Sawyer was secretly a fan of pro football, of all things, and that boy was so gay he made me feel like a steelworker." Jeff chuckled and shook his head, "Rob grew up in a house with three sisters and only one brother. I think he's always been disappointed that he didn't get a brother he could brag to about his sexual conquests." He grinned and added, "One who would envy him, anyway."

Baker had cracked open another beer for himself while listening, and if he was phased by the list of former boyfriends he didn't comment on it, but he did lean a bit closer before asking, "Those all sound like non-human names. Don't see a lot of human-majors that are so open-minded..."

Placing a hand on his own chest, as if to soothe his apparently wounded pride, Jeff said, "Ouch...? I'll have you know that I have nine percent canine-minor DNA. Upgraded scent receptors and everything." He winked at Baker and added, "I'm practically wolf-major."

"A new species of hairless wolf-ape, hitherto unknown to science," the fox laughed. He scooted from the easy chair onto the floor so that he was sitting between Jeff's legs, with his back pressed against the sofa. "Proof is required! Let's see what that useless human snout can puzzle out about me."

Whoa. It occurred vaguely to Jeff that the beer was hitting him a little harder than he had first thought, and that under normal circumstances he would instinctively pull back from a guy who came on so strong. Instead he pushed that thought away and leaned over the fox between his legs, burying his face in Baker's head fur and inhaling deeply.

Jeff wasn't lying; he did have an excellent sense of smell despite the physical limitations of a human nose. He breathed in and let his instincts tease apart the various layers of scent.

"Whoof! You smell like a liquor bottle," Jeff said.

Baker reached back and cuffed Jeff in the ear. "Amazing," he deadpanned as he took another pull from his beer bottle, "You're going to make me think you're a bloodhound-minor now." The fox pondered, "Do those exist?"

Jeff snorted. "Not just beer, you mutt. Though plenty enough of that. There's also a scent of something sharper too. Maybe whisky. You go out for a few rounds with Rob before coming over?"

"Huh. Maybe you're not totally helpless." The fox pressed himself back against Jeff's chest. "What else?"

Jeff nuzzled into Baker's fur again and closed his eyes. "Hmm... Smells like you last washed your fur this morning with a lightly scented shampoo. Sandalwood? You work in an office, but on your feet... and you have a hobby that gets you outdoors. Gardening, something with animals maybe. A deep, earthy scent, anyway. Strong, but not exactly unpleasant."

And arousal. Jeff abruptly became acutely aware of the fox's firm muscles pressing against his chest and too-tight shorts. He knew without having to glance down that Baker was equally hard, as he realized with a start that they were both pouring off a cloud of pheromones. They activated something deep and dormant within him, hidden in that hint of canine ancestry blended into his DNA. Jeff imagined that he could almost feel the molecules on his skin.

Baker slipped his paws around Jeff's neck and pulled him down closer. The fox's tongue flicked out and teased around Jeff's ear. "Not bad. Not entirely accurate," Baker said, hesitating for a moment as if lost in a thought. "...but not bad. I hereby promote you to honorary wolf." He nipped at Jeff's ear and added in a whisper, "You do know what they say about foxes and wolves?"

Pull back or plunge forward.. Jeff wrapped his arms around Baker's belly and pulled him up so that the fox's rump was tight against his lap, tail swept out to the side so that his cock pressed between the cheeks. He slipped a hand beneath Baker's shirt and stroked it across a belly of soft white fur. "That's a racist stereotype."

"Racist, but sadly accurate," Baker said. The fox was beginning to pant. "Help me get these clothes off."

Jeff pulled the loose-fitting dress shirt up over the fox's shoulders, as Baker lifted his arms to accommodate. The fox was striking, with russet fur softening a firm musculature and shading to black gloves over each paw.

Jeff turned to set down Baker's shirt and accidentally knocked over one of the empty beer bottles scattered around the room. "Shit!"

The fox barked a laugh, then twisted around so that they were facing each other and pressed a firm and unselfconscious vulpine kiss against Jeff's lips. The fox's tongue darted out and danced along the edge of Jeff's teeth. Baker drew back and said, "The bedroom might be less cluttered..."

"Last door on the right, at the end of the hall," Jeff replied.

Baker rose from the sofa, trailing a clawed pawpad along Jeff's cheek, and then strutted confidently toward the bedroom without a backward glance.

Jeff had just risen to follow when his cell phone went off with his brother's ringtone. He struggled mightily with the urge to toss it through the window, before finally answering the call.

"Bro! I'm glad you're still awake," Rob exclaimed in a rush. "Christie and me were driving home, and we got in this huge fight. I don't know what I said, but suddenly she's whaling on me and the next thing I know the car is wrapped around a tree!" Rob paused for breath. "Anyhow, we're both okay, but the thing is the tow guy won't take us anywhere without a credit card, and I'm kind of over my limit this month..."

Jeff sighed and flopped back down on the couch.

Half an hour later, Jeff had given his own credit card number to the tow truck driver and arranged to get his brother back home in a cab. When he was done, Jeff shut down his phone and chucked it at the chair in a fit of annoyance. He padded toward the bedroom.

Baker was asleep on the bed. The fox had stripped off the rest of his clothes and pulled back the covers on the bed. He was lying on his side with his tail draped forward over his legs, so that Jeff could see the whole length of Baker's slender naked form drawn out in soft focus under the moonlight.

"Damn it," Jeff chuckled wistfully under his breath, rubbing a hand over his still-hard and somewhat damp crotch, "I may be gentleman enough not to force myself on a passed-out fox, but there's no way I'm giving that up to sleep on the couch tonight." Jeff stripped off his own clothes and slipped into bed behind Baker, nestling around the fox and pulling the covers over them both. Jeff had a good foot of height on the fox. His previous boyfriends had been comparable in size to himself, but with Baker it felt like he was able to curl up around him.

Baker murmured in his sleep when Jeff placed a hand around his belly, and pressed himself backward until his butt tightly enclosed Jeff's now-uncomfortably hard erection. It took the rest of Jeff's willpower not to take advantage of the situation, but eventually he somehow calmed down and forced himself into a fitful sleep.

Jeff's memory of the night was fragmentary. At some point during the night, while it was still pitch-black, he recalled half waking and wondering to himself why it seemed so cold. He snuggled into Baker's fur and slipped back asleep.

Later, Jeff had the distinct impression of the fox waking him by passing gas. In his sleep-deprived state it struck him as unaccountably hilarious.

The next morning Jeff crawled back toward consciousness with the nagging sensation that something wasn't quite right. Mmm. Fox. Soft. Warm. Nothing wrong there. Jeff was still wrapped around Baker, his arm draped over the fox's belly. That was it - his hand was wet. In fact, the fox's fur was damp too - as was the entire mattress. Jeff shivered, understanding why he had felt cold during the night, and instinctively pulled the fox closer. Something squished between his crotch and the fox's bum.

Abruptly, Jeff noticed the heavy mix of odors hanging in the air. With his enhanced sense of smell came a tendency to process scents on an instinctive level until something called out his attention. Now he was alert. The sharp ammoniac scent of urine overlaid an overpowering earthy smell. The fox had somehow messed his bed during the night.

The realization formed with such a shock that Jeff froze in place, instead of scrambling out of the bed. He had a vision of himself reacting in disgust, the fox mortified and ashamed, fleeing... Jeff steeled himself and decided to handle the situation gently.

"Pup, hey..." he whispered, touching Baker's shoulder. "You need to wake up."

Under other circumstances, Jeff would have loved watching the fox wake. As it was, he felt a twinge of affection when Baker recognized him with a sleepy smile, instead of becoming upset that Jeff had slipped into bed with him. Then Baker went through the same process of realization that Jeff had, and an expression of horror crept over his features.

Jeff sensed that Baker was on the edge of breaking down or bolting from the bedroom. He squeezed the fox's shoulder in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture, looked him directly in the eye, and said softly, "It's okay. It was just an accident." He paused, then added, "Please don't freak out."

Baker stayed frozen for a moment, then collapsed against Jeff as if the air had gone out of him. The fox squeezed his eyes shut and laughed bitterly, "I didn't mean to stay last night. But I drank too much and then did something stupid."

Jeff couldn't help bristling a little, "If you're implying that I was taking advantage of you..." he started.

Baker snorted. "Oh, no. I definitely wanted to fuck. I don't regret anything there, except missing the part where we actually got to fuck. But I meant to go home afterward, so this wouldn't happen."

"It was just an accident. These things happen." Jeff said.

The fox stared at him with a surprisingly vulnerable expression. Then Baker seemed to come to a decision. He closed his eyes and, speaking in an artificially calm voice, said, "No, it wasn't an accident."

"That doesn't--" Jeff started.

"It wasn't an accident," Baker interrupted, his voice trembling slightly with emotion, "because I've trained myself to mess the bed. I don't avoid it and I don't want to avoid it, because I enjoy doing this. I'm mortified that I did it to you without permission, but I'm not ashamed that this is something I like doing and I refuse to lie about that fact... because this is part of who I am."

Baker appeared calm after this speech, but he was almost panting with tension and Jeff could feel the thump of the fox's rapid-fire heartbeat through his fingertips resting on Baker's chest.

Jeff was torn between feeling dumbfounded, and - oddly - guilty that he was suddenly placed in the position of judging the fox when he'd only known him for a day. Jeff pondered for a moment. Plunge forward? He wrapped his arm around Baker's belly as he had the previous night, and pulled him closer. There was a wet squish from the soaked mattress and a very strange sensation around his crotch as the warm fox mess oozed around his cock. He felt an odd impulse to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, which he was fortunately able to repress.

"Hey, it's alright." Jeff said. "Really. I'll admit that I don't really know what to think right now, but I'm not going to freak out." I'm not? "I'm not going to judge you for being into something unusual." Why not? Jeff somehow felt like he somehow should be upset more than he actually was.

"You're 'okay' with me destroying the bed?" the fox asked, sarcastically.

"I'm not thrilled about that," Jeff admitted, "but..." He trailed off. His face was pressed into Baker's thick ruff of neck fur. He hadn't been consciously paying attention to scents, but something drew his attention and he focused on sorting through the various layers again. Something connected in his mind.

"Ah! So that's what it was..." Jeff quietly exclaimed. The earthy undertone that had underlaid Baker's other scents finally made sense. It was a subtle echo of the messy play that Baker apparently indulged in - the scent of his own poop and urine, almost but not quite scrubbed away. He had found it viscerally compelling the previous day, and even though he now knew what it was his body still responded instinctively, his cock stiffening with arousal against the fox's bum.

The fox seemed mystified at first, but when he noticed Jeff breathing in his scent he made the same leap of logic and realized what Jeff had just deciphered. He chuckled, thinking back to that moment the previous night when he was half afraid that Jeff would figure it out. A non-human would have known his predilections immediately once they got that close, but human-majors were practically scent-illiterate. Jeff had had the ability, but not the practice.

"It... doesn't actually bother you that much, does it?" Baker asked in a soft tone.

It's disgusting! Dirty! Shameful! Jeff wanted to react with indignation, but instead he admitted, "Of course it bothers me. But..."

"It bothers you. It feels bad and dirty and embarrassing," the fox squeezed his rump against Jeff's cock, smearing the mess between them. "But it gets you going too, doesn't it?"

"I can't control that!" Jeff growled. He threw back the covers from the bed and reared back on to his knees, letting Baker roll onto his back beneath him. Little pools of urine gathered wherever their weight pressed against the sodden mattress. A thick layer of fox muck clung to Baker's bum and coated Jeff's crotch and cock, which was painfully erect. Jeff loomed over the fox, suddenly furious.

Baker panted with excitement, tongue lolling. Jeff's display of arousal and aggression brought out an instinctive desire for submission. Baker was incredibly aroused, his cock entirely free from its sheath and glistening with both piss and precum. It was hard not to think about how simple it would be to reach out and take what he wanted... so he did.

The fox reached up with both paws and pulled Jeff toward him. His muzzle met Jeff's mouth in a desperate kiss. Jeff gasped in shock and anger, but at that moment something broke and instead of tearing away Jeff grasped the fox's wrists and pushed him back down against the bed. His weight bore the fox down against the mattress, chest squeezing the pee from the sodden white fur in rivulets that soaked back into the mattress, and his hips ground their messy cocks together.

"You're a filthy animal. A goddamn dirty pervert." Jeff muttered angrily, but he wasn't sure whether he was referring to Baker or himself. Pinning the fox by his wrists, he thrust his hips against the fox's crotch. The layer of fox mess coating that area provided a lubrication unlike anything Jeff had felt before.

Squirming helplessly, Baker thrust his hips up into Jeff's thrusting and whispered back, "Yes! That's exactly what I am. A nasty fox who won't control himself... who messes the bed like a pup, who rolls in it, and then paws himself off with his own poop." He locked eyes with Jeff. "Mount me. I want you to cum inside me."

Jeff glared at Baker, but he slid down and roughly thrust aside the fox's legs with his hips. He planted a hand on either side of the fox, looming over him again, and his cock hovered at the muck-coated tailhole. With a growl, Jeff began to push his cock inside the fox.

Baker yipped and whimpered. Now that his paws were free, he ran them over the sweat- and urine-soaked skin of Jeff's shoulders and chest. He was half-drunk with the scent of sex, sweat, urine, and feces. Baker howled as Jeff buried his cock fully beneath his tail.

Jeff began fucking the fox with sharp, needful thrusts. He refused to meet Baker's eyes again, focusing entirely on his need to use the fox.

"Oh god, that's... that's incredible," Baker panted in ragged breaths. "Fuck me like I'm your own dirty, fucktoy fox. Do anything... anything you want to me."

The two grappled with each other, their hands and paws becoming stained brown and smearing fox mess across skin and fur. Each thrust of Jeff's hips spattered poop on the bed and their bodies.

"I'm going to cum," Jeff gasped. He kept pounding Baker like a machine.

Grasping Jeff's cheeks with two messy paws, Baker forced Jeff to meet his eyes and gasped, "Use me. I'm dirty. I'm bad. I'm your animal. Use me for anything you need."

Jeff didn't look away, but he grasped the fox like a vice and pounded into him once, twice, and a final time while his cock spasmed and pumped the fox full of his cum. At last he cried out and collapsed atop Baker, all but insensible.

They lay together without speaking for a long time after Jeff came. Jeff's cock gradually softened, while Baker's withdrew into his sheath. They were both indescribably filthy and the room was filled with a scent so strong that Jeff imagined he could feel it like a warm liquid layer settling on his skin.

"If you chose this moment to lose it... honestly, I wouldn't blame you," Baker finally said.

Jeff looked at the fox like he was speaking a foreign language. Then he began to laugh, laugh so hard that he began to tear up. Baker gave him a look of confused indignation, and Jeff finally pulled himself together.

"I know... It's just, this is so outside my normal realm of experience that I really have no idea what to say. We just did something incredibly filthy and disgusting, and I'm struggling with the fact that it was also the most intense sex I've ever had." He paused, "On the other hand, it's hard to think of anything more bizarre than getting upset about it after the fact, when I practically raped you."

Stroking his pawpads across Jeff's cheek, Baker responded gently, "You don't need to force me when you're already giving me everything I ever dreamed I could want." He barked a laugh, "God, that was incredible! Rape me, he says..."

The fox stretched on his back across the bed, and Jeff slid down onto his side next to him. Jeff absently stroked the fox's wet and stained fur, his hand straying south until - after a period of hesitation - his fingers dipped between Baker's legs and he slowly scooped a handful of cum-spattered fox mess. Jeff rubbed it between his fingers, feeling the lumpy texture and letting the muck drip back down.

"I guess we'd better figure out a way to clean this up," Jeff said, moving to rise from the bed.

"Wait," Baker said, placing a paw on Jeff's arm, "there is something else we could do first... if you're feeling up to it."

It took Jeff a moment to understand Baker's meaning, and he felt a bit stupid when he caught on to what the fox was asking for. It hadn't even occurred to Jeff to offer.

"I'm not sure," Jeff admitted. "I don't even know if I could."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound like a 'no' to me," Baker said. "As for whether you could, leave that part to someone with expertise." He added with a grin, "I haven't gotten off yet, you know. I'm not above pulling a guilt trip."

Jeff hesitated a moment longer, then sighed, "Fuck it! I'm already neck-deep in the swamp - might as well go the rest of the way down. What should I do?"

Baker patted his chest. "Slide up here and try to relax. I'll talk you through it." His cock was already starting to reemerge from its sheath as he got excited.

Jeff straddled the fox, placing a knee on either side of Baker's chest. His crotch, still dripping with fox poop and cum, was almost pressed against the fox's muzzle. Jeff held his cock with one hand and tried to concentrate. His muscles tensed and he gasped, yet nothing happened.

With a laugh, Baker said, "Relax... just relax. It's all mental. You don't have to force it. Just close your eyes and imagine you're standing in the bathroom. The toilet is in front of you and you're desperate to go. All you have to do is relax and let it out. The only difference is that you have a bad little fox for a toilet, and he desperately wants you to mark his muzzle."

Closing his eyes and steadying his breath, Jeff concentrated on the fox's voice. Gradually, he began to relax. When the stream of urine finally sprang forth, Jeff gasped. The feeling of relief was intensely erotic.

His piss splashed across Baker's muzzle, and the fox opened his maw to catch it with his tongue. Suddenly his paws were grasping Jeff's butt, and the fox was pulling his muzzle onto Jeff's filthy dick. Baker swallowed the urine as fast as he could, but Jeff couldn't help himself and it flooded out onto the fox's neck and chest. Finally, as the stream began to fade, Baker closed his eyes and withdrew, letting the warm stream bathe his face.

The fox looked up at Jeff with a mix of satisfaction and expectation. "Same principle for number two. Just relax and let it happen. You've got a nice, warm, willing toilet here to help you out. Let it go, and I promise it will feel great."

Baker cupped his paws beneath Jeff's bum in readiness. Jeff tried to relax, but it was so much harder to envision himself messing into the fox's paws than it was to mark him. The taboo was infinitely stronger. He hunched over Baker's chest, grinding his messy crotch against the newly-wetted fur. The fox nipped at his lips, and Jeff could taste the faint flavor of their shared waste.

Something clicked in Jeff's mind. His muscles relaxed, and the first coil of his poop slid into the fox's waiting paws. They were both panting roughly. Jeff began to force out the rest of his mess, and the Baker pressed his paws tight against Jeff's ass so that the warm sludge was forced to slide between his cheeks and over his balls.

Jeff was almost speechless when he felt the pressure in his bowels was released. The experience had been intense, almost as if he'd just been fucked. Hot waste coated his ass. As he came back to himself, Jeff realized that the fox was yipping and moaning as he stroked himself with two pawfuls of Jeff's fresh mess.

"You are a dirty creature, aren't you?" Jeff whispered, stroking Baker's cheeks and locking eyes with him.

"Yes," Baker said, shivering.

"You do things a real animal would never sink to. You're filthy. You tempt me into doing filthy things with you, and you don't regret it all, do you?" Jeff asked again.

"No, I don't regret it. I'm a dirty, scatty, pissy fox slut and I want you to do all the worst things to me in the worst way," Baker said. He was massaging his balls with one muck-coated paw and furiously stroking his shaft with the other.

Jeff leaned back and grasped his own cock. He relaxed again, and one last unexpected stream of piss splashed across the fox's muzzle. It was enough to send him over the edge. Baker howled and all his muscles clenched as he came and spattered fox cum across Jeff's backside.

With a tremendous full-body shudder, Jeff slid down onto his back next to Baker. It was minutes before either of them said anything. Finally, Jeff reached over and squeezed Baker's paw.

"This is, objectively, the worst thing I've ever done," Jeff said. "Also the dirtiest, the most perverted... and probably a lot of other things I haven't thought of yet."

Baker snorted and squeezed Jeff's hand in return. "I can think of worse things to try if you're worried there's nothing left in life to strive for."

Jeff regarded himself critically, then quirked an eyebrow as he looked over the fox. They were both encrusted with filth. The bed was utterly destroyed. The smell was so thick that it seemed to cloud the air.

"You really are a bad influence, aren't you?" Jeff said.

"I won't deny that." Baker admitted with a laugh. After a moment, he added, "I've decided something."

"What's that?" Jeff asked.

The fox reached over and patted Jeff's cock, "Even if it's only honorary, you make a damn good wolf."

Tidying Up

Tim surveyed the destruction: pizza boxes and empty bottles were scattered in every corner of the room and stacked in towers atop unpacked moving crates. His mate, Morgan, was already at work cleaning up the remnants of their housewarming party. Tim...

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