Pack Life Chapter 1

Story by silverfang689 on SoFurry

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This is a werewolf yiff story I've been working on. I have a few chapters typed but mostly have been written. Depending on the public will depend on if I continue it or not. Lemme know what you think and sorry if there are any grammar, spelling, or other small mistakes.

Chapter 2:

Running through the woods panting heavily she looked around frantically thinking to herself, where is he? He was behind me a moment ago. I know I didn't out run him that quickly. Trying her best scanning the forest around her ears tuning into every sound it made.

"Where do you think your running to, my dear?" a deep voice growled as a form dropped from the tree above. Yelping in fright she turned and started to run as fast as she could away from it. She could smell only the strong, overpowering musk the beast gave off.

What am I going to do? She thought to herself. She pressed herself onward despite how tired she was already. Where am I? None of this is ours, is it? Forcing herself to an abrupt stop she realized a scent. Shit! This is the pack boarder. Crossing it would mean I'm free to any male nearby. As she finished her thought she heard a crashing sound behind her.

"Exactly, my dear," the deep voice said as a clawed hand grabbed her by the scruff. Picking her up, she saw the stalking beast in full view.

It was one of the rival lone wolves from their pack, Barry. Barry was her mates' brother until he was cast out of the pack for disobeying pack law. He was a white wolf with gray on his muzzle tip, and chest tuff. His mane was also gray with a thin gray strip down his spine to the base of his tail. His eyes were a harden blue, normally they had a steel hardness to them but right now they burned with lust for her.

Barry grinned as he mocked, "Poor little April. You must be lost because you are away from your pack." He gently ran his massive paws through her black mane admiring her beautiful gray, almost silver coat. His attention was drawn to her soft amber eyes as they showed fear knowing full well what he was about to do.

"Let me go now Barry!" she snarled snapping at his arm. She barred her small wolf fangs trying her best to intimidate the giant werewolf who held her up. Growling slightly from the pathetic attempt from her, his eyes darkened as he glared at her. His grin disappeared as a dark, lustful smile took over.

"I'll let you go my dear," he sneered as he pulled his massive paw away from her mane and hide it behind his back. "Right after I'm done with you!" He dropped her to the forest floor and quickly pinned her down. He covered her eyes with one paw as he laughed slightly as she tried to get away.

Next thing she felt was a leather strap around her muzzle, ears pricking she tried to bite into the muzzle failing. As the leather slide up her snout it flattened all her short fur along the way down onto her skin. Hearing a click and feeling the icy metal of the muzzles clip secure a chill ran down her spine. He took his paw away from her eyes as she felt the collar around her neck be pulled slightly, then hearing another click she knew she wasn't going to be able to flee.

"I should thank your mate for so graciously putting a collar on you," Barry growled. Tugging the leash some he laughed, "Yeah, this'll hold ya." Growling in displeasure she tried her best to get the muzzle off. She liked the collar at times but when she was in heat, she hated it with a passion. Only reason she had it was so she couldn't dominate her mate when they went at it. She couldn't control herself the first time and hurt him slightly when she'd bite and claw him. Right now, she was just wishing she could shift to her anthro form.

As she came back to reality she noticed he was licking her tail base and rubbing his massive paws up and down her small body. She couldn't help herself as her heat started to reach its climax again. She bit the bottom of her lip to keep from sighing. He gently laid her on her back and massaged her sides as he licked her neck. Submissively she leaned back as he continued slowly. He worked his way down from her neck and caressed her chest licking as she started to pant closing her eyes. Continuing down her body slowly he closed his eyes breathing in her scent as he became harden.

Slowly the licking stopped an she opened her eyes as the passive paws slide down her sides one last time and gripped her legs. Looking down quickly she only had time to see his massive rod positioned at her entrance before wincing in pain as he thrust inward. She leaned her head back trying to cry out loud enough for her pack to her but the muzzle prevented it. He slowly laid his body upon hers as he continued to thrust in deeper and deeper into her. Growling in pleasure h went faster as her walls clenched and unclenched around his rod trying to force him out.

She could feel every inch of him as he continued on unmercifully. Her walls ached and burned with pain and unwanted pleasure as he continued to thrust as his knot formed. Snarling he slammed his knot against her each thrust going farther and deeper. Finally with one last shove his knot was inside her as she cried out from pain and pleasure unable to stop her instincts from telling her to cum.

He felt her cumming and started pounding his groin against her harder and faster as his hot semen shot into her womb. He bit down on her neck gently as she tried to get up. Remaining still she let him finish emptying himself into her before he let go. Exhausted from what just happened, he slowly repositioned himself, still inside her, so she could sleep. She quickly fell into a deep sleep as he hugged her, holding her close to him so she wouldn't get cold.

"Goodnight, my pregnant bitch," Barry whispered smiling as he fell asleep with her, breathing in her intoxicating scent. They slept together throughout the night, he'd wake her up and force her to let him mount. Once done, he laid her down and once again let her rest. Waking to the morning sun she found herself alone, sore, and with the scent of another male all over her. Slowly getting up her body ached all over as she tried to stretch out her muscles. The morning air was fresh with the scent of morning dew.

Finally, she though, his scent is no longer all over the forest but...she looked down. How will I tell my mate his brother just raped me? What will happen to his status as pack leader and more importantly me? She whined at this thought. She's heard of past pack members being ran off for being mounted by another male no matter the reason. Sighing, should I even return? Would it be better if I just leave? Shaking her head she growled at herself. Leaving is a coward's way. They should at least know what happened and take my punishment as seen fit.

Lifting her head to the morning sky she let out a long loud howl to contact her pack so she could find her way back easier. Once finished, she waited for a reply as she pricked her ears. Moments later a howl from one of the wolves reached her ears. She took off running fast as she could so she would be home soon as possible. As she sped across the forest floor everything was a blur to her except for what was in front of her. She soon started to recognize the forest that past by her as she ran. Scents of her pack started to fill her snout as she breathed heavily running hard to get to the den.

_ Finally,_ she thought, _I'm home...but how long will I be allowed to call this home... _Her running slowed to a trot and then a walk as she got near the den. She could hear her pack talking but couldn't make out the words. She stopped at the edge trying to locate her mate among the rest of the pack before venturing forth. Suddenly, the wind picked up slightly and carried her new scent towards the pack.

The pack smelling the male all turned ready to attack when they saw April standing there. Her fur was filthy and the light feathering along the back of her legs was matted with dried semen. Her once beautiful black mane, now tossed in every direction from massive paws being ran through it. Holding her head high, she strolled forward keeping her eyes cast down so she didn't see their judging eyes.

They all made a clear path to her mate and her mate to her. Looking up slightly she saw him. He was a black wolf with a white mane, chest tuff and strip down his back. His eyes were steely blue. His eyes showed no compassion for her as the scent of another male reached his nostrils. He lifted part of his lip in a snarl as he tried to control the boiling rage that built up in him.

He approached her and she could feel his fury even from that distance. He's never targeted her out of rage in the past but this was entirely different. This wasn't the playful stealing of food or a nip but much worse, this time another male mounted her.

Glaring down at her she had no choice but to tuck her tail and be submissive. He circled around her slowly as he examined every inch of her as a low growl rumbled from deep in his chest. Holding still as possible, she waited for him to finish knowing any movement would anger him more. What only took a few minutes, felt like hours to her as he slowly finished his last round stopping in front of her.

Growling, he asked through clenched fangs, "What happened?" He crossed his massive arms across his chest taking deep breaths as his anger continued to rise.

"I was raped by your brother, Barry," she answered trying to keep the fear from her voice.

"What!?" he snapped as his once low growls became furious snarls. Roaring out in fury he punched the closest thing to him. Thankfully the closest thing was a wooden pole that he targeted his anger on and not her or one of the omegas. Brining his attention back to her, he snarled, "Your punishment will be decided soon, I need time to think it over. For now y, you will not be permitted to leave the area." He pointed to the betas, "Crystal! Mark! You two are to be with her at all times until I decide what to do about this."

Crystal was a tan brown wolf. Her mane and paws were all brown and her eyes were an eerie yellow. She slowly approached April making sure not to make eye contact with Leon for now. She kept her sight on April as she walked up to her right side.

Mark came behind Crystal. Mark was a big brown wolf with soft gray eyes. He had a bright brown mane, bright chest tuff, and tip of the muzzle. He was not afraid of Leon when it came to Crystal's safety around him. Crystal was his mate and they both knew he was stronger than Leon but didn't want to run the pack. He stood at April's left side.

"You're dismissed," Leon snarled as he headed to the woods shifting once he got to the edge. Watching her mate leave her, her ears drooped knowing he was hurt because of her. Whining slightly, she lowered her head trying to hold tears back.

She felt a paw touch her back and heard Crystals sweet voice, "It's okay, he just needs time to think." As April looked up at them they both gave her a warm, comforting smile to try and cheer her up best they could. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

April looked down, "I don't know if I can make it to the house or not. After last night, I don't have much strength left." As she finished her sentence the next thing she feels is a pair of paws picking her up and flipping her over onto her back to land on a muscular arm. Her world spun around her for a moment as she slowly realized what had happened.

"There, now we can make it to the house," Mark teased as he looked at April. Giving a warm smile as she looked at him, his eyes showed warmth and comfort. Looking ahead they started towards the house. Crystal lead the way making sure no one was in their path when they reached that spot. Anyone who didn't step aside far enough got snarled at with a deadly glare and if they growled back they'd get nipped at.

April could her them whispering about her as they walked. She rested her head against mark's chest listening to his heart beast as well as his calm breathing letting it drown out the whispers of the pack. Despite her efforts she could feel their judgmental eyes upon her as they continued to the house. She closed her eyes drifting into a light sleep when suddenly she heard Crystal attacking another. Opening her eyes bringing herself back to reality she saw Janice, the omega, on her back cowering.

Janice was a scrawny wolf. She was a beautiful black wolf with amber eyes and a white fur on her toes. She was a lone wolf pup that the pack took in as their own. She was about ready to start looking for a potential mate but still learning pack laws.

"Don't you dare say that again, do you understand?!" Crystal snarled.

Whimpering Janice nodded as she waited for Crystal to get off her. Slowly rising, Crystal bared her fangs then snorted as she stood holding her head high. Quickly Janice rolled over and fled behind a few older pack members for protection. Looking behind her, she nodded to Mark. Nodding back, April felt the gentle ups and downs of his footsteps as they continued forward.

Finally home, she thought, but for how long? A frown creased across her wolf face as she saw Crystal turn around and place her paw on Aprils head.

"It's okay," Crystal said, "He won't ban you from the pack for what happened" Turning back to face the wooden door, she pulled her paw away and turned the golden knob. They walked inside the house.

The home was a wooden log mansion compared to the rest of the pack houses. Its walls and floors were all made of wood. It had an upstairs floor and a basement for storage. Each room was painted to match the setting it was for.

The living room was a bright red with dark red furniture. They had a few rugs to decorate the barren wood floor with and pictures decorated the walls. The pictures were of family, red birds, roses to make a peaceful environment.

To the right of the living room was the tan library. The library had pictures of the family trees, owls, dolphins, elephants, and any other intelligent animal. They had many yellow flowers growling in there and a large fish tank. The library was for the alphas use mainly but was also open to the pack members. They had a few laptops along the wall for research.

To the left of the living room were the kitchen and the stairs in the back. The kitchen was a mix between yellow and white. The walls had white on top divided by decorative wood then yellow on the bottom. The curtains were a bright blue with daises and a few yellow mats in front of the stove and sink. There were a few vases with yellow roses around the window seals. The center of the table has a vase full of multiple red roses.

As they entered the living room Mark looked around then said to Crystal, "here, take April upstairs and wash off. We don't need her looking like this when he comes back with his decision." He gently rolled April into Crystal's arms as they headed to the kitchen. "I'll have a meal prepared for when you two are finished."

Nodding Crystal started towards the stairs. "Up-si-daises," she said as she gently lifted April over her shoulder slightly into a one arm hug. Crystal wrapped her other arm across Aprils lower back so she felt secure. April rested her head on Crystal's small shoulders like a puppy. Once upstairs, Crystal gently let April down. "I was pretty sure you was getting tire of being carried around," Crystal joked. "So, where's what again?"

The upstairs consisted of four different rooms. The two on the left was Leon's and her room. The other was their private study. Both rooms' was forbidden to pack members. On the right, one room was a guest room or when pregnant, a baby's room. The other room on the right was the master bathroom. It was complete with the works. A bathtub that became a soothing jacuzzi, a shower with adorable fish curtains, and a decent size closet for towels, washcloths, clothes, and fro occasional fun, toys. Everything in the bathroom was blue or dealt with aquatic creatures.

Leading the way to the bathroom, Crystal followed. Pulling down on the long handle they walked inside. Crystal has been in the bathroom a few times but it always amazes her each time she goes in. Sitting and pointing, April announced, "Over there's the towels, clothes, and other stuff and I'll let you choose if we take a shower or bath."

"Hmm okay," Crystal said then looked at April, "but first this comes off." Crystal unbuckled the collar that was around Aprils' neck then laid it down gently on the sinks counter.

"B-b-but Leon wi-"April stammered fearfully until Crystal put her paw to Aprils' lips.

With a warm smile, Crystal said, "It's hard to wash off in a shower as a wolf, even with help. If he comes in, I'll take the blame obviously and it'll make eating lunch easier too." With that Crystal fetched them a towel, cloth, bar of soap, and a bottle of shampoo. Giving a sigh April gave up trying to argue knowing Crystal was right.

Closing her eyes she shifted slowly back to her anthro form. Her legs, arms, and feet got longer as her fingers and toes did too. Her paws, torso, neck, and head got bigger until she was fully shifted. Standing up she was around 7'6".

Coming back with the stuff, Crystal smiled and started running the water. As the water ran she undressed her few articles of clothing which was a tan bra and panties. Feeling the waster she murred as it was the perfect warm temperature to bathe in. Pulling the curtain back slightly she gestured for April to get in.

April sighed, "Fine, you win, I'll take the shower." April got in and Crystal followed close behind.

"Here," Crystal offered a cloth and bar of soap to April.

"Thanks," April said taking it. They quietly washed themselves and when it came to their backs, they helped each other. They also helped was each other's hair. Once finished, they rinsed off, Crystal kneeled behind April.

"April, hold still," Crystal commanded, "Your feathering is still matted." Gently working her claws through the fur, Crystal added shampoo to make it easier to part. Growling slightly in frustration at times she continued on. She'd gently rake her claws through April's fur after undoing a mat no matter the size. She repeated until she was satisfied all the mats were out. "There," she announced happily, "All done."

Turning off the water they stepped out of the shower and dried each other's fur. All nice and dry, they started to brush one another enjoying the feel of being pampered. They used multiple brushes to make sure they got all the loose fur and any tangles left out.

"There, all done April," crystal smiled finishing. She reached for the collar and picked it up. Taking a clean cloth, she ran some warm water and soaked the tip of the cloth. Gently running the wet tip over the collar she cleaned the dirt and other debris off. Once the collar was clean, she gently put it around April's neck and fastened it. Joking around Crystal teased, "Now he won't be able to stay mad at his cute little mate."

Laughing a little April responded, "Heck, he might put me in a cradle as his big baby girl." Sharing a laugh they got dressed and ran down stairs. The air outside the bathroom smelled of delicious food of many kinds. They reached the kitchen and before Mark could speak April asked, "Mark did you cook all our food?" She gave Crystal a gentle nudge to join in.

"If he did, he ate half of it while we were gone," Crystal teased her mate. Looking up from his stew, he looked at the two grinning then let out a low whistle.

"I should've waited for the main course," he replied looking Crystal over, "Because it looks absolutely appetizing." He abandoned his stew and strolled over to them hugging Crystal as he whispered something naughty into her ear as she blushed. Kissing her, he let go and finished tending to the stew. "Okay girls, lunch is read." He set out the bowls and silverware on the table then slowly dipped out the contents from the pot to the bowl.

It was beef stew but was his own concoction of beef stew. He had deer, elk, rabbit, and beef chunks for the meats. Thick, wide noodles, chopped carrots, diced potatoes, and small bits of onions. He added a little salt and pepper to add some seasonings.

Pouring the lumpy mix into the last bowl he set the pot back on the stove and turned the temperature down low, Sitting down he said, "Let's eat,," as he picked up his fork and started eating on his stew. Crystal and April gave each other a look saying silently, cocky as they rolled their eyes then laughed a little. "Hmm?" Mark looked up from his bowl, a noodle still hung out of his mouth dripping slightly.

"Nothing silly, but," Crystal replied, "You have something" Crystal took the noodle as she licked his chin. Kissing, they went back to eating lunch. The living room door open and they stopped. Lifting their heads they watched the door way as if a monster was coming for them in a horror movie. Walking through the doorway was Leon.

Glancing over at the stove he saw the pot, then his attention turned over to Crystal, Mark, and lastly April. His eyes were still hard as he looked into hers. Looking down, she knew he was still furious over what happened. He went to the cabinet and got his bowl then filled it full of the multi-meat stew. Looking at his char he walked over and sat the bowl down then pulled his chair out to eat. Being absent minded over the situation he forgot his fork.

"I'll get it Leon," Mark offered then continued, "anyone need anything while I'm up?" No one answered so he looked at each person's eating area and noticed no one had anything to drink. Returning to the table he handed Leon the fork then asked, "I'm getting a glass of tea, anyone else want a cup?" April pricked her ears to the thought of tea but she remained quiet afraid any word from her might end badly. "Okay, so everyone wants a glass," Mark smiled looking at April as she returned the smile.

Mark got four glasses from the cabinet and set them out for everyone. Going to the fridge he opened the freeze door and scooped up some ice into his glass. Walking around the table he added a little ice to each cup until they were all close to even. Setting his glass down, he returned to the fridge and got the gallon container of tea. Walking around the table, he poured everyone's glass full of tea. Finishing the last glass he put the container down and continued eating.

Once everyone was finished, Mark gathered up the dishes for everyone. Starting the sink water, Crystal joined Mark. Sitting there, April could feel Leon's judging eyes glaring at her as they sat there in silence. Letting out a heavy sig, Leon got up from his chair and walked over to Mark. Whispering only loud enough for Mark and Crystal to hear they nodded then left without a second glance at them.

Leon turned his attention back to April as the door closed asking bluntly, "So, Barry raped you?" He walked over to the table and leaned over slightly looking into her fearful eyes with his hardened, uncaring eyes. Unable to speak, April nodded. Letting out a deep breath he stood and continued to speak, "you are still my mate but what happened was not your fault. As punishment you will stay in the village and will not be allowed to leave unless accompanied by me or one of the beta's. If the born pup is not mine, I will most likely kill it and as for Barry, we start to hint for him so he can face trial."

"But," April started in but was cut off by Leon.

"Is that clear April?" he asked a slight growl in his voice. Lowering her ears she looked down not making eye contact submissively and nodded. Continuing he added, "As for tonight, I'm claiming you as mine again." Lifting her chin he kissed her passionately across the table. Her eyes were wide open and ears prick from the sudden kiss that she was not expecting. Closing her eyes she gave into his kiss and slowly slid her paws around his head. Noticing, he quickly pulled back grinning, "Not yet, baby," he said as he walked around the table. Picking her up, she yipped hugging his neck.

Giving a quick kiss they headed to the stairs as she listened to his heart beat racing slightly with anticipation of tonight. Gently going up and down in his arms as he walked up the stairs calmly so not to hurt her any she played with his chest tuff. Smiling, he gently hefted her slightly so he could free his paw. Noticing they were at their room she hugged his neck tighter so he could open the door.

Walking inside, he used his foot to shut the door. He gently laid her on the bed as he kissed her running his paws down her sides. Murring as he did she done him the same way as they continued to kiss each other. As the day got deeper in, he undressed her slowly running his paws from top to bottom timing everything despite the urge to mate. Returning the favor again, she slid her paws down and took off his few articles of clothing. Growling in pleasure, he gently teased her rubbing his sheath against her.

Trembling in pleasure, she gently raked her claws through his back fur brining tem around to his chest rubbing up to his arms. Trembling in pleasure, she was making it hard for him to resist much longer. As his tip became exposed , she grinned rubbing his chest up then downward running her paws down his abs then around his back. Murring loudly in pleasure he slowly pressed his tip against her then pulled back and repeated. Each time made her want him more and more as his wolf hood lengthened more and more. Panting she wrapped her paws around his waist trying to force him to put it in.

Making out with her he slowly slide his wolf hood in and out slowly repeating until he was fully inside her. Moaning slightly as he was fully sheathed inside her, she moved her paws up his back and once to his shoulders scratched him. Growling deeply in his throat he started thrusting into her as he stroked her sides with his paws. Becoming more and more lustful, her gentle scratches became rougher and deeper into his fur. Her eyes start dilating as her instincts to mate started to take over making her growl deeply in her throat.

As his ears pricked to her growls, he nears his climax and clamps his jaws around her throat. Snarling in pleasure, she lifted her hips into his thrusts cumming. Returning her snarl, he forced his knot into her. As she tightened around his knot he pounds against her as hard as he can while cumming. Thrusting a few more times to finish, he slowly releases her throat and kisses her. Smiling she kisses back and rolls them over. Resting her head on his chest, they fall asleep knotted together for the night.