Passionate Escape: Chapter 6

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Have been thinking about this scene for a while and how best to approach it considering it is incest, then I remembered all the debauchery on this website and decided to go full speed ahead with it. I wanted this particular chapter to be about the passion shared between these three individuals and just how much they cherish each other. The next chapter will return to the somewhat serious nature of the story. Hope everyone enjoys!

Time progressed quickly, soon the sun's light fading as it dipped hallway below the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to witness the light glistening off the surface of the ocean as day transitioned to dusk. Keith was standing out on the balcony, gazing at the water, seemingly entranced by its sheer gorgeousness. The girls were busy with something, likely that surprise that Diana had mentioned. He had a few ideas of what it could be; all of those ideas got his heart pumping. The gentle breeze caressed the soft scales of his muzzle whilst the shadows of nearby palm trees danced in the wind. Despite everything that was running through his mind he was the closest he'd ever been to finding true peace with himself. He had not even bothered to look into the package; he already knew that his girlfriend and sister had gotten into it. They had been in his room for a long while with the door closed. All he could hear was sparse giggling and the bed occasionally creaking from someone sitting upon it. They had told him not to go anywhere and that they would be out soon. That was two hours ago and the dragon had grown only more anxious. He had pushed back any thoughts of the person who had brought harm upon his sister. He wanted to enjoy this night with the people he was closest two, not obsess about his next course of action. He had two lovely women, good drinks, a beautiful night, and a cozy room to occupy himself with. He straightened his posture and walked back into the living room, keeping the door to the balcony open so the cool breeze could wash through the room. He sat back in the recliner and stretched out his magnificent wings, the wing tips pressing against the wall behind him.

"Do you ladies want to watch anything on TV tonight or shall I stream a movie?" He asked, wondering if they were too preoccupied to pay him any attention. His answer came a moment later.

"Dear brother we shall be out in a few minutes, do find a way to entertain yourself until that time," teased his sis, her tone muffled behind the door but carrying an unmistakable hint of eroticism. He gave a light chuckle and closed his eyes as he leaned back into the soft cushions of the chair. He fiddled with the remote nonsensically, tracing a claw around the various buttons. He contemplated on having some more wine but decided against it, he was already close to being inebriated. He switched on the TV and flipped through a few channels aimlessly, paying little attention to what was actually on. He looked at his phone, seeing that he had a few new messages awaiting him. One from his mom and one from his dad, naturally it wouldn't be a single message since they split apart after the divorce. A few more were just random emails from companies inquiring about his interest in their services. He read the messages from his parents and scrolled down the small list of useless spam mail, deleting it as he went. One message caught his eye; however, as the sender was listed as Phantom. The name struck him as being distantly familiar, he had heard it mentioned before. The content itself was only two words that struck Keith as being rather ominous.

"Stay sharp." Nothing more than that, nothing less. He wondered if it may have just been a friend of Diana's telling him to keep alert and safe. He really didn't know at this point and he did not have time to wonder about it as he heard the door to his bedroom open. He looked over in the direction and watched as the two women stepped out, his jaw dropping immediately. Both were leaning against each other in extremely revealing lingerie. His eyes wandered over their supple curves and attractive feminine figures, his boxers already tented as his draconity stirred. The two luscious ladies rubbed against each other lewdly, brushing lips and smooshing their covered breasts together. His love Amy was wearing a red corset with black stockings and a pair of lacey red panties. She looked absolutely gorgeous, all of her features on display. His sister was also a knockout: Clad in a green outfit similar to the Amy's, her massive chest was barely concealed by her meager bra. Their garments were see-through of course, their erect nipples and slick vents easily visible through the thin fabric. The air around them was intoxicating: A mix of their own arousal with a honey-cinnamon perfume. The scent ignited the dragon's desire, his tail coiling like a snake. This was not something he had ever expected to see in his life. He had not expected to see his sister like this again either.

"Doberman got your tongue brother? Or is it me?" asked his sister, resting one of her hands on Amy's hip. The dragon could not form any words; he was barely forming any thoughts in his head. He was genuinely shocked from the display, and incredibly aroused as his tented boxers served as evidence. He knew Amy was bi, but to see her touching another female, one that was his sister no less, just blew his mind. His heart thumped madly in his chest as his excitement grew. His eyes wandering over them, taking in every luscious detail. Diana nuzzled the canine's neck before slowly sliding her tongue across the soft fur, causing Amy to sigh softly. She felt the dragoness rub her hands up and down her bare back, shuddering from the seductive attention. Unbeknownst to Keith, his girlfriend and sister had a few sexual encounters throughout his many visits and when he was gone.

"Honey, I have a bit of a confession. Your sister has been teaching to pleasure other women." She watched as Keith's eyes widened, his bulge growing larger as more erotic thoughts swam through his head. Amy yelped as the dragoness smacked her backside rather hard and gave her own crude interpretation.

"Yep, been teaching your girl here how to properly tongue a pussy among other things." Amy looked away and shuddered, recalling a few pleasurable occasions. Keith blinked a few times and placed a hand on his groin, trying to hide his blatant arousal. Both the girls giggled at the shy male, he was almost always very dominant.

"Oh brother, you can take us one at a time, but together do we defuse that fire?" asked Diana, sliding a hand down the front of the Doberman's panties. Amy gave a faint whine as the other female's claw tips barely brushed her sensitive clit.

"My my, she's already so wet. But what about me? Does brother want to see his sister soaking wet once again?" Diana rubbed a hand over Amy's cheek and brought her in close for a deep kiss, two tongues meeting and twining in the passionate embrace. Both forgot their surroundings, even the dragon who was now stroking his exposed member slowly. Their hands wandered each other's body, feeling every curve. Moans escaped their lips as they leaned against one another, their rich scents of arousal permeating the room. The dragoness pulled her top up, revealing her large mounds, her dark purple nipples completely erect. The canine wasted no time in tracing her tongue around one of the nubs, eliciting a gasp from the receiver.

"Good girl...keep doing that," groaned Diana, rubbing the female's outer lips more firmly. Small drops of her delectable nectars gathered on Diana's fingers, acting as an effective lubricant. She used her middle finger to graze the hard clit, rubbing it in circles. Amy shivered and let out light moans as she continued to work on the dragoness's large tits, rolling them in her hands as she paid special attention to each little nub.

"Oooooh, I think it's time for you to go a little further down," churred the dragoness, eyes flicking down to her soaked panties. Amy gulped hard and nodded slowly, giving each nipple one last kiss. She wrapped her hands around Diana's backside and squeezed her plump cheeks, bouncing them in her grip. The dragoness wiggled and panted as her ass was toyed with, swaying her tail while Amy began to seductively lick down her chest. Her skilled tongue trailed down to her belly, playing against her soft-scaled tummy. She felt the dragoness shiver and arch back, the attention having pleasant effects on her. She pressed her thumb against Diana's clit, the little nub still concealed by the bottoms. She rubbed it in circles as she looked up at the other female, enjoying her ecstatic reactions. She began kissing down her belly, her muzzle roaming down the curvaceous female's body. She gave a long lick between Diana's legs, tasting her juices on the panties. She smacked her lips from the taste, the scent only adding to marvelous flavor. She began rubbing her snout back and forth across the concealed lips. The two women had lost all sense of their surroundings, and that they were being watched with great enthusiasm. Diana opened her eyes and grinned as she beheld Keith stroking his fully erect member, eyes unflinchingly trained on them.

" seems my brother is enjoying our little performance. Amy, do be a dear and show him what you've been practicing," she stated, pulling her panties down to her ankles. Her sweet cunny was fully exposed now, her purple clit fully hard and her outer lips moist with her fem lube. Amy simply stared at the lovely pussy for several moments, the scent overpowering to her sensations. She leaned in forward and pressed her tongue against the little clitoris. The dragoness arched her neck back and groaned, needing more of that tongue. The canine gently flicked her tongue along the nub up and down, causing the receiver to shiver wildly. Amy felt a hand stroking her head as she worked her tongue, wrapping her hands around the dragoness's shapely hips. She pressed a finger against the rim of her tail-star, tracing around it. Diana licked her lips and trilled happily.

"Yes...finger my other tight hole!" she screamed out, pressing her rump back into Amy's grip. The Doberman took the opportunity to drag her tongue between the warm cunny lips, enjoying the constant warmth on her muzzle. The flexible appendage darted into the wet opening, delving further in to wriggle against the clenching walls as the female above her writhed in ecstasy. She grinned widely as she pleasured Diana, sticky juices matting down the fur of her muzzle. She began to push her finger into the even tighter tailhole, spreading it ever so slowly. The tight tunnel clenched around the intruding digit as it progressed forward. Diana began bucking passionately as she was being eaten out and fingered simultaneously. The two ladies were blissfully ignorant of their surroundings, lost in the pleasures they were experiencing. Amy used her tongue with a talent only matched by the dragoness, licking and sucking as she saw fit. She whimpered in surprise as she felt something hard grind against her ample backside. The horny dragon gripped her bum with both of his hands, rubbing his groin against her hips. She giggled and pressed back hard, hot dogging his fully hard cock between her warm cheeks. Hot pre-cum dribbled on her fur as the male began bucking against her. She moaned and doubled her efforts on Diana's hot pussy, dipping her tongue back into that tight hole. The dragoness looked down and watched Keith straddling his sister from behind.

"Oh gods brother...pound your lady into the floor!" Keith's eyes locked with his sister as a sinister grin crossed his muzzle.

"You are next Diana, and I am gonna wreck you," stated her brother rather dominantly as he rubbed the tip of his cock against his girl's glistening vent lips. He pressed forward slowly, parting her moist petals as he slowly opened her. She pressed back submissively, gasping out as she felt his ridged shaft rub against her tight walls. She began clenching onto his rod, feeling it pulse and throb within, her dragon groaning as he worked on hilting himself. The canine returned to making out with Diana's pussy, flicking her tongue over and suckling on the clit as she resumed fingering her rump. All three bucked against each other in hot passion as the dragon increased his pace, sliding in and out of the canine's slick tunnel. He dug his claws into the fur of her rear, leaning down to lick the back of her neck. Diana watched her brother ram into Amy, his hips roughly slapping against her own and large orbs sloshing about. She leaned her neck back and growled as the Doberman kept working her skilled tongue, the dragoness not sure how much longer she could hold on. Keith's mind was blank; all he could think about was ravaging these two beauties throughout the night. He worked his hips slowly, torturously grinding his ridges against Amy's silken walls as they pulled and contracted against him. Warm pre dribbled from his tip inside her, providing extra lubrication for his thick girth. Lewd sounds emanated from the coupling, a chorus of moans echoing in the room. Diana roared out and extended her wings from behind her, a powerful orgasm travelling through her body. Her legs trembled greatly as Amy kept working her tongue, focused on prolonging the dragoness's pleasure. Keith gripped Amy's swaying breasts, rubbing his claws around her perk little nipples. She let out little squeals of ecstasy as the larger male pounded into her, the front of her muzzle coated in fem cum. She withdrew her tongue from Diana and began slowly and delicately licking across her dark purple nether lips. She felt the tip of the dragon's member swell inside her, a sign that he was not far away from filling her. Neither of them cared if he came inside her womb, she had been on the pill for many years before she met him. His frantic thrusts became more controlled and precise, achieving the ultimate pleasure as his member hit her cervix.

"A...almost there!" roared out Keith, his loins burning for release as he plunged into his love repeatedly. His tail met his sister's and coiled around it, looking forward to his turn with her next. The dragoness slid down into a sitting position, her legs still spread as she rubbed her vent. She was anticipating what her brother was going to do to her; she had been waiting a long while for this. She panted as she watched him work his hips, Amy's face buried against Diana's stomach as she moaned and arched her back. She had already experienced several orgasms during the passionate exchange, her thighs sticky with mixed juices. She felt Keith's cock throbbing wildly inside her before he hilted all the way into her womb, the male roaring out as he began pumping thick loads of dragon spunk into the Doberman. He wrapped his wings around her fully, cocooning her in warmth as he held on tightly. His tongue rested on the back of her neck, a few strands of saliva sticking to her fur. The trio panted heavily, regaining their strength for another go. Keith laid atop Amy's back for several minutes, lounging in the glorious after-glow. He was still fully hard and pulsing inside her filled pussy, his thick knot halfway in. He was grateful that it had not gone in fully or he would have to wait a while for his erection to die down a bit before pulling out. Diana cooed lustfully and caressed the canine's muzzle, Amy simply panting as she recovered.

"Well now brother, now that you've popped inside her I think you and I have some unfinished business that has been forthcoming for a long time," she said to her brother, eyeing over his impressive physique. The dragon chuckled and slowly withdrew his member from the still clenching vent, sighing happily as the tip popped out with a wet slurp. The dragoness stared at her brother's throbbing shaft, the rod glistening with the other female's nectar. Keith sat back, stroking his slick member as seed dribbled from the tip. His orbs were still hefty and had plenty left in them. Amy rolled over onto her back and giggled, seeing her man was ready for another go.

"Mmm, Diana I'm going to let you take this one, I need a breather."

"My pleasure dear, this time I'm going to be the one on top," growled the dragoness, grinning wide to reveal her teeth. Keith gulped nervously, remembering the wild sessions they would have together. His sis was a straight up dom, a dragoness who knew what she wanted from her partner. Her rampant libido was only matched by her sexual prowess; her brother was the first to ever find that out. With lightning fast precision she leapt and landed upon him, gripping his chest and looming above. Keith huffed as he felt the air knocked from his lungs, unaccustomed to her pouncing him like she used to. She looked down at him as she began to grind his shaft between her rump cheeks, making him groan and shudder. Keith bucked upwards, smearing his pre over her scales as his tip poked against her tight little tailstar. Diana rumbled deeply, pushing his muzzle between her large breasts, smooshing them over his snout. He moved his hands to rest on her rump, spreading her ass as she pressed down harder on his member.

"Been so long since you've taken me this way," said Diana as she looked into his eyes. Her brother leaned up and bit her neck affectionately, pre spilling from the tip of his member as he anticipated feeling the warm tunnel milking his shaft. His mind began to cloud as he felt his tip pop past her tailstar, but a sudden flash of light brought him back. His gaze snapped to Amy just to the right of them, leaning against a wall as she took pictures with her phone. He gasped out in surprise as his sister stuffed two inches of his shaft into her rear, hearing another snap as Amy captured his pleasured expression. The soft, tight walls clenched around him, pulling more of his shaft inside as they contracted. Diana bit her bottom lip as she sunk further down onto her brother's lap, slowly adjusting to his significant girth. She squeaked as the canine smacked her backside roughly, causing her to press down harder upon the pulsing shaft. She was rewarded with a fresh spurt of hot pre, licking her lips and rubbing his muzzle as he bucked into her. Keith was in a world of blissful ecstasy as his beautiful sister bounced up and down upon his lap, her tight walls spreading around him. His large orbs were patting against her backside every time she ground down on him, a little more of his cock sinking in each time. He waited to hear another snap but it never came, instead he felt Amy's warm tongue lapping against his balls. He growled in surprise and wiggled under his sis, thumping his tail onto the floor. She worked her tongue along each orb before kissing over them erotically, positioning her phone to catch a picture of herself suckling on them.

"Gods sis, you've made her as perverted as you are!" exclaimed her brother, gripping his sister's breasts as they jiggled heavily above him. She responded by gyrating her saucy hips, Keith pushing further into her till only a few inches remained unburied.

"Almost there brother, I want that knot inside me," his sister blushed as she spoke, riding atop him as she thrust downward. Their bodies brushed and rubbed together in hot, sticky passion. Brother and sister coupling together in a joyous bond of love and affection. Amy scooted back a few feet to watch them finish; now recording the event taking place. Her fingers were busy dipping into her cum-filled honeypot, pressing them deeply inside. Keith was closing in on his second orgasm of the night, one that was likely to be unusually powerful. He couldn't resist his sister's supple body, his hands roaming her form as she bucked and arched against him. He was now hilt deep inside her save for his fully formed knot. Diana was absorbed in the moment, bucking and grinding down as she took in his entire shaft. Her breaths came in quick gasps as she neared her own climax, her warm juices leaking onto her brother's groin.

"Looks like you two are about to blow!" exclaimed Amy as she recorded them. The two siblings were lost in the sounds of their own rough session, both bucking against one another in fiery need. Moans echoed around the room as they came ever closer to their awaited release, both dragons spreading their wings in mind-numbing bliss. Keith pressed his sister down onto his cock as hard as he could manage, sending part of his knot into her clenching hole. The dragoness roared out as fem crème began pouring from her vent, closing her eyes tightly as she focused on the ecstasy washing over her body. Keith felt her juices dribbling onto his lap, only fueling his lust further towards its explosive end. After a few more powerful thrusts he wrapped his arms around her waist and threw his head back, eliciting a room shaking roar of pure bliss. His body rocked as he emptied his warm load into his sister's tight rear, her body shaking above him as she accepted his hot spunk. Keith throbbed and pulsed inside her more fervently than he ever had before, a true testament to his adoration for her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as he rolled both of them onto their side, still lodged firmly inside her. She locked her legs around him as he held her close to his chest, breathing heavily from her amazing orgasm. Amy giggled as she snapped a few more pictures before cuddling up against the two siblings. She gently nibbled on Diana's ear as she rubbed her male's neck.

"Are we done yet guys?" inquired the curious canine. The two dragons gave her a bewildered look.

"I'm just getting started ladies," said Keith, still fully hard inside his sister. His sister churred and nuzzled his neck, running a claw across his horns.

"Good, we are going to enjoy that legendary stamina of yours." The dragon huffed and chuckled, regaining his strength rapidly. He was content knowing that he was in great company for the night. He was overjoyed that Amy and Diana had warmed up to each other so intimately since the last time he had left. The two females had their supple bodies pressed against him, only furthering his intense arousal. His member twitched, covered in warm seed. The dragon had a long night ahead of him, one he would be sure that Amy recorded.