Ice with a Cherry on top (Illustrated)

Story by Skatelian on SoFurry

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#2 of Marshmallows and Love

The second part of "Marshmallows and Love"

Hello again! This is the next installment in the Marshmallows and Love miniseries. If everything goes according to plan (It never does) there should be only three chapters in this series. I'm just not good at making extensive plot lines. If you haven't read the first chapter, then I suggest doing so, it'll make things a lot clearer.

But I've rambled enough. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if so, please take a minute to vote or write a short comment. Those go a really long way!

The grey ball of fur stretched his arms, the winter sun's rays filtering through the window and landing on him. He walked slowly towards the kitchen, and in a zombie like fashion started cooking his breakfast. As the minutes went by, he started feeling more and more awake. To his sensitive nose came the delicious smell of an egg omelet, and his ears heard it sizzle as he absent-mindedly dropped a couple slices of cheddar and a handful of mushrooms. This was his favorite breakfast, and he did it quite often. His senses started to return, his blurry vision adjusting and catching dozens of minute details in an unorganized fashion. He saw the hot chocolate slowly pouring into the cup, the cheese melting and covering the mushrooms, his little finger grazing the underside of the pan...

-GAAAAAAH! -He yelled as he yanked his hand back in pain. The fur was still there, and he could feel no pain as he rubbed it against his index finger.

Satisfied with the fact that it had only been a reflex act and wide-awake now, he sat down on the small table and finished his breakfast with joy. While he munched down on his delicious food, his thoughts started drifting to Sarah. They had been dating for three months now, and there really was chemistry in between them. She'd been alongside him during all his games, cheering on even if his team was behind. And no matter what the outcome, she'd always wait for him outside the locker room, with a wide grin on her face and telling him how he had played even better than before. Every Sunday they'd go out for dinner at a different place, sometimes with disastrous results on the food quality, but they had a good time nevertheless.

Still, Marsh couldn't quite shake a bit of the nervousness around her. They were both shy, and the incident that happened on the night they'd met hadn't helped at all. They never talked about it, but Marsh was still looking for the perfect opportunity. More precisely, by the time he had finished the omelet and placed the dish in the dishwasher, he had already figured it out. He strolled out the dorm and towards the campus, with a big ear-to-ear grin the whole time. He already knew that this day was going to be nice, but he didn't know how much.

-Hey marsh, Happy Birthday!-His friend Mark greeted him by the classroom entrance.

-Hey Mark, everything fine?

-Fine? Its way more than fine... It's awesome! Mister Rogers is sick and you won't believe the babe that's covering for him.-He said, practically drooling all over him. Mark was always like this, but the human was actually a very friendly guy.

-Sure...-Marsh said, sarcastically.-Lately your standards have lowered a lot you know... and besides, I've got a girlfriend now, remember?

-Oh, right. Is she still with you even after you explicitly rejected her offer for sex? -He said, mocking him. He'd found out after a few days, and hadn't given it a rest since.

-Cut it off-Said the canine-It'll pay off eventually, trust me.

-Sure, of course it will! Right when you're 80 and need to tell your sister's grandsons why you never had kids.

Marsh had no other choice but to laugh. He knew that Mark was just teasing him, as always. They entered the classroom and sat down in the middle area. Seeing as the professor wasn't there yet, they kept talking.

-So Marsh.-He began-What are your plans for this long weekend? Everyone is leaving town. Even I'm going to visit my parents down by Texas.-He finished, making as if he'd swallowed a lime while stating his destination.

-I'm headed up to Lake Louise with Sarah for some snowboarding.-He said.

-Sweet! I wish...-He was quickly interrupted by a gorgeous woman in high heels and a rather skimpy outfit. The whole classroom fell into an abysmal silence. Most males had their jaws open and some put notebooks in their laps to hide their arousal. Marsh wasn't impressed; not that he couldn't appreciate the beauty of the replacement teacher, he just wasn't interested.

-Maybe this is what gay people feel like...-He thought. The class began, and while everyone else was mesmerized by the way her skirt showed a glimpse of her underwear every time she reached out to a distant place in the board, he started daydreaming about his future trip to the north. His mind quickly shifted to Sarah, and before he knew it, like so many other times before, he fell asleep.


The herd of students dispersed as they reached the front door at the end of the hall. Marsh was in the middle of it all, walking with a bag of jet-puffed marshmallows in his hand. Suddenly, a bright pink hand found its way over the scalp horizon, and into his field of vision. He walked towards it, like a ship being guided to port by the beacon on a lighthouse.

-Hey! How are you?-Sarah started in a playful tone- I see you're having your daily dose... how come you haven't landed a diabetes problem by now?-She joked, pointing towards the half empty bag.

-Mere luck, I guess. So, ready for tomorrow's big trip?

-Oh, I can't wait for it! We're going to have so much fun!

-That's definitely true. Have you packed yet?

-Of course silly-She giggled.-I've been waiting for this since you asked me to go! Oh, by the way, I think I forgot my favorite jacket yesterday at your room. Mind if I go by and pick it up later?

-Of course! Mark already left for Texas, so I don't have anywhere else to be.

-Sweet! Ill drop by at 7, okay?

-Sure! See ya then!-He said as she walked away. Just as she was out of sight, his ears slumped and his face acquired a much somber tone. He started walking towards his dorm, slowly and with no visible energy. He'd even stopped eating from the bag as his mind drove him crazy with one single sentence, over and over again.

-She Forgot my Birthday

The clock seemed to engage warp speed as he arrived to the dorm, and it seemed like just a few minutes after the clock had struck 6. By then, for some reason, it just slowed down to the point that Marsh actually checked if the batteries on the wall clock were fresh. He had so much in his mind, he could only think for some time before the migraine returned. He'd almost forgotten about it, a small meaningless condition inherited from his father. Feeling the familiar stinging pain and fullness behind his right eye, he dropped face-up on his bed. He remained like this, eyes closed, for some time, hoping that it would dampen the pain.

He was about to go up for some pain relievers when he remembered the fact that he and Sarah would leave for Lake Louise tomorrow morning, and he hadn't packed yet! He started to pack, putting extra care in his snowboarding equipment and clothes. The board itself was already outside by the garage, so it wouldn't be a problem to get it on the car.

-She forgot my birthday...

He was surprised by how his mind had made the jump from packing to that. Still, the thought felt bitter, and he sat down again on the edge of the bed. The more he tried to dissuade himself from thinking about it, the less success he had. This would've gone on and on and on forever, if there hadn't been a soft knock on the door.

-Come in!-He said-It's unlocked!

He didn't really pay much attention to Sarah as she came in. She made a beeline for her jacket, sitting amongst a pile of other unimportant stuff.

-There you are-She muttered to herself.

She walked up and laid the jacket on the bed, and then sat down by Marsh. She lifted his chin gently with a finger, and then kissed him passionately. It was a long, tender kiss, and Marsh enjoyed it a lot, as he was sure Sarah did too. By the time their mouths separated, he felt her index finger lying gently across his mouth.

SHHHH-She said, almost in a whisper.-Don't talk. I know it's your birthday, I've known all day. It's just that I wanted to give you a surprise.

She moved in to kiss him again, this time, pushing him towards the bed. As they kissed, the feline on top of Marsh moaned sensually, and as she opened her eyes she saw him sporting a confused look in his face. His eyes only opened wider when he felt a hand slowly massaging the bulge in his pants. They kept doing this for a while, and soon the poor husky was involuntarily grinding his hips against her hand. He thought that she would quit anytime now, as it had happened before. But imagine his surprise when Sarah's hand actually unfastened his buckle and his button, and started to go under his clothes towards his painfully erect shaft. He was about to say something when he remembered her telling him to remain silent. He decided to trust her and, besides, He could tell she wasn't on her heat.

Her hand found its way under his pants and instinctively gripped his whole penis with her hand. Both of them shuddered at the touch; it was the first time any of them had touched each other's genitals. Marsh felt unbelievably good, as most people or furs do when their private parts are touched by someone else for the first time. He would have been happy just to stay like this, but Sarah had other plans. She stroked it slowly, gently, analyzing every ridge, every vein, and every detail of this magnificent object. But then she felt that touching wasn't enough. She had to see it. She opened his zipper buttons (zippers tend to disagree with furs, especially over their most sensitive hair) and pulled his underwear down a bit. This allowed the phallus to spring up, showing itself fully to the pink-furred teenager. It was so beautiful, the dark red color, its musky and heavy scent, his pulsing veins...her eyes lit up wonder.

-Remember what I said earlier? About not talking?-She said, in a very shy way.-Could you ignore it? This is the first time I do this and I fear I'll do it wrong.

He just nodded, not knowing what she meant about. As she saw this, she placed her nose mere inches from the big red spire, and took a whiff. The odor was powerful, enthralling. Then, without any warning, Sarah gave it a long lick, all the way from the base to the top. Marsh moaned hard and grunted to avoid ejaculating that very instant. Sarah interpreted this as a pain response, so she withdrew her tongue.

-Sorry! Sorry... Are you okay?

-That was... That... amazing!-marsh said, speechless.

Sarah happily accepted the fact that she had caused so much pleasure, and renewed her efforts. She continued licking at him like a lollypop, while feeling his partner's body tremble with pleasure. She loved the salty taste and continued lapping on it, until Marsh decided it would be nice to try something different.

-W...Why D...Don't you... use your whole...-He didn't get to complete his sentence, as she caught the idea extremely fast. She gave the penis a quick kiss on the very tip of the glans, and then slowly parted her lips to envelop his member in her mouth. She started bobbing her head a bit, and by pure instinct started sucking.

Marsh was in pure bliss. This was so much better than pawing off by himself! Her tongue going up and down, stimulating his glans on every pass; the humid feel of her breath, her sweet cheeks, rubbing against him... But then, without any warning, he felt himself go over the edge.

-GAH! I'm... Gonna...

Sarah Kept sucking and moving her head, and then Marsh grabbed the back of his head with his hand and pulled her even deeper into him, to the point that his tip hit the back of her throat. He unloaded, big time, on Sarah's throat, causing her to gag a bit but she eventually swallowed it all. When he relaxed, she cleaned the outside of her mouth with a handkerchief and fell on the bed by Marsh. They both rested there, side by side panting, as they recovered from the rush. After a minute or so, Sarah finally broke the spell.

-So...-She began playfully-I take it you enjoyed your birthday gift?

-Words can't describe the feeling.-He answered, still gasping for breath.

She giggled as she saw his failing effort to stay awake. She kissed him and got up.

-I'm going to let you rest now. I'll be here at 6 sharp so we can leave. We're going to have so much fun!

-Thank you. For everything.-He said like it was his dying breath.

-Happy to. Happy birthday Marsh.-She said as she closed the door. He didn't get to hear it though, as he was sound asleep by the time she'd closed the door, without even putting his underwear on again.

-Hey. Wake up, we're here.

Marsh pulled into the parking lot as Sarah yawned and stretched out. The 11 hour long trip had finally ended, and in front of them laid the mighty Chateau Lake Louise towered over them. They'd spent the first portion of the trip talking about random things, and she took some time to give him a 20 minute car tour of Vancouver city before they entered the Rocky Mountains. Luckily for them, there were no avalanches delaying them, and they had made Lake Louise by 6 PM.

The air was cool and the sun had set already when they left the car. He rushed to the lobby for a baggage cart, and they had everything inside the warmth of the building in no time. Marsh walked up to the front desk while Sarah waited in a chair not far away.

-Good evening. We have a reservation for a single room. The name is James.

-Sure thing! What are your last names?

-Lindbergh Moon.

-Let's see... Ok, there it is. Hmm... you have quite the unusual request. Give me just a second while I contact the manager.

She picked up the phone and started talking with someone. He was very nervous, everything had to go according to plan, or his whole strategy would come down.

-Well Mr. Lindbergh, it looks like we will be able to help you with this request after all. I'm guessing she doesn't know? - She said in a hushed tone, pointing to Sarah.

-I'd appreciate it if she didn't find out until tomorrow night.

-Good. So, for tonight, we've got you a small two bed room. It's not overlooking the lake, but I guess it doesn't matter?

-It doesn't, for now.

-Perfect! So these are your keys, and I'll call someone down to pick up your luggage. Tomorrow during the day, they'll take care of it again while you are out on the mountain, and you'll pick the other things up here any time after 5PM. By the way, we have a shed down the hall to your left where you can leave your boards overnight. We hope you have a great time with us and I'm glad we could be of help with, you know...

-Thanks! Good night.

They left for the room, and fell down on their beds as soon as they were alone. Out of exhaustion from the extremely long trip, they fell asleep immediately.

He had lost sight of her. The wind gusts pushed even more snow into his goggles, and the cold had started to seep out of a chunk of snow that had found its way into his sleeve. He scanned the horizon, frantically looking for her.

-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-A yell went by him, changing pitch like an ambulance speeding on a freeway. His cold but still sensitive ears pinpointed the location of the sound amazingly fast, and he turned his head just in time to see a snowboarder speeding down the slope. He managed to see the smallest hint of pink fur before she disappeared in the distance.

-Oh no you don't! - He said to himself, speeding up in her direction.

As he chased her through the blurred out trees, he remembered the morning before they left, and his surprise when, after putting his snowboard on the top of his car, Sarah arrived. She was carrying two small duffel bags, a tiny handbag, and a snowboard of her own. Marsh had thought that he would have had to teach her how to ski or ride, but the high end snowboard proved otherwise.

-How could I forget.-He said, halfway to catching her up.-She lived in Vancouver. She was one 20 minute bus ride away from the slopes...

Not only had she good at snowboarding. She was a bit better than him. Naturally, this meant they had endless fun on the slopes, and the fact that they had been riding from 8 to 6 with only a short stop for lunch was evidence of it. As he bolted down the slope, his mind inevitably returned to the thought that had made him very nervous during the day. As his mind got sidetracked, he failed to notice that Sarah had slowed down, and he had overshot her. As he instinctively turned his face towards her, the tip of his feet rotated just a bit, but it was enough. The board had turned, and now one side was partially facing the bottom of the hill. Marsh failed to act quickly, and that side dug into the snow, stopping the board with a jolt. The canine, however, didn't stop, because due to his forward momentum his body continued moving, which led to a big wipeout. He rolled, bounced and flew for around 100 feet, before coming to a stop in a soft pile of what he in his stupor thought was marshmallow.

When he opened his eyes, Sarah was staring down at him, with a look of concern on her face.

-Marsh? Can you hear me? Are you okay?

-yeah... I think so...

-What a relief, that was a pretty big splash. Still, I think it's better to go to the field doctor at the base and have you checked for a concussion.

-Sure-He said. He remembered what he was thinking before crashing, and he cheered up immediately. -Race you to the bottom.

Sarah shook her head in response to the stubbornness, and helped Marsh to his feet. As soon as he was up, he jumped and took off. Sarah couldn't believe him, but she still dove into pursuit almost immediately.

-Well, at least you don't have a concussion.-Sarah said as they walked into the shed.

-Yeah... still, I do hurt all over from that fall.-He said as he placed the boards on the rack and took off his boots.

He finished getting ready first, so he told her to wait for him down at the lobby while he got something from the front desk. She felt curious as to why not go directly to their room, but she said nothing. Marsh grabbed a couple of things from the girl that had checked them in the other day, and she winked while she gave them to him. Marsh didn't wink back, but he smiled nonetheless. As he walked to where Sarah was sitting, he shielded the objects from view. They walked towards an elevator and then, before pressing any button, he handed her a blindfold. She was pretty taken back, but after some convincing, she put it on and stepped into the elevator. He proceeded to take the card that the reception girl had given him, and inserted it in a slot, unlocking access to the gold suite area. The elevator rose, and as soon as the doors opened, he led her through a hallway and towards a room. He opened the room using the same keycard from before, and stepped inside. He led her a few steps forward, then stopped. Finally, with great care, he slowly removed the blindfold.

Sarah gasped. She wasn't expecting something like this at all. She was in the middle of a spacious living room, with a huge panoramic glass facing the lake. The view was astonishing, the lake glistening under the moonlight. She also saw that all their baggage was there in a small corner.

-Wow, simply... How did you get a room like this?

Marsh just smiled. It didn't matter how he'd gotten it. They were here, overviewing one of the most beautiful places in the world. She just took some more seconds to take in the view, and then turned and hugged him. After a few seconds of a nice, tender hug, she pulled back a bit only to come back and kiss him, passionately. They remained like this for a minute or so, firmly gripping each other as their tongues drew a precise map of all the intricacies in their partner's mouths.

-There's more.-He said as he pulled away to breathe.

Sarah felt curious. What could be more important than such a view? Before she could say so, however, he turned her around and covered her eyes with his paws. He took her a couple more steps, and then he told her to open the door in front of her. As she opened it and they entered, she sensed a switch of ambiance. The lights were off (She could tell the brightness of a room through a small crack in Marsh's left paw) and there was a low, crackling sound close by. He then removed his paws, and what she saw left her speechless:

They were in big room, also with a large window facing the slopes. All the lights were off, but the fireplace gave off enough light and heat to maintain the coziness. A bottle of champagne floated in a small ice tray, and two glasses were ready on the table. But the most important feature was the bed. It was a huge, king size bed, which someone had sprayed rose petals all over, and in the shape of a heart.

Sarah was in a state of shock. She hadn't expected this during the trip, but now it all made sense! The way he always told her to wait far away while she talked to the receptionist, why he was so emotive that day... it even explained why he'd fallen down from his board. She couldn't take it anymore, and turned around to kiss Marsh with an incredible passion. They both fell on the bed, facing one another, while he looked her straight in the eye and brushed her hair gently.

-Are you ready?

She didn't answer. Instead, one of her hands started to unbutton his shirt. He also started to remove her clothing, all in a very slow, sensual motion. As the shirts and pants were off, and they laid there in their undergarments, Sarah's hand started to rub his crotch over his briefs. Deciding that some reciprocation was in order, he started caressing her tits over her bra, being extra careful not to hurt her as he was very inexperienced. After some time of this petting, he started to remove her bra, with her raising her arms in order to make it easier for him. This was the first time he'd ever seen her chests bare, and he wasn't complaining. The soft rose petals felt soft and silky on their naked bodies, as he watched closely her tits, still rubbing them gently. He then started to suck on them gently, eliciting moans of approval from his partner. Simultaneously, he felt her hand push down his briefs. With some body shifting, his last garment fell to the floor, as he lay totally naked next to Sarah. His penis was red and swollen, and a few drops of pre-cum were oozing out. She turned and faced his penis, lapping at it with a much slower tempo than a couple days before. Meanwhile, Marsh couldn't resist any longer. He took her white panties and rolled them down, revealing her innermost sanctum. He bathed in her beauty, as now for the first time, there was nothing to cover it.

While she still gave him a blowjob, he took to the job of exploring her pink passage. He noticed the tender mound on top, and the bulged mayor lips surrounding it. Then, with his hand, he opened up a bit, to explore it better. He saw her tiny little bump, and the minor lips. And also, right there besides everything else, was her hymen. A perfectly formed, impeccably innocent and thin barrier of flesh. When he moved his hand to look better, he accidentally touched her clitoris directly, causing her to yelp.

-OUCH! It's really sensitive there, go easy on it.

Marsh felt a bit bad, but the desire got the best of him and he quickly came back with renewed efforts. He then decided, seeing as how Sarah already had part of his own spire inside her mouth, to try that also. He started to lap at the outer labia and the external edges, and then slowly migrated to the center. There, carefully, he inserted part of his tongue into her pussy, licking the walls and causing her to moan and squirm.

After a bit of this foreplay, Marsh suddenly got on top of her and aligned his body to hers. He took out a condom from the drawer, but Sarah grabbed it and tossed it away.

-We won't need those now.-She said with a very seductive voice.-It's our first time, so I think we should feel it the way it was meant to be felt. Besides, I'm not on heat and on birth control, so I expect you NOT to pull out.

Marsh had thought that his arousal couldn't grow higher, but hearing those words out of her mouth was more than enough to show him wrong. He took his hand and guided his penis towards her entrance, stopping just a few inches short. After a nod of approval, he started to push slowly, pushing the first couple inches inside. She felt so warm, so tender, and so innocent; he had to fight a lot not to cum in just that moment. Soon, however, he hit the barrier, and stopped as he saw that she grimaced with pain. He waited for her to be ready, looking at her straight in the eyes. They both knew this would hurt, so he wasn't in any hurry.

-Do it.-She said, firmly.

Marsh backed out an inch, and then pushed into her with some force. He felt the thin wall give away as he penetrated her, and he heard the cry of pain she emitted. Immediately, he moved in and kissed her, keeping his spire inside her so she would get used to it. He felt hot blood run through his penis and drip into the towel he had set there. As he felt her cries die out, he stopped kissing and pulled back a few inches, then thrust it forward again. Every time he thrust into her, she displayed a bit of pain, but it slowly diminished with the next one. Soon, they had established a rhythm, with him thrusting in and out, and she lifting her hips to meet his in order to get him deeper. They mated like this for some time, not changing the position.

-What's that? I feel something hitting in my uh... opening...-She said, rather shyly. As she looked down, she saw that Marsh's knot had swollen up, and now was having a tough time getting in and out of her.

-That's my knot-He explained. It helps me seal my mate's passage in order to prevent the cum from flowing out.

-Interesting! Well, at least I don't have to deal with my mate having a barbed penis to instigate ovulation... how the hell did nature come up with that?

They stopped talking, frantically humping each other in a sense of pure bliss. Due to the position, with every thrust he stimulated Sarah's G spot, which caused her to shiver in pleasure. Finally, the knot became too big to come in again. With a final big thrust, he lodged it deep inside her, tying them together as his warm cock still pulsated and swelled within her. He was confined to small, erratic thrusts now, but his spire was lodged in the cervix, barely reaching the womb. Because of this, even those erratic movements sent shockwaves of pleasure through both of them.

-Oh! I'm... I'm Gonna... AAAAAAHHHHHHH

She tensed as an extremely powerful orgasm rocked her world upside down. Her inside muscles clenched, and this drove Marsh over the edge.

-Close... very... Sarah!!!!!!!!!


He howled her name as his balls twitched and sent thick ropes of cum, directly into her womb. She felt herself fill up with his seed, and that sensation caused another orgasm that made her see stars. After their orgasms died down, the both spooned in order to avoid tugging on the oversensitive genitals. Seeing as they would be here stuck for some time, they decided to open the champagne. Marsh filled both cups and handed one to Sarah.

-Well, we both know what we're toasting about, so let's skip it. Cheers!

The champagne dried up rather quickly, and as soon as his member had reduced its swelling and slipped free, all the alcohol, sex and snowboarding had taken their toll. Marsh barely had time to say "I love you" before she answered and fell asleep. Not being able to stay awake, he cuddled again with her, and promptly fell asleep in the embrace of his mate.


And that's it for my fursona's story! (For now). I'm going to start taking Free or cheap commissions to improve on some other topics. If you have a good idea for a story, want a very personalized one, or simply want to say hi, drop me a PM. I check them daily. J