That's Life (C'est la vie)

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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So I just was inspired to make write this for some reason. It's a tragedy, has Incest in it (No-Yiff, but I can always be persuaded to write out a scene if the audience demands) and is really short and fairly rushed. I think I did okay for a little over three hours work thought so it's whatever.

As always I hope someone will responded or comment or vote but hey everyone has free will so do whatever the fuck you want.

Hope you enjoy this

-Van Rorie

Markus stared at his celling, looking at the little bumps that were plastered on it. It was like a game he played. He would pretend in his mind that he was looking at the stars and he would make little constellations from the white bumps. Markus didn't sleep that much anymore; he had too much hate in him for sleep. He hated his life, it wasn't bad but he hated it anyway. His parents were always pushing him, saying how he should live up to his potential, school was such a drag and they made him go every day. He didn't really have any friends, all the people he met seemed like assholes to him.

Some nights he stayed up to look at his celling and wonder why he didn't kill himself. It would be quick and painless; he knew how to do it too. It would all just end then he could sleep for eternity, in purgatory. The he remembered his sister, she was the reason he didn't kill himself. His little sister was a sixteen year old pure white cat with blue eyes, same as the rest of the family. Markus was the same an eighteen year old pure white cat with blue eyes, and he was deaf in his left ear. Her name was Katie, and she was the only fur that Markus loved. She was sweet and kind, and never once tried to tell Markus what to do, like everyone else in his life did.

That day had been especially tough, but profitable. School had just started back a few weeks earlier, and it gave Markus and easy access to all his customers. He had sold all of his Dextromethorphan to a fur he knew who liked to buy in bulk. All together he had been able to sell eighty grams, and at fifteen dollars a gram, he made a killing. Markus chuckled lightly at that, thinking of the easy twelve hundred he made. It wasn't all profit, though a good two thirds of it was so he thought he might celebrate some time.

There was a problem though. Markus usually took a few grams of Dextromethorphan to calm his nerves and help him sleep, but without any he just lied awake in his bed.

To top it all off he was worried. Worried about his sister. At dinner that night she had been oddly quite, only speaking when someone asked her to pass something, or how her day was. It disturbed Markus as she was usually the one that talked about her friends and how school was and what not. Then she had taken a long shower and went to bed almost right after dinner, not even watching TV or anything.

As he lay on his bed looking up at the fake constellations there he thought he heard something. The sound was soft and less than addable, and it came from the left no less. Markus turned in his bed, so that his good ear might hear the soft sound.

The sound started and stopped often and with a jerk. It began in a high pitch and went even higher occasionally. Markus thought it was a kind of suppressed laugh at first, and then the truth of the sound hit him. It was a gentle and soft sobbing. Someone in the house was crying, and with a sinking dread Markus realized it was coming from his sisters room.

Markus was filled with concern, his sister was the only fur he cared about and if something was wrong he would kill to make it right again if he had too for her. He got dressed quickly pulling on some sweatpants and his blue and black plaid robe. He silently rushed down the hall to her room, finding her door shut and locked. That concerned him even more; Katie always left her door open at night.

Markus carefully flicked out a claw, he put it horizontal to the lock forcing the cheap and ineffective lock to yield to his demand. He didn't force the door open; instead he gently opened it slightly, before calling out a whisper to the darkness of the room.

"Katie, Katie are you okay? I heard you crying, what's wrong?"

"*sniff...sniff* Nothing, go away Mark." She said a little angrily.

"Katie, please, I don't want to see you cry. What's wrong?"

"It's Paul, he *sniff* he dumped me today."

Paul Rucktenford was Katie's boyfriend. He was a jock Doberman on the American football team. Markus hated Paul, he was a stuck up jock obsessed with sports and he treated objects like women. Markus never understood why Katie liked him, but out of respect for her he kept his opinions of the dog to himself.

"He what!" Markus asked with a loud whisper.

"*sniff* we went over to his house after school, and his parents weren't home. He said he wanted to have sex, but I didn't want too. He kept asking and I said no. *sniff* and then he said that I was a dumb bitch that didn't put out. He said that I wasn't even pretty, that he just thought I was easy. Then he said to get the fuck out, and that he would tell everyone what a bitch I was. *sniff*" Katie stopped talking and just started to cry.

Markus went over to her bed, and hugged her. Holding her shaking body in his thin arms, he softly petted her head as she cried.

"shhh, shh, it's okay Katie, Paul doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. You're the cutest and prettiest cat I know. And you're kind and caring and never mean to anyone. Paul doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. If he doesn't love you then I hope he dies in a fire." Markus finished, petting Katie's head, trying to calm her.

Katie sobbed into Markus's shoulder, dampening his fur there. She slowly stopped crying, all the while Markus held her, whispering that it would be alright. Markus felt Katie calm down, she was still nestled into Markus's body when she fell asleep.

Gently Markus laid her down on the bed; putting the covers over her he soothed out all the trussed sheets before stroking her head fur and kissing her forehead goodnight. He got off of the bed and made for the door, so that he could plan tomorrow, when he heard the covers of the bed shift and sensed Katie sit up.

"M..Markus? Would you sleep with me tonight; please?" Katie asked in a sweet and shy voice.

"Sure, anything for you sis." Markus said as he walked back to Katie's bed.

He lied down on the left side of the bed, on his back, not getting under the covers or removing his robe and pants. He felt Katie wiggle under the covers, and snuggle into his side.

"Good night Markus, I love you." Katie whispered sleepily to him.

"Good night sis." Markus whispered back.

The light, the scouts of the dawn, came too early for Markus. He wanted to sleep, to rest his eyes and his head. He wanted most of all to be near his sister. He realized that he loved her, that he loved her more than he should as her brother.

It made him sad, knowing that he could never be with her. He knew that she didn't love him like he loved her. He would try to be content though, in knowing that at least she loved him in the best possible way that a sister should love a brother.

He would always be there for her. When she needed a shoulder to cry on he would be there for her. When she needed someone to save her from the assholes of life he would be there for her. When she just needed a friendly fur to talk to he would be there for her.

He would always be there, and that had to be enough for him. It had to be enough that he could look but never touch. Markus promised himself that it would be enough; after all he would do anything for his Katie's wellbeing and happiness.

He moved silently from the bed, getting ready for the morning. The carpet of the room felt soft between his foot-paws and helped conceal the noise of his paw-steps. Markus quickly made his way to his room, dis robing swiftly as he shut the door.

His room was the usual sea of cloths some clean, some dirty, some passable as clean if nobody looked to closely. Markus got dressed in some clean white cargo pants and a blue shirt that didn't have any stains, and didn't smell too awful. After brushing his teeth and putting on some deodorant he headed to the living room so he could watch the morning news.

The news, as always, was a dreary ordeal; but Markus loved it all the same. Wars going on that didn't solve anything, famine going on that was preventable had they not been spending money on war, poverty rampant because the rich and the powerful were caught in a vicious cycle for more money. That was life though, and Markus had decided that the news of Utopia would be utterly dull, and equally pointless.

Katie came down much later, in some blue jeans and a pretty blue blouse. She came and sat beside Markus on the couch, she whispered something into his deaf ear giggling as she did.

"Speak ye to Caesars good ear." Markus said to her with mock authority.

"I come to warn Caesar of the Ides of March." She replied, leaning in over dramatically to his right ear.

They both shared in small laugher of the morning. Markus was glad that she was happy again today. He was still plotting his revenge against Paul, but for now he was happy that Katie was happy.

"Would you give me a ride to school today; I don't want to have to walk." Katie asked him in a sweet voice.

"Of course, anything for you sis." Markus replied back simply.

The drive to school was short, and walking would have most likely been easier, but Markus was the general lazy cat who couldn't be bothered to move beyond the bare minimum of his need and curiosity; so he simply drove to school. He was glad that Katie wanted a ride; it let him be close to her for a while longer that morning.

The trees were a beautiful autumn color; soon they would die though, and slowly degrade into the soil to feed the trees again next spring. The air had an appropriate chill that morning, but it seemed like the sun would warm up the weather by the afternoon.

"Hey, Markus?" Katie asked shyly from the passenger's seat of Markus's small blue sports car.

Markus turned the radio down so he could hear Katie's angelic voice. "Hmm?" he replied in a simple tone.

"Well, I just, um, last night. Did you mean what you said about me?"

"I meant every word, more then you could imagine. Katie never ever doubt for a moment that you're the most beautiful cat on the face of the earth. Paul is the dumbest sorriest fuck on the planet for not realizing that." Markus said passionately.

"Markus, I, um, thank you." She said almost tear eyed, hugging Markus as she said it.

"Markus I was just wondering... you love me right?" Katie began in a shy and nervous voice.

"Of course I love you, you're the best little sister ever." Markus said, trying not to let his emotions seep through his dialogue.

"Oh, well yeah, I love you too big brother, but... Do you-?someday, love may shine on you (and you, and you)?" Katie's phone went off, playing her Asia ringtone.

Katie reached into her pocket, and blushing with awkward embarrassment answered her phone.


"No, I caught a ride with my brother."


"No, yeah we're like at the front of the school right now."



"On which side?"

"So like if you were going to the band room?"

"Okay, yeah be there in just a second, okay see you in just a second Kelly."

By the time Katie had finished the phone conversation Markus had pulled up in front of the school. He was letting Katie out near the front of the school so that she didn't have to walk all the way from where he parked to the front door.

"Thanks big brother." Katie said excitedly as she hugged him then got out of the car.

"Yeah, don't mention it sis." He replied halfheartedly after she left, wondering what she was about to say to him.

The school day was boring, like every other day, for Markus. He primarily slouched over in his chair and slept through his classes. He didn't feel like trying today, or at least trying in class. He had to save his strength for lunch.

And so lunch came quickly too him, sleeping seemed to do that, make time go by faster. He went to lunch quickly and chose a table near the bathrooms. Everyone at school knew that people dipped tobacco in the bathrooms during lunch, but there was always a lookout so no one ever was caught.

Markus knew Paul also dipped, which he didn't really mind after all dip never hurt anyone other than the user, but it gave Markus the window of opportunity he needed.

He soon saw Paul go into the bathrooms, he didn't follow him in directly though, he waited a few moments first. He got out a note book and made his way to the bathroom.

He found a lot of fur standing around the sinks, near a handy cap stall. They were obviously doing dip; one was even putting in new snuff. Markus seized his chance, spotting Paul among the furs. He threw the note book to one of the furs while he took out his phone from his pocket.

"Smile!" He said sarcastically as he snapped a picture on his phone.

As predicted on of the furs had caught the note book and held it up in the right way. One both sides of the note book where the date and the time written down as near as Markus could get them.

"Now all of you listen the fuck up. I don't want any trouble, but I've got a picture here, dated, with all you fuckers breaking school rules. Now if everyone except Paul leaves in the next ten seconds, then I just delete the picture and none of this ever happened. If not, I push one button and send this picture to the school office. Now is that clear?"

Suddenly he saw a furred fist come out from the group. One of the more redneck furs had apparently decided he didn't like taking orders from a skinny ass white cat. Markus easily dogged the sloppy hay maker, then bringing his hand up he grabbed the furs wrist. He pulled the wrist down hard, letting it collide with the stone counter top, scraping and breaking the skin from the force of the impact.

"Now, is that clear?"

The other furs answered him by spitting out there dip on his shoes and shoving past him to the cafeteria. All except Paul that was.

"Well Markus I'm surprised a thin pussy like you didn't piss yourself when Josh threw that punch at you. Now I'm guessing this is about that bitch, what's her name, Katie?" He said maliciously.

"No this is about me telling you what's going to happen you little prick. If you ever, EVER, do anything to her I swear I will make you die a slow and painful death. Right now I'm thinking chlorine gas asphyxiation slow, or bleeding out slow, something I can savor. You got that you little shit?" Markus said to him cool as ice, with hatred in his voice.

"You can't do shit you miserable fuck. I could beat the shit out of you with one arm behind my back and then still have the energy to fuck that slut of a sister you have. And she wants it too, believe me, I can tell when a bitch just wants to be fucked. Just give it a little while and I'm sure your sister will start fucking anything that moves and maybe then I'll let her beg for my cock. Now get the hell out of her Markus." Paul said back with smug pride and arrogance.

Markus turned and left, not wanting to be drug into a name calling match. He hoped Paul didn't trying anything else; after all he would kill the dog, and at this point he almost would just for the fun of it. But he had to play it cool for Katie's sake.

School let out fairly quickly.

Markus walked behind a couple of buildings to get to his car. He didn't like walking through the school with its halls flooded with students, so he went outside and took the long way, behind the gym and part of the east wing. He walked the paved side walk calmly, knowing that he would get to see Katie soon, which made his day worth living.

As he rounded a corner he felt something hit him forcefully in the temple. The pain made him shudder and shut down all of his defenses. He fell to his knees, as he felt another blow land across his muzzle breaking his jaw.

He struggled for air, spitting out a mix of blood and droll that he was choking on he tried to get up, only to have more blows rain down upon him. His faces, his sternum, his back, his stomach, none of those areas were spared from the assault. Then just as he felt the fury of his attackers fists cease, and he thought he might escape he felt the worst of the pain.

He felt a thin blade go through his ribs; it pierced through his chest rupturing a lung. He felt his attacker, dig the blade in and twist it around, increasing the immense agony that Markus was already in.

Markus most have been screaming because suddenly the attacks stopped and he heard people start to run towards him. The next few moments where a blur but suddenly he realized that Katie was holding him in her arms. She was saying something but what? He was having a hard time hearing now.

"Markus, oh god, oh god oh god!!! What happened, SOMEBODY CALL 911! MARKUS oh god!"

Markus through all the pain, though it was funny that she would be worried about him. He felt his wounds, he knew the score, and he knew he was out for the game. It made him smile, though with his broken jaw the smile appeared deformed and lopsided. He had just enough strength left to tell her goodbye.

"Katie.... I love you...." He said weakly.

Katie was crying now, sobbing as if she was the one dying and not Markus.

"I love you to Markus, that's what I wanted to tell you in the car today, I love you like you're more than a brother to me. I love you like a lover Markus."

Markus stifled a grim laugh of tragic irony. It was the perfect situation of drama and sadness. Gathering his last strength he said his final words.

"So do I but, C'est la vie, my love." Then he died.

As Markus died his death came to collect him. He welcomed it, after all he had known his death all of his life, it was like his dæmon or his best friend. They knew each other perfectly, and as his death lifted him up from the bloody pavement where his body lay, he felt safe. He knew his death would take care of him. His death was his closest friend and he knew his death would never do anything to harm him.

He heard his death speak for the first and last time. It spoke what all death speaks of to everything and everyone.

"Come on now, you don't have to hurt anymore."

Roughly a week later, right after Markus's funeral

Katie was done crying she had made up her mind. She loved her brother more than anything. She loved him even more than life its self. She knew he would be waiting for her on the grounds of the beach of eternity. He would be there when she woke up.

Slowly she rocked the chair back and forth under her feet before finally kicking it out from under herself.