My True Love (part 1)

Story by Xero on SoFurry

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The love of my life (part 1)

This story involves no yiff yet. This is the first chapter of a series of unknown length to me yet. It mainly is to set up characters and the story. This story will mainly be about romance but will involve yiff scenes soon

Hey, my name is Xero. I am a Wolf of what I would say is normal. 17, About 5'9, Jade black fur with my chest and muzzle being grey, dark brown eyes. You know not that whole model look but hey, this is real life. Anyway, I go to Patton high. A pretty basic school. You know, football ball team, Track team, the normal. Anyway there I go again. SO, it was a normal Monday before the Thanksgiving day break and the homecoming dance was on Wednesday. I was talking to my friend Genie. She was a Fox. Fairly good-looking even though she thinks she's one of the hottest things on the earth. She was much shorter than me by about 4 inches. She was a violent person though if she is in one of those moods. But we still love her.

"HEY! Your coming right?" Genie said as she sneaked up on me and almost jumped in front of me.

"WHOA! I coming to what?"

"The dance on Wednesday. Cmon its my last year! YOU GOTTA GO or ill kill you.." She said with a puppy dog face. This was her last year as she said, she was a senior but I'm a Junior.

"Do I have to? I hate dances. all that happens is the sluts grind random people to rap. And you know I can barely stand rap." I am not really into that whole getting grinded by random girls I usually hate anyway. I always dreamed of having a girl who DOESN'T look like a super model. I was more into the down to Earth good looks. And none of that gigantic breast thing. I'm the same with the whole fuck n go thing. Yeah yeah yeah call me crazy but that's how I am.

I ended up going to the dance because I had nothing else better to do. I got there kind of early waiting for Genie but I saw another one of my friends Angel. He was another Wolf about the same height as me but for some reason that no one really could explain, he had the ability to walk into a room and get surrounded by girls. As I was talking to Angel a girl I did not know walked up to us and began to talk to Angle. After a small conversation with Angle she began to talk to me. Her name was Marisa, She was a wolf too. She was a freshmen. We got to talking a bit and after a while we got tired of waiting out in the cold. Well they did, I don't mind the cold but they did so I followed. As we walked into the cafeteria, witch is were the dance was, I took off my hoody. I was wearing a pair of cam pants and a brown shirt, nothing special. As I turned around I looked at Marisa. I don't know how but I didn't see at first at what a goddess she was. She was about 4 to 5 inches shorter but that didn't matter. She wasn't too thin but she wasn't by ANY standards chubby. Her legs were strong looking and her abdomen was just the right size, not to thin, but perfect. She wore a black shirt that had a white collar that had three buttons about half an inch apart. Her jeans looked new and were kind of lose but were tight enough to show her nice ass. However the main thing I noticed was her face. Her dark blond/brown hair was tied back into a frilly bun exposing her beautiful face. Her smile instantly made my stomach roll around in my body. It warmed my heart and wrecked havoc on my stomach. Her cheeks were smooth. She had a few freckles that were scattered across her face that were small and made her look cute. But the thing I could not ignore and the thing I focused the most on were her eyes. They were a brown much like my own. They had a down to Earth look yet they were beautiful. When she looked into my eyes they burned right into my heart. I know this sounds like a cheesy romance novel line but its true.

As the beginning I did my usual routine of making an ass of myself if a good way that was fun to do and made a lot of people laugh. Especially Marisa. After about a half an hour me and her sat behind the main dancing just talking. About things like making fun of the rap songs playing and the people grinding each other even if they barely knew each other. The rest of the dance was a blur as I talked to her. Anyone who talked to me had to shout to get my attention. Towards the end of the dance about 2-3 hours later I somehow got the courage to ask if she had a boyfriend hoping with all I could that she didn't. as she said she didn't it felt like my heart not only stopped a beat but flat lined for about 3 seconds and my stomach jumped up to my chest. I was really happy. As the night ended the slow dance came on. I didn't have the courage to ask her to dance and I kicked my self in the head mentally for wasting that opportunity. As she waited for her ride we talked a bit more. We became friends. As she left she gave me a hug witch made me feel a bit light headed.

During the four day weekend I could not stop thinking about her. I ended staying up until 2 in the morning just thinking about her and during the day I couldn't do anything I was usually able to do without even thinking. I decided to scour the school looking for if I had to when I got to school Monday. On Monday it looked as if I had been running from the CIA. I could not stop my eyes from roaming around looking for her. During class all I thought about was her face. Especially her eyes. I told Genie about the whole thing and she decided she would help me because she saw how much I was talking to her and how I said I was madly looking for her. On Monday and Tuesday I didn't see her at all however I talked to Angel and he said he knew the girl and saw her during the day and talked a bit to her. I asked him to help and see were she hung out in the morning or anything! On Wednesday nothing once again. On Thursday I began to think I would never find her. I was at my normal spot in the morning with my friends talking when I saw angle walk by I talked to him a bit and he left saying he had to go. Then I saw him walking back right passed me and I was about to ask where he was going when the greatest thing happened. As I saw Angel walked by he had a giant smile and looked a bit cocky and I suddenly looked over and I saw her!! There she was! It was Marisa!

To be continued........very soon