Chapter 1

Story by zorro_cub on SoFurry

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#2 of The beginning of the end

A non-graphic part of the story mentioned sex. It's the paragraph that's in gray. Skip it if you want. There are some gore but nothing too bad unless you have a really vivid imagination. I don't think I did such a good job on the gore because it's not really my forte to write a horror story. But enjoy anyway.

The Middle of the End

** -Chapter 1**

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_ (August 9, 2012- 7:24 A.M)_

"Morning, Wulfy." An energetic red fox yipped out to his mate while flipping the pancakes.

"Mmm. Smells wonderful." Wulf replied in a groggy voice, trying to get rid of the sleppiness. He was definitely not a morning person. However, the mouth-watering smell of breakfast that Evelyn made, was worth waking up early. Wulf made his way toward Evelyn and wrapped his arms around his mate, breathing in the fox's unique scent. Evelyn leaned back against the strong chest while his tail wagged happily, loving the attention Wulf was giving.

"Breakfast will be ready in about five minutes or so. You should go change first." Evelyn suggested after taking a glance at Wulf.

"Why change?" Wulf didn't want to let go of his fox when it feels so good to have him in his arms.

Evelyn looked at Wulfy and glanced down to the only piece of clothing on the wolf's body, a black boxer.

"It's not exactly appropriate to walk around all day in just a boxer and beside I don't want you to get all horny on me, no matter how good that feels. We have a lot of work to get through today and we fooled around all day yesterday." a push toward Wulfy to show that he was serious as Evelyn got back to cooking breakfast.

"But..." a pout came upon Wulf's face.

"No buts."

Evelyn turned back to the stove trying to stifle a giggle. Wulfy's pout is just too cute.

"Fine." Wulf whined out before a sneaky grin appeared. He squeezed Evelyn's ass before turning and running up the stair, laughing as he heard frustrated yells of 'asshole' and 'horny bastard'.

"No, darling, as I remember quite well, you're the ass, especially last night!" Wulf hollered from the top of the staircase, turning the fox's face red with embarassment.

Evelyn focused on his task again and started to set the table. Seeing that the kitchen is a little dark, the fox walked toward one of the window and opened it, letting light flittered through, brighten up the room. His fur shone out brightly under the sunlight in a fiery red color. The light accentuated his slim figure as he took a moment to look out the window toward the field of wild flowers. A gentle smile and a happy sigh escaped the fox, unaware that Wulf was leaning against the dinner table, looking at his lovely mate.



I love watching sunlight in the early morning and breathing in the fresh air. I was borned in the rural area and wouldn't want to move anywhere else. Well, I guess, if I hadn't went to Yiff University I wouldn't have met Wulf. Wulf Yaegar. An arctic wolf. He was such a good friend when we first met and a gentle boyfriend. The day that he confessed to me was one of the happiest moment in my life. And of course, our first kiss. Even though, I know he's happy and love me very much, I can't help but think that I don't deserve him and that he deserves so much more than living with me in this small town, miles away from the big cities, even if Furrelia is a wonderful town. He's an arctic wolf! He should be where it's nice and cool not in this hot and sticky weather. I know his family hates me, that's why we moved. I didn't really know what transpired between him and his family but I know that they didn't approve. One day he just came into my apartment and said that as soon as we finished out last year of college, we're moving out. I thought he was joking but apparently he wasn't, so here we are. Maybe I should just...

"Hey,'velyn! Snap out of it." Wulf saw how Evelyn stared off into space and knew that his mate was probably thinking about that incident again.

"Huh?" Evelyn replied, confused was written clearly on his face.

"You're not thinking about that again, are you?" Wulf asked seriously.

"Uhh...No! Of course not! Why would I... Oh let's eat! The food is getting cold" the fox stammered out before putting on a fake smile.

"'velyn, look at me. Evelyn." Wulf graped his mate's face to get his attention before embracing the fox in a hug. "Look, 'velyn, I am happy here with you. I want to be here. I wans't your fault with whatever happen between me and my family. If that was anybody's fault, it's mine. It was my choice to move here and heck you didn't even know where we're gonna go at the time. I love you, Evelyn Zsigmond, and I would be glad to give up anything to prove that to you, even my life." Wulf whispered gently in the fox's ear, noticing the slight shiver as he said 'I love you' to the fox.

"But you could have been a surgeon and meet a really wonderful girl and have kids and see your parents or...or..." Evelyn rambled on until Wulf silenced him with a kiss.

"Good. You finally shut up." Wulf teased seeing the glazed over look in the fox's eyes whenever they kissed.

"Wulf, I don't you should be here. I mean, you haven't seen your parents for almost five years now, since the day we officially moved here. Maybe, this thing bewteen us isn't right. I mean..." A finger stopped Evelyn from speaking as Wulf glared down at the fox.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Wulf was starting to get irritated. He had to make Evelyn understands that nothing can force them apart, not even the fox's insecurity.

"No!...I mean maybe...Uhh...Yes...No...Damn it, I mean yes! Yes, I'm trying to break up with you so that I can't be a burden to you anymore, so you can just...Wait, what are you doing! Put me down! Wulfy, put me down!" Evelyn's stutters turned into yells as Wulf threw the fox on his back and made his way upstair.

"Well, too bad. I told you before foxy when I confessed to you that if you accept me, you can never get rid of me. I'll just chain you to my bed to be my sex slave until you love me again." Wulf said in a half joking and half serious tone as he made his way to their bedroom. Wulf slammed the bedroom close with his back and threw his fox on the bed. Evenlyn gave out a mewl as his back hit the matress before scooting back against the head board. He shivered as he took in the predatory look in Wulfy's eyes and how his muscle rippled beneath the white tank top that he's wearing when Wulfy walked toward th bed.

"I should punish you for trying to break up with me when you still love me." With that, the big bad wolf pounced. Moans and whimpers were heard through out the house, with occasional declaration of love and yells of each other names as they reached their climax.

Wulf looked at the clock on their bedside table and it read 9:47 A.M. He shrugged before pulling up the blanket and held onto Evelyn tighter. His eyes drifted to his lover to see him snuggling into his side. They both enjoyed the aftermath, not caring about anything except that they have each other in their arms. Thinking that they can eat later, Wulf drifted off into dreamland, with a gentle smile on his face. Nothing can seperate them, not when the sky falls down, and not even if the world ends right at this moment.


(August 9, 2012- 11:11 A.M- Yiffingston, Furret)

"This is Maria Leon of Y-Gal TV, live on the scene of what seem to be an apocalypse. We have all watched movies and played games about a very cliche theme of zombie apocalypse. But I am witnessing such gory scenes that seems to come from a horror movie. Zombies are no longer a creation of the mind. It is real and our world is very much coming to an end. This is a warning message to all the surrounding towns such as Fur Bolt, Yiffstan, and Furelia. A group of effected civilians have escaped Yiffingston and is heading toward the smaller towns. Everyone should be armed with some type of weapon and stay where there are plenty of food and water. Again, this is a warning message, and be safe everyone. This is just the beginning of the en...AHHHHH! HELP ME! OH GOD! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!"


A round of machine guns were fired rapidly toward the zombies that were pushing through the barricade. Everyone was pushing each other away, trying to escape. Some were bitten, some got trampled upon. But no one looked back. No one wanted to see the horde of decaying flesh walking toward them. They didn't want to see anyone being caught by those 'things' as it tore through the flesh with its teeth, ripping piece by piece of flesh off its victim. No one wanted to hear screams and yells filled with agony of being eaten alive. They just run and hope to survive.

Internal organs strewn across the street. Decaying bodies began to get up and look for more victims. The once prosperous city now ruined and silence like a grave yard. Occasional screams of terror and pain could be heard indicating someone else becoming a victim. But this is just the beginning of the end.


**The beginning of the end** ** -Prologue** ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** _ (August 8th, 2012- 10:00 P.M)_ "Mhmm...Ngn..." The fox mewl out in pleasure, occasionally yipping when his partner nipped on a senstive spot. "I love your voice!" The...

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