Dog Gone (Epilogue)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone Epilogue By Roofles

I awoke surrounded by a warmth I hadn't felt in a very long time. It all seemed like a distance dream that only now I was waking up from. I shivered at the cold nakedness of myself in the morning air, especially in contrast to that warmth next to me and still with closed eyes clung to the it. That warm blanket in front of me. It truly was warm...fuzzy, muscular and groaned as I squeezed it. That last part was a little odd though.

Still my mind couldn't comprehend where I was. What was going on. So I just squeezed that blanket; it felt more like a body pillow as I wrapped myself around it... like a body next to me even. With those curves and muscles. It groaned again and I felt it shift and turn this time. That furry body rubbed, grinding against me as strong amble arms gripped my legs and a groin pressed firmly against my face with a low rumbling murr.

I opened my eyes at that. Feeling that... squishy sheath rub against my cheek as those large heavy orbs bounced against my forhead resting nearly over my eyes. His strong, firm thighs rubbing the side of my head as he let out a low groan again and the tip of his head poked from that sheath, sliming the end of my chin. And that musky smell of male assaulted my nostrils as I took a rapid breath.

I pulled back quickly sitting upright and taking several heavy breaths almost on the verge of losing it. Before it dawned on me. Who this male was next to me. Sleeping flipped around on my bed. And as I realized who it was. That snout was pressed snuggly between my legs and at first I didn't mind the warm breath washing over my groin but when he stuck his tongue out to give it a lick I slapped his ass. "Brutus." I rolled my eyes as he yipped at the slap sitting up right. The dog had snuck into my bed. Again. Why he crawled in backwards I'll never know.

He looked around with his ears lifted before locking his eyes on me. His uncropped ears fell back and his tail thumped against the bed. That face of his, so fully scarred, was half brown and half black with perfect hazelnut eyes. The tip of his ear was missing as if another dog had taken a bite out of it. Whenever I looked at that face I just wanted coddle him to no end. He scooted closer and nuzzled my cheek before biting the end of my ear with a soft playful growl. As I gave him a strong hug.

"Brutus," I said letting out an aggravated sigh and laid back on the bed letting him go, an trying to ignore the dog looking down at me. "You have your own room." I grumbled tossing an arm of my eyes. It was still too early in the morning for this.

I felt those warm, squishy, grayish paw pads run against my naked flesh as he traced my happy trail down my stomach. He scratched at the top of my groin with strong sausage fingers before dragging them up to my belly. With dull blunt claws he scratched it. Tracing circles and dipping a finger every now and then into my belly button. I tried not to laugh, to giggil at the feeling of the warm finger dipping inside; how the fur rubbed against my skin and the way he applied just enough press to leave an inditation in the skin for a second or two. But I couldn't fight that feeling and I contracted in pushing him off me with a laugh.

"Your door was unlocked." He said lifting his nose up to the ceiling. What a snob. A grin formed along that black lipped muzzle and I heard his tail continue to thump against the bed.

"My doors unlocked so you just helped yourself inside, huh?" I inquired looking up at him. It came out a bit crueler and I had meant to so I laugh afterwards to make it seem as light and careless as I wanted it to have been. I really wasn't a morning person though.

The only reply was a warm breath washing against my skin before a cold black nose pressed against my chest, followed by a thick slobbery wet tongue licking up one exposed nipple and along my neck.

I was going to stop him but a strong paw caught my wrist and forced it back against the bed. It collected my other arm and hung them above my head as he continued to gnaw on my neck. My eyes clamped shut and I bit my tongue suppressing the building sound inside. My legs stiffened though as his muzzle opened and tendrils of saliva dripped onto my neck, oozing along the side and onto the sheets as he slurped again. That warm, hotty breath washed over the side of my face as he nosed my ears and hair letting out a low groan again.

The bed shifted as he climbed up and onto my lap nearly straddling my thighs. But he kept just enough distance so that when he pressed down his chest to mine that our groins grinded against each other. At that I groaned and his ears lifted at the sound. That uncut tail continued to thump against the bed, faster than before.

"Heavy lug," I grunted trying to resist....somewhat anyways.

Again he didn't reply. He didn't need to as he continued to nose my ear, nipping at it playfully and nuzzling the side of my face. His coarse whiskers always itched as they scratched my cheek. An interest feel in comparison to that thick soft fur covering his whole body. Even fighting against him I found myself pressing against that warm body resting on me. He was like a giant space heater, a fuzzy warm space heater. And I loved just rubbing against it.

"What time is it?" I asked, more out loud to myself than anything else. As I finished an unintentional groan escaped me as he continued to gnaw on my neck. Again his ears perked up at the sound and I'd swear that grin on his face grew larger but he played it off, rather well. Offering a shrug in turn as if he hadn't heard the noise but his gnawing only increased from there.

It was kind of mistake to face him as that muzzle pulled back and attacked my face directly. Slobbery over most of it before our lips met and we sucked face like a couple of horny high school kids. In that moment he let his guard down I rolled us over so I was on top of him. He didn't seem to mind as he let my arms go, instead wrapping those strong arms around me and pulling me close so that not even a sliver of light could be seen between us as we continued to press against one another.

I had found it was easier to tilt my head to the side when kissing him. Straight on our lips just didn't form well together but if one of us back down, giving in a little on being submissive turning their head to the side it would work so much better. This time I gave in. Though I'd never say that to him. Just the feel of those strong lips pressing agaisnt mine was enough to make me become his submissive bitch, heh. The force he gave and the open recieving muzzle to my tongue was too much not to just give in to that moment. Just shut my eyes ignore whatever time it was, ignore the outside world and just wrap my arms around that sturdy neck of his and return the affection.

"Damnit," I found myself saying though peeling away from the mutt. Sluggishly like wet toilet paper not wanting to truly let go. "I got work soon." That made him groan and not in the good way.

"Come on," he whined but that grin remained and his voice didn't soften as he spoke. "Just a quicky? Just a little of this," he said grinding and giving a large hump making me let out a groan. "And a little of that?" He added with a large slurping suck of his lips.

"Brutus." I said between clench teeth and pushing him away again. Or rather trying too. He was a heavy lug that if he didn't want to move there was almost no hope of moving him. His feet twisted in the sheets. It was clear he was going to stand his ground. "Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice..." My face grew hot thinking about it as he continued to rub against me.

"Oh come now. I was just tieing our relationship." Oh the puns. "I didn't mean to tie you up." Being tied was defiantly something that took getting used to, being with a dog an all. But it took a bit too long for us to untie; I was late for work only last week because we had done a 'quicky' that morning. "Was just burying my bone." He went on and he grinned a silly grin as he spoke and I found myself smiling looking at that facing and even laughing at the stupidity of his jokes. Those ears lifted up at that and he smiled, genuinely. It was the first time I could remember him smiling like that.

I scratched the side of my head as a sharp pain ran through my skull. I'm sure he had smiled before, like that. But now it all just seemed like a blur. And I just - it was...I mean...I couldn't remember a time when he had. No matter how hard I tried. I just couldn't...remember...

"Don't forget about work." Brutus quickly said drawing my attention back to the present. He had placed a paw on my shoulder and had shaken me lightly. I blinked several times looking at him. I couldn't even remember what it was I was trying to remember, funny. "I'll even help you get ready." He stuck his tongue out at that.

Getting his help always slowed things down considerably. There was far more groping, grabbing and molesting than was needed. His plan was to make it as hard as he could for me to leave him and was working. And even though I was trying to fix my tie I found the dog with his nose firmly pressed against my neck licking it. Those strong paws firmly placed on my side, fingers groping at thigh and inseems with the other paw tucked into the front of my pants. His fingers coiled around me like a python...around my python.

"Brutus. I got to get goin'." My face was flushed like every other monring and no matter many time it happened, no matter many times I told him to get off. I never once wanted him too. "Work time. I'll be back later tonight." I said feeling that strong body press against my back as his head nuzzled against the side of my face. It would've been romantic if it weren't for the fact he was grinding rather firmly against my rear. "Got to save lives. Change the world." I laughed a bit still with a flushed face.

"Take the day off. We'll have a naked Friday. It'll be fun." He said with a sly growl creeping along his throat and rumbling out of his muzzle in an almost purr like sound before he laughed a bit and groped some more. "I promise." He added letting out a hotty breath against my ear.

"Horndog as always," I replied as he slowly withdrew his paw so I could zip myself up...after adjusting myself several times. "I'll be back soon, bud. Guard the place while I'm gone." I said waving but even as I said that I didn't even bother locking the door. He pouted in the doorway and I half expected him to have just sat right there in front of the door waiting for me to come home.

The sun was out although I couldn't see it in the cloudy blue sky around us. Even the air in the dome smelt fresh as if we were truly on the surface world. Or at least what I'd expect fresh air to smell like. This bomb shelter was design by Net Co. They designed this whole town in case of a war or so I was told. The houses here felt very nastalgic even if I couldn't remember what time they came from. It really was a quaint place but not bad, living here an all. It could be worst.

They were cookie cutter houses. Each had their own white picket fence and mailbox with springtime green lawns that were all the same height as one another. Several other residence were out this morning. Bustling about their daily lives. I waved at the german shephard neighbor and the malamute on the other side. He was taking out the trash to a rottweiler dressed as a garbage man. The garbage truck, and the mail truck that just passed by (with another rottweiler in it), were some of the only actual vehicles in this place. The town was small enough that you could just walk to where you needed to go.

Charlie opened the fence door and we exchange pleasentries as he went about getting ready to mow the lawn. He was a rottie much the same as the others but dressed in loose clothes that allowed air flow. He was a good gardener and did his job well though he wasn't the most interesting of fellows and although he was nice, we never progressed further along than that. Friendly but kind of...stupid, heh. All the other rotties were kind of like that. Brothers I was told. Must be one damn big family though, heh.

I didn't bother shutting the gate as I made my way down the sidewalk towards the main building in the center. No need to lock the door or gate. This place was very peaceful and I hadn't heard of anyone robbing from each other. Then again everyone else could be their own guard dog.

I passed the market and waved at the corgi behind the window who was restocking the shelves. He was a friendly guy that took a liking to me. Cute but kind of on the small size. And way overly friendly for my taste. I didn't mind a hug every now and then but that dog was just plain needy. Wasn't loved as a pup or something or other I guess...

Inside the main floor of the tower there was a rather poorly made receptionist desk. It looked like it just had been crammed into the corner with a chair tossed behind it. The yorkshire terrier looked up from doing his nails before going back to them. "Just a moment," he said with a rather feminine overtone. His voice went higher than it needed too and he elongated the last one as he inspected his nails before continueing to file them down.

As with any other day I ignored him and made my way inside the elevator. The music turned on above and I listened to the violins play as I adjusted myself again taking a steady breath. Stupid dog got me all worked up. Being inside this tight space only reminded me of how flustered I was even minutes after the groping attack. That dog really knew how to get under my skin. I'd have to punish him when I got home tonight. Then again he might just enjoy that.

The metal door slid open and I walked into the CEO's office. The man in question had his back to me and was talking on the phone. He didn't seem to notice me so I grabbed a drink from the mini fridge and took a seat. He wouldn't mind. In fact. I don't think I ever seen him angry before.

"...and he did what? No, no. That's fine. I told you before that there is no chance of that happening again. Don't worry about it Maxxie...heh I thought you liked that name? No?" I wondered who he was talking too. He seemed to be on the phone rather often with that man. Yet for some reason I didn't really find much interest in figuring it out. And if it didn't interest me, I just didn't really care. "No that part of the memory is gone. Removed. You can't recall what isn't ther-,"

The husky spun in his chair and stopped mid sentence realizing he wasn't alone. That grayish blue fur of his shined in the artificial light of the dome when he turned to face me. It really did suit that green and brown eyes of his. Stupid handsome mutt, and he knew it too as a smile formed on his face. He continued to chew the end of the cigar in his muzzle. He never smoked. He just enjoyed chewing things.

His ears perked up and I saw him shift in his chair, the end of that curly tail wagging. "One second," he covered the mouthpiece. "Just a business call. One moment, Douglas."

I nodded and looked around the room as he went back to talking. I wish he'd just call me Doug. It was easier. They seemed to be having some kind of arguement but I wasn't really worried or interested. And when I wasn't interested...

He had arranged several pictures of us on the walls. Me, him and Brutus. Most of them though he had blocked Brutus out of with his paw or shoved him so he was only partially in the picture. It reminded me of when a family brought home a new pet. The other ones always get jealous and try to soak up all the attention. Thats how immature Biscuit could be. Looking around still my eyes came across that old faded photo of the five. I had inquired about it when I first saw it. It was more out of boredom than anything else though.

The husky showed the same amount of interest in the photo yet he insisted on keeping it. He said it was a few of his old colleagues and him during their younger years. He was the one taking the picture though. He went on to say something about a kind of game, or bet...that he was competeing with them or something. He had won in the end so it didn't really matter. I didn't ask any further about the issue. The subject just didn't strike my interest. Though I did wonder what he won out of all of it.

"And that's how its going to be." Biscuit finished slamming the phone back onto the hook. He always finished with that line. He'd talk and talk and talk until he couldn't talk no more, finish with that line and hang up. He chugged his drink afterwards, slapped his stomach and finally turned fully to face me kicking a shoeless paw up onto the table. He wiggled his toes with a laugh. "SO!" Biscuit clapped his paws together and I didn't need to see that his tail was wagging as his eyes widened, his pupils even dilated as he spoke as he addressed me.

"It goes well." I answered before he asked the question. Sometimes he felt like my therapist than my friend. The same question he asked everytime we got together. Or rather at the start of every work day. "Same old, same old. Brutus is doing well. Though I still feel he needs to get a damn job. He just lazes around the house naked most the time waiting for me to come home." Last time I came home I found him rummaging through my old laundry...the dog needed to get a life outside of me.

"An that's a problem?" He laughed a bit adjusted his glasses that rested on the end of his snout. He was wearing a similar lab coat I was. It hung loosely on his shoulders and fit his semi-lean but fit frame well as if it were made just for him.

"Look I enjoy it as much as the next guy," I laughed. It felt like I was at college again with an old friend. "But a man needs more than just...well, really good sex. He's just 'on' 24/7. I need some substance. Flavor!" It felt stupid saying it but it was fine because I was talking to Biscuit. "I want to go out. Do something every now and then with friends or just us. But he wants to stay home most nights, cuddle and fuck."

Biscuit nodded. "Are you happy though?" He leaned back in his chair placing his fingers together looking down his snout at me. Most days he did feel more like a therapist than not.

"Well yeah," I laughed at the stupid question. There was no doubt I wasn't. "Of course I am. I couldn't ask for more."

"Ah, Brutus feels your slipping away from him. So he's being all needy. He's all worried and such. 'Cause in the end, though you tell me all don't really talk to Brutus about it, eh?" Biscuit lifted an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. Of course he knew that I hadn't. I told Biscuit everything. When you got the 'best friend' you just do. Comes as natural as breathing. I don't keep anything from Biscuit as he doesn't keep anything from me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just not very good with the whole mushy stuff. I mean..." We continued talking as we always did. Sometimes for several hours into the morning. It wasn't even really work at first but as the day grew on calls kept coming in and eventually we couldn't ignore them. So I headed out with a wave and a hug. Biscuit and me were as close as two men could be ...without having sex with each other that is, heh.

The elevator took me back to the ground level where I met up with Suki, a shiba inu, an we headed towards the hospital. Suki was a cool guy and if I had to list my friends he'd easily be third on the list. We talked idly, picking up a coffee at one of the carts outside (another rottie was manning it) and we headed inside sipping our bean juice. It was strange whenever I walk through those twin doors and the smellof illness, bleach and cleaners hit my nose...I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It was the only real memories I had left, being here in a hospital that is.

I touched the sheets of one of the bed after seperating with Suki. He was a surgeon and I was a diagnostician. I felt that horrible fabric, felt how hard it was...and took a seat at the edge of the bed looking up at the head. I had a clipboard in my hand and was going over todays schedual. What I could do and what I voulf plan for. Something I always did. It allowed me to think, remember these sheets and how they felt. No matter what hospital it was the sheets always seemed to feel the same. Sleeping in them for countless days. So sick that I couldn't even get myself to the bathroom. On the verge of death every night... That's how I was as a child. And how I hated it. Despised it all. The human body that was.

Day in and day out it was the same. Watching my roommates succumb to their illness and for another to come in after the first was carted away. Ten, fifteen? Twenty? I'm not sure how many had come and gone. Some in a matter of days, others in hours. The only real reconciliation I got was the dog that snuck in every night and left every morning; that slept at the end of my bed and guarded me while I slept. Somehow I knew as long as he was there with me that I would wake up the next morning to see him off.

Even now sitting here I could almost feel that fur between my fingers as I rubbed his head, and scratched the back of his neck. And as a child I wondered what the world would be like if it was filled with this dog. That people could be as strong and fit as him. Not prone to such human illness and weakness. To correct the mistake "of god."

I found myself smiling at the childish idea of it as I got up pushing the thoughts from my mind.

"Room 71B is waiting. An we got Doctor Lu on line two an we still need your signature for -," Suki said standing in the doorway and looking in. He might've been a surgeon but sometimes he had way too much free time. In that free time he felt the need to harass me and make sure I do my work.

"Yup. Just finished up here." I walked over to the door and the dog moved aside for me. I looked back into the room at the two beds and could almost see a child in the farthest one. Looking out the window with a rottweiler on his lap. The door slowly shut behind me and with it that part of my life.

I think when I get home...I'll give Brutus a belly rub. Or better yet, scratch the back of his neck. He always loved that. That sounded nice... I thought as I went through the hospital in a town full of dogs...

Dog Gone (22)

Dog Gone (22) By Roofles "At ease." I raised my hand up to the two Brutus in front of us. They saluted as we approached. They were much faster than I expected them to be. And here I was trying to rush things. I was getting far too earger to end...

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Dog Gone (21)

Dog Gone (21) By Roofles Chains, hooks and barbed wire like a masochist closet. It was a bit melodramatic, I mean really. But Hudson had always said if you wanted to do something right...make it as over the top as possible. At least in that...

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Dog Gone (20)

Dog Gone (20) By Roofles I took the wrist band from the wall and clipped it onto my arm. It gripped my wrist tightly and I felt the pressure increase before it relaxed, adjusting to my arm size and fur. The machine turned on slowly before...

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